The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 10, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, AUG. 10, 1931.
Alvo News
Ellis Mickle has
Mullen farm north
rented the I,;ife
of town for the
coming year.
Roy Lt-avcr was looking after some
business matters in Lincoln on Tjies
4 ijr of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fischer of Lincoln,
visited with Mrs. Fischers' aunt, Mrs.
John Murtey on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Coatman vis
ited over Saturday and Sunday with
the Paul Coatman family.
Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Farsell of Elm
w d. were visiting Mr. and Mrs.
I'arsell at Alvo on last Thursday.
On Monday Miss Dorothy Peterson
and Mrs. Agues Peterson Grosvernor
of Kansas, motored to Lincoln, for
the day.
Miss Lulu Peterson is visiting her
mother. Mrs. Minnie- Peterson. She
I as been living at Wichita. Kan., for
several years.
Herman Berg who has been work
ing near Waverly for some time past
having completed his work there, re
turned to Alvo last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuball and son. Cur
tire, are visiting Mrs. Staubali's sis
ter. Mrs. Susia Roelofs;:. They ex
pect to be here until Sept. 1.
Simon Rehmeier and the family
and Mr. and Mrs Frank Taylor of
Alvo were visiting with relatives in
Omaha for the day on last Sunday.
The Joe Vicker.s family motored to
Lincoln. Saturday, and were forced to
stop along the road in the heaviest
of the rain and wind, on their way
The Btishhury picnic will be held
at Nickel grove on Sunday. August
1C. Be sure and bring your dinner
and enjoy the day with all the old
The Frank Cook family and Ceo.
Bornemeier family were guests of the
Blakie family of Kansas, at Lincoln.
mi the park on Sunday evening for a
picnic supper.
Mr, and Mrs. George Braun of
South Bend were In Alvo for the day
on last Wednesday and were guests
with the parents of Mrs. Braun, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Wager.
Little Petty Mutz. who was so se
verely injured when she fell from
i :. hay mow while at play is show
ing much improvement and was able
to return home late last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stroemer and
Margaret Jean and Mrs. Vanase and
son Dick, motored to Wauneta. Xeb..
.on last Saturday and visited with
the Howard Brown family over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea of
Lincoln were visiting for a short
time with friends in Alvo. they be
ing guests at the home of C. H. Kirk
pu'rick and ife and Mrs. John
Bars. W. C. Whitney of Omaha ar
rived in Alvo last week and is visit
ing for a time with her old time
friend. Mrs. John Murety and other
friends and acquaintances in and
near Alvo. ,9. Xj
The 4-H Coking Club will meet
Mi'ii Mrs. Frank Taylor. Aug. 11.
The next meeting, August 25. will
lie their achievement pVogram'and ex-"
Dibits. Those completing their goals
will be mentioned after next meet
ing. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mullen and
Nita, were invited to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dimmitt at Green
wood, to help Mr. Dimmitt and his
two grandchildren celebrate their
birthdays. They bad a very enjoy
able time.
Jose Romoulauletiso. better known
.foe. made a trip to Omaha last
week with John Skinner when he
was taking some stock over to the
market. Joe was not a portion of
the stock but just went along to see
the big town.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone motored
to Lincoln on Monday, taking Stan
ley Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
stone of CaL, to the train at Lin
coln, where he will leave for Colo
rado, and spend sometime there be
fore going to California.
Millie Warner and Roy Coatman
m hare concluded their threshing work
and have returned the outfit to the
0, M AC
For Troubles
due to Acid
ABOUT two hours after eating, many
people suffer from sour stomachs.
They cad it indigestion. It means that
the stomach nerves have been over
stimulated. There is excess acid. The
way to correct it is with an alkali, which
neutralizes many times its volume in
The right way is Phillips Milk of
Magnesia just a tasteless dose in water.
It is pleasant, efficient and harmless.
It is the quick method. Results come
almost instantly. It is the approved
method. You will never use another
when you know.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips
Milk of Magnesia, the kind physicians
prescribe to correct excess acids. 25c
and 50c a bottle any drugstore.
"Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S.
Registered Trade Mark of The Charles
H. Phillips Chemical Company and its
predecessor Charles H. Phillips since
3 i n
Do you know that over
1 r 10 .!
a period or 10 monins-
Persons were In
jured in Auto
Why not get your Liability in
surance TODAY and protect
yourself against damage suits?
Crabiil's Store Telephone 434
Plattsmouth, Neb.
sheds and feel that their work In this
line is completed for tne year with
the exception of a job for W. C. Tim
lin which will come later.
Mrs. Lloyd Feiffer of Enid, Okla
homa, and formerly Miss Lelia Shel
ton. is here visiting at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Sherman Wolfe, and
the family. Mrs. Feiffer will remain
for some two weeks and will also
visit with her many friends here.
The store room which is being re
Sniahed for the enterprising mer
ttant, Baikhurst and Son, is sure a
neat nlace and '-he tinting and blend
ing of the colors makes the lighting
effects fine and sure makes the room
a pleasant place In which to con
duct the business.
Sid James of Elmwood has rented
Mrs. Whitney's farm southeast of
Alvo, and Gerald Reber the eight y
of J. E. Hendricks. There has been
several families moved here that
have heretofore lived at Elmwood,
and we ;.re also glad to welcome
these two families into our commun
ity. The Martin Madison family of Goe-
hner, N'ebr.. have been visiting Mrs.
Peterson, at Alvo. Their son was an
honor student at Goehner high
school thin .spring. He attended the
12 years, without being
either ah-
, n , I
sent or tardy and received a final
grade of OS. He surely was a re
markable student.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have returned
to Alvo, after staying at the Henry
Clapp home several days caring for
things while Mr. and Mrs. Clapp and
son Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Appleman were visiting at Valentine.
Nebr., and Winner, S. D. They report
thai it is very dry out there and the
grasshoppers were thick.
James Hermance who has been in
the thickest of the threshing out west
of Lincoln for the past three weeks
having completed the work and the
threshing all ruu. .returned home
and had taken over the work at the
filling station again. During the time
while he was away the station wa-
looked after by Mr. Paul.
They Keep On Fishing.
They are Lyle Miller, Art Dingis,
Earl Dreamer, Walter Vincent and
Elmer and Carl, all the time think
ing that they will catch a fish even
larger than the one which Mr. Drea
mer eaOgM last week. They did not
have much luck this week. We will
see what happens later. Keep on
fishing boys.
They Say the Boys Did It.
Well you may expect the boys to
do it every time, not just what they
say they did in this instance, but the
boys will get there and will keep on
doing something all their lives. They
will accomplish a lot in a lifetime,
and it is up to us to direct their ef
forts for they have the steam and
will surely accomplish something,
make the hoy your pal and he will
lift you out of the dumps as well
U you helpiner him. However in this
instance, the boys were like all boys
seeking to do something and getting
some burnable materials, built :t
small fire in the garage of C. D,
Ganx, which required the hurry up
wagon of the Alvo fire department
to extinguish. There was great ex
citement and many sweat pulling on
the hose cart, but the damage was
Reset Gas Pump.
The Prairie Home Oil Company
who have pumps at the store of Ed
gar Edwards who vends their goods,
were over on last Wednesday and
looked after the resetting of one of
'he pas pumos which was slightly
out of repair and not quite plumb,
1 ne pump atter they had worked
it was working to perfection.
Visiting Friend Here.
Mrs. Clifton Mr-Master who war
formerly Miss Ruby Woods, has beer
here visiting for some time, accom
panied by the little babe, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Woods
and was joined early last week by
the from Jetmore, Kansas
and who is visiting for a short time
neron tney return to their home
the south.
Visiting in West.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nelson and
their daughter departed early thii
morning (Monday) for the west and
will spend -some three or four days
minion in 1 wes'. 1 ney win es
pecially visi at Greeley, "Colorado,
where the mother of Mrs. Nelson re
sides, Mrs. Edward RodenbauRh and
following this wili also visit at Den
ver, Colorado Springs and other
places of interest. They will return
during this week. While tbey are
away the business will he looked
after by Elmer Rosenow and John
Some One Has the Nerve.
They had something more then
nerve when tbey stole the gas Iron
the fire department truck, and when
the car is placed in readiness for any
fire that might occur it is expected
to be in readiness for immediate ac
tion, and th one who would steal
the gas from the truck and allow
while some
far from bu-
Emery Martin Heier. son of Ar
thur and Eva Heier, was born Nov.
26. 1915, on a farm near Alvo, Ne
braska. The years of his infancy and
rfiildhood were full and free, accord
ing to the nature of a growing boy.
Young manhood was just ahead of
him, but It was not his privilege
to enter into this period of life.
Last spring ho met with what
seemed at the time a very minor ac
cident, which later developed, how
ever, into very serious complications
and resulted in his death, on Sunday
August 2, 1931. at twp o'clock ii
the afternoon. He passed away at
the age of 15 years, six months, six
He received Christian baptism in
his youth under the supervision of
the Eyangelical church.
He leaves to mourn his going hi-s
father and mother, one brother, three
grandparents and many other rela
tives and friends.
1 cannot say, and I
That he is dead: He
will not say
is just away :
With a cheery smile, and a wave of
the hand.
He has wandered into an unknown
And left us dreaming how very fair
It must be, since he lingers there.
Rev. H. A. Norenberg.
Death Remembrance of Emery Heier.
A previous one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled:
A place is vacant in our home.
Which never can be filled.
God la his wisdom has recalled.
The boon his love had given,
And through- the body slumber's
The soul is safe in Heaven.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to all who so kindly assisted
during the illness and after tlu-
death of our son, Emory Heier, and
m . ,. 1 1 . , 1
ior me Kinu worus 01 sympauiy iuiu
beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and
Mrs Arthur
lb ier.
Heier and son, Ivan
Mrs. Lloyd Larson left hei
T Ford sedan standing on
street between Second and
streets Monday afternoon, with hei
two children in it while she called
at the home of Mis. . J. Myers. The
engine was left running and In some
way it slipped into gear and the car
started forward. As it passed tin
residence of J. R. Noyes, the children
screamed for help and Mr. Xoyes
who was sitting at the supper table
ran to their assistance. He climbed
upon the running board on the right
-ide ot the car but was unable to
reac h the brake and the carcVuirtnucd
to gain speed, cutting across the
Xoyes and Myers gardens and com
ing to a halt as it struck and de
molished an out door closet at the
rear of the John Myers' lots.
i-ittle Kettle .Maxme Karson. seven
years old. jumped from the car as it
ran across lots but her little brother.
almost three, was unable to do so and
when the building was struck and
the car brought to a stop he was
thrown against the windshield, but
aside from a few bumps was not In
jured. The car was not seriously
damaged. Louisville Courier.
The school board of District No. 31.
of Cedar Creek, Cass county. Nebras
ka, will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing property:
The building formerly used
for school purposes;
Two good Estate Heatrola
beating stoves, good as new.
Sale will be held at Cedar Creek,
on Thursday. August 20th, 1931. be
tween the hours of 12 noon and 3
p. m.
R. M. Stivers, Director.
A young man spent $443,000 go
ii to Vale four years. When that
kind of money is mentioned nowa
days, the question naturally arises,
what was he buying protection for,
and from whom was he buying it?
Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the Countv Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons Interested iy the
estate of William D. Wheeler, de
ceased :
On reading the petition of W. A.
Wheeler, praying a final settlement
and allowance of his account lied
In this Court on the 8th day of
August. 1931 and for assignment of
the assets of said estate and his dis
ehargs as administrator;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said mat
ter may and do, appear at the Coun
ty Court to be held in and for said
eotrnty, on the 4th day of September.
A. D. ftf at ten o'clock a. m. to
show cause, if any there be, why
the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice cf
the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons httereSted in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three snrrpaotTo week-;
prior to said day of hearing.
In witness whereof I have here
unto net my hand and the seal of
said Court this 8th day of August,
A. D. tffl,
(Seal, al0-3w County Judge.
a home to burn down
one had to go get gas is
ing a good citizen.
A Weak Link?
VF you have neglected
to secure any one of
the five most im
portant kinds off auto
mobile insurance--fire,
theft, collision,
property damage, and
liability insurance
there is a weak link in
your chain of protec
tion which may prove
Fhone us now.
A. H. & R. M. Duxbury
Manley News Items
Clarence Allen was a visitor with
friends in Omaha last .Sunday.
Elmer Salsberg has been assisting
-'iih the work at the Farmers drain!
com pan j elevator, at Manley.
Harold Krecklow has been painting
th exterior of the Harms store, which
is making the building look much
the better.
Dr. Thomas,
was visiting in
lay. coming to
kins, who was
Roy R hod en
of Weeping Water,
Manley last Wed n s
visit Mrs. Alice Jen
very ill.
and the family of
south of Elmwood, were visiting at
the home of Ct. V. Rhoden, a son, re
naining for a week's visit.
Frank H. Stn'nder. of Omaha, was
1 visitor in Manley on last Wedneav
lay and was looking after some busi- j
ss matters for a short time.
The Royal Neighbors of America'
:ad a very interesting meeting at the
Manley 1 all on hist Wednesday and ;
njoyed a very pociable time as well
is some prood eats.
A. Steinkamp. who has been feel-1
ng rather poorly for some time, was
kept to his bed and also from his
.'. G.rk for a riurtiber of days, hut is re- 1
oorted as feeling much better at this
Early last week Herman Harms
mil Albert i;;;ffi.s departed for Oak
'and. Iowa, where they went to work
in the construction of the pipe line.
which is being laid through that ter-
Frank Misheck and the family de
parted last week for Oakland. Iowa.
(There thty will make their home dur
ng the work of installation of the
ifpe line which is being laid through
hat territory now.
Mrs. Henry Osborne, who has been:
isifing in (ilrifag for the past ten j
lays, where she has been the guest j
if her sisters arid Other relatives. re-
'urnod home. Jfe .last week, having ;
mi joyed a very , fine visit.
Mrs. Alice Jenkins has been quite j
U at her home in Manley and her
ns. Walter, of Havelock. and Clyde,
nf Denver, .were here falling on the
mother and rendering what service;
they could in her illn-ss.
Played Pinocle Wednesday
Bra, Herman Rauth was hostess to
I Dumber of her lady friends on last
Wednesday, and notwithstanding the
very warm weather, the ladies enjoy
"! a number ofyery interesting games
if pinocle. They sure had some good
?ats in connection with their games
tnd bad a vnry fine time. Among
"boste who were present for the occa
sion were tfeaftnaee S. Ray Smith, A.
R. Dowler. Mogans Johnson, Jess
Smith and Earnest Hninnig. They
-ture enjoyt d the " i aM:i ri ry much.
Departs for Her Home
Miss Ceeile Bfasaard, a niece of the
housekeeper at the parish house, af-i
ter a very pleasant visit with the.
aunt, departed last week for her home,
t Lowell. Massachusetts, and was
accompanied as lar as t.nicago oy tne'
R v. Father Henry Wautelle. who
was also making a trip to Chicago.
Will Try Fishing
Harry Hawes. with the wife and
family, departed last week for the
north, where they are expecting to
spepd some ten days or two weeks at
the lakes of northern Minnesota.
While they are away, Edward Kelley.
Sunday School
Food Fun Band Concert
Eight Mile Grove
Lutheran Church
Tuesday Evening
August 11th
Fair Beginning at 6:00 P.
You are Cordially
who is an exnerieuced grain ami ele
vator man, will look after the busi
ness here. Mr. Hawes could not have
se'ected a better man for the posi
tion than Mr. Kelley.
From Thursday p Daily
Mrs A. Martin Tollefson, of Des
Monies, Iowa, is here spending the
week as the guest of Miss Helen Wes-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daslun r of
C'erwood were here last evening to
spend a few hours with the ehitivv
and friends and enjoying a short out
ing. Mrs. C. A. Rosencrans a id Mr
F. G. Egenberger were at Lincoln
Wednesday where they wen- sailed
(Hi some .matters of business for a
ptiort time.
Mi. and Mrs. M. L. Luugly of Fort
Collins. Colorado, are enjoying a visit
at the home of Mr. and Mis. Prank
Topliff of Mynanl, Mrs. Ixmgly be
I ing a stater 01 rant, ropiin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Custin of Mur
! dock, were in the city Wednesday
afternoon and while here were callr
jers at the Journal to renew their
subscription to the weekly edition of
! the paper.
! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed. Leroy
j Perkins and William Nelson were at
I L'tccln last evening where they at
tended tne twnty-nttn wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Nel-
1 son.
Rev. and lfrs. Prank Baa or?
! Pfoutz of Albion, Nebraska, were
I here last evening as guests at the
i home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott
and departing this morning by auto
for Iowa where they will visit with
'. relatives .
From Krirtav s railv
Mr. and Mrs. A. O Peareley of
near Union were here last evening to
spend a short time .'iiiting with Mrs.
Frank Hughson and family.
From sn r u MS v h Hnllv
Miss Vivian Livingston departed
for Chicago where she will be a
guest of friends there for a few
Miss Kathleen Troop departed Fri
day for Alexandria. Minnesota, where
she will be the guest of Miss Mar
jorie Could, a classmate at the Uni
versity of Nebraska and a sorority
sister of Miss Troop.
Mrs. C. V. Clark and son. Jack
Walker, of Aurora. Nebraska, ar
rived here Friday afternoon for a
short visit with Arthur J. Jackson,
father of Mrs. Clark, returning this
afternoon to Aurora and accompanied
by Mr. Jackson, who will enjoy a
; tew days out nig.
L James Fitzgerald, who ror tiie
past few mouths has made his home
with the Bdward Fitzgerald family
,on the farm west of Mynard. depart
ed this morning for Falfurris, Texas,
where he will visit with his brother.
Frank Fitzgerald, for a few months,
returning here for the winter.
Mrs. Henry Tinim was visiting her
sister in Xt braaka City Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Harapson of
Omaha were visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hansen, Sun
day. The Lewistori band played at
Cedar Creek Sunday.
Emil and Geo! Hobscheidt and
Dale Hansen were in Omaha Monday
to see Henry Hobscheidt who was
operated on at the St. Catherine's
hospital, and also Ethan Allen.
Mr. Nick Friedrich and Richard
were over at LewistOO Monday night
to band practice.
Mrs. Albert Claggett of Denver is
visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Chas
Harold Ht .-sen flow, who is at the
C. M. T. C. camp at Fort Crook, was
visiting at his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. YV. F. Moore.
A good time was reported by all
those who attended 4-H camp at
Bellevue Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kiimni were
calling on the sick folks, Mrs. Ken
dak. Henry Hotiecheidl and
Allen, in Omaha Sunday.
Margaret Hobscheidt returned
home from the hospital Saturday
where she has been for the past week
Buffering from blood poison.
There will be a community pro
gram at Lewistou August 11th.
Baltimore Paul C. Wolman, na
tional commander of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, said his organization
would urge payment in full of ad
justed compensation to veterans
I when congress convenes in December.
The removal of all interest charges
on money ontainect ny tne veterans
and refunding of any interest pay
ments already made to the national
government, will be included in the
request, Mr. Wolman said.
The veterans' commander revealed
the contemplated action of his organ
ization in answer to a speech made
by Representative Johnson, republi
can. South Dakota, chairman of the
house World war veterans' commit
teee, before the Iowa convention of
the American Legion Wednesday. In
his address the representative pre-1
dieted that lull payment of the ad
justed compensation would be de
manded of bis committee when con
crens meets and said "I am convinced
that it would be an
finance the complete
justed compensation,
the present time."
impossibility to
payment of ad
or the bonds at
Jackson. Miss. Returns from
Tuesday's democratic primary in
Mississippi showed the faction of
Governor Bilbo to have been thoroly
heaten in a record vote of more than
300, 000, with Hugh White and Mike
Conner, two independent candidates,
Swept into a run off for governor.
Since Mississippi demands a majority
of all votes caat to win, White an-i
Conner will enter a second primary
AUg. -o.
Reclaimed Like New
7- piece Walnut Dining Room Suite $19.50
8- piece Walnut Dining Room Suite 39.50
8-piece Oak Dining T . 55 otite 25.00
Three good Oak Burets $9.50 to $12
Thirty Dining Room Chairs $1 to $2.50
Two China Cabins $4 each
Four Kitchen Cabins ; $3.50 to $15
"ight Dining Room Tab?e3 .$3.50 to $7.50
Six Duoolds and Daveupcrtj $7.50 to $15
Kitchen Ranges $7.5Cf to $35
Cas Ranges, used and new $5 to $39.50
Coleman Gas Lamp, IL-e new $5
Twenty Beds, every $i;e $1 to $5
Twenty Bed Springs $1 to $5
Matti esses, $1 to $4. . Rocking Chairs, $1.25 to $3.50
Thiity Dressers $3.50 to $15
Library Tables $2.50 to $7.50
Three Walnut Radio 'i les $2.50 to $5
Walnut Davenport Tables $7.50
Cne Electric Washer, $15 Good hand Washer. . . .$5
Three Ice Boxes $5 to $7.50
Two good Cream Separators $3.50 and $12.50
Two Medicine Cabinet $1 and $1.50
Cupboards, Wardrobes, Dishes, Pots and Pans AH
must be sold Come while the stock lasts
Ghrist Furniture Co.
118-122 So. 6th St. Phone 645
File Against
Former Bankers
at Beemer, Neb,
Additional Complaints Made on Ru
mor Lallman and Severa May
Get a Parole
West Point County Attorney El
lenberger has filed new complaints
against Joseph S. Severa and A.
Henry Lallman. former cashier and
assistant cashier of the insolvent
Beemer State bank of which Paul
Wupper was president.
Two complaints were filed against
Severa and Lallman jointly charging
them on three counts for issuing cer
tificates (jf deposit without entering
them on bank books antl for misap
plication of funds. Two other com
plaints filed only against Severa
charge six counts of accepting de
posits after the bank was insolvent.
Four other counts against Severa
charge him with making false state
ments to the state department of
trade and commerce.
In two complaints filed separately
against Lallman he is charged with
accepting deposits after the bank
was insolvent. arrants for the two i
men were issued Thursday morning. I
The charges were filed late Wednes- !
Both are now serving sentences
in the state penitentiary at Lincoln
after pleading guilty on one count
each of making false entries. Re
ports reached here that they may be
paroled and the new charges were
filed. Wupper is serving a 110 year
sentence in connection with failure
of the Beemer bank. Severe was
given a seven year term and Lallman
five years by Judge Chase of Stan
ton. One complaint charges that Se
vera and Lallman made a statement
that the Beemer bank had $100. otto
more than it actually had. Another I
$1)10,000 descrepancy, officials charg
ed, was found in alist of bank de
posits totaling $519,000 where there
really were deposits ot 01!i,000.
One of the times when a woman
thinks rather less than nothing of
her husband is when be is able to
sleep right through thunderstorm,
leaving her to go through the house
and close all te doors and windows.
AUG. 12th
Friendship Mottoes, reg. 40c, special.
Ruled and Unruled Ink Tablets, special
$1 Fountain Pens, now
Butter Scotch Toffee
Visit Our 19c Table
Many Unusual Values
Bates Book & Stationery Store
Poultry Wanted
August 12th
Cash Prices
H;avy Springs, lb . . 19c
Leghorn Springs . . 14c
Heavy Hens, lb. . . . 14c
Light Hens, lb 11c
Prices Good until 5 f . M. '
Plattsmouth Produce
at Farmers Co-Op.
Clearwater. Aug. fi. Funeral ser
vices were held for Joseph L. Okee,
88, last civil war veteran of Clear
water. Okee was born Aug. 9, 1843, at
Worcestershire. England. He came
to America in 1856, settling in Iowa.
He enlisted in Company G of the
Twenty-third Iowa infantry in 1862.
After his discharge at Hai risbiirg.
Tex.. July 27, 1865, he returned to
Des Moines and was married. Late'
he lived in different Nebraska towns,
including 25 years at Battle Creek.
In 1902 the Okees moved to Clear
water, Mrs. Okee dying in 1905. Ho
is survived by a daughter and son.
The three surviving veterans of
Antelope county were present at the
tites conducted by the AauuicanLe
gion. Have yon anything to sell? Tell
the world about it through the Jour
nal's Want Ad deDartment.
ains For
only '. tt
Candy lb. .
. vv,- it: