The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 06, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY. AUG. 6. 1931.
N E i I A W K A
Miv Mall
Polhud was in Lincoln
D. C. West
ami Bob were In Om-
aha Monday.
Merrill Sheldon
of GrafT was in
Nehawka Monday.
Mis. M,i;v Kotlkhut
x as a Platts-
mouth visitor Monday.
K H. I'hapman ami Ruth drove to
:-Vh aska Ctl Saturday.
Mv. ami Mi Ralph llai
e.e in Murra Sunday.
T" . Lewiston Nehawka band
In Cedar Creeh Sunday.
R. N Ingwerson and Marry Ing-
. -,-n were in Omaha Tuesday.
V'. and Mrs. Jim Stone left Sun-.'-(v
or a week's visit in Omaha.
m t4 Rose. Charles and Kllen
ncY id Lincoln Sunday.
TV Ner.awk Iwiston hand play
rknmto evening ;l i Lnerieton.
- Ma k I'm ton and Robert were
Schmata Cly Monday afternoon.
J C Easter Of Grant left Sunday
afto: visit injt hrs mother and sisters.
Mrs. R. H. Ingworsen ami la
Vern:, drove to Nebraska City Mon- i
d.ix .
Mis Cheater Stone and Mrs. Henry
Sturm verb in Nebraska City Tues
day Mrs. bfnriou Tinker and Mrs.
Prank Sheldon drove to Lincoln Mon-
Johnny Dale left Sunday for Om
an for a week's visit with his par
ent?. Mrs. A. W. Fleshman and Ieora
were flatting in Avoea Monday after
noon. Carl Iorr left last Thursday for
Iowa where he will enjoy a short va
eation. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Switzer were
attending the baseball game in Mur
ray Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hehrns. Ruth.
Oertiude and Harvey were in Shen
andoah Sunday.
Ernest Opp left Thursday for
San '.a Diago. California where he is
fv the C. S. Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Carper of
Murray had dinner wtih Mrs. Ger
trude Carper Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Chapman were
vi-iting Mrs. Chapman's parents in
Avoea Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling InRwerson
t Plattsmouth were visiting' Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Ingwerson Monday.
Albeit Ingwerson of near Lincoln
came Monday for a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Insrxverson.
Chester Stone and Frank 'I rotter
trucked cattle to Omaha for Bill Ost
and E. A. Nutzman Monday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Adams and
Bumell returned Friday from a two
week's vacation trip to Yellowstone
V. P, Sheldon and Bill drove to
f'lattsmnnth Saturday and drove back
The R o which was damaged in an
accident last month.
Li"le Erva Lancaster, daughter
' I Mr; and MA. Albert Lancaster was
sr" nding last week with her little
isin. Miss Marjorie Lancaster east
'f Murray.
tin rene Hansen and Carl Chris
wtesev drove to Omaha Friday and
drove back a new Chrysler sedan,
ehieb la now on display at the Han
sen garage.
Mrs. Albert Wolfe and daughter.
Miss Gladys, were visiting with
r-iendr in Lincoln on last Monday,
thev driving over in their auto for
the occason.
Phillip Sauter of the Masonic
Home at Plattsmouth was a visitor
in Nehawka on Monday of this week
and was visitine with his many
niends while here.
On last Saturday evening fTie wind
blexx- a tree down on the yard of
.':- Prank Sheldon, nearly striking
the honee, but while close the danger
was. averted however.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stone. Mrs.
Brace Btone anil Marilyn took din
ner Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mra. Robert McConnaha in Lincoln.
They returneil Sunday.
Marion M. Tucker who is at the
training camp at Fort Crook for a
month was a visitor at home for over
Sunday, returning to his work there
late last Sunday evening.
The bridge north of the R. C. Pol
lard home ami completed Tuesday
hf-n the county filled in the ap
proach to the bridge after J. Miller
had completed raising it four feet.
Sam Lingo of Elaine, South Da
kota, a former teacher in the Ne
hawka schools,' arrived Thursday for
I short visit with friends. He left
Tuesday for Lincoln for a visit there.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rough went
to Omaha Sunday where they met
their grandHon. Harold Dane who
ile the trip from Iowa City, Iowa.
He plans to be here until school be-
1'. Opp and the family of Lin
were visiting for over the week
. T'fl
at the home of John Opp and
and were visiting with the fath-
cr. P
Ler upp. wtio nas been serious-
Donald Opp. son of Mr. ami Mrs.
John Opp has been rather ill for the
pus! few days, taking with a slight
lever on last Friday and was still
confined to his bed the lrst of this
Mar fin Edminson was the victim
( f another automobile accident last
reek when the car in which he was
teaching his uncle to drive, turned
over live miles east of York, injuring
him slightly.
Honry Wessell has been feeling
suite pocrly for the past week, and
i ;nuch so that he does not stay at
the store only for the short time
ihat allows John G. Wunderlich to
go to his meals.
Carl Price was over to Weeping
water on last Saturday for a truck
li ;:! ot peaches for the Sheldon
tl ill supplying the trade with
.. ,, excellent quality of peaches at a
very fair price.
Mr. and Mrs. Georg Copenhaver
family left Friday noon for a
two week's vacation to Colorado.
While he is gone Delbert Switzer will
e his truck for the Farmers Co
operative Oil Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wunderlich
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Sturm and family, Mr. and Mrs. B.
E. Sumner and family and Mr. and
Mrs Qeorga Pollard enjoyed a pic
nic Monday evening.
Peter Opp who is holding to the
best in life is showing improvements
witl! every day. not making progress
rapidly, but still gradually showing
Improvement which is very pleasing
in his many friends.
The tennis court which has been
overgrown with weeds was cleaned
; Monday and Tuesday by Mark
Hurfcn. Taft Pollard and Robert Bur
ton. The court was rolled and lined
and i- now ready for use.
Nelson Berger and the good wife
were oxer to Clatonfa on last Sunday,
they driving in their car, where they
visited at the home of a sister of
Mrs Merger for the day and nil en
joyed a most pleasant day.
The 4-M members from Nehawka
returned Saturday from their camp
at Belle VU6 where they had been
camping since last Wednesday. Over
ISO girls and ST boys attended from
Sarpy, Otoe, Cam and lHuiglas coun-
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stone com
pleted moving Monday to the Kirk
patrfeb home north of the TJ. B.
church Formerly they occupied the
home ot Mrs. Itmh ollard. who a
photl time ago returned from a trip
to Seattle. Washington.
On Sunday George Troop and
wife living north of Rock Blulfs en
tertained for the day and dinner and
had as their guests for the occasion
Thomas Troop, Messrs. and Mesdames
Victor Wehrbein and Anderson
Lloyd. The day was most pleasantly
Miss jos Troop who was spend
ing :i number of days last week at
the Ml club camp at Bellevue, fol
lowing her return last xveek was
guesl foi a few days at the home of
her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Orucker east of Nehaxvka for over
the week end.
A letter from Mrs. W. O. Troop,
her daughter. Mrs. Wtn. Gorder. and
Mrs. Robert Troop of west of My
nard, Mrs. R. C. Rhoden of Murray,
vim are in the west is that they are
2 11 enjoying a very fine time and will
remain for another week. The-y drove
to the west about ten days since
: mi ate visiting at various places and
Btrf 11 expect to return together when
their visit is out.
Garage Destroyed by Fire.
Fatly Monday morning the com
bination garage, granary and tool
shop belonging to Conant Wolph was
le I royed by fire. The fire w hich
originated in the electric light plant
caused a loss of $3,000 which was
partially covered by insurance.
The fire was discovered at 5:1."
and a call was sent on all of rhe
country lines which was responded
to by many farmers. The chemical
cart, which is stored in the Lundberg
garage, was driven out to the fire by
Vrner Lundberg accompanied by
Walte' Wunderlich, Glen Rutledge.
and Cliff Trotter. The truck, al--hough
unable to sax'e the burning
building prevented the barn from
Three cars which were in the gar
age were removed without damage
although many tools. 250 bushels of
wheat, machinery, the electric light
plant and some grass seed was des
i royed.
United Brethren in Christ.
Otto Engebretson. pastor
Bible church school 10 a. BL
Morning worship service 11 a. fn.
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Young People's Christian En-j
deavor meets on Friday night. If you 1
live in the Otterbein community i
tnese are your services. Come. e
shall look for you.
Bible church school 10 a. m.
Worship and praise service 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
The young people will have a so
cial meeting next Thursday evening,
t.ook for announcement of place in
next week s paper.
Your pastor and wife has had a
very pleasant vacation and xvill be
'.xith you in next Sunday's services.
We shall look for a full attendance
at the services.
Edgar A. Guest says "Leave it
to the minister and soon the church
:I1 die; Leave it to the women folks,
the young will pass it by; For the
the church is all that lifts us from
the coarse and selfish mob, and the
church that is to prosper needs the
layman on the job."
"The earth is the
fullness thereof, the
that dwell therein."
Lord's and the
world and they
Ps. 24:1.
Has Some Nice Pigs.
Hoxxell Saint John who has a very
fine lot of shoats, there being a lit
ter of nine, is giving them very goed
care and the care of the pigs is re
flected in the condition they are
showing. There are of course better
ones in all littlers and it is so in this
case. To enter a little one has to en
i ?r them as such for the state fair
exhibits and as a few of the litter
are not so promising, he would not
want them in. However, he has two
which are spotted Poland China
boars which are indeed very fine.
Any lover of fine hogs would be well
j.aiu to eirop around and see
heard which he is growing.
Visiting Grandparents.
George Rough Dane of Iowa
inwa, Bon or Mr. and Mrs. Harold J.
Dane of that place started fron. his
home town early Sunday morning
notwithstanding he is only nine
years of age. and came to Omaha via
train by hinuself, and was met there
by hi? grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
J. S Rough who drove to Omaha to
meet him and is spending several
weeks in Nehawka.
Celebrated Tomorrow.
Charles D. St. John and a Ne
braska product, for he was born in
Nebraska August 6th, 1869, will cele
brate his birthday anniversary on
Thursday of this week. Mr. St. John
will be then just 64 years of age and
all of it spent in the beet state in tbe
union, sad in two oi tbe best coun-
ties in the state, Cass and Otoe. Drop
around and shake hands with your
miller and congratulate him on his
staying in such a favored spot as
Nehawka and vicinity. Here is to
you, Uncle Charlie. We are giving
you three cheers, and trust you may
live for years and years and years.
Still Breaking into Houses.
Some one must watch when Henry
Lindsey leaves home and then breaks
into his home carrying off his sup
plies for when he returns, having
left a supply of things to eat, he
rinds the house broken into and the
supplies gone. Henry would like to
know who it is who cannot afford to
purchase something to eat.
Visiting in the South.
On last Monday morning, early at
that, for it was just breaking day,
Albeit Anderson and the family de
parted for Enid. Oklahoma, where
they went to visit with a sister of
Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Frank Sehroad
er and family and as they passed
through Lorton they stopped and
picked up Mrs. C. Steffens' mother.
Mrs. Anderson.
Engages in
On last Monday
P. Sheldon visited
he went to assist
afternoon Vilas
at Stella, where
the son. Merrill,
the purchase of a
place. They went
who was making
business at that
down to look the matter nvt
eide whether they would
r and de
take the
place or not. This
rill in position to
ness foi himself.
would place Mer
engage in bnsi-
A large dinner was served at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. John GOCh
enour, Sr. Sunday. August 2nd In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shel
don. Jr. and family of Qshkosh, Ne
braska. Twenty-two people were
The other guests were as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Warreiier anil
daughter of Lincoln: Mr. and
Win. Gochenour and family. Mr.
Mrs Michael Hula and family;
and Mrs. Frank Rice ;:ml son;
Ruby Sheldon and Mr. Lenard
kow all of this city.
A splendid time was had by
Have you anything to sell? Tel
the world about it through the Jour
nal's Want Ad department.
Spend It for
One o
These Bargains
1925 Ford Tudor $19.SO
1924 Ford Coupe 19.50
1923 Chevrolet Truck 19.50
1923 Ford Coupe 19.50
1924 Ford Tudor 19.54)
1922 Ford Touring 19.50
1924 Ford Touring 19.50
1923 Ford Touring 19.54)
1924 Ford Touring $29. SO
1925 Studebaker Tcuring 29.50
1S25 Ford Coupe 29.50
1924 Studebaker Coupe 29.50
1926 Ford Coupe
1926 Ford Coupe
1926 Ford Roadster
1926 Overland Coach
1925 Studebaker Coupe. $129.50
Fordson Tractor 129.50
1926 Chevrolet Truck 129.50
1927 Chevrolet Coach 129.50
and Some at
Higher Prices
1927 Pcntiac Sedan $225
1928 Chrysler Sedan 375
1927 Chrysler Coach 225
Fordson Tractor 225
1928 Chevrolet Coupe 250
1928 Graham-Paige Coupe 250
1929 Chevrolet Coach 350
1929 Ford Truck 375
1928 Essex Coach 250
1929 Whippet Coach 295
1929 Ford Tudor 285
1929 Ford Tudor 285
Fordson Tractor 250
1929 Ford Coupe 315
Terms if You Wish!
Plattsmouth Motor Co.
From Monday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lorigan and
children of Omaha, were here Sun
day to enjoy the picnic at Naeves
Mrs. ('. A. Johnson and daughter,
Vera, who were visiting at Denver.
Colorado, for the past week, return-
d home Sunday.
Matthew Wooster of Omaha was
here over Sunday to visit the nla
lives and friends and to take In the
big picnic Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. B, Hickman of Mo
line, Illinois, arrived Sunday for a
visit here with the w. B. Rosencran
family and other relatives.
Mrs. G. L. Youeum and mot lo r.
Mrs. F. G. Coryell, motored ovai
from Ashland today lo attend to some
matters of business for a short time.
Mrs. da Belle Thomas of Malcolm,
is here to enjoy a visit at the home
Of her grandfather. W. F. Campbell
iml family and enjoying a short outing.
Vincent Slatidsky of Sedalia, Mis
souri, arrived beta Sunday for a short
visit with the relatives and friends
and to attend the church picnic on
Mr. and Mrs. Karry Royal and Mr.
and .Mrs. Mike Derieg of Lincoln,
xvere here Sunday for a few hours
visit here with Judge ( L. Graves,
father of the ladles.
Mrs. Verdon Vroman and children
of Highland Park, Illinois, is here for
visit at the home of her parents,
Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Mauzy and at
the L. E. Vroman home.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Franzen and
children of Omaha, motored down
Sunday to spend the day at the home
f Mrs. Fran zed's parents, Mr. ami
Mrs. ML S. Brigga and to assist in
the seventy-second birthday anniver
sary ol Mr. Hriggs.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Rough of
Nehawka. 'were here for a short time
Sundav en route to Omaha .where
they met their nine-year-old grand
son. Harold Rough Dane.' 61 Iowa
City. Iowa, xvho is to siend some
xveeks at Xehawka with the grand
parents. Mr and Mis. R. K. Bailey and
Hon. Robbie, of Los Angeles. Califor
nia, who ha v.- been visiting here at
the home of Superintendent and Mrs.
K. E. Uailey. departed Sunday for
Sturgia, South Dakma, where they
xviii visit another brother, William
oailey. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bailey
ore epectiug to join the other mem
bers of the family at Sturgis for a
few days visit.
From Tut'silav's iuii.v
Mrs. Elmer Welenkatnp of Omaha
Was here Monday lt't'-rtioun to ;'ttend
the funeral services of he lato Miss
Jane! Bajeefc .
Attorney Ui,y L. Clements of Elm
vrbod was in the city for a short time
'.day looking after some matters' In
(the district court. 1
Mr. and ilrs- Paul Sandoz of
Creigbtpn, tyebrasga, are here for a
fhOli visit at t'Tie home of yir. and
Mrs. Rex Youiik. old time friends.
1 . County ConvHuuH-er Ban A. Oiivo
I of the American Legion with Sterl
ing Amick. adjutant of the Weeping
Water ost. were here Monday after
! noo- for a short lime laVking after
I s me business .;a 1 trr-.
Carter Alhin and wife of near
Union xxere iri fhe city for a short
time today attending to some mat
ters of business.- and while here Mr.
Alhlq was a caller at the Journal to
renew his subscription to the week
ly edition of the paper.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam GihUOUl of
south of the city are leaving on
Wednesday for Lake Okihoji, Iowa,
and the Minnesota lakes where they
will join Mr. and Mrs. James Gilmour
of Ulysses, taking' part .11 ihe outing
In the lake country for a short time.
From Wednesdays rinlly
John Lynn of mien was here to
day tei loeik after some matters of
business at the court house and call
ing en his many friends.
Attorney ('. IS. Tefft of W4eotnn
Wilier was in th- city for a short
Itimo today looking after some niat
j (ers of business at the OOUXf hexuse.
Mrs. Blwood Buttery and four
children, of Pender. Nebraska; who
have been here visiting at the home
! of Mr. and Mrs. M. EL Ruitery. de
parted this morning for their home.
Miss Beatrice Seybert. of Chicago,
arrived Tuesday to enjoy a visit here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Seybert and her sister, Mrs. Don
Solvers and family while on her va
cation. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Choutka and
daughters; Elsie and Hose, and Misses
SettV and Sylvia Vrzal. of Madison.
Nebraska, are here for the xveek visit
ing at the V. A. Swatek and Cyril
Kaiina homes.
Mrs. Paul Campbell of Minatare.
Nebraska, who was called here by
the illness and death of her sister,
Miss Janet Bajeck, departed this
morning for Smith Uend to visit t ho
relatives of Mr. Campbell and then
on to her home'.
Miss Dora Wlchtnanni er Denver.
( oio . daughter of Rev. O. O. Wich
mann arrived yesterday from Wash
ington I). C. where she had spent a
i"xv wet ks with her
She will stay hen
until the end of her
Bister, Mrs. Day.
with her father
Sunday. Aug. 1Kb.
JC.ln a. m. Sunday school.
10:00 u. m. German service.
8:00 p. m. Luther League.
On Tuesday evening. August 11th,
the Sunday school fair will be held
at the church.
Sunday. Aug. ltith.
Mission festival.
9:30 a. m. Sunday school.
10:30 a. m. English services.
Eight Mile Grove Lutheran Sun
day School Fair, Tuesday Aug. 11,
at 6 o'clock.
Large n.ap of Cass county on
at Journal office. 50c each.
Pastor Ralph pinfcbam and wife
were guests for the day on Tuesday
o dinner at 'he beautiful home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Spangler.
George Lob-nee of Cedar creek was
a visitor in weepnm water on hmi
Tuesday afternoon and was looking
after some business matters during
his stay.
Joseph Abrahams and the wife d -
parted early ihis week In their car
tor the Black Hllla where tlo y are to
BpSrtd some two xveeks on their an
nual vacation.
II. II U,.K".if- of near Louisville
.xa : u basin SSS visitor in Weeping
xV.i'ei on Tuesday afternoon of this
Week, Coming to hok after some mat
, A ' wiuclt he had in hand.
On Tuesday Of this week Chris J.
ESlgaard and Wm. Dunn were visit
ing ai Mondamin. Iowa where they
were looking after some business
mailt is. they driving uvtr to the
Idxxn iown in their car.
Lloyd Wolcot and wife departed
1 arty Monday for Lake Okoboji where
Ihey have rented a cottage and where
they will spend some two weeks and
also being close to Spirit Lake will
spend a portion of the time there.
Mrs. J. S. Williams xva.s enjoying
a visit for a number of day last week
with the daughter. Mrs. Elmer Kief
aaberg and husband of Bellevue, and
on last Sunday Mr. William and
daughter, Miss Hazel, drove over to
bring Mrs. Williams home.
Mr. Bert Jamison, while he is not
able to fish as it should be done, is
an expert and took w. L. Hobsoo
with him on last Tuesday afternoon
to do the heavy work. We had no
report of their success when we left
Weeping Water on last Tuesday
r veiling.
' John Kettlehut was at the Clark
con hospital for some three weeks
Where' he was undergoing an oper
ation for the removal of an abcess
and Where he has been receiving
treatment since, and was able to re
turn late last xveek and is showing
-cood improvement since.
Robert Buck who had the misfor
tune to have his barn struck by light
ring and burned some three week
igo, has been hauling lumber for
he reconstruction' of the barn which
i" to be on the main 22 by 50 feel.
with sheds on every side. He was
getting the material from the Binger
Lumber. Co. " .
Wm Dunn and 1 Peter tl. an ler
and son, Pete, were visiting at Mis
souri Vallev and Mondamin. Iowa.
they driving over Sunday morning.
roing via Louisville,
mouth and Omaha,
at Council Bluffs ;
5 arn via t he detour
thence to Plaits
over t he bridge
tiC, on their re
x ia Bellevue and
the bottom roads, finding good n.ays
all the way.
Rex Ralph Pfnkham and wife de
hatthfl dm inir this xveek for Kansas
citv oh ere they will vfsU for a time
and later will go to Lake Okoboji.
where they will spend some txvo
weeks. The Rev. W. A. King, pastor
crhoritis of -the ' 'Congregations 1
il'iiu-cli of -Nebraska.--will conduct the
aeryicee at the Congregational church
i i weeping water during the
i f Rev. Pinkham.
Attended Meeting at Omaha.
John Colt, the Ford dealer of
Weeping Water, and the southern
part of county was the guest
at the Fontenelle Hot-el at Omaha a
few days since when the dealers of
this excellent car got together and
listened to some eminent speaker and
also partook of an excellent banquet
a9 zu-st of the Uord Motor company
of Detroit, Michigan.
Sen Gladdens Home.
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wiles si nie four miles north of Weep
ing Water was made happy on Tues
day afternoon by the arrival oi tej
very fine young son. who has been
christened. DwighJ Bldon Wiles. The
motnbr and son are doing nicely.
Mrr. Wiles -was formerly Miss
Amanda reek law, wXch also brings
i -appiiics to the Krerkloxv family.
Dr. M. V. Thomas reports the ' ar
rival. :
. Mary
at Springfield.
PiesdOfl; formerly of
ioit with the familx
ot" years past making
tor a
her home near Knobknoster. Mb.,
flied early this Week, the remains be
ing sent te the old home at Spring
field, where, it was in charge of the
funeral directors, V". L. Hobson and
Son. The funrnl was held Monday
ot this xveek and the interment being
at the Springfield cemetery.
Will Improve Fair Buildings.
The board of directors Of the Cass
I pupty Agricultural Society, are noxv
asking for bids for the painting of
the buildings Which were purchased
last year and also have a move on
foot for the purchase of the old Dunn
bam property which .includes the
midget golf course, and which, should
they be able to seeure it win ado
materially to their holdings ami
make much m re room for the coun
ty fair;
The painting of the buildings will
Modern conditions and stand
ards of living have called into
eing an entirely new kind of
Institution for meeting a uni
versal human need The Fun
eral Home.
Planned for the specific pur
pose which it serves, it offers
greater efficiency and greater
convenience than was possible
in the past.
We are proud to be able to
offer the communities which we
serve the use of such an estab
lishment. Hobson Funeral
Ritz Theatre
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Jack Holt in
Subway Express
The fastest moving picture you ever
sjixx also Kpisode 4 of serial FINGER
PRINTS. Don't miss this serial get
started on it now. Comedy ar no
Reels. Three showr. Saturda) night.
fastest moving picture
Adults, 300 Children. lOc
Rchert Montgomery ia
A great drama
of the sea.
A brand
7 and !.
new picture
matinee, 2:'
you will like.
10; Xit hows,
Matinee Frices Evening Pri:es
IO 2!5c IO 30c
sure improve
much more a
at the fair,
the fair this
them and
tractive to
fall which
ma 1.
the .
. tors
I on
September Hi to 19 inclusiv
there will be four days which
give you more time to see the
der. ot agricultural Cass county
Ball Games Arranged.
Arrangements have been completed
.xith the Muirav Red Sox which is
one of the outstanding teams of t'ass
county for a series of games extend
ing over a number of weeks with the
Ueninkf Water team, the fi.-.-t ot
Whleb will be played in Weeping
Water on August 13th, that is Thurs
day ol the coming week. The busi
ness men of Weeping Water are be
hind thp move and will see that the
bell park is in the very best condi
tion, and as these games are sure to
b excellent ones this should be a
drawing card, and as the games will
be on the same day as the weekly
concerts in the evening, the people
sobrnanding Weegeng Water are as
sured of some' excellent entertain
ment and of a clean and sportsman
ship entertainment. Remember and
keep these dates open which will be
on Thursday afternoon and evening
'each week beginning next ween.
Aug. X3.
Married Last Saturday.
Last Saturday Melvin E. Johnn
and Miss Margaret Joyce the bride
a daughter of Mrs. Charles Joyce.
Sr were united in marriage by the
Rev. Ralph Pinkham. pastor of the
firt Congrcgat ional church of Weep
ine Water. The voting folks are xvell
and very favorably known by all Un
people of Weeping Water, who Join
in. extending congratulation.- and
wishes for their future happi-
n sa and success.
Will Make Home in West.
Miss Lillian Dean, one of the t'air
daughters of Weeping Water, and a
very popular young lady, with many
accomplishments, was nnited in mar
riage in Lincoln last Saturday to Mr.
S'eei Golden who haa made his hom.e
at Wabash, the young couple depart
ing for Idaho where they will m:ik
their home in the future. The best
x-'ishef of the host of friends of This
; ' nag couple will follow them to
their new home In the west.
Car Burns While Driving.
On last Sunday James Kivic and
his friend. Bill Johnson, the artist
it the GaXe, were over to Omaha, and
xxere enjoying a visit with their
friends there which kept them from
leturnins to weeping water until
, ge. Ai; they were coming homo they
had the misfortune to have their car
overturn. Nothing daunted they
rraxvled out ejf the overturned car
and righted it. finding as -they
ihought it but slightly damaged, one
fender being bent slightly.
Getting into the car they started
heme, and as they were approach-
in iMhe crooked bridge north of
own. the car burst into flames in the
rear portion and was almost entire
ly consumed. A fine guitar be
longing to Dill which xvas in the re n
seat was also butned. They were
able to crawl out of the car before
taev were themselves burned.
H? vr f. New Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith xvere able
Lto move into their new home In the
j eastern portion of town last week
I after having worked to get the home
! Completed with the other workmen
xvho have been employed on the con
struction. The work was supervised
by Mr. Ross Dennis and the work in
a manner eione Dy .Mr. opuu aim
others. They are very xvell pleased
that their home is completed and
thni thev are able to occuny the
same. This makes a very pleasant
nhice for this estimable couple and
I thev know it is their own and
no one
can say move, for We have
sold this
The Four Mile Community club
held its annual picnic for the mem
bers and their families on Sunda at
Naeves Park. Most all ot the lam
ilies being able to attend making a
j crowd in the neighborhood of seven
ty. The ladies had prepared a din
J tier of fried c hicken xvhich was very
much enjoyed by all. Late in the
I afternoon the crowd wended home-
jxvard declaring the ladies very en
jjovahle hostesses.
On Tuesday August 1th the ladies
held their monthly social meeting at
the home of Mrs. Will Kehne. After
the business meeting a general social
time was enjoyed. The next social
meeting will be held September 1st
at the home of Mrs. Anna Meisin
ger. At the close of the afiernoon a
very delicious luncheon was served
by the hostesses, Mrs. Dim bury and
Mrs. Lutz. which was very much en
joyed. Phone your Job Printing order to
No. 6. Prompt service.
Nehawka Garage
Destroyed by Fire;
Contents Saved
IrVt Woik Required to Remove Ex
plosives That Were Stored in
the Garage Building.
Wt lph
by are
garage belonging to Conant.
at Nehawka, was destroyed
early .Monday morning when
: e ijuil'litiK was caugni on lire irom
what is thought to be a short in the
'. legtrfc wiring of the structuie.
The alarm of the fire brought Mr.
Wolph and hi:; help to the scene and
or few moments they worked ha id
to remove some explosives from I ho
building before the fire reached the
dynamite and other explosive! and
j;et them away from the vicinity of
the fire. A small amount of dyna
mife caps were bowe.vr exploded in
the fire and caused some ical exdte
roenl for a few moments.
The volunteer force were abb to
get the trucks and cars out of the
building before they were destroyed
by the blaze.
The lighting plant htis recently
been int;illel in the building and it
la thought that the wirins was re
sponsible for the? start of the fire.
From VRedaasgsya rally
Rev. O. O. Wichmann yesU rday
drove to Cook, Nebr., where the
monthly Bible conference of the Otoe
County ministers of the Ehrangbncal
synod met.
From Cook. Nebraska he joined a
delegation which xvent to Steinauer,
Ner.. where the funeral of the Wife
ot Rev. H. Krueger took place. Rev.
II. Krueger preached the dedication
sermon of St. Paul's churc h 'it ytjars
?go and again preached the annivei
sary sermon here three years ago. He?
Is 3 pensioned now and lives in the
-tt of Alabama. Ho and his wile
Lad come to visit with the-ic chihli 11
and friends at Steinauer. On the way
back to Alabama Mrs. Krueger Aled
on the rrptn. The beidy wns bronghl
ht!k rrr STein.auer for burial aid-al-BtOSf
a thousand people took part in
(hg iuueraL Mrs. Krueger had been
living in the cemmunity about 40
years an had roared 1 3' children. All
-of thrm i'.rt HvLng. Ki ;ve took nutt
in 'hp funeraL The Jlffrd , mjni-tcr
himself xvas sick in Alabama under
t ;;p care ejf one of, his daughters. The
fitneral ceremoriie lasied from 1:.'(J
p. m. to almost ., p. tr:. It t -k a IritrA
time before the; hundreds tot iv?tpi
present, had pa.-setj ,the ca,sket.
1 1
The Nimble Thftnbtex Sewiag club
met at the home-, of.M.rji. .Bernard
jli-inger oji July , :;o, . vxij bj l&Uvelle
Seveage, assistant hostess. , ,
The meetlnV a's rtilTed M oreYer
hv the- Jre-4deut'. Oit n1 rafter wlm
nbnejM for ihv rH ftotb Ww.etejdjed
BUT Itss.op op the. vjlins and judged
our laundry bags.' The bags pitfeli n
Louise Biotzer HWoiena He MgnetA
vote for toeing correcaty made. I Tbr
bags of Helen l lrieh. Evelyn Mei
siuger. Doreithy Rt ve.r.age received
the highest votes for best appear
ance. A delicious luncheon was then
served by the hostesses'. The next
meeting will be held AiigusJ 4 ;u the
home of our leader with Btiy Run
ner. Barbara Spangler. Ella Mae
Ruffner. Beatrice Beverage hostesses.
Cedar (
of the club of
'reek, met
it the home of Mis.
M a rv
Schneider. Tuesday. July 28.
opened our meeting by singing
a song and the secretary. giving the
r dl call, all being present except
We had three visitors. Dorothy
Knndson. Alice Jane Hirz ami Kath
eiine Meisinger.
V. e judged the slips and talked
about our achievement program,
We came back from caftbp Satur
day. August L We had a nice-Urn.
Our next meeting is August i a.t tin
heme of Mrs. Mary Schneider.
New.- rtepori.'r.
Mrs. Catherine
daughters, Hiss
Frye. son. Edward.
Linda, and Mi
ami Mr. Adelhardt,
Illinois, arrived In
afternoon and xvill
Prank Adeihardt
.f Bdwurdaville.
the city Tuesday
bo gUestfl here at the home ef Mr.
and Mrs. Frank R. Gobolman and
1 f her relatives asnl friends. Mrs.
Frye is the only sister of Chris Gob
ilman of this city and this is the
firt visit that the brother and lister
have enjoyed for swie lime and is an
occasion that la most pleasant te t lie
members of the, family circle. The
party motored to this city from their
Illinois home.
In the District Court of the United
Sta'es for the District of Nebraska,
Lincoln Division.
In the matter of Leon L. McCarty.
Bankrupt. Case No. 2128 in bank
ruptcy. To the creditors of the above bank
rupt of Plattsmouth in the County
of Cass, the district aforesnin
bankrupt :
Notice is hereby given that on the
.11. -I T -. .
-jhL u.ty ui juiy. a, i).
sam sausrupt xvas duly adjudii
naniirupt antl tliat the first
meet i ng
ot DM creditors will be held
111 Fed-
eral ( ourt Room. Post Offlc
Ke H i it..
III 1. 1111 .-.CUI .IMKH, Oil fe Still Hlixr
r.f K r-. MUX
m I .-nine! . A. II. l'J,i a
1 o
u 1 iui iu I ue iorenoon. at
time tne said crecMtors
may attend.
prove their claims.
examine 11...
I., 1 l. .. . " MW
1 1 i,t , trustee, consul. .r
proposed sale of assets, If .mv
. uiuer uUBllless
as max
properiy come Derore such
Dated August 5th. i3i
Referee in Bankruptcy.