f. fC3 ""' tug giATrsnotiTH jsiMiiso roircifAL MONDAY, FEBR. 18, 1929. ! l 1 W W Phillip Reese was a Tisitor with a eousin in Ceresco on last Sunday driving over in his Model "A" for the day. Joseph Stanislav, James Bright and Charles Card were shelling and delivering corn to the Peters elevator daring the early portion of last week. A. R. Birdsall, who has been feel lng Quite poorly for some time past la now improved, to the extent that he is able to be up and around the store. Jess DUdine, living west of town. had an encounter with a eow which had a penchant for kicking and Jess is lookine and feeline rather the worse for the encounter. Theo Carnes was a visitor in Om aha last Wednesday, looking after some business and also brought home with him some truck bodies and a eab for a truck chassis which he had recently sold. While endeavoring to fit a good pair of shoes on a horse of a custo mer last week, Sophas Petersen had the misfortune to have the critter Btep on his foot and as a consequence Sophas is a little lame since. The Greenwood Commercial club held a banquet at the cafe of A. F. Weibke on last Friday night, where they ate an excellent supper, dis cussed the best interests of the city and had a general good time. Arthur Stewart has a contract for clearing some land of timber for Car ter Adams, which keeps him warm during the work and at the same time promises to keep the one who, burns it warm when the time comes, i Grandmother McFadden, the moth er of Dr. W. II. McFadden, who has! been here from her home at Clay Cen ter the past week, visiting with her son and family, went to Lincoln to be a guest at "the home of a daughter HVing In the capital city. Mrs. Dora Leesley and Mrs. W. H. Leesley were over to Lincoln Satur day, where they were visiting with friends as well as looking after some shopping. On their way they de livered six cases of eggs to a mer chant at Havelock. During the past week, Theo Carnes sold and delivered a new Chevrolet truck to Carl SchlaphofT, east of Murdock, and another truck to Chag. Haertle. Jr., a new coach to Emil Holke, north of Murdock, and a new Chevrolet coach to August Kup ke. All are of the very latest model and are giving the best satisfaction to their new owners. G. M. Palling has one incubator which hatched and as it came off on the coldest night of the winter last Friday night a week it was impos sible to save a large proportion of the chickens as he was not able to keep his Incubator over 90 degrees and it should be around 103 degrees Tor perfect hatching. Under the. cir cumstances he had a vry good return. He immediately started the machine again and will have more chicks soon. Sam Gray has been in the habit of leaving the farm gate open so that he could drive his car into the lot without getting out to open the gate and some one closed it while he was in town. Returning home, Sam was looking over into the pasture at the horses and when he went to turn in to the lot, observed that the gate was closed. He slapped on his brakes but to no effect, for the car slid on the ice through the gate and wreck ed the entire outfit. N0TigH TO 'CREDITORS mefai 6 V stt'onf-WSStWd lit t tnitJ a Atl k Inn nlpel at (fell time. His sod, -George", was at Lln The State ef Nebraska, Cass coUn coin late last week, where he visited I ty, ss. the father and found him Iraprov-i lng. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Cfeorge W. Shields, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in PlAttsmouth. In said fount v. on March 8; 192$; and June 10, 1929, at Received IniurT to Ere Whit at work about the place last t.btnBF hart tha taiktari tune 'to have a nail which he was I "?mfiou.thA of the eyes, injuring It very badly, 10 o'eiock a. m each day, to receive He was immediately rushed to the I , " ,"8, A Mi jo s. ii - " c - ' I a. 1 .11 rr x l m s . but it was found Impossible to save ,ne"1 "nu "uwauc';- V"6, "m: rJ ti . .tin n h i.n.Mt.1 Mted for the presentation of claims at Lincoln: where he is being treated inst said estate is months with the hope of saving the Other - - u lim,t:d7' " OVA I T " . Imanf rtt riohrfl I a nna Vfiflr ffrnm aairt ot. j , m , , i- 4 r n r fTea Brown, wno was iaeu iu ..M nnimtv Ponrt this let Aav nf umana io a nospuai, was iaier n.)....,.. 1Q24 . 1 . . . m J , nl JW I " ' movea io a nospuai in uouncu xiiuua for treatment, has returned home and Is still feeling rather poorly, fit3? (9KH lOusces! 25' Three-Cornered Republican Tilt Looms on Probe Governor Weaver's Inquiry Move May Meet Opposition of House Leaders . (Seal) f4-4w A. H. DUXBURY, County Judge. Hold All Day Meeting In the little village of Greenwood, which lies near Salt Creek in Cass county, Nebraska, stands a white frame church, which has been the In spiration of many of God's people. Many pastors have come and gone. each contributing of their heart and soul into its keeping. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of I Helen B. Perry, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: . . Guaranteed Pure cse less than of high priced brands MILLIONS of POUNDS USED BY THE GOVERNMENT -Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 15. The guar anty fund and state banking depart ment investigation situation tonight was a pitched battle among republi cans, with three corners in the fight. The group of house republican leaders, who have opposed and dead locked all plans for Investigation of fered during the last month, were understood this afternoon to have served emphatic notice on Governor Weaver that they will test their abil ity to hold together the republican majority in the house to block the governor's lately declared plan for a thorought investigation. Just as thpey ' have . blocked ail previous moves. New Deadlock Arises. First the republican senate was You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Some, of the early ones, Brothers I Plattsmouth, in said county, on the fTtrn n-bTTx-Tc5, o-n mH?rrvrrTrTO I deadlocked with the governor. Now wnnxa i uuuu (he republican governor and the re Lincoln, Feb; 14.- Eight or 10 aiayneia, ugaen sou xieiiry are luveuiom uay oi warcu, ivt,?, uuu uu me i possible carriers" 6f meningitis. ana reverea ay ine oiuer geuemuuu xum uay ui juub, hi iv o ciulu. i jjave been detected through cultures while Brother McCarthy who served a. m , or each day, to receive and taken from Cotner college students in iaier years is aiso xovea vy meiBiaiuine Bii tiaiuis aBuibi eaiu ra- Ijjln,tli,no r- m h Anv.nif younger generaiiuu o ucuuuui ui uiaimn-, mtu a icn iu iuch aujuoiuicui hhygician announced Thursday . . . I J 11 FT". 4 1 1 1 1 1 , M I - - SDienaia WOrK. una niiuwante. iue time nuiiicu lur publican Benate, which has gone on record twice in favor of the Investi gation, proposed by Senator Wherry (rep.. Pawnee), seem to be dead locked with the republican house of representatives. What occurred at a conference f Wone Ot the cnarier memoers 01 me preseniauon vi claims against in he nrst 100 Mftmined and the A i 1 I - Jl A. Y X V M ' the churcn are living; ' AiDeri uia-isaia esiaie is 1. .... . A I axl. m redge, the nrst pianist, is sua a ia-ism aay 01 warcn, a. u. anu fipVPr.i fjav miliar figure, where his voice may the time limited for payment of debts taken from those diSCOvered as car- yet be heard, in songs or praise, is one year irom saia tn aay oi riers the doctor stated. A srrict In the year 1928, a basement wasiaiarcn, iz. put under the building and shrub-1 Witness my hand and the seal of bery planted around to beautify it. Isaid County Court this 1st day of Each year on Saturday before I February, 1929. The positive cultures were found I house leaders with the governor at quarantine is still in force. Greenwood Transfer Line We do a general business make trips regularly to Omaha on Monday and Thursday, also to Lincoln. Tues day and Friday. Pick up loads on these trips. Full loads at any time. FRED HOFFMAN. Fred Trunkenbolz Doing Nicely Fred Trunkenbolz, the father of Oeorge Trunkenbolz and Mrs. Dewey Head ley, of Greenwood, who has been in the hospital at Lincoln, where he underwent an operation for the re- Trap nested Stock! We are trapnesting our cele brated layers-. the White Leghorns. We can furnish trap nest ed Hatching ggs now and soon will have trapnested Chicks, at $12 per 100. White Leghorn Chichi (n6t trapnested) at $10 per hun dred. IV. (1. Leesly 2 miles East of Green- wood, Nebr. Stock Hauling Call photic 40, Muniock, when you want your stock taken td . lio i I me iw resajning ret era ns oi toa market. Hates 6ri all Otock to eivii wr in the county ana his 111--U iH .'te r.' U.,Jn aud'operatioH at Ms. advance Vyilldllcl Wilt HC .Jl imir drrl p6unciif bsittning Janu ary t, 199. - Thanksgiving, the church ladies hold a bazaar and supper to help carry on J the work. W. E. Hand and John Mefford, who have both passed the alloted three score and ten years, are familiar fig ures to all the church folk. On Sunday, February 10th, a mem bership rally day was held, there be ing morning and afternoon services, with a fellowship dinner at the noon hour. (Seal) f4-4w H. DUXBURY, County Judge. For Sale! NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Helen : Pitz, , deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will The attendance for the day was as I sit at the County . Court room In follows: Sunday school, 72; church Plattsmouth, in said county, on the services (morning) 92, and alter-istn aay or xviarcn, ia2, ana on me noon was being kept a close secret tonight, but the word was that It was a rather heated session. To get the money to :arry on the investigation the governor must have an appropriation bill introduc ed, which, in the regular order, would go to the house finance committee. This committee has for its chairman Harvey R. Essam of Gage county. nnrt In tha fnrmPT fnlnt resolution in- Une loxlb bterling DISC, mltroduced weeks ago by Senator Wher J J:l . . I ry, nas so long Deen smoinerea. good condition; - Governor Rumored One P & O wide tread Lister. I The speculation was that these . ' I . . . . l I leaaers. wno nave aosoiuie coniroi nearly new; of tne finance committee, intimated One P& O two-row Machine, SBffiSfi.'K nearly new; Une lYlcUormick tSmder in good condition; Fuel system of the new Ford has been designed for reliability and long service . M'VJ noon worship, 49. The High school Girls' Glee club, directed by Miss Edythe Harris, ren dered a special number at the morn ing worship hour. Ruth Laure portrayed Christ's vis it to a cobbler in a reading. Rev. H. R. Swearineen's sermon topic for the morning service was I the time limited for payment of debts "TncrMse Our Faith." Faith beiric Ms one year from said 8th day of one of our Dre-Easter watch words. I March, 1929 Again in the afternoon, he brought j Witness my hand and the seal of us a splendid message from the Book said County Court this 1st day of of r.nd'a word. i-eDruary, iazs. Over half of the years budget was f " V A. Hi DtlXBURY, loth day of June, 199, at io o'clock One Avery Cultivator: a. m.. of each flav ' to rsrpive and I 9 examine ail claims .against said es-IOne John Deere Corn Plant- tate, with a view to their adjustment nA and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against One hav Mare 19. vear nM Sth day of March, A. D. 1929, and Weignt lOUU. Stcppat Plattsmouth, Neb. Phono 2515 raised by pledges folowing the morn ing worship hour. Miss Edyth Haris rendered a beau tiful solo which brought the hearts of the people nearer to the observ ance of the Lord's supper. . The Lord's supper observance brot to a close a day of great rejoicing. L. S. MEFFORD, Church. Reporter. (Seat) f4-4w -County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, i ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on petition for Set tlement of Account. ss. By virtue of an Execution issued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. ., ,' , , i ,i,0,put their plan before the legislature To all persons, interested in their r,t ofi t -in ok a 1 L,i. consideration and not prolong the cu, i tt.ii uu iuc -1.11 vim. x,xatvu,u. cDcolnn h.v Mmlno 1qs a. u. mil, hi iu u iiucis. a. in. ui reauuig iut? yeiiiiun vi J. m. I rXTii., ol ,ol,l ihd of lonct Believing that the best results for --" u, .ac . uul uw. a,,.,, ACUIU'; J'b 150 or 200 thousands dollars would both himself and for all jthose who lue ur.1 u""e 111 l"e V ld"r s V" , ' , . v. xwa . OI" l,,." required for a real investigation wish to use either the eggs from the mo" h' !" f?" f?"?! 'iLBi u" .fllel this,rt on, lh! i1 Double Probe Seen as Need. " I J - J' -" - " v" I , 1 11 II . 1. 1 sottlPniPTit nf RnM'MtsU anrt for Mr I iiivcsusbuuh ui mc uuiimub definitely, as they have been hold ing the original Wheery resolution. The rumor was also current that they asked for indefinite delay In the new recommendation of the gov ernor. While Governor Weaver woujd not say definitely that he would send In his recommendation Monday, he indicated that it will be sent at the earliest possible moment. O'Malley Urges Speed. Representative George O'Malley of Greeley, democratic leader, today urged speed in beginning the inves tigation, and he also urged that it include the banking department as well as the bank guaranty fund com mission. - - . I am very much disappointed," O Malley said, that after six weeks of legislative activities, no. banking legislation of any kind has been pre sented to the legislature, although every one realizes that it Is the mat- commission. Secondly, by demand- ter of outstanding importance. I be- lng that the efficiency of the bank lieve that the governor and the bank- examiners be increased and a more ing committee should immediately stringent examination of banks be THE practical value of Ford simplicity of design is es pecially apparent in tne fuel system. The gasoline tank is built integral with the cowl and is unusually sturdy because it is made of heavy sheet steel, terne plated to prevent rust or corrosion. An additional factor of strength is the fact that it is composed of only two pieces, instead of three or four, and is electrically welded not soldered. Because of the location of the tank, the entire flow of gasoline is an even, natural flow following the natural law of gravity. This is the simplest and mo6t direct way of supplying gasoline to the carburetor without vari ations in pressure. The gaso line feed pipe of the new Ford is only 18 inches long and is easily accessible all the way. The gasoline passes from the tank to the carburetor through a filter or sediment bulb mounted on the steel dash which separates the gasoline tank from the engine. The carburetor is special! designed and has been bull! to deliver many thousands of - miles of good service. Since all adjustments are fixed except the needle valve and idler, there is practi cally nothing to get out of order. The choke rod on the dash acts as a primer and also as a regulator of your gasoline mixture. The new hot spot manifold insures complete vaporization of the gasoline before it enters the combustion chamber of the engine. As a matter of fact, the fuel system of the new Ford is so simple in design and so carefully made that it requires very little service attention. The filter or sediment bulb should be cleaned at regular intervals and the carburetor screen removed and washed in gasoline. Oc casionally the drain plug at the bottom of the carburetor should be removed and the carburetor drained for a few seconds. Have your Ford dealer look after these important little details for you when you have the car oiled and greased. A thorough, peri odic checking-up costs little, but it has a great deal to do with long life and continuously cood 4&iAr nprfnrmnnrp. Ford Motor Company Trap Nesting His Flock r t ,a ,,. u, ' the following real estate, to-wit . f . v.. I Lot one (1), In the north required. The conference of house leaders with Weaver today was taken at first to indicate that leaders of the house machine were preparing for a last stand, after Weaver had be come determined to drag all the guaranty fund's skeletons from the closet Included in the group were Speak PUBLIC AUCTION more than a thousand laying hens. He and his son are busy with the flock all the time. With five hun dred and more iu the pen, which he Is trapnesting, it keeps them both busy, as the hens have one hundred nests which all close when the hen enters and keeps her there until an attendant comes to release her. A may, and do, appear at the County east one-fourth (NEi) of the northeast one-fourth (NE4) of Section thirty (30), Township twelve (12), North, Range four teen (14), East of the Sixth (6th) P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken prayer of the petitioner should not be as tne property or Adelaide Burnett, granted, and that notice of the pen- ,i i i i ., n . i situation, which ui lu is iiiue Betm " ... V J?":zl 1 . nrohable. should be comDlete in all er Coulter of Bridgeport, Essam of "e:f of operations of both bank- Beatrice, chairman of the banking dii peiKuua mieraieu in win maua . . , nA mr,nv rommifl- Ri!ov nf PnrlMmi ing department and the guaranty v-. V"iT f 'nr. fund commission," he said. Spence of Crab Orchard, and Elwell vuui: l" u" " I "Up to this time much has been Johnston of Antelope county. county, on the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m., to said of an investigation of the guar- n f 1 ,t-n m i cci rm o nl little hflC show cause if any there be why the gaid jn regard t inTestigatIng A Cloudburst of Petitions. Another element entered today to konMnr rionrimoni It Is ohv- e"ioarrass me oia Kuaru. uuc oi me lous that an Investigation of the clear sky petitions from all over the aiteuuaut tunica lu icicaac uci. j.j.i .!. 4,,jn.mAn. 1 , - .... - I lOUS lllal 1111 11 Tcsugauuu i I , . --- record haa to he made of the layers. 25"!: COvereJ hrrSSLf ?enC0t 8li pet "l ,b" bankin department could not justify fate came pouring into the legisla aa thPv all ha Je hri on which 8ald 5ourt "covered by The Stand- ing thereof be given to all persons f. pJfi-t.nre In nroviding means ture. demanding a thorough inves im luauuei tujjr V ll" said defendant the five hundred of the flock to keen I . . a record of, and most of the laying Igg. rj 1929- uuiic uuriiig Lilt: iiiui iiiiig uuum, it. en tails a lot of work. Then, too, it takes a lot of bookkeeping to determine which are the heavy layers and which are the non-produeers. The hens mak ing high scores are kept for layers and their eggs retained for, hatching. for liquidating the obligations that tigation. In the face of this avalan- noW exist i-iie, iue itaueia ui uic uuusb iiiuciiiiit- "In the hearing of the banking win proDaoiy nave aimcuuy in con- . j I vlnlntr thai f rl 1 rwxrora t hnt rrnrc! )co trior nna nppn unnpr w n v lur i & v t' r. . C0 " A . . , ! A t waaItq i Yisic rlpppi. lion io ine prooe is not poimcai BERT REED, I in witness whereof. I have hereunto I jytann unHpr swnrn Isuicifle. Sheriff. Cass County I get my hana and th seal of said ftttmMif nnl ahother irfilciai of the Governor Weaver elaborated today AlAkBnAVn M . - . . . . m a 1 r as they all have leg bands on which o " , , ll" f i f ,fiye t p ITu bear an identification number and in "Afvi a.fia"n1 ! nterested ln. ?a d toatte.r bX pbllAh xrx , y. i huiikho, vo'""u "b""""-1 intr a copy oi tnis oraer in tne riaiis- "linieoW Jofonil.il t I . t ' , , , i. I moum journal,, a serai-weeiij news Daoer printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. Nebraska. REFEREE'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that by The others go out and their eggs are jirtue of judgment in partition con- sold foT commercial eggs. . In this manner Mr. Leseley is bettering his flock all the time and the best pro- firming the shares entered on Febru ary!, 1929, in the case of Julia C. Kratochvil et al, Plaintiffs vs. Joseph Court this 11th day of February, A. D. 1929. A. II. DUXBURY. (Seal) fl8-lw County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE e-iiamntv fund commission, nave " i"u invei,u6auuii. Ihof mnia than IhrPP-foiirtha Orld-Herald. of the losses, which have occurred in Nebraska bank failures during the Dast few years have been directly asrribable not to an economic cjrc- lone but to plain stealing by banK Phone your news to No. 6. As I am going to quit farming, I will offer for sale at Public Auction on the Wm. S. Ashton farm one-half mile east of Dunbar, Nebr., on Thursday, Febr. 21 commencing at 10:00 o'clock a. m., the following property, to wit: Live Stock, Implements, etc. Ten head good mules and two horses, from 4 to 8 years old, weigh ing from 1200 to 1450 pounds. SO head cattle, consisting of some good milk cows, heifers and one pure bred Holstein bull, 1 year old. 6f head steers to be sold by the pound. 50 head stock hogs and bred sows and a full line of farm machinery to be offered. Geo. A. Stites, fl4-2sw Even when we recently alluded to the 24 below zero mark In 190,4, an old timer said that was nothing to the sub-zero wave back in the sev enties. You can't get the best ot them, even with the record to back you. State Of Nebraska, County of Cass, J" . lg V..r i.J'! " I?,",- .r;rlDendin In the District Court of CassRSi , I -Tf this statement is true, and hatching It VeinS tVem theses that county- Nbra8ka- the undersigned y Vlrtae of an prder pf Sale w- we have eyery reason to believe it natcmng,. n eeing irem mese mail ,Iaued hv Golda Noble Beal. Clerk ofl, i,i,i ho n for fur- Mr. Leesley supplies ftM ewn incu-1 " " "iT":V:r , .2 : JlTl 1 r4,t nr whin ami for "CI "tT hn t hro uuu iuvuiicu in siia aettuiii uyuui .. " . liner prooi luai mc uaimiuo f"' - Tr f.1rHA not trte4 hi report ot tne reieree mat pnysicai kM.J.IA.ffw-! tt A. 1 A V -3 hatehers yet, but will in a short tlmJ1 as soon as he Is assured that the ex- ""Uut b.l VICJuu.l0 l treme cold weather has gone. He has P"1 'es- i ht?15'eu fderd1an the fowls In a warm place, where Judged by the COurt that said land they are well cared for and as tame bf ,6ld and tbe Proceeds thereof be lit most instances as a mess of kit- f olded i0 "hares between the par tens. Drop around and see the flocks tles as theretofore determined In or Mr. Leesley-the sight is good for Pursuance to said jndgment of the sere eyes, and no mistake. ftl "ie?1. "'T1"; jtx hue oiu ua; vl maiLiii a. o i n t l ten o'clock a. m. of said , day, at the UNDERGOES OPERATION south front door of the court housfe, . , In Plattsmouth, in said county, sell fe. A. Klrkpatrlck, ene of, the tbe fe5Ld 1 tat? to-wit: . . iue duuiu unit ut cue uuriu prominent residents ot southern Cass county. and a member of-the Cass County Soldier's- Relief .-commission, is at the St. Mary's hospital at Ne braska. City-where he was' taken a few days ago from his home at Ne hawka. Mr. Klrkpatrlck Js eh of the tvt remaining veterans of the east quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast (quar ter of the southeast quarter of Section 2; also the northeast quarter of the northeast -quarter of , Section 11 all in Township 13, North, Range ' 18, East of the' Cth P. M.i in . Cass eoanty. J. Phone 40 Jouoiise n Nebraska- ae hsane4 sane appHhenslen t f;1 Fubh6 aueUop t.th. highest bidr the toSiabera t : hii family eirp le T- ? f8hr Ylttt er.M and. the host of friends over the en-j 6I1 5? A i d t M ttme of sale tire oGQntjr. Mrs. . A. R. Stokes departed' this morning for Omaha-'where Ihe.will 'spend ta day in that city visiting 1929 MuraOCK daughter. Js...Cherles Richards: ; jiirHir ey to be paid upon the confirmation oz sale and making of deed py ref eree. ' - .. J- r. . ; '. " ; ; n' ' Dated this 4th ' day of February, . CAPWELL, ; .. Referee. Cass county Nebraska; and to me di-lont ehnulil he inveatieated first and rected, I will on--' the 23rd day oftne guaranty fund commission aft- wartn, a. v. iis, ai i w tiut . i erward, he continued. m. of said day, at the south front information Needed. door or tne court House in saia coun- The ople of the state are de ty, sell at public auction to the high- manding that means be provided for esi uiauer ior casn iu t"LnU6 , depositors In railed oanns. scribed real estate: People that have apid their life sav- A square lot out of the north- . lnto banks believeing that the A a i r.r linlr r I . 1 I the northwest quarter of Section 23 Township 11, Range 13, East of the 6th P. M.. in Cass coun ty, Nebraska, and more particu larly described a fellows: Com mencing at the northwest cor ' ner of the northwest -quarter of said Section 23, running thence south '147.58 feet, thence run ning . east 1 4 7, S.8 f eett thence running north i47.58 feet, thence running west JL47.58 feet to the . place of beginning, ' in the County of Cass, Nebraska-- The same being levied upon and tak- state of. Nebraska was guaranteeing return of the money are entitled to that nionev. and I think a moral nblieration rest6 upon the state, and anon everv member of the legislature tn see that I Unas are provided w tiav this back to depositors. Any Iftbislator wiirnot do his full duty who will become a party to provid ing a fund, at the expense of the taxnaver to Day this obligation with- mit -fli-Kt knowinr how-much the obligation is, how it was caused and what remeay enema De appuea io prevent its recurrence. ."TA ret th B. intormauom a in- en as tha trfmeriir nf Frank 'E. Val-. vptitieation and an adult of the bank- lery et al, Defendants, if fatlafv' I a .jn5 i department and guaranty fund judgment of said Court fecoverfed by commission , must be had and when Jennfe A. Smith, Plaiatiff' against we discover the cause of this trouble said Defendants. , . J then. I think it becomes the duty Plattsmouth, Nebraska,. February of the; legislature to remedy the trou 16, A. D. 1929. "" , 1 bier first, by taking the banking BERT REED, ! department" out of politics and di- Sherif Cass County, : vorcing the political influence in , "' Nebraska. .every way from both the banking 18.? department and the guaranty func? Baliy hid; Season is a! H3and We are ready to serve the chicken-buying public with our same 'high-quality chicks that live and thrive and grow and produce results when grown. They are Smith Hatched from Nebraska Ac credited Flocks. Experience in past years oh the part of pur chasers has proven them to be all we claim for them. If you are an old customer, we need say no more. If a new one just give us a trial. HERE ARE OUR PRICES S. C. White Leghorns .$11.00 per 100 R. C. Brown Leghorns 11.00 per 100 S. C. Rhode Island Reds -. . . 13.00 per 100 Barred Rocks 13.00 per 100 White Rocks . . 14.00 per 1 00 White Wyandottes 14.00 per 1 00 Buff Orpingtons 14.00 per 100 Custom Hatching, 2Y2c per egg. just drop us a line or ring 29 for Baby Chick orders or dates f6r custom hatching. We guarantee to please you. AsEiland EUaicliiery, Bee. Elmer C. Wilde, Manager