The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 11, 1929, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MONDAY, 20V. 11, 1929.
Brakes applied too
quickly the fist of folly
causes damage to your car.
You may escape dis
aster, but the odds
are against you.
Make sure you have com
plete automobile insurance.
This agency, representing
the Hartford Fire Insurance
Company, offers you this
protection. Phone today!
Tomorrow you may be glad.
Searl S. Davis
Farm Lands and Loans
From Saturday's Ially
Last evening: Calamer Leosis,
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lesls of the Royal cafe, had a very
close call front a dangerous if not
fatal accidnet while she was run
ning acro38 Main street near Fifth.
"Kelly," as the little girl is known,
had started across the street and
without looking- and she came onto
the line of traffic very suddenly and
into the path of a small truck whose
driver could not see the child until
she was right on him and then the
little girl hesstated to stop or go
ahead and was struck apparently by
the bumper of the truck and knock
ed down but the driver of the truck
had been able to get his truck speed
down by this time and the blow was
not severe. Several bad bruises and
lacerations were sustained where the
child struck the paving but other
wise she was apparently not injured.
The accident was one In which the
driver of the truck was blameless.
Trucking Law . ..
Enforcement IS
Hard Problem
Mrs: W.- A. Royal who has been
visiting In Omaha for some time past
where she was visiting with her
brother, Charles Ellington, who on
October 28th was very severely In
jured, when he was struck by a taxi
Norris Hurt;
Fights on for
Farmer Aid
His Campaign
An aged man was about to be
Commercial Truckers With Live struck by the taxi, when It was ob- Recovering From Painful Iniuries
axocK Tom utner fctaets Are ;v ' He Wins One Skirmish in
Offering Protest On Law p the man to Rafetv. was struck bv
th pah liimactlf onH vptv apvprnlv in- I
The Nebraska law and regulation 1 4rad, rra WQQ ..Vi,n tn th inrd Washington, Nov. 6. Senator
that requires licenses from the state Lister hospital where he has been George W. Norris (R.) of Nebraska,
of Nebraska on commercial trucks .- veteran insurgent leader of the sen-
It was doubtful for many days ? y '3 recovering painful
whether he would survive or not. but u'u'a" """J' w""' "e.,was k n ock -
recently he has been showing much n7t"7' 'u7 ine
improvement and it is hoped he will H"
be able in a short time to be removed L..K ,oo t:
to his home. Mrs Royal and her senator.a injuries.
brother. Charles Ellington are all He had assumed, however, in spite
inui is uuw icn xjl x wi6c of ni8 injuries, the mantle of leader
family. The father, Wm. Ellington, of tne Democratic-Progressive coal
being the first sheriff of this county. ition in a fieht to r,revent tariff
pelled to secure licenses from this The late J. C. Ellington was also a boosts upon articles which farmers
state, two of this case being in this son of this pioneer. Seventy-five Df the nation buy.
city a few days ago. years ago at the time of a treaty Spoils Plan
One of the chief points of protest which was made with the Indians, Using the Republican "five and ten
over the law and the regulations and in celebration of the treaty, Mr. sore Q illustrate his speech Nor-
that it prescribes is at Nebraska City Ellington was the man selected to rjg cnarged the Republicans' with
where the Morton-Gregson packing roast the ox for the feast which was aeeking to place an embargo against
plant at that place receives large a feature of the making of peace, foreign imports through the new' tar-
from other states that are operating
in the state is raising a very diffi
cult problem In the centers where
there are packing plants,! particular
ly at Omaha and Nebraska City, the
packing centers of the state.
The outstate truckers have been
aroused over the law which is now
being enforced through this state and
its full import is realized when a
number or trucks have been com-
The Style Shop
shipments of hogs by truck from
IoAva, Missouri and Kansas at the
packing house each day and the
truck owners that are in the habit
of hauling the stock are making a
decided protest in the matter.
The outstate truck owners are
threatening retaliations for the law
in taking their stock shipments to
St. Joseph and Kansas City and not
delivering to the South Omaha or
Nebraska City markets.
The regulation does not apply to
farmers who haul their own stock or
occasionally that of a neighbor to
the market, but to the commercial
truck lines.
The situation at Nebraska City
where a large number of trucks and
busses were held for proper licens
ing has been added to by the visit
of W. E. Groneweg, Iowa motor div
ision inspector, there on Friday and
who made a state as" to the attitude
that his state and others might be
From Saturday's Dally
This morning Julius C. Dun, aged
sixty-two. died suddenly at the Ne
braska Masonic Home as the result
of a sudden heart attack which he
suffered shortly after arising thi3
morning. The deceased gentleman
was brrn In Pennsylvania on June
14, 1S6 7, and was for many years
a resident of Florence, Nebraska,
where he was a member of Masonic
lodge No. 2S1 and was also a mem
ber cf the Royal Arch Masons and
Scittiah Rite at Omaha. Mr. Dunu
came to the Home here on May 27,
1929, and during his stay here has
made many friends among the mem
bers of the Home family. The wife
and children of Mr. Dunn all pre
ceded him in death. Interment will
be made at the Masonic plot In the
Oak Hill cemetery, the services being
held on Sunday or Monday afternoon.
The Plattsmouth Rotary club will
be entertained on Tuesday evening
at the Mynard community building
when the local people will be enter
tained as the guests of the Mynard
men. The cars are to leave from
Fifth and Main street on Tuesday
evening at 6 p. m. and the members
of the club will be routed as fol
Cloldt takes Bates. Bailey, Bestor.
Rea takes Gobelman, Hiatt and
Knorr takes Davis, Wurl, Ghrist. ,
K'.eck takes Sattler, Schulhot and
Troop takes McClusky, Mauzy,
Troop and Schackneis.
Ofe takes Baird (exclusive).)
Petring takes Tldball, Livingston
f.nd Gamer.
Heineman takes Clement, Wescott
and Minor.
From Saturday's Dally
Edward Mullen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Mullen of this city, who
was operated on a few days ago for
the removal of his tonsils, Is getting
along very nicely at the home here
and it is expected that in the early
part of the coming week that he
will be able to return to Missouri
Valley, Iowa, where he is operating
the meat market of Mullen & Son.
Mr. Mullen has been troubled a great
deal in the past few months by rea
son of the throat afflicition and
which has kept hira from his work
a great deal of the time, but it Is
hoped now that he will be perman
ently relieved. During the absence
of Mr. Mullen from Missouri Val
ley the market there has been in
charge of Lon Henry.
All kinds of business stationery
printed at the Journal office.
Thomas Walling Company '
Abstracts of Title
Phone 324
f -H-M-I-H-M"! I"M"M-M
London. Nov. 8. Prime Minister
Ramsav MaeDonald told the National
. . i j
expectea to tane in regara 10 me Labor club tonight that "the Amer
It was tne intention of Mr. tiling- nff. His speech spoiled the plan of
ton ana sister, Airs. w. a. Koyai to tariff leaders to use the merchandise
have rode In the historical parade, ho illustrate protectionist speeches.
and on account of the injury which Norris cited the tremendous pro
was received they could not appear. I fits accruing to imoprters on various
At the time of the making of this articles. He demonstrated with claf
treaty the family lived at Bellevue. I bowls, books and violins, but cited
how the articles carried duties rang
ing from 40 to 80 per cent.
Declaring he is standing by the
Republican platform adopted at
Kansas City, the Nebraskan an
nounced he would assail every rate
increase which would lift the farm
er's cost of operation, unless propon
ents of the bocst could present a
clear case for more protection.
Wins Skirmish
Norris had already waged a suc
cessful floor battle to prevent an in
crease upon some kinds of wire fenc
ing and wire netting, which he as
serted would Increase the farmer's
cost of doing business.
The chief supporter of the higher
duty was Senator Bingham of Con-
MaeDonald is
Pleased with U.
S. Reception
Says Americans at Heart Are Sym
pathetic with Aims of
British People
"If Nebraska persists in enforcing
the regulation," Mr. Groneweg said
at the court house, "we shall put a
man at the Iowa end of the river
bridge and require every Nebraska
commercial truck doing business in
our state to buy an Iowa truck li
cense. Your truckmen will complain,
too, when they find out what our
state charges for a motor license. It
It is not merely a handshake of "-'. u.w u, uie miaw iW
politeness." he assured the members
in the first informal Impression he
has given of his recent American
visit. The audience cheered his re
marks. "In may whole life I never met
people who can be more enthusiastic
in the welcome they give a stranger
than the people of the United States
to be.
It was great."
Credit to Ishhel.
Mr. MaeDonald gave much credit
for his success to his daughter and
companion. Ishbel.
"I rnillrl Tint harp itnna tha wnrV
I did. could not have carried through tled ,aWay at, he,r Items of
th dut es ntared nnrm mo rmilrt not uieaaia stucuuie iuuay
ia considerably higher than the fee and Canada hnv shown themselvra
cnargea in iseDrasKa.
Mr. Groneweg was told at the
court house that no local authority
had begun enforcement of the law
here. "The first intimation we had
that the law was being enforced, '
County Treasurer Kelly told the Iowa
inspector, "was when Harry Ayers,
representing the Nebraska highway
department, visited us the other day
and told us that interstate com
mercial trucks and buses must have
Nebraska licenses if their owners op
erate within the state. He called at
tention to the amended law which
went into effect last summer."
Groneweg said he would get in
touch at once with his superiors In
Des Moines and suggests a conference
with Roy L. Cochran, secretary of
the Nebraska highway department
In the hope that out of it might
some some sort or a reclptrocal
agreement which would create a
better feeling among the commercial
truckmen on each side of the river.
placing a representative of the Con
necticut Manufacturers association
in the secret meetings of the finance
committee. Norris fathered the reso
lution of censure.
He was ready to advance his tariff
theory again in opposition to larger
duties on hinges and butts, kitchen
ware, needles and hooks, thumb
tacks and other items.
Keeps Fighting
Having denied the plea of steel
companies to place manganese ore on
the free list, and slashed proposed
Increase In duties on structural steel
and wire netting, the senate whit-
have got a hold on the American
mind had it not been for her," he
"It was rather amusing that the
favoriate anthem next to "God Save
the King," with which I was greet
ed was "Rule Brittania." I have al
ways believed the American people
to be a generous people. t
"It was also curious that when I
approached within the 3-mile lim
it a flotilla of battleships and men
of war appeared on the horizon to
give me a greeting on a mission,
which if it be successful, was to re
duce them. You can therefore see
how very warm and forgiving my
welcome was."
People Sympathetic.
The prime minister said he dis
covered at once that "the American
people at heart are sympathetic
There appeared to be little fight
left in the "old guard" wing of the
Republicans, but their refusal to
yield votes continued to make leaden
progress on the tariff bill.
Perhaps the most severe blow suf
fered by the Republicans was the
defection of several members on tre
manganese and structural stleel tar
iff schedules. Bee-News.
Although it has been 198 years
since the Oratorio, "Messiah" was
composed by Handel, and first given
in Dublin, there has never been a
better one written. When Queen
Victoria heard it in London, she
stood with bowed head during the
Halleluiah chorus, recognizing a
king of greater power than the
Tlio Ti-.i i rnnl mon waa nt trtA riAmo
. o v fc- vm i v aval i i c atiHyaiuriit; i . , j i v.
of John Knabe east of Weeping with the British people. It was dis- Jnron se "upieu. . w -u-Wntr
nn Priflnv nf tM wt nnrt LflN torn of standing during this chorub.
v - - --" ' I -vx,iv . v "vyc v. n a t ai o-
there found a corterle of workmen armament, or at least naval reduc
busy In the building of the home, tion, . and a great world movement
The contract for the building of the toward disarmament was part and
home 13 had by J. A. Scotten who is parcel of American social religion,
sure a finished builder, and the plans and that when someone went to see
and specifications of the building them with some sort of authority
were of his design, and consists of a behind them the American people
full basement, being 26x28, and two rose Eladlv and cave the most cor-
Etorles. with a most cleverly ar- dial welcome." World-Herald.
I The
A special showing of Beautiful New Coats
just when you need them, in the season's best
shades of Black, Brown, Tan and Navy!
Ladies Coats
$IQ9S $2495 $2995
' to H7S0
Sizes 36 to 48
Lovely fur trimmed coats of fine ma
terials, well lined and interlined.
Every coat an outstanding value.
There are Sport Coats, Rumble Seat
Coats and Dress Coats. Velvets,
Broadcloth, Velour and Cameliaine.
Girls9 Coats
Down Stairs
Ladies Coats
Down Stairs
295 (o 995 995 to 495
Sizes 2 to 14
Sizes 36 to 42
For This Week One group of Smart Frocks
of Flat Crepe, Satin Back Crepe, Wool Jer
seys and Silk Prints Beautiful and Exquisite
Vallues to $6.95 All sizes, 16 to 46
Hat Special
A good assortment of
Stylish Felts on sale at
Emma Pease
ranged interior, with the dining
rooms and kitchen on the south side
of the building. The upper story
consists of four chambers and with
closet for each one. On the east
extending the full end of the build
ing and eight feet in width Is a
rrona Saturday' Dinr
C. D. Quinton, for many
Mr. Logan of Omaha is making a
great effort to give Omaha and sur
rniindinEr towns a musical Droduc-
tion that will not only be a real treat PUTTING LIFE INTO
to the audience, but also be a con- HATCHING
trlbution to the highest class or re
ligious music. It requires untiring
work on his part. lie works through
his regular day, and puts in every
night and Sunday in six different
places drilling choruses for this
The Plattsmouth chorus is making
him in the building of the house,
Fred L. Ilild and James E. Gruber.
The master lather, George Park, is
doing the lathing of the building.
Clarence Hansen did the wiring and
"Select breeders in the fall. Know
which ones you are going to keep
and manage them so that they will
produce plenty of hatchable eggs
when you want them," says a fea
ture article in the Winter Laying
fine progress which proves that we number of the "Purina Poultryman."
years have people here who can sing and From the very start to the very end.
love to sing. There are one hundred this article is niled with suggestions
that should be helpful to any poul
try raiser interested in getting more
office of the clerk of the district tice in Omaha with the rest of the chicks from every hatch,
court and against George O. Dovey choruses, making one grand chorus In selecting breeders, the article
and W. C. West. The. action i3 one of a thousand members. points out that you should first feel
to collect a note for $1,500 which This Oratorio will be given in satisfied with the production of your
the petition of the plaintiff states Omaha on the night of Dec. lGth at birds for the past season. It at all
was made on December 27th 1920 the auditorium and Mr. Minor has dissatisned. you should go out ana
snerirr or uass county and now a
;ieeprnS porch and so arT Ist Pl and thirty-five members nere in this
it can be utilized both winter and M R" .ct filed yesterday in the chorus. Next Sunday they will prac-
Mr. Scotten has assisting
nr nA V. . . nnwn f TV . . n . . . t I 1 .. M A 1 ll.l . .Vtnl. nr r - Tf kim tt-tnlir. -w. Klltf sitkfstlr r nlr title
will install the heating nlant and "u ""s"1" "uib5 -. uuc uuu cuarge ui iue wcKeis wium tau uuf m uuj .mv. aiv
the plumbing and will also Install W C We8t- The Plaintiff asks judg- be reserved. Plattsmouth people coming spring. Stress is put on a
the lighting fixtures ment in the original amount and have first choice over Omaha if you high egg record back of the hen to
. seven per cent interest from 1926 order them now. The major parts be used as a breeder.
to 1927 and ten per cent from thai will be sung by soloists of nation-
'The head should be well propor
tioned and clean cut. The eye should
be large, flashy and bright. Your
best breeders will usually be your
latest molters and your rapid mol
ters. They seem to lay right up into
cold October and November days,
then drop all their feathers at once.
The beak and shanks should be well
bleached out In the yellow skinned
varieties. The birds should have a
reasonable solid body fleshing, even
at the end of a year's production.
A bird too thin as she goes into the
molt will find it doubly hard to re
cover in time to be of much good
as a breeder.
"A hen cannot be condittioned for
a strenuous breeding season in a
week or two any more than a cow
can be fitted for the show ring in
the same length of time," continues
the article. "The ability of a hen
to throw livable chicks after her
own kind is determined by the feed
ing management the three months
previous to the breeding season.
Give hens sufficient rest and feed
them into good condition so they
can put their vigor in. hatching
The many friends here of George
E. Weidman will be pleased to learn
that Mr. Weidman is now ImDrovinz
very much at his home at Plainview
from his recent attack of pneumonia
and for the first time in several
weeks is able to be up and around
a part of the time. Durincr the ill
ness of Mr. Weidman, his father and
mother-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Goos of this city have been at Plain
view to assist in his care.
Read the Journal Want Ads.
date to the present time.
The past week which has given
us some good weather In this part
of Nebraska has seen the corn shuck-
ers out In practically every field in
this country, to try and get as much
wide fame. The Omaha Symphony
Orchestra will play the accompanie
ment. They are predicting a full
house at the auditorium.
JTrona Saturday's D&II
Yesterday afternoon County Judge
A T T Till rKll r nro u stallitsl t n
of the corn picked and in the cr bs unlte ,n the bonds of wedlock Mlss
St. Paul. Minn., Nov. 8. The head
rr- . ?i, tVi t At i Mary M. Bruce and Walter L. Meyer, camp of the Modern Woodmen of
!y,fe" W,ih AhA8 Lka! " Ald I"! both of Red Oak. Iowa, and the cere- AmeVica won another round in that
mony was performed In the usual organization's internal fight today
vicinitv will he aa heaw na Mn h v i " wnen uarneiu crown, siaie iubuiwi-c
H?.il3L :l " !a7 a! C?n e at its conclusion the young people mmlsioner. refused to cancel the
iuuiiu in iuc sidie mm iu laci mis AAnartaA ,ai- i, t ty, t,o ------------ -- .
section has a crop that is as good or L..VL ""r. in.M "nes1
ltlLlVJle?Lyt"l- J bv Charles W. Hula, well known In-
surance man and Miss' Lillian White,
the deputy in the county Judge's
Pnncellation of the license was
sought by St. Anthony Hill camp,
Minneapolis, after the head camp In
Illinois had ignored a demand that
It file a roster of names and addresses
of officials and all subordinate lodges
with the insurance commissioner's
parts of the state the corn was bad
ly damaged by the lack of moisture
n the late summer but here the nffla
uainage uue to me noi aays oi August
did practically but Little damage ac
cording to those who have been
looking over the prnn
" I I - r a 1 Ann
vuiciiKo--iiriore man ovu men were
Jr"RnP5 TcTTYCTAPncxi arresiea iaie weanesaay as otneers
B0AST INVESTIGATED ed a large gamDiing establishment.
AH those seized will hn nent thru
Windsor, Ont., Nov. 6. A rack- the identification deDartment to de-I Bonn. Germany. Nov. 6. Princess
eteer'B reputed boast that William J.-j termlne if they" are fugitives- frotn j Victoria of Prussia, 63, sister of the
Scripps, 24, of Detroit, had been kid- Justice, Patrick Roche, chief invest!- former kaiser,: was taken to a hoB-
naped and that newspapers would gator for the state's attorney, said, pital Wednesday seriously 111.
not publish tne story is being inves
tigated nere. Phone your news to Ko. 6. Read the Journal Want-Ada.
Tike Latteott R2eipgei?
Snappy Style and Cozy Comfort
Combine in These Fine
Allied Overcoat
The Holidays are just ahead. Here's the combination
that will give you all the winter warmth you want, as
well as the smart styling every man should rightfully
claim. Have a look I "It's Overcoat time in Plattsmouth."