THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1930. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FTV1 WEEPING WATER ha and who were present for the oc casion and for a visit with the parents. Mabel Dudley was a visitor in Lin coln for the afternoon on last Tues day, where she was as well looking after some business. E. W. Dowler was called to Omaha on Tuesday of this week to look after some business matters connected with the sales rooms in Weeping Water. Ray Fenteman of near Unadilla purchased of the Dowler Brothers a new tudor Chevrolet during the pres ent week and is well satisfied with the new wagon. Walter Kimberg who had the mis fortune to have a wreck with his car on last Saturday night traded the damaged wagon to the Dowler Broth ers for a Buick. Prank Marshall has purchased a new Chevrolet truck, which he will use on his farm and as well for trans portation on the roads, conveying stock and produce to market. Dewey Boedeker iving over near Murray was a visitor in Weeping Wa ter on last Tuesday and while here purchased a Farmall from the Farm ers Union of Weeping Water. Wm. August and wife of Nehawka were over from their town on last Tuesday and were looking after some business matters as well as visiting tneir family physician, Dr. W. F. Kruse. Wm. Wallen who is well into the fifth score of years, being over eighty five years, is very ill at the home of his son, JL C. Wallen, and is being given the very best care and medical attention, but still remains very poor ly. Ben Gibson who with the wife have been spending the greater portion of the cold weather in California, at both Los Angeles and San Francisco, arrived home on last Tuesday, after having enjoyed the time which they spent in the west. Taul Ward who drives the dray for the Dinger Lumber company has been having it rather rough for some time past being in the grips of the flu dur ing the past two weeks. He is feel ing somewhat better at this time but is still very poorly. John S. Williams, proprietor of the Weeping Water bakery, and a good one at that, departed on last Tuesday morning via his auto for Bonesteel, South Dakota, where he has a lot of hay which he has just had baled and which he will ship south for sale. Lleslie Wiles and wife departed on last Saturday for Wood River where they visited with their daugh ter Miss Virginia, for over the week end. and for Monday, returning home Tuesday evening. Miss Virginia is teaching in the schools of Woodriver. Henry Dinger and wife and three kiddies of Neligh, who is a cousin of G. R. Dinger, were visiting in Weep ing Water and guests at the home of G. R. Dinger and wife for the week end where all enjoyed the visit very much, returning to their home Mon day. Uncle Louis Carstens. who makes his home with his son. Fred Carstens and family, who reside on O street west to the Avoca intersection, has been quite sick for some time with a very severe attack of erysipolas, and as he was getting over this some what he was taken with an attack of dropsy. He still remains very sick. George I. Lloyd, living over near Murray and who has been at the hot springs in Arkansas, for the greater portion of the winter, where he was taking treatment for rheumatism, was a visitor in Weeping Water on Tues day afternoon of this week. Mr. Lloyd pays that he received much benefit from the treatment and baths which he received there. vHuarrf T.nuritzen who has been living on the south side had the mis fortune to have the place sold where ho livofi snd he was compelled to move. The property was purchased by L. R. Lane., who will soon move there. Mr. Lauritzen will move to the north side and will occupy the Mrs. Mary Lyman place north of the Congregational church. Mr. Peter Fielding traded his car which was damaged by the collision on O street last Saturday night, to the Dowler Brothers for a new one, paving the difference, and getting a new Chevrolet coach, this making the third of these excellent cars which he has purchased during the year. He had one and traded it for an other one, the one which was wreck ed and now has traded for the third one. Mr. Fielding is well pleased with these cars and sure knows a good car when he sees one. Enjoys Passing Birthday. Miss Hazel Williams celebrated the passing of her birthday anniversary on last Sunday, February 10th, with a party of her young lady school mates, and which was a gathering of much joy. The paty was made the more pleasant by the presence of her two sisters. Misses Cassie and Verna Williams, who are employed in Oma Special Prices! GUARANTEED FAST COLOR Percales, per yard 1 20c Prints, per yard 256 Rayon Prints, per yard 396 Rayon Ladies Hose, per pair ...... .s. .396 Silverseal Congoleum Rugs, special . . $8.75 Size 9x12 Feet Very Fine Weeping Water Variety Store ELMER MICHELSON, Owner WEEPING WATER, NEBR. Received Severe Bnmn. While Paul Anh wan driving a car belonging to Peter Fielding and in Which were Paul Afih. nAnrirp Rnvrp. Henry Frizzle, and'Wm. Hayes, and were making an attempt to pass the narrow bridge southeast of Weeping Water and near where the Missouri Pacinc crosses the O Street road go ing to Avoca, they collided with the car of E. O. Baker of 3402 S street. Lincoln, when both cars were badly damaged and all the injured more or less. Mr. Ash, the ariver or tne Chevrolet which belong ed to Mr. Fieldinfi' wna ttA leant in jured, the other three ocnnants of me car were very badly cut and bruis- ea. Will Honor Boys Monday. There will be given at the Congre gational church Monday evening when a good time will be given I for the benefit of the basketball team of the Weeping Water high school. You will get a good meal and have a good time as well. Saw Shenandoah Sunday. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pokop, who are visiting here from their home in Kansas and accompan ied by Ralph Binger, their cousin, and at whose home they are guests, made a visit to Shenandoah, Iowa, and saw the magic city. They drove over to Plattsmouth where they cross ed the new bridge across the Missouri into Iowa, and thence to Glenwood, taking the new pavement to Sidney and from there to Shenandoah. Af ter having visited the city and the two broadcasting stations, they re turned via Sidney, Glenwood to Coun cil Bluffs, over to Omaha and home via Louisville. In all they had a very fine day. Consider Gas Plant Franchise. At a meeting of the city council of Weeping Water on last Tuesday night the matter of granting a franchise to operate a gas manufacturing plant in Weeninsr Water was considered. An ordinance was introduced and the matter of making: the first reading was duly performed. There not be ing a full attendance it could not proceed further. Mrs. Barkhurst Dies in Lincoln. Mrs. Eugene (Margaret) Barkhurst passed away at the hospital at Lin coln on last Friday, where she had e-iven birth to a babe, the little one also dying, was buried from the Hob son Funeral home on last Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Barkhurst was a mem ber of the Congregational church, the funeral sermon being delivered by her nastor. the Rev. Ralph Pickham. pastor of the church here. Mrs. Bark hurst leaves besides the sorrowing husband, four small children, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith of Weeping Water. The inter ment was made at the Oakwood ceme tery. Besides the members of the family Mrs. Barkhurst leaves a large number of friends who sincerely mourn her departure. Buys Business Here. Wm. Meyers, late of Vermillion, South Dakota, where he has been in the tailoring and cleaning business, selling to a man from Cedar Creek, came to Weeping Water and purchas ed the cleaning establishment of the Ward Brothers, and will conduct a cleaning and tailoring business here. He arrived with the family and on last Tuesday, driving from Omaha. Will Visit in Easl. Henry Hillman on Tuesday of this week purchased a new Ford tudor, and with the wife departed last week for the east where they will drive in their new car and will visit with their son in New York state. Talk Recreation Club. A stranger came to Weeping Wa ter on last Monday and interviewed a large number of the citizens on the proposition of establishing an amuse ment club, which will be the main taining of a room, where they will have billiard and pool tables for the amusement of the members who must be twenty-one years of age, and who pay a dollar per month as a member ship fee. We did not learn whether he made much, progress or not. Celebrated 83rd Anniversary. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown, where Charles Philpot. the father of Mrs. Brown makes his home. his birthday annivrsary coming on February 10th, the family gathered, a few at a time, and as it was Sun day evening, he did not think much of the matter, until most of them had gotten there. Mr. Philpot was born in JoDaviss county, Illinois, near Hanover. February 10th, 1847, and was united in marriage with Miss READ 4 y ;y O. V CerTenia Barriett who was born in Springfield, Illinois on May 31st, 1852. They were married some sixty- four years since. There are men rhiiHron Wm. J. Philpot. Wallace, John. FJmer. Bert, and DeForest Phil pot, Mrs. Lee (Lottie) Brown, Jen nie, Mrs. Charles uni, rua, a Ham rnnk. This couple have sure done their portion in the hard work which has made from tne raw prairies the wonderful country wnicn mey now enjoy living in. Always something of interest ifl the Journal Want Ad department. Grdr Ikvjl Your Nursery Stock We are taking orders for later shipment. Let us have your list now. Also any kind of Shrubbery or Ornamental and Shade Trees. Bestor & Swatek The Winchester Store mm ml MOT New Spring House Frocks Y! For Your Inspection are These Newest Patterns . . Quality Fabrics THESE pretty wash frocks are made by a manufacturer who has specialized in the better wash dresses. The style, workmanship and appearance of these smart wash frocks is beyond the usual standard offered at this price. StyleSt Smart Flares . . Fitted Wr.ists . . Princess . . Straight Line . . Side Effects ... and a variety of New Fashion Creations. rlv as ":o :0.i -( v A wfe STATEWIDE GROUP PLANNED Omaha Plans are being formulat ed for the apopintment of a group of ninety-three men and women, each to represent a Nebraska county, -who will work with a committee of the Nebraska Teachers' association in an attempt to secure uniformity in the school district taxation thruout the state, it was learned Tuesday. Henry Keiser, Omaha, has re ceived a request that he serve as a member ef the committee and will represent Douglas county, it was an nounced. E. M. Hosman, evecutive secretary of the state teacheres' as sociation, has informed Keiser that "a prominent Nebraskan has agreed to head the committee." MACHINERY FOR SALE A new 1929 model 13-30 McCor-mick-Deering tractor at a bargain. One 127 McCormick-Deering sin gle disc press drill, new but slightly shop worn. One used 1-ton International speed truck. Two cars of farm machinery and tractors, just unloaded. We deliver in our own' truck, direct to your farm. A. O. AULT, fl0-4sw Cedar Creek, Neb. Rev. II. G. McClusky motored to Nebraska City this morning where he i. to'speak en "Abraham Lin coln" at the session cf the Nebras ka Rotary clutr to be held this noon. 8 flStA t mm mi pan55 WasSn IForaxsl&s lt-?Ks---r'..i m 3 i Sizes 24 to 20 36 to 44 46 to 50 Other Spring Styles are here in Pique, Broadcloth, Batiste, etc. $1.95 and $2.95 SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW! : I, m WW KILLED AND BODY BURNED Springfield The story of a pur ported slaying and subsequent dis posal of the body by burning at Florence, 111., was being investigated Tuesday night by officials of Spring field and Hannibal, Mo. Harry Ross, a former Springfield junk dealer, was arrested at Hannibal on information supplied by Jesse Hornbeck of New port, Ind., a trucker. Hornbeck told Harness Oiled and Repaired Get ready for Spring. Bet ter have your Machinery Repairs ordered and ready for starting Spring work. It doesn't pay to wait till the last minute. We sell the EVEREADY Radio None better on the market. Prices reasonable. W. H. Puis Dealer in Hardware, Supplies assd John Deere Implements Phone 33 Plattsmouth, Neb. Trimmings: Broad cloth . . Colored Organdie . . . Contrasting Self-Material . . . Piping ... Binding . . . Buckles. m Jm ijooe0c if PS) ffl 'MB 3 Mm police he had been hired by Ross to haul a load of goods from Springfield to Hannibal. When the machine reached Florence, Hornbeck said. Ross took a sealed barrel from the load and building a huge fire destroy ed It. The witness declared he queried Ross regarding the stench similar to that of burning esh coming from the fire and that the latter admitted a body had been quartered and placed in the barrel and added: "That's what some other folks will get for telling too much." Police on searching Ross's rooms here found the walls and furniture blood bespattered and evidence of a struggle. An examination of the re mains of the fire revealed-a number of bones, which coroners physicians said were those of a human. FOR SALE A number of good horses. tonie broke and some unbroke. One span of young mules. J. T. BECKER, f6-2sw Union, Nebr. HORSES FOR SALE Seven head, two matched teams, and three other horses,, all well broke and young. ' OTTO SCIIAFEE. UO-Stw. Neiawka, Neb. 8 ,1 MiS - ,- Bead the Jcttrnai W ant-Ads. Lovely 1 ' ' 3r.- 2 1 mA EVANGELICAL CHURCH Murdock, Neb. Emmannel Evangelical Church 2 mi. east, 2 mi. north Morning- worship at 9:30 a. m. Bible school at 10:30 a. m., Aug. Ruge. superintendent. Ebenezer Evangelical Church Bible school at 10:00 a. m., Otto H. Miller, superintendent. Morning worship at 11:00 a. Sermon theme, "Then What." Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m. m. John Schlaphoff, president. Topic: "Ways of Studying the Bibie." Evening worship at 8:00 p. m. Sermon theme, "The One Flawless Book." Gas a stubstance we make light of until the bill comes in. One cannot be false to himself and true to God. Why not go to church? Eventually, why not now? The church has something for you better than you can find elsewhere. H. R. KNOSP, B. I). Pastor. THIEVES TAKE AIRPLANE ' FROM MUNICIPAL HANGAR Columbus, O., Feb. 10. An air plane belonging to E. R. Ewert of Newark, O., and eight hundred lo-. lars worth of equipment ov::'.d by the Air Eiyrei, Inc., were SU'!:". from the muuicipil hanir at T-.-n Columbus. iouie tiiao nisal, air port officials revtaled today. I.Hi i into 't