4 PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY. MAY 7. 1931- FARM PROFIT 2.7 PERCENT Kearney The average farmer in Buffalo county who co-operated with the farm bureau last year in keep ing farm account books earned 2.7 percent on his capital invested, ac cording to the summary compiled by the rural economics department at Lincoln. This is higher than the farms earned in eastern Nebraska but not as high as what was earned on the western Nebraska farms, ac cording to L. D. Snipes, who assist ed in returning the farm account books. The men who kept books in 1929 and 19:i0 show a net decrease in la bor nnd management wage of $823 in spite of the fact that a much larger crop was harvested In 1930 than in 1929. The farmer who fed livestock was paid well for his ex tra labor, as $15 2 was received for each $100 in feed fed to cattle, hogs, poultry and sheep. The high fifteen of this group had $1,022 for their year's labor, while the fifteen least profitable farms lack ed $762 of paying 5 per cent on their investment, and get nothing for la bor all year. Vinegar ricja n we xo ft, I V I MIXED I PURE ; i i mMK.-- .1 .w, i Pin 10e 5e I 4 Ber ts, No. 21 ? 10c r Spinach, 2 size. . 2Sc J Wax Beans, No. 2 10c EEL k Corn, No, 2 can . . . 10c Em. M jjjjj I Butter I j ) Pure Creamery Pound. 3? ' ms neJiotuononw infmd uuuuj i ens' Market M m Where Big Bargains Are To Be Found FEIDAY & SATURDAY Cheese Full Cream Per Lb. I5e OLEO Fresh and Sweet 2 lbs, for 25e HEINZ Catsup Lg. Bottle 19c Brooms. 4-tie 35c Matches, 2 cartons . 25c Oxydol, lg. pkg. . . . 18c Lima Beans, 2 lbs . . 25c PORK BUTT ROAST- Per lb. Fancy Lean Boston Butts SPARE RIBS Lean, meaty, lb. STEAKS Ch. shoulder cuts, lb. FRESH HAM Boneless, per lb. HAMBURGER Fresh cut, lb. . SAUSAGE Home made, lb 12c BEEF ROAST Per lb 14c RIB BOIL Per lb 8c Raisins, 4-lb. pkg. . . 30c Marshmallows, lb-. 19c Lettuce, Ice Bergs. . 1C Bananas, doz 25c i4c t 1U 18c 12c FUKE Lard Pound Soup, Van Camp's Tomato 5c 4G- Blue Ribbon Malt, 3-lb. can Windmill Salad Dress'ng, qt. jar . 37c Hummer Brand Coffee, lb 19c Ivory Snow, lg. pkg., 2 for 25c Lay. Soap, Crystal Wh., 10 bars . 29c Palmclive Beads, 3 pkgs 25c Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs 19c ' A i ft it 3 I FSST FWS TOnSHESI Large Size B r ""3 Package 11 IOC KAMO Ssrk svaap 5-!h. Pail 'Vi, Butter Nut JELL Astd. Flavors 5e FRANK'S Kraut No. 2V2 9e YE 1ST FOAM 5e Pork and Beans, No. 1 can 70 Carnation Milk, tall cans, each . 7C TV j-j , No. 2 can 70 AcsGrter Gallon Fruits 49 Syrup, gaL, dark, 530; Light. . .59c Macaroni Spaghetti, Noodles. . 50 Blu Kross Paper Cloth, 3 rolls . 250 Royal Ann Cherries, lg. 2l2 can . 230 250 I W Kidney Beans, No. 2 can, 2 for . Pink Salmon, 1-lb. can, 2 for ... . 25c FAR. CUT 0 asa Rolled Oats IGA 2 Large Pkgs. 35e .1 w g Sj Dairy Maid Quartered bi 8 a Today at the 1.04. you'll find apo'Irss stores, lotr pricjs, quality fooda, shop ping rase, complete stocks and owncr-cotirte.y. It it indeed a far cry trom th old wasteful vsy of uhoppin to this modern, money. cai :r j method. IGA- Large Package Q E 41 5 Ss UK I-G-A LYE Fine or Soap Making 3 Cans for 1 "i Crystal White 10 Bars . 29C 8 3 is 19c 25c 23c 27c Cheese, full cream, American, lb. Cigarettes, all varieties, 2 pkgs. . Par Carton. $1.19 IGA Cake Flour, fluffy, per pkg. Pork and Beans, 2 large cans. . . . Corn, fey Country Gentleman, can. 10c Per Dozen. $1.15 Mait, Blue Ribbon, lg. 3-ib. can . . . 49c Homa Malt, per can 49c Peaches, Golden, 2 lg. 2V2 cans Very Fancy Heavy Syrup Starch, IGA, 1-lb. pkgs., 2 for. Corn or Gloss Sugar Wafers, astd. flavors, lb. FLOUR! FLOUR! Little Hatchet, 48-lb. bag IGA. Money-Back Guarantee. . Highest Grade Flour Sold 45c i5c m 24c $1.19 1.29 Soap Demonstration Friday and Saturday We will have a factory representa- j tive from Colgate Palmolive Peet j Co.. and offer thru the factory the f following for Friday and Saturday. I 3 bnis Palmolive Soap and 1 pkg-. Palmolive Beads 2Zc 4 bars Creme Oil Soap-25c Super Suds. 2 for 18c 10 bars Crystal White Laundry Soap 29c Crystal White Chips 19c Sea Foam. lg. size 19c Large dre Kviksclv. with small package FREE for.23c Ha.' d water Soap, large bars, 3 for 25c Airship Baleen Free with Each Purchase I MEAT DEPARTMENT BABY BEEF ROAST Fine corn fed stock- Per lb. i5c m J BEEF SHOULDER STEAK Tender and juicy. Per lb. i PORK BUTT ROAST Boston Butts. Per lb. . S FRESH HAM ROLL Boneless. 6-8 lb. av. Half or whole S PORK LIVER Contains the vitamines you need. 2 lbs. . S FRANKFURTERS Coney Islands. Z lbs, for 20c 1 13c s 19C 1 I Cookie Demonstration Fey. Astd. Chocolate Marshmallows. etc. 2 lbs., 49c 1 lack & White White Swan SYRUP 5-lb. Pail 2e Champion 48-lb. Bag 95c M. J. B. or Maxwell House COFFEE 35c VICTOR 48-lb. Bag $17 Peanut Butter 10-oz. Jar 10 c rii!iili!liii!illll!li!ll Demonsgraic n by Uneeda Bakers Per Lto. igC Large White King and 3 bars Soap with 4 49 I Ball and Bat all for . I i i Lighthouse Washing Powder 10 X I A A 1 I Big extra special at . . . . AV I I I Eggs taken in Trade or Cash $3 and Up Orders Delivered Free! 10c Delivery Charge on Orders Under $3.00 ft Split in Ranks of Cornbelt Farm ers is Apparent lviinoniy urroun, jwcs wwm jutn 3 i -n ii i ,, Discredit Hoover. I Des Moines The national eoin 'inittee of farm orRanizat ions was I formed by a minority croup of tiu' cornbelt federation after William I Hlrtti of Columbia, lib., chairman or the f.doration, toRether with others of its leaders, succeeded In Mating 'by a 20 to 19 vote delegates from subsidiary farm union groups. While the farm board ami its policies was the principal line of cleavage, the ! members of the new group resented what they termed was an effort on the part of Hlrtta to use the feder ation to discredit the Hoover adinin ist ration. ! Supporters of the farm board withdrew when the representation was Increased, charging that the ac tion was a move on the part of lllrih and other federation leaders to "pack" that body for the purpose of condemning the agricultural market ing act and its administration. Ralph Snyder of Manhattan. Kas.. ptti dent of the Kansas farm bureau, was named chairman of the new organ ization, while A. W. Ktekr of St. Paul, formerly secretary of the corn belt federation ft was elected to a similar position in the new commit tee. Joining; in the move wer- repre sentatives of farm and co-operative organisation! in Iowa, Nebraska. Minnesota. North Dakota, Wisconsin, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Montana. Following the withdrawal, meet ings of the cornbelt federation were resinned and election of officers held. Mr. Kirth was re-elected president, with Milo lteno, former president Of the Iowa Farmeis" union, the new vice president; Tom ('ashman of Minnesota, secretary, and Uleon Mil ler, president of the Iowa I'arniers union, treasurer. Mirth, in his state ment declared "the nomination of Hoover in 1932 will mean a devas tating rout for the republican party ami that Charles O. Dawes alone of !iM republican possibilities could win farm suiort. KIDNAP CASE IS DISMISSED FARNUM DIVORCED San Francisco, Cat. May 6. Wil liam Faruum. motion picture player, and Mr. Olive Onn Farnunt were di vorced today. Madison, Wis. Charges of kidnaping-, contained in warrants issued against Harry Hamilton Drill, St. I'aul. and two companions, were dis missed in superior court here. On cross examination, Mrs. Drill, who swore out the warrants against the trio here, admitted the alleged kid naping developed into a hilarious jaunt across the country after the quartet had left New York, where ' claimed she was abducted on April II to tell several persons of her alleged plight or to cry out for help. In dismissing the case Judge Scheln said he was convinced it was "an escapade of a bunch of kids, who ought to be spanked." "So far as Dane county is con cerned," he said, "there is no proof of kidnaping. Moreover, in this state a husband cannot kidnap his wife." Bead the Journal Want-Ads JL. Thomas Walling Company 4 Abstracts of Title Phone 314 Plattsmouth m i w