The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1930, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY; JAlf. 9, 1930.
Tohn Eppicgs and family of Mur
dock were in Murray on last Sunday
and were attending the funeral of
the late Miss Bertha Lancaster.
E. S. Tutt has been kept to his
home for a number of days by a very
severe case of the la grippe, he was
reported on Monday of this week as
being some better.
J. A. Scotten was a business visi
tor in Omaha for the day on last
Monday, he looking after eome busi
ness matters as well as visit with
friends while in the big city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muta of
Omaha were in Murray on last Sun
day, they coming down to attend
the funeral of the late Bertha Lan
caster, and also to viBit with friends.
Roy Gerking has been having a
siege of lumbago, which at its best
is very bad but at other times .is
much worse. He is so he can get
about but feeling pretty poorly just
the same.
Jarvis E. Lancaster was a visitor
in Plattsmouth on last Monday, driv
ing over to the county seat to look
after some business at the court
house, and was also a visitor at Oma
ha as well.
Charles Ferguson was taken to the
hospital at Omaha on last Saturday
where he underwent an operation
and is reported as resting very nice
ly since. Mr. Ferguson resides in
Otoe county, south of Union.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allen and
family of Sidney, Iowa, were visit
ing in Murray on last Sunday and
were guests at the home of W. C.
Allen and the family, where all en
joyed the occasion very much.
Messrs and Mesdames P. F. Rihn
and Charles Greene of Union were
visiting in Murray on last Sunday,
they coming to attend the funeral
of the late Miss Bertha Lancaster
and to pay their tribute of respect to
her memory.
George E. Nickles and wife and
Mrs. Henry C. Long were enjoying
a visit at the home of Mrs. Robert
Shrader of South Omaha on last Sun
dayw afternoon they remaining for
the evening and returning home on
Monday morning.
Van Allen departed last Monday
for Omaha where he is entering the
Boyles Business college and will take
a complete business course. Van is
a hustler and should make good In
this study, and as he is young and
full of pep, we are certain he will
Alba Dobson, and son, Merritt, of
near Nehawka, while returned from
a trip to Plattsmouth where they
were to obtain licenses for the car
of Merritt Dobson, they stopped in
Murray and were visiting for a time
with their friends and family phy
sician, Dr. G. H. Gilmore.
One of the very saddest of the sad
avnt in. Ihe. death, of the late Miss
Bertha Lancaster was the funeral
where the parents and the brothers
and sisters of the deceased, and the
young man, Mr. Ray Watson, who
was in her company when the acci
dent occurred, were called on to take
their leave of the mortal remains of
the one they loved.
On Monday of this week, Robert
Troop and wile, were compelled to
take their little daughter, Livina,
to the Immanuel hospital at Omaha,
where she is to be treated for flu and
pneumonia. The. little one was very
bad and wai1 making no improvement
and it was decided to take her to
the hospital where every care could
be given the little patient.
' Everett Lancaster and family of
Nehawka were in Murray on last
Sunday attending the funeral of the
late li'.zj Bertha Lancaster as al?o
were Albert, Carl and Everett Scut
ter and Harley Keison of Edina, Mo.,
they driving all the way to pay their
last sad tribute to the character of
one who was always doing some
thing to serve and bettor humanity.
L. J. Hallas and the family were
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
December 31st, 1929
Loans $243,293.29
Overdrafts 97.97
Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures. . . 4,455.01
Other Real Estate 3.573.36
Banker's Conservation Fund 642.18
Marketable Bonds $46,521.90
Cash and Due from Banks. . . . 65,687.15
Capital Stock $ 15.000.00
Surplus 6.000.00
Undivided Profits 2.939.88
Reserve for Contingencies, etc 3,515.00
Deposits 336,671.57
Depositor's Guarantee Fund.' 344.41
A Good Bank in a
V. G. Boedeker
Fred L. Nutzman.
L. J. Hallas.
visiting for the afternoon on last
Sunday at the home of Mr. II alias"
parents, where all the family were
gathered and a very pleasant time
was enjoyed by the members of the
family and a very pleasant lime was
enjoyed by the members of the fam
ily under the old roof. There were
there for the occasion besides our
townsman and family, Harry Beal
and family, Mise Mary Hallas and
A. J. Hallas and family.
Little One Doing Better.
Little Betty Everett, the daugh
ter of John Everett, who on the day
following Christmas, while eating
peanuts, got a kernal in her wind
pipe, unknown to her, and having
developed a fever, was brought to
Dr. Gilmore, who pronounced the
malady pneumonia, and which it de
veloped to be. She was taken to
Omaha, where Dr. Calfas took an
X-ray and found the obstacle which
he removed. This was on January
6th and had been in the little one's
lungs for nearly two weeks.
Celebrated Birthday Saturday.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Balfour on last Saturday was held
a gathering celebrating the passing
of the birthday anniversary of Rob
ert Ferguson, the father of Mrs. Bal
four, and a most enjoyably time was
had. Mr. Ferguson was seventy-nine
years of age, and has made his home
in Otoe county for many years and
has struck many a hard blow to bring
that portion of the country into the
high state of civilization which it
now is. There were there for the oc
casion and to assist in the celebra
tion of the event Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Ferguson and family, Win. Spor
er and family of Murray; Martin
Sporer and wife and their little
daughter, Mary Kathleen, Chester
Sporer and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Long and Robert and Dayle. Ralph
Kennedy and family, Clarke Balfour
and family, the latter from near Ne
hawka;. and Uncle Wm. Balfour. A
most enjoyable program was had in
which Wm. Balfour, the famous vio
linist, played and which was second
ed on the piano by Mrs. Ralph Ken
nedy. Ralph Kennedy, who is a vio
linist also contributed his portion to
the excellent gathering. A sumptiou3
evening dinner was enjoyed, which
added much to the occasion.
Was Earnest Church. Worker.
Miss Bertha Lancaster, who united
under the preschibing of the Rev. W.
A. Taylor, with the Christian church,
one year ago. and who was received
into fellowship by the Rev. II. L.
Graesmuech and was baptized at the
Christian church of Plattsmouth, one
year ago on Monday, became a most
earnest worker, was elected secretary
of the Bible school and was always
looking after the interests of the
church and Bible school. The ladies
made Christmas bags for the kiddies
and needing more of the material,
Mrs. Wm. Sporer, while at Omaha,
obtained a quantity amounting to
19 cents, which she did not expect
to report and Miss Lancaster, who
was secretary and treasurer of the
move, in some way heard of the pur
chase and desiring to have all ac
counts settled with the years end.
went to the home late New Years
eve and rapping on the door, called
Mrs. Sporer to the door and paid the
account. This was just before she
went for the ride in which she met
with the fatal accident. Thus show
ing she was faithful to an duties
which fell to her to the very last.
Elect Officers of Company.
At the meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Murray Farmers elevator
company which was held at the Mod
ern Woodman hall at Murray on
Monday of this week, the following
officers were elected for the coming
year: President, Charles D. Spangler,
Makes Good Becord.
On last Friday, nine corn pickers,
gathering corn at the home of Vir
gil Perry, picked and cribbed Just
Good Community
.Vice President
Ready, You Bet
When yon want a B&dio, yon want
it "right now." Yon do not want
to have to "tune her in." Yon want
it ready to act at once.
Ever Heady
Come see them at the implement
store. Hear them and know how
well they work. There is none to
excell them.
See us for whatever yon may
need in Machinery, Repairs,
Stoves, Implements and Har
ness. At your service
W. H. Puis
Dealer in Hardware, Supplies and
John Deere Implements
Phone 33 Plattsrccuth, Neb.
935 bushels of corn during the day,
and which is very Rood for that num
ber of teams. On Saturday they did
nearly p.s well and finished the field
and were well pleased with the result.
Card cf Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to the many kind friends who
have been so solicitous for our wel
fare and have did so much to alcv
iate our sorrows during the time of
the injury and subsequent death of
our daughter, Miss Bertha Lancaster,
and to those who sent the flowers
cs a tribute of their love and esteem,
to all who sang and they who in any
way ministered in our hour of grief.
We can never forget or repay the
kindness. Please accept our feeble
thanks for all the kindness which
has been shown and may the good
Lord soothe your sorrows by the kind
ministrations cf loved ones, as you
have with us. Earl Lancaster and
Makes Excellent Statement.
In this issue will be found a state
ment cf the Murray State Bank,
which shows the excellent condition
of the bank and a3 lias been in truth
" a good bank in a good commun
ity." This is true in every sense for
this is one of the ry best of com
munities, and a good place to do
business and an excellent place to
live, a good place to give the chil
dren a good education. At the same
time the Murray State Bank meets
every requirement. It will be seen
that the funds of the bank are in
vested most safely. Besides good con
dition of the resources, and the very
conservative manner cf showing th.p
disposition of the liabilities always
showing- actual , worth.- They are
carrying as a portion of this an item
of $3,515 which shows a care for the
best operation of the banking busi
ness. Murray and community should
be well pleased with such a good
Lots 1. 2 and 3. Block 111, corner
10th and Locust streets, Plattsmouth.
Would be interested in hearing from
any one owning adjoining property.
Address Leona Brady. 228 West 11th
street, Casper, Wyoming. j9-4sw
Sunday, January 12th.
10:30 a. m. English services.
Friday evening, choir practice.
Bible School
Sunday, January 12th
Read Matthew 3rd and 4th chap
ters. "My Beloved Son"
John, who was the forerunner of
the Master, was preaching in the
wilderness of Judea, and there were
coming unto him people from all over
that portion of the country, for he
was giving some straight truths. He
was proclaiming the "coming of the
kingdom," and said unto his listen
ers, "Repent, for the kingdom of
of Heaven is at hand.."
There were coming to him and list
ening to his preaching1 Pharisees and
Sadusees, and John the Baptist had
said unto them: "Ye generation of
vipers, who has warned you to flee
from the wrath to come?" for they
had been sticklers for the law and
had denied the very truth thereof.
They had not come in the spirit of
,the law and were indeed hypocrites,
which John called them. Many were
attending the service and were bap
tised in the liver Jordan.
Ther cometh Jesus from Gallilee
to Joruan to be baptised of John.
When Jesus asked to have the bap
tism given him, John did not feel
competent, as he knew this was in
deed the son of God, and Baid, "I
have need to be baptised of you; how
comest thou to me?"
God Calls Him His Son
Jesus said unto John, "Suffer it to
ze so, for thus it becometh us to ful
fill all righteousness." And so John
consented and baptised Jesus. Fol
lowing the baptism, as Jesus was
coming out of the water, a voice
the voice of God said, "This is my
beloved son in whom I am well pleas
ed." This declaration, coming from
the Father in heaven, the Creator
end director of the universe, we have
it from the highest authority that
this Jesus is the very Christ, the Son
As I am moving to Omaha, I will
sell at Public Auction at the farm
3 miles east and 1 miles south of
Murray; 10 mlleB south of Platts
mouth on the shop road; 4 miles
north and 2 miles east of Union,
Nebraska, on
Friday, Jan. nth
beginning at 10:00 o'clock a. m.,
with lunch served by ladies of Lew
iston Study Club, the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
Five Head of Horses
One bay horse, smooth mouth, wt.
1300; one black horse, smooth mouth,
wt. 1300; one team horses, gray and
black, 7 and 8 years old, wt. 1500
lbs. each; one black 3-year-old mare
Two Head of Cattle
One llolstein 3-year-old cow of
real milk strain; one llolstein 2-year-old
heifer of the same stock.
Farm Machinery, etc.
One John Deere wagon, complete;
one John Deere 18-blade disc, with
4, 5, C horse hitch, new; one new
Deering riding cultivator; one Bad
ger riding cultivator; one Pattee
walking cultivator; one Case walk
ing plow; one Rock Island 2-wheel
lister; one harrow; one 1-h. p. Mc
Deering gas engine, new; one pump
jack; one 2-8 stock tank, new; three
horse collars, 19-22; one 1-inch
work harness, like new; one 1-lnch
work harness, good; one 8-10 chick
en brooder, new; eight chicken coops;
one oil brooder stove, 1000 chick,
with thermostatic control, new; one
Ilibbard 180-egg incubator, new; one
10-rod roll of 24-inch chick wire,
new; two 2-gal. poultry watereres,
new; eight small chick feeders and
waterers, new; one No. 2 McDeering
separator; one oil barrel; one scald
ing barrel; two feed barrels, also
other articles too numerous to men
tion. Household Goods
One enamel Riverside range, new;
one Coleman 3-burner gas stove, new;
one stove oven, new; one Keep Fire
wood stove, new; one Coleman gas
iron, new; one cedar bed, one cedar
dresFer; one duofold; one kitchen
cabinet; one kitchen work table; two
rugs, 9x12 and SxlO; one large gal
vanized bath lub; one 4-tube Diam
ond, Junior, radio,' complete, new.
Terms of Sale
All sums of 10.00 and under, cash.
On sums over that amount, six
months time will be given on bank
able notes bearing 8 per cent interest.
No property to be removed from the
premises until fettled for.
George J. Toman,
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer.
W. G. -BOEDEKER, Clerk.
Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts and
ill kinds of legal blanks fer sal ai
Journal office.
Dr. Joe J. Stibal
Chiropractic Physican
4 Nervous Liver Kidney
Sun-Ray assistance for Ton
l silitis, Sinusitis, Piles.
Lesson Study!
C - 16 By M. S. BRIGGS
of the living God and the Savior of
the world.
We need no further testimony that
this is true. But with the first six
months of this year, there will be
given every week a testimony that
Jesus is the very Son of God.
The Devil Tries His Wiles
Then was JeBUs led up by the spirit
into the wilderness to be tempted of
the devil, and there he was for forty
days and had nothing to eat or drink,
and when the forty days was ac
complished, ho was truly very hun
gry, and the devil taking advantage
of his knowledge of the fact said, in
a torturing manner: "If you be in
deed the Son or God, command these
stones to bo made bread, and do not
suffer from hunger. While the pangs
of hunger were acute, Jesus said:
"Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth
out of the mouth of God."
The devil then taketh him to the
city and placing him on the pinacle
of the temple, said: "If thou be the
Son of God, cast thyself down, for
He has declared he will give his
angels charge over thee to protect
thee, lest thou cast thy feet against
a stone, and they will bear thee up
on their wings." Jesus said, "Thou
shalt not make trial of the Lord, thy
Then said the devil, when he had
taken Jesus to an exceedingly high
mountain, showing Jesus the entire
world and the glory of It, "If you will
fall down and worship me. I will
give you the entire world. Then said
Jesus to the devil, "Qet thee hence,
Satan: for it is written, 'Thou Bhalt
worship the Lord thy God and him
only shalt thou serve.' "
Then the devil left him and the
angels ministered . into him. Well,
shall we pray?
"Lead us not into temptation; but
deliver us from all evil." I
Carl Schlaphoff from near Murdock
wa a riBltor In Weeping Water on
last Tuesday looking after some busi
ness matters for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox from near
Nehawka were risking In Weeping
Water and looking after some trad
ing at the store of Charles Gibson
as well as visiting for a time with
friends In the city.
G. R. Binger installed a new Torrid
Zone heating plant in the basement
of the Methodist church which is
giving excellent satisfaction this ex
tremely cold weather, and with which
the membership is highly pleased.
Miss Cassie Williams who has been
for some time employed in the Vet
erans Bureau, for the government at
Omaha, has been given a promotion
to the Rainbow Division, as steno
grapher, and at a very substantial in
crease in her salarry.
Sheriff Bert Reed was a kindly visi
tor in Weeping Water on last Tues
day. Business has called the sheriff
and hi3 force to Weeping Water so
frequently of late that whenever he
comes many are guessing as to the
nature of his errand.
County Agent D. D. Wainscott and
wife and Miss Jessie Baldwin were
over to Lincoln on last Tuesday
wherethey were in attendance at the
meeting of Organized Agriculture,
which was gathering there for the
first part of this week.
R. G. Dunn and the family who
have been visiting in Weeping Wa
ter for some time past and who have
been guests for the time at the home
of the parents of Mrs. Dunn, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Earle Towle, departed a few
days since for their home in Milwau
kee, after having enjoyed a very fine
time here.
George Browne, a brother of Lee
Browne, and who makes his home at
Oskosh, and who has been visiting
here since last fall, and recently stay
ing at Nebraska City with his par
ents, returned to Weeping Water on
last Tuesday afternoon for a visit of
a few weeks before returning to his
home in the west.
Ben Gibson whom we reported as
departing for the west for a visit, was
not able to get away last week but
on Wednesday of this week Mr. Gib
son and family were taken to Omaha
by C. II. Gibson where they took
a train for the west and where they
will spend the next few weeks in
visiting over the west with friends.
While George Baker was driving
along the road near Weeping Water
and J. J. Roberts was also coming
with a load of cobs, the car of Mr.
Baker, as cars sometimes do, took a
scoot and hitting the wagon of Mr.
Roberts, broke one wheel and other
wise injured the wagon, but doing
little or no injury to the men. The
car was also greatly damaged.
John S. Williams and wife and
their daughter, Miss Hazel, were en
joying a visit at Omaha on last Sun
day, they driving over and visiting
with the two daughters. Misses Cassie
and Vera who are both employed
there, and also in the evening all
attending a show at the Orpheum and
returning home later in the evening
after enjoying the day most pleasant
ly. J. E. Renner, while at work had
the misfortune to get a splinter in
his right hand which caused some
blood affection and has kept this
hustler from work for a number of
days. During the past year Jakes
seems to have had plenty of of ill
luck, and has been off from his work
a great deal as well as suffering from
blood poisoning which he had at dif
ferent times.
Howard E. Brookings of the Lib
erty theatre is one of the latest to
purchase one of th'e new creations, a
Chevrolet six sedan of the Dowler
Brothers and sure is a tickled man
on account, just as much so as the
boy of fifty years ago was with his
first pair of red top boots. Floyd
Ranney also has added to his means
of transportation a new Chervolet
coach. He is feeling he has one of
the most wonderful wagons.
Sister Dies at Clay Center.
Harry Thimgan received the sad
news of the passing fo his sister, Mrs.
Reuben Noyes. who has been afflicted
with gall stones, which she has been
receiving treatment for, but to no
effect as she died a few days since.
Mr. and Mrs. Thimgan and Mr.
George L. Meisinger were down to
Kansas last week to attend the fun
eral of the sister. Mrs. Noyes was 48
years old and leaves only the hus
band to mourn her departure.
Hold Joint Installation.
The Prairie Lodge I. O. O. F. No.
25, of Weeping Water held their in
stallation of officers last Friday, and
were joined by the Daughters of Re
beckah, they holding their ceremonies
together. There was a large number
of the order present and a most en
joyable time was had. Melvin Sturm
the district Grand Master from Ne
hawka, and his staff were present
and conducted the ceremonies. Fol
lowing the installation of the offi
cers of both the lodges, a fine supper
was served and each responded to
toasts and a general good time was
The officers of the Rebeckah lodge
to be installed were Mrs. Myrtle Gib
Bon, noble grand, Mrs. Viva Jones,
Tight supporter, and Mrs. Amanda
Marshall left supporter; Mrs. Edith
Michelson, vice grand; Mrs. Lottie
Davis, right supporter and Bessie
Wood, left supporter; Mrs. Emma
Johnson, secretary and Mrs.' Eda
Morey, treasurer; Mrs. Nellie Stoner,
conductress and Mrs. Freda Baker,
past noble grand.
The officers of the I. O. O. F. are
Elmer Michelson, N. G.; Oscar An
derson, warden; Roy Haslam, con
ductor; Rev. Geo. E- Morcy chaplain;
C. H. Gibson. R. S. N. G.; Mogens
JohnBon, R. S. N. G.; Arch Baker,!
Given by American Legion
Saturday Night - Legion Building
Walt Sfohlman's Invincibles
Best Old Fashioned Band Walt's ever Had
FREE-Hot Bog Santiwiches-FXIEE
Served at intermission. This is the first of regular
series of Saturday night dances. Come out and enjoy
the same good times everyone had last Winter and
the Winter before. Best floor in Southeastern Nebr.
Dancers, Men Spectators
56 each
Tin --ir r wit, ',?it ttlmmii f mi "tm
R S. S. ; I. R. Markland, L. S. S.;
Soren Skamaris, O. G.; Charles Ev
erett, I. G. Bert Jamison, R. S. V. G.
and C. L. Elgaard, L. S. V. G.
Doing Excellent Work.
Mrs. H. L. Richards who is an ac
complished photographer, has estab
lished herself at the home, using one
of the rooms of the dwelling for a
studio, and is doing a fine business in
photography. This is eyidenced by
the display of work which she has
at the hardware store, one of the
windows being filled with the samples
of her work. There have many people
come from out in the county for work,
and some even from Lincoln and
Omaha, on account of the excellence
of the work.
Holding Revival Services.
The Rev. C. . Snyder who is an
evangelist of much moment, and an
excellent speaker, is conducting a
series of revival meetings for the
Menonoire church and is having
much interest manifested. It is hoped
that this move may prove of much
good to the church, the community
and every individual who shall at
tend. Cause of Much Joy.
Tuesday morning, Mr. E. . Marshall
received a message from Denver, an
nouncing the arrival of a grand
daughter, which had arrived at 3
o'clock that morning with the moth
er, their daughter, Mrs. E. F. Klein,
and the young lady doing nicely. The
advent caused much Joy to the grand
parents here, which was shared by
their many friends as well.
Purchases New Auto.
Otto Nabel, the baker at the John
S. Williams bakery of Weeping Wa
ter during the first of this week pur
chased from the Dowler Brothers gar
age one of their very latest Chevrolet
six coupes, and a very fine car at that.
Mr. Nabel has acquired the art of
driving and surely enjoys the novelty
of piloting his own car. Mr. Nabel,
who is an expert workman in his line
as baker, earns good money at his
trade, and is able to own, enjoy, and
maintain a good car which he has.
But if he had remained in the old
country it would have taken him
about thirty years to have saved up
enough money to have made the pur
Getting Acquainted
Is the Hardest Part!
Just so is the matter of your getting acquainted
with our Hatchery. To become acquainted with
it, you must first give it a trial. Then it is that
our friendship begins and your faith in our ser
vice becomes implicit. . . . Many friends are
now acquainted with our service, but this season
we have enlarged our plant to five times the ca
pacity of last season, thus our facilities being
greater we want many new friends. Come in
and see us early and inspect wha"ve believe to
be the largest hatchery in Cass county. Over
16,000 capacity.
Prices as Follows:
Custom Hatching 3C per egg
Leghorns, each 12c
Heavy Breeds, each 14c
Our White Leghorns won following Prizes at Tri-Co.
Poultry Show: 1st Cockerel; 1st Pullet, 1st Young Pen
The Brink Hatchery
18th and Granite Street Phone 63 1AV
AH Unaccompanied Ladies
1G0 each
u v"i;i
chase of the excellent car which he
now owns. When the writer asked
if the car was intended for two, him
self and a fine Fraulein, he shook
hi3 head and said no girl in this case.
Received Severe Cut.
While assisting in the unloading
of a car load of new Chevrolets, A.
R. Dowler of the Dowler Brothers,
sustained a very severe scalp wound
when the lifting apparatus slipped
and allowed the car they were hand
ling to slip, catching his forehead
with an axle which was extending,
crushing him to the floor and pro
ducing a very severe laceration.
He however, was not so severely in
jured as he might have been, as the
chain caught before the full weight
of the car could come on his head,
and he was immediately removed
from the perilous position.
An honest, industrious man to op
erate a Ward chain store on wheels
in Cass County. A clean, upright,
merchandising proposition that of
fers good, steady earnings. Write for
particulars. Dr. Ward's Medical Co.,
Winona, Minnesota. Over 73 years in
business. J9-TW-4w
We wish to express our apprecia
tion to James Bajeck for call the
fire department, as well as the ef
fective work of the firemen and the
assistance of the friends and neigh
bors in our recent fire. Mrs. M. L.
Friedrich and Family.
One large black mule, mealy
mouthed. Call phone 2513, Murray.
Owner can have him by paying keep
and advertising.
d&w Murray, Neb.
Church school 10 a. m., followed
by sermon by pastor.
All are welcome to all our serviecs.
Read the Journal Want Ads.