The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1931, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, DEC. 14. 1931.
Cigars - Cigarettes
Tobacco - Gift Pipes
Buy his "Smokes" where he'd buy them him
self. All popular lines of Ciaars in special
Christmas boxss 5's, 10's, 25'c and BO's.
A!so special Holiday cartons for Ciqarettes
Luckies, Camels, Chesiers and Old Golds.
If he's a Pipe Smoker, why not
Give Him a Nsw Pipe?
Prince Albert and Velvet in 1-lb. Jars, Xmas Wrapped
(Sandy for Ihr
And what woman doesn't like
luscious Chocolates and Bon
Bens? We h3ve some beautiful
Cedar Cnest oift boxes that will
fce useful ?s Trinket Chests on
Mi-lady's dressing table for years
to come a reminder of your gift
to her on this Christmas day!
AH Kind of Candy Bars
Cost Less than Bulk
For a First Class Shoe Shine always Come to
Pallas SMmmmig IPairiloir
GECRGE COiSISS, Proprietor
folks of the mother reside. The city
of Greenwood have been very solicit
ous for the welfare cf the students
of the school, and have maintained a I
i.iost trustworthy watcftman at the
intersection of Main street and the 1
highway, who is there for a hour j
each three times a day to care for j
the welfare of the children hut this i
was at another time and not at the j
crossing where the city h::a desig- !
nared as the place to cr:-H. The peo- I
pie of (Jrecnwood have the most pro- j
found sympathy for th:s family in I
their hour of sorrow for the loss c)
little Robert,
Heme EJid Better.
Ncah Iyon?. who his been trou
bled with ulcer? of the stomach fr
sometime, was ffir a number of week ;
receiving treatment at the University
hospital at Omaha and was able t
return home last week much im
proved in his health and free
from the suffering whic h lie has been
having for some time pnst. He re
ports that he has gained some twenty
pounds in weight since receiving the
M .9. 9 -..-V
1 i
the day with Mr. Elheredge and
The past week six cars have been
crashed on the pavement in and near
Miss Mildred Shepaid of Kl in wood
spent the week end with Lucile Lees-ley.
Mrs. P. A Sanborn has been js-uio
sick since Sunday evening. She is;
reported as being some better at this ;
time. !
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Headley and
son spent Sunday in Lincoln with his j
sister. Mrs. Warren Trumble and j
t. j Greenwood. It is a nice road if all
drivers would stay on their own side
of the black line down the center of
the pavement.
Mrs. II. K. Mathews has been very
poorly for seme time past and while
still able to be about was suffering
very much. She lias, however, been
kept to her home for a number oi
days past as she has been in a very
serious condition.
Mrs. Bernard Grady slipped on a
corn cob at her home on last Wed-
family. ! nesaay afternoon and suffered a frac-
Mrs. Dora Leesley and grand-1 lured and dislocated left ankle. She
daughter. Elsie Heightshoe of Ash-i was taken ' to St. Klizabcth hospital
land were Lincoln visitors on last i where she was cared for by Dr. rJ. E.
Health Not the Best.
K. L. MoDonald who has been in
the habit of hustling whether or no!,
is not feeling very well at this time.
He has been having a good deal of
trouble with a very severe pain in
his back and side anil bus had many
examinations and clinics to determ
ine what was the trouble. The phy
sicians after having given his case
a very exhaustive examination, con- j
eluded that there was ulcers of the
strmach and at the opening of the
stomach to the bowles. They have
put him on a diet for a time as the
beginning of the treatment which
they are giving for the trouble. It is
hoped by his many friends that he
may soon be over the trouble and
well again. "
Will Try To Farm.
Arthur Stewart has been, making
his borne in Green word for many and with
wcrk a portion
portion has not
wit!) a force of
mn in a sm;ll
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldren and
daughter Marjorie Ellen of Omaha
were guests at the L. M. Mowry home
on last Sunday.
Mrs. Edith Finlay and son. How
ard, of Emerald and Mr. and Mrs.
lie-.i llowa'l were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Myra Howard.
One day last week Glen Xeddletr .:
of Pleasaitville. Iowa, ami friend of
Albert Etheredge, while on a trip
to the west, stopped and visited for
timer, .vrs. urauy was nrougnt nome an epportunity.
on bunnay.
The Guild was entertained by the
officers on Tuesday afternoon at the
church basement. Plans were finish
ed for their annual bazaar and sup-
! per to be held this Saturday after
! noon and evening. December 12. The
I remainder of the afternoon was spent
quilting, after which refreshments
The Smith drug store wa-j assum
ing a very decided Christmas aspect
on Irst Wednesday when we were in
town and it looked like, while the
j weather was net the very b-st for t'.ie
celebration of the day. tiiat by the
time the Chii.-tnus dny did com,
there might be a good orponuniiv
to greet old Sjnta.
At a reau'ar me ting cf t e Greeu
wcod Itebekah 1 dgt N . 213 or. 1a?t
Thursday evening the fallowing of
ficers were clef.-;!: Mrs. M:ir.--'
the boys has bad
r f the time and .
been employed and
a nu;r;or cf you on:
town. )t is dilfieulr
to find employment all the tine. Mr.
Stewart has decided to engage i.i
farming, if possible, and will e:: his i roperty in Greenwocd
for farming equipment if he can find
lie has a gjod hrmr
here but with emplrynent so diffi
cult to obtain reerulnr'y he wcu'i'.
rather change to the farming gam .
Heme From Hospital.
Everett Ilartsooli, who was in tlv
hospital for some time and whe;
he underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis and where he has rince re
covered sufficiently to leave the hoi;
pital, arrived home last week and
is feeling much impro.'cd.
Visitirg Here For Yuletide.
Alhen Eri-redge and d.-.rjjiter
tc cnioy i:. visit for some . imo f
family of Mr. and Mr.;. r.:':di C
wtu mrtke tacir hc:re v. I rlov
Mis. Mary
mm n mm n TI IERE are times when
EL a bat)y 100 fretful or
feverish to he sung to
sleep. There are some pains a mother
cannot pat away. But there's quick
comfort in Castoria!
For diarrhea, and other infantile ills,
give this pure vegetable preparation.
Whenever coated tongues tell of consti
pation; whenever there's any sign of
sluggishness. Castoria has a pood taste;
children love to take it. Buy the gen
uine with Chas. IL Fletcher's signature
on wrapper.
Howard. N
V. G.; Mrs. Vedai Hall, xccrelary;
Mrs. G rtrude Sheplcr. treasurer.
They will hold the installation of of
ficers the first nicting in January.
O:: la-.t Wed;: ven n the
:e,?"Iar inec?ti:v; c-f C! chap
ter Xo. 303 O. E. S. the f.iliv. ii:g
'Titers wet o elec'd: Mrs. Ec'.l Ljej
!.y, W. M. ; A. E. I re.dcy. W. P.:
Myrtle Coleman, A. M .; W. I.
Mr.-. Minair Stradley.
Eel.: Eur.dv n. trea--
v i 1 i o . iawn. v.iv.r'-mci-'v
re dded. !
dang: v of Mr.
not 'is'tcl iit:-" t
.iiifflips. i ye r:i an i the
pleasure t- all f.r 1
a!-c r:ct-t m:.ry frier. i
father ; r.l si. ter.
Big things doing in Plattsmouth VcaSiesIsc,
Claus will be here and all stores offering Specie! vs-Iucc ,
'4 IS
all deccratc:
.c a ay
Cress Hats
Fulcra style, colors tan, gray and brown.
Sill: band, snap brim. A dJ J"
real value at this price pliJ
Ciiiid's Fleeced Union Suits Qf
Smaii sizes UC
hTen's Ftecccc! Shirts and
Drawers. Large size3
ii'en:s 2ZQ fast color Blue Sib
Overalls. Per pair
Men's Black or Brown Dress
Kid Gloves, iined. Pair
Boys' Ccrduroy Knickers
S:ze3 14 lo 13. Pair
Boys' Suckskin color Cloth OQ
tiousec. 2 pockets. Each p.LJ'
Boys' light color Corduroy
Long Panls. Per pair
Boys' Slip-Over Sweaters
AM wool, blue and tan
..3.i.b..... $i
Men's Iticjh sracc : Jl cui VJool
lined 4-in-Hfr.d ' ;cs. acfc
tAzn'e Hire litiEZ'l SHlilTC
Fancy patterns, lizci
Wen's fancy Si'k Rayon Cress
?cx. Per p
Lien's all-wool cicsveiiss A
Fuiiovcrs. Tan, white, tluo-- ?A"J
RTcn'f. fan
y Si'k fiayon Cress
a:;' ' v 4.
! d:.
icy Fast c C.(
rcrs. full cvt. Pair JLJU
EflT.hT Ni'A' PATTEHriS in
The ';ind that men pick lor tin m-elve:,.
t3r.t up in tiny riattsniouth- pr
made ha diet, for only tuC
y. .i;1-! i .M. ;r ,,u , u,-1 i , '. v.- i , k. ts.
: l'if Uidi;-: 'ay...
::-.ici, fey. f3t fi l
!rr.sL:::hc:J LlZ
Uttion Bulls
in Winter weight. Ages 4 to 1C. You
know the fine quality of
Munsing Wear. AVednesday
fiTcn's brewn knit lined Dress
Gloves, srzp wrist. Pair
Illen's pure wool elastic
Jersey Ccat, bright red
Mfn'o Jersey rib Coat
Sws it?r, hesther mix
IKsn'c White Ercadcloth Cl 1 ft
Shirts, Cell, phane Wrappe.l
:. :rdct r,
Cr:c'-r..- ii?ck
r."; ic si-per-fins all 3ilk Hand
:r:.ds -.x-Kand Tics, c!:o!cft -i;er;'
pure &:!!. Rayon U.ilon
fiuli '-ICC tiVs'l
.".'oys' cr n.'s-c-' Cu.incjcrr
lit s!c: .Ci, cc!or Izr.
':;:'.: Ci!h ?r.ri Wool fancy
i. i cr tc, r o." p a i !
'.Jlzn-s r.2vy n?:p3 Cot
Cw.c-tors -iq co!Jc.r, only
Hoys' UuLit-r; FJannal Go.vns
fjil s'z?, bici ar.ti r"omy
.. 32.39
Slorc Open in Evening
Plattsntoutn, Ticbr,
I.uik, fcllnv.-s. r.'al lu:.::( r jacks with 2
t oc!; t:; a:.d i:i:.t(i!i i ufi Ta:i
and blue i in . k. Only
So. Side Main
hii;!) score was won by Mrs. K. j. Mc
Oonald and second high by Mrs. It.
K. Mathews and the guest prize was
won by Mrs. G. W. Holt. Mrs. Leon
ard Jarcline and Mrs. Artimr Amiei-
fi.n were guests of the afternoon.
Lovely refreshments were served at
the close of the afternoon. The next
uncling will be on December 19 as
a Christ party with Mrs. I'. L. Hall
as hostess. Greenwood Gazette.
King's Daughters Ivleet.
The King's I.'aughters Sunday
s' ht ol class met with Mrs. Hay Rouse
on last Friday afternoon. There was
a ger.d attendance. The usual bti.d-
I time with Me-o"r.mes
! Miller winning 'irises.
; frejihnu nt.; were .; l vt 1
cf the melting.
Smith a:id
L:e'y re
al thi Clf!.!
iiesd.t V
ncy V
i '.li i e i
ne-?s meeting was held, at which tim.1
the new .o;Ticers were elected as fel
lows: Mrs. Signi Sorman, president;
Mrs. Ma'ule Xewkirk, vice-president;
Mrs. Ada Mathews, secretary; Mrs.
Edna Miller, treasurer. Games v.ete
At ti e rerr.;e t r.f IV te Ku- i. v.l..
had l-sudt- the c: lr.nhii ::t ; gainst Al
fonso aiid William Wd?'.:, Crec.;
wood men, charging tlitm .vMi
u !n n t
'ri::. e
; grc
;n;i :i by f;-iuniy . t : i -G.
i-!idt. The I n.uble -i:o
;; ( 1 ri ' n i ! si t ni! "
!i ;.h 1 v. n i i-1 .
v.: Mr. I'.u.-i :.!!! ir un v!i, t
;' mi:) ; ! fl and blows ! u ' .
v r, tin- !.:r:iis ; m in iia
d to let the mutte r d ;:, and
g t'r." cempl.;i;
played during the remainder cf the , sault, the action wa.s diimissed Wcd-
I .
LtgrJ ana cciumerciai printing
U kinds nt the Jcnrnal office.
Trkrt To Hcspita!.
..Ik Myrt
Milier. A. '
f-i ve'v ; y ; Mrs.
wic; ; Mis. Kdn;
l.U'ittta Miller
Clynv.r. cor.d.
ast. cond.
Mrs. I.lernard Crady, xrr.o '.ufie:-. I
an injury to ne of h- r b ers whi'o
in the yard where si e stc jtped on a';
uneven place and w;i thrown to 1 1
ground, was taken to the bespit:.!
at Lincoln where she h: bedrg .urc:!
fe,r until the injurv l eal:-.
Miss Alice Iloii.dier
number of deys r.i
'.dll h'.t
st at the
friend o.
Lc iglito;:
week where she was the ev
home e-f Mrs. Leighton. w
ly resided h.ere and wa.-? i
the I'oueher fa:;iily. Mrs.
is at this time making her in j
South Lincoln, where se.e l.a? ; i
neighborhood store. Alico er- '
joyed the visit very mm h.
Lad Dies From Truck Injury.
Robert Xclson. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Xelson. a student of the Green
wood schools, while on bis way hoir."
from sch':ol, it being only eleven
o'clc:ck. and refding in the routh
westarn portion of Greenwood,
thought to save time by passing
across the highway sr,u'.hwest of thf
main street which is watched during
i he hours when the sUi'lrnt.; geneivl-
j The Tree and the Story,
! Yes the city i f Grecvwo-v! h:s ;
, fine Cliriftmas tree in the center cf
j the street intersection the bank
I and H. S. Petersen MacksJuith sho;.
Wit h the tree goe:; a story. A i)i;m-
-'T''i mmVH ,i"' 3 1 ' "n- struck by a truck ir-ir
Jw&&&G&&&'&&!i ! Kearney nrd s-bHi-Iy injured. Ti.
3S&wlr lad was t:ion immediately to the h. f
her of the o'ithu:d:::d.s for !;e bel;e;
ivent cf Greenwxd ; nd ihe k'- rii "
of its lights s'tir.inir at all t:: :cs. f:-r
they are tr thr- tr" Miuminatec.
agreed they would go get a tree, and
so S. S. Petersen, Huston WeLoii.
George Teyer. George T)t;"ikeniol::
and (Jeorge Pi.ckne I !, taking tN
truck of Mr. Meyers, went to the
country for a tree. Th:-y get a grrd
erne but were stud; in the iiiud tv
mm I I HW im I
1 mim a ww) warns Jmm- l i
'. ir E3, cr;iy a few days mere lo be exact, our oii' ponv contest w a Y.1
M It f
ed in
the tree
w M
was pu- M
; pital .it Ijincoln but pas.-red away ait
;tr a fev,- days. The funeral ws held j
ion lat buivlay at Aurora, where th
o Eeclaisne Goods
Tc PJaycr Piancs. four Upright Fiancs $15 tD $lGO
3-pi:cc Ocistu-Tsd Livirg Hsoni Suite, like new $3S
rnefdes and Dav?spaxt3 at $10 and $1S
5 a: lev Hratsrs $25 and up
ix Eiteheu Hangcs $15 to $35
$1S7.50 Eiiamel Combination Kitchen Eange, like new $50
Twenty Dressers.. 53.50 to $10 Commodes $1 and up
Beds and Sprirgs $'i to $5 Cupboards $3 to $7.50
15 good Dining Room Tables $3.50 to $7.50
Chairs, Rockers, Mirrors, Baby Cribs, Day
Beds and Many other Articles
Wc also have the New Stock
Subset Fnaffimfieimffe 5o.
Phone 645 PLATTSMOUTH So. 6th St
V7c man's Club
The Greenwood Wcn-.n's Club met ! fc
hist Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. U?t
K. i:. Mathews. The pre: idont, .Mrs. M
?hc. eitloH 1h niopliiur to nrt! i a
rnch fi n v-ovl rr 11 'ill Willi i
tmas Cuuemr;.'
as chairman of a milk proje
taken by the club reported
it under
an ave
age gain of two pounds in the past
two weeks by the fourteen under
weight children who arc furnished
milk and cracke's at school. Mrs. X.
O. Coleman reviewed "Good Times
or the Gold Standard;" and Mis.
Vein Shepler gave a Christians story.
Christmas carids were sung by high
school girls ; extet. Mrs. A. If. Webb
a returned missionary, gave an ad
dles? on "China and the Manchurian
The r.ccial committee of the club
wish to announce the Christmas party
for Dec. 16 with Mrs. Headley as
hostess. Each member is to bring a
10c gift for the tree.
-to be exact, our oi pony contest vail
Deceniber ISlh. Tiie name of the winner will fce announced and pony
awarded at cur store on Christmas eve. Some lucky boy or girl will
be the proud owner of Bimbo, the dandiest little pony you ever saw.
Don't Miss This Most Unusual Opportunity
Busy Bees Meet.
The Busy Bees of the M. E. church
met at the home of Mrs. O. F. Peters
for the election of officers and a so
cial time. Miss Velma Walradt, Pres- '
ident; Miss Minnie Palmquist, vice-j
president; Miss Lucile Ieesley, sec-
retary-tieasurer. Retiring officers;
were the Misses Anna Hurlbut'and;
Janice Compton. Eight of the class!
were present. Miss Mildred Shepara
of Elmwood was a special guest.
Ecnciagton Entertained.
Oa last Thursday afternoon the L.
C. C. Kensington, was pleasantly en
tertained by Mrs. Everett Cop? at her
j A,t rr-1-
AfuX just think, Children, it doesn't cost yutt
a red cent to enter the contest. Simply come
to our store, join the Poll-Parrot Pony Club,
I get your button, and wear it to show that
you are a member, and then write us a let
ter of not more than thirty-five words telling
us why you think every boy and girl should
wear Poll-Parrot All Leather Shoes. The one
writing the best letter will win the pony, and
the saddle and bridle,
FREE! Oh boy, isn't that
Now, just a word about
Poll-Parrot Shoes-They
are styled the way neat
,fy dressed boys and girls
iLke 'em and made over
nature-shaped lasts to
perfectly fit the feet.
Their flexible, easy
tondiag soles make
It is open to every boy and girl of
fifteen years of age or under. No
member of this store nor any mem
ber of his or tier family will be al
lowed to participate. Three judges
will decide on the best letter, and
their decision must be accepted as
final. In the event of a tie, duplicate
awards will be made.
them comfortable to wear and the all leather
quality of Foil-Parrot Shoes makes them
mighty hard to wear out.
Into every pair of Pell-Parrot Shoes for boys
and girls is built the same fine fit, the same
beautiful style, the same extra wear, and
extra value as is always found in Star Brand
Shoes for mother and dad. That's why Poll,
Parrot Shoes are the fin
est of footwear for the'
growing feet.
So that's our story. Now;
you join the Poll-Parrot
Clnh and write us vour
story and rememberv
the time is getting short.'
Just a few days more and
Bimbo will be giTcn
away. Come on, boy(
and girls, we want tt
hear from you alii
When Yoa Join th PoH
Parrot Pony Club WCiv
You a Duiian to Wear.
The Largest Store in Cass County