The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 09, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Amos Cappin was assisting in the
harvest at '-he home of M. R. Dick
s n. he shocking grain.
Win. Flatter Ot Adams, was a visi
ter :ii the home i Mr. ami Mrs. John
S. Willinnis for the day on last Sun
day. feeil Iavis was a visitor in Platts
ortth tor the clay on last Sunday,
1 turning home the following niorn-
t'hr.rles (May' on and Wife were
Visiting and looking: after some bus
i ess in Xehawka on Monday of this
w t'L-k.
Harold I- Richards was called to
Murray on last Monday to look af
t r s.unc business, driving over in
his auto.
('.. It. Binger was called to Omaha
on Wednesday of last week to look
alter some business, making the trip
in his auto.
Troy lavis and wife were attend
ing the celebration and picnic which
was held on last Sunday near Rock
1 luffs and where Mr. Davis made the
principal address of the day.
Miss Mildred Hart was enjoying
a visit for the day on last Sunday at
the home of her brother. Rudolph
Hard, east of Weeping Water, wliere
ail enjoyed the visit very much.
K. L. McCartney and the pood wife
were visiting for the evening of the
Fourth and on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Itirdsall of
Greenwood, parents of Mrs. McCart
ney. Charles Joyce, with the big truck,
was hauling two car loads of very
line h Ks to the Missouri Pacific sta
tion for R. L. Philnot. which were
being loaded for shipment to St.
Mrs. Ida Capnin and. son, Hubert,
and daughter, Miss Ksta. were all
over to Lincoln on last Tuesday
where they were both visitnig with
friends and also looking after some
John Cole and Homer Sylvester
and a client were over to Omaha on
last Tuesday where they went to se
cure a car. a new Model A, for the
party, tin y all also stopping in Louis
ville for. a time.
Miss Helen Norton is at this time
taking her vacation from the work
in the office of the county agent,. D.
1). Wainscott, and during her absence
Mrs. Wainscott will assist with the
work in the olfice.
A merry party consisting of Bert
Jamison. John Ferguson. rank
Woods and W. L. Hobson. were fish
ing on Tuesday afternoon of this
week, and did not get all the fish out
of the stream for the fish were to
wise for them.
Joseph Rattth departed on Wed
nesday of this veek for the south
ern portion of Oklahoma where he
goes to accept "a position with the
Pipeline company which built a line
through here and are to extend a
line in another direction.
Professor Donald Price, professor
of mathematics in the Nebraska
State University, was a viaitor I for
a number of days last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L.
Richards and their daughter, Miss
Rita. All enjoyed the visit very
With the closing
houses at the noon
of the business
hour last Sat-
nrday, which was the Fourth of July.
Elmer Michelsen and the family went
to Blair where they visited for the
evening and the following day. Sun
day, returning via Omaha for a short
stay and then on home.
Frank Woods, superintendent of
the Weeping Water Water company
and who has just completed the work
f assessing Weeping Water city,
was a visitor in Omaha on last Sat
urday ami was looking after some
business while there. He completed
all the business before returning
Celebrated 58th Anniversary.
Newton L. flrnbbs. the village
blacksmith, working every day, on
last Tuesday as he pounded the hot
irons, as he shod a black team in the
i.i rning and a white team in the
afternoon, quietly celebrated the
passing of the event.
Celebrated Passing of Birth.
A number of the relatives and
friends of Mrs. Gertrude Wolph of
near Nehawka. from Weeping Water
were in attendance at the celebra
tion of the event, and with a large
number of her friends and relatives
from her home vicinity and from Ne
hawka, made a lars;e circle of friends
who had called to do her honor.
idijoyed Family leathering.
(in laa; Tuesday afternoon George
Robb iind wife of Davenport. Iowa,
and the mother of Mr. Robb. Mrs
M. A. Robb of Princeton, 111., arriv
ed for a few days visit. They and
Hie ether niemlers of the family were
gathered at the home Of John F. Car
per where a family reunion was held
on Tuesday evening with a sump
riotn supper. There were there for
the occasion Messrs. and Mesdamea
George Robb, of Davenport. Iowa;
Modern conditions and stand
ards of living have called into
beinp an entirely new kind of
Institution Cor meeting a uni
versal human need The Fun
eral Home.
Planped for the specific pur
pose which it serves, it offers
greater efficiency and greater
convenience than was possible
In the past.
We are proud to be able to
offer the communities which we
l rye the use of such an estab
lishment. Hobsoit Funeral
Cass County Farm
We have an excellent 80-acre
Cass county farm, well im
proved, finely located, with
good rich soil. Hard surfaced
roads only 2 miles away, lead
ing to market. Priced right.
Eight miles to Weeping Wat
er, nine miles to Louisville.
This is an exceptionally good
farm. See us for price, terms.
Teegarden &
Weeping Water, Nebr.
John Jourgenson, Weeping Water;
Lester Schrader, of Nehawka; Mrs.
M. A. Robb of Princeton, 111.; and
Miss Mayme Hillman of Weeping Wa
ter and Mrs. Dora Chandler of Elm
wocd. This comprises six sisters and
all present with their families.
Were Seeing the West.
Messrs. Peter H. Miller, the pro
prietor of the cream station, and
Pre d A. Bureh, were in the west for
the past week where they were look-in;,-
over some farming lands in
Colorado and at the same time were
visiting at the home of the daughter
of Mr. Miller, who resides there.
While they were away the cream
station was looked after by Uncle G.
Rehmeier, who is a veteran cream
Good Wheat, but Cheap.
Andrew Olsen who has much land
in the west, just returned from a
trip in the western portion of the
state and reports that on his farm
the wheat was good, testing sixty
one pounds to the struck bushel and
which was very pleasing but the
price of the grain at the elevator
was only 31 cents and which fact
was not so pleasing.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam J. Miller. Deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
81st day of July. 1931. and on the
2nd day of November, 1931, at ten
o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to
receive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 31st day of July, A. D. 1931,
and the time limited for payment of
debts is one year from said 31st day
-rf July, 1931.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 3rd day of
Julv. 1931.
(Seal) j6-3w County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matters of the estate of
Margaret Wehrbein. deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on July
10th, 1931. and October 12th, 1931.
at 10 o'clock a. m.. on each day, to
receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 10th day of July, A.
A. 19.11, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 10th day of July, 1931.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 12th day of
June, 1931.
(Seal) J15-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Josephine Timblin, Plaintiff vs.
Algeran P. T. Wiley et al. Defend
ants. Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebras
ka, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 29th day of May, 1931.
and an order of sale entered by said
Court on the 8th day of June, 1931,
the undersigned Referee will on the
26th day of July. 1931, at 2:00
o'clock p. m., at the South front door
of the Murray State bank, Murray.
Nebraska sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, that is
to Bay, 10 on the day of sale and
balance March l. 1932, upon con
firmation of sale by the court and
delivery of deed and possession of
property, the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Lot Seven (7) in the South
east Quarter of Northwest Quar
ter (SEViNWii); Northeast
Quarter of Southwest Quarter
( N E K S W Vi ) ; Lots Three (3.)
and Thirteen (13) in the North
west Quarter of Southeast Quar
ter ( N W Vi SE',i); and Lots
Four (4) and Eight (S) in the
Southwest Quarter of Northeast
Quarter ( SW NE V4 ) ; ail in
Section Nineteen (19), Town
ship Eleven (11), North Range
Fourteen (14), East of the 6th
P. M. in Cass county. Nebraska.
Said sale will be held open for one
hour; an abstract showing mer
chantable title will be furnished.
Dated this 17th day of June,
Attorney. jl$-5w
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lemon were
in Omaha Monday.
Taft Pollard and Eloise Pollard
were in Omaha Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Woods were in
Murray Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Chappell of
Louisville were in town Sunday.
Mrs. Gertrude Carper was in
Weeping Water Sunday evening.
Melviu Sturm got his right cheek
kicked by the tractor last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wunderlich
were in Omaha Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Lulla Ketch spent Sunday
visiting at Mrs. MeNomee's in Union.
Mrs. Walter Wunderlich and Mrs.
Melvin Sturm were in Lincoln Mon
day. Halleck Pollard of Lincoln arriv
ed Saturday for a short visit with
Polly Pollard.
Miss Lois Troop was guest for the
week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Rhoden. jr.
Mrs. Vilas Sheldon and Mis,s Eliza
beth Jane Sheldon were Lincoln
visitors Monday.
Misses Eloise Pollard and Eliz : -beth
Jane Sneldon were in Murray
Monday evening.
Miss Evelyn Simpson and Mr. Har
old Shultz were dinner guests of
Virginia Pollard Sunday.
Misses Elizabeth Jane Sheldon
and Polly Pollard were in Platts
mouth Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stone, sifter a
weeks visit to Omaha, returned Mon
day morning to Nehawka.
Supt. and Mrs. Stimbert left Fri
day for a two weeks visit at his par
ents home at Inland, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stone enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodson
at dinner Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bturm, Jimmy,
Marjorie and Bob Wunderlich, were
in Murray Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Sheldon and
Bill attended the A. A. U. track and
field meet in Lincoln Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pollard cf
Lincoln were visiting at Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Knabe's aSturday and
Mr. R. K. Hutchinson represent
ing McCormick-Deering from Nebras
ka City, was in town Monday on
Clarence Hansen was in Omaha
Monday. His wife who has bun
in a hospital there returned home
with him.
Mrs. William Idell and Virginia
of Omaha arrived Friday evening
for a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Sumner.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Anderson en-
tertained 130 members and truests of
the Maple Grove extension club r.t
a picnic Sunday.
Walter Lloyd and Ed Troy left
Sunday for their home in Omaha.
They had been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
John Opp since Friday.
Mr. Wolfe. Gladys Wolfe. Grover
Hoback. Jim McVey and Henry Gru
bar attended the baseball game in
Murray Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton of
Weenine Water were visitors in Ne
hawka on Monday of this week com
ing to, look after some business.'
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heritor were
in Ashland Sunday. While there
they visited Betty Ann, the three
weeks old daughter of Raymond
Fred Schoemaker was hurt last
Thursday when a hog fell on his Itg
and sprained his left knee. At the
present time he is walking on
Mr. Carl Dorr who has been at
tending a four weeks summer session
at the University of Nebraska, re
turned Sunday evening to spend the
month of July here.
Mrs. Robert Troop and daughter.
Lavina, and Miss Lois Troop and V".
O. Troop were all visiting and look
ing after some business in Lincoln
on Friday of last week.
Miss Hazel Gregg was a visitor
for the week end at the home of
friends in Lincoln, going Friday and
remaining until Monday, spending
the Fourth there as well.
Mrs. Troy Murdock was visitir.g
her husband in the St. Joseph hos
pital in Omaha Sunday. It is expect
ed that the Dr. will graft some more
skin on to his hand this week.
Miss Wilma Switzer of Omaha is
spending her vacation at the home
of her grandmother, Mrs. John Whit
man. Miss Switzer is in training at
the Swedish Immanuel hospital.
Frank B. Lemon and the good wife
United Brethern in Christ.
Otto Engebretson, pastor.
Bible church school 10 a. m.
Morning worship service 11 a. in.
Prayer meeting Wednesday eve
ning this week.
Y. P. S. C. E. meets at J. Mur
doch's on Friday night. The dele
gates will give us a report of the
convention and training school at
York at this meeting. The young peo
ple had a very enjoyable time at tin ir
meeting last week when a social time
and picnic supper was held after the
The Ladies Aid meets with Mrs;
J. Davis Thursday July 16.
The York college trio gave a fine
program at the church Monday night
and if you weren't there you missed
a real treat.
Bible church school 10 a. m.
Evening preaching service 8 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday night
at the church.
On account of the storm last Wed
nesday afternoon the Ladles Aid
didn't meet but Mrs. Schwartz will
have them next time, Wednesday,
July 15th.
The Daily Vacation Bible school
which we are conducting this week
and next, is coming along fine. This
is the second day of the school and
we have an enrollment of 34 and a
number of others are coming tomor
row. By the end of the week we are
sure we will have a much larger en
rollment. If your child is not en
rolled send him at once.
"Verily I say unto you. except ye
be converted. and become as little
children, ye shall not enttd into t'e
Kingdcm of heaven." Matt. 18:3.
were spending l ist Sunday at Oma
ha where they were visiting with
friends for the day, they driving
over to the big town in their car.
Albert Wolfe and daughter, Mies
C-ladys, were over to Omaha on last
Sunday, where they visited with
friends and also at (ended a very fine
show before returning home in the
On last Saturday evening Mrs.
Victor Wehrhcin ntertained at the
home for a number of friends in
honor of Mrs. Earl Troop, who is
visiting here from their home at
Mr. and Mrs. Vila Sheldon i :i
Lertained at dinner Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Linn Meyers and their two chil
dren, Linn and Ilejina. Mrs. (J. W.
Cheney and Miss Madge Cheney, all
of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Esetiwine
and Wayne, of Omaha were guests
. i Mr. ami Mrs. George Sheldon Sat
urday and SUnday. Mr. Bsenwine Is
connected with the Fuchs Equipment
Company of Omaha.
Mrs. Alfred A:iierson and chil
dren of Omaha spent the week end
with Mrs. Albertina Ost while Mr.
Anderson was on a business trip
through Kansas. Mrs. Ost returned
to Omaha with t!.em.
Julian J. Pojli the
I m pn-i ue in
1 1 .l . . .
! dealer or Nehawka. was t:
wen i..
Omaha on last Monday and also
! made a business trip to Council
Bluffs in the interest of the business
which he conducts in Nehawka.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunbar of Au
burn were at the J. at. Palmer home
Monday evening. They returned
i from a week's trip to Missouri. M'ss
Ruth Palmer. who accompanied
I them, remained for a longer visit at
Ke kuk. Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stone arrived
Friday evening for a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. West. Mr. Stone
and Mrs. West took Mrs. Stone to
Lincoln Sunday where she took a
train for Hastings. Mr. Stone left
! Sunday evening for Omaha.
Lois Troop was i asked to sing at
the Rock Bluffs picnic which was
held at the Hutichlson Grove west
(of old Rock Bluffs on last Sunday
land ai which there were over 200
people present. The Hon. Troy L.
1 Davis made the principal address.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murdock were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Murdock
! from Thursday until Saturday. All-en
is taking the place of his Brand -father
as minister of the Calvary
United Bretheran church in Lincoln.
'He will remain there until the con-
Terence meets in eptemner.
! Martin Ros and HennigB
son were the purchasers Ol a very
, fine McCormick peering threshing
I machine which thev will use for the
'threshing of thefr grain and 1-
(for those who may" dt-sir their set
I Vices. The machine was purchased i
through house of J. J. pollard.
Little Carthleen Rood of Burr who
; has been visiting for some time pant
iat the home of he rm nmiparents, Mr.
land Mrs. NIs A luiersun.- when the
folks came .from fBurr on last Sun
j day and visited with' the Anderson
family, returned ' home with the
r daughter.. While bere all eujoy.ed the L
: visit very much..
Mrs. Earl Trop who has been with
the husband where ft e' was working
at Alliance, accompanied by their
: little daughter. Avis, arrivd at the
; home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop
on last Friday. She coming to Lin
coln where she was met by . O.
Trcop and daughter Lois, they com
ing to W. O. Tn (Ibs' where they will
visit and also at the home of her
Barents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leach
for a number of weeks.
Many Nehawka people attended
the Avoea community celebration
last Thursday evening. Among those
present w-ere: Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Wunderlich. Jack Wunderlich, Ir,
Hansen, Carl Pierce, Forrest stock,
Taft Pollard. Bknse and Virginia
Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. George Shel
don, Ruth Ann SI.eidon, Mr. and
Mrs. B. E. Sumner. Betty and Mary
Alice Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
H Brahman, Carl 'Wessel. and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. JorKcnson.
While at the Boy Scout camp at
Camp Wilson, which ended Friday,
Billy Pierce received the white "W"
which is given to :he best all around
boy at camp. Bernell Adams ami
Harley Stock received blue "W's" for
beiiiR honor scouts! Bernell was also
made a life scout: La Verne Stcf
fens was awarded a red "W" for be
ing a satisfactory scout. Harley and
La Verne also took their second clas.-;
there. Harley returned Friday for
another week at camp. Forty-two at
tended the camp last week.
Miss Evelyn Wolph entertained 50
ginsts Tuesday afternoon in honor
Of her mother's 7dth birthday. The
out of town guests Were Mrs. M. U.
Thomas. Mrs. Ben -Olive, Mrs. George
Mmev, Mrs. L. D. Switzer. Mrs. Fred
Gorder and Mrs. Jameson of Weep
ing Water; Mrs. E. H, Norrte, Mrs,
Sue Harmon. Mrs. Kokjc r. Miss Eh
ther Sheldon and Mrs. Paul Wolph.
of Avoca: Mrs. Upton, Mrs. J. E.
Cross and Mrs. Reynolds of Union.
Olaf Lundberg Tuesday removed the
gasoline pump owned by the Stand
ard Oil company and replaced it with
one which he owns.
Will Celebrate Anniversary.
Mrs. Lois Troop, of Plattsmouth,
who will be eighty three years of
age on July 14th. will celebrate her
birthday anniversary, being enter
tained by the relatives at Garfield
park on Sunday July li'th. when all
will enjoy a picnic dinner and a
pleasant time in the open. Mrs.
Troop has resided In Cass county
for more than fifty years, and cele
brated the passing of their sixtieth
wedding anniversary last fall.
Do Not Wait. Do It Now.
There is expected to be a paved
road east from Lincoln and while it
will probably not be builded thu
year, it will come soon. There are
two sections of the country which
would like to have it. One. the O
street road which is the very short
est way of reaching the north and
south road No. 75. through the t,outh
portion cl C&kt, county and the other
one would be the building of a road
through Otoe county which would
be much longer. The work of hav
ing this road located on O street will
have to be looked after and right
now or some one else will get the
plumb. Those wanting the road on
O street had better get busy and
keep busy.
Visited at Shenandoah.
J. S. Rough and wife and George
Paulia and family were enjoying the
day on last Sunday at Shenandoah,
they driving over via Nebraska City,
ami in the afternoon when they re
turned home, went north from Sid
ney through Tabor to Glenwood,
crossing at Plattsmouth and return
ed home via Union, enjoying the
trip very much.
Enjoyed Picnic Sunday.
The Woman's club which are v ry
active in promoting community so
ciety and good tellowsnip sown a ,
southwest of Nehawka, as their cus
tom Is he!d their annual gathering
on las Sunday and this time tie
phue selee'ed way the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Anderson on he O
street road. T' ere were in excess of
a hundred presen' and a most pleas
ant time was had. There were
hrrc urht and consumed twelve freez-
i arfi of I
1 . .
cream, with many a very
filled with fried chicken
, ,,,, k,
I pies, salad, lemonade and ice tea and
i in BUch quantities that if any one
left 'he place not well fed it was
their fault.
Will Issue Paper Next Week.
Miss Evelyn Simrs:n. a university
friend of Miss Virginia Pollard, they
both being graduates of Journalism,
will issue the Nehawka Enterprise
the coming week, they will furnish
all the materials as well as the edi
torials. Miss Simpson was employed
with the World-Herald for a time
Hilice the closing of the year at the
State University.
Yellow -German shepherd or police
dog. strayed from farm near Platts
mouth. Any information as to
whereabouts will be appreciated.
Ray Patton, phone 3103. j9-2tw
I. J. Fuller, 70. prominent Elm
wood merchant, where for the pat
fifteen years he has owned and oper
ated one of the largest business
houses in that place, died Tuesday
morning of heart failure. The death
came very suddenly and proved a
great shock to the community in
Which he had been such a promin
ent figure. He had been engaged in
the mercantile, business for the past
fifty years.
He is survived by the widow, a
son. Dr. Max Fuller of Denver, and
three step children, Raymond Kea-
ton, Frank Koaton and Mrs. Vera
Lutz, all of Omaha.
Conoco Passport Holders
are on Vacation Highways
West Bros. Amusement Co. 8
Shows Rides
Plattsnuit Nebraska
Old Hall G rounds
on Chicago Avenue
m, July 13
Auspices Hugh J. Kearns
Ar .ican Legion
Iwe&tyA usepsent m
Fesfs Whe, Cfcafi Plane
Tilt-a-Vhir: Meri-y-Go-Roiuid
All at Popular Prices
i Children of Al! Ages Free Opening NipHt
Children under 12 Admitted Free Every Night if A?c:mpani::d
Adult Admission, XO
! Including TWO Tickets one good for choice of any
ride on the grounds Reaiiy costs you nothing
$ Come Monday Right and learn the details of this new and different
I plan that keeps idle loafers away but permits patrons to reealvei
i full value on their admission in Rides and other Entertainment!
The- death of a well know i reaidettl
Miss Pattie Metzger, occurred at S
o'clock Sunday evening at the Meth
odist hospital at Omaha where for
several months she has been in very
critical condition and with little hope
, of recovery, gradually failing until
death came to bring blessed relief
I from her suffering. Miss Metzger
' was a member of one of the betit
known families in Cass county and
was born and re; red to womanhood
j on the farm near Cedar Creek and
where she made her home until the
i death of her mother, Mrs. Mary
These motorists have requested and received free 193 1
Passports from the Conoco Travel Bureau. In addition
more than a million are using Conoco Road Maps. Now
they are on the highways of America. . fishing in the Minne
sota Lakes, viewing new scenes in the Rockies, lazying thru
restful days in the Ozarks, exploring historic spots in the East . . .
swimming, golfing ..enjoying vacation time to the utmost.
As these motorists travel the highways Conoco stations will
be their stopping places for service and information. These
stations are not merely sales points for Conoco Germ Processed
Motor Oil, Conoco Ethyl Gasoline and Conoco Balanced Blend
Gasoline; each is a field outpost of the Conoco Travel Bureau,
rendering many special services, which include:
Local Road Information Fishing Information
Hotel Information Package Checking
Mail Forwarding Camp Information
Assistance in Obtaining Repairs and
Making Necessary Purchases
The Conoco Travel Bureau . . maintained by the Continental
Oil Company ... is the only free national service of its kind. It
is the culmination of years of growth of the idea of service
to travelers, dating from the earliest days of the oil industry.
This free service is at your command, whether you plan a
long trip or a short one. Stop at Conoco stations, identified
by the Red Triangle; call on Conoco men for service. You'll
find each a well-informed friend.
Conoco Products Sold by
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
lo Sat. July 18 1
Metzger some two yoars ago, Jau-i
Moving to Omaha where ha area
! residing when stricken with the his'
i illness.
The body has been brought here to
the Battler funeral home at Fourih
i and Vine strtets and where friends
may call from 9 to 12 o'clock Tues
day morning to take a last fare well.
The funeral of Miss Metier will
be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock at the First Presbyterian
church of which she was a lifelong
'member. The Interment will he at
'the B lea dale cemetery south of OMaf
! Creek beside the parents.1