The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1929, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1929.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readen
Allen Vernon and wife
were vis-
ilors in Omaha Saturday.
Uobert Good was a business vis
itor in Omaha on last Monday.
Ceo. Uobscheidt was at Omaha on
lat Monday consulting a doctor.
Mrs. Lilli of Plattsmouth was
meeting old friends at the Lewiston
Mr. and Mrs. 1). O. Dwyer of
Plattsmouth attended the supper at
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hild of Council
Bluffs were visiting at the Moore
home Sunday.
Mrs. Stegens of Texas who has
been spending a week at the Vernon
home left Saturday for her home.
Mrs. Edd Riggs of Brewster, Neb.,
was visiting relatives at Lewiston
and attended the dinner and supper.
Mrn. Mary Moore Hesenflow of
!s Moines was visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore Sunday.
Vernile Good is home from the
hospital where he has been with a
broken shoulder and is much im
proved. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merrit. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Frans, Mr. and Mrs. Atter
berry of Union were at the Lewiston
Miss Irene Horchar was ? pending
t he ww k end with her friend. Miss
N'( va Lancaster, the young ladies en
joying a very fine visit.
Mrs. Henry C. Long has Wen hav
ing a crib built on her eighty acre
farm wet ofs town, for the reception
of thf corn which is being gathered
at this time.
Charles M. Reed has been feeling
rather poorly for stveral days past,
and while he has not been down he
has not felt like working, but has
ktpt on going.
W. (I. Uoodeker and wife were
njo ing a visit in Omaha with
friends for th' afternoon and eve
ning on last Friday, they driving
over in thir auto.
Charles Kennedy and wife of Oma
ha were guests for the day on Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Kennedy, where all enjoyed
the visit very much.
R. Kettlehut was a visitor in Mur
ray front his home near Xehawka,
ar.d was also looking after some busi
ness matters in the county seat on
last Monday afternoon.
The Murray Transfer Co.. were
hauling a load of lumber to the home
of Jacob Hild. where that gent Io
nian has been doing snni reepairing
of the buildings at the farm home.
Mrs. John Bartruni who with hr
husband removed to Plattsmouth af
ter the work on the highway was
completer) here, was a visitor with
some of her friends in Murray on last
Monday afternoon.
Julian, McNatt who injured his
face and eye so severely last week,
when he was trying to operate his
car. is getting along nicely now. and
was able to take the bandages off
the first of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Richey, Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Eirenberger. Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Christ. Mr. and Mrs. J. .
Cripwcll. Judge and Mrs. James T.
Regley. all of Plattsmouth, attended
the supper at Lewiston.
.!:hn Frr.ns r.r.d wife whi are
making their home
visiting for the day
;;t the home f the
in 0 m aha were
on last Sunday
parents of Mrs.
ihill and wife.
wh r
M. C. Chu
proved the day splendidly,
eisinger and the good wife
to Plattsmouth on last
(lore they were enjoying a
p.i:. :.
wiT" nvi
Sundav w
visit at the home
Mr. Meisinger, Pe
of the parents of
er Meisingtr and
wife. They drove over in their car.
Mr. anil Mrs. YY. L. Seybolt en
leitained fur the day on last Sunday
and htid for their guests l-r. and
Mrs. Tin nd 1 and their son. Richard,
and Thomas J. llrondel and wife as
their guests. A splendid time was
The Murray State bank will close
for the day on nex Monday. Armis
tice Iay, and so if you have some
business which will not wait, nl"H.t
Uet i; don' befor
that date.
g of
desire to (le')I'
P"u-" to a war
lie tiif cri.:ii
weary world.
why not?
I r.ere is nappines.-. w. ',:, ;ion:e
of Mr. and Mrs. Art Sampson on
account of the arrival at their home
of a very fun- yr American, and
ih- young man ;.:.d th" mother get
ting along vfry nicely. Th" father
is doing a-? well as could be expected
under the circunistr.nces.
Louis Hallas and the family were
enjoying a visit for the day on Inst
Sunday i.t the home of the parents
of Mr. Hallas. Joseph Hallas and
wife. Miss Mary Hallas who h; mak
ing her home in Omaha, was a vis
itor for the day last Saturday in
Murray and went to Plattsmouth
with Mr. Hallas and family Sunday
and returned to Omaha with A. J.
Hallas and family Sunday evening.
EVlake Murray
We all have tome reason for making our home in
Murray Come, !et us make it the best place to live
the best place in which to engage in business. Make
the churches the best. This is our town let us have it
the very best. We will help in any way just call on us.
H'e close next Monday, November 11th Armistice Day
"There is No Substitute for Safety"
JVIurray State Bank
Murray, Nebraska
the visit at home on
Hears Sister Was Sick.
Miss Lois McManus received the
Bad news of the very serious illness of
her sister, OIlie McManus. at her
home in .Falls City, and Miss Lois
hastened to the bedside of the sis
ter1 to do what ever possible for
the sister, who it was found had to
go to the hospital for treatment. The
many friends of Miss Lois are hop
ing the sister will soon be in her
best health again.
Give Pleasing Church Party.
With Miss Leona Farris as the
leader of the young people of the
Presbyterian church on last Friday a
very pleasant gathering was held at
the church parlors, in which all the
young folks of Murray were the
guests. A very fine evening was had,
with games and plenty of eats, and a
very good time.
Many Hallowe'en Tricks Played.
Someone, we will not attempt to
say who. did many things which
a strictly decorus party would have
refrained from doing. Signs were
changed from the hotel to the garage
and a big truck was backed up to the
Wilbur Hewitt barber shop, probably
wanting to get a shave. Also a car
was overturned at the Jeff Brendel
barber shop, probably wanting a hair
cut. Some of the old car bodies of
Thomas Nelson were overturned and
his car that he used, was ran off and
secreted and returned afterwards.
Many other pranks were played, but
h has all gone by now.
Will Hold Bazaar in December.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church have arranged to hold their
bazaar-which had to be postponed on
account of the cold rainey weather
and the fact that there was no heat
ing plant in the church building.
However, they will have the heat
ing plant installed in a short time
and be ready for the event before
the time conies. Watch for announce
ments of the affair which will be
on the evening of December 7th.
Some Get Gravel.
There has been an effort to secure
gravel on the Red Ball highway,
which was graded some five years ago
and put in condition four miles out
for gravel, and also for other por
tions of the road, which is knowa
r.s Highway No. 1, running from a
mile east of Murray to two miles
south of Elmwood. but with very
poor success. It seems that other por
tions of the county can get an abund
ance of gravel but the road which
s really the principal one in the
.ounty for it runs through the center
of the county has to go without, nor
is there any prospects for any in the
near future.
Not a Dumping: Ground.
Phil Keil wants the public to know
that the gate which leads into hi. -5
field is not a dumping ground, "nut
when there i.i rubbish to he dumped
there are plenty cf places where the
dumping of it would be a good thing
and would stop a bad wash, but Phil
does not want it placed where he
has to drive his teams over it.
Entertained For Sunday Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lancaster, en
tained for the day and for dinner on
last Sunday, and had for their guests
for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Hoihar, and their little daughter,
also Ora. Carl and Albert Seutter,
were all enjoyed the occasion very
Held Excellent Services.
On last Sunday at the Christian
church there was a good siz'-d crowd
at the Bible school as well as at the
church services in the morning and
evening. During the afternoon there
were baptismal services, with Mrs.
Fannie Crossoer and Miss Bertha
Nickles receiving the ordinance of
baptism. Rev Robert E. Hanson cf
Lincoln was present and conducted
the services.
Eftums to Hospital.
George Hobol.eibt who has been
troubled for some time by the decay
ing of one of the bones of his leg,
was home for some time and on last
Monday accompanied by the family
physician. Dr. J. F. Rrendel. wtnt to
the hopsital at Omaha, where he
underwent another minor operation,
which it is hoped will cure the mal
ady. Club Holds Meeting.
Sunny Side club was pretty
All enjoyed
busy at the meeting last Friday when
they met with Mrs. Seybolt.
The work for the day consisted of
several different types of stitches and
ways of finishing table linens, towels
and many other articles for the
There were four visitors at the
meeting to enjoy some of the work
of this meeting. The club is al
ways pleased to have visitors as they
feel that this year's work is especial
ly interesting to home makers and
is glad to share the good they get
from these meetings.
There was another pleasure added
to the day when Mrs. Chester Sporer
joined the club.
After the days work was finished
Mrs. Seybolt served very dainty and
delicious refreshments.
Presbyterian Church Notes,
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p.
(Young people's meeting).
Wednesday evening prayer meet
ing at 7:30.
You ire cordially invited to wor
ship with us.
Brussels An attempt to bomb the
Italian chamber cf commerce v;is
frustrated Saturday night by a po
liceman who found the bomb, with
smouldering fuse, on the pavement
near the entrance to the Italian
chamber. The 'policeman seized the
burning fuse and cut it short, sep
arating the fire from the explosive.
Then he carried the bomb to the po
lice station and dropped it into a
bucket of water. The bomb contained
ordinary black powder. Police sub
mitted the explosive to an expert,
iw.n bean a", inquiry to identify the
authors of the outrage.
Antifascits activity in Brussels
was manifested strikingly last Oct.
34, wiVn Fernando de Rosa. Ital
ian political refugee, attempted to
assassinate Crown Prince Humbert
of Italy, while the prince was in th3
city for announcement of his engage
ment to marry Princess Marie Jose
of Belgium. Fernando'r. first shot
went wild, and he was captured by
Philadelphia The University of
Pennsylvania museum and the Amer
ican museum of natural history in
New York will join forces to salvage
important remains of early men and
extinct a'iir.:;!s that !iav? been (I;s
covcrd recently in northeastern
Arizona, the uni-errity museum an
nounced Sunday. Ur. J. Alden Ma
son, curator of rh American sec
tion at the university museum, and
Dr. Barn um curator of fossil
rep'iles at the natural history muse
um, have ccmpltted arrangements for
the project.
Dr. Mrson who hr.. been making
important archaeological investiga
tions in the sou hwost, will be joined
by Dr. Brown in a few days and they
will proceed to a locality about 100
r.ilhs north of Fl.igst.aff. Ariz.,
where numerous dinosaur's fvruprint?
have been uncovered end where
there is a series of unexplored
dwellings b lieved to contain i
of the earliest inhabitants of
The Clendale Women's club cf
west of the city held a very delight
ful meeting on P'riday of this week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Staben and on this event the ladies
had their husband's as the guests of
the -veiling and who all appreciated
to th- utmost th opportunity of
taking part in the joyful social meet
ing. The home was arranged in keep
ing with the Hallowe'en season and
here the time was spent most de
lightfully in games of all kinds as
well as cards and the enjoyment ;f
a fine musical program offered by
the members of the party.
r After the close of the games and
contest;; the ladies served a most
tempting Hallowe'en luncheon that
was a fitting close of a most enjoy
able and long to be remembe: cd eve
New York The Blue
poration, $100,000,000
trust formed by Goldman
rison Williams interests
Ridge cor
investment Sachs-Har-last
has declared the first regular quar
terly dividend on the preferred stock.
Blue Ridge stocks suffered a severe
collapse in the recent crash of the
market. The common, which was of
fered to the public at 520 a share,
tumbled to $3.12, and closed Thurs
day at $11.87. The preferred, offer
ed at $51.50, dropped to $26.12, and
closed at $31.50. The corporation an
nounces that the cash income for the
current qarterly period is more than
sufficient to meet the cash dividend
requirements, without taking into ac
count profits realized on the sale of
Peshawar. Indiana, Nov. 2 Bacha
Sakao. the former "water boy" king
of Afihanistan. was executed Satur
day according to an unccafirmed
wireless from Kabul.
If any of the readers of the
Journal knov of ry social
event or item of Interest Id
tb la vicinity, and will mall
1 1 me xo this ofttce. It will ap
pear under this heading. -We
want all oewa items Edttob
Virginia is
Back in Demo
cratic Fold
John Garland Poglard, Regular
Past Campaign Named as Gov
ernor of the State.
Richmond, Va., Nov. 5 John Gar
land Pollard, former professor of law
at the college fo William and Mary,
was elected governor of Virginia to
night in what turned out to be a
landslide for the democratic party.
The democratic nominee led his
opponent. Dr. William Moseley
Brown, nominee for the anti-Smith
democrats and republicans, in every
congressional district and with less
than two-thirds of the total vote
tabulated, had amassed a lead of more
than 50 thousand votes. Pollard's
election was conceded by Brown
headquarters at 10:40 p. m. At that
hour returns from 1,275 of the state's
1.CS3 precincts gave: Pollard, 144,
923; Brown, S3, 760.
The overwhelming victory of the
democratic party was a surprise to
veteran politicians on both sides, al
though rollard headquarters had
made predictions of a "substantial
majority" for the democratic guber
natorial aspirant. ,
The campaign preceding this elec
tion was the most spirited since re
construction days. Anti-Smith demo
crats organized last year by Bishop
James Cannon, jr., of the Methodist
Episcopal church. South, and other
dry leaders, in opposition to the
presidential candidacy of Alfred E.
Smith, allied themselves with the
Virginia republican party in an ef
fort to wrrest state control from the
democratic party, which had held
sway since reconstruction. The cam
paign eclipsed all previous state con
tests for political oratory and de
bates between leaders.
Return Is Dramatic.
Virginia is the first of the five
"Hoover states" in the erstwhile
"solid south" to hold a state election
since the "solid south" was broken
in the presidential campaign last
year. The return to democratic ranks
was even more dramatic than the de
parture last year. Brown was never
in the lead in the unofficial tabula
tion of returns after the first pre
cinct reported.
James H. Price, democratic nom
inee for lieutenant governor, and
John R. Saunders, indorsed by the
party for re-election as attorney gen
eral, were swept into office along
with the democratic standard bearer.
Dr. Pollard was a stunch supporter
of the democratic national ticket in
the presidential campaign, making a
number of addresses in support of
Smith, he is a bone dry, ar.d receiv
ed the official indorsement of the
Anti-Saloon league in the campaign,
as did his opponent.
Prohibition Not Issue.
Prohibition did not become an is
sue in the campaign, although Bishop
Cannon placed it among the issues
v. calling for a repudiation of state
democratic leaders who supported
Smith. Bishop Cannon coined the
term "Raskobism" in criticism of
John J. Raskob, chairman of the
democratic national committee, and
coalition leaders denounced ""Ras
kobism" from the hustings during
the campaign.
Probably the most widely discuss
ed phase of the unusual campaign
was the "De Priest circular" inci
dent. A circular was anonymously
distributed containing pictures of
Oscar De Priest, republican Negro
representative from Chicago, and his
wife, along with an account of a
White house tea which the Negro
representative's wife attended and ex
cerps from a number of De Priest's
The assertion on this circular that
Henry W. Anderson, republican lead
er. Dr. Brown and the republican
platform stood for poll tax repeal
as a prerequisite to voting drew a
somewhat heated exchange between
party leaders. I
Anderson, denying the poll tax
statement as "absoluately false," ac
cused democratic headquarters of dis
tributing the pamphlet in a letter
asking Dr. Pollard if he "authorized
or approved" the pamphlet. The
democratic nominee termed the An
derson letter a "brazen piece of in
solence." World-Herald.
Maiden, Mass. Attracted by re
ports of cures at the grave of a j-oung
priest, Patrick J. Power, in Holy
Cross cemetery here, 10.000 pilgrims
from Massachusetts, New England
and New York, visited the simple
tomb Sunday seeking health for
themselves or relatives. Several of
the crippled and sick announced
themselves made well after filing past
the tomb and kissing a chalice cut
therein. Many left money, jew-elry
or flowers at the tomb.
Warsaw. Nov. 1. A "showdown"
between Marshal Pilsudski, Poland
dictator, and parliament may result
Monday when the sejm attempts to
hold tie aeetitig interrupted Thurs
day by armed officers.
Additions Made
to Long List of
Men of Millions
Sixty-Two New Names Are Shown on
Government Tax Rolls; Net
Increase in Income.
Washington Sixty-two new mil
lionaires are shown on the govern
ment's income tax rolls for 1927,
boosting the total to 290 for that
year. Included in this group are three
unmarried women and twenty-three
The total incomes of 290 was
$600,640,846 and upon this they paid
$98,657,237 in tax.
During the same year, figures made
public Sunday by the internal rev
enue bureau showed a total of 2,
440,941 individual tax returns with
a net income totaling $22,545,090,
553, their paid taxes aggregating
$830,639,434. Returns also were re
ceived from 1,660,606 persons who
did not pay any tax.
The total income of all individual
taxpayers for 1927 showed an in
crease of $556,594,904 over the pre
vious year, while the tax paid snowea
an increase of $98,168,644 which was
received from 35,545 more persons
than paid taxes in 1926.
Net Increase in Income.
The average net income for the
year showed an increase of $5,4 96 as
compared with $5,306 for the pre
vious year and the tax liability also
increased, averaging $202 as com-
niruH with 11 77 in 1Q9C
In the millionaire class 138 per-
sons had incomes of between $1,000,-
000 and $l,500,0i)0,000 and paid
taxes of ?2S,57l,05S; nrty-six per
sons had incomes of between $1,
000,000 and $50t),000 and paid $16,
313,262; fifty-five persons had in
comes of $2,000,000 and $3,000,000
and paid tax of $21,271,277; twenty
two persons had incomes of from
$3,000,000,000 to $4,000,000, and
pai dtax of $12,341,256 and eight
persons had incomes of from $4,000,
000 to $5,000,000, paying tax of $4,
825,405, and eleven had incomes of
more than $5,000,000. paying in-i
comes of $15,407,979.
Women in Millionaire Class.
There were two single women,
heads of families who reported net
incomes of $1,000,000 to $1,500,000
and one single woman reported a net
income of $1,500,000, to $2,000,000.
Of the wives filing separate returns
from their husbands seventeen re
ported incomes of $1,000,000 to $1,
500,000, two reported incomes of
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000, three $2.
000,000 to $3,000,000 and one had
an income from $3,000,000 to $4,
000.000. Of the total incomeu $10,218,449,
780 was received from wages , and
salaries; $3,287,421,294 from busi
ness; $1,755,145,035 from partner
ships; $1,813,395,955 from profit
from sale of real estate stocks, bonds,
etc.; $1,081,186,018 from capital net
gain from sale of assets held more
than two years; $1,302,275,981 from
rents and royalties; $2,026,987,032
from interest and investment income;
$47,479,483 from interest on govern
ment obligations not wholly exempt
from tax; $4.254,S28,SS6 from div
idends on stock of domestic corpor
ations; $6,394,981 from fiduciary.
There was a total gross income of
$26,208,560,568 from which total de
ductions of $3,C63,470,015 were
Corpoiations in 1927 made 475,
$31 returns in the same year, of
which 259,849 showed net income to
taling $8,981,854,261 and a tax of
$1.130, 674, 12S. In 1926 there were
$455,320 returns from corporations
which showed 258,134, with net in
comes of $9,673,402,8S9 and a tax of
$1.229,797,243. State Journal.
Hankow The Japanese military
intelligence stated that kuomichun,
or "people's army" had scored a de
cisive victory over nationalist troops
along the northwest border of the
provinces of Hupeh and Ilonan near
Laohokow, Hupeh. Chengchow dis
patches said 10,000 nationalist forces
deserted and began ravaging the
countryside, while an equal number
refused to fight.
Further reports told of wounded
nationalists ooding into Chengchow
from the west. The majority were
suffering from sword and bayonet
wounds, indicating the Kuomichun
were engaged in hand-to-hand com
bat to conserve ammunition. Offi
cials of Laohoknow were fleeing in
the city.
The Japanese dispatch said the
"Kuominchun crushed the national
ist forces, the victory resulting in
great confusion. Laohokow officials
are fleeing."
New York William Fox, presi
dent of Fox Film corporation, Sun
day announced completion of the
sale of his company's stockholdings
in First National Pictures corpor
ation to Warner Brothers for a sum
in excess of $10,000,000. By the
terms of thetransaction Fox films
relinquished title to more than 25,
000 shares of First National stock
which it valued on its books at ap
proximately $3,842,072.
Both Fox and Warner Brothers
were in joint control of First Na
tional for the past few years. Mr.
Vox said that Fox Film corporation
would apply such profits as accrued
from the sale in liquidating all costs
now being carried on his company's
books for silent motion pictures.
"Talking pictures have made the
silent films obsolete," he Baid.
Phone you news to the Journal
Bible School
Sunday, November 10th
When Will Wars Cease?
Unless for the sins of the people
there would be no wars, but when
the people are disobedient, then
cometh wars, famines, plagues, sick
ness, poverty, and all the crimes on
the calendar. Just at this time there
is a crusade against war, and why
not when we consider the cost of
the world war, for it cost, lives, it
cost the wrecking of men for ages,
it cost the love of one for his fellow
it cost money, but that was the small
part of it, notwithstanding we are
still paying the debt, and will hand
it down to our children.
On Mission of Peace.
Ramsay MacDonald, the prime
minister of England, has just visited
us and Canada, on a mission of peace,
this is commendable, and we like it,
and we hope that the world will en
ter into a compact for maintaining I
peace. The costs of war would build j
a wondeful country with pleasant;
homes for all, and all dwell in peace !
and security, if we only knew and
understood each other.
The Tiuth Shall Make You Free
Christ said of the truth, you shall
know the truth and then again he
said, "I am the way, the truth and
the life," these are very significant
expressions, and taken together, we
are to know the Christ, that is to be
imbued with His spirit, and that
. ; ' t .
Had that spirit been in the hearts
and lives of the ones who precipitated
the great World war, and as to that,
any other war, they never would have
occurred. To know the truth is to
know Christ, and to know the Christ
is to do as he teaches. John 3:16 says
"For God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten Son, that who
soever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life"
This is what Christ says himself.
"He that believeth on me, though he I
were dead, yet shall he live, he that j
liveth and believeth on me shall ,
never die." Joshua said at the time j
of the assembling of the Israelites at
the valley of Sehechem, Choose ye
this day whom ye shall serve. ;
We have the same question today, i
Will we bow down to the god of war, I
:! Mixed Result
in the Kentucky
Republicans Win Louisville Mayor
altv Handily, But Democrats
Control Legislature.
Louisville Returns from Ken
tucky's legislative races indicated
that the democrats will have their
usual two-thirds majority in the state
house of representatives next Janu
ary and will control the senate.
The strong campaign waged by the
republicans to elect a legislature
failed to upset normal democratic ma
jorities in pratitally every county
where that party usually rules, and
republicans failed of election in a
number of close races. The republi
cans sought to gain a majority in
the legislature to strengthen their
control of the state government. Gov
ernor Sampson, a republican, was
elected in 1927 for a four-year term.
All appointive state officials are re
publicans, but all elective officials,
except the governor, are democrats.
Unofficial returns in the legisla
tive races indicated the election of
several candidates who announced
their opposition during their cam
paigns to the governor's policies,
particularly to his proposed luxury
9 E'O?
1 -$tjr
with bard earned
untried or speculative investment
recommended largely by high rate
of interest or earnings, but with
out 100 certainty cf return?
so well and widely known and approved,
places sety first by its assurance to mem
bers cf the highest rate cf earnings con
sistent with security.
Oars is an Association for mutual benefit of
members in Savings and Lcc:is. Dividend rales
per annum, payable semi-annually: 5 cn
paid-up end investment shares; on monthly pay
ment shares, 6.
Organized 1887
The Nebraska City Balldsng
W. W. METZ, President WM. K. PITZER, Scc'y
7 "-H"' '
Lesson Study!
C - 7
Mars, or will we adhere to the Prince
of Peace, the Christ, of whom Wil
liam Jennings Bryan wrote in his
wonderful lecture.
The Costs of War.
Not alone the money which it takes
to finance a major strife, and the
amount and the years of toil and de
privations it takes afterwards, but
tbf blond the livts mid th maimi',1
i.,, th :irrnUlt;K nH !..!
less wrecks of humanity, the widow-
ed and the fatherless who have to
help pay the many costs, but the bit
ter hatred which the strife has en
gendered. Henry W. Longfellow has
a true vision of the matter in the
poem which he wrote, which follows:
"Were half the power, which fills
the world with terror.
Were half the wealth, bestowed on
camps and courts,
Given to redeem the world from
There would be no use of arsenals
and forts.
"Down the dark future, through long
genei ations.
The echoing sounds grow fainter and
then cease;
And like a bell, with solemn sweet
I hear once more the voice of Christ
say, 'Peace.
l " 'Peace,' and no longer from its
j brazen portals,
iThe blast of war's great organs shake
! the skies;
, For beautiful as the songs of the
I The holy melodies of love arise."
When the world shall know, and
i know that the Christ is the way, th
j TRUTH a.nd the life, and that to
i know the TRUTH, it will make one
! free, free from wars and its alarms,
I then will a permanent ieace be ush
j ered in. This applies to the individ
! ual as well as the nation, for when
! we look at the question, from the
other fellow's position, we will see
whether we are all right which we
are claiming we are. We should think
no evil, speak no evil and do no evil,
if we know, the truth.
tax to obtain funds with which to
put into operation the free textbook
law. State Journal.
Chicago, Nov. 3. Attempt of Irene
Birdoni. actress, to she-d her hus
band by seeking an annulment of
marriage under an old statute, hr
encountered difficulties.
Raymond Getz. New Yerk produc
er, who married Miss Bordoni in
1918, is willing. In fact, he has
filed divorce proceedings against her.
But Judge Charles A. William,
who heard the annulment case,
couldn't quite see it at least for
the time being.
(5 round for MiiS Bordoni's action
is that she and Getz were me.rrie.I
within less than a year from the
tir.i" Getz obtained a divorce from
a former wife.
Lisbon. Portugal, Nov. 2. Escort
ed by a funeral procession number
ing thousands, former President An-
i tonio Jose d'Almedia was buried to-
day in a setting of military display.
f. fi
Viiliam B.iircl. who has bee:
r enjoying a vi.-i: vii:i he;
at Donvc
turned h
Mrs. Harly Ocil, r
mc vesterday afternoon af
ter a pleasant stsy in the Colorado
a 2Eisss?
m any
tnlMi. tomtom.
if n