The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1930, SECTION ONE, Image 1

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    Hebr. State Historical Society
VWU ft
SECTION ONE, Pages 1 to 6
uany ions of Steel
Concrete in Bridge; Entire
Year Required for Erection
Piers Sunk tc Bedrock Far Below River Bed on
Solid Foe ting of Limestone Work De
layed by High Water in June
Closest Figures in Fabrication and Erection with Allowance
for Temperature Changes Results in Perfect Fit
When Connecting Link is Placed.
The Plattsmouth bridge, being
formally opened and dedicated today,
is a modern structure in every re
spect. It was designed in accordance
with standard specifications to ac
commodate the maximum traffic it
will be required to carry for many,
many years.
The total length or the bridge
structure from east to west abutment
is 1421 feet and 4 inches. The bridge
floor is of concrete, and 20 feet wide,
measured inside of the curbs. This
floor, which is heavily reinforced to
carry the traffic as estimated below,
has a uniform ascending grade from
cast towards the west of 44 per
This steel structure is designed to
carry in addition to its own weight
a traffic load of POO pounds per
lineal foot of bridge. In addition to
two 15-ton trucks, having a concen
trated load of 12.000 pounds on each
rear wheel. In addition to this traf
fic load the bridge is designed to
stand a wind pressure of 30 pounds
per square foot on the side area of
the exposed floor construction and a
load of 45 pounds per square foot on
the side area of each truss. Ample
provisions are also made to take care
of Impact or vibratory effects. In ad
dition to these loads which are con
siderably In--exeeas of thos the j
bridge will be required to carry for
many years to come the steel itself
is designed with a factor of safety of
4, which means that it Is capable
of carrying four time3 the stresses
which could be set up in the struc
ture by the loads mentioned above.
The foundation of the bridge In
cludes two abutments and Bix piers
all of massif e. heavily reinforced
concrete. The three main river piers
w?rc carried to solid bed rock foun
dat'ons by the pneumatic process.
Bed rook was encountered at a depth
of 4 4 feet, 4 5 feet and C4 feet below
standard high water.
A number of interesting things
were encountered in the sinking of
these piers. In sinking the shaft of
pier number 1. which is the pier on
the west river bank, it was necessary
to pass tluough about 30 feet of
of Omaha, Vice Tresident Platts
mouth Bridge Company
loose boulders yf various sizts. This
mass of boulders contained at least
four distinct varieties of stone in
eluding sandstone, limestone and a
variety of granite, very similar to
that found in South Dakota. These
boulders in most cases had rounded
edges and worn surfaces, showing
that they had evidently been trans
ported for a long distance.
Mr. George S. Morrison, the emi
nent engineer who in the year 188
designed and constructed the Bur
lington bridge located 250 feet up
stream, encountered a similar de
posit of boulders in the building of
the west pier of this bridge. These
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boulders were probably brought to
their present position by the glaciers
which undoubtedly covered this part
of the country many centuries ago.
In sinking the shaft for pier num
ber 2 and number 3 It was neces
sary to pass through a thick bed of
shale overlying the bed rock. This
shale was of such a dense nature
that it made excavation slow and
difficult, much time being spent on
ts removal by the under-water work
men. The bed rock on which these
river piers rest is a limestone deposit
cf very hard and peculiar character.
Samples of this bed rock were tested
and it was found to be capable of
supporting a load many times in ex
cess of that the bridge will ever be
called upon to carry.
Great care was taken in the mat
ter of the concrete used in the con
struction of these piers and abut
ments. The cement was carefully
inspected and tested at the mill be
fore shipment and a great many
samples of the concrete as it was
poured were taken and tested for
strength in a modern testing ma
chine to insure that only first clas3
material was used in these founda
The superstructure of the bridge
ons'sts of seven steel spans. Start
ing at the east there are two 100-
foot deck spans, then two 200-foot
deck spans. From this point (Pier
number 3) to the west, the super
structure consists of a cantilever
bridge practically 809 feet long
made up of two anchor arms, each
203 feet long and a main channel
span of about 403 feet. This main
channel span consists cf two canti
lever arms each 101 feet long and
extending out over the river from
piers number one and two. These
support the center or suspended span
which is about 201 feet long.
The bridge floor Is about 79 feet
at pier number 1 and about 61 feet
at pier number 2 above standard
high water in the river. The War
Department in granting their per
mission to build the bridge Insisted
on a clear channel span of at least
400 feet, with an unobstructed
height above high water of at least
55 feet, in order to accommodate
future possible river navigation
The top of the steel tower at pier
number 1 is about 61 feet above the
bridge floor so that the total height
of the structure above high water at
this point is about 140 feet.
Scenic Driveway
Ornamental Iron panels and lamp
posts are provided at each portal and
considerable care and thought has
been given to the design of the bridge
throughout in order that It may pre
sent a pleasing appearance. The
hand railing is especially substan
tial and attractive.
The read leading from Plattsmouth
to the west portal of the bridge winds
its way through the hills, enabling
the tourist to obtain many beautiful
views of the river and the surround
ing country.
It was constructed with state and
county aid on that portion outside
the city limits, and the state also
contributed financial assistance to
that portion in the city limits. In
order to eliminate grade crossing, a
viaduct was built over the Burling
ton shop tracks, which, with its
grade approaches, extends from Third
to First streets'. The cost of build
iig this viaduct was divided between
the Burlington railway, the bridge
company and the City of Platts
mouth. The City of Plattsmouth has had
electric lights placed along that por
tion of the road within the city
limits as well as on the viaduct over
the shop tracks.
On the Iowa side of the river the
road is being graded, preparatory to
graveling at an early date. Portions
of the route are being re-located to
follow a more direct line, leading to
Glen wood, from where paving leads
north, cast and south. The cost of
this work is included in the Mills
county good roads bond issue that
was recently voted to complete the
paving of U. S. 34 through the east
part of that county and gravel sev
eral other highways connecting up
the various towns of the county. As
soon as the graveling is completed,
this road will be a splendid all
weather road, being exceptionally
well drained.
Intricate Figuring Required
The 403 foot steel structure over
the main channel of the river was
erected entirely by cantilever meth
ods the steel being cantilevered out
over the river for a distance of two
hundred one and one-half feet from
piers Xo. 1 and No. 2 to the point
of meeting without the aid of tem
porary underpinning or false work,
as was used in the erection of the
Elair bridge.
This necessitated precision work
r.ot only. in the location of the piers
themselves, but especially In the
fabrication and erection of the steel,
and the affect of the temperature
had to be carefully taken into ac
count. The structural steel itself
was fabricated during the summer
months when the temperature aver
aged 90 degrees, and it was assumed
that the erection would be perform
ed during the latter part of the
month of October with an antici
pated temperature of about 50 de
grees this being the average tem-
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President Plattsmouth Chamber
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
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perature for this locality at that
time of the year as shown by the
Government weather bureau reports.
This, therefore, meant that there
would be a probable difference in
temperature of at least 40 degrees
between the time of fabrication of
the steel and its erection, and this
difference in temperature is suffici
ent to cause a difference In the
length of the top chord of the can
tilever bridge of about 3 inches,
for which variation in length it was,
of course, necessary to provide.
When the work had progressed to
a point where the joining together
could be accomplished the weather
continued persistently warm and a
delay of several days was necessitat
ed before the temperature dropped to
the desired mark.
Then the derricks at both canti
levered ends hoisted the center sec
tions of the floor support and drop
ped them into place, with tlie holes
matching perfectly and the riveters
were able to go ahead with the work
of tying the structure together with
out a single alteration. The upper
chord required a lower temperature,
and a delay of another day was re
quired before the mercury dropped
to the desired point, when it too was
2 ?
of Commerce
Hon. Arthur J. Weaver, governor
of Nebraska and one of the state's
foremost citizens, is the most promi
nent guest in Plattsmouth today to
attend the bridge opening ceremon
ies, at which he will deliver the
principal address.
Plattsmouth is always glad to
welcome Arthur Weaver, citizen of
our neighboring town of Falls City,
r.nd one of the most ardent support
ers of Missouri river navigation in
the middle west.
He is an eloquent speaker and has
appeared here at various times . in
the past at Happy Hundred supper,
4th of July celebration, etc.
This is Mr. Weaver's first official
visit to Plattsmouth since becoming
governor, and his willingness to take
time from his busy life as chief ex
ecutive of Nebraska and come down
to participate in the celebration in
cident to our bridge opening is great
ly appreciated by the people of Platts
mouth. slipped into place with the same pre
cision as the floor supports.
Pouring of the concrete floor over
this section was rapidly completed,
the work being protected against be
low freezing temperatures.
This main channel cantilever span
of 4 03 feet acts practicaly as three
separate spans two cantilever arms
extending out from each river pier,
and an independent suspended 6pan
200 feet long, carried by means of
bangers at the end of these canti
lever arms. The Plattsmouth bridge
is the only example of cantilever con
struction in this vicinity.
Construction work on the bridge
was started in December, 1928, and
about a year was required for its
erection, although this time could
have been cut considerably had not
the June rise of last year carried out
the fafse work leading to the mid
stream pier then partially sunk to
bed rock. It was several weeks be
fore receding waters permitted re
building cf the tramway and the
completion of the pier. During this
time the pier construction company
was forced to mark time, keeping a
part of their men busy with a sub
contract for the laying of the cement
floor at the east and west ends of
the structure.
Two lives were lost in the erection
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President Plattsmouth Bridge Company,
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Long Story From Conception
of Bridge Plans to the Time of
Letting Contract for Structure
Many Obstacles Had to be Overcome Including
Passage of Bill by Congress and Gain
ing War Department's Consent
Lent Its Aid at Every Turn Traffic Survey Necessary Be
fore Eastern Investors Would Underwrite Bond
Issue Roadway Another Problem.
of the piers, one from burns suffered
while working in an underwater
compartment, supposedly from the
ignition of matches in his pocket,
and the other from being struck by
a falling section of formwork, dur
ing the linking of pier No. 1.
Precautionary safety methods were
taken in the erection of the steel,
even to the extent of providing a
boatman on the river beneath the
workers to rescue anyone who might
fall or be blown from atop the struc
ture mere than 100 feet above the
water, and as a result of this safety
first planning, no serious accidents
occurred during the several months
required to complete this hazardous
The bridge was designed by the
engineering department of the Om
aha Steel Works. The firm of Mod
jeski & Chase, cf New York, recog
nized international bridge authori
ties, were the consulting engineers
and approved the design and con
struction. The bridge was fabricat
ed and erected by the Omaha Steel
Works, of Omaha, Nebraska.
This day of dedication, filled as it
is with hustle and bustle for every
one of the officers of the bridge com
pany and Chamber of Commerce, is
one of quietness and serenity for the
men who take toll at the new bridge
regularly 2 4 hours out of every day
excepting this one.
Since the bridge was thrown open
to public traffic February 1st, these
two men, Clarence Cotner and Philip
Horn, Lave alternated with twelve
hour shifts at the toll house at the
Nebraska end of the bridge.
But. today ah, that is different
The decree of the bridge company
that there shall be no toll charged
over the bridge from early morning
until the last of the dance crowd
from Iowa wends its way wearily
homeward at "Two O'clock in the
Albert Cotner, the pleasant young
man who took toll at the Platte
river bridge until it was made free
from the proceeds of the toll collect
ed ha3 the day shift while Philip
Horn officiates in this capacity at
It's vacation day for these boys, so
let's shout with joy. Hip, hip, hur
rah; no tolls today.
Many gallons of paint were re
quired to cover the steel work in the
new bridge and give it the shiny
gloss appearance it presents.
In contrast to the black on the
rest of the bridge, the hand railing
stands out with a coat of aluminum
colored paint that makes it visible
at night as well as in the daytime.
Frequent repainting of the struc
ture will be necessary to preserve the
steel and it will be no ordinary sized
paint bill every time it has to be
gone over, either.
On one of the coldest nights of the
entire winter of 1025-2 C, there was
incubated in a small hall at Eagle the
tinj- spark of life that has brought
us to this occasion namely, the
dedication of a new S700.000 Mis
souri river bridge at Plattsmouth.
Present at that meeting, which had
been called by J. A. Gardner, then
editor of the Eagle Beacon, was a
large delegation from Plattsmouth,
including the Missouri River Bridge
committee of the Plattsmouth Cham
ber cf Commerce. Bert George and
Charles Roper also came out from
Lincoln to attend the meeting and
give the bridge boosters some infor
mation on South Dakota's program
of bridge building. Officers were
elected and the date set for another
meeting at Elmwood a few weeks
hence. This also proved to be a cold
night, though not nearly the equal
of the one before. There was a larg
er attendance and further progress
mada at the Elmwood meeting.
As president of the newly organiz
ed Cass County Bridge & Hishway
Association, Mr. Gardner expended
much time and considerable of bis
own personal funds, boosting for the
multi-bridge plan, and it was not un
til cfter the meeting held here at the
Presbyterian church a couple of
jncr.fhs Jster, when the colction ot
membership fees was decided upon,
that Mr. Gardner was reimbursed for
the money he had expended.
Later representatives of the Cass
county association met with bridge
boosters from other cities up and
down the river to form the state as
sociation, with John Hopkins, of Om
aha, as president, and Judge Beg
Iey of this city named to a place on
the executive board.
At all these meetings Lincoln dele
gates were strong supporters of get
ting a bridge at Plattsmouth, giving
the local men who were anxious lo
push the proposition encouragement
and enthusiasm to go ahead.
After the state legislature failed
to pass the desired bills at its session
of 1927. Plattrmouth grew impatient
at delay and the men who were be
hind the project got busy and work
ed out a plan of their own that would
of Omaha. Treasurer of Platts
mouth Bridge Company
net only get the bridge for the com
munity, but that without the sub
cribins of a single dollar (other
than for the volunteer purchase of
stock) and has proven by far the
most feabible plan of all.
Other towns that have got or are
getting bridges are forced to put up
from a third to a half the cost out
of their own communities. This was
not the case with the Plattsmouth
The crying need of a bridge at
Plattsmouth was one that would not
be downed. It was a subject of dis
cussion whenever civic bodies met,
and when the Chamber of Commerce
was reorganized January 1st, 1928,
the first important committee to be
(Turn to Page 2, Column 1)
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