The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 17, 1929, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1929.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readen
If any of the redden of the
Jonniil knor- of any social
efut or tm of Inherent Ib
this vicinity, and will mall
t unto this office, it will ap
pear under this hedlriK.W
w&nt all news items Editob
Yon can laugh at the sheriff
largest farms in his county.
And there are folks living today
who remember Farmer John as a
poor farmhand.
Farmer John saw his old boss lose
his home one day because his crops
failed and he had no money with
which to forestall the sheriff.
Farmer John saved his money, and
soon had enough to make a down
payment. He bought the farm,
mt he did not stop saving. He
was one of the bank's regular
Now Farmer John can laugh at the
sheriff. If the crop is poor, he has
saved for the emergency. If his
buildings or equipment need re
pairs, he has the money saved to
do tie work.
Murray State Bank
There is No Snkstitute for Safety
very much, departed on last Friday
for their home in the east, and the
first day they were able to pet as far
as Columbia, Missouri, which is over
400 miles from here, where they
stopped for the night, expecting to
make the remaining distance the fol
lowing day.
Arthur Kahlar, of Omaha, and his
son, Bobbie, accompanied by a sis
ter of Mr. Kahler, Miss Emma Kah
ler. were visiting for the day on last
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Mutz, where a most enjoy
able day was had. The ladies visit
ed at the home while the gentlemen
were out enjoying the chase, and a
number of rabbits were bagged, that
were taken home by Mr. Kahler.
Miss Orpha Baker, who makes her
home in Omaha, was a visitor in
Murray last Saturday, coming to see
her uncle. Jacob Parr, of Lebanon.
Indiana, and at the same time visit
her father, A. L. Baker, who makes
his home in Lincoln, but who was
also here, and both had an excellent
j visit with Mr. Parr. Mr. Baker's first
iwife, the mother of Miss Orpha. was
a sister of Mr. Parr and the late Mrs.
Josephine P.rendel. They also visit
led with their relatives while in Mur
An Old Fashioned
Br. HftiTiftTntTi, Dentist, Hotel Main
BIdg, Phone 527.
From Monday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Noble and
family of Omaha were here Sunday to
spent the day here visiting with
friends and relatives.
Adam Meisinger of Cedar Creek i
was in the city today for a few hours !
attending to some matters of busi- j
ness and
friends in
visiting with his
the county seat.
Will Hold Bake Sale
The Mvr.ard Community Club will
'hold a bake s?le on Saturday. Jan.
lfth. at the Wells grocery in Platts
mouth. Chickens and all sorts of
good thines to eat.
1 Fred McMaken, who has been with
the force of workmen on the Center
ville, Iowa, road project, came in this
O morning for a visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMaken and
j family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huffer of
Omaha who were here for a Sunday
visit at the home of Mr. Huffer's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Huffer, near
i Mynard, returned this morning to
i their home. i
Excellent music. A good time ' Misses Mary and Helen Clack of (
iJdgar, .Nebraska, students at es-(
leyan university, were here Sunday
to enjoy the day here visiting as
guests of Miss Helen Wescott, a
sorority sister of the ladies. !
Attorney J. A. Capwell motored to
Western, Nebraska, Sunday where he
spent the day and returned with Mrs.
Capwell and Dottie Jean who have
been visiting there during the holi
day season with the relatives of Mrs.
Miss Eula Reed, who has been
home during the illness of her moth
er, returned Sunday to Ashland near
where she is engaged in teaching in
the schools, the mother having recov
ered sufficiently to permit her resum
ing her school work.
Given by the Murray
Dancing Club
assured. Good order. Come
have a good time Sat. night.
Murray Dancing Club
Ben Noell, Mgr.
and O K'd the work which has been
done by Mrs. Margaret Brendel. who
was the clerk for the clerk of the
lodge, her husband. Dr. J. F. Bren
: del. The officers elected for the com
ing term are board of managers. A.
jG. Long, T. J. Brendel and TV. L.
iSeybolt. who also composed the audit
jing committee; Dr. J. F. Brendel,
clerk; J. A. Davis, banker, and T. J.
i Brendel. auditor.
Would you rather have seed that is cleaned by a seed
house with 40 years of cleaning experience a firm that
has something like $60,000 worth of cleaning machinery
to clean ancf purify all kinds of seeds or would you
rather have seed that is cleaned in the country cleaned
with the average cleaning machinery that the average
country shipper may have? ... If you want see that
will please and satisfy you, WE HAVE IT. All seeds
that we sell comply strictlj' with the laws of our state.
Northern Grown Sweet Glover
$5.50 Per Bushel!
Special Prices on Large Quantities
Purity, 99.64' ' Germination, 93' '
We are booking orders now for the car load that we
will have arrive about seeding time. We are also book
ing orders for genuine Mastadon Everbearing Straw
berry Plants at $2.70 per 100. Let us have j'our order!
& Swatek
Blessed with a Son
young man tipping the scales al
eight pounds arrived via the
stork route at the honi of John Ad
kins and wife on last Sunday even
ing. The young man was welcomed
to their home near Nehawka. where
both the mother and the young man
are doing nicely, and the father is
pure very happy over the advent.
I have
a number of fine boars fcr
M urray.
Dr. J. A. Eagleton was called to
Plattsmouth on last Monday after
noon, where he was looking after
some business.
TV. S. Smith was a business visitor
in Omaha for the afternoon on last
Monday, he going to secure some sup
plies for the store in Murray.
Mrs. Sadie Oldham, who has been
very poorly at her home in Murray
for the past week or more, is report
ed as being some better at this
Frank Mrasek and son. Earl, were
both over to Omaha with a load of
hos each, which they were market
ing lor the farmers in the vicinity
of Murray.
T. J. Bremil was looking after
sonic business matters in Plattsmouth
last Monday, being called there to
look ; ; some business matters for
a short time.
John A. Diivi? and wife were visit
ing with friends and also looking af
ter some business matters at the
county seat, they driving over to the
big town in their auto.
Lester and Ben Shrader. of near
Murray Garage!
An institution for the best
care of your Autos, manned
ned with very careful me
chanics. Every care and courtesy ex
tended. Here for your btst
The Murray Garage
Nehawka. were in Murray for a short
time last Monday, where they were
looking after some business matters
and were also visitors at Rock Bluffs
as well.
Lee Nickles and W. H. Puis, of
Plattsmouth. were in Murray on last
Monday, they coming down to
tend the annual meeting of
Card of Thanks j
We wish to express the feeling of :
heartfelt gratitude to the host f
kind friends and neighbors for their '
aid and sympathy to us in the hour 1
of our bereavement, to those who sent
the beautiful flowers and for the
persons who assisted in the last ser-
vices. Their kindnesses will always i
be a pleasant memory. Mr. and
Mrs. John T. Porter and Family.
Funeral of Ansel Porter
The funeral services of the late
Ansel Porter, popular Murray man,
w;.t held Sunday at the First Chris
tian church here end the last
rites were very largely attended by
the friends of the young man and his
family. The wealth of ftoral remem
brances spoke silently of the esteem
in which the departed young man
had been held in his home commun
ity. Rev. W. A. Taylor, of Union, con
ducted the services and paid a very
fine tribute to the departed young
man and words of comfort to the
members of the family circle who
have been bereft of the associations
of the son and brother.
j At the services Bertha Lancaster
jand Leora Ferris acted as the flower
i girls.
j Following the church services the
body was borne to th Mt. Pleasant
, cemetery where it was laid to the
last long rest. The pall bearers were
cousins, all of the vicinity of Union,
they being George and Wesley Cop
enhaver. Clyde Porter, Carl Snavely,
Arden RuJimann. Chearles Swan.
from Tuesdays TaDy
Henry F. Nolting was at Omaha
today where he was called on some
matters of business and visiting with
Walter Steinkanip was among the
visitors in Omaha today where he
was called to look after some matters 'PROBE
of business for a few hours. ;
Finds Business Good
Lee A. Weber, who recently came
at-1 to Murray, and engaaed in the res
theitaurant business, having engaged in
Farmers Elevator company, which i the business in the Scmt building arid postponed until February 2nd. j having the ass istance of Orville Todd. ,
The Murray Dancing club has ar-Ms rinding business very fine. Mr.:
ranged to give a dance at the Church- Weber, who sure knows his business, i
hill hall every Saturday night, and, is bending every effort to please the
the management of the entertain- j customers and is receiving a very
ments will be under the direction of ; good patronage. Drop in and .see him.
Ben Noell, who will try to furnish when you are hungry and he will
excellent amusement for the lovers of .feed you right and treat you the best. ;
the dance. j
Last Sunday at the morning ser- FOR SALE
-1 . rt t ho PriiL-hrtftri'in rriifrh t b o '
i in- ia i nuui i.'v j ii it tiu? t i nun
excehnt young man who braved the
zero weather to attend his funeral
j bore mute testimony of the high re
! gard in which he was held by all who
knew him. and the entire community
is sharing in the grief felt over the
loss of Ansel and extends sympathy
to the family in their bereavement.
services were enriched by the attend
ance of George E. Nickles, C. D.
Spangler and James Latta. who en
joyed the service very much, and it
is reported that Brother Nickles is
now considered a regular attendant.
There was some joy at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spangler when
'he stork during the latter portion
of last week brought a very fine
daughter to their home. The young
lady and the mother are doing nice
ly and the proud father is getting
along as well as could be expected
under the circumstances.
Messrs Jacob Parr and Jacob Bar
ker, who arrived in Murray about ten
I ... .1 .: j moilth.
i is rented.
I have v seventeen acre farm that
I will sell richt. Located 4 V; miles
southwest of Murray and 4 miles
north of Nehawka. Fenced with wov
en wire. Nice improvements. Some
fruit and running spring water.
jl4-2sw Murray, Nebr.
Undergoes Operation. '
Mis. J. R. Hill who has been in '
very poor health for some time past '
on account of being troubled with ,
gall stones, was taken .to Omaha on i
last Monday morning where she en- i
tered the Methodist hospital to un- !
dergo an operation for the removal ;
of the source of trouble. It is hoped
that she will find relief and will
soon be able to return to her home
in the best of health.
John T. Eagleton, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Hire New Minister
The congregation of the Christian
church of Murray, during this week
secured the services of a minister for
the church, the Rev. H. L. Grass
muech. who will bold services on
every Lord's day at the church, and
in the evening will preach at Platts-
As the parsonage in Murray
he will continue to reside-
in Plattsmouth where the church has
an excellent parsonage, and where
Murray Presbyterian Church.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p.
( (Young people's meeting).
I Wednesday evening prayer meet-
ing at 7:30.
' You ire cordially Invited to wor
ship with us.
is at present residing.
Residence, !i
Office, if
Bifork Clones
Good warm work clothing is necessary
to the man who works outside and
here you will find it. Warm Underwear,
Sheep Lined Coats, Caps, Wool Socks
everything to make work a pleasure.
Treat the boy to an all-wool Mackinaw. Closing them out at
$3.00 and they are genuine Gordon-Ferguson coats, too!
load Northern Sacrified, Fancy
Sweet Clover $5 bu; Yellow
Free from noxious weeds.
lots at "wholesale" price. Al
Hardy Northwestern U. S.
. i Verified Origin, sealed bags $10.80
Elevator Meeting Adjourned to $15.90. Grimm $24 to $30. Tim
The call for the meeting or the othy $3.25. Samples mailed. John
stockholders of the Farmers Elevator son Bros., Neb. City. lew
company of Murray, was to have been i
on Monday, January 14th, and when
the meeting had been convened, and
it was found not representative, that
is. there was not a good attendance,
the meeting was called to order, and
adjournment taken until February 2,
which comes on Saturday, when they
will convene again, and look after
the business for which the meeting
of last Monday was called.
Household Goods
One piano in A-l condition $100
Music Cabinet $10.00
Victrola $20.00.
3-pierce Davenport Suite $39.50.
Floor Lamp S5.00.
1 Duofold $15.00.
Library table $7.50.
8-piece Dining Room Suite $49.50.
1 Davenport $7.50.
3 Sewing Rockers $1.75 to $2.95
6 Oak Rockers $3 to $5.
12 Dining Room chairs $1 to $1.75
6 Kitchen chairs $75c to $1 each.
One glass door Kitchen Cupboard
One Kitchen Cabinet $7.50.
One Kitchen Cabinet $17.50.
Cne $100 Parlor Heater for $35.
One quick meal Kitchen Range for '
One small Range $15.
One 3 Burner Oil Stove $6.50.
One $45 Red Star stove, like new,
2 China Cabinets $12.50 each.
4 full sized beds $1.50 to $3.50.
4 Bed Springs $2.00 to $4.75.
3 good matresses like new, $3.00 to
5 Dressers $5 to $9.50
1 Mahogany Chiffouer $12.50.
Dining Room table $7.50.
Kitchen Table $2.00.
Breakfast Set $11.50.
Don't forget our Bed and Living
Room Suite Sale.
Telephone 645
Christ Furniture Co.!
118-122 South 6th Street j
From Wednesday s Daily
T. J. Brendel of Murray was here
today for a few hours attending to
some matters of business and visiting
with his friends.
Mrs. William Kieck of Spring
field, is in the city to -enj'y a
visit at the home of her son. County
Attorney W. G. Kieck and wife for a
i few days.
I Oklahoma City, Okla.. Jan. 14.
Investigation of the office of (Jovi i -I
nor Henry S. Johnston by a com
jmittee of the house of representa
tives was started late Monday with
an inquiry into a pardon granted lasi
ilH-cember to Dewey Crosthwaiic, con-
lvicted murderer.
Sunday, January 20th
10:30 a. m. German services.
7:30 p. m. Luther League, Ray
mond Hild and Glen Kreager, leaders.
Team of mules, seven and eight
years old, weight 27 00; John Deere
corn elevator, practically new ; on
one rov.- John Deere cultivator. John
S. Chappell, Nehawka, Neb. J10-tlw
All kinds of business stationery
printed at the Journal office.
Plattsmouth, Neb.-Saturday Night
Bring Your Poultry to Plattsmouth
We will have a POULTRY CAR here on track the bal
ance of this week and offer you the following prices:
Hens, per Ib. 24c
Springs, Soft Meats, Ib 24c
Stags, per Ib 20C
Cox, per Ib 12c
Leghorn Hens or Springs . . . 18c
Leghorn Stags, per Ib 12c
I have made a special effort to get you the above price,
if you have any poultry left lo clean up, now is the
time to get in. Will give you a square deal all the time.
Eggs and Cream
Always paying- es much as you can get elsewhere and sometime:;
more. Give ns a trial. Eemember the poultry- prices. Car will be
here balance of this week. Tor real satisfaction brins Produce to
A. R. Case Poultry Co.
East End Main Street Telephone No. 600
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Orpington cockerels
Wiles, Phone 3521
$2 each.
, Platts-d28-tfw
j State of Nebraska, County of Cass
Ladies Aid Will Meet
The Ladies Aid of the Christian
church have arranged to meet for an
all day session at the parlors of the
church, which will be held on Febru
ary 6a. and at whi-.h time there
v ill be a very entertaining program
rendered, which will be in charge of
the program committee, while the
hostesses will be Mesdames Henry C.
T K . . IT" T O 1 - .1 -T T , T .
I j-o-iit-, t . ct'juuii ana j. r. isren-idel.
i Modern Woodmen Elect
J The Modern Woodmen of America,
t their last regular meeting elected
officers for the coming term and also
.had the business of the past year
j closed up. The auditing committee,
after having thoroughly looked over
the books, pronounced them correct
Plattsmouth, Neb. Saturday Night
' ss.
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County. Nebraska, and to me direct
ed. I will on the 20th day of Febru
ary, A. D. 1S29. at 10 o'clock u. m.
of said day at the south front door
of the Court House in the City of
Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following real estate
The West half of the South-
east Quarter of Section, 32, '
Township 11, Range 14, East ,
of the 6th P. M., Cass County,
Nebraska i
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Alma Yard
ly, et al., defendants, to Batisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
Oliver C. Dovey, plaintiff, against
'said defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, January
loth, A D. 1929.
Sheriff Cass County,
1 1
If we told you these overcoats were worth $5 to $10
more than we are asking for them, it would not make
them any better. We say at these Clearance prices they
are incomparable and unbeatable. Come and be con
vinced. Three wonderful lots, priced at
Boys' Fleeced Union
Suits Dandies
Cotton Serge, long sleeve Oliver Twist Suits.
Ages 2 to 5. You can't beat this value anywhere, cnly.
One lot all wool Jersey Oliver Twist Suits in as
sorted colors and sizes. They're going at
One lot Boys' Dress Overcoats in grays, blues and
browns. Made in latest style, ages 3 to 8. $3.65 and