The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 25, 1932, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, FEBE. 25, 1932.
Tutt Brubacher
Phone No. 12 Murray, Nebr.
Butter Nut Coffee, per lb 36c
Campbell Soup, all varieties, 3 cans for 29c
Dill Pickles, Advo, quart jars, crisp, fancy. . 16c
Otce Quality Vegetables, No. 2 cans, 4 for 38c
Cera - Tomatoes - Lima Beans - Kidney Beans
Beans, Great Northern, 3 lbs. for 10c
Lake Fish, 6-lb. pail for 85c
Cheese, Nebraska full Cream, per lb 13c
Clorcr, cleans and bleaches. Per bottle 19c
P & G Soap, 3 bars for 10c
Corn Meal, white or yellow, 5-Ib. bag 14c
Sausage, County Made, 2 lbs. for . . .25c
Round Steak, from Armour's branded Beef, lb 25c
Lard, Home Rendered, 3 lbs. for 25c
Spinach, clean leaf, per peck 25c
Cerrcts, 2 bunches for 19c
Oranges, large size, per dozen 38c
Grape Fruit, Texas Marsh Seedless, 6 for 25c
Apples, Rome Beauties, 10 lbs. for 49c
Gray Shorts, per 100 lbs 90c
Bran, per 100 lbs 85c
Oyster Shell, per 100 lbs $1.25
We will Pay Highest Price for Egg's
John Hobscheidt and two sons
were over to Fremont on last Friday
where they were attending a fine hog
Sheriff E. W. Thimgan was a busi
ness visitor in Murray and Manley
on Monday of this week, serving
The Marsek trucks were all to Om
aha on Monday of this week
mixed load3 cf stock for the farmers
rear Murray.
Mrs. Fred Campbell has been very
sick at her. home with a severe at
t.m cf the flu. '. ut Is irpjtod as l?
some belter at this tim..
A. D. Bakk2 was called lu ."laf:s
mouth on last Monday aftarno.-m
v here he had seme busitcs.5 matters
to look after for a short tin.e.
Bible School Lesson Study!
Sunday, Febr. 28, 1932. By L Neitzel
"Jesus Eaises Lazarus from the Lead"
John 11:32-44.
Jesus was in the midst cf His
Terean ministry when word rciched
H'm that ilis beloved frien'i L,z:.'U3
had departed this life. Thi. was the
breaking up of a home, where He
bad enjoyed gnial hospitality, who
knew not where to lay His bea-I.
Therein He had a trio of fr'ci.tla,
Mary. Martha and Lazarus. The lo
cation was about two miles from
Jerusalem. The last and greatest of
the seven signs recorded in this gos
pel is related with such photographic
miruteneps of detail, that it is clear
that the writer was present. Three
points about it are especially note
worthy: 1. That ft was" a physical
miracle, which no inginnity can re
duce to a care cf faith healing; 2.
That it was definitely worked to pro
duce faith in Christ (v. 42); 3. That
mere than any other miracle it was
luEicn of the senses, not a Fpirtual
fact. We axe no more without life
when we die than when we sleep.
The Master and disciples come near
Bethany. Martha hears of his com
ing. She rurr- to meet Him. "Tell
it to Jesus alone, Ho understands.
O! what comfort she receives in the
immortal saying: "I am the resur
rection and the life." This saying
of Christ has made the tomb a gate
way instead of a terminal. Mary
mests the Lord. "Lcrd if thus hadst
been here, my brother had not died."
"Where have ye laid him?" "Lord,
ccme and see."
The sympathizing Jesus, when He
saw what havoc death had wrought,
was stirred as never before. He can
feel and realize our sorrow. He is the
Comforter. "Jesus wept." We have
records of His weeping, but none of
Him laughing. With Jesus, life war,
a seriou3 matter. Deep as was the
performed under test conditions; the j sorrow that had come to this home
object of it was really dead (v. 39),
and hostile witnesses were present
(v. 42). Its spiritual meaning is
given in verse 2: "1 am the resur- ' stone to remove itself, but He never
"Earth has no sorrow that heaven
cannct heal." "Take ye away the
stcne." Jesus might have bidden the
rection and the life." The distance
to reach Jesus may have been twen
ty miles. Ths messenger does not
state how serious the ill;icss is. The
sisters did not send for Jesus, until
they saw that the brother was about
to die. Jesus appears indifferent, as
he continues His work for two days.
Then comes the announcement of
Jesus: "Let us go into Judea again."
The disciples are surprised, they re
monstrate with Jesus, about His re
turn to Judea where the Jews wanted
to stcne Him: only a-few months be
fore. An emergency often reveals the
stuff that inheres in man's charac
ter. New it is that Thomas, who would
dcuU at timet, decides that he will
go and stand by his Teacher, even
though it means his own death.
"Lazarus Ls dead nevertheless let
us go to him." And to the sad pro
cession wends its way. Jo. Bethany.
Four days have elapsed since word
came to Jesus." Lazarus is buried" the
same day he died, the mourners fill
the house with the lamentations for
seven days, as is the custom. But
someone may ask: "Why did the Lord
let Lazarus die, if He could prevent
it?" Jesus said:. "But for Jhe glory
cf God, and that the Son of God
might be glorified thereby" (v. 4).
Most beautiful was Christ's Way of
Epeaking of the-death of Lazarus:
he had only falter, into a profound
sleep from which the Savior would
arouse him. To Christ, death is but
wcrks needless miracles. Martha be
lieving that the Lord wanted to take
a last look at His friend, had no con
ception cf the glorious purpose he
had in view; she said therefore.
"Lord by this time the body decayeth,
for he has been dead fcur days." Je
sus reminds Martha, if she believed,
she should see the Glory of God. If
man could only "trust and cbey."
While the stone is removed. Jesus
called on his Father; to whom He had
prayed, and had received the assur
ance of the Father's help. He cried
with a loud voice: "Lazarus, come
James H. Brown and wife of Om
aha were visiting fcr the day on
last Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Brown's mother, Mrs. Susie Berger.
Ora Davis who is the administrator
for the Sam G. Latta estate was hav
ing a cess pool dug for the wast
water from the house which he has
The three trucks of Frank Mrasek
were busy last Friday collecting the
donations from the farmers east cf
Murray for Bhipruent to the north
for the drouth sufferers.
T. J. Jamison of Lincoln was a
visitor for the day on last Sunday
at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
J. F. Brendel and where all enjoyed
the occasion very much.
Dr. J. F. Brendel was railed to
Plattsmcuth on last Sunday on ac
count of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marks
being very ill with the fiu. They are
now, however, feeling much better
Wm. Minford was butchering and
getting the work in this line out of
the way so that when the spring
which is nearly here with its rush
cf work will in no way be Interfered
State Secretary of the State Chris
tian Missionary Soviety, that is the
Christian church. Rev. John Albers
cf Lincoln, Nebraska, was a visitor
in Murray cn last Sunday and gave
a very worthwhile address on misj
Albert Queen ind the kidiL'e t f
Omaha were visiting in Murrr.y f."-r
the day last Sunday, being guest3 at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Font T
Wilson. Eoy Leins and fairiiy nf
near Mynaid a ere also guests at the
Wilson home.
Lte Xickles cf Plattsmouth was a
visitor- in Murray on last Monday
and was visiting with ?;is brother,
George Xkkles who is just now con
valescing following :he iujur: whirh
he received when a ladder slipped on
which he was wj king.
There was glaurts at the home
cf Mr. and Mrs. John J. Svrgera,
when the stork, that old reliable
bird, brought a very fine ycung baby
girl to the home and which was in
troduced by Dr. J. F. nrendel and
all concerned doing very iU oly.
Miss IieaneDeLes Denier, who has
boen attending a business college at
Omaha was Fick for ssnie time and in
consequence lost out cn her class
and is now heme until the first of
March when she will begin with that
class, a-uew class starting with the
first of every month.
The Murray Christian Bible school
was visited by Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Lease of Omaha who has wished to
visit the Bible school here and select
ed last Sunday as the day in which
they were the guests of the school
and both enjoyed the visit here very
much, making many friends.
Master Masons O. A. Davis, W. G.
Boedeker and Gu3 Brubacher were
over to Plattsmouth on Monday eve
ning of this week where they were
assisting their home lodge celebrate
the passing of the two hundredth
birthday anniversary of the late bro
ther, George Washington, the first
president of the United States.
dames Wm. Sporer, Martin Sporer
and Chester Sporer will be hostesses
for the occasion. Mrs. Hanna was
selected for the leader, but owing to
much wofk which she has on hand
It might be that she could not ar
range to look after the matter of
leader, but in case this is so there will
he a leader chosen and a good time
is assured.
Fell OS the Garden.
Many people have fallen from a
load of hay, or from a wagon or
buggy, not to say anything about an
auto, but these instances are mild
compared with falling out of the
garden. The story is told of a youns
lady who went for a pail of water
and pelting the down to begin
the pumping act, it being icy, out
went her feet and soon she came
much disconcerted but not otherwise
injured. However she knew about
how it was when Jack and Jill went
up the hill, and also came tumbling
down again. This was not so bad
a3 the young lady's mother, who also
fell out cf the garden. No injuries
and both feeling fine now.
Murray Study Club.
The Murray Study Club met Feb
ruary ISth at the home of Mrs. Tutt.
The program was led by Mrs. Mil
burn. She chose George Washington
as her topic. The lesson was very
interesting to all, as many phases
of Washington's life were brought
out. As the roads were so bad not
all of the rural members were able
to attend. After the lesson the hos
tess assisted by Mrs. O. A- Bavis and
Mrs. J. V. Pitman served delicious
Our next meeting will be March
17th at the home of Mrs. Delbert
Journal Want-Ads cost only a
few cents and get real results I
The meeting of the Mynard Com
munity club which was to have been
held on this Friday, has been post
poned until Friday, March 4th.
Change was made owing to the bad
"See it before you Buy it."
Car of Feed for Drouth.
There has been furnished from
Murray a car load of feed for the
stock of the drouth sufferers in the
northern portion of the state. A. G.
Long and O. A. Davis were very ac
tive in the matter. George Xickles
was the leader but a ladder falling
put him out cf commission and the
matter had to be passed on to other
workers. It is expected that the car
will go forward the latter portion
of this week. Destination not as
yet known.
Will Move To Union.
A. J. Wilson, brother of Font T.
Wilson who has been making his
home at Lowery City, Mo., will in
the spring move to the Mrs. Ward
Cheney place and where Ben Martin
is now living. Mr. Martin will move
to the Dean Austin place where he
will farm for this year.
Timothy Seed.
Good grade, home grown, new
crop, and clean timothy seed for sale,
$2.25 per bushel. H. F. Engelke
meier, Murray, Nebr. flS-4tw
Sunnyside Club Kas Good Start.
The Sunnyside Workers Garden
club has a good start, with twenty
cne members. Let us ail helo to make
this a success, and also have gardens t
patches and an eyesore. It will also j
give the kiddies something to keep
them busy. '
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p. m.
(Young people's meeting).
Wednesday evening prayer meet
ing at 7:30.
You are cordially invited to wor
ship with us.
Quilt Exhibit Postponed.
On account of the very bad con
dition cf the roads leading to Mur
ray the Quilt Exhibit which was to
have been held at the Christian
church, the same has been ir.definite
1 postponed and when the roads are
better and the ladies are ready with
their work an announcement will
be made of the date which the ex
hibition is to be held as well as other
matters pertaining thereto.
Thus we read John 5:28-
29: "The hour is ccming. In which
all that are in the graves shall hear
his voice, and shall come forth;" and
again at I Thess. 4:1C, "For the Lord
himself shall descend from heaven
with a shout, with the voice of the
archtEgel and" which voice is his
own, for the scripture knows cf no
other archangel. "Loose him, and
let him go."
Our Lord made much use of human
instrumentality. The evangelist
makes no attempt to describe the
scene of the restoration cf the bro
ther to his sisters, but leaves the
simple narrative to stand cut irr its
own true sublimety, while he goe3
on to tell of the e-fect produced up
on "the spectators, which 13 twofold.
some believed on Kim, others disbe
lieved. So tcday: "To the one we are
a Savior of death unto death, and
to the other the Savior of life unto
Sure Some Carpenters.
;es Mildred Allen and Louise
Bakke have completed a miniaturo
building of papier Mache cf Mount
Vernon, the old homestead of George
Washington in Virginia which is on
exhibition in the window of Tutt
and Brubacher. Better take a peep.
ladies Aid March 3rd.
The Ladies Aid of the Christian
church will be held at the church
building on March 3rd and a very
urgent request is given for all mem
bers and all visitors who may so de
sire to come to this gathering. Mes-
an arpearance, not a reality; an II-j life." U Cor.-2:16.
You Dc:i't Get a
when your tubes burn out, da
you r Tnen wny trade in your
good automobile Just because
rome parts need replacing op re
pairing? Our expert mechanics
and modern equipment may be
abla to make a new automobile of
your present machine at a nom
inal cost. See us!
r.iunrcAv garage
A, D. BASSE, Propr.
I will offer at Public Sale on what
is known as the Colvin farm. 4 miles
west of Murray; 6 miles north and
mile west of Nthawka; 3 miles
ncrth and 6 miies east of Weeping
Water, Nebr., on
Friday, March 4
beginning at 10:00 o'clock a. m.,
with lunch served at noon, the fol
lowing described property:
Five Head of Horses
One bay mare, 6 years old, wt.
1C00 lbs.; one bay mare, 10 years
eld, wt. 1550 lbs.; one bay mare, 12
years old, wt. 1600 lbs.; one team of
bay horses, 8 years old. These horses
are all good and sound.
Twenty Head of Cattle
One Short Horn cow, 4 years old;
one red cow, 5 years old; one Guern
sey ccw, 4 years old; one Holstein
ccw, 3 years old; one Jersey cow, 9
years old; one black cow, 4 years old,
calf at side; one red cow, 2 years
old. calf at side; one roan Shorthorn
bull, 2 years old; four yearling heif
ers; two yearling steers; four head
of bucket calves.
Twenty Head of Shoats
Farm Machinery
one J. I. Case lister; one Case disc
harrow; one New Century riding cul
tivator; one Jenny Lind walking cul
tivator; one Deering binder; one
Deering mower; one sulky rake; one
John Deere 2-row cultivator; one 2
row lister; one 2-row machine; one
4-section harrow; one John Dere
corn elevator; one Case 2-row ma
chine; one walking plow; one wagon;
one set of running gears; one self
feeder; 30 bushels of oats; one tet
1-in. harness; one set 1-in. har
ness; one Anker-Holth cream separa
tor; about 150 black locust posts; one
Copper Clad range; one pump jack
and numerous other articles.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $25.00 and under, cash
in hand. If credit is desired on sums
over $25.00, make arrangements with
the cjerk of sale before you bid. AH
property to be settled for on date of
REX YOUNG. Auctioneer
A few bred Red Duroc Gilts.
Echaefer stock. -T. H. Pollock Platts
mouth, Nebr. -f25-2td-2tw
O Every OintiyQintiy patron it's an old,
old custom to. save money on Every item
. . and to new patrons it's a delightful, new experience
No. 2 Size Cans O 1QY LtUC
An unusual barnain is offered for Satur
day cn fancy Country Gentleman, Golden
Bantam or Sugar Corn. The canners can
not can this grade cf corn to sell at this
price and a profit, but they needed
the money. So we purchased 2 carloads
fcr cash and are passing it on to our cus
tomers. Don't pass this up.
i his Ad tor Friday-Saturday, rehr. 26-27
Med. size Sweet Texas Seedless.
Special for Sat., Doz. 35p, Each
This is ar. outstanding value for the season and
some of the market's best Buy a dozen
ILcttH&ce Extra Large CTta
SOLID HEADS at what we believe to be an extra- fl
ordinary value. Buy several. EACH - - - - U
No. 2i2 Size
3 for 29c
GW. 10-lb.
cloth bag ....
100 Ih. C & H Cane, $4.98
APPLES, ey. Roman a or
Bcaisties or Winesaps 0 IDS., ZDC
Delicious, Firm Fruit for Cooking or Eating
RADISHES, ig. bunches, each
Blue Label
2L29c rb:.49c
Sunset or Casco
Churned 0 1
Daily. Lb LiLC
'Best-of-AlT Brand
Z Pounds for
Fine Santa Clara
Med. size
4 lbs. for.
Apricots or
2 Lbs., 29c
Silver Ear Peaches in Syrup, 3tfo. 21?, can 15p
Tel Mcte Crushed Pineapple, No. 10 can (gallons) SSc
Tick Tcck Peaches cr Apriccts, Nc. 10 can (gallons) 49c
Glen Valley Early June Peas, No. 2 can 10c
First Prize Kidney or Lima Beans, No. 2 can 12.1ZC
Blue Sea Wet or Dry Shrimp, per can 14c
Cove Oysters, 5-oz. can, S.Oc ; 10-oz. can ISc
Macaroni, Spaghetti or Shell Macaroni, 2 lbs. for 15c
Eed Mexican Chili Beans, 3 lbs. for 19
Erccms, Cranjrs Handle, 4-tie, each 29c
White King Cccca Almond Hard Water Scap. bar 5
Eershey Chocolate Candy Kisses, 1-lb. bag 23 C
Per lb.
Sweet. Mild Blend
" Hinky-Dmky
24 lb., 59; 48 lb..
. Macaroni,
or Egg Noodles
Agrees with Babies
Fine for All Cooking
3 ITaSH (Sams fg
Carcaattoa Flatted Wheat
Richer in Vitamins Small
and Minerals Pkg.
9 7
Vbeat Pops
Delicious New Wheat
2 Pkgs., 17c
Rice Pop
Adults as well as children
relish this Cereal
2 pkgs., 19c
4 Cans . . . 19C
JELL -fl D)(p
10 Flavors, 3 Pkgs. -"v
Gold Medal (SaCie FECDED!?
FREE! Betty Crocker's Chrom
ium Plated Steel Cake
Server with Two
Biscuit Baking Sheet
Just send top from one package cf
BISCUICK to Betty Crocker,
Gold edal Foods, Inc.,
Pinneapolis, Minn.
1 Lb.
rnar Vcndcr
Puts Magic in Your Baking
24 ?- f v
E3o cU
1 K.p
can, &