t 1 MONDAY, AUG. 11, 1930. PLATTSMOTTTH .gEMI WEEKLY JOTBWAL PAGE TTTRTTM j Cbe plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher A cabbage over four feet high and BURYING THE ANTI-TRUST LAW ruthless exploitation which they long Ten thousand people assembled in weighing 39 pounds has been grown in Ireland. There's a swell head for you. -:o:- The big Chicago packing bouses are attempting to dig a still deeper I suffered St. Louis Post-Dispatch. :o: FALLING PRICES Albert Hall, London, to hear a spirit message from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What a wonderful opportun ity that would have been for Sir One reason why ball players obey grave in which to bury the Sherman I a t i i i i anrl.trnct I r txt 'inov r o xra oobnH tha I me ruies is ueiause mey can i Hire " th aro .nmino- dnwlv when LnB.!n0j .),. eni,I(,n,m . . ... ... lam n t-:.; -. I '"- - o " ' w t,.u vi uuuaiu-ui. a lawyer ana appeal me umpire s cie- i uui" ciuc ui iioum ui w . . . . ..... cision. lumnia to modify me consent decree :oi of Feb. 27, 1920, so as to permit them Retail prices are declining, but Arthur to have appeared, spoke, and compared to the precipitate drop of wholesale commodity price quota It's a safe bet that if Congress held to retain ownership of the stockyards Which is worse, drinking a half tions. The Annalist index of whole- I dozen "dopes" every morning before sale commodity prices, which stood at ycu can quiet your nerves down SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, 2.50 per year. Beyond fijOjP miles, $2.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, $3. SO per yeas. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. its regular session in July and Aug- and to engage in the retail distri- Qn Ju,y bad dropped enough to get to work, or drinking a usi u. 6 1 tin. uea. ui uusiuebb iuuiu uc uuiiuu ui uicitis auu uuici iuuus. 11113 disposed of without waste of time. :o: decree, to which the Big Five, now the Big Four, agreed 10 years ago, It's awfully dull, now that we haven't got Congress to excoriate. There still are people in Platts mouth who carry umbrellas just hoping. :o: Some men are like needles they never do any work unless they are hard pushed. :o: First thing you know the Repub licans will be saying that Hoover has been a Democrat all along. :o: Maybe the linotyper who called them radio production statistics had good grounds for the spelling. :o: Man seems pretty great until you ask him to stop an earthquake or start a rain to break a drought. o: Our prayer is that the coffin-sleeping contest in Atlantic City will be the death of the endurance craze. :o: Michigan has passed Massachu setts, the new census shows. Even Plymouth Rock can't stop a flivver. ro: It is easier to get a wife to see the advantages of wealth than it is to get her to recognize the blessings of pov erty. :o: In considering a means of ending this tree-sitting craze, it would seem best first to get at the root of the matter. :o: It is assumed that Chicago sent those Detroit killers over in order to get herself out of the spotlight for a few days. :o: Government weather men an nounce the heat wave is broken, but the Clinton Eye believes it is mend ed easily. jo: According to apostles of sane spending, one of the worst enemies of economic progress is the one-way pocketeer. :o: Judging from his pictures, Mr. Gandhi's dressmaker must be the same woman who makes Queen Mary's hats. :o: The poet who said "It takes a heap of livin' In a house to make it home," forgot to mention another require ment. It also takes some money. :o: "To an American," declares Odette Myril, the actress, "everything is either lousy or marvelous." To Am erican girl, in particular, everything is simply cute. :o: William M. Jardine is well quali fied to be our envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Egypt. A turn at being Secretary of Agriculture will make a diplomat of anybody. . j to 123 on July 15, 1930, a decline of small glass of pure beer made from 27 points, or 18 per cent. The Bu- the healthy ingredients of hops, har- reau of Labor Statistics of the De- ley, and sugar? partment of Labor, however, in Its j to: study of the cost of living in 32 cities "it would do no narm," said Ruth A wise man puts off until tomor- alas, have called many a falling out. and permanently enjoined them from iUU"u a oryuu wwc... - It Is stated that the people wear H , t iL The aereement out a million dollars worth of bills a L,o, ji luiiu cu. a i tj;ui v v. nit x' cuci ax x i auc An Iowa boy arrested for stealing ordered them to dispose of all their said that the hair tonic he- drank interests in stockwards, stockyard a made him do it. Beverages like that, railways and stockyard newspapers terday. -:o: 1929, and June, 1930. Secretary Mellon would prefer a sur- The drop was somewhat greater be- plus in the treasury. In this weather we can't feel very day. Yep. those filling station and Commission. wnich chareed the nark- tween December. 1929, and June of indiemant at those robbers whn stole sarasie men are hard on paper money. this year, being reported at z.s per I - IHIS Ullll HIHiri.MIlt IIIIIIIIMIDIIM II' I'lMI- I cent. During these six months retail $20,000 worth of furs. :o: -:o:- Naval science becomes more and ers with exercising monopolistic con trol both in the purchase of livestock and in the distribution of meats. The NOTICE OF SALE food prices fell 6.4 per cent; fuel and In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska SHERIFF'S SALE r-Y.i nr. r, r-tni-tr, n nnnn .nn) mnro fnm nl 5 t oil At Annnnnlia nnw I " 1 1 i th t 3 3 npr fpn t rprt 1 K Tr f"PTlt. .. . I . . . .." . , . combination, said the commission, . ', ' . . . . , rnroHnp I Baird and Edith up Florida and California resorts lose it is necessary thrice a day to comb ' ' and clothes and house furnishings, 1 taronne i. ;c"Jira dIlu U1,-u luicaicucu LU LUll iuc cuuic 1 uuu eome of their best patrons. :o: the mess hall for female stowaways. Estelle Baird, supply of the nation. The packers' Plaintiffs per cent. In either case there is a It lnnko as if th trPR sittprs wr.nld Jobless shoemakers in San Salva- w"oc"'' tc hnMmn nf is nor nt in mmnil. nnn TnnM g Minor. have to move out a bit on the limb, dor held a parade to protest the in- inverse ,e6U,llulJ' 1CBIS1illu" ities at wholesale and of only 2 per and Fred A. Jones, Guar- to make rocm for some politicians. :o: troduction of shoemaking machinery. and saved them from Federal prose- rharePfl dian of Florence B. Jones, hat you might call their last stand. P-u""" u"ucl luc The more you try to account for -:o:- was hailed at the time as a dissolu- t retail. It must be remembered, however, Minor, Defendants. NOTICE the continued survival of civilization, It is all right, said dad to his over- tion of the Meat Trust which would tfcat tfae dg the retaiier is offering Notice Is hereby given that under the more you believe in Providence, .lively son, to collect empty flasks but bring lower meat prices and substan- reduction of Der cent or and by virtue ot deCTee tof The . . .!.n j .ii. - n.i, loaay ai a reauciion oi - per teni ui r,,-tr rnnrt nf f!asa countr. Ne- 3 per cent were made from materials Draska, entered in the above entitled a.-hiri u-sra hnitpht liefnro (Yimmniiitv In ft inn hv Raid Court. On the 12th day substantially in the past 10 years. g downward. We must of July. A. D. 1930. the undersigned -:o: itnere s no neea to minis: you per- i nanj icuutc 6" uai ui jivme. A contemporary speaks of the sonallv have to do all the emptying. I Business conditions have changed fruits of the primary. Some of it is plums, and the rest green persim mons. :o: -:o: So far none of the publicity seek- I The post-war merger movement has I t tr TTrMl r tret ore Tin Cl Yt rn CrYt r rll t nn I Kaon rrrrrt t o nlarl Vtt o ronJd ctwaq H . - . i . . . . costs include many items besides the tbo 2;th dnv of Aueust. A. D, a garden hoeing, or a lawn sprink- of chain merchandising in the retail t , ' , v ? n y, V . (..II n f Kiln Q 11 f. recognize, also, that the distributor's ""fn, payment for materials. He has not! 1930, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at the been able to reduce wages in propor- south front door of the court house Men according to the headlines, ling contest, either one of which grocery trade. Chain stores made 1.3 used to end their lives over their would make Page One with a loud per cent of the grocery sales in 11 ion q rduction in commodity in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass fiancees, but now it's because of their wallop. cities which were studied by the cen- .n . , , .. . 0 county, Nebraska, the following de- J I nriroa Tn rln on wnnlrl limit nnrrnflS- . ... v ,. scribed real estate, to-wii finances. -:o:- sus bureau in 1926. Stores sell meats According to a Shanghai cable dis- as wen a3 groceries and some chain ing power and destroy the market T j!ta fnni. ( i five fSI nnd six . 1 a rpnrri' nf Tn it n :inrnni pnn p fiis-i n i i t. : I . - - - - i mv. v - t ... Some of these days a tennis star natch" . "the T nationalists Claimed the . t e'ute,1C3 for his goods. Taxes, interest on In- (6) in Block sixty-two (62). in home or tnese aays a tennis star patch, the nationalists claimed tne SyStems have even come to take over tLe Clty of Plattsmouth, Cass is gping to be embarrassed by being capture of 5,000 rebels and the kill- ownership of their packing plants. photographed holding only one ten- ing of 300." An American ex-dough- These concerns are permitted to do. nis racket. bov mieht interpret this to mean that intra Tirnl-Vi k fu f -i T- V 1 I o: the winners had shot $3,000 in a crap Lin tn tnA nAPkrs With thP nas- &.umy, sales sua game with the prisoners. nf tlm thp rnnspnt otpp h I a. a a i i I I ' equipmeui are ai moru leveij. v-er- , m), tainiy: i-eopie must nave inc neces- i Tne administration nas proceeuea sities of life. -:o:- sensibly to lift the ban on pulpwood from Archangel. The order barring is naturally asked how consumer in terests would be any more endanger- City county, Nebraska. Term nf Sale: 10 Z cash of the Fore these reasons, retail price amount of the bid at the time of changes always lag behind wholesale sale, and the balance on confirma nriees. whether the market is falling tion. Said sale will be held open tor one nour. Tkotorl thia 15th 1av fit JulV. A. in many lines oi ousmesa, iuiu- n 1930 over is comparatively slow. The av- CHARLES E. MARTIN, prase denartment store turns over Referee debtedness and other items of over head cost continue much as before, One thing about these pygmy auto- thig soviet product, which was issued fd by Packer-owned chain stores than Qr four Umeg a pear c. A. RAWLS, mobiles, an experienced pedestrian by the treasury department several can Jump right up in the air and let 'em pass under. by existing retail chains. Meantime the packing companies Attorney. J21-5W -:o: Maybe that fellow who tried to steal the mace of commons simply wanted to tap a political adversary on the head with it. :o: days ago, appears to have been based haye faUed tQ diyest themselvea of either upon Inadequate Information their ownership in stockyard3 facll or upon a singuiariy weaK tneory. :o: ities. Various actions pending in the courts have prevented the Depart- It is a matter of months, then, until high priced stocks are disposed of and cheaper goods take their places on ORDER OF HEARING AND NO- tho retailer's shelves. The dealer, of TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL course, can hasten thi3 process by Tt v n Pnimfv Hnurt nf Pass roun 1 luui L3 nave uicicuicu mc ucuai i- . . . , . . . . . 1 i m; wui; - TTTTPTNfl MEN AT WORK . , . , cutting nis prices wueu uu&iuesa uc- . Nebraska AJjXiiriK ix iuXiX ax wuan. ment of Justice from forcing the sales ,. . . v,,a ty' IseDrafa- . . . . . X j, clines. That is exactly what busi- state of Ne Some of the big industrial enter- whch were ordered by the decree. 1 men &re beiQg fQrced tQ dQ tQ i; Nebraska, County of Cass, prises in the East, notably Bethle Subsequent legislation, however, has m . . I A Va jav I 10 all persons mieiesieu u . , ... , 1 estate ul juiiiuiv nnucuucii, vv;- Customers are refusing to buy at I A young man who has loved and . c, . Cth,ur given the Secretary of Agriculture lndt fines nnt feel on Via1 If he an I . I nnthnHtv an tn racnilate stnrbvard 1 I Ceased r"nrTnratinn and White Comnanv. I s-rfcatlnp nric levels. ThPT are noat-I ji . 1. ,tn tt . . , . . , - . , . . 1 i .. . . . , . . 1 .ww.0 1 1711 reauiiiK iiiv yciiiiuu v. i- get nis presents oacK irom tne B haTe readjusted their working hours. ralce8 " loipreyeni ine "pidlu" poning their purchases. In expecta- rick Kaffenberger praying that the They have done this so as to keep at 01 "toc snippers. ne ilu Uon q future price reductions. Many instrment filed in this court on the work as many men as possible, tho ravisry mittee 01 tne r euerai eompanles are coming to realize that Z8tn day r aim uuaru, wuuse ineiauers aie cuus State of Nebraska, County of Cjiss, 8S. ' By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1930, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, at the south front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebr., in said coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: East half of Lot 9 and all of 10 in Block 27 In the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Cass county The same being levied upon and taken as the property of August W. Cloidt et al. Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Plattsmouth State Bank, Plain tiff, and Murray State Bank, Defend ant and Cross Petitioner, Plaintiffs against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July lfith, A. D. 1930. BERT REED, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. J17-? SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Execution issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Casa county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 29th day of July, A. D. 1930, at 10 o'clock a. m., ot said day, at the south front door of the court house, in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, in eaid county, sell at Public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following described lands, to-wit: The east ninety acres of the northwest quarter (NW) of Section 25, Township 12, North of Range 12 East of the 6th P. M., In Cass county, Nebraska, subject to all liens; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of William Kaufmann, defendant, to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recovered by II. J. Spurway, Receiver of the First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Ne braska, plaintiff against said defend ant, William Kaufmann et al. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 23rd, A. D. 1930. BERT REED, Sheriff Casa County, Nebraska. j23-5w NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the District Court of the Coun ty of Cass, Nebraska James Lepert, Plaintiff vs. who tossed him over. :o:- A statistician says the average at reduced daily hours made neces- porting to be the last will and testa This may cause a campaign to move houses closer to garages :o: American takes 18,908 steps daily. ttl " " en by livestock co-operative associa- . I " " ment of the said deceased, may De Q o Uary by the decrease in demand for of their present stocks at a reduced pr0ved and allowed, and recorded as uuue. cuC 6ii.uuU.a. x..- , , ven at a los5 the last will and testament of Min liner Atf nrtixr iircroa tfia hno rH tn USA I T7nH-vA.H. A ,-.swl . V. t nM This method necessarily cuts the " 0 "' , "l in order that buying may be stlmu- '"Yl.r"' In the recent Canadian campaign weekly income of workers, but it is 1 Tfae llvestock Mated and prices readjusted at lower ld tfae administration of Bald estate n5 lusa I n n waT, n!,pVo tn ieve1?- lue be granted to Micnaei KenenDerger omitf tn. Aavnt nf of income by some of the workers and 0 . gomery Ward and J. C. Penney firms a3 Executor; ..v... -" ",v-'"f 1 .... 1 retain tne stocKvaras. Dtit tnev ao . . .. . - 1 t i v. 1 j j it l-eenj the organization intact tor - have cut nrices during tne past iew " ueieuj- uiucicu wai jvu, u , , . . , . . wish to have them permitted to sell i, ,0tQn o-moerW ,ain all persons interested In said matter, the days of enlarged demand that are I I weeks. One large retail grocery chain annr t the rnnnt. Baker comolains about nronaeanda sure to come, and it avoids, or at least ' Ms now sellinS food Products at J13.40 Cou;t tQ be held ,n and for sald Which tells the farmers tO raise less Postpones, u. .euaun m v' tween the farm ann the retail nrice wheat, but neglects to remind the u, and increase the consumpti public that it should eat more bread, corporations mic u"ii.cu vus.w.. Half-baked nronaeanda? against a reduction in the rate oi D. w-ages, though a few important m- meat. Chairman Legge of the Farm may, and do, appear at the County less per ton than it charged a year county, on the 29th day of August fitrn Thp mp- wnr piA e nouse oi a. u. ijju. at o iiock a. iu.. lu f Butler Bros, in its August catalogue show cause, If any there be why the BD I announces nrice cuts on various ar-lf K Board concurs in this view, stating I . , . . Pe anteo, ana mat notice oi tne aicio6m6 -"ipenoency or saia petition ana mat Nov that the American Dental As- dustrial concerns have cut wages to 12 per cent, a few running as high the hearing thereof be given to all that the costs of retail distribution ncan uentai as- are too high and should be reduced ., nn o u. nnAni interested in mm matter hv sociation has approved whisky and adjust tne cost ot production tu ,y aowns the packerg tQ enter the " '". r?i.7 " Id- PuMis In Dranay as medicinal agents in the "" field. This position, however, has not been generally applauded. The Farm Board statement is denounced practice of dentistry, the time is not their output. far distant when the ,ientifa ntTire Sentiment throughout the country " , : V u ain.t a reduction in wages if It DMl" Will not materially improve until prior to said day of hearing. ... u .eieiieu tu bimpiy as a mnng v t7 Senator La Foiiette and by Senator I r.a ... Witness my hand and seal of said l""-""- I Iho PlMtcmnnth Tnnrnal. o oeml, vises tne retailers wno nanuie ... weekly newspaoer Drinted In said company's products, that "conditions j county, for three successive weeks station. "SmileAt iheAcfie . Kittaf---5, : ' tWC- ' a ' y. 1 can be avoided, but large employers are confronted with a difficult task in undertaking to maintain wags in the face of curtailed business and diminishing margins between cost of production and selling prices of their product. McKellar, who declared that Mr. Legge is "guilty of the grossest im propriety in attempting to advise the courts." The American Wholesale Grocers Association, reading its own doom in the extension of chain mer chandising, is fighting against modi- you, too, follow the lead. Goods will flow no faster through you than your my Court, this 1st day of August, A. D, 1930. A. H. DUXBURY, County Judge prices will permit.1 In the course of the next few! (Seal) a4-3w months we may expect an appreciable ha nct nf iMnr r!nn. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE I . J : .tl1 4ttiia It- All 111C M- 11 IVb VVU1 V A Confidence in a revival of activity 1 of AtOTneyGen self to lower levels and pave the way ty Neb ka. KnrA Inner la a otrnno fapfnr in t tl P r""15 " eral Mitchell announced that the de- prevailing view of many large em- ,aw Qn thot th ployers that a reduction in wages will . Department of Justice will work for not become necessary. Kansas City Star. :o; OUR INVISIBLE RULER its preservation before the court. So we have two Federal agencies, the Farm Board and the Department of Justice, working at cross purposes in I IV I 1 .. t. 11 . m.AX Lest we become too proud of our- l"13 fuu"u u.ner. selves, let us reflect .just a moment Much might be said in favor of ad- and consider how puny we really are. mitting the packers to the retail field. Man has made many advances. He They have their own refrigerator cars for an eventful business revival.- Louis Post-Dispatch. :o: Job Printing at Journal office. ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account In the Matter of the Application of Carl D. Ganz, Administrator C T. A. De Bonis Non, for License to Sell Real Estate Now on this 2nd day of August, 1930, this cause came on to be heard on the duly verified petition of Carl D. Ganz, Administrator C. T. A. De Bonis Non of the Estate of Sarah Thimgan. deceased, praying for 11 There's a new, pleasant, mint-flavored, tablet that relieves ordinary headache and neuralgia, muscular pains and functional pains. It's excellent for Coryza cold in the head and for the sore throat that often accompanies it. Physicians have been writing prescriptions for ai similar combination for years. The Dr. Miles Medical Company has standardized this well balanced formula and is glad to offer it in the form of a stable, palatable, mint-flavored tablet for home use. Pocket Size 15c, Regular Package 25c , wnrrin.T.i.id; i.i-i .4 alii, t. . i i 3 i : In the County Court of Cass coun- j cense to sell so much of the following ty, Nebraska. described real estate: State of Nebraska, Cass county, bs. Lots seven, eight, nine (7, 8. To all persons interested in the 9) and the South half (S) of has flown the oceans built instru- and wholsale distributing plants, estate of Betty Mostin. deceased: Lot six (6), in Block three (3). nas nown tne oceans, duui inbuu 1(, A , At On reading the petition of J. S. in the Village of Murdock, Cass ments that will carry the human These facilities could be used in dis- Lngston pfaying a final settlement county, Nebraska voice around the world, probed the tnbuting other foods as well as meats, and allowance of his account filed in as to bring the sum of at least Seven- mysteries of the stars, made machines The packers' retail chaims should this Court on the 2nd day of August, teen Hundred Dollars ($1,700.00) h wnv nf o miiiinn increase larere-scale comnetition and 1930. ana lor nis discnarge as ujxe- ior tne payment oi aeDts against tne , alt In Iner fnnd nrl, tn nn I CUlOr OI Said estate: esiaiB u. Baiu ueceaseu uuu eipeuoo Slaves, ana accompnsnea many u - w" Tt l herehv nrdered that von and of administration and coKts. things. sumers. all Dersons interested in said matter It is therefore ordered that all per- But we are still powerless in the But increasing integration always may, and do, appear at the County sons interested in said estate appear faces of a far greater power. carries the threat of eventful mono- oun to De neia in ana ior sam u.B .ui,, ,u iBWiui . . . . , . ,, i . . , . ... . i county, on tne ztn aay oi August, i r idusuiumu m bi.u iuuuiy, on iue Italy's great earthquake, dealing poly. Its development would demand A n. i oja. it slnn' nvincfc a. m.. to 1 16th dav of Sentember. 1930. to widespread death and destruction, de- that the state be constantly vigilant 8how cause, if any there be, why the show cause, if any there be, why a monstrates that in the hands of the for the protection of the public in- prayer of the petitioner should not license should not be granted to the forces of nature we are as helpless terest. Consolidation of the packer be granted, and that notice of the said Carl D. Ganz, Administrator De as children, despite all the glorious system with existing chains, if It JJJ ?Zl ?;ILi8eJi J0"? f? advances that science and education ever occurred, would create a food song interested in said matter by be necessary to pay said debts and have made. Something utterly be- monopoly which would almost cer- publishing a copy of this order in I expenses. yond our control may rule our fates tainiy place the grocery business in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi- It is further ordered that a copy d our destinies and possibly our the public utility category and drive weekly newspaper printed m saw oi mis uraer oe servea on ail per- lives. I us to stringent governmental regu- iatinn r. 4 latlon. Livestock growers, too, in witness whereof, I have here- the Plattsmouth Journal, a news- world is a mere speck. When the should think twice before they Join junto set my hand and the seal of J paper published and of general cir- forces that lie behind it all express handa with the nackine eomnaniea in said Court this 2nd day of August, cuiatlon In Casa county, Nebraska. themselves we realize then how weak destroying a measure which was de- D' 1930' A H DTjXBURY. I B th8 jame3 T. BEilLET, and helpless we really are. signed to protect them from the r Sean a4-3w " "rmmtv Judee. Ia4-4w riiatriot Jmie Adam G. Doom et al. Defendants. NOTICE To the defendants Adam G. Doom; Susanah Doom; Robert G. Doom; Ellen F. Doom; Thomas E. Doom; Robert Doom; William G. Doom; Alice Doom; James E. Doom; Mrs. James E. Doom, real name un known; Charles Eeasley; Mrs. Charles Beasley, real name unknown; John Allinson; David L. Archer; Mrs. David L. Archer, real name unknown; John Chandler; Abraham SneMer; Mrs. Abraham Sneider, real name un known; The Keene Five Cents Sav ings Bank, a corporation; Hendrick, real name unknown, hus band or widower of Jemima C. Hen drick; Theodore W. Ivory; Mary Al lison; John Allison; Mrs. John Alli son, real name unknown; James Queen; Nancy Queen; the heirs. devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all other persons inter ested in the estates of Adam G. Doom, Susanah Doom, Mahala C. Doom, Robert G. Doom, Ellen F. Doom, Thomas E. Doom, Robert Doom, William G. Doom, Alllce Doom, James E. Doom, Mrs. James E. Doom, real name unknown, Charles Beas ley, Mrs. Charles Beasley, real name unknown, John Allinson, David L. Archer, Mrs. David L. Archer, John Chandler, Abraham Sneider, Mrs. Abraham Sneider, real name un known; Hendrick, husband or widower of Jemima C. Hendrick, Theodore W. Ivory, Mary Allison, John Allison, Mrs. John Allison, real name unknown, James Queen, Nancy Queen, Thomas Allison, Gotfried Flck- ler, each deceased, real names un known; and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to frac tional Lots four (4), five (5), and nineteen (19), in the south half (SM) of the southeast quarter (SEU) of Section thirty-two (32), Township twelve (12), Range four teen (14), east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that James Lepert, as plain tiff, filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, on the 28th day of July, 1930, against you and each of you, the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of the court quieting the title to fractional Lots four (4), five (5), and nineteen (19), in the south half S) of the southeast quarter (SEU) of Section thirty-two (32), Township twelve (12), Range four teen (14), east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, in the plain tiff as against you and each of you, and for such other relief as may be ust and equitable in the premises. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 15th day of September, 1930, or the allegations therein con tained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff James Lepert, as against you and each of you according to the prayer of said petition. 1 JAMES LEPERT, PlaintiX W. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. a4-4w