L PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930. PAGE TWO Nehawka Department! Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. Little Lois Troup was over to Mur ray ami hail a tooth extracted by Dr. Co wen, the tooth hud been giving tome grief tor some time. Dr. David K. Wynegar was a vis itor at Murray for a time on last J-'.unday and later went on to Oma ha where he visited with friends. Will O. Troop and the family were enjoying a visit for the day on last Sunday at the home of Mr. find Mrs. Kobert A. Troop west of Mynard. A. F. Sturm and J. 11. Falnn-r were over to Plattsmouth on List Satur day where they were looking after some business matters for a short t ime. Miss Edna Schwartz who has been t.nichins school in Wyoming, re turns d to Nt hawka and is visiting v. itb her mother, Mrs. John Swartz fir a few weeks. A. F. Sturm was unloading a car of lumber which arrived the day be f .re from Uellingliain, Wash. He also received a car load of cement which he was also having unloaded. Kobert D. Taylor and Jerome Moss, were over to Itock Uluffs where they trucktd a quantity of very fine cat 11 from John Xottleman to the South Omaha market on last Monday. A. D. 15:ikke of Murray was a vis itor in Nehawka for a short time on last Monday looking after the sale of the celebrated car which he han dles, and meeting with his many friends here. Ihisiness called Frank P. Sheldon of the Sheldon Department store and his brother V. I. Sheldon and David ('. West to the county seat on Ia'.t Saturday morning, they making the ti ip via auto. W. J. Wunderlich and wife wero over to Omaha on Monday of this w -ek where Mr. Wunderlich was called to look aft'-r .same business matters, they driving over to the big city in his car. , W. O. Troop of Nehawka. Charles Troop of Plattsmouth and Arthur Troop of Mynard, shipped a number of cars of boas to the St. Louis mar ket on last Sunday afternoon, they being on the Monday's market. M --srs and Mesdames Everett Lan caster and Everett Dalton were over to Murray on l;st Sunday where they visited with relatives and also were at the g.it'.iering incident to the open ing of the Murray bathing beach. Allied Anderson of Omaha was a visitor at the hone of his brother. A. Inert Anderson of Nf hawka, on last Sunday, enjoying the day here very j i i c i 1 v . Tirs. Anderson and the chil dren -tire visiting at Huron, South Dakota, for a number of weeks. Oil Monday afternoon of this week Mi.-s Uuby. lioivi, fevt'ii, .daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Jerome 1. Ross, enter tained at tlu ir home some eighteen of her little girl friends were there to assist in the proper celebration of the p assm; of the important event. M .". ii-i-i v K.y, Owl Mrs. Henry Sell-; we of ad:., coiiiins of Mi-. J. Kvi lienry Schum;uh. : Winnie,-:, and a nr.:.ib-.-r In rV.o'ui ncn Nehjiwk'l (v, aiM visited ; cf others in this neiT- is' .'ig in and al , it t' iht. week end. They the home of Mr. ar.d " r rimes. Mrs. Albert Wolfe pnd daughter, Miss (Uodys. were over to Omaha on Mondav where they arranged for Miss Gladys to undergo an operation for the removal of her ann-ndix which has heen giving Miss Gladys much grief. It is hoped that she may return scon and with perfect health. 'If 'y Khre-i t ,mi faie.ilv an I Ail . vt .ur;. ... . ,rauc-r were c:iv:i to Uort Riley, Kansas, they going on la--t Saturday and returning Sunday evening, visiting at the military hos pital with Osea.r Linville who wa injur.-d seme time atro. The patient i- mnrt'Ml as getting ahmg nicely ai this time. Tin- Nehawka band and orchestra were over to Alurray on last Sun day afternoon where they gave a concert at the Alurray bathing beach , and ai.-o enjoyed an excellent time. The pertple of Alurray rr.il hundreds of visiters at that popular pleasure resort were all well ph-a: i d with the excellent music which was render ed. Aliss Ruth Siizniann was a visitor at the home of her parents, W. P. Kitzmami and family of Plattsmouth en let Sunday, returning to take ua hvr work at the Sheldon Depart- Oil in is Like a in a Lubricating Gii in a bottle may a race horss in a stall. Irr.ck. r.i?.iQ him run a half ' - ,f ar Ice;:: and nothing else. The same is true of Motor Oil! LggIcg, Coles? asad ExCravafjant CSaiass Mean Nothing at Ail It is the test cf actual performance that shows up poor horse and poor oil. Mona Motor Oil does not break down under the most intense heat. Try a Crank case full. Iran ment store early Monday morning. Miss Ruth who has had trouble with her tonsils also had them removed at an Omaha hospital. She is doing nicely. Robert Troop and wife from north of Nehawka and west of Mynard were looking after some business mat ters in Plattsmouth on last Satur day morning, and where also Mrs. Troop was visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Ouenther who is convales ir.g nicely following an injury which she received when she fell several weeks since. Mrs. R. C. Pollard, departed a few davs since with a cousin C. M. Cray and wife and their daughter, who have been visiting here for a nuni-lu-r of weeks. .Mrs. Pollard will visit for some time and until Mr. Pollard finds time to get away and drive to Palmyra. Mo., where they are visiting for a visit and to bring Mrs. Pollard home. Miss Virginia Pollard in company with her school chum. Miss Lena Mc Donald of Newman Grove, who are vi.-iting at Hot Springs. Ark., where they are attending a meeting of the Chi' Omego Sorority society which is meet ing there at th'.s lime. '1 ne con- v -ntion will conclude on Friday am! the girls are expected to ne at ie l.awka on Sunday next. P. W. Ewing and wife who live near Enders Lake and who are neigh bors to the farm which John G. Wun derlich has in Krown county, were visiting at the home of Mr. ;.' i Mrs. Wvi.ul 'rii'Ji f-r a few d. ys v. hi!e .-n tl-ir wav to their old time home at (orodon, Iowa. They were pi -ased to meet their neighbors as Mr. and Airs. Wunderlich have often visited a, the Ewing home. Mrs. L. R. Benson and the children ",i.i if ivnirt T Dine of Iowa City, ar rived from their home at on last "Monday evening. Nehawka . Mr. Dane business in was looking after some Omaha and visiting at Stewart J. Rough and the home of wife, parents Benson, and on last Fri the children of Mesdames Dane ana departed for his home dav. Mrs. Benson and remained for a longer visit, when Mr. Benson will come for the wife and children. Mrs. Dane wm come at that time for a visit aiso. Enjoy Visit Here. Fred Wethers and daughter, Marie, who make their home in .Miciugan. here they have lived for a long time . ... t i ; a f t . . were visiting wiin reiaues ai wn.-, ami also came to Nehawka where they visited with John G. Wunder lich and family, also with the Schu jrtachers ' and Sturms. Mr. Wot hers worked for Mr. Wunderlich thirty- eight years ago, and has been away for a long time. lie was pleased to meet so many of his old time friends. A Place of Great Beauty. D. D. Adams who is a lover of the beautiful, whether it he iii a line blooded horse or fair wo m all, or a beautiful garden of flowers, has the latter and at this time has two kinds of pend lillies in bloom, a pink and yellow or rare beauty. Those of Ne hawka who have not had the op portunity to view this very beautiful .rov.-er better saunter past the home and see something worth looking at. GLAS5 DEFINES HIS STAND Washington Senator Glass, is sued a statement Tuesday making clear that he did not intend that his resolution questioning the auth ority of the state department to pass upon the reparations bonds should be directed at the validity of these bonds. "Aly resolution was not intended to question the validity or the pro priety of the reparations loans," he said. , i think the bankers had a perfect 'right to float that or any other loan tin his country without reference to j what the state, department might hii k of it or do about it. In short, my contention is that the state de Jpartmtid has no lawful authority I in the premises and it should desist j from an assumption of authority which is net only dangerous bin (which amount.- to a nindefensible Uci'tvaiion of power." a Race jlorse Stall or a can mav look fin SO But nut tk KnKP on a mile and he mav nrnv all kenbolz Oil Co NEWS li'rom Monday's Daily Air. and Mrs. Rex Young were at Union Sunday where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leach, being called there by the illness of Harriett Leach. Hen ry ser, two or' near Slander and William rviei of the prominent residents South Bend, were in the a short time today looking city for after some mailers hi nm ...un house. Louis Kuhney departed this morn ing for Omaha to visit his daughter, Mrs. Ethel Word, at the Methodist hor-pital where she was operated en yesterday for a very severe case of appendicitis. Dr. V.. J. Gillespie, Dr. and Mrs. C M Gradoville and family and Air. and Mr. 0. H. Nave and family were at G ret i. a Sunday, where they en joyed the day in a picnic at the state fisheries. Mr. and Mrs. a. K. Frolich, of Louisville were here Sunday to spend the day with friends in this city, motoring over from their home. Air. Frolich is the superintendent of tho Ash Grove Lime and Portland Cement company's plant at Louisville. Mr. and Airs. D. O. Dwyer and son, Harry, with Airs. E. II. Wescott, motored to Des Moines. Iowa, Sun day where they spent the day and returned with Miss Helen Wescott who is to be a member of the bridal party at the wedding of Ali-s Mildred Crom at Lincoln Tuesday. Pii.m Tues'lay's Dally Mr. and Airs. Charles Mesler of Denver, who have been visiting with friends in Iowa for the past few days, hrve returned here for a visit for a week with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jean and children, who have been visiting with the relatives and friends in tho old home and also at I'lainview, de parted this morning for tluir home in the Rio Grande valley of Eexas. ! E. J. Alougay, one of tho promin ent residents of near Union was in the city for a short time today and while hrrc was a very pleasant caller at the Journal off.ee and to vi:-it with the many friends here in this city. Dr. and Airs. Fritcher of Decorah, Iowa, are here for a slirt visit at the home of Air. and Airs. Franh Gobelman, the latter a sister of Airs. Fritcher. From here the Friichtr family goes on to Denver and Estef? Park. Mrs. II. L. Long atid little' daugh- i ter arrived last week from Kan Ber nardino, California to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Airs. Charle Engelkemier of this cityj This is Airs. Long's first visit in four years, so is the object of much pleasure to her parents as well as other relatives in this vicinity. From Wednesday's Dally Y. F. Schliefert and son of Louis ville were in the city for a short time today attending to some busi ness of importance. Mr. and Mrs. John I5a!l of Esthr ville, Iowa, who have been here vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Busch, have returned home. E. H. Taylor of Weeping Water was in the city today to spend a few hours visiting with old time friend:? and attending to some matters at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Rehal and son, Ronald, of Great Falls, Montana, ar rived here Tuesday for a visit with the parents of Mr. Rehal and the other relatives and old friends. Mr. Rehal is a former linotype operator on the Journal and is now with the Great Falls Tribune. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Staats and two daughters, of Seattle, Washington, who have been visiting here for a short time at the home of Mr. Staats' parents, departed today for Taylor ville, Illinois, for a visit, and from where Mr. Staats-will leave in a few days for the west to resume his work by July 1st. OUR NEW MAYOR With the departure of Mayor Sal tier and his good wife for Germany, the tr.ga of the acting mayor has fallen on the shoulders of Claude C. Smith, councilman from the second ward and the president of the coun cil. The new mayor is a native of Missouri and the odce of the mayor will he operated on the "show me" proposition. The duties of the office are lying lightly on the second ward solon however, and he is planning no radical changes in the methods of conducting the government but feels that the city affairs are getting along very nicely. TO REPORT TO CAMP Raymond J. Larson of the local postoRice and former commander of the American Legion in this city, has received orders to report with other of the reserve officers attached to the S9th division hadquarters, at the R. O. T. C. that will be held at Fort Crook starting in the early part of July. Mr. Larson holds the rank cf second lieutenant in the reserve. J. A. Capwell of this city is also a reserve officer but is attached to the 17th infantry and will receive his training with his regiment. The Fcnrth isn't mncli of a day fcr tlie kiddies if they are deprived of Firecrackers. Ours are big enuf and not too big;. Safe and sane! See the bie display and not 1 10 A L , : : , - Smile at tlie Ache Ordinary ps-Jns head ache and neuralgia, muscu lar pains, functional pains, the headache and congested feeling of a cold in the head how quickly they disappear Then you take a tablet or two of DR.MIL2S" Dr. Miles' Aspir-Mir.t is tho new, stable, mint-flavored tablet that is making people all over the country "Smile at the Ache" Your druggist has them. 15c and 25c Packages 1 3 ."J Jl4 CHARGED WITH BREAK- ING AND ENTERING From Weiliu-s Hy's Dally The complaint chargii: Shields a.ul Floy,! Shields w Ernest ;: by ;iig and cntii'ii'.g was tiled tod County Attorney W. G. Kieck cov- ering the attempted robbery of the j warehouse of die Missouri Pacific ', Ht Union on Monday night. Tin two j men are in jail here and have indi cat"d a willingness to enter a plea ; of guilty to the charges made by the j state. The men have al-o confessed to ! having stolen brass from the boxes ! on a M. P. freight car u.t Alurray ; prior to being .eaught a; Union in j he act of breaking into the ware- j !h;'sc. Th-y attempted the Union I robberv in hope of securing some gas- j oliee to allow them to continue their j .1 x.ire.oy on to Kansas City. Alissouri, v-'h-.Te they eJaim to make their j home. On being br tight h fore the trict C'ltirt shnrr'iy !::'.;i(- noon, iiica tntev-d.."y- pie-i of guilty (!!S tll" and received a fine of and costs. HAPPY HUSTLERS CLUB The Happy Hustler 1-H club met at the Lewiston community center -n June 11th. Thirteen members l r. presf nt. Gwendolyn Hnseti who repre .vMtd our club. ;it the State Agricul tural er iisgo nt Lincoln gave a veryimaking another i-itr rest ing tall:.; which was enjoyed i vtlc.et road by all. " Richard Fricdrichs, John Roddy' and Vernile Pullon were chosen as 'iir pudging team. A pinic was dcided upon some tine this r.u inner. The place and date will be decided on Inter. Tho next meeting will be July 4th, at the Lewiston Community Center. Contributed. NOTICE On account of taking special post gradual;? work for the relief of Sinus and Hay Fever d; a'es my office will be closed each day until June 2Sth, except between the hours of G to 9 p. m. D Carl Loeb "of Chicago is con ducting a special clinic in Omaha at the Rome Hotel. j23-'Jtd DR. JOE J. STI13AL. iiewciks everything from spark- i i rr. to st"r'1r!r,i Piwn ciiSDiavs t right prices nt Sates Eook Store. (Political Advertising) s,iss: .a V , fr X. "s s s. ( W.Rfi. STEBBINS GOTHENEURG REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE United States Senator IN LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS OF 1311-13-15 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION 1920 Present State Treasurer Primary. August 12, 1S33 WEEPING VATER Thead Davis and the good wile were visiting with friends in Platts mouth on last Sunday. Wilher Hay of Oklahoma City is here visiting at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. A. J. De Wolfe. James Jones and Phillip Hoffman of Plattsmouth were visiting in Weeping Water on Tuesday of this week. Miss Heien Morse of Crete is visit ing for a time at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Cora Badgeley. and aiso with many Mrs. L. of their friends here. K. Lane is feeling unite poorly, Laving heen ill at her home for the past week or more. She. how evtr is leeling some improved of late. I. T. Hunter and Attorney C. E. Tefit were over to Plattsmouth on last Monday where they were look ing aiter some business matters, they driving over in the car of Mr. Tent, j Herman Hiilman and wile who drove to New York last year, return ed the same way just recently and will make their home in Weeping Water again, thinking it is a good place to live. While J. ( Kails was driving west of town last Sunday evening, anoth er car came along and ran into the one he was driving, upsetting it and injured Mr. Kails ouite badly, frac turing a number of his ribs. Alfred Marshall who lias painted n any houses in Weenina: Water and vicinity, and who has been in Long Beach and Riverside, California, re turned to Weeping Water and is visit ing with his many friends here. Alisses Dorothy and Helen Gordtr, daughter of County Commissioner and Alls. Fred II. Gorder rnd their friend. IVrothy Morse, were visiting in Lincoln on last Alonday and were 1 driven over to the big town by V. O. -Miller. I Mesdames Oscar C. Hinds and D. D. Wainscott gave a twelve-thirty dinner party to a number of their j friends on Wednesday at the pleas ! ant home of Airs. Hinds at which i time all present enjoyed the occasion j ve: y much. j Aliss Agusta Ash who has been j spending the two weeks of her vaca- ! lion at Salt Lake, where she was the guest for the time at the home of Mr. and Airs. Clarence Dill, arriv ed home on last Saturday after hav ing enjoved the visit very much. Mrs. Isaac Reed and daughter, Aliss Leore and Miss Opal Rector and Miss Helen Lane were over to Plattsmouth nn lut Mondav where they went to attend the funeral of the late Henry Doolev who lost his life on last Sat uiday afternoon while swimming near Oreapolis. Chamber oi Commerce Meets. Oil last Friday night the members cf the Weeping Water Chamber of Commerce were gathered at the Rest Haven hotel where they enjoyed an excellent bannut, following which the business which had called the members together 'was looked alter. All committees were able to report progress in the things which they had in hand and steps will' immed iately be taken to connect the new strip of country roads which has been paved to the city limits from a num ber of miles southeast of town. Thus circuit to the O Married Las. Week. The wedding of Miss Mary Miller and Mr. Harold Baker occurred last week, the ceremony being conducted by the Rev. George E. Morey, pastor of the Methodist church of Weeping Water, where the bride has lived a greater portion of her life and the groom has resided for some three years. The young people departed for a short visit at the home of the pa. ents of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. IJak j er of Hiawatha. Kansas. They spent the week end there ami on .uonnay were back to Weeping Water where Mr. Baker immediately went to his work again with the Maytag people. Give Friends Shower.. The' many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker gathered together and going to the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. R. Miller where the young couple were staying, celebrated tlie wedding with a miscellaneous shower, when all had, a very fine time and also presented the newly wedded pair with many useful presents. Girls Return from Their Camp The girls of Weeping Water who were over to Crete for the week's camping and where they enjoyed the camp life and got a little sunburn as well as plenty of out door air and rxprcise a nd with a little fishing and swimming thrown in, returned home last week after having most thor oughly enjoyed their stay. There were among the party from Weeping Wa- ter, son Misses Anna and Esther Jolin Berne.se Philpot, Evelyn Hinds, Evelyn Moore, Doris Wilcott and Frances Moore. Dies at Omaha Hospital ' Charles Henry Hiilman was born in the year 1ST!) at Dixon. Illinois, and came to Nebraska when a young man and after having married, made his home for a time at Pleasantdale, Nebraska, afterwards coming to Weeping Water where the family made their home for a number of years, later they went to Decatur to make their home and while there was taken ill. He was taken to an hospital at Omaha last Thursday, where he passed away. The remains were brought to Weeping Water where the funeral was held from the Congregational church on Monday, and interment made at Oakwood cemetery. The deceased leaves to mourn his departure, the wife and four children, two brothers and eight sisters. Funeral services conducted flU if 8 I " vl1 1 ft.'.--ijiii-A?'n'' w-J Do Your Painting rioiv, Madam! and to moke t.z 5n!eres:in Vrcrk even mora oftraetivo to do riht noir, pleoso oc:pt c becutifu! ,mir:T r-", v -sL ML THERE'S en eipry rpot !n ycur h.orne or. l!o ncn?!e, foe end tcble or picr.o that an o;trr.c.iv3 vqjo would f:il . . . There's a kitchen rab!e, wocd.vcrk, a 'J- or perhaps cn enlire fiocr tl.ct will transform into surfaces of cheerf j! ccor . . . ? urcheses os small os a quarter pint and half p'.ni cn cf e'rher WaterSpor Quick Drying Enamei, Lc.cquer cr Vrr-nlh entitle you to your FREE VASE, dosigrod cr.-i dzorci-d by an artist with beautiful, luitrou Voreropcr tiori. Paint and Wall Paper Gtsrc Paint Blue and White. Jess Smith, the painter, has just completed the painting of the Dow ler garage signs and cornice blue and white representing the United States Tire Co. The new embellishment makes the building look very attrac tive. Ladiej Enjoy lawn Partj The ladies of the W. C. T. U. of Weeping Water enjoyed a gathering at the home of Mrs. C. E. Pool, where they met on the pleasant lawn and the place being sightly and a cool breeze playing, they had a most pleas ant !' ce to meet. The ladies enjoyed the m- eting very much and the ex cellent luncheon which was served. SPECIAL 5ABY CHICKS loO.nOU chicks for the next few days at .7.eo por 100 for Reds, Rocks. Wyandottes, Orpingtons. ?'j.00 nor Hot for White, Iirowi: ar.d Ruff Leghorns. Tostage paid, delivery guaranteed. Send $1.00 per 100, bal ance C. O. D. Prices for limited lime only. Missr,uii Poultry Farm-. Columbia. Missouri. j26-lsw Ui2 Journal will appreciate your telephoning news items to No. 6. I 11 It isn't the weather It's YOU. Dress right! The first thing is Cool Athletics. Guaranteed No-Rip $1.00 Shirts and Shorts 50c each Vassar knitted garments ail sleeve and leg lengths in light weight Rayon or Cotton. Prices range from. . . .$1 to $2 Dead Anfraals; Kesscvedi2 JACK STEPHENS . Free Removal of All Dead Animals Providing Hides are Left On Modern Supervision of a Licensed Rendering Establishment General Delivery, Souih Omaha Phoae MA 5136, Collect FLOWER CLUE The Social Woii:evs' Flow was entertained nt tht hrm Fulton on Wednesday, Jui. with a large number in at i n A very interesting and inst! article, "The Patience of Me ;' Mi-. 1m ti sa'i'e. uctivo .hei s,'' was read and discussed and a shcit program was given by the children, jean Hull and Dorothea Fulton ea. li entertaining with a seng, and Hetty Gayer with a recitation." ' Visitors at the meeting were Mrs. Alien, Mrs. Hamn.o: arp. Mr: Floyd Fulton, MisBert Fulton. Miv. John Kaufman, and Mrs. Fred Nolt ing. At the close of the afternoon th.j hostess, assisted by I.e.- daughters served a very delicious lunch which all er. joyed. IvIYIJARD COIfEiIUHITY CLUE I The :.!yn,rd Community club w;;' meet Kikiav evening ui S o ! ik. All liumb'.rs urred to bo present. Everything; for a "afe ar.d Sane' Feat at Vzizz Book Slorz. Eirccrack eis that are Big caovIi a.d not tjj tig;. Eirewcrks, too. I Bates Book Store. by Rev. Ralph Pickham. l !