The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 05, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Union Department
Prepared exclusively for The Journal.
For the Best
Groceries J RStiaSs
We make it our practice to
furnish absolutely the very
best goocta at a price within
the reach of all. Highest price
paid for Country Produce.
Union, Ncbr.
Mr. and Mis. V. II. Murk who hae
both been very poorly for some time
past arc reported as being much Let
ter at this t i me.
Mrs. Ft-m Flam and Little Ann
Uaker, both went to the University
hospital at Omaha where they had
their tonsils removed.
C. U. Smith was a visitor in Oma
ha on last Tuesday where he was
looking after some business matters
for the Hank of Union.
liobert C. Ferguson of Nebraska
City was a visitor with liis daughter.
Tr Ivan Hal four, and family lor a
number of days during this week.
Thomas McQuiun was called to
Sioux City last Saturday on account
of the death of an aunt, lie remain
ing for the funeral and returned
home on Tuesday of this week.
K. M. (liifTin and family of Platts
mouth were guests for the day on
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Horace W. Griffin, of Union
where all enjoyed a very tine visit.
Mrs. John It. Pearson of Auburn
i i m 1 ..
was a guest at me in. me 01 uei
mother, Mrs. Mary 15. Allison for the
past few days, and on last Sunday
both were visiting with friends In
1). Itay Frans and wife were over
to Plattsmouth for the afternoon on
last Tuesday, where they went to at
tend the funeral of the late II. .'.
Dovey, while they were away Yv . A.
Taylor looked after the business at
mostly In the growing of fruits.
Frank Hart and wife of lied Oak,
Iowa, accompanied by their nephew
Kd.Ue Jochin, were visiting in Union
on last Tuesday and were looking af
ter some business for the Dempster
Manufacturing company, they then
went to Mun'ock where they visited
!at tiitj home of the parent.1; of Mrs.
iliart, Mr. and .Mrs. John Scheel.
I The Xehawka band which is a very
; fine organization and one
disnense verv fine music, v
from Xehawka on last Monday, and
played two excellent numbers on the
streets of Union and also distributed
pi eg! a Tin for the week of the Amer-
' ican Legion shows which are to be
in Nebawka Auditorium this week.
Mr.;. Addie IJartlett of Omaha, a
iiiti.r of Charles I,. Greene and Mrs.
Harry liogue of Lor, Angeles, Cal
ifornia, also a sister of both, were
spending last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Greene. They all en-
joyed a very pleasant visit and re
port .Miss l-iorence uunifu
much improved ami it is expected
that she will be able to leave the
hospital at an early elate.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hathaway
who were visiting for a number of
days at Colerige, where Orville has
relatives, returned home late last
week and early this week departed
for Missouri Valley, Iowa, where they
will visit for a time with the rela
tives of Mrs. Hathaway, and will re
turn to Union in time to take up
his work on the mail route by
time his vacation is over.
filled lunch baskets to celebrate the
visit of his father, J. O. Mead and
George Pickle from Fairplay, Mo.
They did justice to the delicious
dinner served in the open air. Then
followed taking of pictures. Two of
ffcm wpve of four venerations, J. O.
Lon Mead, Bill Mead and
1 daughter, Norma. The
J. O.
other was of
Nellie Hath
Mead, Lon Mead,
and son, Lester.
which can Plenty of music and singing .a.-
re over rendered y i uu uncj v ...w,
i Vera Niday, Lon and Harry ueau.
j There were 73 present who were:
Mr. J. O. Mead, Fairplay, Mo.; Lut!:
!er Mead and family, Fremont, Nebr.;
I Lon Mead and family, Lonnie Mead
! aid wife. Virgil Mead and family,
luill Mead and family, Charlie Mead
j and lamily of Murray, Floyd and
I Monroe Mead, O.vnie Mead of No
ibiaska City; Carl Everett, Glenn
IVYatkins, Ted and Curley Cunley, Mr.
; Clayton Curl, father of Mrs. Charlie
'Mead, Mrs. Oscar Reeves and chil
Idren of Plattsmouth; Mrs. Stanley
Estfs and son. Hilly of Lincoln, Mr.
and .Mrs. Dale Porter, Raymond Hath
away and family, Ross Niday and
family, John Armstrong and family,
Asa Potts and family of Plattsmouth,
John Vanhorn and family of Ne
hawka. Con Watkins and family,
Mrs, Watkins' mother, Mrs. Gunn,
Mr. Geoige Pickle of Fairplay, Mo.,
father of Mrs. John Armstrong.
About 4:30 the party broke up,
each one having reported a splendid
Fror:i fcT'n1st v"
Attorney C. Tefit of Vveping
Water was ;i visitor here today to
attend to some matters at the court
Miss Ifermle Windham of Lincoln,
who hr.s been vi sing here with th.
relatives and friends, returned this
morning to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Waltz of Fort
Morgan, Colorado, are visitors r.t I he
home of Shcritf :wut Mrs. Bert Reed,
Mrs. Waltz being a staler of Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver v;
JanesvSlle, Wis. oris'in, who have i (:
the h'i:n,
and ;.ir;;
Hears Sister Had Died.
Mrs. W. II. Marks of this city re
ceived the sad intelligence on last
Monday of the passing of her sister,
Mrs. FAiii Enfield or Salix, Iowa.
Mrs. Entield was formerly Miss Eliza
Baker and was about sixty years of
age at the time of her death. Miss
Baker was born in Fremont county,
Iowa just across the river from Cass
county, and was united in marriage
with Mr. Frank Enfield many years
am. Mrs. Marks' health which has
j been rather poor for some time past
was not so that she could go to the
! funeral, which
afternoon at 1
leaves besides
occurred on Tuesday
p. m. Mrs. Enfield
her sister here, Mrs.
av- e,nm, if A Chil-! W. H. Marks, the sorrowing husband.
cott departed on last Sunday morn
ing for the western portion of Ne
braska and eastern Colorado, where j
they were looking after some busi
ness matters and also some lands'
which belong to Mr. Chilcott. j
Henry II. Becker is getting his
thrashing outfit in condition to do
most effective work when the time
comes and which is hastening along
rapidly. Henry believes in being
ready for any emergency, and is hav
ing the machines placed in the very
best condition.
Edward E. Leach with some skilled
help was building a hay rack at the
Frans Lumber yard on Tuesday of
this week, with the intention of mak
ing hay while the sun shines, and
maybe he will also work in the rain,
for Mr. Leach loves to work and one
cannot well keep him from it.
Mrs. Sarah Johnson of Burwell, a
sister of Messrs. R. 1). Stlne and W.
L. Stine was a visitor in Union for
a number of days last week, coming
down on Friilay of last week and re
turning home early this week. While
she wns here she and the other rela
tives and friends enjoyed a very tine
Charles Atteberry is having the
garage painted and made to look fine.
Orville Atteberry was plyng the
paint brush on last Tuesday and was
making the plate look fine. Mr. Atte
berry is conducting a very fine place
and one always knows when they
take a piece of work there it will be
done right.
Uncle George West, of Clifton
Ford, Va., w ho has been visiting here
for some time at the home of his sister-in-law,
Mrs. W. L. Stine. and her
daughter, Mrs. Otis Keene, departed
for his home in the east on last Tues
day on the morning train. Mr. West
is a farmer in the east and is engaged
Mr. Enfield
three sons.
and one daughter and
Will Spend Summer in East
Last Sunday Miss Elizabeth Robb.
departed from Omaha for Now York
where she will meet her mother who
is living there at this time, and was
accompanied as far as Omaha by her
aunt. Miss Agusta Robb, Miss Eliza
beth being accompanied from Omaha
to New York by Mrs. Mary Glover.
Join in Reunion.
A reunion of the members of the
family of the late George Walradt
was held this week at the Louisville
park. The old home is located where
Frank Salberg now lives, and where
Mr. Walradt passed away in 1S91.
The sons and daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Waldradt who were present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahl. Mrs.
M. C. DuiT, Mrs. Amanda Erickson,
Andrew Walradt, L. J. Walradt, Ray
mond Walradt, Mrs. Nettie Core,
while the sons unable to reach here
for the reunion were
radt. Clay Center, Ncbr.
radt, Stanton, Nebr.
Charles Wal
; George Wal
Mrs. Grace
Return Home From School.
Misses Nola Banning and Dorothy
Foster who have been attending
Stephens College at Columbia, Mo.
during the past year, arrived heme
on last Tuesday and will remain for
the three months vacation, resting
! from their studies and enjoying the
visit with their parents and other
members of the lamily as well as
with their many friends.
T.Iany People Replanting Com.
It is proven that the cry which
was made about poor seed corn had
some foundation for there are many
people who are not satisfied with
their stand of corn, and many are
planting over again. There would be
more replanted if it were net so late.
With the weather cold and the seed
not any too strong the chances of get
ting a poor stand was good.
Kunzman, and A. B. Walradt are de
ceased. The grandchildren and great
grandchildren present were: Mr. and
Mrs. N. F. Hennings and children,
Elmer Hennings and wife, Ernest and
Eunice Hennings, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Lohnes; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pol
lard and children, Inez and Gale;
Irene and Velma Walradt; Floyd
Erickson; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
O'Brien and children, Keith and 'Joy
Marie; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene,
and W'ilma Walradt.
Other of the relatives present were:
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Thompson, Mr.
and Mrs. Harley Farvish, Pauline
Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jardine and
family, and Herbert Stursbach. Guests
outside of the family circle were:
Misses Dagmar Pierson, Lillian Rey
nolds. Helen Ross, Violet Engel
kemeier, and Messrs. F. G. Keil, La
Vera Urvin, and Geo. Snodgrass.
We Offer You Some
Good Serviceable
Put in Fine Condition for
Good Service
1927 Chevrolet Truck with 4-
speed transmission
1D27 Chevrolet Coupe.
1927 Vliippst Coach
1923 Ford Roadster
1925 Ford Coupe
V7c maiytain a first class repair shop
and Authorized Chevrolet
Sales and Service
Union, Nebraska
Married Last Sunday.
Last Sunday evening Mr. Ben Al
bln, of Union, and Miss Beulah Kath
ryn Hansen of Nebraska City were
united in holy wedlock at the home of
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor, pastor
of the First Baptist church of Union.
The bride. Miss Hansen, is the ac
complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Hansen who make their home
south of Nebraska City, and was a
teacher, having taught in the schools
of Nebraska City for four years and
many more in Otoe county. The
groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Carter
Albin, and one of the real farmers of
this portion of the county. The
young people slipped into the par
sonage last Sunday evening unat
tended and had the ceremony making
them man and wife performed by the
good natured parson, and witnessed
by Mrs. Taylor.
They then departed for their home
on the farm, but their friends in
town had gotten wind of the mar
riage and soon there was a charivari
party on the way. and when they
arrived at the home of the newly
weds they made such a noise that
the well pleased groom came and ar
ranged for cigars and ice cream.
The seranaders then left, wishing a
long, happy and useful for the newly
wedded pair.
Family Reunion.
On Sunday, June 1st, fifteen fam
ilies met at the Lon Mead home with
Phone 631-W North of Golf Course
Plattsmouth, Ncbr.
Maiden Lane
Enjoy Very Fino Dinner.
The ladies of the Union Woman's
club served a very fine dinner at the
library building to the Union Busi
ness Men's club, and surpassed even
themselves with the elegance of the
meal, which made the dinner a real
banquet. They had friend chicken,
and reaps of it, enough to stall even
the hungry business men of Union.
Following that was real strawberry
short cake like mother used to make.
The most of the men came out of the
dining room saying yum yum.
Sunday, June Sth
9:30 Sunday school.
10:30 English services for Pente
cost and Children's Day cobined. The
Children's day program will be given
in connection with the services.
After services the annual Sunday
school picnic will take place in the
afternoon, preceded by a picnic din
ner. Please bring your baskets along
filled with good things to eat, and
prepared to stay all afternoon for a
sociable get-together of the whole
7:30 p. m. Luther League.
1 Thoroughbred Registered Guern
sey Bull just past two years old; 3
Guernsey Bull calves; 1 Ayrshire
Thoroughbred Bull two years old.
Likewise & Pollock, Phone 3103,
Murray, Nebr. 2tw
Just a few of the Cass county maps
left. While they last, 50c each.
o! Annual School District Meet
ing District No. 102
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. 102,
Cass county. Nebr.. that a meeting
cf the qualified school electors of the
District will be held at school house
in said district (located at Alvo. Ne
braska), on Monday, June Pth. 1930,
at S:00 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose'
of transacting such business as may
lawfully come before it. and consid
ering and voting whether or not a
levy shall be made to the amount of
Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000.
00), such amount requiring a levy
in excess of eight (S) mills on the
dodar on the total actual valuation
of the last completed valuation of
the property in said school district
for general school purposes fcr the
school year of 1930-1931.
00 Sec'y of District 102.
n ry
i : s.
visiting for a f:-w d tys ;:t
r.f Mr. Oliver'. parents, Mr
Will Oliver.
Robert Young, one of the hi
!y respected residents of near W.
i rig wa:er i.s Here louay to ::j'.v
visit with friends and enjnir.g
short outing.
The Will Oliver, Jo., and ih II
Henton fanu'ly of near L".i::5v
were here o-)er t lie week end to
joy a visit at the h;.me of Mr.
Mr. Will Oliver, the part nts of '.
Ilente.n and Will Oliver.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Frrthring :
Oklahoma City, who r.r- v!.-:i;ing at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
L. Creamer scuth of this city, were
here Saturday for a short time to
visit with the friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Franzen and
children of Omaha were here Sunday
for a visit at the heme of Mrs. Fran
zen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S.
Briggs, as Mrs. Briggs has been
poorly for the past several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Noble of R d
Oak. Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiil
Noble and family of New Hampton,
Missouri, were here Sunday for a
viit at th A. R. Noh;e 1i.t:i the
two gentlemen being brothers of
A. R.
Mr. pnd Mrs. Frank Godwin of
Lovelock, Nevari.i. are h-.Te to snend
the summer with relatives and
friends while Mr. G-odwin is tnjoy
ir.jr his vacation from his work in
the athletic department of the Love
lock schools.
Mr. ami Mrs. F. W. Sweeney of St.
Paul. Minnesota, who have been 1;-. re
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Tidlnll, the latter a sister
of Mrs. Sweeney, departed this morn
ing for their home. Mr. Svt-eney is
comptroller for the Northern Pacific
railroad with headquarters at St.
William Richards of South Bend
was here today for a few hours look
ing after some business matters for
a short time at the court house.
Miss Ethel Babbit, who has been
teaching at North Platte, was here
yesterday for a few hours while en
route to California to join her fam
ily in that state.
Frank A. Cloidt departed this
morning for Omaha, accompanied by
E. H. Wescott and where Mr. Cloidt
gave a solo number at the opening
of the grand lodge of the A. F. &
A. M., Mr. Wescott being the accompanist.
From Wednesday's Daily
M. J. Rummel of Beaver City, Ne
braska is here visiting with relatives
and friends for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Reichart and
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichart of Louis
ville were here Tuesday to attend
the Seybert funeral.
Judge Robert McNealy of Louis
ville was a visitor here today to at
tend to some matters of business and
visiting with friends.
Miss Party Metzger of near Cedar
Creek, was here Tuesday to attend
the funeral of W. II. Seybert, an old
time neighbor.
Ezra Hammer of Chambers, Ne
braska, was here today for a few
hours to look after some matters at
the court house. Mr. Hammer is
a former resident of Weeping Water.
Mrs. George E. Weidman of Plain
view, Nebraska, is here for a few
davs visiting with Iter parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. F. Goos, and also with
other relatives.
Mrs. S. S. Davis and sons. Stephen
and Corbin, departed this morning
for Lincoln where they will remain
over the commencement exercises ef
the University of Nebraska and vis
iting with Mrs. Mary M. Davis.
Sheriff and Mrs. Bert Reed and
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Waltz, of Fort Morgan. Colorado,
were in Omaha Tuesday afternoon as
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Foltz, old friends and neighbors.
ror Month of June Only
Pf3 ? r;
anteed House Paint
017E gallon Pure
Linseed Oil
OKE Quart Pure
I O-.iT-T' T T),
Paiit Erush
June. All far
Also Many Oilier Bargains
Frank B. eobalssan
541 Main St. Telephone 550
Plattsmouth, Hebr.
5- Or Pn ln t Product
Cre o j th wmrltt
' ovrr under thit fa
mout trade - mark
U II ,rrk J
Modern science has, brought you a new
floor finish S-W Floor Enamel; an
enamel that withstands the grinding
tread of countless feet and daily scrub
bing. Dries with a rich, durable enamel
luster that brings to floors a new color
ful beauty heretofore possible only on
furniture and woodwork. Transform
soft wood, disLclored hardwood and ce
ment floors into happy spots
of color with thi3 new floor
enamel. At the same time you
will be protecting your floors
from wear and decay. S-W
Floor Enamel is but one of
the many great values we
offer Friday and Saturday.
It pays to shop here.
Specify S-IT 7oor
hnamel and en'jgt
a good painter
S-W Fleor lEsaaMaef sw rorc:i ai55f no!i ra,nt
Abeautiful finish for wood and con
crete floors. Dries with a rich, dura
ble enamel luster. Also adapted
fcr enameling 1'.-oleum. Just the
thins for paind.-.g the recreation
room in tne Dasrr.c:; .. -g tr
Especially prepared to withstand
outside exposure and hard wear on
porch floors, steps, dec'.rs of boats,
fcr quart , .
S-1V EiiRiEidcid
The world's f.n;st repid-dr;'.- dec
orative enamel. Ideal for v.-c : l .'.ork,
farniture, toys, etc. Wide rcne cf
charming colons.
Per quart
$2. .85
A wster-rtoisr.
to withstand tr.-.-
varn-sh made
heels. For
oa:, light maple, Lirch " ft.
or linoleum. Per quart.
10 mm
Face Powder
Face Cream
Fa.ce Tissue
Baby Talcum
Hair Tonic
Tooth Brushes
A waihi'clc fl'. will ;a'r.'. f.r inte
rior dcccrctian-j- Prodjcci ".. lu'ifui
velvet on plas'.cr ft E
or waliboard. Per quart .
J Zi..
Tooth Paste
Shave Cream
Shave Lotion
Bath Crystals
Splendid Savings on these high quality Toilet
if ITS?
77ze iI&XClBJL Store
The funeral services of the late
W. 11. Seybert were, held Tuesday af
ternoon at the Methodist thurch
and with a very largo number of the
old friends and neighbors present
from Cedar Creek and Louisville as
well as this city to pay honor to the
memory of the departed friend.
The services were in charge of
Rev. II. 11. .fortor, pastor of the
church and who ppoke of the long
and successful life of the departed
and his services to the community
in which he had been a resident for
so many years, also extending a mes
sage of hope and comfort in the
words of the scripture to the be
reaved family and friends.
During the service a oii;'rtel com
posed of I,. 1). Hiatt, If. C. ilcClusky,
John Frady and Frank Cloidt, gave
two iiiinibi'i-s, "Rack cf Age;," and
"Jesus S:vu.r Pilot Mo" while Frank
Cloidt gave a solo number, "Face to
The interment was at the Oak Hill
cemetery we:t of the city.
Sunday school 10 a. m. There will
hv Children day program and all are
invited to be here.
The Woman's Missionary Society
will be hostess to the Mothers and
Daughters of the church at the
church on Wednesday afternoon,
June 11th. All are cordially in
vited. C. n. WFAVER.
Picnic Supplies of all kinds at the
Bates Book Store.
From Wednesday's ra!ly
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Smith entertained the Cribbage club
at the Stewart cafe and u very de
lightful cveniag was spent in the
games and in which Miss Laura Mei
singer was awarded the f.rst prize
for her skill in playing. The serving
of refreshments at a r.uitable hour
added to the pleasures of the occas
ion vry much.
Strawberries for sale at the Rock
Bluffs berry farm. A. S. Graves, Prop.
The Journal v. ill spprsciate yo'vr
telehciiirig news items to 'No. 0.
And a little more, in America older still amon wae-earners
in tlie older eouiuik.s i- the HUIDIW, and LOAX idea and
plan: until at now perfected ii is recognized as the mot suc
cessful example of
Co-Operation for Mutual Benefit
of Members
Meaning an Association in which at Ieast ex
pense, the savings of members afe received
and loaned to other members largely in loans
for homes.
Our Membership now More than 2 500
With Resources More than $l,500,OOo!oO
Nebraska City Building Sloan Assn.
(Organized 1887)
Wm. H. Pitzcr, Secretary
W. W. Metz, President