The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 03, 1929, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JAN. 3. 1929.
Cbc plattsmoutb journal
Katr at FoatoClc. Plattsmoutb. Neb oob-c1m mall matter
R . A. BATES, Publisher
Don't forget to date it 3.)2iJ
It never kills a law to execute it.
Nebraski loses
will it be?
a congressman
The young long to be happy; the
old wish to be wise.
The New Year looks bright
prosperous for Piattsmouth.
Alimony is a form of punishment
for being a poor judge of women.
Leading a woman to the altar is
usually a man's last act of leader
ship. :o:
Everybody should b- happy, but
will not be unless prosperity attends
It isn't polite to
else can you do if
point, but what i
the menu is in t
French ?
You are definitely- middle-aged
you no longer are ashamed to count ,
your change.
: o
Well, by this time your Christmas ,
gift cigarette lighter has probably;
quit working.
Another good way to enjoy soli
tude is to get the habit of describ
ing your symptoms.
: o -.
So many words have double mean
ing. "It" for example, may
sex appeal or a new infant.
Christmas fatalities are totaled
less than two-score. The brand of
moonshine liquor must be improving.
Communism will come when public-service
employes leap to serve a
patron as the boys do at a filling
Jud Tunkins says he's kind o dis
couraged since he hung up his stock
ings on Christmas eve and somebody on the subject isn't going to do the
stole the stockings. least bit of good.
:o: I 17. To decline stock market tips.
Maybe one reason the "reds" are even if lney come from Chas. M.
so unpopular in America is because Schwab, and vouched for by J. Pier
of that red flannel underwear every- pont Morgan.
body used to have to wear. j
If science will quit worrying about
the origin of man and tell us some- (
thing definite about his finish, it
will be much more satisfactory.
A new alloy has recently been
,iiomv..r v.-ith whirr, friaK max- he
...w..v- c -
cut as readily as a piece of iron.
It is made from cobalt and tungs-
All sorts of jobs have been sug-
gested for President Coolidge after
he quits office, but one he can't
quaiuy 101 is a piaie in me
The Mills plan to make prohibition
effective and the Kellogg-Briand
treaty outlawing war should be pin
ned together and placed in a museum
for naive notions of human nature.
. , Z':' .1,
earth as 13 to 80 billion years. You
know differently, however, if you
ever have sat un all night playing
--rc anH t unrk the ne-rt rtav
Rumor that the traveling salesman
is in danger of becoming extinct.
Statistics show there are IS, 000 few-
er than at the last count. And what
...: :.. ...v....
ihey are gone?
E. S. Chapman, prohibition en- by profitable dairy herds.
foreement officer for North Missis-' The "heese factories in the North
Fippi. reports that twenty still haveWtte valley have shown what co-
, . . '
,rinu,J u"llu'cu ai ,U"U3
along the Mississippi river
ever, it is believed that a few
A Christmas greeting via
from a naval officer friend far out
at sea reminds us that Uncle Sam
Hill has a navy, despite the Kellogg
peace pact, and the evident refusal
of congress to build some more cruis-
( en,.
I '-
rjveryining iooks goou ior i-iatis-
mouth. The man who is not for his
home town is not a desirable citi-
zen and no one knows it better than
he does. Nothing is more pleasant
and grander than a . united citizen-
ship. That's what makes a town
prosperous. Commence the New Year
right and don't be set down as a
manara. 1929, and the time limited lor pay
Here are a few of the things we' The church folks must admit that's rnent of debts is one year from said
1 - T . 1 D OA
have resolved for the coming vear:
1. To quit hoping that the Ne- alibi I
braska legislature will be able toi Had a similar situation presented
solve the financial and highway prob- i itself in the United States during
em (the Presidential campaign, all the
To cease believing there will
ever be a reduction in income taxes, couiu not nave dragged nerDert iioo
or any other form of taxation. V(r to a race track on Sunday.
3. To quit printing propaganda in It would have been better to offer
fulsome nraise of the officers of the a perfectly logical explanation of
Nebraska Development Board and all.wniU happened. Sunday is a big day M
other mutual admiration societies.
4. Never to pet a strange police
r. pcrofniiv ftfrnin frnm men.
Carefullv refrain from areu-
ments with traffic officers, wherein
you always lose even if you win.
6. Never to go swimming while
wearing a wristwatch.
7. To give motor trucks the right-
-of-wav at all cross streets.
S. To quit trying to beat the oth -
er fellow into revolving doors.
9. To carefully memorize the words
o... t-. ..
OI me iui ppungjeu oam.ei unu ,
"America." and insist that all mem
bers of our luncheon club do like-
Wv(-r tn hfliprs that th wnnl
Neiei to believe that the "ora
"hot" means anything when you see
it printed on the faucet at a golfl"
club shower bath.
11. To give up trying to sleep in
motion Dicture theatres.
12. To quit telling the preachers
they must keep out of politics, be
cause they won't do it, anyway.
13. Not fuss at the telephone girl
when she gives the wrong number,
Perhaps the poor girl has more num
bers than she knows what to do with.
14. To call in a competent elec
trician every time the radio gets out
of fix.
15. To refrain from forecasts of
election results.
IK. To take it for ETanted that
the women are going to wear what j
they want to wear.
and moralizing '
is. Not to make any more
Year's resolutions, because I
tMnk of &ny more jjm nQw
Five hundred dollars is a lot ofi
money to pay for a pound of butter.
Vet the Piattcmnnth Phamher "nf.
Commerce, which paid that much for
the first pound made by the Cass
County Co - operative creamery,
hmisrht it cheanlv enouch. Both the
business men and the farmers are
poing to r(,ap plenty of dollars in
dividends from the first pound, and
tne cneck that paid for it.
For the last five years dairy de-
velopment has been making sensible
progress in Nebraska, guided by the
Dairv Development association, of
which Carl Gray has been president
and Otto Liebers manager, and aid-
j ed by the extension work of the
'state university. For five years there
has been steady improvement in the
breed of milk cows on the farmers in
the state. Non-producers, cows that
eat more than they give, have been
sent to the packers. The North
! Platte experiment station with its
' famous Beauty Girl and her noted
daughters, has sbown what can
done by intelligent breeding and
!hr,dlinr r.f onwa Fnrmorc In M
.parts or tne state are gaining indt-
penaeme lrum crop surplus prouiem.i
operaiive worn win ao in increasins
now- dairy profits. The Orleans creameiy and testament of Rosina Ruaterholtz. ; the 28th day of January. 192B, at
afford is another example of the good r - deceased; that said instrument be ad- the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. to show
suits of annlvintr business methods mitted to Probate and the adminis- cause, if any there be why a license
suits or appiing business methods tration of said estate be granlea to should not be granted to said admin-
lu mimcia lujci-ia. x nc
ty creamery begins its production
under most favorable omens of sue-
. , , .j ,1 . . . .
.Neuicisivii is iuii) uiteu iu uany
The climate is one un-
nr which cows flourish Pennle
! everywhere are appreciating the high
food value of milk and mllk Prod-
ucts aI,d the market is enlarging
daily. With wise precautions lest
H,irr Hit b nahrt tor, ran.
idiv there is every reason to believe
laiJ tnere is every reason 10 ueueve
that this extra source of wealth will
add greatly to the farm productivity
of Nebraska and the prosperity of
her pe0ple.
Phone your news to Ho. 6.
I The attention of folks who object
ed strenuoutly to the religion of Gov-,ty,T
. t,
ernor ai mhuii uunug nit rrrsiuni
tial campaign last autumn is respect
fullv directed to the fact that Her-1
bert Hoover attended church in Rio1 .You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
de Janiero last Sunday morning and piattsmouth. in said county, on the
Sunday afternoon he went to the 18th day of January, 1929, and on
races . the 19th day of April. 1929, at 10
The press agent of the President- o'clock a m. each day. to receive
, , aQd examine all claims against said
elect says that he attended the races estate wilh a view to their adjust
in Rio "merely to give the masses a ment and allowance. The time lim
glimpse of him. and to give himself ited for the presentation of claims
a chance to get a glimpse of the aSainBi M" e8jate rS
! .. from the 18th day of January, A. D.
a rather weak excuse, a mighty poor
king's horses and all the king's men
in Rl de Janeiro. Everybody goes
to the races on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Hoover was merely following
the old adage, "in Rome do as the
the old adage
Romans do." A visit to the race Roy Mayfield praying that the inBtru
track was a part of the official pro- ment filed in this court on the 12th
. . , . , . , . day of December, 192S, and purport
gram for his entertainment, and he , 3 " . " . ' ... ' .
' 1 1 1 lioriK' lina 1 X- r i iK it without
'"' . v. " "
ven offense to his hosts.
The excuse that our new President
... ,
p - l " uwu ..u
.crowds see him will hardly hold wa-
,ter- A more candid man would have
: admitted that he went to see the
. . Wehv ordered that vou. and
lmrcpc run
A gearless motor for motor cars
"as uer;i ucicicu uy u. .uunuiiT-u
.A ,
- Bta """'er of the petitioner should not be
an unbroken tange of power between
thf two. The sneed at which the
engine may run ,ir.nn the
1 degree or vaive
The Atchison Glohe has its little
joke: A Kansas City man who was
. .rn oi,.;.,..
6Mt" a "i"""" .
spent tne aay in Aicnison bo 11
wouldn't be stolen until he had some
good out of it.
and Notice on Petition for Settle
ment of Account.
m me wuniy uourt 01 ua coun-,
Cass county.
To N. C. Abbott, Guardian of
Gretchen Ann Travis and Elizabeth
Louise Travis, minors, heirs at law.
and all persons interested in the es-
tate of Earl R. Travis, deceased:
On reading the petition of N. C.
Abbott, Administrator, praying a
final settlement and allowance of hiB
account filed in this Court on the
2Sth day of December. 1928, and for'
determination or neirsnip. alignment
and distribution of reBidue of said es-
tate and for his discharge as such
AaminiBiraior oi sam wuu,
u 1S uwuj urutrieu lull )uu aau
ial1 persons interested in said matter
y ana .ao' . p.p. .r Bl .e UIllZ
(Court to he held in and lor said
county on the 11th day of January,
A. D. 1929. at two o'clock p. m., to
snow cause. 11 any mere De. wny tne
?raer or tne petitioner snouid not
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per-
sons interested in said matter by
,puDiisning a copy or tnis order in
th Pi n 1 1 cmrkii t h .Trmrnol a utrni.
weekly neWBpaper printed in said
county, for one week prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here-
unto set my hand and the sea of
said Court this 2 8th dav of Trtm
ber, A. D. 1928.
(Seal) d31-lw County Judge
.111 iue Luuniy wouri 01 iusa coun-
ty Nebraska.
fetate or isebrasita. county or Cass,
To the heirs at law and to all per-
sons interested in the estate of Ro -
8ina Kusternoltz. deceased:
n reading the petition Of Abbie
Bell Oaks, Florence Rosellia Patter-
son and Almeda Cathren Fleming,
praying mat tne instrument nled in
this court on the 29th day of De-
cember. 192 8, and purporting to be
If st wl" and Testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al-
lowed and recorded as the last will
ni. uaKs, as executor;
It is hereby ordered that you. and
a11 Persons interested in Baid matter,
may. and do, appear at the County
- u aeia in anu ior saia
county, on the 25th day of January.'
A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m.. to
show cause, if any there be. why the
Pra5"er of the petitioner should not
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this Order in
the flatt8mouth Journal, a semi -
weeky newspaper printed in said
county for three successive wv.
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of
x'll 29th f DeCem"
t ' "'ah nTnenrav
.(Seal) d3l-3w
County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
8S '
the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Hans
Tarns, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
ism aay 01 January,
Count Court this 14th day of
December, 192S.
(Seal) dl 7-4 w County Judge.
tl X A 1 ,1 n n .1 V. A O
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. County of Cass,
To the people of the State of Ne
braska, and to all persons interested
in the estate of Mary Kuhney, de
ceased: On reading the petition of Mrs.
- . . . i 1 i
oi me sal a a-eoeaseu, may ie yrovea
and allowed, and recorded as the
last will and testament of Mary
Kuhney. deceased: that said Instru-
admme(d to proliate and tne
administration of said estate be
granted to Roy Mayfield as Execu-
1 k
all persons interested in said matter
'may, and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun-
ij, " - J - - '
n. 1929. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show
auee u there by vhy lhe pray
pranted: and that notice of the pen
dencv of said petition and that the
nearing IQereoi Be giveu 10 ii yci
(sons interested In said matter by pub-
llshine a copy of thin Order in the
(Piattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing
Witues8 my hand, and seal of said
court this 10th day of December, A,
d., 1928.
County Judge.
(Seal) dl3-3w
In the County Court of Cass coun
T thft mattM. of th Estate of
Alice Cory, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition
of Sybil D. Brantner. praying that
letters of administration be granted
to her, the aald Sybil D. Brantner. as
administrator de bonis non of the
above namfcd t. to administer
upon the goods, chattels, rights, cred
its. effects and assets of said Alice
Cory., deceased, not already adminis
tered upon ;
Ordered that January 11th, 1929.
at Vi a V sii rf ton Vr-1 ru V Q m of
mm lm IUD aawua - wa V V4J w vv-waa
h b for bear
. ' CQt,. 'lt hlT, nti r
Ioterested ln Eaid matler may ap-
ftt a QxmlJ Court to be held In
a. tnr. coI, anA Rhnw rausf
.w - tba prayer of 'petitioner Bhould
not be ETanted: and that notice of
7-- n-vtition.
t1 th!Lf hVriwn t
aonTa tlraB,AA in tn'td matter bv
r,UDii8hing a copy of this Order in
th PlattBmouth Journal, a semi-
Jjjjj JJid day of hearing
. rjated tbls 1 day of I
county, for . three successive weeks.
A. D. 1928.
County Judge. Cass Coun'
ty, Nebraska.
(Seal) d!7-3w
In the District Court of Case coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate of Sam
O. Smith, deceased
Now on this 13th day of December,
1928. this cause came on for hear
ing upon the petition of Frank R-
Qobelman. aa Administrator with
will annexed of the EsUte of Sam O
smith, deceased, praying for a license
to sell the following described real
ggjatg to-wlt:
, Tt- to 11 and 12 in Block
26 in the City of Piattsmouth.
Cass eonntv. Nebraska .
for the purpose of paring the taxes.
repairs and adminlBtration expenses
f said estate.
it ia therefore ordered that all
persons interested ln said estate ap-
pear before me ln the District Court
room in the eourt house at Platts-
mouth Cass county, Nebraska, on
.istrator with will annexed or aaia
estate in the above " described real
.estate for the purpose of paying
taxes, repairs and expenses of admln-
istration or saia esiaie.
It is further ordered that a copy
of this order to show cause he pub
lished in the Piattsmouth Journal, a
newspaper of general circulation In
of Uiree consecutive weeks prior to
the date of said hearing,
j By the Court,
Judge of the Diet. Court.
i A friend of ours isays that he
kept a careful check on presents he
received and presents he sent. nd
'the figures show he is 15.88 in the
'bole. Still, It might be worse.
In tne County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the
estate of John Cory, deceased:
On reading the petition of Sybil
Brantner praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 14th day
of December, 192S, and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of John Cory, deceas
ed; that said instrument be admitted
to probate and the administration of
said estate be granted to Sybil Brant
ner. as Executrix;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 11th day of January,
A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock a. m., to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Piattsmouth Journal, a semi-
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of
Court, this
A. D. 1928.
15th day of Decem-
County Judge.
(Seal) dl73w
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To the heirs at law and to all
persons interested in tne estate or
Mallnda Clymer, deceased:
On reading the petition of Ralph
E. Clymer and Pearly E. Clymer,
praying that the instrument filed in
this court on the 15th day of De
cember, 1928, and purporting to be
the laBt will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of Malinda Clymer,
deceased; that said instrument he ad
mitted to probate and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
the Lincoln Trust Company, a cor
poration, as Executor:
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for 6aid
county, on the 11th day of January,
A. D. 1929. at ten o'clock a. m.. to
show cause, if any there be, why the
prayer of the petitioners Bhould not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter ny
publishing a copy of this order In
the Piattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of
Baid Court, this 15th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1928.
(Seal) dl73w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the Application of
Ruth Sayles Thomsen, Administratrix,
for license to sell real estate.
Now on this 21st day of December,
132S, Ruth Sayles Thomsen. Admin
istratrix of the estate of Andres
Thomsen. deceased, having presented
her petition under oath praying for
license to sell the following described
real estate of the said Andrew Thom
sen, to-wit:
The east half (E) of the
southeast quarter (SEVi ) of Sec
tion thirty-two (32), Township
nineteen (19), Range five (5),
East, in Dodge county, Nebras
ka; Fractional lot numbered one
(1) in Block numbered two (2),
ln the Village of Cedar Creek,
Cass county, Nebraska, and
Sub-Lot four (4) of Lots 15
and 16, a sub-divisien of Gov
ernment Lot seven (7) of Section
five (5). Township twelve (12),
North, Range twelve (12) East
of the 6th P. M., Cedar Creek.
Nebraska, more particularly de
scribed as Sub-Lot four (4) of
Lots 15 and 16, running from
west side of alley in Block num
bered two (2) of Village of
Cedar Creek. Cass county, Ne
braska, to the west Bide of alley
in Block numbered six (6), of
said village; said Sub-Lot 4 con
taining 57100 of an acre
or a sufficient amount thereof to
bring the eum of J3.000.00 for-the
payment of debts allowed against
said estate and allowances and costs
of administration, for the reason that
there is not a sufficient amount of
personal property in the possession
of said Ruth Sayles Thomsen, Admin
istratrix, belonging to said estate, to
pay said debts, allowances and costs.
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at Chambers in the City
of Piattsmouth, in said county, on
the 3rd day of February, 1929, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., to show
cause, if any there be, why a license
Bhould not be granted to said Ruth
Saylea Thomsen, Administratrix, to
sell eo much of the above described
real estate of said decedent as shall
be necessary to pay said debts and
It is further ordered that a copy
of this Order be served upon all per
sons interested in said estate by caus
ing the same to be published for four
successive weeks in The Piattsmouth
Journal, a newspaper printed and
published in said County of Cass.
By the Court.
Judge of the District
To: Park G. Dobson, Louis Sampson,
Frederick Patterson, Elias Pocock,
John Wier, Sr., Leslie C. Baker, Benj.
F. Sloan, Joseph Shera. Elijah Con-,
nor, John Glass, Elizabeth Patterson,!
Francis M. Young, Joseph S. Myer, I
Catharine Jeffers. John H. Chuver,
Sample Hurst, David Vance, Rufus
F. McComas, Clara M. Dunn, Johanna)
Klemm, Hiram H. Fowler, Elizur H. i
Russell, Joseph Sans. Geo. W. Fair
field. U. S. G. Worl, Robert A. Chand
ler, Rose A. Decker, James Spratlin,
Robert Stafford, Mary A. Wolf, Fred
eric Patterson, Jesse Allen Cox, Dan-I
iel B. Wies, Andrew Hopkins, Ben
jamin F. Sloan, Wm. Leah Palmer,
Elijah Connors, John Higbie. Thomas,
Patterson, James G. Smith, Joseph I
Van Horn, John W. Kirk, Matthew !
D. Green, Sample Hurst and Com-;
pany, W. W. GraveB, F. Cooper Mor- j
rison. John Klemm, Maria Fowler, !
Charles Collins, Elnor Marsh. John '
B. Hunter, Jacob Coffman, C. B. Coop- i
er. Justice B. cozado, wiuiam
Latta, Jerome Smith, George Hen
wood, William W. Clemmons. William
W. Irish, James G. Romins, Simon
Stiffler, James H. Craig. Addison
Marshall, John P. Jones, John M.
Gable, Sam'l R. Johnson, James
Pierce, Alvin D. Towner, Miles Frost,
William Gilmour, John King. Alonzo
Lacy, Robert S. Davis, J. M. Hut
chison, Thomas Rankin, S. P. Kepler.
William II. Parch. Johanna Klimm,
Ada Keenan, Nettle J. Holmes, Balt
hasar Siebolt, James H. Hopkins,
James Lamgbery, Henry Hulbert,
Sarah A. Conn. Robert W. Stafford, .
Edmond S. Sprattin, Alexander Ga
ble, W. P. Hutchison, John Carrell. ;
Samuel R. Thompson. William Mc-i
Lelland, Joseph Sands, Noah R.
Hobbs, Joseph Malone, Henry S. Mil
ler, Hannah Smith, Homes and Com
pany, William Searight, Mathiaa
Snobn. A. J. Graves. John Klimm.
W. S. Shera. Perry Marsh, Elnora;
Marsh, Wesley S. Marsh, Holmes,
Holmes & Co., J. C. Cummins & Son,
Banning & Nickles, John Marsh,
Susan Alden, Leila L. Dwyer, Fred
Hermann, James A. Hogget and Wil
liam Everett, and all persons having
or claiming any interest in Blocks
two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5),
six (C), seven (7). eight (8), nine
(9). ten (10) and eleven (11) .North,
of the Public Square; and Blocks
three (3). four (4), five (5). six (6),
seven (7). eignt tsj, nine i.), ten
( 10 ), eleven ( 11 ) North, and one (1)
West of Public Square; Blocks
three (3), four (4). five (5). six (6).
seven (7). eight (8), nine (9) ten
(10), eleven (11) North and two (2)
West of Public Square; Blocks
three (3). four (4). five (5). six (6),
seven (7), eight (8). nine (9). ten
(10), eleven (11). North, and three
(3) West of Public Square; Blocks
three (3). four (4). five (5), six
(6). seven (7), eight (8), nine (9).
ten (10), eleven (11), North, and
four (4) West of Public Square; all
in the old Town of Rock Bluffs in
Cass county, Nebraska, being other
wise described as follows: Commenc
ing 132.7 feet north of the south
west corner of Section nine (9),
Township eleven (11), North of
Range fourteen (14). East of the
Sixth P. M., in Caso county. Nebras
ka, thence running east 1,321.9 feet
to a stone; thence south to the south
line of said Section nine (9); thence
east on said south line of said Section
nine (9), 270.7 feet; thence north
to a stake on the east and west quar
ter line through said Section nine
(9); thence west on said quarter line
to the northwest corner of the south
west quarter of said Section nine (9);
thence south on the west line of said
Section nine (9) to the place of be
ginning, all in the southwest quarter
(SW',4) of Section nine (), Town
ship eleven (11), North of Range
Fourteen (14), Bast of the Sixth P.
M., in Cass county, Nebraska; and
Blocks two (2). three (3), four (4),
five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight
(8), nine (9), ten (10) and eleven
(11), North and five (5) West of
Public Square; Blocks two (2), three
(3), four (4), five (5), six (6),
seven (7), eignt is), nine ten
(10), eleven (11), North and six (6)
West of Public Square; Blocks two
(2), three (3), four (4), five (5),
six (6), seven (7). eight (8), nine
ten (10) and eleven (11), North and
seven (7) west or I'udiic square;
Blocks (3), four (4), five (5). six
(6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9),
ten (10) and eleven (11), North and
eight (8) West of Public Square; all
in the Old Town of Rock Bluffs ln
Cass county, Nebraska, being situ
ated in the southeast quarter (SEVi )
of Section eight (8), in TownBhip
eleven (11), North of Range four
teen (14). East of the Sixth P. M..
in Cass county, .Nebraska; ana hiock
four (4) West of Public Square in
the Old Town of Rock Bluffs, Cass
county, Nebraska, being situated ln
the northwest quarter (NWV4.) of
Section sixteen (16), In Township
eleven (11), North of Range fourteen
(14), East of the Sixth P. M., ln Cass
county, Nebraska; and Blocks five
(5) and six (6) West of Public
Square; Blocks five (6), six (6) and
seven (7), west ana one ii) rxonn
of Public Square; Blocks five (5) and
six (6), west and one (l) soutn or
Public Square; all being in the Old
Town of Rock Bluffs in Cass county.
Nebraska, being situated in the
northeast quarter (NEV4) of Section
seventeen (17). in Township eleven
(11). North of Range fourteen (14),
East of the Sixth P. M., in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska:
You, and each of you, are hereby
notified that on the 21st day of De
cember, 1928, Victor C. Graham filed
his petition In the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, as shown in
Docked 4, page 106 (No. 8209), nam
ing you, and each of you, impleaded
with John C. Ehernberger and Mary
Ehernberger, first and real name un
known, and George Dovey and Mary
Dovey, first and real name unknown,
as defendants, the object and prayer
of said petition being to quiet the
title in the plaintiff to the following
described real estate situated ln Cass
county, Nebraska, to-wit:
Blocks two (2), three (3).
four (4), five (."), six (C), seven
7). eight (S), nine (9). ten
(10) and eleven (11). North of
lhe Public Square; and Blocks
three (3), four (4), five ',),
six (6), seven (7). eight (S),
nine (9). ten (10), eleven (11 .
North and one (1) West of Pub
lic Square; Blocks three (3).
four (4). five (5), six (C), sev
en (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten
(10) , eleven (11). North and
two (2) West of Public Square;
Blocks three (3). four (4), five
(5), six (C). seven (7), eight
(8, nine (9). ten (10). eleven
(11) , North and three (3) West
of Public Square: Blocks three
(3), four (4), five (5), six (6).
seven (7), eight (8). nine (9),
ten (10). eleven (11). North
and four (4) West of the Public
Square; all in the Old Town of
Rock Bluffs in Cass county, Ne
braska, being otherwise describ
ed as follows: Commencing 132.7
feet north of the southwest cor
ner of Section nine (9). Town
ship eleven (11). North of Range
fourteen (14), East of the Sixth
P. M., in Cass county. Nebraska,
thence running east 1,321.9 feet
to a stone; thence south to the
south line of said Section nine
(9); thence east on said south
line of said Section nine (9),
270.7 feet; thence north to a
stake on the east and west quar
ter line through said Section
nine (9); thence west on said
quarter line to the northwest
corner of the soifthwest quarter
of said Section nine (9); thence
south on the west line of said
Section nine (9) to the place of
beginning, all in the southwest
quarter (SWU) of Section nine
(9), TownBhip eleven (11).
North of Range fourteen (14).
East of the Sixth P. M.. in Cass
county, Nebraska; and Blocks
two (2). three (3), four (4),
five (5), six (6), seven (7),
eight (S), nine (9). ten (10)
and eleven (11). North and five
(5) West of Public Square;
Blocks two (2). three (3), four
( 4 ) , five ( 5 ) , six ( 6 ) , seven ( 7 ) ,
eight (8), nine (9), ten (10),
eleven (11), North and six (C)
West of Public Square; Blocks
two (2), three (3), four (4),
five (5), six (6). seven (7).
eight (8), nine (9). ten (10)
and eleven (11), North and sev
en (7) West of Public Square;
BlockB three (3). four (4). five
5), six (6), seven (7), eight
(8), nine (9). ten (10) and
eleven (11). North and eight (8)
West of Public Square, all in the
Old Town of Rock Bluffs in Cass
county, Nebraska, being situated
in the southeast quarter (SEVi)
of Section eight (8), in Town
ship eleven (11), North of Range
fourteen (14), East of the Sixth
P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska:
and Block four (4), West of
3ubllc Square in the Old Town
of Rock Bluffs, Cass county, Ne
braska, being situated in the
northwest quarter (NWVi) of
Section sixteen (16). in Town
ship eleven (11), North of Range
fourteen (14), East of the Sixth
P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska;
and Blocks five ( 5 ) and six ( 6 )
West of Public Square; Blocks
five (5), six (C) and seven (7),
West and one (1) North of Pub
lic Square; Blocks five (5) and
six (6), West and one (1) South
of Public Square: all being in
the Old Town of Rock Bluffs, in
Cass county, Nebraska, being
situated in the northeast quar
ter (NEVi) of Section seventeen
(17), in Township eleven (11),
North of Range fourteen (14),
East of Sixth P. M., in Cass
county, Nebraska.
Said petition prays that you and
each of you be required to set forth
the nature of your claims to said real
estate, and that you, and each of you,
and all persons claiming by, through
or under you, be decreed and adjudg
ed to have no estate, cliim, lien or
interest whatever in or to said real
estate, or any part thereof, and that
you, and each of you, and all persons
claiming by. through or under you be
forever enjoined and debarred from
claiming or asserting any interest,
line or claim whatever in or to said
real estate adverse to the plaintiff
and for equitable relief and costs of
You, and each of you, are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before the
4th day of February. 1929.
Blackburn. King & Haggart.
Attorneys for the Plaintiff,
78 6 Peters Trust Bldg.,
Omaha, Nebraska
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
By virtue of an Order of Sale
(Alias) issued by Golda Noble Beal.
Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and
to me directed, I will on the 2nd day
of February, A. D. 1929, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
front door of the court houee in the
City of Piattsmouth, Cass county, Ne
braska, ln said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate, to
wit: Lot 24, in Porter Place, an
Addition to the City of Piatts
mouth, Case county, Nebraska,
being in the NEVi of the N'El
of Section 25, Township 12.
Range IS, east of the 6th P. M.,
in Cass county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Lydia M. Wal
ton, Widow, et al, defendants, to
satisfy a judgment of said Court re
covered by L. Irene Snead, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Piattsmouth, Nebraska, December
27, A. D. 192S.
Sheriff Cass County.
Bead the Journal Want-Ads.