The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 13, 1930, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Cbc plattsmouth Journal
Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
COO miles, 53.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
That one-word marriage in Den
ver, of course, is just the first word.
By all means humanize the sub
marine. Anything to make warfare
all in good fun.
A flapper thinks she has to doll
up to look hot if she is going to
knock 'em cold.
President Hoover's new school has
been opened. Some of the Senators
would do well to attend.
What every married man needs is a
couple of spare pocketbooks to use
when the regular one gets flat.
There isn't any more chance of
cutting down expenses than there is
of raising more money to cover 'em.
The proportion is growing smaller,
anyway. When there were but three
men on earth, the second killed the
The fact that the national wealth
is $3,000 per capita doesn't mean
that you no longer have to work for
your share.
The skirts haven't got so long yet,
however, that any girl feels safe in
going back to buying stockings with
the cotton tops.
After reading the ads that tell how
easy it is to lose 50 pounds, it seems
strange to see so many girls still in
the heavyweight class.
So far as we ever have heard, no
husband ever has sat in the electric
chair as a result of being loyal and
devoted to his own wife.
If it were possible to read the
minds we should have something else
as trashy as some of the modern
books and magazines to read.
A college president says a girl
should be so dressed that people will
not remember her for her children.
That stage is reached, largely.
America's prohibition law is a
gesture of disapproval to all the rest
of the world, but so far the rest of
the world doesn't seem to care.
A business magazine says "pros
perity will rise with the sap." The
same sap who list all his money last
fall in the stock market smashup?
"Flapdoodle," a long shot, won
the opening race at New Orleans.
Flapdoodle seems to win everwhere
nowadays, even in our legislature
There are so many foolish books
written that it seems strange no
bachelor ever has written one cn
"How to Win an Argument With a
Experience has shown that the
Government might boost the price of
wheat by adopting an amendment
prohibiting its sale, transportation
and use.
The old folks bought a radio to
keep the children at home nights and
now have to drive them out so they
can enjoy an evening with the old
time airs.
It is not so hard to distinguish
the alumni of the school of Experi
ence. When the zealot has explained
his scheme for saving the world they
ask "Why?"
Spring must be almost nere. i ne
baseball writers in the Southland
have already discovered 19 new
Christy Mathcv.sons and 21 new Wal
ter Johnsons.
A contemporary reports a Tennes
see editor has referred to Congress
as "an eyesore in the nostrils of all
thoughtful people." Exactly, and in
more than one sense.
: o :
Cupid must enjoy watching a good
r.crap. otherwise he wouldn't so often
sign up couples who'll have just as
much chance of getting along peace
ably as a cat and dog.
After reading t:ie wet testimony
that has been spilled in Washington
our guess is that a good way to get
brainstorm would be to try to" think
of some modern evtl that could Btand
up In meeting and declare prohibition
wasn't its papa.
The radio keeps the family at home
to quarrel over what it will listen to.
The French have a new Cabinet.
But then the newness hadn't worn
off the old one.
Mr. Hoover is said to be thinner
and grayer after a year in the White
House, and so are we.
The story of a deaf man. who heard
over the radio may be true. A lot
of the dumb speak over it.
For the price of three packs of
cigarettes cne may now cure a cough,
acquire absolute nonchalance and
take off weight.
We often wonder if the compact
is getting used to having a pack of
cigarettes parked along side of it in
a girl s nanciDag.
Girls who are wild may be popular
but when a wife gets that way her
husband wants to do what love does
when poverty comes in.
The reason many a little cutie
gets a big kick out of modern life is
because she is handicapped with
neither brains nor conscience.
Since the skirts have been length
ened, a lot more men are taking
an interest in reading to while away
their time on the street cars.
Science is making progress toward
the making of living tissue, but there
is no comfort in this for those whom
a smooth stranger has skinned.
Bcotii Tarkington says men's shirts
will have disappeared in 50 years. I
That is. all except the one for which
you have a particular aversion.
While Congress is considering
ways and means of strengthening pro
hibition, why not try a law making
prohibition arguments illegal?
The reason underlying the propen
sity of the Japanese for emigrating
may be revealed in the report that
there are now CO, 000 poets in Japan
You can get rid of bugs without
burning down the house. Is there no
way of getting rid of pests in the
Senate without abolishing the Sen
ate? :o:
Wild rose is suggested as the na
tional flower; but the way some
writers seem to consider our diplo
mates as babes in the hands of those
wily Europeans, we really ought to
adopt the modest violet.
The trouble with a lot of mar
riages is that the husband gets to
be such a grouch that his wife finds
going out with him just about as
thrilling as dating with the Monday
morning wash tub or the kitchen
We hear a great deal these days
about changing conditions, especially
as they refer to young people, and
those of maturer years endeavor to
alter their viewpoints, realizing that
the ideas of a generation or two ao
must not govern the conduct of t'.e
youth of today.
We may become used to our ch'l
dren knowing a whole lot more abc t
the intimate things of life than the'r
parents; we may become reconciled o
the flippancy and even skepticir:.a
about many things; we may look with
tolerance on lack of discipline and
the tendency to be places withe:;. t
the chaperones of by-gone years, but
there's one immutable law that le
mains just as fixed as it did a hun
dred or a thousand years ago and
that is the necessity for enough
hours of sleep to make healthy bodies
and minds. We might even say, in
one sense, there is a necessity for
longer hours of response because life
today for both young and old is much
harder on the nervous system.
But despite this well known fact,
we see every indication of later hours
more highly seasoned foods and other
A great nation cannot be main
tained unless its youth arrive at ma
turity with vitality unimpaired. Later
Jiours has already wrecked the lives
of many and will continue to Bap the
strength of those approaching adult
Most of the extreme troubles and
distractions, warned of by economists,
in fixing of arbitrary prices on com
modities are now familiar to Mr.
Legge and the Farm Board. Unl
last Saturday the stabilization cor
poration of the National Grain Cor
poration was buying Chicago wheat
at a minimum of $1.1S a bushel.
which was the "peg" price arrived
at last November as a conservative
estimate of market probalities; and
up to four days previous to that the
Government had carried on wide
scale buying from cooperative and
non-cooperative groups at the same
price. At the same time the open
market value of wheat was in some
cases as much as 20 cents below the
price paid by the Farm Board.
The announcement that the board
would buy wheat only at market
prices, and then only if it became
necessary to stabilize a demoralized
market, is a confession that the fix
ed price was made too high. Mr
Legge has said that the loan value,
$1.1S, needs readjustment. While the
Farm Board last fall judged correct
ly the probable volume of world crop
and gave assurance that wheat held
back could be sold later at advanced
prices, it could not phophesy the
strong resistance against American
import wheat which has grown up in
Europe. In England, France, Italy
and Germany a partial boycott has
cut American wheat exports far be
low normal. In view of percenta;
of export and expansion in American
winter wheat planting, the latest
Government report states there is no
apparent cause to expect higher mar
ket prices in the near future.
Meanwhile, the Farm Board, thru
the stabilization corporation, has
been speculating actively in the Chi
cago pit, buying millions of bushels
of futures in order to stop the market
slide. If the Government is forced
to accept delivery of this wheat in
May it must either be held while the
board is buying still more wheat, or
sold back into the pit or dumped
somewhere abroad. The stupendous
sacrifice of Government funds in eith
er event is Just now causing econom
ists deep worry.
Mr. Legge and the Farm Board.
committed to a policy by Congress,
are doing consistent and courageous
work. They have certainly provided
at least emporary aid to a great many
wheat growers, and have demonstrat
ed that so long as the present set-up
exists only those farm co-operatives
who abide by the terms of the Na
tional Grain Corporation can hope
to market wheat advantageously. Ex
perience thus far has shown clearly
, tne danger of artificial price fixing.
and beyond all intentions has put the
Government right into the middle of
the wheat business, in killing com
petition with independents.
With all this upset of the natural
laws of marketing and demand, the
farmer cannot continue to receive a
good price for his wheat under Farm
Board aid unless he co-operates to
the full limit, reducing acreage in
crops of which there is a surplus and
diversifying his planting according to
Government advice. That he is not
now doinc this necessary share is
evidenced by the 10 per cent increase
of winter wheat planting which fol
lowed formation of the Farm Board
and promise of wheat stabilization.
Men are men, an most of them
look more like a headache than a
treat for the eyes, but even at that
a woman hates for her meal ticket
to look like something her relatives
had picked out for her.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the
estate of Betty A. Mostin, deceased.
On reading the petition of A. W.
Smith and T. B. Hardison praying
that the instrument filed in this court
the 25th day of February, 1930. and
purporting to be the last will and
testament of the said deceased, may
be proved and allowed and recorded
as the last will and testament of
Betty Mostin, deceased; that said in
strument be admitted to probate and
the administration of said estate be
granted to Dr. J. S. Livingston, as
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said mat
ter, may, and do, appear at the Coun
ty Court to be held in and for said
County, on the 28th day of March,
A. D. 1930. at 9 o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be. why the prayer
of the petitioners should not be
granted, and that notice of the pend
ency of said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter bj' pub
lishing a copy of this Order in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and the seal of
said court, this 25th day of February,
A. D. 1930.
(Seal) m3-3w County Judge. I
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Fred
Hanni, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Metta May Hanni praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to Herman Rieke, as Admin
istrator; Ordered, that April 4th, A. D. 1930,
at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated March 7th. 1930.
(Seal) ml0-3w County Judge.
To Martin A. Jones and Elizabeth
J. Jones, his wife, if they are living,
if not, the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees and personal representatives
of the said Martin A. Jones and Eliz
abeth J. Jones, his wife; all persons
interested in the estate of Henry
Montgomery, deceased; all persons
interested in the estate of Simpson C.
Bethel, deceased, unknown defend
ants; Albert D. elton and
Welton, his wife, first real name un
known; George M. Streeter, widower;
Earl Howard and Myrtle Howard,
husband and wife, non-resident de
fendants; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in or to Lots
twelve (12), sixteen (16) and seven
teen (17) except a strip thirteen (13)
feet wide along the south side of
Lot seventeen (17). all in the south
west quarter (SWJ4 ) of the south
east quarter (SEU ) of Section thirty
one (31)), Township twelve (12),
N. Range nine (9), east of the Cth
P. M., Cass county, Nebraska, and
Lots twenty-five (25). twenty-six
(26), twenty-seven (27), twenty
eight (28), thirty-seven (37). thirty
eight (3S), thirty-nine (39) and forty
(40), situated in Jones' 2nd Addition
to the Village of Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska, or any part there
of, real names unknown.
You and each of you will take no
tice that on the 15th day of Febru
ary, 1930, Oliver E. Sayles filed his
petition in the District Court of Cass
county. Nebraska, against you and
each of you, the object and prayer of
which is to quiet the plaintiff's title
to all the real estate above describ
ed, and to exclude you, and each of
you from any interest therein, and to
remove the clouds cast upon plain
tiff's title to said real estate.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 7th day of April. A. D
J. C. Bryant,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have formed a Corporation
under the laws of the State of. Ne
braska, to be known as the Platte
Valley Builders, with its principal
place of business at Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska. Annual meeting
of the stockholders shall be held at
the office of said Corporation in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county
Nebraska, on the nrst Saturday in
January of each year. The nature
of the business to be transacted by
said corporation shall be general con
tracting and construction work, the
building, construction, repair and
alteration of buildings, the building
of culverts, the doing of road work
and all classes of business of a gen
eral contracting nature. Said Cor
poration shall have the right to buy
and sell real estate and such kinds
and classes of property as may be
necessary to its business. The capital
stock of said corporation is the sum
of 3000 Dollars of the par value of
$50.00 each, all subscribed and paid
for at the time of its organization.
The existence of said corporation
commenced on the 23rd day of De
cember, 1929, the date of the filing
of Its Articles of Incorporation, and
continuance for a period of fifty years
The business of said corporation shall
be conducted by a board of three di
rectors to be elected by the stock
holders at their annual meeting and
to hold office for the period of one
year, and conducted in tne manner
as prescribed by its By-Laws. Each
stockholder being entitled to one vote
for each share of stock held by him.
The officers of said corporation shall
be a President, Vice President, and
Secretary-Treasurer to be chosen by
the Board of Directors and shall
held their offices for the period of
one year, or until tneir successors
shall be elected and qualified. The
Board of Directors may employ such
employees as may be necessary to op
erate said business. The highest
amount of indebtedness to which said
corporation shall at any time subject
Itself, shall not be more than two-
thirds of its paid up capital stock.
The Articles of Incorporation may be
amended by a majority vote of the
stockholders at any regular meeting
of stockholders or at any special meet
ing called for that purpose upon ten
days written notice to all stockhold
ers, mailed to their usual address,
setting forth the nature of such meet
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Joseph C. Ellington, de
ceased: On reading the petition of Anna A.
Ellington. Administratrix, praying a
final settlement and allowance of her
account filed in this Court on the
21st day of February. 1930, and for
final settlement of said estate and her
discharge as said Administratrix of
said estate;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 21st day of March, A. D.
1930, at 9 o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the
.prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of said
Court, this 21st day of February, A.
D. 1930.
(Seal) f24-3w County Judge.
Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of David G. Babbington, de
ceased: On reading the petition of George
E. Dovey, Executor, praying a final
settlement and allowance of his ac
count filed in this Court, on the 19th
day of February, 1930, and for final
settlement of said estate and for his
discharge as Executor;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 21st day of March, A. D.
1930, at S o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er of the petitioner should not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the Seal of
said Court, this 19th day of Febru
ary, A. D. 1930.
(Seal) f24-3w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
Matter of the Guardianship of Mary
A. Street, an Incompetent Person,
now Deceased:
On reading the petition of E. H.
Wescott, Guardian of Mary A. Street,
Incompetent, praying for a final set
tlement and allowance of his account
filed in this court on the 20th day of
February. 1930, and for his discharge
as Guardian:
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 21st day of March,
1930, at the hour of nine o'clock a.
m., to show cause, if any there be,
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted, and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed and of gen
eral circulation in said county, for
three weeks prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of said
Court this 20th day of February,
A. D. 1930.
(Seal) f24-3w County Judge.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Benjamin Dill, deceased:
On leading the petition of Earl
Franklin Dill praying a final settle
ment and allowance of his account
filed in this court on the 21st day
of February. 1930, and for distribu
tion of estate and discharge of
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may, and do, appear at ttih County
Court to be held in and for said
county on the 21st day of March, A.
D. 1930. at 10 o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the pray
er or tue petitioner snould not be
granted, and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in the Platts
mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in said county, for
three weeks prior to said day of
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of said
Court this 21st day of February, A.
D. 1930.
(Seal) f24-3w County Judge.
Pile of junk what the fellow buys
when he turns down the make of car
you would have got a ctrmmrspion out
of if he had bought it.
In re Estate of Claus Hodtwalker.
deceased, in the county court of Cass
county, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. To all
persons interested: Take notice that
Fred C. Hodtwalker has filrd his
petition asking that a time be fixed
for hearing on the final report and
account of the arministratrix filed
herein and that notice thereof be
published according to law and that
said report be confirmed and al
lowed; that supplemental decree be
entered amending, ratifying and
confirming decree entered Oct. 25th,
1921 and that the heirs of said de
cedent be determined, which petition
has been set for hearing before said
court on the 21st day of March,
1930, at one p. m.
Dated this 24th day of February,
1 93.
(Seal) f24-3w. County Judge
In the District Court of Cass County,
Albert Kitzel, "
William Kitzel. et al
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
entered in the above entitled cause
on the 15th day of February, 1930,
and an Order of Sale entered by said
Court on the 15th day of February,
19 30. the undersigned Referee will,
on the 22nd day of March, 1930, at
1 2:00 o'clock p. m.. at the front door
of the Farmers and Merchants Bank,
Alvo. Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder, the following
described real estate, to-wit:
The west half (W ) of the
northwest quarter (NW54) of
Section thirty-six (36), Town
ship eleven (11), N. Range nine
(9) , east of the 6th P. M., ex
cept the right of way of the Chi
cago, Rock Island and Pacific
Railroad Company; and
The west half (W7) of the
northeast quarter (NE'4) of
Section one (1). Township ten
(10) , N. Range nine (9), east
of the 6th P. M.
All of said lands being in Cass
county, Nebraska
upon the following terms: Ten per
cent (10) of bid in cash on date
of sale, balance in cash upon con
firmation of sale and delivery of ref
eree's deed of land free from encum
brance except lease to said lands to
March 1, 1931. Abstract to be fur
nished purchaser showing merchant
able title. Said sale will be held
open for one hour.
Dated this 15th day of February,
J. M.
Carl D. Ganz.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
In Re Application of J. A.
Capwell, Administrator d.
b. n., of the Estate of
David J. Hoenshell. Deceas- V NOTICE
ed, for License to Sell Real
Now on this 15th day of February,
1930, there was presented to the
Court the petition of J. A. Capwell,
Administrator d. b. n., of the estate
of David J. Hoenshell, deceased, for
license to sell that part of Lot 7 In
Jones' First Addition to the Village
of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebras
ka, lying north of railroad right of
way. also all of Lot 8, in Jones First
Addition to the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska; also an un
divided one-half of Lot 10 In Jones'
First Addition to the Village of
Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska,
for the purpose of paying debts and
costs of administration of said es
tate. And it appearing that there is
not sufficient personal estate in the
hands of the Administrator d. b. n..
to pay the debts and costs of said
administration; and
It further appearing that the per
sonal property collected by said Ad
ministrator, d. b. n., amounts to
$150.18, and that the unpaid claims
amount to $35.13, and that the costs
of administration will be approxi
mately $535.13; that an order should
be entered directing all persons in
terested in said estate to appear and
show cause why a license should not
be granted to said Administrator, d
b. n., to sell said real estate.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in the estate of David
J. Hoenshell, appear before James T.
Eegley. Judge of the District Court
within and for Cass county, Nebraska,
on the 31st day of March, 1930. at 10
o'clock a. m., at Chambers in the
Court House in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, to show cause, if
any there be. why a license should
not be granted to J. A. Capwell, Ad
ministrator d. b. n., of the estate of
David J. Hoenshell, deceased, to sell
that part of Lot 7 in Jones' First
Addition to the Village of Greenwood,
Cass county, Nebraska, lying north
of railroad right of way. also all of
Lot S in Jones' First Addition to the
Village of Greenwood, Cass county,
Nebraska, also an undivided one-half
of Lot 10 in Jones' First Addition to
the Village of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, for the purpose of pay
ing the debts and costs of adminis
tration of said estate.
i It is further ordered that a copy of
this order be served upon all persons
interested in said estate by publica
tion of this order for four successive
weeks in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
newspaper printed and of general
circulation in the County of Cass, Ne
braska. Bv the Court.
Judge of tUe District
fl7-4w Court.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by C.olda Noble Beal, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 5th day of April, A. D.
1930. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day,
at the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth, in
said county, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing real estate, to-wit:
Lots one (1), two (2), three
(3) and four (4). twelve (12),
thirteen (13) and fourteen (14),
Block ten (10), South Park, an
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, as surveyed, platted and
recorded , Cass county, Nebras
ka The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Edward W. Cotner
and Ella Cotner, Defendants, to sat
isfy a judgment of said Court recov
ered by Northwest Ready Roofing
Company, Defendant and Cross-Petitioner,
and The Standard Savings and
Loan Association, of Omaha, Nebras
ka, a Corporation, Plaintiff against
said Defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, February
28th, A. D. 1930.
Sheriff Cass county,
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by Galdo Noble Beal, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 5th day of April, A.
D. 1930, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said
day, at the south front door of the
court house in the City of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following real estate, to-wit:
Lot eight (8), Block eleven
(11), City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, as surveyed, platted and
recorded, Cass county, Nebras
ka The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Roy L. Mc
Elwain et al, Defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by The Standard Savings and Loan
Association of Omaha, Nebraska, a
Corporation, and Southbend Watch
Company, a corporation. Defendant
and Cross Petitioner, Plaintiff against
said Defendant.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, February
28th, A. D. 1930.
Sheriff Cass county,
In the District Court of the
County of Cass. Nebraska
In Re Application of J. A.
Capwell, Administrator d.
b. n., of the Estate of
Katie Hoenshell, Deceas
ed, for License to Sell Real
Now on this 15th day of February,
1930, there was presented to the
Court the petition of J. A. Capwell,
Administrator d. b. n., of the estate
of Katie Hoenshell, deceased, for
license to sell that part of Lot 9 in
Jones' First Addition to the Village
of Greenwood,, Cass county. Nebras
ka, described as follows: Beginning
in the northeast corner of said Lot 9,
and running thence west 20 rods,
thence south 2 rods, thence east 20
rods, thence north 2 rods to the place
of beginning; also the undivided one
half of . Lot 10 in Jones' First Addi
tion to the Village of Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska; also all of Lot 24
In Jones' Second Addition to the Vil
lage of Greenwood, Cass county, Ne
braska, for the purpose of paying the
costs of administration of said es
tate. And it appearing that there is not
sufficient personal property in the
hands of the Administrator d. b. n..
to pay the costs of said administra
tion; and
It further appearing that the per
sonal property collected by said
Administrator d. b. n., amounts to
$56.27 and that the costs of ad
ministration will be approximately
$500.00 and that an order should be
entered directing all persons inter
ested in said estate to appear and
show cause why license should not be
granted to said Administrator d. b.
n., to sell said real estate.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in the estate of Katie
Hoenshell. deceased, appear before
James T. Begley, Judge of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, on the 31st day of
March. 1930, at 10 o'clock a. m., at
Chambers, In the Court House, in
the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
to show cause, if any, why a license
should not be granted to J. A. Cap
well, Administrator d. b. n., of the
estate of Katie Hoenshell. deceased,
to sell that part of Lot 9 in Jones'
First Addition to the Village of
Greenwood, Cass count y, Nebraska,
described as follows: Beginning in
the northeast corner of said Lot 9
and running thence west 20 rods.
thence south 2 rods, thence east 20
rods, thence north 2 rods to the place
of beginning: also the undivided one
half of Lot 10 in Jones' First Addi
tion to the Village of Greenwood.
Cass county, Nebraska; also all of
Lot 24 in Jones' Second Addition to
the Village of Greenwood, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, for the purpose of
paying the costs of administration of
said estate.
It is further ordered that a copy of
thi order to show cause be served
upon all persons interested in said
estate by publication of this order
for four successive weeks in the
Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper
printed and of general circulation in
the County of Cass, Nebraska.
By the Court.
Judge of the District
fl7-4w Court.