MONDAY, DEC! 24, 1928. PAGE TWO LOCALNEWS Dr. Hcineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg., Phone 527. From Thursday's Daily Sheriff Bert Reed wsa at Green wood today where he was called to look after some matters of business for the county for a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tschirren were anions, those going to Omaha thi-j morning where they were called to spend a few hours in that city loot ing after some matters of business and visiting with friends. Mrs. Paul Campbell of Minatare, Nebraska, who has been here visit ing at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Bajeck and with her sister. Mrs. John B. Livingston dur ing the illness of the latter, departed today for her home. Attorney Thomas Mapes of Helena, Montna. who has been at Baltimore attending to some legal matters at that place, came in this morning for a few days visit here with his sis ter. Miss Margaret Mapes and other of the old time friends. From Friday's Daily Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was among the visitors in the district court today and also meeting his many friends. John Gouchenour was a visitor in Omaha today, going to that city on the early Burlington train and where he was called on some matters of business. Attorney William Deles Dernier of Elm wood was in the city for a few hours attending to some matters in the district court in which he was interested. Attorney Seymore L. Smith of Omaha was here today for a few hours loking after some matters in the district court and calling on his friends here. David J. Wooster of Denver , ar rived this morning from the west for a visit here for a few days with his brother, Matt Wooster and the many school friends and associates. Judge J. James Cosgrave and his law partner. Judge W. B. Comstock and son, John H. Comstock, were here from Lincoln today to attend to some matters in the county court. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Waltz and son, Vincent Bird, of Fort Morgan, Colorado, arrived here last evening to be guests at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. Bert Reed, Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Waltz being sisters. Mason Wescott and Miss Erma Mueller of Chicago will arrive here Saturday morning for a visit here with the parents of Mr. Wescott and Miss Alice Louise Wescott, a soror ity sister of Miss Mueller. Fred T. Ramge returned home this morning from Burlington, Iowa, whpre he was called a few days ago by the death of a brother in that city ajwl-jrenaainiug over for the fuB- eral services of the loved one. . Howard Cotner of Galden. Nebras ka. was here today for a few hours tnroute to his home with a string of new autos secured at Omaha for one of the Bladen auto dealers and which included a fine new car for Mr Coiner. While here Mr. Cotner visited here with his mother and other relatives. From Saturday's Dally Mrs. Esper McCleary departed this morning in company with her son. Maynard, for Arcadia, Nebras ka, where they will spend the Christ mas holidays with the relatives and friends. Miss Eula Reed, who is teaching near Ashland, came in last evening for the holidays here with her par ents. Sheriff and Mrs. Bert Reed Miss Reed held a very successful ttox social last evening at her school. Herbert W. Johnson, who has been located at Seward for some time with the construction department of the Lincoln Tel. Co., came in this morn ing to enjoy the Christmas season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson and family. WANTED Good energetic hustler to sell Ward's Reliable Products in Cass county. No experience necessary. We help you get started. Steady income, no lay-offs. Line consists of over 100 highest quality articles. All guaranteed. An opportunity to es tablish prosperous business with small capital. Write for particulars. Dr. Ward's Medical Co., Winona, Minn. Established 1856. d20-4tw Head the Journal Want Ads. ! IIIIH I I I I I I III II J II I Christmas' , Cheer a We thank you for your favors of the past. We solicit your patron age in the future We wish you joy now and forever more. i - Chick's Cafe M. W. A. Bldg. and the Seasons Best Wishes to our Friends Every wEaere As we come into the season when our thoughts are turned from the cares of business we rejoice in the recollections of happy relations we have had with our patrons during the past year. As we recount the accomplishments of the past twelve months we find chief among bur assets the good-will and friendship of those with whom it has been our pleasure to deal. It is, therefore, with genuine pleasure and in all sin cerity that we broadcast our best Christmas wishes to you. May it Be a Happy Yuletide For You and Yours Bringing just those things you need and most de sire. Then, after the glamor and observance of the season has passed, we hope that Happiness, Peace of Mind, Contentment and Prosperity will be with you on through the days of the New Year. Accept our thanks for your loyalty and patron age during 1928. We shall look forward in pleas ant anticipation of a continuation during 1929 of bur past happy relations. V Pflattttoffimoimttlla Sttatie EBaimEx H. A. SCHNEIDER, President FRANK A. CLOIDT, Cashier " JM (&'. f ". . . - s -. .1 . . .& IF WE GOULD BE YOUR SANTA CLAUS We'd fill your of hope so full of good things it would leave you nothing to wish for. We are glad when this joyful season comes, permitting us to express our appreciation to our patrons for their support and friendship during the swiftly passing year that we have been in business in Plattsmouth. May your Christmas be quite merry and your New Year very cheery. Bon-Ton Sweet Shop Telephone No. 27 426 Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebr. 533ES2 I fi ll 1M1 mm Best Christmas IPi'sl We wait in keen anticipation to see what this New Year shall bring forth. May 1929 carry with it all the many longings of your heart. And may it bring to us ability and power to serve you better than ever. That's our Wish for You Plattsmouth Recreation Alleys Try Bowling for what Ails You CHRISTMAS STARS May shine brightly as they did on the night when Christ was born, or drifting clouds or falling snow may obscure the chandeliers of the sky; it will not greatly matter, for when Christmas is here we love the light of hearthnres, the light of joy in the faces of dear ones and friends, good deeds that we are able to do become stars to bright en our own hearts, and Christmas is always full of joy light. May yours be the brightest hours of the season. H. L. KRUGER PAPER AND PAINT STORE North 6th Street Happy Hours Be Yours AS you gather around the Christmas fire " side and the Christmas table may joy reign supreme, and all the best things of the season be gathered together to increase your happiness. Our gratitude for past favors and our permanent good will prompts us to desire for one and all your happiest Christmas. Wells Grocery We Gsreett If no aoM i IFflnaimCx TTw "llE send greetings because we want " you to have your full share of the season's merriments. And we thank you because you have helped us to round out a good year. .... If our wishes for you came true this will be a very happy Christmas and during the days of the New Year your highest ideals will be realized. SananSairy MsurExett Mullen & Sons MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS BELLS Ring out good cheer, health, wealth and happiness; that will resound all through 1929. MUMM'S BAKERY CLARIFIES POWER POLICY Washington. Dec. 19. A bill to amend the federal water power act "to more clearly denne tne teaerai water power policy," was Introduced today by Representative Hull, demo crat of Tennessee. The purpose of the measure, he said, was to clarify and classify the laws, regulations and practices, ap plicable to water power-development under joint and separte jurisdiction of the states and the federal govern ment. This, he declared, in his opin ion would expedite the development of water power in this country with a. minimum of waste. The bill also would determine the share of own ership of a state in hydro-electric power projects. Hull declared the measure had nothing to do with the question of government ownership of power pro jects, but was an effort to straighten out what he said was a hap-hazard policy followed by the federal and state governments in regard to wa ter power. ' .Phone your'news to No. 6. TMofflflolls you a joyous Holiday Season Wall Paper-Paint 'Store Hill WL ' Jill 1J'.B.S,J!JB Hail to the 3 OLD AYS We're now in the midst of the Holiday Season. Christ mas trees will gleam , with their tinsel and lighted lan terns, shoppers will hurriedly select those last minute items needed to finish out the, list. Santa will visit the homes of the little ones, bringing gladness to their hearts arid to the hearts of those who provide for them. At this most joyous season of the year we too want to thank our rnariy friends and customers for helping to make ours a most prosperous year. May your holidays . be days of continuous joy, spent in the happy surround- ings of your home. -. , ... . . - , K ....... ... " CrST The 9 Gleaner! ONE DAY SERVICE i