The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 11, 1931, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE FOUfc
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
For the Best
Groceries & Meats
We make it our practice tc
furnish absolutely the very
best goods at a price within
the reach of all. Highest price
paid for Country Produce.
Union, Nebr.
E. E. Leach and W. R. Young were
over to Man ley on last Sunday where
they were atter.dir.g the rodeo which
was staged there.
Mrs. Anderson who has
been visiting for the nearly a
week at the home of friends in Weep
ing Water returned home on last
Sunday afternoon after having had
an excellent visit.
D. Ray Frans and family and
Charles Garrison were visiting on last
Sunday at the Marshall Nurseries
where they were much interested in
the variety of fruit anJ other trees
wbi-h is grown by this institute.!,
Green Piggot of Murray was a visi
tor in Union on last Tuesday, coining
down to get his tar whicTi had been
worked over by the firm of Iand arid
Creamer, successors to Charles Atte-b-rry.
This new firm is enjoying a
very fine business.
Jack Uadtsy shelled and sold bifl
corn to Will Oat who is using it for ,
feeding, he having a large number
of fine rattle on feed. The corn Is
being hauled from Mr. Lindsay's to
the home of Mr. Ost by Wayne Aek
ley with his truck.
W. E. Moore has be-n attending
th- druggists convention which Is
meeting at Lincoln this week from
Monday until Friday, inclusive. Dur
ing the ab.-erce of Mr. Moore. Hen
Anderson i looking after the busi
ness at the drug store.
Mr. and Mis. V.aue Moore were
over to Omaha on last Monday where
thev went with their daughter, Miss
Domthjr, and where they had the lit
tle Miss take a clinic to determine as
to what treatment would be proper
to give the young lady.
Mrs. ('. F. Harris entertained the
members of the W. C. T. U. on Tues
day of thi week at her home wh-
a large number of the order were!
reseat. Mrs. Lee Farris was assist-1
ant hostess. A very nicely appointed
program was also featured.
George A. Stites shipped one ea
of cattle to the South Omaha market
on Tuesday of this week, and at the
same time Mr. L. G. Todd shipped
two. they ui immua very fine fcUle
and should have topped the inaikei
as they are both excellent cattle feed
ers. Mis Thetma Oifford Of Cedar
Rapids and who has been teaching
during the past y ai ;:t Bdgrad
Let us grind and mix your
Poultry and Hog Feed. We do
the job to suit you. Prices right
Geo. A. Stites
Grain Co.
The Quality Store
We feel that we are giv
ing our patrons an excep
tionally good value in the
Dollar Hose, when we
offer you Lady France
I fosicry.
All the Desirable
New Shades
The Quality Store
Telephone No. 29 Union, Nebraska
attending summer school at Peru this
summer, stopped at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Upton for a visit for
ever Sunday while on her way to
Miss Addle Bartlett of Omaha was
a visitor at the home of her brother,
C. L. Green a portion of last week
and on last Wednesday she with Mr.
and Mrs. Greene and their kiddie
visited at the home of the parents of
Mr. Greene and Mrs. Bartlett. who
reside at Grand Island.
4-E Xeepwell Club
The 4-E Keepwell club met on
las: Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. F. H. MC'arthey and were
entertained by this excellent lady,
cne feature of the meeting was the
physical examination of the members
who are aiming to keep well, was
made by Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Munay
and without any charge.
Food Be?-'? at Ft. Worth.
A fe .v days since the body of the
late John Kennedy, brother of Mes
dames Vesta and Rozzella Clarke,
and who visited h-re for a short time
abrut a month since, and who has
been making his home in Oklahoma.
The cause of death was not known.
Mr. Kennedy was Si years-- of age and
has resided in Oklahoma for the past
' ears. He leaves a wife and three
child ran in Oklahoma, one daughter!
in Iowa and a son in Omaha, and J
another son somewhere In the north-
Remember the Preacher.
Cherry blossom time is a gladsome
itime of the year, and then follows
the rnoie substantial results of the;
growing crops and bye and bye comes J
the time for the ripe strawberries,
when they some times mlt in one's
mouth, and that time arrived the.
past week. L. F. Fitch and wife
had some nice ones which they shared :
with the Rev. W. A. Taylor hod wife. ,
Not alcne did they glre liberally but
there came a large quantity aiso
from Char lee Hoback and wife.
ft'i-i e eatwi with a grea' deal of p 1 as
ure by this estimable couole. Remem
hering that, there would be no straw
berries growing this winter. B. B.
Breretl and wife brought a large
,jll;ir,tity that they might be canned
and used when the December winds
v i old bowl about the parsonage this
Will Take Vacation.
The attendance of the Union Busi
ness Men's elub dinners have fallen
off !? a.' thought be.-t t
: h in until some time in
last dinner
lay, it was
be no more
land by a motion at the
which wai held on Tue
decided that there would
dinners until this fall.
Hfue Sericus Auto Collision.
On hist Sunday evening while Carl
Everett and Henry Pearsley were
driving south on the highway near
the county line, a car containing four
men from Iowa, and all having a lit
tle too much, and were not able to
drive right, ran into the car driven
by Messrs. Breretl and Pearsley, with
the result that both cars were badly
damaged, but very fortunately, no
one wa. . lionsly injured. The Iowa
parties were boarding In ti.e Nebras
ka City for a
aumbt . of day-;
until the matter
can be adjusted.
Has a T: ick Mule.
N'ot so long since C. g. McCartney
purchased a mule with a remarkable
amount of intelligence, and which
he has peon sending to sehool at Dun
bar, (There he was having instruct
ed by Professor Walker. Whan E. E.
Leach was over to the roder. he was
speaking to Mr. Carter about the
mule, and on last Monday I e was a
to find out more
Hold School Election.
At a school meeting which was
held in Union on last Monday even
ing Mrs. L. R. Upton was selected as
the treasurer of the school district,
and all must agree that she will
make an excellent official.
Accepts Position at Wauneta.
On last Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Upton were over to Lincoln
where thy went to be present at the
graduation of their daughter. Miss
Sara Upton who was one of the
class of 1931 at the state university,
and who graduated with very high
standing. Miss Sara was home for
over the week end and on Sunday
departed for Lincoln where she en
tered summer school and will teach
in the schools at Wauneta, where
they have a large school, employing
ome fourteen instructors. Miss Sara
is to teach in the high school of that
town. Governor's New
Budget is Lower
Than First One
Assembly ir. Special Sebsior. to
Out Finances Explains
Hi-; Stand.
Lincoln, Neb., June it. Governor
ill van presented a new budget plan
to the special acssion of the Nebras
ka legislature this afternoon which
varied only a few thousand dollars in
the total amount of appropriations
from that which he recommended
last January. Actually, the new bud
get plan Is S4.S20 less than the
I one-
. iblffed individual items as to meet,
he stated, in an adequate manner,
the needl Of the state institutions.
These items were the cause of the
regular session deadlock.
This wa accomplished by trim
ming the amounts ne nau previously
recommended 'for the purchase of
uipplies. food and clothing for the in
stitutions during the next two years.
The trimming process yielded close
to a half million dollars, and that
surplus was turned to new buildings
;.nd repairs.
Business Proposition."
The governor urged the members
to lay aside "partisanship and at
tempted party advantages" and con
sider the problem before them as a
business proposition,
"Tax levies must be paid ilegard
of patty affiliation;" he ptitfed
"B8th political parties promised the
pepole of Nebraska tax reduction,
and these promises should be sacred
ly kejit," he said.
"I have endeavored to submit a
budget. (ti which all members could
unite and pass without a day's delay.
I believe I am speaking the over
whelming sentiment of the people
srhen I again urge that this be done.
"Logrolling or vote trading on ap-
propria tipns should not be counten-
anced. Such acts should be made a
felony. Appropriations that are not
of state-wide importance and con
tain sufficient merit to be approved
when roted upon separately should
not he hooked up with unnecessary
appropriations. Pork barrel states
i mansbtp should not be permitted to
I get a foothold in Nebraska legisla
! tive halls."
Metcalfe Presides.
The legislature convened in spe
cial session at 11 a. m.
Lieutenant Governor Ted Met
calfe presided in the senate and
Speaker Max Kier in the house.
Only two senators were absent at
', call -Senator K. S. Wherry of
Pawnee City and Senator C. J. War
in i of Waverly. Hoth were expected
later in the day.
Five representatives failed to an
swer roll call in the house but all
were expected to arrive later. They
are: Fred Keller of Eusti.s; Ohed
Raasch Of Norfolk; Paul Ilruveleit
Stanton ; Ira G. Forell of Chester,
and John risTekost of Hooper.
The Rer. T. H. Worley. of Hast
houss chaplain, prayed that the
legislators would speedily reach a
rightful conclusion of the financial
problem and supply the demands of
their constitutents.
Tht house adopted a motion re
taining ita present elective organ
ization, including the '-peaker, and
a contest then
tion of Repp
Cone of Valley
vote sufficient
started on
.-nt ative
the mo-
Trenmore j
t majority!
to make
to change the
of the house Instead of a three-fifths
majority vote as is now necessary.
The first skirmish resulted In a vic
tory for the house democrats, on a
r 1 1 t : ' ; i i by Representative Cone to
permit change or suspension of any
house rules by a majority vote. Here
tofore, it has taken a three-fifths vote
to do this.
This, the democrats say. will block
any effort to put Governor Bryan's
budget recommendations In the hands
of a republican controlled commit
tee for consideration, instead, throw
ing the budget bills on the floor of
the bouse for consideration.
The vote on Cone's motion was 51
to 42. World-Herald.
The county commissioners who
started their session as a board of
equalization on Tuesday, June 9th,
adjnurneu Wednesday o;i acccint ,,
the death of John F. Gorder, brother
of Commissioner Fred H. Gorder, to
meet again on Tuesday, June 23td.
when they v.ill take up the hearing
of complaints from the residents of
the county.
visitor In Union
about the donkey.
War on Gangland
is Taking Shape
from Two Sides
State ad Fedrp Governments Unite
in Effort to 'Teach Lesson
to Gangsters.
New York After months of pre
liminary training, ;tate and federal
governments are teaching gangsters
and racketeers a new definition of
"'heat." Even the "big shots" who
considerd themselves immune to the
ordinary annoyance of law are to get
a schooling. Wtihln a week vigorous
thrusts have been directed against
the two most notorious figure.; in
gangdom, "Scar face Al" Capons In
Chicago and Jack "Legs" Diamond In
New York. The lesser lights are hav
ing their troubles in proportion.
Al Capons, first among Chicago's
public enemies, was indicted by a
federal grand jury tor willful evasion
of federal income taxes amounting to
more than $200,400. He posted a
i ir.0.000 bond and must face trial for
a telonj which at the maximum, can
bring a five year sentence in th peni
tentiary and a fine of $10,000.
The troubles of "Legs" Diamond
hare been multiplying for' more than
a month, ever si nee the driver of a
cider wagon limped into Catskill, N.
Y.,'and complained that he had been
tortured by a gang of hoodlums.
Diamond, whose "country home" is
far from Catskill. was hauled upon
a charge of assault. But even before
the court had disposed of that charge
he was peppered with .shot at a road-
house. He
had in i
fullv recovered
when a federal grand jury Indicted Prance and southern Norway were
him and a handful of his thugs for affected.
conspiracy to violate the prohibition i J. J. Shaw, seismologist at the
laws. At Albany Friday counsel fori West Bromwlcb observatory, said the
Diamond complained that the State! shock, which started there at 1:26
was trying to "railroad" him. The la. in., was one of the severest ever
trial is set for June 15. Meantime I recorded In England. He reported
federal agents are investigating Dia-
mond s income.
Rhode Island furnishes a sensation
of its own during the week. One
James Lavalle, described as the "big
gest liquor dealer in New England,"
was convicted at Providence for fail-
ure to pay his income tax. Hi.- in-in
come ran into millions, and he bland
ly testified that for more than a year
he kept $500,000 tucked away in his
office safe.
The less spectacular characters are
also discovering that depositing large
sums In a bank Is a hazardous occu
pation. In New York, Enrico Mlro,
a Porto Rican, who made millions in
the "policy racket" in Harlem is un
der indictment for failure to pay an
income tax. So, too, is Emanuel
"Mannie" Kessler, who has already
served time in the penitentiary at
several of Al Capones' eon fed SI
ates in Chicago have found bank
Ford cars are now equipped
with safety glass in all doors and
windows at a small extra charge
or the Coupe, De Luxe Coupe, Sport
Coupe o- Convertible Cabriolet
THE Triplex safety glass windshield has always heen an outstanding feature of
the Model A Ford. By reducing the dangers of flying glass, it has saved many
lives and prevented countless injuries in automobile collisions.
ISow comes a further assurance of safety to every Ford owner ... polished
plate safety glass in ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS of slight additional cost.
The charge for this extra protection is unusually low because of large
production and the development of new methods of manufacture. Simply tell
the dealer when you buy the Ford that you want "safety plate glass in all doors
and windows" and the car will be factory-equipped for you in that manner.
Today, as before, the safety glass windshield is furnished as standard equip
ment on all Ford cars without extra charge.
FORD OWNERS This announcement refer only to MEW CARS. Ford dealer are not in
a position to install safety glass in the windows of your present Ford at the above prices.
counts to be bad business. First,,
Kalph C'apone. brother of AI. was
sentenced for lax frauds. Then Frank
Nittl and Jack Guzik, were sent up
for similar offenses. Today at Leav
enworth, Sam Guzik. brother of Jack,
hegan a sentence of eighteen months he didn't watch his accounts.
State Jgurnal.
Nanking (Saturday). The . Na
tionalist government foreign office
asked Dr. C. C. Wu. Chinese minister
to Washington to inform Colonel and
Mrs. Lindbergh that the Nationalist
government will welcome them to
Earth Tremors
Felt in Parts
of Europe
Severe in Places. But Without Loss
of Life cr Heavy Damage
Done to Property.
London Severe earth tremors in
! England, France. Norway and Bel
gium early Sunday greatly alarmed
i inhabitants, but did little material
j damage and caused no loss of life. At
many points persons jumped from
jtheir la ds and rushed to the streets
half elad. They remained outside for
'some time, talking excitedly about
,the disturbance. The tremors WST
felt thru out England, and In part of
Sect land. Wales, the channel islands
and the Isle of Wight. Northern
that the tremors continued strong for
trom five to seven minutes and then
gradually diminished. They were
narticularly strong in the Midlands.
The phenomenon was accomplished
in some regions by rumbling noises
and In other places was preceded by
severe thunderstorm. An oppres
prtve calm was noted elsewhere.
Many chimneys crashed to the
ground and buildings were felt to
sway. Furniture was moved in
strange fashions and crockery was
thrown to the floor.
Night workers said the ground was
felt to move gently. The floors of
newspaper offices in Fleer street mov
ed distinctly and tables shook for
nearly a minute and then all was
quiet. .
The pier master at Southern-on-Sea,
at the mouth of the Thames in
Essex, reported that he was awaksn
ed bv being thrown fri-'Oi his bed H
ac-jsaid he hurried outside and saw the
the Tudor Sedan, Standard Sedan,
De Luxe Sedan,
7 on ii Sfdan
sea in an upheaval
hing about in a
and boats
Wichita Falls, Tex. Six persons,
one a fourteen year old boy. were
killed in a collision of a heavy freight
truck and a passenger motor car at
Smith creek bridge near Believe.
The dead were: M. Mitcham, Wichita
Kails grocer; Sam MeNew, Wichita
Fails bakery employe; Bill Oman.
Wichita Falls garage man: Murphy
Deshong. Amarillo. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Deshong, owners of the
truck; V. J. Notley. Dallas, substi
tute driver of the truck, and Leo
nidas Lawler. Vernon. Orman, the
only victim found alive after the
crash, succumbed to a fractured
skull shortly after 8 o'clock.
Los Angeles, June 6.- Mrs. Doug
las Shearer, sister-in-law of Norma
Shearer, motion picture star, and wife
of a prominent sound engineer, com
mitted suicide with a rented target
piste a1 a Venice pier shooting gal
lery Saturday.
l S
royal blues rich browns with White Serge Trousers.
That's what the stylish young man is wearing this sum
mer and you'll nnd them here in a complete range of
Let us show you these "Ice Cream" Suits!
Price Complete, $17 and up
or Victoria
Eagle River, Wis. A bitter fight
for acquittal was contemplated by
George W. E. Perry, principal of six
bigamous marriages, who was held
without hail in the Vilas county jail
for trial in circuit court on a charge
' oi slaying t ora Belle Hackeit. his
third "wife." Perry waived prelim
inary hearing when arraigned and
was bound over to the October term
of court. The proceedings, climaxing
his return under guard from San
Francisco, were brief.
"I'm not guilty, I'll fight to the
finish and I'll be acquitted, too. But
I want a long delay because there's
some things my lawyer will have to
look up," Perry said.
Altho freely admitting bigamy.
Perry denied he was guilty of shoot
ing Mrs. Hackett, moderately wealthy
Illinois widow with whom he "honey
mooned" at the II. W. Parker resort
near here last summer.
Quebec Fire started by a small
boy playing with matches in the vil
lage of Notre Dame De Tring, in
Beauce county, destroyed thirty-two
huildings and damaged several
They Call Them
and they are! .Cool, refresh
ing Eton flannel Coats tail
ored perfectly Arab tans