THURSDAY. JUNE 11. 1931. PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAX $500 Hail Insurance or Your Corn Crop will cost only Jig You can't take the chance. See Searl S. Davis AGENT Plattsmouth - Nebraska Former Elm wood Banker Dies in Lincoln William S. Waters Had Lived State Over Period of Sixty Eight Years in A I I pl"h members. Miss Kathleen Troop, fiaiismoiii n. ?. lormer Lass county member received the seniors metlal this year. These medals are award ed each year, on Monday night of Club Week when the University 4-H rlub entertains the entire group. f Cass County Farm V Bureau Notes Copy furnished from Office of County Agent Wainscott 4- REALIZE NEAT SUM Tin- members of tnc Missouri river fishermen's association which staged their first grand ball here on Satur day evening at the Region building, scored one of the greatest successes of the dancing season and realized a neat profit that will be applied cn their recent expenses in the battle against the anti-seining law. The attendance at the ball was Very large and almost every com munity along the Missouri river was represented on the dance floor and the occasion proved a great success in every way. William S. Waters, seventy-three, retired banker who had lived in Ne braska sixty-eight years, died at the home. 1818 South Twenty-third street. Lincoln, at 4:30 p. m. Mon day. He had lived in Lincoln fifteen years. Born at Mount Pleasant. Ia., June 20, 1857, he came to Nebraska City with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Waters, on Nov. 20. 1H63. In the fall of 1864 his father took a homestead near Greenwood in Cass county. In 1SS6 Mr. Waters, with the late Edwin Jeary, who later moved to Lincoln, organized a state bank at Klmwood. He remained at Elmwood fourteen years. After spending one year in Lincoln ne oougnt a dbdi at Stamford and stayed there nine years. He returned to isimwoou men and bought a controlling interest in the First National bank. He came to Lincoln In 1916. He is survived by his wife. Let tie: three daughters, Winifred. In dianapolis. Ind.. Mrs. E. C. Tullis. Fayettville, Ark., and Mrs. W. C. 'Grimes, Pittsburgh, and two sons. ! James A., Dallas. Tex., and Wil liam H., of Scotia. The body is at I Hodgman's, at Lincoln. -M-I -:?: "!"IM"M"IM-M Judging Day. Tuesday, June 16, judging prac tice, in all projects and training schools for news reporters will be helding at the Agricultural College. At this time members will b given preliminary training as well as train ing In placing of classes and giving of reasons. Work starts promptly at 9:30 a. m. and will be over by 4:00 p. m. Mrs. E. M. Buttery and son. Joe and Mrs. J. M. Hall and daughter. Mrs. Gladys Groff. departed this morning for Springfield where they attended the funeral of Earl Adair. Wins Fourth Place. Miss Evelyn Sumner. Avoca. won fourth place in the annual state 4-H news reporters contest at Club Week, in Lincoln June 2nd. Her score was 187 points. There were fifteen county contes tants and eighteen in the entire con test. Eoch contestant had to write two stories, one about the Monday night program of Club Week, and the othr from a set of facts sent out ahead of time for the contestants to practice upon. In the annual meeting of the 4-H News Writers Guild held Tuesday. Evelyn was elected as song leader for the coming year. Evelyn won her trip to Club Week by placing- first In the 1030 county news writing contest. A similar contest is being sponsored within the county this year. 4-H Club Camp. A program crammed full of stunts, swimming, handcraft and camp sur prises is being planned for 4-H Club bers who attend the Cass-Otoe-Douglas-Sarpy district camp. Club mem bers, looking for a real vacation should label July 29, 30 ,31 and August 1 as red letter days and start saving their pennies and nickles to cover the camp fee of $2.7 5. Former 4-H Girl Honored. The University 4-H Club, during the past three years, has awarded gold medals to the individuals with high scholastic rank at Agricultural College who have been former 4-H Mothers' Vacation Camp. Mothers' Vacation camp will be held at Camp Brewster, one mile south of Omaha. August 11. 12. 13 and 14. Any woman looking for a happy, restful and economical vaca tion may find that this Is just what they want. Pour days of play for only $4.75. Enrollment blanks and further particulars may be secured by writing or calling the Farm Bu reau office. Warning to Canners. The Question, "It is safe to can the vegetabbs we raise." is quite common a this time of year. Ye3, it is safe but there are some pre cautions whii.h should be followed. Do not taste food to determine whe ther or not i. is spoiled. All canned vegetables and meats should be boil ed ten minutes before tasting. The cold pack method has been responsible for many cases of botul ism. All methods should aim at ab solute sterility to insure absolute freedom from this bacteria. The surest way is to use a pressure cook er. If the pressure cooker is not available, vegetables should be pick ed and prepared in small quantities, about two or three quarts at a time. Flat sour starts soon after vegetables are gathered, so the quicker one can get them from the garden to the can the less danger there is of spoil age. Extension Circular 997, "The Hot Pack Method of Canning," is avail able at the Farm Bureau office and may be of help in canning vegetables and fruits. I ,T.T........' f "f Thomas Walling Company .T..T j i,.,,'r.,.,T1Jfxj..TT..TT. Abstracts of Title Phone 324 - Plattsmouth ien's Market We do not advertise just a few items that we want to move off our shelves, but something a real saving to you. Compare our prices! that you can use every day and also have at 8 X BeeS Roast 1 e.c fi PEIt POUND .V 8 Fancy Shoulder BeeS Steak PER POUND 174 Choice Shoulder Pork Chops Q7r 2 POl'NDS for Lean Center Cuts Botulinus. Botulinus poisoning is caused by eating canned vegetables or fruits in which the organism bacillus botul inus has grown and produced a toxin of poison. Cans or preserving agents are not responsible. The bacteria lives in the soil and records show that every state in the union has had cases with a diagnosis indicat ing botulism, however there are cer tain parts of the country where the, soil contains more of this organism than others. The home canned foods that have been known to cause botulism are home canned string beans, asparagus and corn. The string bean is an ex cellent medium for the development of a very potent toxin and the spoil age of this vegetable is sometimes so slight that the housewife or cook fails to detect it. In almost every instance botulism results after the eating of salads made by unheoted beans (beans that are not boiled af ter they are removed from the can). If the following precautions are followed botulinus poisoning can be prevented : In canning in the home use only clean, sound, raw material. Process the food until sterile (use a pressure cooker). Always cook (boil) home canned beans, neas, corn and spinach at least ten minutes before serving Ibem and watch for any suspicious odor during cooking. Crops and Soils Field Day June 23. The tenth annual crops and soils field day is scheduled at the Agri cultural College in Lincoln, June 23rd. Weed identification and era dication, alfalfa wilt, uncommon crops, good soil and crops manage ment, and the annual tour to the field tests of the experiment staiton, are features of the program. Pork Butt Roast PER POI ND Fancy Boston Butts 14c Plate Boil PER POI'ND Com Fed Pork Steak PER POUND 16c Pure 5 POUNDS tox. B Frankfurters Plate Boil 7 :n tear txJK, I rcn pnrvn Our Usual Quality Cut from Lean Butts 53c Home Rendered SALMON Tall can, pink. 2 cans for. KAMO PANCAKE FLOUR 4-lb. bag 23c I OLEOMARGARINE Fresh and sweet, 2 lbs. . . . 25c Happy Hustlers Do Judging Work. Ten members of the Happy Hust lers Swine Club of Murray held their first judging try-out at the Otto Scha fer farm, Wednesday, June 3rd. Hogs and fat steers were judged by the boys. The next try-out will be Friday, June 12th. Four of the boys will be chosen from the group to go to Lincoln June 16. D. D. Wainscott, Cass Co. Extension Agent. Jessie H. Baldwin, Ass't. Co. Exten sion Agent. HAPPY HUSTLERS Spinach, lg. No. 21 2 can 19c Toilet Soap, Camay, 3 bars. . . .20c Fresh Salted Peanuts, lb 15c Chipso Fiakes, large pkg 18c Marshmallows, Puritan brand, lb. . 19c Pineapple, Br. Slices,No. 2Vz ... 18c Choice Cream Flour, 48 lb.. . .$1.19 Yeast Foam, every day 5c Windmill Preserves,-lb. jar. .. .15c Fresh Hamburger Sausage Bologna Spare Ribs Lb. lOc Lima Beans, 2 lbs. for 25c Oatmeal, large 55-oz. pkg 15c Target Brand Coffee, lb. 19c Syrup, gal., dark, 53c; light 59c Carnation Milk, tall can 8c Oxydol, large package 18c Assorted Cookies, per lb 23c Peanut Butter, 1-lb. jar 18c Seedless Raisins, 4-lb. pkg 30c SWANSD0WN Cake Flour With Cake Plate FREE. Per pkg. 25c K0RBIS SUPREME Pork and Beans 1 -Pound Can - - 6c New Potatoes Large Size Peck 29c WINDMILL Salad Dressing ?r . 37c HAPPY HOLLOW COFFEE Best in the West35c BUTTER NUT JEL1 All Payors. Pkg 5c CERTO With jelly plate free. Per bottle 25c FANCY CUT BEETS No. 2V2 size can 7c BLUE ROSE RICE 3 lbs, for 19c POWDERED or BROWN SUGAR-3 lbs. for. . .21c Creain'y Butter High Grade OQ Per Pound - LtOC 'Ruby' Catsup i- "Mr 1 C oz. Bottle LOL Fr. Tomatoes Fine Quality OF 3 Pounds - DC Ivory Snow Large size C Package - JC WHITE SWAN SYRUP 5-lb. paU 32c I KAMO DARK SYRUP 5 lb. pail 28c CORN or GLOSS STARCH 1-lb. pkg 7c MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 7-oz. pkg 5c The members of the Happy Hust lers club made a tour to the farm of Otto Rchafer, Wednesday. June 3rd to judge stock. County Agent D. D. Wainscott was there to help them with their first lesson in judg ing. It was decided that on June 12th. the club would meet at the home of their leader, John Hobscheidt, for their second lesson. Mr. Wainscott will be present to select the judg ing team, who will go to Lincoln, June 16th, so all members are urged to be present. The regular monthly meeting was held on June 4th at Lewiston Com munity Center. The meeting was called to order by the president and the roll call was answered by each member reading the record of his hog. The club has been fortunate in having a sneaker at every meeting. This time they had Frank Anderson of Omaha, a field man for the Duroc Jersey hogs, who gave a talk about 4-H clubs. He spoke of being in Lin coln to see the new 4-H club build ing that is being completed at the state fair grounds and it is the finest and only building like it in the I'nited States. Mr. Anderson wishes all those in the club who have Duroc Jersey hogs to enter the Junior League in Chi cago. This membership is free un til the age of twenty-one, then they will have to pay the same as the rest of the "old duffers," Mr. Anderson said. A wenier roast was planned for June 18th, to be held at the home of Harry Knabe of Nehawka. Ralph Timm, Florence Schafer and Gwen dolyn Hansen were appointed on the menu committee. GWENDOLYN HANSEN. News Reporter. APPEAL FROM AWARD ,: Tomatoes 9 KCi a SIZE CAN Hand Pack 7c Good Peas NO. 2 SIZE CAN. 10c Sweet and Tender Sugar Corn Qr NO. 2 SIZE CAN Regular 14c Value Krispy Crackers 24r 2-POUND CADDY for G Fresh from Sunshine Eakeries 3 Matches 2 CARTONS for 12 Boxes 25c Peaches NO. 10 SIZE TIN. 44c So-Called "Gallon" Navy Beans Cr PER POUND Great Northerns ;j Bailatine Malt OQ 'S SI-POUND CAN for J7C 0 ft 8 Quality Guaranteed 30C3CCCO0OKsaO3O aoSOOQOQOSOaOCOGOOfOC DOCCOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOO-OOOOOOOOCOOCOOOODOOOOQOOOOOQ We Take Eggs in Trade or Cash Orders of $3 or Over Delivered A Charge of 100 for Orders of Less than $3 Delivered to Any Part of City The Smith Brothers Incorporated. have filed notice of the appeal to the Cass county district court of the award made by the state labor and compensation bureau in the case of Edwin Young and Ethel Young vs.) the Smith Brothers Incorporated. I This case grew out of the accident on July 16th near Elmwood when Floyd Young, a son of the plaintiffs, was fatally injured while in the em ploye of the Smith Brothers in the construction of a natural gas pipe line in the vicinity of Elmwood. the young man dying in the hospital at Lincoln on July 18th. The Smith Brothers contended that the amount to be awarded should not exceed the sum of $1,250. The state labor commissioner made the award to Mr. and Mrs. Young for the death of their son of the amount of $15 per week for a period of 350 weeks. Sllllllllllll 1 BLACK and WHITE Shares Its Savings with YOU a a a a a a a a When you shop at our IGA store, you participate in savings made possible by organized independent dealer buying power totaling $500,000,000.00 in a single year. . Every item on our shelves is a proof of just what that buying power means to YOU. You are always welcome to come in and "shop" around for we know that if you do, you'll be thoroughly "sold" on Black and White everyday low prices not just a few items, but everything! Sugar, 10-ib. Cloth bag 49c ICO-ib. Bag. $4.85 Pineapple, Rosedale, lg. 2Y2 can . . . 19c These are NOT Broken Slices Libby fancy Pineapple, No. 212 23c Can't beat Libby at Any Price a S3 24c ED a a a a a a a a a a a FOB SALE Fresh Guernsey cows. Likewise & Pollock, Phone 3103, Murray, Nebr. a BUTTER Dairy Maid or Casco. Quartered. Per lb. . . Milk, Value or IGA, tall cans, each . 7c 13 cans for 88c Navy Beans, 10 lbs. for 49c Great Northern Idahos Canned Goods Special CORN Tomatoes PEAS Minn. Country Gen- Missouri Hand Wisconsin Fack A tleman. No. 2 cans! Pack: No. 2 Cans good pea. No. 2 can. Any One or Mixed S Cans 78c Sunshine Soda Wafers, 2-lb. caddy . 21c This ciackar is packed in the white bcx They are not the Loose -Wiles Krispy that we usually sell Malt Syrups, choice, per can 49c Blue Bibbon - Prozdroj - Homa Ideal - Puritan Old Prague or U. S. Malt, per can . . 35c 3 Cans for $1 Coffees that Satisfy "A" Blend, per lb., 210; 3 lbs.. . . "G" Blend, per lb "I" Blend, per lb . . 33c Black and White, per pound 39c with the Wonderful Aroma 3 lbs.. $1.15 Certo, per bottle 25c Beautiful Jelly Dish FBEE with 2 Bottles Blue Rose Rice, fancy, 3 lbs 19c Cantaloupe, large size, each 10c NEW POTATOES No. 1 Triumphs. 10 lbs. for 24c Meat Department Everybody likes good meats and most people pre fer to pay a penny or two more for first quality in this line. We have never deviated from our original policy announced at the opening of this department fourteen months ago to handle only No. 1 quality Meats and we never will! A steadily growing meat patronage proves people do know "quality." Beef Roast, corn fed, per lb 15c Shoulder Steak, per lb 18c Ham Pork Roast, per lb 18c Boston Pork Butt Roast, lb 150 Hamburger, fresh ground, per lb. . . 15c Pure Pork Sausage, lb 150 SMOKED HAMS First Otf grade. xz or whole. Pound .... C Cheese, Wisconsin full cream, lb. . . . 190 Bacon, Sliced Economy, 2 lbs 450 Boiling Beef, per lb 80 Shankless Picnics, per lb 170 Highest Market Price Paid for Your Poultry and Farm Produce BlackWhite The Home Owned and Home Managed Store Telephone 42 a a a a 590 1 a a Rolled Oats, large size pkg., 2 for . . 350 Begular or Quick Cook ( Toilet Paper, IGA, 3 rolls 190 S a a a a a a teiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiH