TIIUESLAY. IIAY 26. 1932 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN Murray j condition. I ra ::k 4 ;. i r. ir i lire. I in-. ' position as inspector of gravel in the j A. Ost, S. W.; B. Ileebner, J. V.; ; construction of the state roads, was i Kobe it II. Chapman, secretary; and ia visitor on last Sunday evening at D. C. West, treasurer. The Masonic ; Plattsmouth. w here he w as lookirg ; lodge at NehawLa is in a very healthy ! 1 after sou.e business matters. Lindner rnelleJ ' deliv-? -Irs. De Les Dernier who resides r. ! i: to t!:j niij Elevator on' iul esl lumber yard, is hav--.day. i ing htr home newly painted and de- Wt-M'er. t'.w T,ropric-ior of the ; torated both on the exterior and in-; ropl of Murray repaired to King ... T" 1-. 1. ; . 1..:.. .1 ..... . t... ir, I. . . 1, ! rrlict i t ri Enjoy Picnic Dinner. On last Sunday a number of the f:.-h an a leadii.g Albin r-helh-d and deliv- i ;:;o:; (,i hi, cur:i crop to! V Kievator at Murray on j... 1:: .f.;: v. John Frans. Tiiey are also putting the Missouri river bluffs between on a new roof. ; Omaha and Xtbraska City, and just ' Mesr. Carl Kunzman, Charles ' a short distance south of Rock UluSV ; Ilerrcn and Lee Niekles, all of I'latts mouth, were visiting with friend a;:d as well looking after some busi-: which they had taken aion ness matters in Murray on las; .Men- i Those to enjoy the ilay evening, driving down to visit j E. S. Tutt and wife, Reed Starts Law to Cut State Salaries Circulates Initiative Petition to Se duce Pay of the Governor and Others. State Senator Terry lU-ed of ller.- v.-ith George Xickles. t'hailes M. ileed who land wife. Mrs. Glen Perry and daugh-I at.le,i j,y tin- voters at tl v. as li vine ' and tLr family and all vi-iu-J for the day .;-!uy at !!, ht.iae of A. J. a:.u v. ife nf 'Cedar Creek. You:: a hauled from the P. A.! west of town last year and who built ! tla" th?-v returned home in the even .vator or. !an Monday to hisic garage the:e. was tearing the same j tag. having Lad an excellent out r f. v-din-z l i herd of cattle, j down and removing it to the place jinS . ::mk 1-e.tis of shelied corn. : where be now resides east of Murray, I G-. raldli'.e U'.K'!- r.. villi her' J. A. Srotten having charge of the whrre they enjoyed the day sight ; detv.on. veteian rcpublica!i b-ader if seeing and also a very fine dinner i tj.c ui per branch of the legislature, has taken the lead ir. circulating a ion thruout the ?ia:e for the win f en- occasion wcrei ,ulj Ora A. Davis initiation of a law vim Ladies' Aid June First. Lt i.e. a. win i Ph:ttM'..oa:h od Z-Iondav noval and the erection of the -true- j A; rangrmentr have been i.?itt FChooI.;. or" tins l :. i.l.vl - ealleii A. ti. p.akke. the t ) Muriay gar:ig to City las; Monday inornir.g rorne ft-pai:? v. lii. h he the v. ovk a: the garage, hradi r a:v! uit" of Om-vi.-:?ivg in Murray for the !:::,;ay a:ul wt-re g'l.st- : rf Mi. ture. I-a't Saturday George IJergrr came from NYhawka to visit with his mother and was joined on Sun day by YVili P.erger and family v. I t re ail visited f:ir the dav w i t li r. they Sunday 'is. L. Grandmother Mr?. J. Y. Iter, letuir.ing to their heme erening. Miv. Henry Murdoch of Arapahoe, who has bt en visiting at the home .:n! Miv. George ! of frit-nd? at Nehavka and Albert II. C. Long. Iis 1 Murdoch. Miss ISessie Murdoch of XVhawka and Mrs. J. A. McAllister i.ai accepted a cf Lincoln while on their way last uvember Miss Helene. After an enjoyable ; -:i.tio:x, sla;-li all salaries oi state oil'icers. biginniug with li e governor ar.d iiniuding meraberj of the legis lature, by making a to:al reduction of ?0U.c:O a ytur. Senator Keed during i is long ser vice in the senate acquired the title of tiaht wad v,-inn it cam.- to aii.ro- p -.-latum?. He did not rc-ent this i designation.. At the la: : .-ession of I the ligilalure he iutru-aiced a hill ;t:.!e eb-c-i'Viit;:'. but i not have eu for the holding at the Christian church of the Ladies Aid of that in stitution at the (Lurch parlors on June 1st and at which time Mes- damer. Y. and G.'O'.c F. Moore. A. T. Hanson j lo n-iiuce the salarie.- c f 4 Crtamer and Miss Mar-j,jVt. officers, except i a-- caret Moor? will be the hostesses was not passe.l. it c; and Mrs. Charlts Parks will be t!ie 1 afr.t ciYiccrs duriaj leader of the excellent prgrata : which tiav v ei? which has been prt pared. Let 11 come and enjoy this excellent meeting. urr lor which tniy v e?: '-' -- '1 b rieve tiie ;.ta;e ('!:'!; r.-; should I ah - a cut in salaries tie- same as people who must pay the r;-xes," raid Senator Heed, commeutii.g upon the proposed initiative la-'-. Salaries of state of:'!' . rs fixed I y the amended ton: titutio:: . can : ytia;-s. I'n-i- s are : Gov- Mir.(.av in their home to Platl 55 K COLSH! io continue drivinr a cr that "runs raqged" eats uo nas and c't :c'.s slow and s'jg'gish wren e need "tunc-uo" v-ill re r'ort its dct and Dower. Costs so iittic tut saves so rrur. Sec us Lcday- Our prices are rr.oiorats. MURRAY 'GARAGE A. D..BAZXE. Pro-r, :.:outh to visit for the any with Mrs. Dert Keed, toIp.ed for a short time home of Mr. a.:d Mrs. O. A. Enjoy Social Gathering. Ai li.e home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. II; endol which is a o;d place to visit, was enjoyed ;:; last Sunday a-; j. changed once in ei very pleasant gathering when Mr-.jt;j j.0 ,;ant.ed tlic rah in Murray and visited for the time T t.. vis. Thomas N Ison who is a member all enjoyed of the Masonic lodge at Nehav. ka. w.is ovtr to the last meeting last Wtiinesdtiy here he attended lodge a;:d also aristed in the election ot on'icers for the coming term. Those ihosen were Carl Balfcur. V. M.; Y. T. K. Donne. Sam Park and v.ute , eriior. $T.5l't per year; r-.ven judge? ;nd T. J. Jam.ison. all of Lincoln. ' nt- sunremo court. 7.r,C.O: state and AY. L. Seybeit and v if- re ! oi-;Ct.r.s. r,. o ;;.'; thi: ty-i;vt jnugL-s t: the puets at the heme and here ; t .. di-triel ccutt. S'.".!-''; thr. v very i iea.-ar.t time. Visited WeepiEg Water. Bible School Lesson Study! By L. Neitzel !T7 OOrl Mr. and Mrs. their son. Charles r.nd family verc Watt: where they visited at the Oak wood c :::' itry of that place wLcfV they looketl after the burying place of the parents of Mr. tfnorer and d coraied the graves. Mr. Sporer formerly resided near Yeeping Wa ter and the parens were buried there a number of years ago. no . :nbv rs railway co.nmis.-.io;i. OCC; three member. board of con trol. $4.o:.m.i; 1L2 me?uber.- o; leci. tetviar session. '. initiative dace r.aiarX to the i:-l- m. rn.ue. Mr. ttirt . cM'O tor one :n,l Martin Sporer, Senator Keed's over to v. eepmg . i.; v- would lowir.g: Gove!-jioi . if 7. '' ; jioltv,1-- c; the supreme court and ebb i justice . ?.-.?00 each: judces of tnv.'Viirtrict rcurt. S"..".i"e; L-ratemrU'c-, trias ure;. seiretary of statt. l.ir.d com missioner, attorney g. t.-. ral. su;er intvnde ni public instruction, C.'.OO iach; railway i omiiii.-s.iwtjers tmi rcor.ibeK lioard of e'trol. S:',' on each.; mcmhe:e: of Lg'fifektii. vi'- Jcstj-h. the 3: earner : ::7:1-11. a j y :.:.d a 'Utf to study, r v--l.. a' l;ibl- chiiratfr 1 :o in.; r r.e i.a J thing is -. is ato-her. :;s t'r.r four Sundays will ' . v : . . i scti.es in the :d.. lift. True, and not f XapLtali. and Zilpah. Gad and Ai.her. J'-ji i-pph'.s arly boyhof;d was sp"nt on s estate at Haran in Musopo- The o I I. a hi tan. la. it: a household f four motii '.f !'.r.'! four s-ts of children, each v arching j-ah.usly ovtr her children to st e that the others had ne ad ' antaa.- over theirs, erne could not ex p -.t to find a happy home, and Jo rph. however sv.ett his tt mper was. le-wlul bf-yhond. ' tViirKs luiv these :n truth, in this bt'thtrs. As t hey w-re reproved of :v rtmr.rer than tl:- their lather, they lc giin to hate Jo beautiful. We learn 's' ph. W. would kave the' question. "Is it riart and the duty et man to re port vrenMKii!gs to t!:e proper au thorities?" f r class discussion. Jos ph'o father mad-' it harder for the boy t live with his brethren, in- sliowed his favcrit him I etter than the t r.e p r le on it ne ti-oio; d .-alarv rdt. lieTtt JTT.ator .. ..-r. ' n Tv: i He' d sets fortn tis tohv?:-"' - ji-oush m i u0.r:inr . : v t on tains all the :-i r 'u'l'-e The i.lot ' c.u.t ha had a so; . in the skill oi itsTni upright. h.-,ne-st and fearle: -: I'usi- n is sattsfac- would r. port tlo vrr.g-doir.g of : ;. Jos- f.ii's h- ;. hood to id t'to . ven when force'l wit;; bad companions. : i: is manly and neces rt vil !- e -is. We learn . :;.- to herish and what . . (.f. ! sr much that h rnany aspects of his life. -ism. in cloth in mistake .It -u- Christ a. much. ! rest. :- ni.irr.'ii co.;!fi reniind n ss an: mistake in parents ant -mat:. Put through all . teachers, but in the ase of Joseph , v, r v!.-it-d him as He ! there- was nueh tv excuse it. He was Excellent Educaticn-Al Institution. The city of Murray is- wedl -qiiip-ped to give a good substantial edu cation to her P'-hool -ehildrn. while s't : has but a ten grade institution. tbe tfa chine- and have oust closed i State officers i.00li an ex -Hen s.-nocd vear in which j Hallway eommi.icn 4-f',, . . , , P.oari of control TZS----"-.iW) tr. re wa or.-:- nur.ored percent pas- , jnd . z lT.C-oo ir.g grades of the student.; the bt It j m.-trict judges 52.0'Mt grade, ail passing into the junior; Legislature - ii,tiM high school. Trie students and the parcr.tr- are pleased with the instructors and the board of education bar secure." tie entii-e corns of instructors for the rr.- -i, ; i r-li Inrir i st-l.ll Tl:!.l !' ! . ", " ' " '" '!" j the sec ret a rv of stata fy-July 1. lie loth when the present laculty. Mr?. Marsarct Mcrseil, as stiperinter dent .Mrs. CI: ra Pecker. Mrs. Margaret t Parrows and Miss Iieulah Sans.. The j schools will however, cost less than! the past year as the teachers took a; f.ite-.n percent reduction in their sal- i aries. i lie city ot .Murray is ioitu uale in that they have received such of teachers at a great iy i educed price and a good sav ing ip the taxpayer-;. I Total, per year S&U.CaO, i Senator Reed a. ks - ihat pstiiions ! distributed to him for t-irculatlon be " P'.gti'.u ana retui-neU a- soon as pos sible as jieiitious iaust be filed with! i must e.iitain Sl'.bOa -lar.-h a.-.t't-; ' 1 1 1 1 ' : it.. lik f d others. I ti his lit" that J.-sus Christ. !! lit loved fit the s-n of his old age (Jacob was years old when Joseph was born; P.en jamin was born six yeais later. Jacob inv!ited "mariy crdovs" in Sunny Side Club. The Sumy Sieie 4-H Garden club v. ill hold, its regular mee ting Fri dav. May 2 7 at 2.'M at the home of J.sm; b. He was, clothing, when he provid-d Joseph u,.. h,a,ion yiv: Alacl;(..v. T!,ero will -r t- his bre'hr.r... with that pay coat which wa. the be to(... takinjr i:. t!l. rdens. y tv s mm from his breth- envy ! Hi: : !!' s of silver so ' l'np: r :-p:a oe , - ;, siivcr ; ( e ) I he i ' came the sav- so .J ' us : wi i d i In pris :h t wo crim- th c rc:ss bc.twi-fii to on- Joseph tells ;ne that await- him. r of hi.-- death so l.ii r- 1.-e! brithre-i:. who could no ' ac-al ly" tf him. Partiality destroys hou-ebeid her mouy ami peace. No one child ough to t-e the Jet t i" either father or mother, for ore thus pamp. red. is apt to become haughty ami arrogant p v.-ard the others. Joseph's Dreams Ja'ob was the- dreamer of divine ,.-, t lis erne that he : dreams, and so was his favorite son. in paradise-, and the' One hundred and fourteen times, the ill In his etne r.ni3 , Piiile relers to dreams in Genesis ... 1 1 X. r r ;,,... Tin. n.li. omj'. uses wnn com- ai'-i:;. um i -n e iihu-s. i -. - s- ih.-i.i-!; who so bad- er will call upon the class to point ,l..;;th so Jesus Chri-t. ! out some outstanding dreams). ve th-.-n.. etc" j The telling of these dreams brought ;in.Pcru . v e bepin the abtut the plot to kill the boy. Dreams 1- sson. Jacob dwelt iti i ht-c-cne significant when they enibedy Is fatbers sojourning:.: i in a pictttrtsquf form the concentrat lar. h. were in the land . td esssnce of the general tenor of our t rem :tved from place thoughts or tendency of our charac- ie.-s fi e ;;i:ei.:ly. .;t iter. It the worm loves us and sp.-aKs Pierre, Cb : n ;rc:u Hgyrtian bond-j we 11 cf its, we may gravely question ' Spidel. c have a permanent place; if we arc salt, pure and stinging. As ; fJg0' lf i- als.. i eel lh- Chris-: s: an as our lives become a strong ; aker.rf s worl.' i. only a land ' contrast and reproof, we shall arouse! n.e.i.-.: f.iv-.:ir.l il t- world's undying hate. ; lasting abiding. "wnat evil r.ave l done, cam tne anei.nt cynic, "to make all men SOX TAKE EaSY 05TE natures. I "Manv more dollars can lie .caved in th.e salaries of deputies and clerks." said Serat or Re "Once the program of salary adjustment starts it will be fell in many public i i tosition and result uv large savings i te- taxpayer". i "l'nk-3s t'ne law that I propose i? j initiate'! and passed by direct veite of the people at the November elec ! tion it v. ill r.ol afif't present ofli- ce rs. vho are lei ted. for four and iris year terms. We can gel immed i iate results emly by uacting this bill into law by dire, t vju- of the peo iple." t Senator Heed is a candidate for Ire-eleciion from York, Hamilton and Polk court;". ATTEI-iriiTG- HEARINGS The Mu-ray lied Sox too an c a:-y game Sunday from the Ames Street Merchants baseball team ot (Jmana.i lira McMakeu of this city, presi- i by the score of 14 to 2. The Omaha j dent of tiie Nebraska State Truckers team was no match lor the Sox aed , association, has been ke-pt busy in at no time did they grow dangerous J attendanc e at the-- hoaringn before to the Munav club. Hopkins, t Lt-' Judae Shepherd at Lincoln on lrgalitv i regular hurler of the Sox after the j of the l eferendum petitions of t he eighth inning retired and Newman, j association. Mr. McMaken as presi the shortstop of the team, finished the j dent had eliarae of the gem ral move contest. Sione. Svoboda, Spidel, and t over the state ef tiue-kers to secure Daker led the Sox in hitting. The I the suspension of the state law gov- I " tabulated score of the game was aslerning the taxins: oi trucks, known .follows: Kurray Suavely, 2b Svoboda, lb Newman. t;s Stone, cf At; I i-o A 4 1 1 2 4 2 C :J. r. i 2 i z ?, o o 3 0 2 1 4 U 13 1 3120 4 1 0 3 i. 3 1 0 o ! ! 0j o ; (,l 0 ! 0 . t : : V e ":.y to aver.. - v. e rw-unt the g-nera-A':?... to Ja-ob. (Thirteen : ae cf ih-ra in Gene, is : :: ,: :fi: 10:1; 10:S2; -7: 2.".:12: 23:1S: 25: IP: 17:2.i 17 :(;-; o.d. was thrown in of Lilhah. Daa and 37 14 27 Ames Street Hercliarits a n u po Forer.sen, 3b 2 0 Parse n, 2b sneak well of me?" The father might act as if he had Maresca. If to rebuke his sen. but. in hut heart mpbell. c r over CI he was proud of tis boy. He kepi th y Swar.o::71.br saying in his mind, like Mary, the Lea. es mn'ttr c,i Jesus, when he told her of Dice, rf his father s business. v Hudson. r Elesscd Memory! ' " J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 O 0 0 1 o 1 0 0 o o 3 5 1 C 1 11 A 0 0 0 0 1 0 as senate file No. 33.; This law pass ed at the last se-ssion of the legisla ture, provided a heavier tax for trucks engaged in commercial work ! as well as several 1 1 pulaioiT meas lures. The truckers to secure the sub ! mission of the law to tiie voters of jthe slate, had to secure 43.000 sign ! ers to their petitions., they secured! I some C3.000. but the legality of many of the signatures have been attacked as not complying with the jr law In the manner that they were U j signed. Whether the court will s.us J!tain the signatures, reject a portion (ijcr throw out the entire petitions, 0 j depends the fate of the move to place 1 (this law before the psople for its, ac 0 jccptai.ee cr rejection. 0 I will convince you that this store oSSers you the opportunity to save an every item you buy raOer than on 2 or 3 so-called features ritPFV ISLE SLICED PINEAPPLE Cer.s 2 for - - - Z ! KUKE.RS TENDER GARDEN To 3 for - - 2-5e STRAWBERRIES Full quarts Fancy Missouri Aromas Fi.K, ripe. 3 or - l$z Largs, Red, Snappy CUCUMBERS Lcrtg, green, each - 5 GREEK BEAKS (Stringless) ) P-R PCUND WAS BEAMS (Striasss) - - PEAS (Fancy uii pods) - - FER2S5 4 varieties. Special, each - iQc Trns Ad for Friday-Saturday, May 27-23 VTcsl ?c:t Fey. ?ir.k 1 11. tall ca. 2 for l-!b. tall car Ic-JC EZL KOKTL. LIBBY cr C0UETESY lev. Hed. 1-Ib. tall can I8c 23c Sterling Pure Cane SUGAR 1C-lb. Clot San - 3 WHEAT pkS. - c Eagle Brand I Royal Anne Cherries BEST-OF-ALL Margarine Per Casco Creamery BUTT3R Mb. cartcn - 1. i First Piize Nancw Grain Ccni. rasd. cans, 4 for Happyvale Tcmatocs. med. cariS. 3 fcr luecaioui. Spaghetti cr Shell Iacaroni, 2 lbs Ccloiedo Finto Beans. 3 lbs. for Fancy Zlae Hcse Hice. 3 lbs 5anta Clara Prunes, med. size, 4 lbs 25c 15c I5c 15c 23c Cc! r.Tonte Crushed PINEAPPLE No. 10 Can O ( Sd tailed Gall I & 3 ci Crystal Vliite SO' bars, SSC B0RDENS Fimcnto. American. Brick, Swiss cr Limberg-er Vz-lb. Pkgs. Casts . . 1&iS?6 H For Ali Cooking ?or B-bies Too! . Tall 6 C i 2 for "Five Minutes Fresh" t4Tfce $sz Delicious1 1 ih. 2 lb. fge 3 13i. $4 05 catP eata, can, & Enter the Contest on 0 1 J s m q a r rx cj. u kv XiilLE! Bisquick Cutters to every crtiant. Ask about Cash Prizes. Hinky-Dinky CeSfee Swcel, Wild Blend 3 Ibz., H5c Lbe 1 tea w A CSc Values, 20c 11-., i el ilt! BUY A PINT JAR GF Best Foods Msyossslse at the regular price 9 And get z one fialS pound package oS Butte-Nist Salad Dressing 1C00 ISLAND OR SPREAD Pint, 23c Qt 3Sp SKIMHER'S Macaroni, Spaghetti XT II -J or ioccies "R r 3 Phos. - - - JL' Hinky-Dinky FLOUR 24-lb. Bajr - 53c Sb: 89c MALT Finest Honey Can Buy Big; 3-lb. Can - - - itr?jl' Worcester Salt Salt Plstn or ScdirccJ 1 pks., 15C Water Creps Tissue White as 5aoiv, Lge. SoSt as Down Rolls. Vir,f. The Ecitcr 4W Dog Feed Fcp Cogs, Puppies and Cats. 3 C&ns dlAJ Journal Want-Ads cost only a 'A 24 9 2 , fev cents and get real results! 1