The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 14, 1932, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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THURSPAY, APP.IL 14. 1932.
Prices Elective Friday and 5a Sis relay
Beef Reast, choice select heifer, lb.
Beef Rib Boil, select heifer rib?, lb.
Slrioin Steak, per lb
Round Stsnk, per lb
Pork Loin RcaslP ?-4 lb. piece, lb. . .
c 3
1 "3
M 'W i
Confer as to
Protecting Louis
ville Bridge
Sarpy County Commissioziers Meet
With Others Interested in
Pictectinq; Bridge.
fork Butt, 1 3n Boston butts, lb. . . 11c
ainourjer, fresh c:i, per io
Bo'orna, home nade. 3 lbs. for
Pure Pork Sausage, per lb
jrure i-ard, open kettle rendered, i Ibs..ouC g ::.. :vn.- lo K'vi way.-; ami
u) prevent tno I'iattt riv. r
County Commissioners Wiose and
pi i -iowi:ikm an-.i county vuorney
- J ! Nickcison of Sarnv county, nu t with
i dt office. Kd Onistcad, engineer
: ilu state department; C. Ii. HuiT-j
M?:i. engineer of the Missoui Iai
! iic railroad; I.. J. Williams, of the
j Omaha H;"d Workers, and several
I othe rs interested at the Louisville
: bridge Tu":-iay. The puipose of the
:7m vt,
i i
Wow Gtf'sr.izcu
VMfl '
Valine or Spvpe IVIilk. tall cr.ns
Ml' till
Pie Peaches, Ifo. 1
Shrerlded Vhe-i.
Mullen's Vdcuuni Ccfiee, ner lb.
Tomatoes, Nc.
Corn, Ko. 2 'dn
Butter Nit Cc-ffcs, vacuum pack, !b.
Blue Rjo-tjcn Tvnlt
g Dill AJici:Iec. quart j",- r .
p Svrup, Golrien, gallon
" "!
v V if
. 7c
45 c
g fi.)::; v. a si. in. around the north i1!)
Ejii roach to the hrido.
R Soir.v tirno ;i.-r ) riprap work was
Ki ili'iic :i!o:?t the .-outh hr.nk of tl'.e
Ri at I he :-tate i;ain pr-erej
(Situ siav oil" :''ere erosion of the!
I hank.-; ai -that point. "Old Man'
Jiiivei. not to he thwarted, iniin.'.l-j
iafilv .-h. if led if:; ciinciit over to;
' ti:e ;t:o.sit' hank i: ranidlv
':;j:ih i'iipr;;ili of t'ne new bridge
and (iiil.'.-s teps are taken in:n;ed
ia;;!y tu'riou-; dania:;.' will he done.
The oiTi.-lals are working lo.ueth-
ma!-; wi'ie!i tl:!(atcu to have a nice,
"j. h-ridne hi-h and dry with no
river to span, and to apportion
'.: io.-t.j .-f sue!) v. oik t i;nila!)!y. The
-fate wlli likely he he'.d for the cost
of t . i:r p:-.v.-:iit nt.
iirtlu ; con etiee.; will be In Id.
JF FIRE should destroy
your property, how
much would you lose?
Cr vould your insur
ance really make good
your loss? Would your
claims be handled prom
ptly end satisfactorily?
These questions about
your insurance are so
vital and can only be an
swered by an agent who
thoroughly knows the
details of the insurance
Searl S. Davis
Also Farm Loans and
I l-
Cass County Farm
X Bureau Notes
I- Copy furnished from Office
of C!ounty Agent Wainscott
Teeders' Lay. Fiiday, Anvil 15
Last year C'a; s county hail the
largest rep: e:entat ion of any county
in the state at 1'iedir.s I My at the
College of Agriculture.
Tlic program will he part ii -daily
interesting; this year. lr. ('. V. Mc
Cauipheil of Kansas, who conducted
the reeont limestone feedin;;,
v." ill he at the inee'irr-;. Kx
pciinnntal lots of :-;treit.-;, iioeli anii
lx en will he cxhihiicd, he.innini;
at i:4.j a. in.
'ass county is expected to have un
it he r rev on! crowd.
In fact ninny school.- undoubtedly
have their plans unih-r way by this
time. Foj- those who are in need of
.uiostioiip. the Extension Service
lias for free rihut ion two Arbor
Day cinulars, available thoimh th
County Extension AkciiIs office.
In these publications are Kiven
several appropriate readings, pocm.i,
and ron.Ts. In addition are tiee
planti. nc supf;--:t Ion:; a-; well a:; the
mi 1 'iOil ol i a ri n ir 1 o;- 1 r'i -: i'no
humlicds f me:nor!:il tie: :- are benr.;
in oh u rvance of (! e 'jwtt'.i
". -in i versa ry cf t!ie birth of (ieoi'O
':ishiiiv,t'.-!i. () :e of tne i reula i:;
contains a reading a!D!:t (Potpc
V"..s! ii:;.-ton a iid hi-' i:;te:e:-t in tr'-
ized for second year rook in?, while
a Kroiin of ,irls ot Muriay organ
ized Saturday for the first year pew
Ins club work. Their leader H .Mrs.
.:araret Todd, with .Mis. .Mali'?
MilllKin, assistant leader.
The ease of the State of Nebrr.rka
vs. Waller Johnson, a suit for pos-
i ais y ar , ession of li.pior as w-ll as trans-
pio'ati;!:, which was phu-ed tcr
trial Saturday, was by an cniciit
ont i:;u, d to Tuesday, April lllth.
e lii
:I h"cn p. ndlr.K all day
10 lbs., 45c
i v -a. v a m
Pi rlr
10 Tin
3 A C f.1
Crnni V, ,! i.f 1 a ".-.- T.ii!y
The meiifoeis of the Piat tsmout h
Rotary i !;:! were at the Kipht Mile
Clrove church, the- cotnni'.inity cen
ter f th-M part cf tlie county l:':t
eVeniiitr. it i. :. one of the pn
.'irarus ; rranred by tiie itiral rela
tio;;s con: mi 1 1 1 e.
The tntetin was presided over by
R. K. liailey. the president, and af-
The American Lc.uio-! huihlint; hau;- the fine f-a.-t that the ladies had
iK n ti..- i-vciie of a srr.t deal of ; prepared ami served had been dis
mtivity in the la-t few wci ks a ! po.-ed of by the r.:e::ihe:s of the
the memhers were eni;ar;ed in the! p.nty. a most interesting program
erect if) n of the itae thai will !:e' offeied.
us.-.t Thu'rday a v. 1 Friday of thisj Judi;e A. II. Iu.hury Kavc a mo-t
w. k lor the minstre! fhow. J ii-pirinr talk cm ihe purpo.-es and
The sta-'e is a real work of art 'aims of Kotary a.;d whicli was fol
a:.d !ias ieeii placed at the north; lowed with liiinh interest hv the
Ticr.clx Silo a Success
Xineiy-n'ne oat. of
fanners who built, tren li
fall think the silo.; have he-n w rili1
whi!-, 'a!lai- Kink r!.oited to (he!
i n.- i !"! i in; aiiu aiii'iia! husliandrv
- i
depart !'?: I;; ui'T :-;t udyin.s repoitsl
lro:n li) . .(! aska 1 ; i -i - r -. N'i'e'y-j
liv.- (,!' the I'M) j r.i n w;ll u-:' the,
lii !n !i : ilo :.;-ain if crop; are poor,
and M! out o!' t !.-.. hundred will use
th m if , io;.s aic rood thi; coming
lie Ji'lIMJiei! lainiir- Jive in '.;
eonnlie -. t 'l.'i 'K ni;o!i- l Ik- s-uvcy as1
a part cf his graduate w ,i 1; at t!.'!(
Collet-.' of At.'! ii ulrure. j
N'inet;, - ii-!,t of the one ha r:! .1 '
men s:id the rilas-'e w:; - t.iucli bet-j
tcr ft -en t!:an d ry coin fod;er for j
cattle. Sixty-two of them arc feed-j
ins with alfalfa. are supple-
mentir.s ir with cotton.--.ed cake, and !
2' are fee dins oat stiaw or home)
other straw with silar,e. The hun-l
died iik n. are makins more v. :v of t!:e !
I-Ioi'e 4-K CI'i'jj Ciffanizsd.
Siac- ia.-t week".; r -pori of ;:i;iivn
f !:!"-, three- new dubs have been
ovaai; i:: d. The lionrp. I.'akers Club,
v. ith. .Mr. Karl Hor.on, Kim v. ool. a.;
! -ad' v, have orran ':: t for : r oad
lto Xebra'-ka ; y, ir rook in- s-lui woik. The Karmv
i!...; hist Vo: !: i:-. of Alvo. ..;th .Mr. I 'ran I:
wii'i t!:e siate he ins unable to re
cure a wirness from Omaha, and in
laihue to f-cure tiii:- witness there
was a erjiil inuance srauted by at-'ice-im
nt. It i; ( xpeeted that if the
slate cannot secure the wittier; by
Tuesday thai the case will be tried
rcsard !:: of the witness.
I, li d
ly new.
lutomaiic lisht plant, nenr
IiKjuire itole 1 1 lat tero.n.
n :.i -,
r-ors?.n-: .ATuiiay phore :::;il.
al l-tl .v
fe: that are genuine g
Economists tell us the secret of advertising success
gl 3 Keeping everlastingly at it. We tell you, the secret
ci- real savins lies in buying all your needs at Black S
id nd White, where you et low everyday prices just !-day "super-specials" to draw your trade. j
nd o" the br.'hiii.s and on each : i::emhers and i!
i neir
t' '
i : r
i air Wot Mis-
::y nitt
. .- tl , V
at !v:n:: I;at- :
1 ' :::; on sn-c- '
v d to Kisicoln 1'ri- j
t :--a i : i. s the : hoot- i
ide of the stase stiacious dressins
vr ;.y. ; have been arrar..e.d.
The stave is all ready now for th.einiatt both
In the musieai portion of the pro
rrm Frank A. Cloidt "d K. 1).
'iv.iii their skill in the
!;; min.-trrl show, an attraction tSiat j rt-iicliti'Mi of : Ce-man solo that way
sour: Bmiznz
-' a--
1 1
". Sottclit
with ;!;.
i -.'d:e.
T. "ti .. it'. V.
I"' : !y : r r,
'! :. ' . -fa
a .. , !
r :' !.:
r i i:
V of '!;-
pi'-! urt-
::!!'. li!-!
I ' .'.
i ' "
. ie.v;.;
j'll.j Ct C.IH)
:-s. i'hi!t i i n.
, rCo '-.a an ii'.-n-
rfor l as-.
jp.-..mi.-L, to i; c:-e oi me very ist;mUeh tiij-ycd.. Mr. Cloidt and Mr.
.uiK. :o,.., taat t.een oaerea in .Mtaor joinc-il n a pleasiim duet that
th" city for many months. (added to the 'interest of the meet-
A cist of clever comedians, and! i.,s. Mr. K. U. Wescott alo nas a
sv.e. t voice! skivers as well as a j feature of the musieiil pros rum with
lara-- ore best ra has been or sar.ized j two piano numbers.
in'- 1' - i i'J urn niiuu .-i.omu. 111" response Cjf t!le SUP
siv,- a min -t: : l lont; to be remem- -ive-i l v u v f ..,,t tb
r 1
i.'-. red.
r 1
ii- -
! . o
1 1:
la t:
"' - -,!'-i
Ka :
til-, flu?
The '
May .li :
ii !!.
:: for t':-.- aft- in'-o-i. "The
r.' ! e--:I.; the. I'at.iily," w as j
by .' ! rs. Ihiri h ke. 'I'he From Tia-s-da -. 's imUy
' : .". s. J iii K;. iV.-u b--r- j Thi-; mornins in the county court
n.ahle to atfe-d b-.-c-ause ' -o''" A. Ii. Dux bury had his firr-t
I'r. d Saibei
t t in. !:i tins. j
: r -i'iar ne ei in ; v. i 1 be '
;; wa;
. .i. i.fiut, ii;e ia..ioi i
if the Ki.sht Mile C.'dve churc'i.
and Mrs. Johnson, w ho
bee'i vi.-itii.s at 1-on lleach.
that has oe-j California, f
the past winter with
silase for wintering he f calves, fat-:
tenirs steet s, a:.d f. editiS dairy j
io-.vs tl;an for anythins el-e. some
of tiie num. howevtr. are winterins
slicci'.. fattening iaiiih.-, and winter
ins horses on the silase.
The mud. mow and icv drivcv.avs
in t!ie tretules hav made it hard to
haul cut the silase thi year. 70 of j
the hundred Y:-'i rtporf-d. Since the
recent winter has hecii oe of the'
weitf.-t and cel l, st in history, ihej
same tiouble i r.ot likely to he a
serious ajraiti. Ihick hciieve-. Six of
the men said it was hard to set the!
-ilae out hy hand, pevon had trou-
M? with, tiie walls of the trenches j
cavir.s in. and others have had a few ;
other iiif: i; '.lltie-. IVurttc-n of the
hundred men reported no disasi'te-i
! aide features ccnr.'.n ted with the!
handiins cd" th? trenches and .silase. j
Farmer, icportius seem t j vant'
some definite iniermation ropardinsl
th? best cover for the trench silo af-!
tvrit i; filled, th.e most sat isfactoiy ,
v.av of ke.-ninir the walls from iv-l
c mm v.
m Toilet Paper, Gloria, 4 rolls for 25c M
S": F'nc Toilet, Tissue Full 1000-Sheet Count
sr. IGA Macaroni, Spagh2tti 4 pkgs. . . 20c
Pork and Beans, 2 cans for 11c E
Cr.c'zz of VAN 3 or CflMP3ELL'S
g P and G Scap, 10 bars for 25c M
M Chipso, large pkg- 23c S
( Ivory Soap, medium size, 2 bars for . 2L5c g
H Ffc Bar, freshly baZcedv 2 Ib3 5c g
frg Snow Peaks, per lb 1QC j
nri 13 j I i c I c i: s New Marshmallow Cookie Svs
r.iz OatnieaL IGA, larse size oksr ISC
r - Quick' cr Rrnular 1
y Creme Oil Soap, per bar . .
ioi -d ContC'iipt p!T;Cef l n. Si-
urre-i ::i.nis co'irt. ifeiman .pv-i men- cim'u-cii. .his. iai- wanson.
. L I I
' me of M : .
1 1
i" t:k-
0"l:-"i; p.
aha- to !
'". o i:
t': rail-.
b-M h
;t tie- t
h.i :ie -
.:ahried at luxeury iiojie
. i
The vfl-'iia' cf .Ji.-s Clara M. K. 1
en a::-! Mr. 1- it:-: ii. Co.-, ;
Oniah:'. occun-t d on Snndav ev-ni-
Ti.e of County Judse ,
y. !.'-' people!
!: v;t eve!:iiia to Pave ;
i-f'e-n. 1. M v.--. Dux- i
ih'ima Hi rz v. ere w j t- I
ai rir.sre. Mi. Mid
i"-d -o () aaha follow-!
houe c f Oma'na. who had been sum-j Mrs. Judith Krw in and Friedof
moti'd as a witness in the case of Jehvson. returne d h.ome Saturday
th State of Xelu aska vs. Walter : nisht. They report a very fine time
Johnso:;. had twice rrfu-ed to come
In response to the order of the court.
i. : at i ;:
.. !i. ii.:.-:
:otf.-;r." df
Thomas Va!l;nj Company
Attracts cf Title
Phone "2 t - PI-itt -,outh
writes for the
;'ur:: in,v.varce Co., o
Thi". mornins I'puty SherilT Kay
Ih.'-ker! with a bench warrant,
departed for Omaha with the Sat
l!er atnh'til.iiice and Mr. New 'hones
wa; loaded onto a stretcher and
bioi:s.'hl on to this city. The evi
dence of the witne,:; was not ot"
ereat. value as his memory was
faulty and he was unable to give
mm h of value as to the incidents of
meet ins Jc hnson on the road. The
court save Mr. Xewh.ouse a fine of
and costs for isnorins the Fum-i'-.on--.
of the court.
ins hi whi'e the tr-;'h
and some way to avoid the mud and
ice durins the wet spells of weather
in the winter time.
The information Pud: secured will
be used aloii with other facts in
and meetins inar y of the old friends ) eneourasins fanilor., to con..trui.t
."Hi! IK i ' tl lior i iv tin si'u nmv unl.-in" I i . .....
""I-, ana ice iiencu sno.; i tins coming
g Dill Pickles, Happy Vale, full quart . 15c
r5j weet Pickles, full quart jar. . . .
m Prunes, med. size Santa Clara, 4 lbs. .35c g
Gutter, Casco, quartered, per lb. . . . 13c
W Corn, No. 2 tin, 4 for 25c g
M Corn ?IeaI Mush, med. size tin 4c g
Milk, all varieties, 3 cans for ISc
tin ir home in the west. They en
joyed the trip very much hut are
plcas.-d to he back home.
It io iclklk
1 it:txnci;-i
Friaay-fea. (As. at Qw Store
(Mnv Gther Items not Listed Here)
Bob White Laundry Soap, 8 bars for
pVTcn'o. lpafniv f.-a-.r-3 fL T , . . t
Men's fanes'- Shorts
Rair Rus, sizes 18x3S inches
Ladies Rayon Bloomers and Panties .
Curtain material, Dotted Swiss, yard
Ladies Rayon Hose, pair
Fancy Salad Bowls, each
Fancy assorted Chocolates, lb
Djer Kiss Talcum Powder.
ferr's Itaiar
Wa-id law ii J?
South Side of Main Street
. . IBt
. . 3$
. .1$C
. .196
. .190
. .19
The annual Republican County
i Convention will held at the Court
rEJ! House in Plaitsmouth, N'ehr., on
Thursday. April 2S. at 8 p. m.
This mtetins is being called for
the i-urpoe of selectins IS delesates
, i to ir.e htaie I onvention to be Held
iijin Lincoln, May 5. 1932.
jjj, The members of the County Cen
tral Committee for the 1932 cam
paisn will also be selected at this
mectins, ar.d any other bi:siness that
may come before i?-.
All republicans are urged to be
f. ii. McCarthy,
Chairman Cass Co. Commit
tee. Republican.
The Eight Mile Grove Luther
League will give a play, "The Little
Clodhopper," next Friday evening,
April 19th, beginning at 8 o'clock.
Admission 10c and 20c. Refresh
ments will be served and all are in
vited, itw
Business will improve only as
we contribute to its improvement
by exercising our purchasing
District Judge James T. Peglcy.
always a glutton for work whil on
th bench, at PapiHion recently
turned out one of tie? biggest court
day.; in the district court of Sarpy
county. Ther? were twenty-one cases,
bat-died and disposed of by the court
and which establishes a new record
for the (!i.-po.'uI of pending litigation.
We want you to help us tell
your friends and neighbors
We represent th oldest
and the larocst insurance
companies in America.
This is tha largest insur
ance agency in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
This agency is friendly
and courteous in all its
Our policies are written
in cur own office while
you wait, if you wish.
The easiest wav to get
reliable facts about any
kind of Insurance is to
Phone 56
Buxbury & Davis
Dependable Insurance
C-Kisshoppcr Situatier..
Ansv.c.ins a number cf criticisms
of the poison hr.iU bait method of j
hilling grasshoppers. Prof. II. !
Sv.cnl: of tha .Nebraska agricultural!
colhge say: The "hill:;" that have
been optnine'd with the poi-on bran
bait method should dispose complete
ly of the unfounded assertion that
the young grasshoppers will not cat
the poison bran mah when green
food is available.
A man can .scatter bait by hand
from the back of a wagon over a ".0
foot swath at the rate of three to
five miles p-or hour. The areemlane
holds much promise as a me.uib of
evenly and quickly distributing poi
son bran bait over fie lds of tall corn
or hopper inf 'Kted weeds, or over
areas difficult of acces by wagon or
ti n f k.
To be most effective the bail
should be rpread before seven o'clock
iu the morning or on clear warm
days as early in tin? season after
the grasshoppers hatch as possible.
There is no danger to any kind of
poultry fi'Oin poisoned bran bait that
lias been rpread proper! ly, or from
dead grasshoppers that have t.een
killed by eating the bait. There is
no important danger to pasturing
livestock from poison ha:i bait that
has been spread properly.
Poison bran bait costs 10-15 cents
per acre for material.
A complete discusion of
these points is contained in Prof.
Swenk's weekly grasshoppers report
dated April 14. The copy is avail
able in the county farm bureau of
fice at Weeping Water.
SS Pennant, 48-Ib. hag &BC
Little Hatchet, Sunldst or IGA 98c EE
jit No. 10 -Gallon- Fruits
0 Red Raspberries
Hr: Black Raspberries
zr Strawberries
S; Black and White Coffee, per lb,
H Creamed Cottage Cheese, now .
. .25C
126 m
Beef and Pork
g Only Corn Fed Baby Beef and No. 1 Quality Pork jJ
Lj is held at Black and White Market
pj Beef Roast, per lb 12J4p
Shoulder Beef Steak, ner lb. .
jg ' Rib Beef Boil, 2 lbs. for ... .
Round Steak, per lb
fH Sirloin Steak, per lb
S Perk Buit Roast, per lb
. . .15c g
. . . 25t
g Cheese, full cream American, lb.. . .ISt H
ESS JLSacon squares, per lb
Lard, home rendered, 4 lbs
g Hamburger, fresh cut, 2 lbs. for .
! Sausage, freshly made, 2 lbs. for .
g Niagara Smoked Picnics, lb.
Dold'3 Finest Picnics 4-5 lb. Av."
H Home Made Weiners
. . . 100
. . . 2Sc
. . .250
. . .23p
12 J0
Arbor Day Program Suggestions
It is not too early to plan Arbor
Day programs to be given April 22.