FAQS FOUR FLATTCHOUTH SEIH, WEEKLY JOTOHAE MONDAY, AUG. 11, 1930. Manley News Items Charles O'Leary has been visiting friends in and around Manley for th-J past week. Arthur "Wiles was delivering wheat to the Manley elevator on Wednes day of last week. Manley friends will be pleased to hear of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. William Carper in Omaha. Miss Margaret Murphy is spend ing a two weeks' vacation at home with her mother, Mrs. Charles Mur phy. Al Hill, who Is traveling on the road the most of the time, was home for a number of days during the past week. Miss Mary Murphy returned home Saturday after a two months stay ia Omaha with her sister, Mrs. John Tighe. Bert Reed, sheriff of Cass county, was a business visitor In Manley on last Tuesday, having some business matters to look after. Burdes Hawes who has been troubled for some time with bad ton sils had the same removed and is re ported as getting along nicely since Herman Dall who was injured in an auto wreck some time since is getting along nicely at this time though still some sore from injuries yet. Mrs. Charles Cade was a visitor in Manley for two days being guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleishman during her stay here. Mrs. Nellie Ileebner who is work ing for a publishing company in the northwest was a visitor at home for a number of days during the past week. R. Bergman was called to Omaha on Monday of last week where he had some business matters to look after in connection of purchases for the store. August Paulsen and Vm. F. Sch- leifert of Louisville were visiting in Mauley on Wednesday of last week and were looking after some busi ness matters. . August Krecklow was a visitor in Omaha on Tuesday of last week, hav ing some stock for the metropolis and bringing home some freight for the merchants. John Rauth and daughter, Anna, were shopping in Omaha one day last week. Miss Anna is planning to return to Rosary college, Chicago, in September for her degree, this being her senior year. Teddy Harmes and wife with their little son were guests for over the night and a portion of the day at Talmage on last Wednesday, where they were visiting at the home cf Henry Teters and family. In a ball game which was staged at the Manley ball park on last Sun day, a pretty lively time was had with the home team carrying away the laurels, the opposing team com ing from Omaha and the result be ing Manley 16, Omaha 8. Miss Rachel FleTschman who has lx-en visiting for some time at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Ada Trayer of Falls City returned home on last Sunday and fater a days visit at home went to Ashland where she is visit ing with her sister, Mrs. Charles Cade. Repairs on St. Patrick's church are almost completed. The interior has been completely redecorated, the al tars repainted, and new light fixtures installed. Great credit is due those having the work in hand for the handsome appearance the church now presents. Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt went to Glenwood, Iowa, by way of Omaha Friday to stay a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Case. While in Omaha, she met her sifter, Sister M. Alexia, O. S. D., on her arrival from Rockford, Illinois, who accompanied her to Glenwood. Robert J. McXealy of Louisville who is police judge in the cement city and by the way a candidate for nomination on the republican ticket for county attorney, was in town and was looking after his political fences, meeting with the people and becom ing acquainted with the voters. Albert Wheeler of Murray, Jack Stamp of Plattsmouth, the latter a candidate for nomination for treas urer on the democratic ticket, and Make Kaffenberger, representing Miss Lillian White, candidate for register of deeds on the democratic ticket were in Manley on last Wednesday. CHINA EXPORT DISCUSSION Washington An attempt to ascer tain the cause and determine a rem edy for the decline in exports from the United States to China will be begun Friday by a senate subcommit tee headed by Senator Pittman, Ne vada. Forty witnesses have been invited to appear, Including prominent ex porters, transportation experts, bank ers and economists. The committee will go to San Francisco for hearings beginning Aug. 27 with later sessions scheduled for Los Angeles, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Reno, Denver, Spok ane, Akron and New York. In a letter to the committee Dr. Julius Klein, assistant secretary of commerce, said American exports to China had declined by $17,000,000 for the first five months of 1930 as compared with the similar period last year. He attributed the decline to renewal of military activities, lower world prices on many commodities and the low price of silver. Friends of Miss Lily Tighe, who have been in St. Catherine's hospital in Omaha for the past ten weeks with a fractured leg, will be pleased to learn that she was able to leave the hospital Thursday. Accompanied by her mother, Mrs. John Tighe, she was taken to the home of her sis ter, Mrs. J. A. Cuse near Glenwood, Iowa, where it is thought the cool ness and quiet of the country will aid in the rapid recovery she is making. (Political Advertising) (Political Advertising) (Political Advertising) Makes Nice Place, The St. Patrick's Catholic church which has been under work of decor ation on the interior, has been com pleted and is looking fine. The work was dene under the supervision of Gust Knoflicek of Plattsmouth who is a finished workman in this line, and assisted by Joseph Wolpert. Seeiner California. Cyrus Livingston and wife with one of their daughters departed on last Monday for California, they driv ing in their car and will expect to be away for some six weeks, and will visit many interesting places while gone and meet many friends there. Herman Dall Suffers a Very Severe Accident Foot Catches in Machinery and Foot and Left Leg Fractured and Mangled Herman Dall. 52, prominent resi dent of Manley and implement dealer of that place, receiver serious if not fatal injuries this morning when he was caught in the machinery of a tractor-plow and had his left foot and leg fractured and mangled in a very severe manner and he was rushed to the hospital at Omaha for treatment in hopes of saving his life. Mr. Dall had gone to the farm of Mrs. C. M. Andrus near Manley which is farmed by Paul Fleming, to give a demonstration of a tractor plow, John Mockenhaupt driving the tractor while Mr. Dall was to as sist. In some manner his foot caught on part of the machinery of the plows and the left foot was broken in sev eral places and the overalls that he was wearing was also caught and drew the leg to the plows, the left leg being fractured below the knee and the limb had the flesh cut and torn in very bad shape, there being hardly any flesh left on the leg. The injured man was taKen to Murdocfc by Mr. Fleming but medi cal aid could not be secured there and he was then taken to Louisville to receive temporary aid, being hur ried" to the hospital at Omaha where the injured leg and foot will be treated. f f T r t r r T t r Y I X T (Political Advertising) (Political Advertising) VOTE FOR ljD( Candidate for Renomination on the Republican Ticket for Coootty Atttoroey Mr. Kieck has served faithfully and well in the past six years in the office of County At torney His record is such as to deserve a re-election. He has prosecuted all cases coming before him in the interest of strict and honest law enforcement without fear or favor and if re elected will continue to do so. A Vote Sor Kieck is a Vote ffor Continua tion os Honest Law EnSereement Michael Hild Plattsmouth, Nebr. Democratic Candidate or Clerk oS the District Court YOUR SUPPORT IS SOLICITED Republican Candidate for Eorn in Cass County A Common Man for the Common People! 'o Candidate 2oe a. (Folitical Advertising) Fred E, E nosoo Republican Candidate for State Treasurer HIS MOTTO 'Service, Efficiency and Economy' 8 Years Treasurer Burt County 3 Years Deputy State Treasurer Experience Counts Attention is called to the fact that a name similar to Fred E. Ericson has been filed for the purpose of con fusing the voters. Cast your vote for Fred noson Phone your news Items to No. 6. (Political Advertising) - . : ifM &J-' VOTE FOR m P. iLiiich i FOR State Treasurer Mr. linch is a native born Nebras kan and for many years has been engaged in farming:, ranching; and general stock raising. He also spent several years in the automobile, and other lines of mercantile business in Nebraska and is well qualified for this office. (Political Advertising-) (Political Advertising) VOTE FOR C. BABCOCK A Certified Public Accountant FOR State Auditor Republican candidate. Resident of Nebraska 58 years! Practicing Accountant 21 Years. t T V z X X X t I X X X X X X t y T X IT x X X T T X T T T t f T 'One Good Term Deserves Another' CAST YOUR VOTE FOR !tiri On the RepuhUcam Tis&et . Primary August 12, 1930 Your Support w. 11 he Appreciated Candidate for Renomination Republican Ticket FOR c Sheriff HUGH H. DRAKE CANDIDATE FOR State ftaibay Commissioner Subject to Republican Primary During His Term of Office SHERIFF REED has collected $41,443.45 in delin quent taxes for the county, some being: for amounts due fifteen and twenty years. 226 PERSONS have been confined in the County Jail and ten of these have gone to the penitentiary for from one to thirty-nine years. THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE has been instrumental in smashing chicken stealing ring and in the breaking up of store robberies. SIXTY-EIGHT LIQUOR LAW CASES handled and all but five convicted, many with long sentences. it- TP- 'A ' His training as a lawyer insures expert aid in solving the prob lems of utility regulation. His experience of two years as secretary of the commission for tifies him with a knowledge of those problems that is most valu able to the public. His record as a progressive guar antees the square dealvthat pub lic officials owe the people they serve. Your Support and Your Vote trill be Welcome A Vote or REED is a Vote or Continuance of Earnest and Honest Law Enforcement! Vote for ONE For Clerk of the. District Court X C. E. LEDGWAY Plattsmouth Experienced Efficient Courteous Trustworthy Voters will Make No Mistake in Casting Their Ballot for Ledgway ! Lsdl CANDIDATE FOE waiy Clerk of ithe District Court on the Republican Ticket Five Years9 Experience Deputy for Golda Noble Beal as Your Support will be Greatly Appreciated