The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 07, 1929, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    t 5
MONDAY. JAN. 7. 1929.
J. II. Buck and son. A. H. Jaconson
v ere visiting: and looking after some
business matters in Lincoln on last
Robert Crawford and the mother
have both been having a tussle with
the flu. but both are reported as be
ing better at this time.
Miss Mary Tool was a visitor in
Lincoln on last Saturday where she
was the guest of friends as well as
looking after some business matters.
Alvin Bornemeier and Miss Math
ilde Pappe departed a few days since
for Eustis. where they will spend a
week visiting with friends and rel
atives. At the home of Wm. Lau. Mrs.
Wm. Lau. sr.. and Wm. Lau. jr., are
both wrestling with the flu. and
while very sick are getting along
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ward enter
tained for the New Year and had as
their guests for the occasion Miss
Martha Thcil, and W. C. Murfin and
family, the latter of Wabash.
On Tuesday of last week G. Bauer
and John Gakemeier were over to
Omaha where they went to look af
ter some business matters, they mak
ing the rtip via the car of Mr. Gake
meier. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amgwert en
tertained a party at their home on
last Saturday evening in honor of
their niece. Miss Marval Amgwert, of
Lincoln, who was spending a short
time in Murdock.
James Burkirk completed the pick
ing of his corn on last Monday, and
was in the clear for the first of the
year. James says that last fall was
one of the worst falls for getting out
the corn he ever saw.
Henry Timm and wife entertained
on New Years day at their country
home and had as their guests for
the occasion J. H. Buck and family,
where all started the new year right
with an excellent time.
Mrs. Herman Wendt has bee nhav
ing a tussle with the bu. and with
the best of care and medical atten
tion is getting along nicely at this
time and is hoping soon to be in her
accustomed health again.
Charles Ward of near Weeping
Water was a visitor in Murdock on
last Tuesday distributing sale bills
for the, sale which he is to hold on
January. 16th, when he is expecting
to retire from the farm.
S. P. Lies and brother, Charles
Lies, who is visiting here from his
home in South Dakota, were guests
for the New Years day at the home
of George Mills, where a most plea
sant day was spent by all.
A skating party was organized
among the young people of Murdock
who went in the evening to the creek
on the, Bourke pasture when the
trees made a warm place, and there
enjoyed a very pleasant skating
Wm. Rikli starting the New Year
right purchased a Universal Coupe
for his son who will use it in attend
ing school, and will thus be able to
stay at home and thus be in position
to make better progress with his
A. J. Tool and wife entertained
for New Years day at Their home and
had as their guests for the oecas
sion T. M. McKinnom an d family of
near Alvo and Fred H. Gorder and
family of Weeping Water, a good
time was had.
Roy Cole with the Lincoln Tele
phone and Telegraph Company wng
in Murdock on last Tuesday looking ;
after some business matters for the
company and clearing up the lines
whic made the transmission of the
messages the better.
Edward Brunkow has secured one
of the new six Chevrolet trucks whveh
are just being put out. and in his
selection sure has made a good choice
for this will take him there and bring
him home again no matter hof much
of a load he shall have.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and
wife of Weeping Water were guests
for the New Year, and were joined
by Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gorthey and
the kiddies in celebrating the New
Year properly at the home of Mrs.
George Vanderbergs. south of Mur- ;
Oscar .McDonald who is always
realy for anything, was some stump
ed last week when the flu came his
way, not withstanding that he did
not like to grapple with the malady
he went to it and after a round of
a few days boat the illness and is
feeling much better new.
John Eppings after having been
kept to his home and bed for a num
ber of weeks was able to resume Railway Shop Craft and the Chicago ported as getting along nicely and is
his work on the road, and has the & Northwestern railroad in 1927 ( expected to be home again soon. Carl
roads leading out of Murdock in were being evaded, brotherhood ie-;was over to see her on last Wednes
good condition, for John surely presentatives today introduced testi-jday, and slipped a razor in his pock
knows how to make good roads, and money from employes before the et and shaved his friend Charles God-
to make good ones better.
Otto Brackmueller and familv of here.
Big Springs, were enjoying a visit Employes of the bridge and build
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. department iin letters related
Buck for the past few days, and were that cooks, carpenters and section
joined on last Sunday bv Henry nien were shifted about and certain
Brockmueller and wife of Waverly, J positions which received wage in-
I creases under the 1927 agreement
Stock Hauling!
Call phone 40, Murdock, when
1.1 .1
you want your Stock taken to
1 r 11 o. 1 . -
market. raies on an oiock 10,
Omaha will be 25c per hun
dred pounds, beginning Janu
ary 1, 1929.
J. Jnhanspn
t1 xn KM J l.
1 '..I """w ' 1 "
who are the parents of Mrs. Buck.
A very pleasant visit was had by all.
The coming of the New Tear was
marked in Murdock by a- friendly
contest of the sharp shooters of the
city, when they also disposed of two
very fine turkeys which has been the
property of Mr. G. Bauer ror some
time, and which sure made some
good eating for the winner of the
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller enter
tained a large number of young peo
ple at their beautiful country home
when they had with them a large
number of the young people workers
of the Bible school, and where all
enjoyed the evening most pleasantly
and which was a very fine way to
begin the New Year.
Little Alene Ward, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ward, who was
visiting for a few days in Kansas
City with her uncle, Troy Ward, re
turned home early last week. She
was accompanied by her aunt, Mrs.
M. G. Keedy, and while in Kansas
City visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wade Chritchfield. also.
H. W. Tool and family were en
joying a new year party on New
Years eve with friends in Lincoln,
they driving over to the big town
for the occasion in their car. The
following day. New Years evening,
they entertained a large number of
their friends at their home in Mur
dock. and where an excellent even
ing was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Gayle McDonald of
Hampton, accompanied by the kiddies
were over to Murdock on New Years,
where they were enjoying a visit at
the home of the parents of Mr. Mc
Donald, and were also joined by
Bryan McDonald who is employed
with the telephone company at North
Loup. They both returned to their
homes the following day.
Miss Helen Bornemeier who is the
manager of the telephone exchange
in Murdock has been kept to her
home for the past number of weeks
on account of the flu, is still away
from her work. Her sister. Miss Mary
Bornemeier is also kept at home with
an attack of the flu. Meanwhile Miss
Elsie Kupke is assisting Elso Borne
meier in the conduct of the business.
Lost Auto Chain.
I lost a large baloon auto tire
chain, between my home and Mur
dock, and excellent chain for which
I will give a cash reward of $2.50
for the return of same. 0
Murdock, Neb.
Had a Merry Time.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Theil and they are many and
no rubbing it out, gave a very
pleasant evening at the M. W. A.
hall on last Monday evening when
they had a social dance, and at which
a large number were present and a
good time enjoyed.
Babe Dies.
Sorrow came to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Melvin last week
when the four-day-old daughter died
at an hospital at Lincoln. They have
the sympathy in this time of sorrow
of their many friends in Murdock.
Injured Getting on Nicely.
While Frank Zoz and the family
were on their way to bhenandoan,
where they were expecting to have
a fine time at the celebration of a
play at the KMA broadcasting sta
tion, but as they were crossing a
very icy place, the car skidded and
going into the ditch wrecked the
car very badly and injured all in
the car to some extent, one daughter
had her face very badly cut. while
another had some bones fractured.
However, all are getting along nice
ly, they were not able to enjoy the
visit as they had contemplated. The
many friends of this excellent family
are pleased that they are getting
along as well as they are, and are
hoping they may ail be entirely well
Will Establish Eating House.
Vern Albright on last Tuesday
moved from South Bend to Murdock
j where they will make their home and
i will open an eating house in the
Ward- building, which will make a
'good place for the business, and as
thr is an opening for such a place
this will make a good place for the
Chicago. Jan. 4. Attempting to
prove their asertions that the terms
of a- wage scale agreement entered
into by the United Brotherhood of
Maintenance of Way Employes and
United States board of mediation
iwere aoousnea xne men Deing iorcea
cW! .. 1
luiu uiuci puoiLiuiia a i lunci pay. t a-uu cujucu Lilt; occasion very
The controversy hinges on the much, with the friends of today and
rights of a railroad to interpret the the other days. There were there
terare of the agreement in its own to enjoy the day and assist in mak
manner, the Chicago & Northwestern ing it more pleasant Mesdames Ida
taking the attitude it has the right and Roy Hamlon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
to shift men ion certain lines of
work, as the needs may require
About 4,000 maintenance of
employes are affected. Other
marts have similar airrppmpTite
j orn. Jan. 2. bimeon Stark will
appeal to the supreme court a judg-
Jment of $6,000 awarded Miss Sophie
Keeb in. a breech of promise suit
' against him.
6.S00, but
The jury awarded ber
the district court re-
bond of $13,000 as a preparatory
measure to appeal.
Alvo News
John Banning and wife were en
joying a visit on last Sunday at the
home of Joe Banning' and family of
Union, driving over for the day in
their auto.
Mrs. H. H. Moore was a visitor in
Lincoln last week, where she went
to have some dental work done, and
which she has been feeling the need
of for some time.
Reports from the hospital where
August Johnson is being treated for
an injury of one of his legs is to
the effect that he is making satis
factory progress towards recovery.
Frank Taylor and family were
visiting for the evening on last Mon
day at Weeping Water, where they
were atending a "watch meeting"
which was held at the S. Ray Smith
home on New Year's eve.
Rev. Perry Rushlau, pastor of the
Methodist church of Alvo, reports
very much interest in the services at
this time, and with good attendance
at the services on last Sunday, over
one hundred and fifty being in at
tendance. Late last week Uncle Henry
Thomas who has been living alone,
was taken to Plattsmouth where he
will make his home for the remain
der of the winter, as he can be cared
for better there than he can care
for himself here.
Jese Westlake, recently purchased
a new feed grinder, and his selec
tion fell on a Letz. which is handled
by R. M. Coatman, and a very good
one. and which will put Mr. West-
lake in position to prepare the feed
for the cattle better than formerly.
Reports from the hospital where
Uncle George" Foreman is being
treated is to the effect that he is
getting along only fair, and while
everything is being done for his re
covery. It is hoped that he will soon
be able to return to his home again.
John B. Skinner was a visitor in
Omaha last Wednesday, taking with
him a load of stock for Earl Dream
er and Art Roelofsz. which he deliv
ered, and hurrying home, took a load
of household goods to Lincoln for
Charles Foreman the same evening,
thus hustling quite a bit.
Frank Warner was a visitor in
Alvo and a guest of his brother W.
H. Warner one evening last week.
when he was returning from attend
ing a wedding at the home of Roy
Howard, a nephew of Messers War
ner, and also a short visit at Platts
mouth with his brother, C. H. War
ner. August Lindall. living between Alvo
and Murdock. was in town on last
Wednesday and was looking after
some business matters, reported he
has shelled and delived to the Mur
dock elevator some eight hundred
bushels of corn in order to make room
for the additional supply which he
still has in the field.
Last Friday Art Dinges who has
been having much trouble with the
tonsils, went to the hospital in Lin
coin .where he underwent an oper
ation for their removal, and is hop
ing thus to have better health.which
has not been the best on account
of the trouble which the effected
tons have been giving him.
Edward Nelson celebrated th
New Years right, and that by be
ing able to enjoy the dinner which
was prepared celebrating the raising
of the quarantine which has been on
the home for several weeks incident
to the small pox which the family
was afflicted with and which is en
tirely gone at this time. They all
enjoyed the New Year and why not.
On account of the prevalence of
the flu during the closing week of
the first portion of the school year.
the school was closed last week ear
lier than was intended, and on that
account not to allow the term in the
end when the warm weather is here
to continue so long, the school was
began again December 31st, and the
regular time will be gotten in and a
term not made longer at the latter
On last Tuesday R. M. Coatman
and son, Phillip, and sister Gladys
drove over to Grand Island, where
they visited for the day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Golliher, the
latter being a sister of Mr. Coatman
and Miss Gladys. Phillip and the
father returned home in the evening
while Miss Gladys remained for a
longer visit with her sister, as her
school did not begin again until
January 7th.
Mrs. Carl Rosenow was taken with
a very severe attack of the flu last
week and was taken to the General
hospital at Lincoln, where she has
been receiving treatment and is re-
.bey, who is confined there with a case
of pneumonia, but is
getting along nicely.
reported as
Enjoyed the New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kirkpatrick
entertained a number of their friends
tor tne aay ana ainner on the New
.Vcor t 1 . u
Browne, Mrs. James Joyslon. Mr.
I Hal Parsell and Miss Bertha Koslin.
A most enjoyable time was had by
all present.
When she slipped on the snowy
pavement on O street between Thir-
iteenth and Fourteenth Friday after-
noon. Mrs. J. J. Buttery, 1741 J.
street, fell aud broke her hip. She
was taken by Wadloy's to the Lin-
..Alt. nrn.rv.l V,ntnital TW I
E. M. Thomson is attending her.
State Journal.
Mrs. Buttery is a former retidunt
here and the old friends will regret
to learn of her accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ward, who
have made their home east of Man-
Icy for many years are to hold a sale
of their effects so far as used in the
conduct of their farm is concerned,
on January 16th, and wfll later move
to Weeping Water to make- their
home. One of the sons of this ven
erable couple will conduct the farm
ing operations on the home place the
coming year.
Last week for a number of days,
Teddy Harms had a tussle with the
flu. but while it put him down in
flesh some, he came out the victor
and was down to the store looking
after the business soon after the be
ginning of the New Year.
On New Year's day, Mr. and Mrs.
Hall Blair, of Lincoln, were over to
Manley, where they were spending
New Years day at the home of the
parents of Mrs. Blair, Teddy Harms
and wife, and where they enjoyed the
visit very much.
Edward Steinkamp and family, of
Weeping Water, were spending New
Years day at the home of Mr. Stein
kanip's parents, A. Steinkamp and
wife, of Manley.
Arnold Harms, who is employed in
Omaha, accompanied by his friend,
Fred Vittick. were visiting for over
New Year's day at the home of Teddy
Harms and wife.
Celebrating the New Year some
one wanted some chickens to grace
their dinner table and so went to the
yards of Fred Falischman, where they
appropriated what they desired and
made way with them and in depart
ing left the gate to the lot open
Fred says if you cannot purchase the
chicks, come frankly to him. and he
will see what can be done to supply
your needs.
Word has been received of the
passing of the grandmother of Mrs.
Herbert Ward, who has been making
her home in Kansas, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ward, accompanied by Mrs
Ward s parents, J. E. Renner and
wife, departed for her late home,
where they went to attend the fun
eral of the mother and grandmoth
er. With the coming of the New Year.
also came a great joy to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Stander, northeast
of Manley, when the- stork brought
them for their very own a bright-
eyed little daughter, which is mak
ing the New Year very bright.
J. C. Rauth and daughter. Miss
Anna, were over to Omaha for the
day on last Thursday, they driving
over to the big city in their car.
John Crane, who was at the hos
pital in Omaha for some time, where
he received treatment for his health,
returned home about week ago and
immediately departed for Sutton, at
which place he spent a week visiting
with his sister and family and en
joying the holidays there. While he
was away, Eli Keckler was looking
after the business at the store and
lumber yard.
The first two days of this year.
Wm. Ash. with his huller. was at
the home of Ray Wiles, hulling clov-
er, and sure a portion of Wednesday
found the weather fresh enough for
the work.
Following the canvas for the peti
tion for the graveling of the road
from the Lutheran church near the
home of Henry Gaebel, and running come from the north and northwest,
south to Manley and on to join up I w. P. Bailey and wife and son,
with the Red Ball highway south of Lyle, and Miss Catherine Coleman
town, also graveling of Main street, were enjoying a New Year's dinner
in Manley and the street running at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
from the Manley bank to the St. Pat- Jones, near Prairie Home, they driv
rick's Catholic church. Andrew Sch- jnp; over to the home of their
liefert and Oris Schliefert were over friends in their auto.
to Plattsmouth on last Tuesday ami
presented tne petition 10 me lioaru
of County Commissioners for their
consideration. -
Miss June Schoeman. of Louisville.
was a visitor for New Year's day at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
H awes, of Manley. where all enjoyed
the visit very much.
Herman Rauth and wire, Mr. ana
Mrs. Wm. Heebner and Oscar Dow-
ler and family were assisting in see-
1UC 1 f v 1 cell ai 1 1 1 c uu.t
of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ray Smith, of
Weeping Water on last Monday even-
ing. all staying until the old year
had flown.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Rauth on last Sunday they had
as their guests, Peter Christensen
and wife, of Omaha, who were ac
companied by Louis Ellison and
daughter. Miss Joan, and where they
had an excellent time. Miss Rena
Christensen. who had been visiting
for a time at the home of her sister
ht T, At. ...... .1 .-ititnrc
home to Omaha when they return -
On last Saturday at the home of
A. R. Dowler was gathered Mrs. Her-
man Rauth, Mrs. Oscar Dowler, Miss
Anna Rauth and Mrs. Wm. Heebner, ;
where they enjoyed a pre New Years j
pa';- nn -rJ
family were
enjoying a very pleasant visit at the!
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rauth on
last Sunday evening.
Underwent an Operation
Hn lace KatnrHav a ViOfk M1V111, rr Me ;m,tb-o7 Manlev
ttilkin, who resides south of Manley.
and who had not been" in the. best o
health for some time, was taken to
the hospital in Omaha,- where he un
derwent an operation for the festora- I
tion of his health, and: has since (
been making some very good advances
towards returning health and it was
thought that. he wquld be
ahlp to re-
turn, to his home by this time.
Lincoln. Jau. 2. Federal .Judge
I 1" ieiiet JUIiSl. Ill 1VUC1.11 tuuiv
- .... - . I . . 2.. -. 3 1 ...... 4
Lincoln- ding to an assigument
announced today by Judge Kim-
, brouSh Stone, sen tor circuit judge,
Read the Journal Want Ads.
1 i ili
Miss Hazel Erskine, of Lincoln,
has been enjoying a very pleasant
visit for the past week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson.
Mrs. Nels Anderson has been hav
ing a tussle with the flu for the past
number of days and has in the end
worn- out the malady and is about
Mrs. Henry Wilkins was enjoying
a visit at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ingraham, of near
Ashland, where a very pleasant visit
was had.
W. E. Goings, of Lincoln, was
spending the New Year at the home
of his brother, Walter Goings, north
west of Greenwood, where all enjoy
ed the occasion very pleasantly.
Dr. Louis E. Moon, of Omaha, son-
in-law of P. A. Sanborn, who has
been quite ill for some time with
pneumonia at a hospital, is reported
as being some better at this time.
Harry Schroader, who has been
hustling away on the matter of get
ting out the crop, completed the pick
ing on last Monday and says he sure
is glad that it has been completed.
C. C. Conn on last Wednesday corn
Dieted the picking of his corn, the
work having been done by the four
pickers, Frank Rouse, Dudley Clouse,
Albert Ethrege and Henry Wilkin.
Arthur Stewart, who has been
hustling with the picking of corn,
has completed all he has in hand and
is now tackling the cutting of wood
and has a lot of land to clear of tim
ber. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilkin, who
were down to Armour, where they
were visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Heinemann for a number
of days, returned home early last
With the nearing of the comple
tion of the picking of the corn crop.
many have sold corn which will be !
delivered to the two elevators in
Greenwood during this and the com-'
ing week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Landon were
visiting in Ashland last Tuesday, be- Weirar Ciaims and' Deficiencies. In
ing present at the installation of the suran.e
officers of the Royal Arch Masons of "
a member.
Mrs. M.
('. Wrifrht has been con
fined to her home and bed with a
very severe attack of the flu. which ing in complete harmony, the city's
she" has had for a number of days, municipal water, electric and ice
but is reported as being some better plant and the Central Power com
at this time. ' pany's private plant today announc-
George Trunkenbolz was out hust- ed a material reduction in rates for
ling me nrst oi me .u, lfc
the meters oi tne consumers oi tne
eieciric Ilglll ami gas, nidi me iu-
. , .... . r . I. .
jUftnienis oi me accounts ji me iu
wrvifPB nuv hp made.
Mrs. Charles Martin has been kept
to hor home with an attack of flu.
which was rather severe, but with
hnth aK tn n ursine and
medical attention, she is at this time
getting along much better.
George Bucknell. who was sick for
so many days with a severe attack of
the flu, was able to get back to the
store again last week, and with Mr.
j white was actively hi
their annual inventorj
ustling getting
ory taken.
John E. Stradley has been hust-
II,. Af luta i tya t t ill t t Y rj ctlfiu f c n fC
I notion anThad Vho stretch of
road running east pretty well fixed
for all snow storms which might
, E( Laudergreen and M. It. Dodd, !
wno have been in lhe vicinity of
(Gran(1 island lor some time past,
i where thev have been picking corn.
returne( to their home in Greenwood
last week they having completed the
WQrk which they had in hand at this
j ,.,,, ,lf c.At t ak-e Citv
7" 7
Uaho. has been Green-
(' for thpaBt Sr '
the horar of his uncle, P. A. Sanborn.
, , , . 1, u,J .. loot
'here he spent the Jolidajs On 1 last
Wednesday he departed h home
n the west. Mr. Hauck called
east Oil a Belli imssiun, an mo lauiri ,
Peter Hauck. had come east for a
visit with friends in Wisconsin and
had just completed his railway jour
ney and was.taking a taxi cab for
the home of relatives whom he was
to visit, when he dropped dead. The
son had gone to Wisconsin to attend
the funeral and on his return stop
ped off for a visit with his uncle and
i ti II 1 1 1 lit
I Wanted To Buy Dead Animals.
am in the market for hides
horses and cattle, and will buy fallen
animals for their hides. Phone 2203.
p, j. Kelley, Greenwood, Neb.
Spend Week in Missouri
were spending about a week, or ten
days at New Hampton, Mo., where
they went to visit with Andrew Stev
ens, and where they found a portion
of the folks sick and others busy.
- . . . . . . ,
IOOKea a.lier awu"5 uu a
g Peterson jumped in and assisted
. :.,, Jra
Greenwood Transfer Line
We do a general business make
trips regularly to Omaha on Monday
and Thursday, also to Lincoln Tues-
dav and FriOay. PICK UP lOaaS Oil
. J . ..
these trips. Full loads at any time.
! 0ro Saturday Dny
The many friends of -Mrs. Charles
E; Martin will,-be -pleased to learn
that this estimable lady who has
been rather poorly, for the past sev-
eral weeks is now showing soma iia-
provenient and it is hoped will soon
be back in her usual health.
Democrats An
nounce Commit
tee Requests
Banning Names Minority Appoint
ments to be Asked in Senate
Makes Names Public.
Lincoln. Jan. 2. Senator W
Banning, of Union, today said
senate would be asked to allow
democratic minority to present their
committee choices to the committee
on committees.
He said the following requests for
committee appointments would be
W. B. Banning, Union Banks and
Currency, Finance, Ways and Means,
Insurance, Privileges and Elections.
Allen S. Stinson, Niobrara Educa
tion. Railroads. Agriculture. High
ways. Bridges and Ferries. Fish and
Game, Engrossed and Enrolled Bills.
Henry F. Schepman, Falls City
Finance. Highways, Bridges and Fer
ries. Judiciary, Railroads, Privileges
and Elections.
Andy J. Welch. Milford Public
Instruction, Medical Societies, Reve
nue and Taxation. Agriculture. Edu
cation, School Lands and Funds.
Gus A. Dworak, Omaha Fish and
Game, Manufacturing, Retail and
Commerce, Employes, Miscellaneous
Corporations, Child Welfare, Claims
and Deficiencies.
Harry K. Easton, Omaha Banks
and Currency, Judicial, Municipal Af
fairs, Manufacturing and Retail, In
surance. Education.
Rudolph Brazda. West Point
Highways. Bridges and Ferries. Pub
lic Institutions. Taxation and Reve
jnue. Constitutional Amendments,
I Miscellaneous Corporations, Munitip
!al Affairs, Railroads.
George Frush, Wahoo Finance.
Ways and Means, Fish and Game,
Revenue and Taxation. Fees and Sal
aries. Agriculture. Accounts and Ex
penditures. Arthur L. Neumann, Oakland
Ilnlru urwl Ciirrrni v .liulifiarv Philrl
Grand Island, Neb., Jan.
UuU,i. j,u., " ' . v. : i'"
aiways naung ueeu amuut mc iu"-
"t m oian.
T Vrvn.oo 1 i crli t TtMU-(r II Tl
an -
fuel go at the same rate. Homes using'
current to the extent of -6 a month
will hereafter pay $4.92. The man-
agements of the plants agree that
it means a saving of $20,000 an-
nually to home owners. The Central '
Power also announced that it will
make another reduction in rates for
gas. The cut in electric rates came,
it was said, without any general de
mand on the part of the public.
WANTED Good energetic hustler to
sell Ward's Reliable Products in Cass
count v. No exnerience necessary. We
help you get started. Steady income
no lav-ons. Line consists oi
over !
1UU nignest. quality ai uiits. j-vh j
guaranteed. An opportunity to es-
tablish prosperous business with small:
capital. Write for particulars. Dr.
Ward's Medical Co., Winona. Minn.;
Established 1856. d20-4tw
on Petition of Appointment
of Administrator
The State of Nebraska. Cass Coun-
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Helen B. Perry, deceased,
On reading and filing of the peti-
tion of Jesse P. Perry, praying that
administration of said estate may be
granted to himself as administrator.
Ordered, that February 1st. A. D.
1929. at 10 o'clock a. m is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to be held
in and for said County, and show
cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition
and hearing therof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
The Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
County, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Dated January 5th, 1929.
("Seal) County Judge.
Attorney. j7-3w
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
George W. Shields, deceased.
"""S nc fLiLwii
of James Earhart praying that ad-
ministration of said estate mav be
. mAn?trV?" . baid . "lal a..;le
trramea to w. a. uavis. as Aan mi?-
Ordered, that February 1st, A. D.
1929, at ten o'clock a. m., is assign-
ed for hearing said petition, when
an persons lmeresLea in saia matter
appear bl a. county muii iu uc
, . 1 ' 1 m - 1 . . 1
held in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of the petition-
er should not be granted: and that
notice of the pendency of said peti-
! tion and the hearing thereof be yiveir
to all persons interested in said mat-
iter by publishing a cory of this
order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Dated. December. 3L&L L92S.
(Seal) j7-3w County Judge.
From Saturday's Dally
Rev. Grassmueck, pastor of the
First Christian church of this city,
returned home Friday, after having
spent a few days with relatives at
Lincoln, during the holiday season,
and took suddenly ill and was un
able to return to his duties here as
pastor. We are pleased to know that
he has recuperated sufficiently to
resume his work at this time.
The Dennison line offers you year
round entertainment goods. Picnics,
lawn parties and outdoor events can
be supplied as well as interior deco
rations, favors, etc.. etc. Call at the
Pates Book find Gift Sbop.
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Helen Pitz, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Otto Pitz praying that administra
tion of said estate may be granted to
himself as Administrator:
Ordered, that February 1st. A. I).
1929. at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted: and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in The Plattsmouth Jour
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print
ed in said county, for three sucs
sive weeks prior to said day of hear
ing. Dated January -1th, 192!'.
( Seal ) County Judg-.
j7-3w Attorney.
Petition for Determination
of Heirship
Estate of Gottfried Gustav Pi'?.,
dec-eased, in the County Court of
Cass county. Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska. To all p i -sons
interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs takf notice, that Otto
Pitz has filed his petition alleging
that Gottfried Gustav Pitz died i.i
testate in Cass county. Nebraska, on
or about March 4th, 192.", being ;t
'resident and inhabitant of Cass mun-
died seized of
,'fnllnwinr 1pk rib-l
fl IOilOMIlg (IfS.riOCO
real estate.
wit :
Beginning at the northeast
corner of the northeast quarter
of lhe northeast quarter of Sec
tion nineteen (19). Township
twelve (12). Range fourteen
(14 East of the fith P. M.. in
said county, running theme
south five and ninety-three hun
dredths (0 : 0 0 chains,
thence west eleven and fifty-five
hundredths (11 r.5-100 chains.
thnce north five and ninety
three hundredths ( " fi;-U'"
chains, thence east to the place
of beginning, and containing
seven (7 acreis. more or leas:
Also an undivided one-half ef
the following tract (upon condi
tions that grantee herein and
owner of other undivided one
half shall keep said land open to
be use-d as a road) to-wit: Be
ginning at a point five and ninety-three
hundredths ( 5 93-1 00 j
chains south and ten (10)
chains west of the northeast
corner of the northeast quarter
of Section nineteen (ISM, Town
ship twelve (12), Range four
teen (14), thence south twenty
five hundredths (25-100) of a
chain, thence west ten (I'M
! chains, thence- north twenty-five
hundredths (2fi-10(M of a chain.
thence east to the pla't- of be
ginning: Lot thirty-two C52) in the
southeast quarte-r of the foulh
east quarter of Section eighteen
(IS), in Township twelve (12).
North. Range fourteen (II),
East of the fith P. M. ;
I Also commencing at a point
; six chains and eighteen links
south and eighte-en chains and
fifty-four links west of the north
east corner of Section nineteen
(10). Township twelve (12).
Range fourteen (14), East of th
6th P. M., thence west one and
fifty hundredths (1 50-100)
chains, thenc south ninety
three (3) link?, thence in a
northeasterly direction to place
of beginning, containing six hun -dredths
(6-100) of an acre, more
or less. Said above described
tract being the northwest corner
of Lot 24, NE'i NEV4. Sc. 19-12-14.
All of sid described real
estate being in Cass county, Ne
braska 1 leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named person.,
j Helen Pitz. his widow, now
, deceased, and Otto Pitz, his
son ;
That the interest of the petitioner
herein in the above described real
estate is an undivided one-half in
terest in and to the above describe!
real estate, and praying for a deter
mination of the time of the death of
saia i.otiineu e,u;,iav 1 nz ana 01 111-1
unis, mr: uvic-c iri iwiiaiiip dim iiiij
:! .1 c L 1
right of descent of the real property
belonging to the said deceased, in the
State of Nebraska.
It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing the 15th day of Febru-
ary, A. u. 19jy, before the court, at
tne nour 01 iu o ciock a. in.
Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebrask.i.
this 4th day of January, A. D.
j (Seal)
County JuJfcL.