The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 19, 1929, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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THURSDAY, DEC. 19. 19f).
11) hat Shall! GiDeHet
for cfiRisroms ?
. 8
Tax Cut Reso
lution is Signed
by President
Signs Joint Congressional Resolution
Providing for Slash of Total
of $160,000,000.
A man told us he greatly enjoyed our Shopper's Guide,
ruLliched in earlier ads, and incidentally he bought sev
eral gift items for the women folks in his home. If you
arc pciplexed about what to give "her," let us show
-not one but dozens of items she'd appreciate-
und then help you to select the one she'd like best cf all.
Store Open Every Evening
The Shop of Personal Service
Women's Cid Shcu, SIXTY MILES AH HOUR, Tkurs., Friday
Washington Income tax reduction
of $160,000,000 was enacted into
i law Monday when President Hoover
; signed the joint congressional resolu
; tion providing for the slash. The
i chief executive affixed his signatuie
; in the presence only of two of his
1 secretaries, George Akersijn and Law
rence Richey, using the pen with
, which he transacts routine business.
I Thus. thf American inprtm.i t.iy.
paying public vn.i assured a rcduc
J 'tion of 1 per cent upon normal per-
sonal and corpor'icm levies to be
j paid next year. The measure had
I been sent to the treasury department
J ; where Secretary Mellon gave his ap
5'proval. A document to the white
house and the president signed it im
mediately after it was laid upon his
Enactment of the legislation,
which was the first to complete the
congressional circuit in the regular
! session, was finished all but for Mr.
j Hoover's signature when the senate
gave its approval by a vote of 63 to
14. The tax cut was advocated by
the administration early this fall and
won speedy approval from both re
publican and democratic leaders,
many of whom believed it would help
to give assurances that business con
ditions were sound. In the senate,
however, a number of western repub
lican independents voted against the
measure after assailing it as a gift
to the rich State Journal.
mm. is m i-.-. -n .
- v.-.v.
rmm Wednesday's Dally
I-usf night O Hicers-. Dave Pickrel
and Joe Hadraba had a real task be-frr:-
them in trying to locite E. M.
nrifliti. t':ie well known blacksmith
or at least to ri)usc him from his
slumbt!'i5. Mrs. Griffin and daughter
were out for the evening ami on
their return to the home on Pearl
street found the doer locked and re
peated efforts to arouse Mr. Griff.n
failed and the family concluded that
he was not at home and aecordingly
the police were called to see if they
could locate him and without sue-
Dr. J 3 J. Stibal t
Chiropractic Physican
cess and then it was decided that he
must be home and the telephone was
called into service to try and arouse
him but without success. Finally
aftr eoi:-" hours of trying entrance
was guhud by the wife and the vil
lage blacksmith was fcund safely
asletp rnd not in the least disturbed
by the effirts of the family and t?ie
police to gain entrance. Mr. GriSin
had heard the telephone but was un
able to arouse sufficiently to answer
Xervous Liver Kidney
Sun-Ray assistance for Ton
silitis. Sinusitis, Piles.
The business houses of the city
affiliated with the retail section of
the Chamber of Commerce have voted
that they will keep their places of
business closed all day on Christmas
in order to observe in a fitting man"
ner this holy day and which is filled
with the world wide rejoicing at the
coming of the Fling of Kings. All
other activities in the city will also
cease for this day, the shops, banks
and county offices as well as govern
ment buildings closing for the en
tire day.
From Wednesday's Dally
The Quern Ksthers class of
Methodist church held a very pleas
ant meeting last evening at the
home of Mrs. L. R. Sprecher cn high
school hill, they b ing entertained
by Mrs. Sprecher and her niece, Miss
Germaine Mason.
The home was very pleasantly ar
ranged for the occasion and here the
young ladies tr.oiu the time in games
and contests fallowing tht devotion
al service which vas in charge of
Mrs. Mildred Newton.
Miss Dorothy Persinger had the
le.ison of the evening and led i:i
the discussion cf the study period.
During the evening the youug
lidies of the class joined in present
ing the teacher of the class. Mi?.
C. C. Wescott. with a very pl-rvsirg
gift as a Chri ;ti,u: remembrance
from the member? of the class of
which she has been the leader f r
the past severrl years.
At the close cf the evening dainty
and delicious refreshments were serv
ed by the hostesses.
Sure indemnity
strengthened by a
You buy not only indemnity
in case of fire, when you buy
insurance here, but you also
r-eouri the services of fire pre
vention engineers experts of
the Hartford Fire Insurance
They will inspect your prop
erty and explain how to elimi
nate dangers that you may not
even suspect, thus reducing
ynir chances of loss.
Make sure of your protec
tion; secure the help of this
Sear! S. Davis
Farm Loans and Lands
Nemaha Area
Scout Work to
be Districted
Place your order for engraved
cards now while the lines are lare
X ' -or the selections. The Bates Book
J & Gift Shcp has the cards cf qual
J - ity and at a wide range of prices.
The Social Workers of the Metho
dist church wish to take this means
cf thanking the public for their pat
ronage at the chicken pie supper and
bazaar held on Saturday ond which
patronage made this one of the mr.xt
successful events that the society has
held in recent - years.
Rnd th JonrnfiT Want Adi
Thomas Walling Company
Abstracts cf Title
Fine Line of
Christmas Cards
The Bates Bock and Stationery
Store, in Plattsnouth, have an ex
ceptionally fine line of Christmas
cards this season, -packed in boxes
and packages. The $1.G0 boxes con
tain 12 and 15, an extra fine num
ber, another one with 15 and one
with 24 cards, also an envelope with
; 2 good cards for 25 cents and one
line of boxes with 12 for 50 cents
These cards are all good values and
owing to the condition of the roads
we thought perhaps many of our
former customers might want to mail
in their order this season. If so
select the box you like and mail us
your cheek or stamps for the amount,
and we will prepay them to your
'r.ail box. Do this right now, as our
line is complete and we can fill your
crder from any of the numbers given
above. We guarantee them to be sat
;sfactory. Send us your order today.
Tiax social and t-I.ite supper c.i
Monday evening, December 23rd at
the Ileil school house, ten miles
ve:;t of Plattsinouth on the Louis
ville road. Come and bring a box
and have a real time.
dlS-ltwl5td. Teacher.
Coissesatrate make It ise d tfaese 4 Items
9 '.: yf
1 1
W "A;-? feV cTSSy Sxl
Ties, Gloves, Sox or Shirts sure
to pleaoe easy to buy.
Some more new Allied
Ties just in, Xtravalue for.
Gloves that make a glad hand!
Shirts of every wanted kind!
S-3 25
si 'mm
a.n -.'4 f
Plans Made at Meeting Monday to
Hold Annual Meeting First
Week in January
The members of the executive
board of the Nemaha area of the
Boy Scouts of America at a meeting
held at Nebraska City on Monday
evening laid their plans for the
coming year of work in the area and
taking up the question of the dis
tricting of the area for the better
ment of the work.
The annual meeting, to be attend
ed by ofiicers. committee members
and scoutmasters of Nemaha Coun
cil Area, will be held in Auburn oti
the niirht of January 7, it was un
animously decided. A banquet, fol
lowed by a business meeting, was de
cided upon.
The proposition for dividing the
rrc' into districts was introduced by
Cecil IJerzberger, scout executive of
the area, and was unanimously ap
proved. Work will start on organi
zation of five districts at and
will bo completed for the start of
the scout year in the area after the
annual m cling next month.
rive districts have been set as
1. Nebraska City headquarters for
Ni braska City, Louisville. Alvo,
Weeping Water, Avoca, Nehawka,
Syracuse, Dunbar and I5u-r.
2. Auburn headquarters for Au
burn, Julian. Peru, I'rownville, Stel
la and Brock.
.'I. Teeuirseh headquarters for Te
cumseh, Johnson, Sterling, Cook and
Pawnee City.
4. Falls Citv headquarters for
Falls City.
5. Plattsmouth headquarters for
Plattsmouth and Murray.
It was pointed out that it is im
possible for the executive to visit 25
towns often enough to maintain per
manent contacts. Under the district
system, -which has the endorsement
of the national organization and is
being used elsewhere, five organiza
tions will be set up directly under
the executive, and it will be the
duty of those district organizations
to carry the work directly to the
towns in that territory.
Anniversary Week Talked
Plans also were laid for observance
r-f Anniversary Week. February 7
13. which is the 20th anniversary of
scouting. It was decided to foster
troop competition in the area, award
ing points for various activities dur
ing a set period, and to award prizes
to the winning troops. The idea of
the competition will be to arouse en
thusiasm in scout work and to ad-
and Ali Kinds o Good
Thing's or Christmas!
We have anticipated your wants for the Holiday
season and have an especially large line of Candy,
Nuts, Fruits, etc. Everything in candy from the old
fashioned hard mix to the finest box chocolates. A
special department by itself right in the center of
the store where you can get the most prompt ser
vice. Space forbids listing but a few of our prices.
XMAS CANDY Fancy hard
mixed, several varieties, 2 lbs..
Santa Chocolates, 5-lb. box . . . $1.79
16 Varieties All Finest Quality
Thlnshel! Candy, glass barrel . . 49c
100',' Stuffed All Soft Centers
fresh supply, per lb
Glace asstd. Fnsits, 16-oz.
Packed in Fancy Redwood Bos
$1.57 EE
Ho. 1 Creamery Butter, lb 37c
Casco or Dairy Maid Butter, 39c lb.
MIXED NUTS High grade, no
peanuts in them, 2 pounds for. . .
I. G. A. Pumpkin, 2 cans 27c
Makes Pies like Mother Used to Bake
vertise the movement during
tional observance week.
the 11:1-
Silk Sox or Silk and Wool
packed 2 different patterns in
a neat gift box with card!
Price per box
mm n Arm
s& s t U ' l kh n
m i i t. , 4 2
k 5 v? a
"Sixty Miles An Ilour"
Thursday & Friday
The members of the W. C. T. U.
hel:l a verv delightful meeting on
Monday afternoon at the charmirg
home of Mrs. John F. Gcrder. this
heing in the nature of a Christmas
t.arty which wt.s enjoyed by a very
large number of the ladies.
The home was very artistically
arranged in tne unrisimas ucora
tions and which featured a large
tree with its glowing lights while
as a center piece of the table, a
now white chimney had been ar
ranged and in which gifts were r'lti"
ed which the ladies drew out end
later replaced to be used in remem
bering the children of the city at
Christmas time.
The active business was opened
with t:o singing of "Cheering Some
one Ehe." Mrs. Gorder presiding at
ti.e pkuio rrd all joining in the sing
ing and this was foilove hy the
scripture lrKon which wan that of
the story of Joseph and Mary and
tiie nativity.
The roll call was responded to
hv the ladies with Christmas refer
ences in the lives of Joseph and
The ladies enjoyed a fine program
Iven by the little folks of the city
which was opened by a violin duet
by Wallace Terryberry and Hilly
T-'ors. with Catherine Terryberry at
the piano and which was very much
enioyed by everyone.
With a piano number a? well as
leading. "Mother's lieeret," little
ltts Mary Katherine Wiles proved
n verv pleasing entertainer and
little Elizabeth -Ann Wile3 was also
beard in two very cleverly given
l endings.
A vocal duet was offered by Char
lotte Hetty Jasper, "The Christ
mas Hymn" which was most appro
priate while Charlotte Jasper was
also heard in a charming little Ger
man Christmas hymn.
Mrs. John M. I,edya was heard in
a delightful reading, "The First
Christmas' that carried in a fitting
manner the lesson of the day.
' The afternoon was closed with the
serving of dainty and delicious re
freshments by the hostess.
Lib&y Peaches, Ig. size can .
Heavy Syrup Pack Finest Quality
I."C A, Mince Meat, pkg
Contains Everything Very Delicious
Cranberry Sauce, 2 cans ....
Ocean Spray Ready to Serve.
45c H
Union Leader Smoker's Special . $1
Tobacco and Pipe $1.50 Value
Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg.
11 1 !
en m Ml Sk
25c S
ryi mipi inf ill i
-- :
mi tm -.liilPm
The Pleasant Ridge community
club met on Friday evening Nov.
29th, when election of officers took
place. Earl lake, president; Charles
Brinkman, vice president; Mrs. J. B.
Kaffenberger, secretary-treasure.
After the business meeting games
were played and all there enjoyed
themselves very much. Lunch was
served by the club and all are look
ing forward to the next meeting
which will be held the 3rd Friday of
next month.
The Home Owned and Home Managed Store Es
Telephone 42
Fliers Attempt
Nonstop Flight
Across Atlantic
Covered Nearly Three Hundred Miles
in First Three Hours; Good
Weather Ahead.
Seville, Spain, Dec. 15. Two avia
tors tonight were embarked on the
great adventure of an attempted non
stop flight to South America over a
route where five successful expdl-
tions preceded them, but where sev
eral have failed.
Major .Tadeo Larre-Borges was
seeking to fulfill a long-held dream
of linking Montevido, capital of his
native Uruguay, to the Spanish moth
erland by a single flight. His co
pilot was Lieutenant Chales, a
Frenchman with a distinguished re
cord of other long distance flights.
They left here at 12: 40. p. m. (7:40
a. m. E. s. T.) today and at 3:35
p. m. flew over Casa Flanca, Morocco,
and two and a half hours later over
Rio de Oro. In the first three hours
of their kight they had covered near
ly three hundred miles. They were
favored with fine weather over the
first stage of their flight, and tonight
had a moon nearly full to light their
way down the tropical coast.
The aviators intended to skirt the
western shores of Africa as far as
Cape Jubi in southern Morocco and
then head out across the Atlantic,
perhaps passing the Canary and Cape
Verde islands, toward Brazil. They
expected to pick up the Southern
American continent in the vicinity
of Natal, Brazil, and would then fol
low the coast line to Montevideo, if
their fuel lasts. There was evn talk
of pushing on farther, if conditions
were favorable, in an effort to stt a
new world distance record.
The last successful flight from Eu
rope to South America was that of
Captain Arturo Ferrarin and Major
B. Del Prete in July, 192S.
Save further worry in selecting
your Christmas cards by calling at
the Bate Book and Gift Shcp and
having the advantage of a very large
line to select from.
Wanted Farm Hand!
Married man with small family for
steady employment, if satisfactory.
Wages $50 per month with usual ex
tras. Must be experienced with
stock, good farmer and able to handle
tractor. Address with all particulars
to "B.J.," care Journal, Pfattsmouth,
Nebraska. n21-tfw
until further notice
and Pressed for
Wool, Cleaned and Pressed
Work Called for and Delivered
It's Clean if We Clean It
Economy Cleaners
Phone No. 4
Plattsmouth, Nebr.