Nebr. State Historical Society VOL. NO. XIV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, NOV. 11, 1929. NO. 81 Steel on New Bridge Now Spans the Missouri The Girders that Form Continuous Line of Stee from Here to Iowa Shore Placed in Position at 9:40 Today. COMPLETION DATE Part of Concrete Flooring Already Laid as Work Progresses on the Steel Portion of Structure Moving Pic tures Taken as Girders are Set. From Thursday's Dally This morning at 9:40 the last two twenty-five foot steel girders that is to hold the main structure of the new Missouri river auto and wagon bridge were swung into place and the line of steel was completed between the Iowa and Nebraska banks of the river, bringing the long looked for day much nearer when the bridge structure will be ready for travel. The joining of the steel had been anticipated by officers of the com pany to take place Friday, but the work had progressed to a point where but the narrow gap of the twenty-five feet remained and this morning the message came from the scene of the operations at the bridge that the tie up of the west and east sections of the steel was to be made. The cranes used in the work swung the steel beams out from the conveyors on which they had been taken out on the bridge and swiftly and accurately the beams were lowered into place, the workmen on both the east and west sides steering the beams into the resting places, the sounds of the riveting and the steel was all uniCtcl. The event was watched with in terest by the force of workmen and a few of the residents of the city who had been appraised of the forthcom ing event, and E. J. Weyrich, well known photographic expert was pres ent and was able to take a number of viewB, both movies and still of the event, which has been so long looked for among the residents of this sec tion of the west. The steel now extends 1,421 feet, the full length of the bridge and when complete the steel structure will be able to carry in addition to its own weight, a traffic load of 900 Platters and Auburn Battle to a Scoreless Tie Platters Pay Visit to Nemaha Coun ty Seat and Show Great De fensive Power in Game From Thursday's Dally The Plattsmouth and Auburn high school football teams yesterday at the Auburn grounds battled to a scoreless tie, repeating last year's meeting of the two teams when neither could muster the necessary punch to cross the line for a score. The Platttrs showed splendid de fensive power when the foe pressed them on the two yard line in the third quarter and the Auburn eleven were deprived of the ball when Gil bert Hirz, tackle of the Platters broke through the Auburn line and attacked the fullback of Auburn, who dropped the ball and which was recovered by Bob Hartford of the Platters and the locals were able to drive back the menace from their goal line. The Platters were able to gain ground in their passing attacks and Bob Hartford receiving a nice pass from Hershel Dew was able to bring the ball deep into the Auburn terri tory in the late part of the game but tbe team was unable to drive on through for the touchdown that had been hoped for. This is the first game of the locals in the southeastern conference and in the coming week the Platters face two stiff contests, playing the fast and shifty Peru Prep team on Mon day at Peru while on Friday the blue and white are to entertain the Paw nee City team in this city, marking the nearing approach of the close of the season, which will culminate in the visit here of Nebraska City on Thanksgiving day, November 28th. HUNT AIRPLANE AFTER REPORT OF FIERY CRASH Helena, Ark.. Nov. S. An air plane Friday was pressed into serv ive to aid searching parties in their efforts to locate the wreckage of a plane reported to have fallen in names near here late Thursday. River at This Point IN THREE WEEKS pounds per lenial foot of bridge in addition to two 15-ton trucks having a concentrated load of 12,000 pounds on each rear wheel. In addition to this traffic load the bridge is designed to stand a wind pressure of thirty pounds per square foot on the side area of the exposed floor construction and a load of forty-five pounds per square foot on the side area of each truss. In ad dition to these loads which are con siderably in excess of those the bridge will be required to carry for many years to come the steel itself is designed with a factor of safety of 4, which means that it is capable of carrying four times the stresses which could be set up in the struc ture Ly the loads mentioned. The bridge floor concrete, of whieh a great deal has already been laid, is about seventy-nine feet above the water level on pier No. 1, while on pier two the height will be sixty-one feet above high water and leaving a clearance over the channel course of 4 00 feet of at least fifty-five feet to comply with the orders of the war department. The 403 foot steel structure over the main channel of the river has been erected entidely by cantilever methods the steel being cantilevered out over the river for a distance of two hundred feet from piers one and two to the point of meeting, which was Joined this morning. This has necessitated precision work not only in the location of the piers them selves, but especially in the fabrica tion and erection of the steel which had been prepared in the summer months and with the expectation of the steel being placed in October with a temperature of some fifty degrees. Will Seek to Continue the HappyKundred Directors of the Chamber of Com merce Will Take Steps to Can vass the Citizens The matter of continuing the Happy Hundred suppers each month during the winter season when the men of the community could gather and enjoy a few hours of social activity, a good dinner and an ad dress, will be revived by the Chamber of Commerce, the directors deciding at a meeting Thursday t hat they would aid the committee in the matter. It is now suggested that the direc tors appoint a committee to canvass the citizens in general in the city and learn just how many would like to have the monthly dinner gather ings continued and upon which they can base their decision to continue or not these events. The committee in whose hands the conduct of the Happy Hundred din ners has been for the past seven years has served splendidly in this work 'and despite the fact that the work necessitated a great deal of sacrifice on the part of the members, they have cheerfully given it. They have sought to have the persons wishing to attend the dinners to signify their desire by taking the tickets for the first three dinners in order to be assured of a success in the opening, but in response to their letters but thirty-seven responded and this was not a sufficient show ing of Interest to warrant the com mittee in going ahead and continu ing the events and the matter was therefore referred to the main body of the Chamber of Commerce for some action. DELATES BY DERAILMENT From Saturday's Dairy This morning east bound Burl ington train No. 6, due here at 7:15 was late some five hours as the re sult of a derailment of a freight west of Lincoln and which held back the train until the tracks could be cleared and the line opened up for traffic. SOCIAL WORKERS MEET The Social Workers of the Meth odist church held a very delightful meeting on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Coleman in the Harris apartments and where a very pleasing number of the ladies were in attendance. The members had a great deal of business to occupy their time and which covered the discussion of the plans for the Christmas bazaar, the chicken pie supper and the show that the ladies are planning for January 30th and 31st. At the conclusion of the afternoon the hostess served dainty and de licious refreshments. Orchestra is Impo) rtant Part of School Life Musical Organization of High School Here Has Large Membership; line .Leadership. One of the most important organ- izations in the high school is the or- chestra. Mr. B. E. Woodward, the able director of this group, has never experienced any difficulty in keep- ing the orchestra list filled to ca- pacity. At present the orchestra num- bers thirty-two pieces and holds regu- lar practice four mornings a week in the high school music room. The orchestra will probably be heard on one of the high school con- vocation programs in the near fu- ture and the student body always looks forward to appearance of the orchestra. The officers for the current year are: Robert Mann, student manager; Marvin Tritsch, secretary and Rob- ert Hall, librarian. The personnel of the high school orchestra numbers the following tal- ented young musicians: iolins Donald Rainey, George Adam, Madge Garnet, Marie Vallery, Alice Hiatt. Vivian Lightbody, Rose Woster, Billy Evers, "Wallace Terry- berry, Calvin Swick; Bass Violin Lucille Albert; Sousaphone Ira Mumm; Clarinets Otto Stodola. Sel- by Lightbody, James Robertson, Law- rence Rhoades; Cornets Marvin Tritsch, James Comstock, Francis Libershall, William Henrichsen, Rob- ert Mann; Saxophones Edward Egenberger, Robert Hall, Herbert Minor, Arthur Kopp. Donald Cotner, Aulton Rolland; Drums Kenneth Armstrong, Vernon Arn, Cecil Com- stock; Baritone Stewart Porter; Piano Marjoris Arn. HERE TO RETURN PRISONER From Thursday ! Daily Sheriff F. T. Cros of Basin, Wyo- ming, arrived here this morning to secure the man arrested here several days ago and who has been known In this locality as Bob Strickler, which, however is but one of the some ten or twelve alias names that the man travels under, Sheriff Cross states. The man was wanted at Basin for a burglary and where he scaped from the county Jail several months ago and has since been wan- denng over the west until picked up here on Sunday night by Deputy Sherlc Young and Officer Dave Pick- rel. Sheriff Cross has a complete re- cord of the wanted man with him and Strickler has been in many crimes and has served about half of his lifetime in jails and prisons over the country, according to the reports that the sheriff has from a number of states. BREAKING MUCH GLASS L. Neitzel has a front at his busi- ness place in Murdock of about fifty feet and all of which is in Dlate class, There are four large glass windows with plate glass eight by ten feet, and the door and side litrht makine ud the remainder. During the time since the building was constructed, there has been glass broken out ten different times. The cost on an aver- aee is over one hundred dollars to retrace them. For a time Mr. Neitzel carried plate glass insurance, but the rates and costs were so high that he auit. The cost of carrying the risk on the front was as high as $99 for the year, so Mr. Neitzel concluded to carry his own insurance. During the nast year three glasses were brok- en. the last was by Wm. Lau. who could not stop his Ford in time to prevent a crash. He had heretofore been driving a gear shift car. MRS. REED POORLY From Friday's Dally The many friends over the county of Mrs. Bert Reed will regret to learn that this estimable lady was not feeling so well today as she has been suffering some from the effects of the excitement and shock occas ioned bv the attemnted escaoe of sev eral of the prisoners to dig their way out of the county jail. Mrs. Reed was at the home at the time and was the one to first discover that the men were digging or attempting to dig out the brick at the rear of I the jail building. I Prisoners in County Jail Try to Make Escape Sheriff Reed Detects the Men Work ing on Digging Out and Nips Plan to Make Getaway. From Thursday's Dally Last night Sheriff Bert Reed de tected a number of the prisoners who have been confined in the county jail, busy in the attempt to make a jail de livery by digging out the cement be tween the bricks and eventually mak ing a hole in the masonary that would allow them to escape. The first knowledge of the attempt came about 7:30 when Mrs. Reed and the young lady staying at the Reed home heard the noise of scratch ing or scraping in the rear portion of the building where the cells are fi.TrrfL Tn! ed the ante rooEa to tte main jail section and there the noise was much more distinct and the men apparent ly to drown out the noise that they might be making in trying to dig out, started to sing. Sheriff Reed, who had gone up to the main part of the city for a short time returned home about 8:30 and the fact of the disturbance in the jail was reported to him by Mrs. Reed and the sheriff going outside the jail building could hear the scraping go- ing on very actively in the cell room Mr. Reed secured Deputy Sheriff Young and members of the police force and they then entered the large room where the cells are located and here it was found that a larce section of plastering had been removed from the wall of the building just beneath the window, and here the men had been busy scraping out the cement from between the bricks and used as the implements to try and make the getaway tools that had been made from spoons and forks. The men in jail are usually a very peaceful set and the custom has been to allow them to retain the spoons and forks for thefr food, altho the I knives are removed after each meaL hn the past two weeks the Cass coun- ty Jail has accumulated a very hard bunch of prisoners, a larger part of which are to be turned over to the authorities from other places, and among these had originated the plan to dig their way to liberty. Those who it is thought were per- haps implicated in the attempted jail delivery was Jesse Page, wanted for burglary in Douglas county, Missouri, Charles Webb, held here on an alleg ed rape charge in Oklahoma, Ernest Long, under sentence to the Nebras- ka penitentiary for auto stealing at South Bend and Bob Strickler, who has a widely known reputation as a jail breaker and who is being held for the officers from Basin, Wyoming Following the discovery of the at- tempted jail delivery the prisoners were all confined in the cells and will lose many of their privileges in the future until the damage that they have done is repaired and the chances of their getting out is lessened K OF C. INSTALLS OFFICERS The local council of the Knights of Columbus, one of the most active in this section of the state enjoyed a very fine social evening on Tues dap as well as one that marked the installing of the new officers of the year in this great fraternity and at which the local members had the pleasure of having present a number of visiting officers including Charles Burke of Omaha, district deputy and J. Callahan of Omaha, warden of the Omaha council The officers were given their charbes by Mr. Burke and Mr. Cal- lahan in a very impressive manner and the followlnv were induced into the offices Grand Knignt M. L. MtersniK Deputy Grand Knight John J Cloidt. Chancellor George H. Sedlacek Recorder Lon Henry Financial becretary W. H. Wool cott Treasurer Charles Staska. Advocate John M. Meisinger, Warden Louis Svoboda. Lecturer Dr. Charles M. Grado- ville. Trustee E. A. Lorenz Inside Guard Matthew ooster Outside Guard Theodore Svoboda Following tne installation or tne officers the members of the order en Joyed a very one program which com prised a piano numper by Charles Nowacek, a vocal selection by John J. Cloidt and a reading bp Anna M aySandin. The K. of C. quartet also gave a very pleasing part of the program in "Lulaby Moon," the quar tet comprising John J. Cloidt, John Svoboda, William Woolcott and Theodore Svoboda. The members in the social hour also enjoyed a fine talk by Mr. Burke on the good of the order and the work of the Knights of Columbus in me state and district The wives of a number of tne members of the council had prepared a fine oyster supper which was served as a very pleasant feature of the evening. SECURE WANTED MAN From Friday's Dally The office of Sheriff Bert Reed has been busy in the past week in round ing up parties who are wanted in other .states for different crimes and the jail is now full to capacity with those who are c waiting to be ship ped out to answer to crimes in other localities. Last evening Deputy Sheriff Rex Young motored tut to the John Blotzer farm where he arrested a man named Lee, -Jetter. who was wanted at Stillwater, Oklahoma., and who is being held lu re until the ar rival of the sheriff at that place and who will secure Charles Wt bi being held to answer to a charge of rape in Oklahoma. Mr. Jetter is charged with disposing of mortgaged property it was stated. To Purchase Right of Way for New Road Section of New Road to the Mis souri River Bridge in Precinct Secured by County From Friday's Da'M The board of county commissioners at their meeting yesterday took up the matter of the new road to the Missouri river traffic bridge and which road is to be a continuation of the state and county highway system, and the board decided to .secure their part of the right-of-way in Plattsmouth precinct from the city limits to the bridge the right-of-way inside the city limits being secured by the city of Plattsmouth. This will be very pleasing to the traveling public as it will assure the rapid completion of the road work and will help make a fine scenic road from this the new bridge. The city has a part of their por tion of the highway well under way and which will come into the city from the east of Wintersteen hill and then passing through the city will afford the travelers the opportunity of several routes to teh north, south and west as the road here will con nect with the Louisville road, the Murray Red Ball highway, and the "O" street road to the west and high way No. 75 to the north and south. REDUCES INTEREST RATE From Friday's Dally The county commissioners at their meeting yesterday took up the mat ter of the deposit of the county funds in the banks of the county, as the banks had declined to provide surety hnds or securities for the protec tion of the funds unless the board was willing to reduce the amount of nterest that was asked by the coun ty. The board has considered the matter carefully and had an opin ion from County Attorney W. G. Kieck. in which he held that the situation existing was such as would fall under the general case of an emergency and gave the opinion of the attorney general in such case which allowed the interest rate to be lowered. The board after considering the matter and the opinion of the coun ty attorney voted to accept the rate of one and one-quarter per cent in the future instead of the former rate of two per cent. A PIONEER WINDOW One of the large show windows at the H. M. Soennichsen Co., depart ment store, is occupied by a showing of some of the pioneer relics and which has attracted a great deal of attention. In the window are two small tables which are of a type much in vogue in the fifties and six ties and also a folding chair covered with Brussells carpet that was con sidered very fashionable in the sev enties and come from one of the old homes here. In the window also is the old fashioned tintype picture of a bride of IS 26, Mrs. Shepherd Duke, one of the old time residents here and also her wedding certificate of one hundred and three years ago is shown. Two features that are still recalled by a large part of the residents are the unique spirit lamps that were in use before the kerosene age and also one of the old time casters that formed the centerpiece of every dining table. ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE From Friday's Daily Mrs. L. L. Turpin and Mrs. John A. Griffin were hostesses on Wednesday evening at a most charming 6:30 bridge dinner which was held at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Turpin. There were seven tables of the players and a very delightful time was enjoyed in the various games. The prize winners were Miss Minnie Guthmann, first, and Mrs. W. G. Kieck, second. In the ladies con tests and G. K. Petring first, and William Schmidtmann, Jr., second in the gentlemen's contests. The home was prettily arranged in the color scheme of lavender and green and which was carried out in the tapers used in the table decora tions and made a very lovely note in the handsomely arranged tables. In serving the hostesses were as sisted by Misses Ursula Herold and Edith and Helen Farley. Alvo Banker Chides Fellow El , ank Associates Carl Ganz, One Of the Main Speakers at Meeting Held in Omaha on Thursday Afternoon Unanimous election of A. N. Math- ers, president or the Oering National ban K or tiering, as president of the organization ana expression of de cided sentiment in favor of estab lishment of a state credit bureau for hankers wre the high lights ff the closing session of the Nebras ka Bankers association Thursday af ternoon at the Paxton hotel at Om aha. During discussion of the regional clearing house plan, which is being rapidly adopted by Nebraska bank ers, creation of a state credit bureau for the exclusive use of bankers wa3 mont and others. "Each bank could compile a list every three months of the name of all borrowers," said Mr. Stephens. "This list would be sent to the state banking board at Lincoln and there the names would be listed. When it appeared that one man or firm was borrowing from more than one bank the names of the dupli cate borrowers would be sent to each bank interested. This would eliminate .much duplicate borrowing and protect banks." Great Aid to Banks Mr. Stephens said the regional clearing house operating in Dodge and adjacent counties had reduced duplicate borrowing to a minimum Report of the nominating commit tee was adopted unanimously. The committee nominated A. N. Mathers for president and the following as members of the executive council; James T. Shewell, president of the Merchants National bank of Ne braska City, group 1: Rollie W. Ley president of the State Bank of Wayne, group 3; W. H. McDonald, chairman of the board of the Mc Donald State bank. North Platte, group 5; James F. Gallagher, presi dent of the First National bank of O'Neill, group 8, and Howard O. Wil son, cashier of the Live Stock Na tionai Danx oi umana, ine uniaua group. The executive council elected O. A. Riley, cashier of the State Bank of Hastings, chairman: Denman Kountze, vice president of the First National bank of Omaha, treasurer, and re-elected William B. Hughes of Omaha, secretary. Name Representatives Nebraska representatives in the American Bankers' association were elected as follows. J. M. Sorenson. Fremont State bank, state vice president; Ross L. Hammond, Fremont, member of the nominating committee: Carl D. Ganz. Alvo. alternate: E. N. an Home, Lincoln, national bank vice president: A. M. Keyes, Holbrook, state banking director: D. J. Monen, Omaha Trust Co.. director of the trust company division. Thursday Carl D. Ganz, cashier of the Farmers' State bank of Alvo. Neb., criticized the bankers of Ne- braska for their "lack of honesty ind consistency" in their attitude toward the state bank guaranty law. He said the bankers had known for ye;r? thnt the guaranty plan was unsound rrd unworkable. "Yet f-r 17 years we met in anr" l convention and passed resolu' endorsing the guar anty Irw." said Mr. Ganz. "We were neither honest nor consis tent with the general public. Only three years ago the bankers of Nebraska passed a resolu tion praising the bank guaranty law and declaring that under it no depositor ever had lost a dollar. Two years later the bankers had joined in a suit to have the law declared invalid on the grounds that it was un economic and confiscatory." He said the deficit now existing never would be paid. "The farmers won't pay it," he cried. "The bankers have taken the attitude of millions for defense but not one cent for the deficit." Raps Legislature Mr. Ganz also attacked the law passed by the last legislature, which appropriated $150,000 for a bank in vestigation. He declared he believed that 90 per cent of the bankers of the state had no special training before they went into the banking business. "Any Tom, Dick or Harry with a few thousand dollars or a man who marries the presi dent's daughter, as I did, has een allowed to run a bank," he cried. Samuel P. Arnot. president of the Chicago Board of Trade, severely criticized the federal reserve board for its attitude toward operations, on the stock markets. He said the "vacillating policies" of the board were closelv connected with the crash in securities valueB. Mr. Arnot advocated amending- the federal reserve nt cn that nil lce-Jt i-J mate collateral, including stock cer- tificates, be made eligible to redis- ' I count nrivileges. instead of confin ing that privilege to loans made for I agricultural, commercial and indus trial purposes. Thomas B. Paton jr., of New York, assistant general counsel of the Am erican Bankers' association, explain ed the bankers' collection code which bankers in bankers are trying to make uniform state. DAWES TALKS ARMS WITH NAVY ADVISER Washington, Nov. 7. Ambassador Dawes held a final conference here Thursday with Secretary of State Stimson. Under Becretary Cotton and Rear Admiral Pratt, chief naval ad viser Sues for Damages Sustained in Auto Smashup Clarence Nesson Files Action Against Willard Beezley Who Sues in Cross Petition From Friday's Daily In the county court an action for damages arising from the auto wreck on the Louisville road near the Taylor school house on the night of October 7th, has been filed. In the suit as filed Clarence Nes son sues lllard Beezley for the sum of $629 for damages alleged to have been sustained by his car when it was struck by the car of Mr. Beez ley at the intersection of the Louis ville road and the detour of high way No. 75. The plaintiff claims that the car of Mr. Beezley was be ing operated at a rate of speed in excess of that set by law. The answer and cross-petition filed by Mr. Beezley in the case sets forth a claim for damages against Mr. Nesson in the sum of $500 which it is claimed was sustained by the Reo "Flying Cloud" of Mr. Beziey in the accident. Mr. Beezley in his answer claims to have been driving at a reasonable rate of speed and that Mr. Nesson failed to stop at the designated sign before coming onto the detour intersection. The case has been set by Judge Duxbury for hearing on Wednesday, November 13th and in the case Mr. Nesson will be represented by D. O. Dwyer of this city and Mr. Beezley by Attorney Hager of Lincoln ENFORCING THE LAW From Thursday's Daily This morning H. E. Ayers of Lin ln and J. L. Lord of Falls City representing the state department of public works in the enforcing of the license and highway laws were in the city, making a stop here on their swing over the state and where they have been doing very effective work in seeing that the laws regulating the oprating of auto vehicles and trucks are obeyed. The two representatives of the de- partment held two trucks that were found to be used on road work and which did not comply with the state law that requires the Nebraska li- censes on all trucks and busses oper- ating in the state. One of the trucks was released on the securing of the necessary license while the other was held until the owner of the truck in Omaha secures the required license plate for the truck. In coming out from Lincoln today Mr. Ayers and Mr. Lord held four x trucks cf the Yant Construction Co., which were being operated near Eagle and which did not have the proper license. Yesterday at Nebraska City a large Yelloway bus was held until a license could be produced as under the Ne braska law. There is no reciprocity with the other states in regard to the licenses. This portion of the department of public works has since August checked up 400 trucks and made them comply with the Nebraska law as well as many busses operating in the state and since June Mr. Ayers and Mr. Lord are operating under the direction of Buck Taylor, head of this section of the department, has collected the sum of $9,600 in licenses and fees that has been turned over to the state treasury. The officers are serving to try and make the highways safer by seeing that the laws are complied with and they are especially severe on the vio lations of the stop signs on the high ways and the operation of cars under paper numbers, they stating that a j t of the hit and run drjVers are those who use the paper numbers. DEPARTS FOR THE WEST From Friday's Dally This morning Sheriff F. T. Cross of Basin, Vv'yoming, departed from this city taking with him Bob Strick ler, the man with a dozen alias, who is going back to Wyoming to resume his serving his sentence ror ourg- Iary which he committed at liasin and from which place he made nis escape from jail. The departure of tBe man Tom the local jail oia not bring any regret from hherlff need as Mrickler is a bad actor and has tne reputation or oeing one or tne art naroest men to Keep m jan. Phone your news to tne JournaL