i f X. 0 KONl-FEBR. 18. X929. PAGE.THB23I tfsa onsj 4 Cbe plattemoutb "journal f CnSUSHED SEMl-WZEKLT AT PLATTSXOUTH, RSBBASSi Ktr4 at Foatettc. PlstUnwiutb. Neb, as ooad-'iii n nta mXma R. A. BATES, Publisher 8TCSC3UFIX03 PRICE 2.00 FXS IB ADVAJJC3 We love to make people happy. :o:- Parlseiennes autos. are driving baby -:o:- Thla has been a good winter for the kids. Plenty of snow. . :o: Many new motion picture theatres are being opened in Switzerland. :o: A revised Broadway version "Never kick a baby with shoes on." :o: Sweep your own door-steps before you attempt to sweep your neigh bors. . ;o: It is estimated there are 5,000 amateur weather prophets in Great;his housekeeper. Britain. :o: ;. Q. "How do you recognize a stork?" The stpck market for 1928 smash- writes an inquiring subscriber. Why, ed all records and not a accounts. few bank :o We get all the sugar essential to our heeds from bread and other na tural foods. The superstition that it isunlucky to be married in May originated with the ancient Greeks. :o: Soaring prices of silkworm co- coons are causing much trouble to silk producers in Italy. . :o: The man who fails to run on his own resources for office don't amount to much and never will. :o: They are arresting slow drivers in New York but as yet the Jails are not over-crowded with them. . The hand that wobbles the steer ing wheel is the hand that boosts busines for the undertaker. - :o: Bolivia is claiming to have the loftiest capital in the world. La Dez being 10,470 feet above sea level. '. :o: - TwentyHnesectiii&.Gf,.th-Kansas statutes deal with "steamboats and there isn't a steamboat in the state. :o: The scientists are now ascribing physical troubles of man to sun spots. Freckles are undoubtedly due to that cause. -:o:- - Science has counted ten billion stars In the milky way. So far we fesve not heard any one clamoring for a recount. - :o: An apple a day keeps the doctor away; but Adam and Eve found that an apple was Just an invitation to Old Man Trouble. -:o:- A Western editor has found a good word for the saxophone. "It is the only instrument," says the Law rence (Kan.), Journal World, "that sounds as well when you are learn ing to play it as it does afterward." :o: In a belated look due to absence abroad our Christmas cards, I found the greatest number come from Cali- j forola and there are more from Holly wood than any other city. Out west where the heart beats a little strong er or something to that effect. . ,; . , ;ot Commander M. A. Bates has at tempted to get a meeting of the G. A. R. but so far has been unable to get a quorum or it seems that there are not seventeen old veterans In Cass county. They are thinning out rapidly the last roll call. :o: ; A perfectly fair and impartial test, as the cigarette advertisements say, was conducted in this office by Con ing Towner. Eighteen members of the staff read Einstein formula, first with magnifying classe and then blindfolded, with the same result. weddings since time immemorial. iNebrartnofj;: :o: Then, what do the detractors do? aryt 1928. to me, Barbara. C. Snyder, That ancient wheeze, "the meek They turn around and marry men J Guardian of the estate of Leslie Sjoy shall inherit the earth " does not with red hair, low foreheads or somelder a minor, I will on the 1st day stand.the test of analysis. The meek : other of the defects mentioned by i2e11dS,tKtoS, S have never inherited , much of . the . Professor Twitmyer. Study the es-1 plattsmouth. Iri Cass county, Nebraa earth, and, even If the meek should corts of charming women in public ka,' offer for sale at public auction to be given, the whole world. somehniW would take it away from theni in 1 . , about ten days. -:o:- The New. Orleans Daily States says that the report of leniency being faced nonenlty will tell the profes shown Clinton Carnes. embezzleing sor that his theories cannot stand treasurer of Baptist funds, was at! the light of real life experience, the Instance of mission board of fclals, . :o: "doea credit to their Christian "Lectures to College . students do spirit." Mighty few folks will look'more harm than good," says a mem- at It In, that light. Church leaders, her of the University of Wisconsin! abor all others, should stand Tor. the orderly administration of Jus- tlee. There were 25,800 automotive ac cidental deaths in 1927. :o: : Won't we old ones be glad when winter takes its departure. i :o: -r, Swell people are expecting to buy 11,000 new automobiles this year. :o: - During 1928, 42 felons escaped from New York State penal institu tions. :o: Plum-puddings have grown out of an Elizabethan dish known as plum porridge. ' :o: - Of an estate of $88,000 Dr. J. C. Round, of London, left $78,000 to by the size of his bill. :o: Cowardice in politics never gets the coward anything for himself, only perhaps a handout. . ;o: During a recent month 1,977 re cruits were finally approved for the British Territorial army. :ov : In an effort to have a novel ex- position Chicago has decided that it will omit the customary deficit. :o: : Oklahoma legislators are kept so busy impeaching governors they don't have time to pass a lot of fool bills. :o: Political rings don't last long when the people catch-on. Well, the honest people are catching-on. Look out for squalls. :o: Comrade Kirkpatrlck of Nehawka, is In the hospital at Omaha, and was unable to meet with the Soldiers Cora mission here Monday, :o: Silver lining: The number of per sons who can understand the new Einstein ttleory certainly narrows the ghost-writing chances. :o: Garlic is good for the flu, says a doctor. Yes. but the flu won't eat gar lic and neither will many human beings, for that matter, :o:- , " BEAUTY IS MALE ASSET Prof. E. W. Twitmyer, instructor in psychology of the University of Pennsylvania, probably aroused the Ire of every male who reads the de tails of 'his recent lecture before an audience of women in Philadelphia. And he deserves it, for he uttered a base canard when, he stated that without physical beauty, a man has but little chance of winning.' femin ine favors. Big feet, prominent ears. untractable or red hair, two great or too little stature, budging eyes, full necks, contiguous eyebrows, high cheekbones, and low foreheads are defects that will deprive almost any man Cf romance, he said. We fear the professor has spent too many hours in his study and not enough among men. If he were cor rect in his surmise, America -would be known as a nation of cellbtes, instead of being noted for its tre mendous marriage and divorce re- cord. He has not looked closely enough at the published photographs of bridegrooms in the society col umns. Nor has he scrutinized the physical proportions of the choice of males made by some of the nation's beautiful women, professional and otherwise. "What did she ever see in hfm? ,Did Tn notice his feet and his fumy ears?" These are common feminine 'exclamations uttered sotto voco atiy ine non. mw r. ucey, uoge places. Professor and give a second 'thought to the matter. ..w. "-' Any of the thousands of handsome j men who have IobI in the game of love to some spindle legged, hatchet- faculty. Well, them why dont thei professor throw away his basa n4:'JL'H4' quit leetutins? i AMERICA'S MELTING POT Commander Paul V. McNutt. of the! American Legion, sounded one of the je Cou Court, fundamental principles of that great. In-tne matter of. the estate Of organization . in .his . address at r the aipa Rusterholtz,. deceased. : ; 'Hotel Edwards on Friday when he 'declared that the restrictive limits onl...xou nL"wlAn?.aAuai wlt? immigration ..must be . maintained, j plattsmouth, in said county, on the that , America must not allow the; 1st day of March,. 1929, and on the melting pot to overflow, and those 7th day of June, 1929, at 10 o'clock who are admitted to our shores from!8- m7 to receive and foreign lands must be of the . type from which can be made responsible and responsive American citizens. During the World War period we made the unpleasant discovery that there is a great deal of slag in our melting pot; that we have admitted immigrants who never can, under any circumstances, be converted into sub stantial American citizens. Their sole and only desire in coming here is to make sufficient money to en able them to return to their home lands and live in comparative ease or luxury, and the governmental prin ciples of the land they have tempor arily adopted means little or nothing to them. Aside from this, we have admit ted a low and vicious criminal class, many of them are the gang leaders and gunmen in our great cities. The police court records in any city amply prove this assertion. Commander McNutt is right. Am erica is for Americans or those who are capable of becoming good Amer icans. . 1 . .', . : :o:- 1 A Detroit paper, says that co-oper ation between the' public and the police, has reduced auto fatalities in that city twenty per cent. If we had the same sort of co-operation here the auto accidents would still be about sixty per cent too many, SHERIFF'S SALE State of . Nebraska, County of Cass S3. - By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by Golda Noble Beal. Clerk of the District Court within, and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I. will on the 20th day of Febru ary. A. D. 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the Court House in .the City of Plattsmouth, in sai4 County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate to-wlt: "'--"' The West half of the South east Quarter of .Section, 32, .Township 11, Range 14, ' East of the 6th P. M.,.Cass County, - Nebraska) . The. same being , levied upon and taken, as the property of Altna Yard- ly,. et-at., defendants, to satisfy a Judgment of said Court recovered by Oliver C. Dovey,. plaintiff,; against said 'defendants, . Plattsmouth, Nebraska, January 15th, A. D. 1929. ' . ' : v Bert reed. ; , . Sheriff Cass County, ' '.:'. -Nebraska i LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass . Qouniy, Nebraska, ' ; " Daniel G. Goldlrvg, - : ' Plaintiff ; -: -..VS. 1 - ..' Bessie M.. Gravett and . Marie Ostergaard;. .- . -- . Defendants NOTICE - To the . defendant Marie Oeter gaard: You are. hereby 'notified that on the 12th day of .December 1928, the plaintiff . filed his suit in . the,. Dis trict Court; in Cass-county,- Nebras ka; the object and purpose of which is to foreclose a tax sale -certificate and the Hen thereof, on Lot 14, in Block 2, in- Donelan's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, In Cass coun ty, Nebraska,' and for equitable re lief. -. , ., ; . . .; This order ia given pursuant to an Order of Court. - . '. ."'7 . 4 .You are hereby required to answer said petition oo or before- Monday, the 11th day of March, 1929; and failing so to do your default will be entered and Judgment taken upon the plaintiffs petition. " . - DANIEL U, GOLDtNG, - . ' v Plaintiff. A. L. TIDD, ' ' His Attorney, ' J284W , NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALS -In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. ' In the Matter of the Guardianship of Leslie Snyder, a Minor. Notice is hereby given that In pur- suanee of an Order and LJeense issued . highest bidder for cash the foi lowing described real 'estate, to-wlt: The undivided sixteen ' one- ' hundred-twenUetha of the NW VI of - the 8BU and the NEU of 1 the SWU of Section 21; Town- -ship 12, Range 10, East of the 6th P. M.; in Cass county, Ne- bra&ka: ; . ' . , Said- offer ' of sale will remain open for a period of one hour. - " ' . 7 Dated this 26th day of January, . ' BARBARA C5. SNTDIJR " " Guardian of the Estate 'of , . - ALraii Btfycw, a MpfbT. Her Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The State of Nebraska, Cass ceu&- j To the creditors of said estate: examine an ciaiuia aguinei aaiQ es- tate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 1st day of March, A. J). 1929,. and the time limited for payment of debts ia one year from said 1st day of March, 1929. - Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, thia 26 h day Of January, 1929. . A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) J28-4w County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S - SALE OF REAL ESTATE . Notice is hereby given that pur suant to an order - of sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, according to the provisions of a decree entered by said Court on. January 12, 1929, in a cause pending In said court, where in The Nebraska -City Building & Loan Association, a Corporation, is plaintiff, and Emily Morrison et al are .defendants, commanding me to sell in the manner provided by law the real estate hereinafter described to satisfy the lien adjudged and de termined against said- land by said decree in favor of plaintiff In the sum of $1,110.62, with interest ac cruing and costs as in said decree pro vided, I, .the undersigned Sheriff of Cass county, Nebraska, will on Sat urday, March 16th,M929, t i0:00 o'clock a. m., at the south front door of the. court house "In the 'City of Plattsmouth, In Cass county, Nebras ka, offer, for sale 'and will sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cabh the following described real estate in Cass county, Nebraska, to- wit: - Lots three (3) and four (4), . in Block, thirty-three (33),. in ' Young & Hays Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, ' Dated this 6th day of February, 1929. BERT REED. . Sheriff, Cass County, . . Nebraska. -Pitrer & Tyler and . Lloyd E. retersori, -. Attorneys for plaintiff. ORDER OF HEARING AND NO TICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County . Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. . State of -Nebraska, County of Cass, S3. , : "r ' - To all persons , interested in . the estate of. David '.Gv. Babbington. de ceased: On reading the petition of George E. Dovey praying that the- instru ment filed in this -court on the 7th day of February, 1929, and purport ing to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded as the last will and, testament of David. G., Bab blngton, deceased; that said 'instru ment be admitted to probate and the adminlatration of 8alJ: estate . be granted .'to'. George E. Dover, as Executor; - '"- .' .. 'It is;b.ereby ordered that you, ind all persons interested' in eId matter, may, and do, appear at, the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the . 8th day. of March, A. p. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m.,' to show causey if any there be, vfhy the pray er of. the y petitioner should not be granted and, that notice '6L the' pen dency of sai petition, and that the hearing thefeof be given, to all per sona interested in said matter.l by publishing a. copy' of this. Order, in the Plattsmouth. Journal,-; a semi weekly newspaper printed in said county, for. three successive ;. weeks prior to said day of hearing. .. . Witness my hand, and. the seal, of said court, this 7th day of February. A. D. 1929.- . ' - - :.' A. IL DUXBURY, (Seal) fll-8w . County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE1 ..OF. REAL ESTATE Notice-is hereby-given -that pur suant to an order of - sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Cass cbunty, Nebraska; - and accord ing to the provisions of a decree en tered by said Court on January. 1. 1929, in a cause pending In said court wherein ' The Nebraska . City Building & Loan Association, s Cor poration, is' plaintiff, and Louis Keil et al are defendants, commanding me to sell In 1 the manner provided by law the real estate . hereinafter de scribed to satisfy the lien adjudged and determined against said land by said decree in favor of plaintiff, in the sum of $2,502.48-, 'with, interest accruing and costs a in- said decree provided, I, the Undersigned "Sheriff of Cass county, Nebraska, Will On Sat urday, March" 16th, 19 J;, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at the south front door of the- court house in - the City of Plattsmouth in Cass county, Nebras ka, offer for sale and will sell at pub lic vendue to' the highest' bidder for cash the following described yea es tate : in Cass county, Nebraska, to wit: " ". ; '.' :' . Lot nine -(9), in -Bloek nine ty-nlne ($9), In. the City - of Plattsmouth, and' the east four teen .(14) feet of Lbt'foar (4), in Block ten (10); in -Yo4ng. i .Hays-Addition - to the City bf Plattsmouth. - - -. " ' 'i :'-' Dated this 6 th day of February; 1929.. V - -" - " ' ' ' BERT REED, , Sheriff i Caea County. JOHNSON, ' MOREHEAD & RINE Attorneya 722 Keeline Bldg. ' .. :- Omaha. Nebraska Notice of Articles of Incorporation of ASH GEOVE LIME & PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY, of NEBRASKA ; . Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have associated themselves together for the purpose of forming and becoming a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and for that purpose have adopted the follow ing Articles of Incorporation: -Article I. Name. The name of this corporation- shall be "ASH GROVE LIME & PORTLAND CE MENT COMPANY, OF NEBRASKA." Artiele IL Principal Place of Busi ness. - The principal place of business and location of the plant of this cor poration shall be in the County of Casa, in the State of Nebraska, north east of the Village of Louisville, in said county and state, but it may es tablish and maintain offices, places of business and plants elsewhere. Article III General Nature of Business. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be as follows, to-wlt: (a) To manufacture,- produce, purchase or other wise acquire, sell or otherwise dis pose of, own, hold, handle, trade andor deal in and with, in any man ner whatsoever, lime and Portland and all other kinds of hydraulic and non-hydraulic cements, and all like or kindred products" or substances, and all products or articles in the manufacture or composition of which any cement or kindred substance is a factor, - and all materials, supplies, commodities, goods, wares, merchandise,- articles and things which can be used as a part thereof or in con nection therewith or as a substitute therefor, and all other products, by products, commodities or articles as are. incidental,' necessary or useful thereto or which may be convenient ly .handled-in connection with said business; (b) To engage In or carry on any other lawful business what soever, in . connection with the fore going, whether manufacturing, mln lng, trading, selling, contracting, con struction,' mercantile or otherwise, which is calculated, directly or in directly to promote the interest of the corporation or to enhance the value, of its properties or business; (c) To purchase, lease, acquire in any manner, hold, own, invest in, sell, mortgage, pledge, convey, rent, ex change andor dispose of in any man ner, real and personal property, either or both, and any rights, in terests ' or estates therein in connec tion with the transaction of the busi ness of the corporation andor inci dental, necessary, convenient or use ful thereto; and to improve, use, de velop, utilize, or turn to account, in any. manner as may be deemed ex pedient, any and all property, "of whatsoever kind or nature, owned by the corporation; (d) To. Issue bonds. debentures or obligations of the cor poration and to secure same by mort gage, pledge.-, deed of trust, or other wise; -'to borrow money; . (e) To pur chase or otherwise acquire, hold, own. mortEaKe. pledge, and or sell or otherwise dispose of, shares of capital stock. . bonds, or securities of other corporations doing a similar business, in .whole .or-. in part, to that which this corporation is authorized to do, and, while the, holder thereof, to ex erclse all the rights, powers and priv ileges, of ownership; to purchase or otnerwise acquire, coiq, own, cancel, retires, reissue, mortgage,, pledge a-ndor-. sell - or otherwise, dispose of shares "of capital stock,, bonds and se curities of its own .corporation; (f) To applyfor, . obtain, register, pur chase or otherwise. acquire, hold, use, develop, lease, mortgage, pledge, grant licenses in. contract with, reference tOi sell, colwey, assign, andor. other wise tlispose Of letters patent, patents, patent: rights;. '.-.Inventions,-' improve nien'tSw. processes, formulas, trade marks, trade names,', copyrights -options and or -concessions, or rights, privileges or ; contracts therein or thereto, in connection with the trans action of the business of the corpora tion and or incidental, necessary or useful thereto; (g) To purchase or Otherwise acquire, and take over, the whole or any part of the business, good will, properties, assets ' and rights of any person, firm, association Or corporation engaged in the same or similar business, either wholly or in part, to -that of its own corporation, and to pay for ' the same in cash, shares of capital stock or bonds of its own corporation; or otherwise; and. to undertake and assume all. or any .of the liabilities of the owners of such business, good will, properties, assets and rights; (h) To enter into, make, perform and carry out contracts of any kind: or description, made for any lawful: purposes, . with any person, firm, . association or corporation, eith er, public or private,-or with any governmental body or agency thereof;- (i) To transact and conduct Its busines, or any part thereof, in the State . of Nebraska and elsewhere, in cluding any of the states, districts, territories, '. colonies or dependencies of the united states, ana any or all foreign countries; (J) To -have and exercise ' any 'or all other rights, pow ers ' and privileges . necessary,' Inci dental." convenient or useful . to the conduct,- management and ' carrying on, in a lawful manner, of the busi ness aforesaid, or any part thereof; to have and exercise all. rights, pow ers and privileges-. conferred by the laws of the State 'of Nebraska upon corporations organised: under -. its laws; It' being hereby expressly, pro vided -that the foregoing - enumera tion of specific powers shall not be deerhed exclusive or held to limit or restrict in , any manner the general powers of the corporation. " Article IV--Capital Stock. - The ' authorized Capital stock of this corporation shall be One Million1 Dollars ( $1,000, 000. 00)7 divided into ten thousand- (10,- 060)' shares, of the - par' value of One Hundred Dollars- (4100.00) per each dUttrts. Btqpk may be. paid tor ij caBv-nm-rter at liif.i&Le. ks& MTmiXfnl ssr x their fair ejjd scfijM same vaiue, e-r y asy lessutsuLt equivalent of cash. . Article V Dura tion. - The time of commencement of this corporation shall be when Its articles of incorporation are filed as required by the laws of the State of Nebraska, and the corporation shall continue in existence for ninety-nine (99) years thereafter, unless sooner dissolved by law or by. action of its stockholders; Article VI Indebted ness. The highest amount of Indebt edness or liability which this corpo ration shall at any one time be sub ject shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. Article VII Direc tors-Officers. (a) The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, consisting of three (3), five (5) or seven (7) members, who shall be elected an nually by the stockholders. The num ber of directors, within the foregoing limitations, shall be determined from time to time by the stockholders. In case of vacancy in the Board of Di rectors, such vacancy may be filled by the remaining directors. Direc tors shall hold office until their suc cessors are duly elected or . chosen. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held within or outside of the State of Nebraska, as the Board of Directors may determine. The fol lowing persons shall constitute the first Board of Directors of this cor poration, to serve until the election of a Board of Directrs by the stock holders at their first annual meeting, to be held in the year Nineteen Hun dred and Thirty (1930), to-wlt: L. T. Sunderland, J. A. Sunderland and W. P. Sabin. (b) The officers of this corporation shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, which officers shall be elected annually by the Board of Di rectors and hold office until their suc cessors are duly elected, and which officers shall have such authority and perform such duties as shall be pre scribed in the By-Laws of the corpo ration and or as shall be assigned to them by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may appoint; from time to time one or more additional Vice Presidents and such other offi cers and agentB as it shall deem necessary, who shall have such au thority and perform-such duties as shall be conferred upon them by the Board of Directors, in the By-Laws or otherwise. Any officer elected by the Board of Directors, excepting the President and Vice President, also any officers and or agents appointed by the Board of Directors, may be re moved at any time by the affirmative vote of ' a majority of the Board of Directors. Any two offices, excepting the offices of President and Vice Pres ident or the offices of any two Vice Presidents, may be held by the same person, (c) The Board of Directors may appoint standing or special com mittees, whenever deemed advisable by the Board, and such committees shall have and exercise such duties and powers as may be conferred upon them by the Board of Directors, in the By-Laws or otherwise.' Article Vin Dividends. Dividends may be declared by tho Board of Directors out of the net profits or surplus' of the corporation at such times, in such amounts, and under such condi tions as the Board of Directors In Its Judgment and discretion may deter mine. The Board of Directors shall have power, from time to time,' to set apart out of any funds of the corpo ration available for dividends, a re serve or reserves for working capital or for any -other .lawful purpose, whenever in its judgment and discre tion it' deems it advisable so do do. Article IX By-Laws. The Board of Directors -Bhall have power- to adopt suitable By-Laws for the corporation and - to alter; amend, or. repeal the same from time to time. Article X -Amendments. These articles, may be amended from time to time by the stockholders, at any regular meeting, or at any special meeting, called for that purpose." - . . . -, i'- Dated this; 17th day - of January, 1929 . v ' - '-.- L.. T. SUNDERLAND, J-A. SUNDERLAND, ... . W. P. SABIN, J24-4w . Incorporators. LEGAL NOTICE In the Distriet Court of Cass County, Nebraska - Mark T. Edmlson. . Plaintiff -vs. . David Smith et al, - . Defendants NOTICE To the Defendants: David . Smith; Mrs.. David Smith, real name un known, his wife; . Isaac Coe; ' Mrs. Isaac. Coe, real name unknown, his wife; C. Jones, real name unknown; Mrs. C. Jones,- real name unknown, his wife; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the eBtates of David Smith, Mrs. David Smith, Isaac Coe, Mrs. Isaac Coe, C. Jones; Mrs. C. Jones, each deceased, real names un known; Claus Speck; Bessie .Draper Speck, his wife, and all persons hav ing .or claiming any Interest in Lot 1, in the NB of the NW pf Sec tion. 28,- Township 10. - North of Range 14, East of the 6th P. M, ia Cass county, Nebraska, real . names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 24th day of De cember. 1928, the plaintiff filed his suit in the District Court of Cass county,' Nebraska, the object and pur pose of which is to foreclose a tax sale certificate on said above describ ed real estate and for equitable relief.- ' . .'.:- This notice is. given pursuant to an Order . of Court. You are hereby required to answer said petition on or before Monday, March. 11, -1929. and failing so to do. your default will be entered and judg ment taken upon the plaintiff's peti tion. - . MARK T. EDMISON, . - - - - Plaintiff. A. L. TIDD, His Attorney. Phone tu thj new So, 0. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE la the District Court ef Cass coum ty. Nebraska. , In the Matter of the Estate Sam G. Smith, Deceased. . Now on this 26th day of January, 1929, this cause came on for hearing , upon the petition of Frank R. Gobel tman, as Administrator, with will an 'nexed of the estate of Sam G. Smith, , deceased, praying for a license to sell l the following described real estate to-wn: Lots 10, 11, 12 in Block 20 in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska . for the purpose of paying the taxes, repairs and administration expenses of said estate.- It is therefore ordered that all pes sons interested in said estate appear before me in the District Court room in the eourt house at Plattsmouth, Cass county,. Nebraska, on the 16th day of March, 1929. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause If any there be why a license should not bo granted to said Administrator with will annexed of said estate in the above described real estate for tho purpose of paying taxes, repairs and expenses of administration of said estate. It Is further ordered that a eopy of this Order to Show Cause be pub lished in the Plattsmouth . Journal, a newspaper of general circulation 1m Cass county, Nebraska, for a period of four consecutive weeks prior te the date of said hearing. By the Court. JAMES T. BEQLEY, Judge of the District Court. J28-4w NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice Is hereby " given- that the undersigned and others, have associ ated themselves together with others as a corporation under the Jaws of the State of Nebraska. The name of said corporation is FARMERS CO OPERATIVE CREAMERY of Platts mouth, Nebraska. The ,' principal place, of annual meeting of the stock holders of said corporation shall be in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass coun ty, Nebraska; the principal place of business shall be in the City of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, but subordinate offices and cream stations may be established, owned and oper ated at such places as the Board of Directors may designate. The general nature of the business to be transacted by, said corporation shall be to buy, sell, manufacture and deal in milk, cream, Ice cream, but ter, cheese, eggs, poultry, feed, farm products and supplies, and cold stor age. It shall have power and author ity to purchase, own, hold, lease or otherwise acquire real estate and per sonal property needed in connection with its business. The amount of capital Btock is $20,000.00, In shares of par value of $100.00 per share, paid for before issue. No persoq shall ' own either directly or indirectly, more than 5 of the capital stock of said company. Each individual stockholder shall have only one vote regardless of the number of shares owned. From the earnings of the' company, over and abpve operating . expenses, dividends not to exceed per annum shall be paid on the certificates of stook out standing. """ - . .- Th company shall' set aside each year to a surplus fund,' not' lass than 5 of the .earnings or savings of the company over and above all expenses and dividends, until such surplus fuiid equals 20' of the paid-up cap ital stock. This surplus fund may be used for conducting the business of the corporation. '; The. net earnings or savings of the company remaining af ter payment- of , expenses.' dividends and surplus, shall be distributed on the -following ; basis:- Divided among the patrons of the company. pro- rata acdording to.; the business transacted on each Individual -class of -business. Said corporation shall continue ta business for a period of fifty years from September 8, 1928. The highest 'amount of indebted ness or liability to which Bald cor poration shall at any time subject It self shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid-up capital stock. The business of the corporation shall be conducted by a board of seven Directors elected by ballot by the stockholders at . their . annual meeting. The officers of the corporation shall be a President; Vice President, Secre tary and Treasurer, who , shall be elected annually by and from the Board of Directors, and . sha)l hold their Offices for a period of one year. The method of conducting the busi ness shall be by By-Laws -and -in ac cordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska. v ', " W. F. NOLTE,-: t HENRY F. NOLTINO, V. M. PERRY, R. A. TROOP, H. L. GAYER, . JOHN RUTHERFORD, F. W. NOLTINO, - 1 FRED G. NOLTINO, WM. F..HALMES, WALTER FORNOFF, JAMES J. LEPERT, J. L. STAMP, LLOYD SCHNEIDER, . TONE J. JANDA. ... E. G, RUFFNER. HENRY ALBERT. FRED DRUEOKER. , H. A- MEISINGER. JOHN N. HALMES. JOHN .HOB9CHEIDT, Jr., OTTO H. PULS, HERMAN RIEKE.' PHILIP ALBERT, A. T. HANSEN, JOHN M. KAFFEN- BERGER. THOMAS KRATOCHVIL, MRS. GRANT. HACK- ENBERGr, , - '. ARTHUR N. SULLIVAN, C. L. JEAN. P, CK LEPEJWV A. A, TTWifP bM TS. If. AViLlil. J2f-4w - - t ' . . I i jlt-Sif - L AttraisfT Platitlf. :! 1 '. v":---1