The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 22, 1931, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THURSDAY. JAN. 22. 1931.
.. K. !'KTKI(i on.. ..hi tun h
II. Ivrmuii
if inn ii
Hy. Hit Benin ii
otto Keck
lloukktf per
Knlph Petri MS ., THrhnki-rt Gea Wbltearaa
I'nrtM Dept. Mio'i h'urrmaii ' Mr. hnnlc
V in. Ki'li'lsoii
Batter? Dept.
at. Raauael
vii cs urn ii
Tllln In tiit ear I axil atade Itadee ftroiherM faaaaaa. t Ih
Imh. lift". Hits slid lioil-. extra stood aaalntcrlaa. Mo
tor mouiiiIm 'h rfnl Km bat ft 1 5 . Extra Read lire, mill
m eeoatder ;i sac at lit at 1 u;m in the wil'. Galas t
a fiactloa of itx Hr-i coat mill - ill Koed For Ihiik siTvicr. . .
ko- 11 for II M
'I'll 1 cur m:i bt n raaalar aroaad town aad coaatrj with n iun
xk tat Mm drlv-lag ii to (five jroa 11 tleaaaaati'aHaa, it
i palated aa afire aicca with blade top. MtripoM with
reran aad black. Ha ratra tomi tir-M heater, motor
men- noil arc believe in nm f Bar evtataadtajK raluea at. .
ii ii.
5 W
hen the other fellow
v.ants to sell. Ford cut
the prices on New Cars
one? we have to on Used
Cars to take care of
New Car business.
10 Cars will be Given
Change of Oil
Theae alia it re at Mae ti- the
bolide r of your ear 1 in miml.
'1'tM 1 r- refined from olio I ceo t
I ranV ii a rc made rich nnil full
bdted able to protect onr ear
ajcalaat aaacceaaavT repair pud
r il nor men t iimtii. Thewo
raaHtT lubricanlM re-rularl.v mid
inrrt'fll.v iippliex e. ill help you
Bjet rur' i7i i J. cf Mnfo, . 1 rni-
s-:ii traaalr free1 at a t'lec built in
to roar ear. I ".very itiKht nt S:ir
arc are to Kive tare com
plete rhniieiit of oil Kit I '. I :.
of ALL Trade-in Automobiles
Ford Cut the Price of New Cars We Must Unload
to take care of New Car Business
Our Prices are the Lowest Ever Offered Public
We will Reduce Cars
$5 a Minute
Every Nite at 8:30
Until Sold
Kvert n in M nt KdM nill
tnki eara ami put tiiem tin to
red arc as.aa n atlaatr until
KOld, I Mm Cecal lnkrN plnee
bctweea :.' aad !:mi o'eloek.
When tat atari salas dnnn,
doa't nlt tea riiut mmhc tol
kra will aay "I'll tnke It."
tlr i nr. your ear rjowa Bad let
iim iriilNe it. -o Mini whea
we aacttaa theae c.'i rs all yon
will baa a fion niiieh ntr rnr
will be wortli in trade. This
t. free anal you il nt obllaatc
yourself In nn nn.
You folks will be amazed at the low prices that are going to be offered
to you at this sale. We are forced to put this sale on because the Ford
Motor Company has reduced the price of the new car and we have
too many at the present time and have to clear out our place so we
can take care of our New Car business. Cash or terms as you like !
We will Auction Cars
Every Nite, 8:15
During this sale we will give extra
trade-in allowances on your used car.
The thing- that we are primarily inter
ested in is to reduce our used cars in
dollars and cents. Come in and let us
make an effer on your car.
:ior i aaal her car :h'it prerttealij
"TTi a thirty liny yaaraatcr. Tttfa in
Sella n front aad rear
i:umi r-. ""Ire- rre e
irr gooii. Mm extra
el on whitieoril uphol- juiilina JW
Kterinie. linoi! late moil- TwSx,
M nt i-nr-rniii nrii-e.
."'ii1 aa new mil
IFaraav S tPJ itolow
That eoupe in extra uimhI
eonilition t hrtiout mot
or. npholMteriiiK. paint.
Hint k erenm trim. Hum
bninperM fi-ouf. rear, nl
mo motor meter. A very
apavtj IooUIuk ear. tlul
llafatafafafafafafatafafaafafata I
for Your Car Every Other
Night at 8 P. M.
ICetsarilleMM of what Mini of ear
y ou have, mu o ' 1 1 jeet n tire to
tit it. wbetacr lt"a a lluiek. I'uni.
t'nilillae, ate. ll you hne to do
Im write oni- iiniiie nil'1 a kIouiiii
Why v on Think I'irexl'ine Tiren
nre the Hi-mI." e w ill hare earN
In nil partB of our buililliiie uuil
any our eonneetei' with the ora ion will gladly help you tvel
theMe tile a. 'u have to le here
when our name Im ealled to earr
home the tire, iim we will not de
liver It. In on mo of a tie, counl
prir.eM will be awanleil.
'xz mode?, cark blue
anil baa alntoat new
(Ire. Kxtrn elenn Ve
lour upholaterlnitT. A
lot of uuitMrd mlleaKe
in thiM ear. ttnly
1927 Buick
Here la a real ear
nothlBtc ran pana you
oa the road. Fancy
wins motor meter al
no beater. 011 ran't
bear the motor run.
1926 Ford
A 11 1 1-ml ll ear. Motor '
thoroiiKhly reeomlit-
ioned. .Mekle Mhell
dlator. 3 wire wheel.
extra tcootl tIreM, frt.,
rear bumpera, motor I
Here la a rer bay. A
Whippet In kuowu na
the moMt eeouomtenl ear
ou kiim ever made. Mo
tor rn-! tir'-M in wonder
ful eonilition 011 thiM ear.
I'riee Im only
Give Terms
' ililMI aMaatatWBI
You can buy a car lots
cheaper now than next
Spring, because we've
reduced our prices less
than they will be then
and Spring is just
around the corner.
a. -av A av A. AAA. Jk
on it. IIm many rvtran, liieliidint;
S225 2 $195
I 1926 FORD FORDOR k rcK-Up0 g 1926 FORD TUDOR I
3 Thia ear baa balloon tlrra In isood eoudltloa. I I Here la another real buv. TUfl ear baa a I
n :i itoihI hott).. nil iciiiiiI it I a m m nml umul up- alK lluiiily en- on farm or in ton n. BBB i,.li. rn.ll.i... i.n ...... r .
$- a. aaaa bBB aa - - . - . . n . i uui; t at r l paa
Cm MO mw M holMtrrlaa nml will ul- mo me- go mm MM Hum Ni.-el pick-up body and 1 .hI paint, nil perfect ul. lU mm I
&a"fc K " '"' rhcap tranaitor- 9f.r riii you ean't duplicate. ).....! atarter and batten I Lis fLf
mAj$JP H over It a har- If f m H p '' here loan and wh, aiB I
9 -'' '" urlcr of -ww jmm mZ C if tilh the ..ri. nU J
1929 Roadster
Here Im n tine HodeJ Pard Raadatrr villi rumble Meal. IIbm
;i.r ira-ti:tll v new I ailed Miilrx vn extra kihhI top nml
-ittt cartalaa. Proat nn'. n :ir baaapi ia The mo
tor Ij::m liren tht;rouiclil eeoilit ioiK'il. im1 tur
rits n 'hir:y ilny jiiinmntee. tf you are looking
for n -i extra f,-ii Raadatrr ace thiM unr at
Durant SiK 4-Door Sedan
There rrnll ln"' Bfaeh tht ne-- be loIl you nliout thiM
In-ill!-' new rnr. Iium prae
tienllv no mileage at
all and will be Mold to
yon m nrnrlv e nrn
ear Rt u reduction that
Im nell worth f QBlldf t
Ilia:. No hotter hiirKaln
iinynhere than thiM one
1930 Ford Deluaxe Fordor Sedan
Here Im u ear that Im jual broken III Iiiim only '.TOO mlleM
tatwell - heater ntifl
electric elarBr llshter.
I pholMtered In genuine
Mohair. ThiM car can
not he loi'l from a new
ear that mcIIm for J7:t"
It earrlen the regular
new enr KU'irtnitrr.
lie lu-.e value at
Studefjaker Coue
Here In n wiiiiilerrnl liny Car nomeone n no wiitN liew.o iiiiiim-
Fiortntion. Thla -ar iin extr:i gaad Urea on it and extra caod
irnliil. ITybofaite rea in tr aalar Moliulr. hM wpare
tire. mo'.or aiet'.T iitxl bumper, I-'otir nheil
brnkeM niifl Im b rerl bay. See thiM ear m will
not he aUaappoluli'd iu II. SnU' prlee only
id extra ;nod
nr eiitfuile ol ih- rrret lh"l i? i -
Model A Ford
Thia ear ia painted a
dark brown, trimmed iu
black and real. Hum extra
K001I tireM. motor meter.
Kood upholMterlnic. tar
Iiiim been thoroiiKhly- re
conditioned and earrlca
a thirty day auarantee.
The price Im only
Ki. kiioiI Mhape. Haa
Ken. leather uphol
aterliiM;. perfect top,
aood aide ctirtalBM.
t.ooil tlrea, front and
rear liumpera.
I pkolatered In aenu
iue Mohair. Practic
ally urn tlrea V aood
Mpnre. Heater, motor
meter and four wheel
brake. A real buy.
Flint 4 Door 8
tine of beat huya in
the Male. I.oiiIm mid
aoiiBtla like a brand
new car. Itlilea like a
Pullman. -I wh. brake,
aood tirea. heater.
Model A Ford
Std. Coupe
Here Im nnotber harKiiin
that will be Miinppcd up
in a hurry. I'ainteil real
ilnrk blue, creamy color
ed wheelN. Haa n motor
meter, kooiI up ho I Ser
ine., aooil tirei. Thor
oiiKhly ree.i mi i t io m il. ::o
ila Kuaniutee. Only-
1929 Essex Four Door Sedan
Here in a real faintly ear. The I.'mmcv Im known for Hm ohm
ridlat: aaallttca it rleM III;.- - I'nilmaii. Has praetieallj
brand new lire-. Illue
velour upholMterSiiK. It
will not fie here Ioiik
nt the M-le price, mo lie
here early mid miiup nil
thiM uiiiimii:I value.
$165 $275 $265
1926 Buick Standard Coupe
r.veryone koonM Mint the Kuii-k. Im oi f the lu-Mt niitomoliilcM on
the market aad Im noted for Ita Ioiik life. HiiiekM
are now fclllaaJ three to one every ear on the
aaarket prtrrd at I.mmi and over. t"iIm vtandanl
loupe will Kie you Ioiik n'rtlt-e. Priced af
iniomoiiiieM ou
I BIB ear naM a new puiut job on il ind ia one of the aporti
CMt looking eara in ..ur entire atoek. It Iim brlKht orauicr
wneein, naM neen ttior
oiiKhly reeonditioned by
our tat I BBalf MinoMt
new tlriM nut .-ill carry
ncn car Kuarniitee. - IU
for about one-half of ita jj
oriKinnl aOMt.
-ai3!i!!;''.1 '!i-i.
ill! il Mill iM HIM BP'
1927 Fordson
Vow la the time to buy
your tractor. durliiK thia
Male. ThiM tractor haa been
thoroiiKhly o erhauled. It
baa all the lateat improve
meuta iBcladinK the Kover
Baa. It ha been repainted
and lookM like a brnnd new
tractor ami will perform
like a new tractor, fume
In and look it over, v bix
alue nt
Prices Have Been Reduced
Buy your tire needs now at these reduced prices. Tires
are now the lowest prices in history. You cannot af
ford to take chances and inconvenience yourself driv
ing on old tires when you can buy at these low prices :
1925 Ford
Kor an old model thiM Ford Ton riot; ;m in , r1 ROod Mhape,
naM conn pnini. iiniioou tireM. A-l top. Rood aide
"aatalaa, aaad atibolaterfav, aad will kIvc aomebody
the cheapeat liaaapailatiaa n few dollara ever pur
chaaetl. t.oiui; nt the cxt rnordliinry low price of....
'hiM ear Im in evtra mmil Mhnpe, motor noundn perfect. AA'ill
make a snml fatally
arc. 4 practically aew
lirea. front and rrar
mimnSL iinmperN. nonair ap-
... I . 1. .... 1
brakea aad la a real
buy at the aale price.
af W ''PllalWlaaaalaaaamlll Wg
Firestone Oldfield
4.4021 4.98
4.50 20 5.60
4.50 21 5.69
4.7519 6.65
4.75 20 6.75
6.0018 Heavy Dnty 11.20
30x5 Heavy Duty 17.95
32x6 Heavy Duty 29.75
Genuine Firestone
4.40 21 5 7.05
4.50 20 7.45
4.50 21 7.85
4.75 19 8.55
5.00 19 9.15
5.00 21 9.80
5.50 18 11.50
5.50 19 12.00
6.0018 12.75
30x5 Truck, Hvy. Duty 21.00
32x6 Truck 33.20
1926 Fordson
Sprina In jiiMt arouuil the
rorner ami now In the time
to buy your tractor. ThiM
one haa been all thoroiiKh
ly overhauled ami haa all
the lateMt Improvementa In
eludiliK the Kovernor. Ite
lialnteil and lookM like a
new tractor. It will per
form like a new tractor at
a coat only - fraction of
the new tractor price.
Late 1928 F'irc2 Roadster
ThiM ninilaii r lint -i rumble aeat. extra aood Miile eurtniiiM. front
and rear baaaaerB. I'raetienlly new tireM. lOxtrn
1:001! iinint job. Mini m it real buy, i'arrlCM imr
ri'Kiilar thirty day Kunrantee. If you're inier
CMted in n K iinlMter by all mean', mcc thiM niir'at . .
urtnliiM. front
1927 Chevrolet Landeau Sedan
TIiIm Im the 'ii. In . t priei-il f"r thnt Cheirolet mnkeM
a lie luxe Kiinliir !eilan, nitb extra
It In
tliiiMhliiK. Mohair uphol
MterinK I" In tine Mlitipe.
I'ivi- kooiI ilrr.. Vlotor
in A-' Mhape. Praal jiihI
renr f-uniperM. Im ii
tenl : I the Ion irle; we
offer, tine of the man)
IiIk iiiIiiik in ihi- 11 le.
1928 F&rd Roadster
Here is another ear that won't IJ lour. Thi-; enr Iibm extra kooiI
pnlnt. two new tireM and tno tint nre prnetieall.i
new. Kront and rear bumper, nlao motor meter,
rnrrlca our rricular MO tin Bimmiitce. Look it
over. It aiirc Im a Imrmtin at the low price of
aa extra KOod
Plattsmouth Motor Co.
Authorized Ford Dealers
1 I
ThiM Tudor Im painted n ''ark
cream. IIbm been thoroiiKh
ly overhauled. Haa aeat
covera. Practically new
tlrea. Haa Onnll radiator
ami enrrlcM n thirty
iruarautee. Ion can
tniM one lor HH
liliie, trimmed with bin
'k a