The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 10, 1929, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THUB6DAY, OCT. 10, 1939.
Mrs. Mary McCormick of Gordon
is visiting her cousin Mrs. Oldhom.
Mrs. Frank Slagle of Rock Bluffs
has been feeling quite poorly for the
past week.
Geo. Hobrhelbt who i3 in the hos
j.ita! at Omaha :s reported as get
tins along very well.
Geo. Thompson Is also in the hos
pital for throat trouble but it is
hop-d he will soon be able to be
lioni'. .
Ekion Hill who was very sick for
:i number of clays last week is re
ported as being much improved at
Mr.' arid Mrs. Will Williver and
Grant Mann of Moorebear. Ia.. were ing at D. A. Young's a few days
this week.
Lee Niekles of Piattsmouth was
a visitor looking after business ana
also visiting with his friends on
Monday of this week.
Y m,ur Hewitt and the family
Acre over to Piattsmouth for the
,!- nr. l-i"t Sunday whore they were
Tsitin.c with friends for the after-
itoon. . .
Luuis J. Hallas was a visitor with
t'ie family at Plait-mouth for the
(I. iv last Sunday and was a visitor
with the folks as well as other
ft it .ids.
Guv Wiles was in, and secured
lumber for the erection of a crib for
tLe good corn crop which he has
be:i growing on the farm the past
The cemetery board with the help
f the men of Lewi.-ton cleaned up
r. new fence at the cemetery which
adds much to the improvement of
the grounds.
John Gilmore was a visitor for the
dav on last Sunday at Union a guest
(pf his uncle and aunt Ray Frans
and wife and also was dinning at the
Union Business Men's club.
Roy Gerking was hulling his clo
ver during the morning of Tuesday
and was well satisfied with the re
sults as he is getting seed hay am?
the benefit to the land at the same
W. G. Boedeker of the Murray
Stale bank was a visitor in Lincoln
for the day last Monday driving over
in his auto, being called there to
look after some business matters for
the day.
E. K. Tutt and wife were visiting
in Union on last Sunday, and seeing
the excellent display of apples at
the sales rooms of W. B. Banning
bought a quantity home for their
home use.
Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Smith and
Miss Beatrice P.awls were over to
1 lattsmouth last Sunday v. here they
were guests for the day and dinner
at the home or Attorney and Mrs.
C. A.
Mrs. Roy Howard, is staying in
Piattsmouth for a short time and is
caring for Grant Wet 'Tramp, while
Mrs. Wefencamp is away for a visit.
Tbfo Rives Roy so'yi practice in ac
tual housekeeping.
Albert Wolfe of Neliawka was
locking after the businers at the
Iirendel Barber shop during the ab
sence of T. J. Breiidel who was called
at Auburn to look after some busi
ness matters on last Monday.
L. O. Livingston was in a. id haul
ed out a load of lumber from the
Nickies lumber yard, for the erection
f a crib on the Dovey section which
v as recently purchased by Mr. Ri
sing of New York, a relative. .
The a v, istor. Community club
1 1 lei t!u ir stockholders meeting last
v. i-e.K. i hey electee. Joe o.mpheii
director for 3 yMrs and voted to
hold a dinrr ami supper at the
building Oc. !D the price is 3 5c a
Gecrgo ;. Xicklfs the lumber
!."' ler received a car of lumber this
veel: shipped from Washington and
in which was on order for 10,000
sh'iigh's but which h was only able
to get HO. 000 and by th time they
arrived all but five thousand were
Robert Fhrader who was so s
vTdy injured on the road machine
sv-ral weks since is slowing: im
proving and while he is able to be
about it is with a jrreat deal of dif
ficulty and pain. Ho is hoping soon
to b able to return to his work
Karl Jenkins, Jolin Jenkins and
wife Mrs. Jennie Jenkins drove
from Chicago to Murray on last Sun
day a distance of nearly six hundred
mibs making the trip in fourteen
hours which wa. a very fair day.-;'
riving with a motor (tar. They will
visit here for a short time.
George Hobr.cheibt who is in the
hospital at Omaha is reported as
getting along as well as could be
looked for but his condition is far
from what is desired by. the family,
himself anil doctor. 1 1 is many
friends are hoping that he may .soon
be able to return to his home.
Mrs. Given Kink-ad and Miss
Elsie Kinkead of Bodina. Mo., are
visiting with Karl Lancaster and
family they being neighbors at the
old home in Missouri, and was vis
iting here. They left after two days
visit for points in Iowa where thev
will -visit with relatives for a time
before returning to their home.
Charles Howard of Murray, Mis
Marjcrie Jcice of Weeping Water and
Frederick Gorder of Piattsmouth
were over to Lincoln where they pro
vided music at the old fashioned
dance which was given there by the
Harry Franzmeier Dancing academy
on last Saturday night at which time
there were just 365 dancers In at
W. J. Philpot received a shipment
of three cars of excellent white face
cattle from the west which he is
placing on his farm for feeding, and
has made a good selection as the
animals are in good condition now
in and ready to go right forward
The Murray transfer company de
livered the stock from the station to
the farm.
The Sunday Night Services.
The Rev. Robert E. Hanson, pas
tor of the Murray Christian church
is meeting with good success in his
work as pastor here. He has most
interesting services and every time
something new for the congrega
tion and for the people to think of
at the service on last Sunday eve
ning there was a large and greatly
interested congregation and a very
fine service. Rev. Hanson gave a
fine discourse and was assisted by the
Cotner College Girls Octette, the
program being as follows: Prelude.
Irene Epler; Song. Congregation; In
vocation, Pastor; "Salutation', Oc
tette; Scritpure & Prayer; "Twi
light and Down" duet. Virginia Ball,
Grace Eleta Lowe; "I Waited for
The Lord" Octette; Offeratory, Irene
Epler; "On Calvary" solo, Helen
Louise Arnold; The Silent Sea. Oc
tette; Sermon, "What Does Jesus Ex.
pect" Pastor; "The Holy Hour" In
vitation, Octette; Benediction.
The Sunday Ball Game.
The ball game which was staged
on Sunday at the park between the
Broken Down Giants, a colored team
from Omaha and a fine lot of lads at
that, and the Murray team was
largely rttended and a very fine pre
sentation of the national game was
;iveu. The base ball game surely
had no kick coming as to a good
clean game, notwithstanding the
visitors won over the local lads at
a tune of seven to four in the score.
Safety First The Idea.
Since the losing cf a barrel of
roofing paint, the Nickles lumber
yard is playing safe on the proposi
tion by the locking of the focet and
large bung of the paint barrel, so
that no one can get to the paint
only by breaking the lock. They are
hoping that they may not suffer the
loss which they did before.
Will Build Platform.
G. M. Minford the veteran cat
tle feeder and who has made a fu
cess of the vocation is at this time
building a concrete platform where
he will feed his cattle, thus doing
away with the wading in the mud
in wet time and pulling off as much
flesh as the feed is putting on.
were rresent for the occasion the
following who enjoyed and help make
the party a success: Helen and Mal
vern Read, Henry Rice, Mr. and Mrs.
Vearl Smith, Curtis and Lear a Faris,
Bessie Royer, Mrs. Dr. Brendel and
Richard, Chesier and Verdon Keil,
Bertha and Florence Lancaster,
Nora Haschar, Isabel, Helen and
James Dew, Katheicne Monabevis,
and Douglas Tllson, Carl Park,
Charles Sporer, Lorene Hatchett,
Margaret Moore, R. A. Hallie Noell,
Eugene Gruber, and pastor, Robert
E. Hanson.
Stoves for Sale
We have a good wood heater, al
so a good oil stove, for sale cheap.
Phone 1502, Murray.'
Services at Christian Church.
There will be no service at the
Christian church other than the
Bible school and the Young People's
meeting the coming Lord's Day, but
on Sunday, October 20th there will
he services again both morning and
evening which time an invitation is
extended to all not worshiping else
where to come join in the services.
Paving Reaches Murray.
The paving which several weeks
since began at the intersection east
of Union has been completed as far
ss Murray, and will as soon as it
seasoned, he ready for travel as a
greater portion of it is at the pres
ent time. The workmen completed
the work of constructing the con
crete slab to the corner east of Mur
ray on Monday evening. They also
have laid the forms two nii:es north
of the corner and have began the
working of paving from there south
to meet the work done from the
outh. This two miles they are ex
pecting to have completed in a short
time after which they will work out
rf Mynard and take up the work at
the Perry-Wiles corner and go north
and will work from there to Piatts
mouth. They are hoping to get the
pavement all laid to Piattsmouth by
the time the cold weather comes.
Murray Ladies Aid.
The ladies west of Murray met
Oct. 1 at Mrs. J. A. Davis and or
ganized a project club. The follov.--
"g officers were elected: Mrs. Guy
Wiles, president; Mrs. Clifton Mei
singer, secreiary-treasursr, Mrs.
Wiles and Mrs. Melbern, project
eaders. A new name was selected
"Home Circle" Work was discussed
for the new club year. Refreshments
were served and the next meeting
place will be at Mrs. Fred Meisinger.
Club Reporter,
Venule Fallen
The untiring efforts of the club
leader. Allen Vernon, the close co
operation of the foster parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Good and the faith
ful and determined spirit of the
club boy won for Vernile Pullen the
first place in 4-H and 2nd place in
open class with his Spotted Polaud
gilt at the county fair.
Vernile'8 pig seemed to develop
just right under the careful man
agement of its owner.
This 4-H club is sponsored by the
Social Circle Project club and has
1" members. The club was fortun
ate in having Allen Vernon 33 their
leader, but success depends upon in
dividual efforts. While there was
many good pigs in the club and
would of r.o doubt have made a good
showing. Vernile did the act nec
essary that was showing his pig at
the fair that brought "home the
bacon" and he had close competition
for there were a number of strong
clubs showing.
Lewiston feels very' proud that one
of their members was successful and
wishes Vernile future success in his
Lester Dill Home.
Lester Dill who was taken so sud
denly with a severe pain in his
head which circled the entire head
and which required that he be taken
to the hospital where he received
treatment for some ten days was
able to return home early this week
and is feeling very well at this time.
The malady was inexplanable by the
physicians at the hospital, but are
hoping that a recurrance of the
malady may not come.
Young Folks Enjoy Meeting.
There was a gathering of the
young folks of the vicinity of Mur
ray on last Saturday vening
at the Christian church, at which
time a large number of the young
people gathered for a social time.
There were games and refreshments
which, was enjoyed to the full by
all the young folks present. There
Bank of Service
The IloniQ and Community Bank
is ari instiution which is here to give service to all
its citizens. We are here to give you the utmost
in service. Do not hesitate to call on us when
ycu need advice or assistance. Our motto is
Service - Safety - Silence
Murray State Bank
'TAere is A'o Substitute for Safety"
Th' bank will r dosed Sat... Oct. 1 2th, Columbus Dav
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p.
(Yourtg people's meeting).
Wednesday evening prayer meet
Dr. Kruse was looking after some
matters in Omaha for the afternoon
on last Monday, driving over to the
big town in his car for the occasion.
Ralph Binger and sister were over
to Lincoln on last Tuesday where
Ralph was having his eyes tested by
an occulist for the fitting of proper
Miss Isabel Wiles Is having the
building on the farm north of town
painted, which is adding much to
their value. Mr. Erritt Wiles is farm
lng the place and has some good
crops on the farm this year.
W. D. Baker with the district sup
erintendent of the creamery company
for which Mr. Baker and son work,
was a visitor In Falls City, Pawnee
City, Nebraska, Hiawatha, Kansas
and Sabathea, Kansas, where they
were looking after some matters for
the company.
O. L. notfman if putting In some
very good licks at this time in the
construction of a cave at his home
in the southeastern portion of town
which will be used for a vegetable
ave. Mr. Hoffman has an abundance
ui liUii auu vegetables to store there
for his winter use.
Oswald Jahn and wife of near Elm
wood were visiting in Weeping Water
on last Tuesday, Mrs. Jahn being a
delegate to the meeting of the News
Reporters of the 4-H clubs which
were convening here, while Mr. Jahn
was looking after some business mat
ters in the city for a time.
Lee Brown is having constructed
a new barn near the home east of
town, the building being east across
the road from where the house stands,
and near where the wind during the
summer destroyed the other barn and
some of the stock of Mr. Brown. The
lumber was purchased at the Binger
Lumber Co.
George Hiteline and wife of Belle
vue where they have conducted a
ferry across the Missouri river for a
number of years, were visiting at
the home of their daughter. Mrs.
Elmer Michelson and family of Weep
ing Water Wednesday and Thursday
of this week. They were accompan
ied by their son, George Hiteline ,Jr.
Peter Miller who was making his
home in Piattsmouth where he was
with the BREX, a department of the
Burlington freight refrigerator car.
works, resigned the position and re
turned to Weeping Water. The work
which is peculiar was not in the lik
ing of Mr. Miller, he having worked
in other lines most of the time and
prefers other lines of work.
R. Bergman, owner of two grocery
stores, the one at Manley which he
conducts and the one in charge of Mr.
A. J. Patterson of Weeping Water,
was a visitor in Weeping Water on
last Tuesday and was looking after
some business matters connected with
You t're cordially invited to wor-1 the business here. Mr. Bergman is a
ship with us.
fine business man,. Mr. Bergman has
been engaged in business in Manley
for a number of years and has 'en
joyed a very fine business there.
Miss Anna Neville, recently from
A Most Unusual Offer ! Germany, and now making her home
To get a Semi-Weekly paper for at Council Bluffs. Iowa, was a visitor
lets than tho price of an ordinary for a number of days at Weeping Wa
weckly in these days cf high produc-j ter and was the guest of her brother,
tirr. costs when Om3ha papers have Otto Neville who is the accomplished
united in a subscription advance of baker for the Williams bakery. Miss
some .5 nor rent, is indeed most un- j Anna, while here but a short time
usual. Yet that is just what thejis greatly impressed with the won
Journal offers you. Campaign now derful country of America, and es
on for new subscribers, and will run ; pecially of the western portion which
to October 13tn an entire year forjsae nas just come 'to. She will visit
51-50 i2 weeks, 104 issues. Old in Weeping Wat ex. for a short time
subscribers, too. can pay for one. two j John and Walter Cole were over to
or three years in advance at this rate, Omaha on last Monday where they
but all arrearages must be paid up j secured some three new Ford cars of
n t flip rrwn or Mte Thin i c the1
greatest newspaper bargain of the
year, so don't fail to send in your
money cr hand it to the field repre
sentative. Of course, it applies only
to subscribers In the first postal
Sunday, Oct. 13th, 1929.
Lesson Text: Daniel l:S-20.
Leading thought: "Keep Fit
Feeding on the Kings' Dainties
Careful study, and painstaking in
vestigations, has demonstrated that
when it was urged that the four who i wink at the making, as well as the
had been selected of the Jews to be j bootlegger w ho vends the stuff. The
fed on the food, of the King's Tables, j babies have rights, which we, as par
which was to be in competition with 'ents, if we do not see that they are
the people of other countries, and of j given their rights, are proving our
the Chaldees themselves, that to se- , selves unfaithful to the trust of par
lect plain, common and pure foods. enthood, which the blessing of hav
and pure water which would best ing been given children, are accorded
the animals are much benefited by Promote good digestion and healthy ; us. Little Ruth Rikli of near Mur
the feeding of well balanced rations, growth, he refused to partake of the dock, won the champion prize at the
and free from disturbing elements, i miscelaneous food of the King's State Fair, because she was a healthy,
which interfere with the best diges-' Tables, well knowing that it con- normal child and adequately develop
tion. The manufacturers of stock tained articles detrimental to the wel- tcl, the health and character of the
feeds, are producing many convincing iare OI ine eier inereoi. i ne test parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rikli. were her
testimonials. Riihstantijitine- the fact showed that those who refrained from heritaee. but not this alone, she had
that it pays to have the best of food tbe wines and strong drinks were bet- received good food and care, the bless-
and well balanced, with plenty of ier wuen me uaj oi examination . ing of good air and sunshine, as well
good pure water and good sunshine to came- The comparison showed that as proper training, this has counted
secure the best growth of stock. ! the Hebrew children were ten times for her and will for all who have
The growers insist that the scrub Deuer HOin pnysicauy ana meniany j the rights which were theirs by birth.
stock shall be eliminated and when it i L"c VjUtt,uc"-
Higher American Manhood
Better automobiles and airplanes of the Central Powers, were advanc
are heintr hnilt. a hpttpr linp nf line's, ine on Paris, and with a well oriran-
business must be profitable. Little cattle and horses as well as poultry ized army, and plenty of ammunition
Frances Rehmeyer of near Weeping are heixig brought about, better as well as munitions of war, it looked
peaches, wheat, corn and potatoes, as like the city was doomed that the war
well as extending away down along was to be won by the Central powers,
the line, we are surely pleased with and with the destruction which had
the advancement of these lines. Why
not stress the American manhood, in
the line of the physique, with better
and more robust health, can we do it
comes to commercialism, the cost cuts
the figure and the results arrived at,
must show decided gains and the
Too liluch of King's Dainties.
During the World war, the armies
Water was able to win the Grand
Champion prize on her Chester
White barrow, by reason of the ex
cellent stock, good well balanced
feeding and a sanitary surrounding
and plenty of good pure water. Dirt
and filth does not necessarily pro
mote best results in growing hogs.
Neither can we expect rest results
from human beings under like circumstances.
Not the King's Dainties.
Daniel and the other three Hebrew
children refused to be poluted with
the king's dainties, for Daniel knew
that to grow good sturdy stock in the
human race as well as animals, there
must be pure food. He therefore,
been the feature of the war of inva
sion that far a black outlock was on
the horizon of the world's history.
The King's Dainties in the shape cf
by using the King's dainties, purer the wines of the French,, and which
food, better house, less of the string
ent worry, and lack of the very best
living. Better babies, as well as bet
ter chicks and pigs. The child has a
right to expect the very best in in
heritance, the child is being cheated
out of his heritage when he is not
the Central powers took, and imbibed
to their full, turned the tide of bat
tle when the soldiers became "po
luted" and before they could soher
themselves, the tide of the advance
was stayed and, the battle turned.
with Paris saved and human history
surrounded bv the best of influence, I a different thing. Verily the Lord
and that will not come from "hotch" jof Hosts turns the evil oft times into
which so many, lesser Americans , good.
enjoyable six o'clock dinner to the ! The afternoon was spent in visit- and who is enjoying a very fine busi-
team and coach, Mr. Albright. This
was in recognition of the excellent
playing which the team did in win
ning from Elmwood on the last day of
the county fair. The game was one
of "the attractions of the fair. The
score of the game was 12 to 13.
Hold News Reporter Meeting.
Mr. Eldon Lux of Lincoln and
editor in chief of the News Reporters
of the 4-H club work over the state.
was a visitor in Weeping Water and
was at a meeting of the news report
ers of the different 4-H clubs of Cass
county which were in session in
Weeping Water last Tuesday.
Having experience in writing and
the better ways of putting news in
print this meeting which was one of
instruction was of great benefit to
the different reporters of the county.
There were many people from over
the county present to receive the in
struction which has come by the
years of experience and the special
instruction which Mr. Lux has been
fortunate enough to receive.
ing. i ness, is moving during tne present
Those present were: Messers and week to the store room formerly oc
Mesdames Ed Ulrich, Jos. Bierl, Alois cupied by S. M. Ambler, which is ad
Bierl, H. A. Johnson of Omaha, Geo. mirably fitted for this line of busi
Shields of Omaha. C. L. Shields of ness. Mr. Gibson when he shall hae
Omaha, Emil Muntt of Omaha, Mrs. gotten into the new place will als-
George Wagner, Mr. George Wagner, add to his already fine line cf groc
Jr., of Omaha, Misses Anna Marie, ! eries and supplies, a market where
Helen and Dorothy Ulrich, Emily and
Regina Bierl, Thersia, Sophia, Fran
ces and Virginia Bierl, Mildred Dicll,
"Buddie" Shields, Harland and Gil
bert Johnson of Omaha, John and Jo-
sph Dietl, Jr., Carl. Albert and Ber- j
nard Ulrich, Frank Bierl and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Dietl.
the finest of meats, both fresh and
cured will be served to the clientele.
Receives Letter from Grand Master.
! A. J. Patterson. Deputy Grand Mas
ter of the I. O. O. F. of Nebraska for
the seventh district received a letter
from the Grand Master, stating that
Celebrate Birthday Anniversary
At the home of Ben Olive of Weep
ing Water on last Sunday, October
6th was celebrated the passing of the
birthday anniversary of Buceonelai
Wolph who is the father of Mrs.
Olive. Mr. Wolph has been in Cass
county for many years and has been
one who has struck many a hard
blow to redeem this fine state from
arrangements had been perfected for , the prairie and its rawness or tne
the hcldinfr of the Grand Lodge at. half century ago, and convert it into
Beatrice from October 14 to 17, and
will be held at the junior high school
I the community of happy, prosperous
I homes which this county contains.
have a stage space of fifty by eighty-
feet, and with ample dressing rooms
surrounding it, thus affording a fine
Spending Week in West. ' opportunity to put on the work in
Mrs. Fred H. Gorder departed on the very best manner. The Ninth
last Tuesday evening for Ogallala. district will put on the work of the
building at that place, where they. When he came here there were no
zone as the postage alone on those der living between Murdock and J
living further away about equals the ley Becured a town 8edan one of
regular subscription price. Offer will
positively be withdrawn October 15,
and may never be repeated
The Piattsmouth town football
team which has been practicing for
the past few weeks in the great fall
sport, are to have their first game
on next Sunday and the event will
be staged at the ball park at Mur
ray wrich the local team will use
as their Some grounds for the sea
son. The Murray park has recentlv
been fixed up nicely and the use of
the park placed at the disposal of
he local players with the small charge
of ten per cent for ground upkeep.
The attendance at the baseball
games there this season has been
much better than here and this is
one of the reason- members of the
team state that the football games
will be transferred to that place, the
lack of support for either baseball
or football here making it a losing
From Wednesday's Dally
Yesterday Joseph McMaken, III,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMaken
Jr., was operated on at the Metho
dist hospital at Omaha for the re
moval of his tonsils and adenoids
which have been giving him a great
deal of trouble. The little lad came
through the operation in fine shape
and it is expected will be back' home
by Thursday and relieved of the
trouble from which he has been suf
fering for some time.
Several good thoroughbred
and Spring Hampshire Boars,
Shropshire Bucks.
o7-8t sw Murray, Nebr.
Best quality apples for sale. Her
man ' Biekc. thret miles' north of
Union. o2-2tvr.
the Model A kind and which they
drove to Weeping Water. They were
sold during the past week, through
the office and their hustling sales
man, Homer Sylvester, they going to
Albert Sill, a four door; Edward Stan-
of the
largest cars of the Ford manufacture
and which he is thinking a wonderful
car. Homer Sylvester, Wallie John
son and John F. Carper accompanied
Messers Cole and drove the new cars
Crops Excellent in North.
Mr. J. S. Williams and daughter.
Miss Vera, who have just returned
from a trip to Bone Steel, South Da
kota, report a fine trip and a very
enjoyable time whide there. They
tell of excellent crops there and es
pecially of small grain, but a few
places the corn is some spotted.
Visits Weeping Water Sunday.
M. C. Turner and wife, and their
daughter, Mr. M. More of Lincoln,
Towl Rogers and wife of Fairbury
and Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Litton of
Weeping Water, the latter the par
ents of Mrs. G. R. Binger, were din
ner guests at the Binger home on last
Sunday. The occasion was made the
more enjoyable by the presence of
Miss LaVerna, who is making her
home in Lincoln at the present time.
Entertained the Football Team.
S. Ray Smith who is a lover of
the game of football, and also is most
loyal to his home town. Weeping Wa
ter, gave on last Tuesday evening at
his home just south of town a most
We have a good line of
fine Chester White Boars.
New Blood Lines for
eld customers and all
ready for service.
Phone 1515 Weepinz Water
where she is spending a week with
her daughters, Misses Helen and
Dorothy, who are teaching in the
schools of that place. Miss Helen has
been instructor in the schools of that
place for some six years. The young
ladies as well as the mother will be
1st degree, while Lincoln will put on
the initiatory degree and the Weep
ing Water lodge, representing the
Seventh district has been selected to
put on the work in the second degree.
Weeping Water has one of the very
best teams in the state, and you may
rejoiced to have the visit, and also look for some excellent work when
insisted on the father also coming, it comes their time to exemplify the
but the pressure of "business will not mysteries of this degree,
allow his absence from the county at All members of the I. O. O. F.. who
this time, when there is so much to possibly can, should attend the Grand
look after for the county. , Lodge at Beatrice for you will have
i a better conception of Oddfllowship
when you have witnessed the work
! which will be put on by the degree
Chicken limner."
Last week the home of Mr. and team of the Weeping Water lodge.
Mrs. Jo3. Dietl, residing 6ix miles The team of the Weeping Water lodge
automobiles, no radios, neither were
there telephones, for they ' had not
been discovered, but today we have
full enjoyments of the wonders c.
these discoveries.
An elegant dinner was served to
some thirty or more of his relatives
and friends, who were gathered to
enjoy the occasion and add their
greeting and endorsecent of the lifo
and friendship of thi3 wonderful man.
There were there to assist in the
celebration of Mr. Wolph and hia
good wife, the host and hostess, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Olive, Taul Wolph and
wife, Conant Wclph. Frank P. Shel
don and wife, V. P. Sheldon and wife,
E. C. Giles and family and Mr. and
Mrs. George Olive, parents of Mr. Ben
north of Weeping Water, was the
scene of a happy time for a group of
friends and relatives who participated
in a good old-fashioned chicken din
ner that Mrs. Dietl with the aid of
her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Shields, had
held their final practice o:i Wednes
day evening of this week and feel in
readiness for the contest.
More Commodious Quarters.
C. H. Gibson, the veteran grocer
Tva pure bred Shorthorn hull
caIvt-3 sired by Scottish Goods 1,474,
591, a son of Superior Goods, one cf
George W. Retzla.T & Son's prlzr
winning boils. Papsr3 furnished.
Rudolph W. Hart, Weeping Water,
Ncbr. o7-sw
- oj?
Last Three
Flattsmoistla, Nel?.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
Diatsond Ring GIvesE Away Free' EasSa Night
and FREE GIFTS Evei-y ASterason
Lwi Mills! mmi
l- :' -Htr;