The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1929, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1929.
Cl! atrara dm? fesLf3
7 ' i
pupa gftj
lis nvFK'.
1 1
Sunday Matinee at 2:30
Special Added
RINLO, the Wonder Dog of the
Mc vies in person. See Rinla
act on the stage. Directed from
in front of stage. 10 and 25c.
Chailes (Buddy) Eogers and
Mary Brian in
Regular Prices Afternoon and Night
Weeping Water
Commercial Club
Red Cross to
Has Large Meeting a W1 , Membership
' I or i -i I
pm;M Anint frt T.nnV After ou acres new improvements, good
Vorinn, TW,rtet nf land 12 acres alfalfa, running wat- Campaign to Recruit Members for the
the Organization. ei b1" ruau, o units west oi various cnapters win start
" Plattsmouth. November 11th
On Friday the Weeping Water njin I
Commercial club, responding to the ai;ic&, spienaia improvements. The American Red Cross, which
call of the President J. J. Meier, met JU acres prairie hay. All land has has well been termed America's ans
at the Rest Haven Hotel dining rooms been seeded down to sweet clover and Wer to humanity's challenge, is soon
ZtrUlJtn"Z toothy and clover, and now produc- S"Iv?"hVhth,! l, "b?l
took with much pleasure. Following Jff good crops. Good small orchard, tire day to Thanksgiving and in
wnicn me people oi tlie nation, state,
county and city, will be given the
dent, who stated in a very business- UnmliacAr opportunity or entering the ranks of
like way the needs of the city, and
stated what might be done to make Other Rarcraine In Psiec
agger I
County Farms See
ii pollock
'Lawless Legion'
Gives 'Ken' His
Greatest Role
Star Leads 10.000 Head of Cattle Over
Lawless Plains in Thrilling
Outdoor Adventure.
The picture at the Parmele the
atre Friday and Saturday has been
without a doubt designe dand con
structed for audience purposes only.
It does not contain any especial moral
lesson nor does it portray a phase of
history but for real pulse throbbing
thrills and action it beats anything
this reviewer has ever seen.
All of this refers to "The Lawless
Legion" in which Ken Maynard and
his horse Tarzan are the principal
factors. This western star seems to
have won a wide range of fans for
there was not only a huge crowd but
were of all ages, young, near young,
and those not so young, and all are
enthusiastic in claims. Some even
applaud when some spectacular bit of
daredevil work was enacted. There
is no question this boy can ride.
"The Lawless Legion" is presented
in such a novel manner that one
doesn't stop to think about it except
to wonder how Ken can do the things
he does and still live to draw his pay
check. The story tells of a community, be
cause of drought find it necessary to
find better grazing lands for their
cattle. The only thing that stands
in the way is a band of organized
and notorious cattle thieves who
have been operating through a par
ticular stretch of land thru which
the cattle must pass. The commu
nity in a mass meeting decide to
trust their pooled herds with a man
then resting in jail because of dis
turbing the peace.
The cattle are pooled and (there
must be all of ten thousand) en
trusted to the young man (Ken) and
in turn he is tricked out of the en
tire herd. Of course he loses his popu
larity almost immediately, but he sets
out to get them back again he does
too. but herein lies the story.
In the bandits' rendezvous he and
Tarzan give the audience some real
wild west riding. There are two par
ticularly fine pieces of stunt work in
addition to the fine cattle scenes and
that is Ken when he is tied to a wild
horse with his head dangling about
the horse's heels. The other is a close
viek of Ken driving a pair of fast
running horses while standing on an
iron rfod connecting two wheels.
Others in the cast of 'The Lawless
Legion" give adequate performances
They include Nora Lane. Paul Hurst,
J. P. McGowan, Frank Rice and How
ard Truesdell. Howard Brown as the
director has woven a fast interesting
story in one of the pictures of its
y Thomas Walling Company y
x. v
Abstracts of Title
ifl Phone 324 - Plattsmouth if.
ml. T-..T..T..T..t..t..T..T..T..t..t......t.
I" 1 i 1 i 1 i A . .
From Wednesday's Dally
The students of the Plattsmouth
city schools are to enjoy a vacation
on Thursday and Friday of this week
as the teaching force of the schools
will be Lusy in attendance at the
district meetings cf the Nebraska
Teachers association. The large
part of the Plattsmouth teachers
will attend the meeting of district
No. 2 at Omaha, where a number of
the local teachers are having a part
in the programs of the meetings. The
schools will close for the week this
afternoon and giving the students a
four day rest period while the peda
gogues are attending school at the
During the severe rain Tuesday
afternoon shortly before 3 o'clock,
lightning struck at the residence of
C. O. Carlberg in the south part of
the city and did considerable dam
age. The lightning or the vibration
of the thunder caused the breaking
of a window in the home and from
near which Mrs. Carlberg had mov
ed just a few moments before the
bolt struck. A mirror in the house
was also broken by the lightning
bolt and the family very badly
frightened by their experience with
the force of nature's electrical power.
Sunday school 10 al m., followed
by sermon.
Ladies' Aid meet in the C. C. base
ment Nov. 7th at 2:30 p. m. Mrs.
Emma Long and Mrs. Paul Long, hos
tesses. Mrs. Ed Spangler and Mrs.
Myron Wiles leaders.
Subject-'Recreation in the Home."
Sunday evening the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Blunt was gladdened
by the arrival of a fine eight pound
son who comes to join the family
circle. The mother and little one
are doing very nicely.
The Acts!
A Crook Comedy
Presentation ;
By Our 5-Plece
House Opens 7:30
Curtain 8:15
All N. Y. Productions!
With Special Scenery
sf as
Junior Class
to Present Play
at Hkh School p"
ST yean
f there was no stint of t
millions were recruit
I and wisely expended b
this great service organization.
The only source of income that
the Red Cross has in the peace time
activities is that which comes from
its membership drives and special
calls that some overpowering disaster
makes necessary, but the immediate
relief and the prompt rush of sup
plies to the scenes of disaster comes
from the funds that are accumulated
in the membership campaigns such
as is now coming on.
In the days of wartime activity
the giving and
ited cheerfully
Iy expended by this greatest
of service organizations in every
part of the war work in hospitals,
treatment, service to the soldiers
and sailors and providing many com
forts to them.
In the Plattsmouth chapter there
are a pitifully few that belong in
a community of this size, and the
y relief cases that they have
able to handle in the past ten
ears and which include several
heavy contributions to national dis
aster fnnr? n wtll In tno T .011 ic-
".Little Women" will be the Title of ville flood relief, has been Dossible
the Plav Given bv theTal- through the fact that the close of
ened XOUng People. siderahl funds on hnn.l thnt havp
made possible to feed a great many.
care for children that were needy and
the business interests better, as well
as the social and other interests, such
as schools, and churches. Rev. Ralph
Pickham, new minister of the Con
gregational church, was present and
was asked to give his impression o
the city. He said in substance, that
he was greatly pleased as well as his
good wife, that their lot had fallen
in Weeping Water, where already
they had formed many strong friend
ships, that they were liking the town
and the work, and also stated that he
and wife were anxious to do all they
could for the best interests of the
The matter of straightening out of
the highway passing through Weep
ing Water was discussed, and the cor
ner in the north portion of the town
just at the end of the pavement lead
ing north was discussed, and the mat
ter of making the corner wider at
the homes of J. D. Ambler and Carl
Day, which would do away with what
is now a dangerous corner. Other
matters were taken up and the fol
lowing committees were appointed:
Agricultural Dr. W. H. Tuck, D
D. Wainscot and Carl Day.
Roads G. R. Binger. J. M. Tee- From Monday's Dally
garden and Dr. M. U. Thomas. The Junior class of Plattsmouth J other relief work that required im-
Membersnip u. umson, nev. high school will nresent "Little Worn- mediate attention and no delav to
Geo. Morey and L. P. Wolcott. en," a four act drama as their annual red tape or the slow process of other
Band and entertainment w. L.. class production at the High school relief would have allowed.
Hobson, O. C. Hinds and Henry Croz- auditorium on the evening of Novem- In the membership drive a small
ier. ber 19th. The play is written bv part of the membership fee is return-
Industrial and Public Affirs C. E. Marian De Forest and is made up ed to the Pst receiving the member-
Tent, H. S. Meyer, John Crozler, D. of three indoor and one outdoor acts 6IliP aml everyone mat is enrolled
D. Wainscott. with a cast of seven eirls and five Wl11 mean a little more opportunity
Publicity Committee Charles boys. The production will be direct- for the local chapter to lend aid to
Seelev. Rev. Ralph Pickham. H. E. ed bv Miss Marv Jane Tidball of worthy cases that otherwise they
TtrnnVinn nnil C(nre'l Snnhn. tho FTnP-liQh rlcnnrlmpnt whn Tiaa VOUlU nOl Ue aDie tO tlO.
Canvassing and Soliciting S. P. been so highly successful in present- t ,IUVas inai fre , nana W1U
rnv Prnnlr Dnmine-n. and Chris Ras- ine- nlavs fnr Plfiftomnnth THo-h "ul 1J&L "wdyd aim manes nei.fst.Jiy
some steps to maintain this fund
lllUOOU. 1.1 1 I 1 . I
Civic Improvements-Dr. F. W. Trycuts were held on Tuesday ' ' " i ki
" T T TTTa Hf Bn "I 11t-5 I lrAnf Atln r T rt flf will Vkni-viH 2 w I " &
iuia. jj. x . rnwituu, ana. . uiwiia. i jwici uaj . i i ai 1 i.c r 111 urgm 1111-1 The 'u-nrlf nf tVio Porl frnaa ia nnf
The committee on membership, and mediately. In former years, the Jun- fllIT nntii Bm,,p rrpnt
a 1 1 1 .1 i ii I : 1 i 1 v. 1 1 ei ti v.n 1 4 - x - - . - . . ... w
10 wnicn nas oeen auueu au me meui- i uu viy nas uttn uciu uner uie I1UU" calamity that brines want desMtu-
Ders or me ciuo, snail De 10 increase i uajs. , dui uue iu me icil-i inai so 1 jon and drivin" thousands from
the membership to one hundred be- many activities must be crowded in- their homes occurs and then this or-
fore the close of the winter, and also I to the second semester, it was thought ganization is first on the job, its serv-
to urge all who are interested In a advisable to noiu tnis event prior to ices being called upon by the presi-
Better Weeping Water to become the holidays. dent of the United States, governors
members and go to work for the best The cast is as follows: of states and mayors of the cities
interests of every feature of the city Joe Hazel Harkins that may have suffered from some
which will help to make the town a Amy Maxine Cloidt direful visitation, and there is always
better place for business, a better Meg vestetta Robertson a ready response and supplies and
place to live, and a better place to uetn Josephine Janda needed aid is always hurried to the
educate their children, to encourace Mrs. Aiarcn Constance Ilea scene by the ited cross.
all laudable enterprises, and to fos- Aunt March Jean Hayes At the time of the Louisville flood
v,a onH fraternal an. Hannah cariyne i nomas me lieu cross was active in our
Cieties. Laurie James negiey own county aim in ine luruauu uiiu
Fred H Gorder county commis- Mr- Laurence Robert Bestor cycione swept areas oi me state me
'. . . . . .It-vti Tm,-r. n-. t it.iniyotnn nr?.n n i7n I inn hps hppn found ffivine
Tiro a T" T-l CI O TIM I '1 1 T1 Pfl 1 A- VJ. ' V 1 Ji K.OLV11 I o - w
that the work on the new strip of Mr. March-. Richard Spangler active servi e wnen neeaea
rw, frm Wcritr w.ior tn. fhpli'roi. unaer raui lverson U"1'XI "v"- -
RpH Rail riichwav. four miles north
had about been comnleted and is now -BUA bUHAl. I'Uoll'UHJD
ready for the gravel. The meeting
in a manner partook of a fiftieth year from Wednesdays Daily
Koichratinn nf th pvpnt nf Thomas me oox social ana entertain-
- - - i
At the New and Enlarged Black
and White Grocery
Our ability to serve you efficiently and economically
has been greatly increased thru merger with the
H. M. Soennichsen Grocery, retention of the pow
erful I. G. A. buying connections and consolidation
of all our efforts in one channel to the end that we
may bring to our door hundreds of new customers.
Last Saturday's sales the second week-end in our
enlarged store zoomed to new heights, proving
that people are very much alert to saving money.
CSSe Sg Lwear2 I
The coffee market is lower this week and our prices on all
brands have been dropped from 1 to 3 cents per pound. One
thing you can depend on at Black and White and that's just
this: Whenever the market quotations on any commodity are
lowered, we fall right in line by reducing our selling price,
legardless of the size of our stocks on hand. Our regular low
coffee prices have saved you money now you can buy still
lower. Note the quotations and compare with other stores!
I BLEND, per Lb. G BLEND, per Lb. A BLEND, per Lb.
460 400 350
Black and White Coffee, now, lb 430
Folgar's Coffee, per lb 490
9 O'Clock Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1
SUGAR 10-lb. sacks fine granu
lated beet sugar Fri., Sat., for. . . .
Libby's med.
size, 3 cans for
TEN bars Friday
m P and G SOAP
or Saturday for.
BUTTER Dairy Maid, in 4-b.
wrappings. Special, per lb
29c j
45c g
PHME&Y IM otoe brand' lar&e No- 21z 0Zr
F UlTll llLi size cans, TWO for JC
1 COTTAGE CHEESE Sr?te 15c 1
Fresh Country Selects.N Cold weather A A
bringing higher prices. Fri., Sat., doz..
PICNIC HAMS Shankless.
Celophane wrapped. 6-lb. av.
membership is one of the greatest
aids to humanity that is possible to
give, so when the call conies to join,
make this a matter for your con
sideration and if you are not reached
i . . . xill ' c .iv ii ii m linn j n. v ' '
Rdisnn inventing the electric lieht. was 10 iiavu uwn "tm f,, i,,nr tho mflmhopln
---- - . ri.H, , . Ti 1 V. .,,. !- J' ....w ..v. ...v...
and applying electricity to the work ttl 11 diuu. ..wunc fee an(1 ,(e a sodier Jn the cause of
of the world. V. T. Betts and Dale r-,rui"?. vvy ."""' humanity.
Pillinger of the Nebraska Lighting
Fresh from the
baker. 2 lbs. for
Good standard pack.
3 med. size cans
's. None
2 cans
25c I
company were present and a very
brief and authentic history of that
great and eminent American, Thomas
Edison, was eriven. The Nebraska
Lighting company provided the decor
ations and lighting for the room for
the meeting.
One of the objects of the club is to
some date next week which will he
announced by Miss Marjorie Joyce,
the teacher.
From Monday's Datiy
Mrs. R. W. Cavender. who suffered
a very severe rail tne past weeK at
her home in the Wetenkamp build-
From "Wednesday's Dally
The bazaar which has been given
by the ladies of the St. John's Cath
olic church for the past two days
at the American Legion community
building, has proven one of the most
Sunflower brand. Per lb
MU..-1-J fJ3.M.S.U
10c i
have a better band in the future than ig fitil, conflned to her bed as successful that the ladies have given
the city has had in the past, if such the regult of the brUises that she has and despite the unfavorable weather
ining is possmie, ior me uanus. H wtlih lnVfa hr condi- ennditions
wnicn nave Deen a pan ana parcel t!mi t r,ainfi
01 me civic enieriainmeni nave ueeii
The rain that has fallen 'since
Monday has had the effect of check
ing a large part of the community
activities, the road construction pro
gram being held up for the past three
days and with little prospect of
much improvement for the rest of
the week and the bad weather has
also held back the work on the new
Missouri river bridge. Many of the
farmers were preparing to start the
corn shucking season but the rain
has made it impossible to get in the
fields. The soft roads have also
caused much annoyance to the travel-
ng public and local people who have
found that it is far from a pleasant
task to try and get out on the high
ways in this kind of weather. Not
the least the weather man has put
the "kibosh" on many of the box
socials and entertainments that were
arranged in the rural schools of the
county and disappointing the teach
ers and puptls. as well as the patrons
of the school. But all will be well
bye and bye as the sun cannot always
remain behind or the rain make
travel impossible.
The box social that was to have
been held at the school house In dis
trict No. 42. of which Miss Eliza
beth Nolting is teacher, on Friday
evening, has been postponed. The
announcement of the date for the
social will be given later.
The Journal appreciates your in
terest in phoning us the news. Call
No. 6 any tune.
Again Stocks Plunge
What Are Your
Shares Worth
Farm lortaes
.1 1 AA
are worm iuu
cents on the Dollar
Every Day.
$100 and $500
learl S. Pauls
Farm Loans and Lands
that has prevailed, the
attendance and the success of the
event was far greater than that of
last year.
The opening feature was the sup
per on Monday evening and where
some 430 were served during the
evening with the splendid menu that
the ladies had prepared and on this
evenine as last night the needle
work, candy and Bingo booths alhdid
a fine business and the candy and
needlework were all disposed of as
well as the booth where home made
bakins: was offered for sale.
Last evening the ladies were dis
appointed in the fact that the Herb
Smith orchestra of Lincoln which was
to have played for the dance was un
able to reach here on account or roaa
conditions and the ladies made a very
pleasing substitution in the Knites
of Melody of which Charles jvowaceK
is the director. Despite the rain and
uncomfortable weather condition a
verv lanre number attended the
dance and had a most enjoyable time.
The prize waltz was won by Ches
ter Lund and Miss Helen Byers for
their skillful presentation of this
type of dancing.
The new Scouring Powder
that cleans everything
m lwiv one and we give you one both for 1 vC
good. Mild sugar cure. Per lb.
Baking Powder Specials
Calumet Baking Powder, , 1 -lb. tin 29c
Large 5-lb. tins genuine Calumet for 99c
5-lb. tins K-C Baking Powder for. 69c
Condensed Mince Meat
Helmet brand, extra special, each 10c
Libby's or I. G. A. brand, none finer, each 15c
From Wednesday's Dally
Desnite the inclement weather
yesterday, the rehearsal of The
Messiah was well attended last eve
ning. This is a fair indication of
the appreciation of the members of
the Choral Union of the opportunity
to take part in the presentation of
the "Sweetest Story Ever Told.
On account of the impassable con
dition of the roads Prof. Logan could
not attend, but Miss Lindsay, Di
rector of Music of Plattsmouth City
Schools filled his place admirably.
We hope by united, earnest endeavor
to put vPlattsmouth near the head
of the class in the finale.
Fruits and Vegetables!
HEAD LETTUCES Crisp and tender, 2 for. .. 15c
GRAPES Fancy Tokay, 3 lbs. for 25c
SOUP BUNCHES Large size, each 5c
gj SWEET POTATOES Nice size, 5 lbs 25c
ULKMU1JA Hach 5c S
RED ONIONS Nice size, 10 lbs. for 35c
CELERY Fancy California, per stock 15c 5
GRAPE FRUIT Med. size, 5c; large, 2 for. .25c f
JONATHAN APPLES Fancy, per bu $2.49 S
I Black Wlh)14e I
Where You Wait on Yourself
Telephone No. 42