The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1929, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, NOV. 4, 1929.
'M-I'M-l-I-I-H-I-I-I-l-H 4
Ernest Laughlirt is working in the
Greenwood State bank.
Robert Matthews and family were
in Ashland on business Tuesday.
Phil Buskirk was in Ashland Mon
day having some dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D.. Finlay visited
Mr. Finlay's mother in Omaha Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Watson Howard a'id
family were Lincoln visitors Satur
day. Col. Phil Hall was In Aohland
Tuesday getting some dental work
E. E. Hurlbut of Louisville visited
his mother Monday night and part
of Tuesday.
Misses Clark, Nystrom and Nutz
man spent last week end in their re
spective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schulling of
Beaver Crossing visited their daugh
ter, Lillian here Sunday.
Miss Elsie Woodruff of Omaha
spent the week end at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. Dora Leesley.
Mrs. Phil Hall will attend the Ne
braska Bankers convention to be held
in Omaha the first part of November.
Mrs. Fred Hoffman and Mrs. C. D,
Reunion of Hartsook Family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hartsook held
a family reunion at their farm home
west of Greenwood, on Sunday, Octo
ber 27.
A fine old fashioned dinner was
served at one o'clock to relatives who
were present.
The afternoon was spent in recall
ing earlier family incidents and in
playing games.
Among those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Hartsook and
daughter, Elaine of Ashland, Kansas;
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jeffery of Ash
land; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jeffery and
daughters, Wilma and Betty of Ash
land; Miss Lola Jeffery student at
Doane College: Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Hartsook, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hart
sook and daughter, Marolyn, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Hartsook and Miss Clara
Smith all of Lincoln; Mr. M. O.
Hartsook, Mr. Earl Hartsook and
Miss Dorothy Hartsook of Greenwood.
Everyone expressed their pleasure
in being present at the family re
union and it is hoped that th next
gathering will include those who
were not in attendance at this time.
Army Man Wins
for Radio Over
Telephone Wire
Major-General Squier Gets Control the visitors in Omaha today to en-
joy me convention or me leacners
LOCAL N E W S Market Prices
FTBThWirasDa ?fs7,or ,n Cna.a UpOll Bllll"
today, going to that city on the JL ft -
early Burlington train, to spend a ISll IvlOVGIXlCIlt
lew uuuig.
Miss Grace Nolting was among
of Plug-In System He
Entertain Guild.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. P. A. San
born nad Mrs. Frank Hurlbut were
hostesses to the Guild at the M. E.
church parlors. The time was spent
couple of quilts ana
quilting on a
Fulmer went to Murdock last Friday tying -1 com -f ; A od crov, d ;
Washington Maj.-Gen. George O.
Squier, U. S. A., retired, has won
the decision, rendered by H. H.
Jacobs, law examiner of the United
States Patent Office, in the, mono
phone patent interference case,
Duncan vs. Squier, which has been
in controversy for several years, and
which involved eight French and
English inventors..
The opinion gives Major-General
Squier absolute confirmation of his
The contest centered about a
patent issued to Espenschied, repre
senting the Bell interests, in the
United States and England. The in
vention relates to a combination of
radiocasting and point-to-point com
munications whereby the equipment
cf the ordinary commercial telephone
system may be utilized in radiocast
ing programs to telephone sub
scribers without substantial altera
tion of the system and without
interference with its normal func-
and visiting with friends.
Ray Chriswisser of near Nehawka
was in the city for a short time to
day looking after some matters at
the court house and visiting with
his many friends.
Mrs. Searl S. Davis, who has been
enjoying a visit for several weeks
at Dayton, Ohio, with her mother,
Mrs. Lee Corbin and family, returned
home this morning after a very
pleasant stay in the east.
D. C. Thornton and Gerald Kva-
snecka of the high school faculty
departed this morning for Lincoln
where they will attend the meeting
of the state teachers association that
is being held in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stokes and
Mrs. James Ault. sister of Mrs.
Stokes, departed this morning for
Omaha where they will visit at the
St. Joseph hospital with the little
grandson of Mr. . and Mrs. Stokes
who is in very critical condition
there following an illness of five
weeks from flu and jaundice.
Net Gains of $2 to $20 in Leading
Issues Despite Some Profit
Taking. New York, Oct. 31. Prices of se
curities in all of the leading exchang-
Lincoln, Oct. 31. The attempt of
Jeanette Breckenridge of Lexington
Ky., to share In the $500,000 estate
of George W. Mattingly, former Ne
gro slave who died five years ago at
David City, ended Thursday morning
in failure.
Federal Judge Munger threw out
her petition of intervention on the
grounds that he had no Jurisdiction
"Uncle George's" will leaving the
bulk of his property to Charles W,
Bennison and former County Judge
McCasky, both of David City, still
es of the country rallied sharply stands unbroken, therefore.
as project leaders in the achievement
Mrs. Blanche Bright and Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Bright visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bright
v Miss Bernice Beach, who is at
tending the state un
the week end with her cousin, Miss
Osyth Kemp.
Mrs. Ellen Miller and daughter,
Gertrude, Misses Nan and Margaret
Miller, and Mr. Will Miller of Seward
spent Sunday with Miss Osyth Kemp.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes enter
tained the faculty of the Greenwood
school and Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Mc
Fadden at a pheasant dinner Mon
dey evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Erickson and
family of Kirk, Colo., and Mr. and
Mrs. C. U. Conrad of Idalia, Idaho,
wtio have been visiting friends and
relatives left for their homes Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bennet, Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Bennett and daughter
Winifred and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ben
net and children, Betty and Buddy
of Lincoln were guests at the C. E.
Calfee home Sunday afternoon and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bailor and fam
ily of Hamburg, Iowa, spent Sun
day with Mrs. Bailor's mother, Mrs.
Blanch Bright. Sunday evening her
son Floyd and wife came from Worth
ington, Mo., and visited until Wed
nesday morning.
Roy Owens and wife and Mrs. Ow
ens, mother of Mrs. E. F. Smith of
Memphis were Sunday guests at the
E. F. Smith home. Ernest is improv
ing in health and expects to be able
to attend to the business of his drug
store in the near future.
A nine pound baby boy was born
to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Shupe at Mur
dock, Saturday, October 26. The' lit
tle man has been named William
Louis after his two great grandfath
ers. Mrs. Shup will be remembered
as Miss Uvon West before her mar
riage. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newkirk were
called to Murdock to take care of the
baby and household affairs of Dr.
and Mrs. L. D. Lee during Mrs. Lee's
stay in an Omaha hospital where she
had a. minor operation. During their
stay the stork left a great grandson
for them to look after.
Julas Farrall of Kansas is here
visiting at the Harry Leesley home.
Mr. Farrell will probably be remem
bered by some of the older residents
of Greenwood, having lived here some
thirty-eight, years ago, and worked
for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leesley at
their farm home east of town. He
came her for the purpose of shuck
ing corn.
present considering the weather and
bad roads. At the close of the after
noon the hostesses served delicious
refreshments suggesting Hallowe'en.
Little Winifred Lambert and Max
ine Hurlbut who were dressed as a
witch and Jack-o'lantern passed lit-
iversity. spent tie pumpkins containing the : aapkins.
witches, macodine salad and coffee
were served.
The claim is so broad that it is
held to cover even "talking movies"
in the home through a completely
screened circuit with zero noise-level
due to the lead sheathing of the tele
phone cable. ,
General Squier said of the decis-
Celebrates Birthday.
Mrs. Lulu Hurlbut served a dinner
Sunday in honor of her birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfe and Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Hurlbut and son fication.
It took me years to invent the
monophone and it finally came to me
on awakening from sleep at 3 o'clock
in the morning of July 8, 1926. By
daylight I had made the single draw
ing complete in every detail as filed
in the patent office and had also
written tne main points of the speci-
Junior of Fremont were present, the
rest of the children being unable to
217 Millions
is Deposited in
Husker Banks
r rom f a technical engineering
point of view, the beauty and
elegance of the monophone invention
is its simplicity. The egg now stands
end-on. A whole city may be satur
ated with multiple super programs
with but a few watts of power in
stead of kilowatts as required in
space radio. Its installation in Its
simplest form at a telephone switch
board does not require so much as a
screwdriver, and although it is a
one-way telephone the housewife
may change it from room to room
by using a standard lamp socket
From Friday's Daily
W. L. Seybolt was a visitor at the
court house today for a few hours
attending to some matters of busi
ness. Miss Elizabeth Sitzman, who is
engaged as clerk at the Omaha Na
tional bank, was in the city last eve
ning for a few hours visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sitzman.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hoffman were
among those going to Omaha today
via the Burlington where they will
spend the day there with their
daughter and family and enjoy a
short outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Walling
departed this morning for Lincoln
where they will attend the two day
session of the Nebraska Title Assoc
iation. Mr. Walling being the vice
president of the association.
Fred Ahrens, who has been en
gaged in farming for the past sum
mer near Crawford, Nebraska, came
in last, evening to look after his
land interests itf-this locality and
also to visit with his relatives and
Funds Show Decrease Since June 29 operated exactly as she now uses her
of 1928 as Figure Was Set
at $220,000,000.
Lincoln, Oct. 31. Deposits in 682
Nebraska state banks at the close of
business, Sept. 24. amounted to
$217,646,215.91, Commissioner
Woods announced Thursday.
In comparison with the abstract
of the call of June 29, last, total de
posits are somewhat reduced, the fig
ure at that time being $220,000,000.
The last report is also based on
eight less banks than were included
in the June call.
Cash reserve of the institutions,
Mr. Woods stated, amounted to 19
per cent, with a 17 per cent bond
reserve, as compared with av20 per
cent cash reserve in June and a 17
per cent bond reserve at that time.
The entire report on resources and
liabilities follows:
Loans and discounts, $151,945,
997.39. Overdrafts, $399,915.07.
Bond3 and securities, $38,282,
779.40. Judgments and claims, $1,405,-377.66.
"The monophone employs a band
of frequencies never before used
either in space radio or in the so
called 'carrier art' as developed in
the Bell system. This band is also
entirely above and out of the way of
the band used by wired radio on
power lines for broadcasting serv
"Space radio is entirely unsuited
to these days of congested steel sky
scrapers and it must be reserved for
the long-haul in the open country,
for aviation an dfor ships at sea.
"Some 30 years ago both the tele
phone wires and the electric light
wires were ordered under ground by
city authorities because they offend
ed the eye and interfered with traf
fic in the streets. In like manner
within a short time space radio will
be also ordered underground and car
ried by these same wires, because it
offends the ear instead of the eye and
interferes with radio traffic."
The parents cited in behalf of Dun
can's motion included: British West
ern Electric, ' British Thompson
Houston Company (two patent),
British Kay, French Lorris, French
Schneider, French Latour and United
States Espenschied. The disclosure
Clara Clayton
Again to Lead
State W.C.T.U.
again today in response to a tremend
ous investment and speculative de
mand created by a long succession
of bullish financial developments.
When the New York stock ex
change opened at noon, two hours
later than usual, there was such a
huge accumulation of buying orders
that prices of active issues were
whirled up $5 to $30 a share as
blocks of five thousand to 50 thou
sand shares changed hands.
These gains were cut down in the
subsequent waves of selling, repre
senting profit taking by traders who
had bought stocks in Tuesday's re
action and the liquidation of stocks
bought for supporting purposes, but
final quotations disclosed a long list
of net gains of $2 to $20 in the lead
ing stocks.
7,149,300 Shares Sold.
Total sales in the three-hour trad
ing period on the New York stock
exchange were 7.149,300 shares, or
well above the average five-hour ses
sion. Long before the New York markets
opened, London cables carried the re
port that the Bank of England had
reduced Its discount rate from 6'&
to 6 per cent. This was followed by
a long series of increased and extra
dividends by industrial and public
utility companies, and the announce
ment of the purchase by the United
States Steel corporation of the Co
lumbia Steel company of California.
Rediscount Rate Cut.
After the market closed, the New
York Federal Reserve bank reduced
its discount rate trom 6 to 5 per
cent, and reported a record-breaking
decrease of $1,096,000,000 in brok
ers' loans as a result of the hug'
liquidation and securities in the last
The New York banking group,
which was formed a week ago today
to effect an orderly market in secur
ities when a wave of hysterical sell
ing threatened to bring about a com
plete collapse in prices, held on meet
ings today and contemplated none
over the week-end because of the im
provement in the general situation.
Thomas W. Lamont. senior partner of
J. P. Morgan & Co., spokesman for
the group, said he regarded today's
Mrs. Breckenridffe occupied the
stand most of the day Wednesday
She claimed to be a niece of Mat
Nebraska Fete
to Bring Back
Pioneer Times
Diamond Jubilee of State to
Honored by Pageants of
Historic Episodes
Omaha, Neb. Nebraska's Dia
mond Jubilee, in commemoration of
the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska
bill by Congress" in 1854, and of the
ceding of all of the land between
the Mississippi and the Rockies,
Canada and the Red River, by Indian
chiefs to the United States Govern
ment, Is to be celebrated from Nov. 1
to 8 with parades, pageants, and ex
hibitions that will link the old West
with the new.
Special efforts have been made to
make the jubilee of unusual histor
ical interest by collecting many ex
hibits to illustrate fully the growth
of Nebraska. One collection of pio
neer exhibits, relics of Indian bat
tles and primitive modes of life, old
oxcarts, stagecoaches, and other ve
hicles of the Oregon Trail will be
shown in the Omaha Municipal Aud
itorium. Coiii ributions of foreign-born citi
zens to the development of the terri
tory will be illustrated by a "Parade
of the Nations" in which all the ele
ments which make up Nebraska will
be represented.
An elaborate pageant, "The Mak
ing of Nebraska," has been written
especially for the occasion by Dr.
Hartley Burr Alexander. It will be
presented with a cast of 1000 per
sons, and a mixed chorus of 500
Several interesting contests will
form a part of the jubilee celebra- J
tions. One, the Nebraska Young Citi- I
zens' contest, has attracted conskl' 'r
able interest for one boy and out '.
girl between the ages of 16 and 2"
Value of Rural
Life Put Right
Up to Farmers
Should Lead, They Are Told, in
, Making Country Keep Pace
With City Progress
Union Shows Net Gain of 1,500 Mem- market as normal after the events of years are being chosen from each cf
bers During ast Year; Iva
Minnis Is Re-Elected.
the last week. World-Herald.
Fairbury, Oct. 31. Affairs of the
Nebraska Women's Christian Tem
perance union will be directed agairt
during 1930 by Mrs. Clara C. Clay
ton of Lincoln.
Mrs. Clayton was re-elected to the
presidency Thursday morning at the
5oth annual convention.
Kev. iva innis of iicox was also Spread of Public Utilities Lighten-
uvii-jicu iiu ic-ciccnuu ta vice pica-
American Home
Found Sharing
in Advertising
Banking house .furniture and fix- of the Duncan application was held
- Organizing New Bank Departments
Phil Hall, president of the Nebras
ka Bankers Association, is busy these
days organizing regional clearing
houses over the state. He will also
be master of ceremonies at the Ne
braska Bankers Association conven
tion at Omaha.
The regional clearing house plan
which President Kali is inaugurating
in Nebraska, is the result of a plan of
bank management adopted by the
American Banker's Association. A
school of banking was held in Chi
cago this spring, known as the Mis
sissippi Valley Conference and bank
ers from the various states were chos
en to attend. It was at this school
that it was brought out that a sys
tem of proper bank management has
proven to be the only cure for bank
ing evils.
President Hall was chosen to rep
resent Nebraska at this conference.
tures, $5,860,075.89.
Other real estate, $7,749,371.66.
Due from banks, $34, 28b, 807. 91.
Lawful reserve with federal re
serve bank or other reserve agents,
Cash, $8,452,900.54.
Current expenses, taxes and inter
est paid. $36,213.36.
Total resources, $248,535,959.87.
Capital stock, $18,038,500.
Surplus fund, $5,863,749.89.
Undivided profits. $2,855,612.81.
to be incomplete and therefore did
not support the count.
A limit of appeal was set to expire
on jnov. 11, 1929.
Flint, Mich. Charles S. Mott,
vice-president of the General Motors
corporation, and chairman of the
board of directors of the Union In
dustrial Bank of Flint, and Grant J.
Brown, president of the bank, an-
ident for the ensuing year.
A survey of activties outlined
Thursday shows that the Nebraska
union has enjoyed a net gain of 1,500
members during the past year and
that it now has a total membership
of 8,000.
Though weather of the past few
days has lessened attendance, more
than 200 women have taken part in
the convention.
Elizabeth Nicholson of Lincoln
was judged winner in the gold medal
declamatory contest Wednesday
Inspiring reports were given at
the sessions from the following de
partments: Mrs. Bertha Scafford,
McGrew, medical contests; Mrs.
Xia Maxey, Lincoln, exhibits
ing Burdens and Adding
to Comforts
Bridgeport, Conn. How adver
tising is doing its share to bring
comfort, convenience, and refinement
to American homes, particularly
through the extension of public utili
ties, was described by Louis D. Gibbs,
president of the Public Utilities
Advertising Association and of the
Advertising Club of Boston, before
the New England Advertising Clubs,
assembled here in convention.
Electric service has Increased
137 per cent in the last 10 years
in American homes, in 4000 new
towns and communities, and to more
than 500,000 farms. More than 10,
000.000 horsepower in motors has
and been put behind the industrial work-
nounced this afternoon that approxi-
Reserve for dividends, contingen- mately $800,000 of the bank's money
cies, interest, taxes, etc., $780,760.98. had been misappropriated by several
Individual deposits subject to employes,
check $85,520,364. They said the amount of money
uemana ceruncaies oi aeposu. misused was "small" In comnarison
fairs; Mrs. H. B. Cunningham, Hast- er. In other public utility fields the
ings, narcotics; Mrs. James R. Mur- growth has been equally astounding,
taugh, Omaha, publicity; Mrs. May Mr. Gibbs said. While all of the in
Gardner, Lewellen, health and med- crease cannot be attributed to adver
ical temperance, and Mrs. Grace Nes- tising, he continued, none of the in
lund, Cozad. creaseSwould have been possible at
Echoes from the national conven- the same rate without advertising.
the 93 counties in the State, to be
brought to Omaha to compete for the
title of Best Young Citizen.
Nebraska's short story writers are
competing In compiling "a true story
of service rendered Nebraska by a
pioneer" for which prizes have been
offered. A state band contest, old
fiddlers' contest, etc., are also to be
The Nebraska Territorial Pioneers'
Association will hold its annual con
vention in Omaha during the celebra
tion, and an effort is being made to
bring together all persons who lived
in, the State before it became a terri
tory, 75 years ago. A number of gov
ernment scouts, who took part in the
settlement of the country and the
control of Indian bands, will be pres
ent. Among them are such colorful
figures as Capt. Luther North of Co
lumbus, "Diamond Dick" Tanner of
Norfolk and "Parson Bob" Landon,
who still clings to the garb of the
pioneer scouts.
In connection with the jubilee, a
stock and horse show will be held,
under the auspices of Ak-Sar-Ben,
an organization of local horsemen
who have sponsored an animal show
for some years. An agricultural and
horticultural show, arranged by the
Nebraska Horticultural Society, and
a dairy exhibit, will be held in the
Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum.
Ames, la. "The American farmer
should take the leadership in a world
movement to build a rural civilization
in all essentials equivalent to the
great urban civilization now develop
ing," declared Dr. Kenyon L. Butter
field, agricultural leader and honor
ary president of (he American Coun
try Life Association, at the closing
session of the conference here.
"A world-wide organization of
farmers is necessary to avoid the
waste which comes from working at
cross purposes, In the opinion of Dr.
Butterfield, who held that by means
of such an, iagency the forces of
natural sicence, government, educa
tion and religion could be centered
on the universal problem of a better
rural life.
"Labor has its international labor
office," he pointed out. "Banking
interests are setting up a world bank
and educators have an institute of
international education."
Agriculture in the United States
has not taken much interest in inter
national organization thus far, he
continued, the result of an erroneous
view that the farmers in other lands
are so much different in their eco
nomic status that no common bond
exists. At present, the authority felt,
there are more likenesses than differences.
'I think." he said, "the feeling is
growing that cur prosperity is de
pendent on prosperity in other parts
of the world. The important thing is
the buying power of the people. If
this i3 increased throughout the
world, esccially in the remote agri
cultural regions, the market for our
farm products will be widened. An
nternational organization of farmers
n this way will help, rather than
hinder, the disposition of our agri
cultural surplus."
In speaking of the problems the
Federal Farm Board is facing, Ar-
bur M. Hyde, Secretary of Agricul
ture, urged the adoption of a new
land policy in the United States.
The desideration," he said, "is
ot more crops or less crops, but a
higher standard and broader oppor
tunities on the farm."
Although the association does not
sanction the passing of resolutions.
unanimity of poinion was ex
pressed on certain phases of country
fe. Extension of library facilities in
rural districts was felt to be a press
ing need, the county unit being sug
gested, as the most advantageous.
Federal aid for country schools
was urged, as was also the enlarge
ment of the rural school districts to
make possible a sounder financial
basis. Farm organizations were en
couraged to back the movement for
farm home beautification. In the same
connection the conservation of nat
ural beauty spots was emphatically
urged upon local community agen
cies. State planning commissions were
suggested by the Urban Rural Rela
tions Section, led by Nat T. Frame,
director of extension, West Virginia
University. These commissions would
have as their task the formulation
and execution of a long-time plan to
co-ordinate the interests of rural and
urgan life.
"This conference," concluded A.
R. Mann, Dean of Cornell University,
in summarizing the meetings, "has
again focused attention on the need
for a clearly formulated and ade
quate country life program.
"To a greater extent than ever
beore, this conference has enabled
the home maker and the farmer to
join with vthe profesional servants
of country people in talking things
Time certificates of deposit, $93,
694,139.52. Savings deposits, $1., 710. 913. 11.
Certified and cashiers checks. $1,
766,693.08. Due to banks, $4,215,825.27;
Notes and bills rediscounted,, $1.-065.649.19.
Bills payable, $2,179,217.87.
Depositors' guarantee fund, $106,
253.22. Total. $248,535,959.87.
Omaha Bee-News.
with the resources of the bank and
its affiliations and that Mr. Mott and
the board of directors had guaranteed
the amount taken. The Union Indus
trial bank is part of the Guardian De
troit Union group, Inc., with capital
of $75,000,000 and total recources of
over $500,000,000. Names of accused
employes were not disclosed.
tion in Indianapolis in September
were given by Mrs. A. B. Covey, Lin
coln; Mrs. A. W. Bearss. York; Mrs.
Charles Davis. Crete, and Mrs. Virgie
Avery, Humboldt.
Anna Marden Deyo, of Evanston,
national corresponding secretary,
who gave the main address Wednes
day evening on "A Thing of Brass,"
was presented by Mrs. E. M. Ken
dall, with a bouquet from the Jeffer
son W. C. T. U. Omaha Bee-News.
Rich, virgin land offering real oppor
tunity to secure a grain. diversified or
mail tock ranch at low price. Clean,
strong lamia that will produce profitable
crops of wheat, flax. corn. oats, barley,
alfulfa, sweet clover, potatoes and vege
tables. Well adapted to raising cattle,
he its. sheep, horses and poultry. Located
In north central portion ot state; served
by the main line as well as Faith and
Isabel extensions or The Milwaukee Road.
They are In a proven country with
schools, churches, good roads and mar
kets. Experiences of successful farmers
In this territory are a certain guide to
euccess for the new settler. The Milwau
kee Road desires to help you find a farm
or ranch meeting your requirements at
price and terms you can meet without
worry- W"e recommend only localities of
proven merit. We have no land to sell
but can put you In contact with thoroughly
reliable real estate men and land owner,
rricts ranire from $5.00 to $25.00 per
cr f"" unimproved, iind from SI 5.00
to $40.00 per acre for Improved lands.
Write for illustrated book. Tell us what
vou want. Ask questions they will be
Carefully and accurately answered. "Young
Man Oo West" Is as good advice today
as when riven. HomeseekerV excursion
r w. ReyncWs. Commissioner.
The Milwaukee Road. 8:J-2C Union Sta
tics, CtUcago.
Hastings, Oct. - 31. Nebraska's
third regional clearing house asso
ciation formed Wednesday night at a
meeting here of 30 bankers repres
enting 48 banks in Adams, Franklin,
Kearney and Webster counties.
J. W. Ouderkirk, Kenesaw, became
I temporary chairman, and Vern Mana-
han, Hastings, secretary. Those with
J. W. Auld of Red Cloud. Ernest Ar
nold jr., of Upland and J. R. Hoban
of Heartwell will complete arrange
ments for a permanent organization.
A second meeting will be held here
Phil Hall, Jr.. of Greenwood, pres
ident of the Nebraska Bankers' asso
ciation, and J. M. Sorenson of re-
Omaha Dwight E. Porter, princi
pal of Omaha Technical high school,
and R. T. Fosnot, superintendent of
schools at Schuyler, have been nom
inated for the presidency of district
No. 2 of the Nebraska State Teach
ers' association which convened In
annual session here Thursday. Other
nominations are: Vice president,
Paul Seidel, superintendent of Wa
hoo schools; secretary-treasurer. Paul
Reid, superintendent at Syracuse;
Ira Jones, athletic director of Omaha
schools, and J. D. Marcell, superin
tendent at Union.
I will move to town and am offer
ing the following household furni
ture for sale: bed stead and springs,
dresser, comode, 6 dining room
chairs, wardrobe, 2 rocking chairs,
music cabinet, Atwater-Kent radio,
kitchen cabinet, base burner, Copper
Clad range nearly new, oil cook
stove, 24-foot extension ladder, porch
swing, lawn mower,. ' First house
north of Eight Mile Grove church.
n42tw Id.
Chicago, Oct. 31. Carter de Hav
en, musical comedy star, and Miss
Evelyn Burd of Louisville, Ky., an
mont. presented the regional clear- actress who gave her age as 23, will
ing house rplan and explained how " marriea nere Friday.
previously organized units are func
tioning. . Read the Journal Want-Adi.
Washington. Oct.. 31. The State
department has agreed to open con
versations with Panama, leading: to
a new canal relations treaty to re
place that of 1930, under which the
Panama canal zone was ceded to the
United States.
As an example of " extension of
service and advertising going hand
in hand, Mr. Gibbs cited the case of
the gas industry. "The gas utilities,"
he said, "are engaged in a tremen
dous commercial development, are ex
panding industrial applications and
increasing the volume of business in
those fields at a tremendous rate,
and all of it is based on remarkably
effective advertising campaigns. You
will see before many months new
applications for gas heating which
will startle the world and revolu
tionize some of the most important
branches of industry."
"Rates will continue to go lower,"
he said, "because the public utilities
realize that they are dealing in a
vital service which must be furnished
at steadily lowering rates in keep
insr with increased efficiency in
machinery and operating methods.
"The utilities, in facing this situa
tion, must rely upon advertising to
tell their story, to explain their mo
tives, and the results they are ob
taining." Concluding, Mr. Gibbs said: "The
upward trend of advertising should
be taken for granted. Advancement
and refinement characterize all prog
ress, and advertising must be their
complete reflection."
McCook Hallie Burplow, recently
convicted at Phoenix, Ariz., of burg
lary,, will be returned to McCook to
face charges of looting the Temple
tneater sare arter his term expires
in Arizona, Sheriff McClain said
Burplow and a' companion wore
captured by Sheriff 'McClain Ave
years ago after they were alleged
to have robbed the theater safe. The
money was recovered. Later the pair
escaped from the old Red Willow
county jail and have been at large
until Burplow's recent arrest at
Chicago, Oct. 31. John Gulliken,
treasurer, told the American Feder
ation of Lutheran Brotherhoods in
biennial convention Wednesday,
that "more whoopee" is needed in
the church.
v'The average church," he
said, "needs pep and a certain
"amount of restrained whoopee,
under proper supervision, to
make it attractive to young
Program, plate and box supper
given at District 29, Friday Nov. 8th.
Ladies please bring boxes.
n4-2tw 3eod. Teacher.
In a recent interview with the
New York Times, Alfred E. Smith
shows the difference between admin
istration of business affairs and gov
ernment affairs: "It's much easier to
run any organization by common
sense than it is by law," says Mr.
Smith. "The head of a business makes
up his mind to do something. He
saya, Go ahead and shoot,' and the
thing is done. But it's a very dif
ferent thing in public office.
"A certain friend of mine, employ
ed by a big corporation, came up to
Albany while I was governor and put
up an entire building while the state
was digging foundations for one that
was absolutely needed to 'carry on
the state's business. Why was that?
Because every time he wanted to do
something he did not have to send
over to the attorney general's office
to find out whether he had a legal
right to do it. In business everyone
is working for the benefit of ihe con
cern; there are no legislators of a,
different party who selfishly retard
measures for improvement In order
to advance their own ends."
So long as public officials seek;
votes and are responsible to no one,
we shall have waste and inefficiency
when government goes into business.
Progress is the result of individual
genius and responsibility. America
has grown with a maximum of busi
ness freedom and a minimum of government.
New York. Oct. 31. Baron Fried-
rich Karl Koenig, German aviator.
who sailed Thursday, is on the last
New York, Oct. 31. Mrs. Rita
Abell filed application Thursday be
fore Justice Burt J. TTn mnhrpv for
Used John Deere corn sheller in
good condition.Plattsmouth Motor
Co. o21-5tw
CI ivaclr m 1 1 wm i s 1 l
Straved. one. RnnttpH rn,i. I;.: -mmm. ana Ti,uuu in
,eg of his .round-the-world "flight" male ho. weirtt about m in 1J?1 waS
in a 20-horsepower plane. He leu Call 4603 - "f, V DW sult Ior 8epa"
Rerlin a vear aeo. sn9.,, ttoct, nuw uauae ti. ADeil. lie
' w i w w vv aixjiluijil i ni r i in f .
He left Call 4603.
Read the Journal Want-Ads.
Read the Journal Want Ads.
doesn't remember marrying her.
Read the Journal Want-Ads.