The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. - -
THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1928.
Nehawka De
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Stock Hauling!
We are prepared with two Trucks
lo care for all your wants. We
will continue the Dray Service in
Nehawka also. Prompt attention
lo all calls Phone your wants.
SHUMAKER Transfer Co.
C. D. Keltner was a visitor in
riattsmouth for a few days during
last week and was visiting with his
many friends while there.
Mrs. F. 11. Cunningham was a vis
itor for" a few days in riattsmouth
during the early portion of this week,
where she was visiting with her sis
ters. His Honor V. P. Sheldon has been
ing department of the Nehawka pub
lic schools last week manufactured a
very fine chicken feeder for our
friend, Robert Willis, which he was
in and secured on Tuesday of this
Mrs. Henry Shumaker, who has
had such a long siege of the pneu
monia and which at times was most
critical, is reported as being much
better at this time and hopes are en
tertained that she will soon be out
of danger.
Mrs. A. F. Sturm was called to
Omaha several days ago when their
little grandson, John O. Yeiser, the
Sunday, December 23rd.
. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school.
10:30 a. m. Close of the Sunday
school for the year, open again first
Sunday in April.
10:30 a. m. ' English service.
Christmas sermon.
1 1:30 p. m. Practice for Christmas.
! 7:30 p. m. Luther League. Lead
Spirit and by God's grace maintain a ers: clarence Engelkemeier, Verner
living faith in and love for Jesus as prederich. Topic, "Venerating the
their Savior. - Savior."
Questions: 1 Where is the place Monday, December 24th.
of Christ's birth foretold in the o d C:30 p. m. Christmas Eve program,
testament? 2 In what chapter do: , , nomi,. 9(51.
we find this quotation? "He is despis- Tuesday, December 25th.
ed and rejected of men; a man of sor-: 10:30 a. m. Christmas services in
rows and acquainted with grief; and Gerinan- . . , n c;,iri
we hid as it were our faces from him; There will be no services on Sun
He was despised and we esteemed day, December oOth.
Him not." iucsaay, jauuaiy 1,
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. j
Preaching at 11:00 a. m. !
Christmas program by the Sunday
school in the church at 7:30 p. m.
10:30 a. m. English services.
v,5.i ,.-00 tnbon ?ilr with the flu. scnool in tne cnurcn ai u. m. From Tuesdays panr
Mrs Sturm went to assist in the care (Everyone is invited to attend our pro- Anton J. Trilety, the barber, has
r,f the little fellow. Reports from his 'gram. The children will appreciate just completed the work of re-decor-
hedpide are to the effect that he is your interest in tneir pari ui mr ating ms Daroer scop wnu new y.
.. . .. il:. ' -T-lr nnH t Vi a t intornst ran lip shown o n .1 nnlnt onH tnnl-iiip it n verv neat
getting along niceiy at uus uuic ....... ...... - "-- - - tyi (iv pt
no otner way as wen as uy yum ana- attractive ior tne patiuua ui mc, - -
- - ,3 a A j-. - 4 "V1
t -i Tr-i. i H sence. snon. i ne wTaus nave ueen
vr,. ,n .iufnr vmir IotkI onesl The free will offering taken at the v.-ith a very bright and attractive
mip Z One o ou concrete 'program, as is our custom, will be paper and the snow white paint used
vu Us n oTects ir0remarinCs0 Thenent to Otterbein home, where it will to complete the interior deration.
Dr. Heinemsn, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
From Monrtay'B Dally
Attorney J. A. Capwell and Court
Reporter L. L. Turpin were at Elm
wood today where they were called
to look after some matters of busi
ness for a few hours.
B. A. Bray of Syracuse, well known
insurance and real estate man of
that place, was here today for a few
hours attending to some matters at
the court houso in which he was in
terested. Attorney C. E." Tefft of Wepineg
Water was here today, for a short
time loking after some matters in
the district court in which he was
interested and visiting with the
many friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson of
Nebraska City were here today for a
few hours, Mr. Peterson, vho is a
nrominent member of the Otoe bar.
' being interested in some matters in
the district court.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Panzer of Ash-;
land were here Sunday to spend the
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
u W. Knorr. Mr. Panzer has just
reopened his store at Ashland that
was recently destroyed by fire and
is now back in the harness with his
An absolute guarantee.
Nehawka. Nebr.
Many People Stuck
having a tussle with the flu, and was . fQr the farmer who wanted to I
help to feed and clothe and house makes the room one of the greatest -i"clJ
the orphans and old people. James charm and beauty to the eye. j
1:27. There is now a family or about
200 being cared for at this home.
Sunday school at 10:00 a. m.
to Build or Buy a Home
Educate Your Children
Start Them in Business
for Business Depreciation
to Liquid -e Business or Personal Debts
to Guarantee an Income for Old Age
We can help you solve this problem through
our Systematic Savings Plan
Local Representative
The Standard Savings & Loan Jlssosiatioa
Omaha, Nebraska
1715 Douglas Street
At Office of Searl S. Davis
Phone Atlantic 9701
Telephone Number 9
kept to his home and bed for a num.
her of days during this and
1 n n t ! UI HT lJ ' "-
idol f . i .1 AniA "Tanv of
iwho wanted him to come
the farmers walked to
Fancy Holiday Boxes to fit
almost any size gift you may
Children's service at 11:00 a. m. wisn to send. Add 100 to ness
I'reacning at ii:-u a. m. , r
We have been missing church some the appearance Ot OUr paCK
From Wednesday's Daily ! " " ' -'- "-
William O. Troop of near Nehawka' scription to the semi-weekly for an
was here today for a few hours at- otner year.
tending to some matters ot uu&i
Nelson Berger nas Kept nopping he womler of many people un- '""Tav
the corn picking and with tomorrow- chapman came in and said bunaa-
jiight will have completed tne picic- , as fa
x i : U n coi-o l-i i euro luuv
ie. Many of lately on account of weather and bad -ires at Very little COSt. Get!
town, ana it roads Lets be bafk on duty next tj ."V. riCi Ck I
uiciii cut uaica uni nuu.
ir witri tne
ing of his corn and he says he sure. possible and left them and
is tickled ... walked the remainder of the way.
Sheriff Bert Reed and Deputy V. owever they nla(le the trip and got
It. Young, of Plattsmouth. were call-I' eroCeries
cd to Nehawka last Saturday evening ruc 6 " ,
as there were those who wanted their
sage acivire.
Owen Willis and wife and Mrs.
J.ert Willis were visiting in Nebraska
City for the day on last Tuesday,
they driving down to look after some
business matters.
Lycurgus McCarthey was a visitor
in Nthavka for a short time on last
Monday evening and Tuesday morn
ing, going from here to Union, where
he is visiting for a short time.
Blair Dale, of Omaha, was a visi
tor for a short time in Nehawka dur
ing the early portion of this week
looking after some business matters
Anna Kratz Dies in Omaha .
Little Anna Kratz, formerly of Ne
hawka. but for some time making her !
home with the parents, Roy Kratz
I have a Red Polled cow for sale.
Can have cow and calf, or cow alone.
A. J. Ross, Nehawka.
; There will be a box supper and
program held at District No. 58
Friday evening Dec. 21st. Everyone
invited. Come and have a good time.
dl0-3tw. Teacher.
Oenrsre Verne Brideewater was
and wife, of Omaha, has been very born in Brownville, Nebraska, Dec.
(seriously ill with pneumonia, and 24th, 1904 and passed away here in Single comb Knoae isianu Ju
while everytnmg possime in tne way . plattsmouth, Nebraska, uec. l&tn, ccckrels, big darn ,rea, irom neuvy
of best nursing and medical treat- ( 1928, after an illness lasting for laying flock. Mrs. F."A. Parkening,
ment has been given, still the little nne days, age 23 years, 11 months RFD 0 2, riattsmouth, phone
one continued to grow worse and on , an,i 21 days. - 2704. dl0-2tw
last Monday passed away. The fun-; His was one of those unassuming " '
eral was held on Wednesday and the i and retiring dispositions, never push-
burial made at Omaha. Little Anna ; jng himself forward, but making
WANTED, a good improved farm
or ranch close to Plattsmouth, Nebr.
' l " r "i irZ? What have you? Give full description
.uneiius 111 .ia "'"v Cv.... A 1jul ui iuoc 'rumiu l xuvi .i lr firct letter Writp Umc
as well as visiting with relatives and 'is caused her many friends here by
Miss Lenna McReynolds departed
on last Monday for Lincoln, where
she will visit with friends until
Christmas and will return home in
her passing.
Heifers For Sale.
I have five grade one one pure-
blood Jerseys for sale, they are 4
time to spend the Christmas tide witn two year Gia3t three coming three
her friends here. (years old all to be fresh in a short
Little Kenneth Anderson, son of j time. These are excellent heifers.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, wasi CARL W. STONE,
quite ill with the flu on last Friday
and Saturday, but by the first of the
week was much improved and has
continued to gain since.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
U. B. Chnrch Notes
Answers to questions: 1 In Ilaran,
ntioro 41irnhani' rplatlvps dwelt. He
tcnumaKer an tne tamiiy nave labored as a servant for Laban. Ra
been down with the prevailing mal-rhel.8 father for a term of years, as
ady known as the flu and which they he sllpposed for Rachel, but when
were pretty well pleased when they'the service wa3 finished he had to
were able to be up and about again. Jtake Leah because she was the first
Judge Charles L. Graves, of Platts- born. Then he worked seven years
mouth, who is police judge as well as'more for Rachel.
justice of the peace, was a business! 2 This is a clear type of Jesus
visitor in Nehawka for a short time' Christ, our Savior, coming to the
on last Tuesday morning and was ! world and laboring as a servant to
visiting with his many friends here, j secure His Bride, the church, com
The scholars of the Manuel Train-'posed of all who are born of the
for Everyone
Men's Ties .506 and $1
Made of fine silk Hosts of designs
and Stripes x
Women's Chamoisuede Gloves. .756 and $1
The new styles and the new shades in nov
elty gloves. Tailored turn back cuffs in two
tone embroidered patterns. '
Pequot Sheet and Cases $4.50 set
with colored hems.
Fancy Rayon Lingerie
The most feminine gift of all. There is no gift more ac
ceptable than fine rayon lingerie. Here are real values!
Fieldray Rayon Pajamas $2.50
Munsingwear Pajamas . . 4.50
Rayon Bloomers 1.00
Munsingwear Bandeaus 1.00
Rayon Bandeaus . 50
A very Fine Assortment of
Toys moderately priced
tt'rT We will be glad to assist you in wrapping packages.
riSS. C33
U Esa Ussy vtsP U i
Telephone 14 Nehawka, Nebr.
Where Customers Feel at Home
There. remains to mourn his loss 4, Elgin, Nebraska.
his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. '
J. c. ftrdgewater, one brother and There is no slaci Traslness penod
two sisters, six uncles, and nine ror merchant who advertises his
aunts, one grandfather, two nephews dg the 'round.
one niece, fifty-six cousins and a host J
of loved oes and friends. .
George E. Nickels of Murray was-
in the city for a short time toray,
looking after some matters of busi-; From Wedneay-n Gaily-
. - i , r;nn,i The Journal was misinformed
ness aim visums ui. mcuuo. ---- - . - - -- -. !' i 1
Tr ,, vr, Menrv Herold. Jr.. ' to the "earing in the Jacks-Spicer , white ' tissue or SCOSOnable
- - -1 ' Qdii trv cq hoor-inor in rnll T r vf a. . w . . . .
J Dress up 3'our packages
jmeke them lock neot and in
jviting add personality at a
ivery siight extra cost thru use
of Dennison's vrapping paper
are in me iu puu fprr1nv mornine as to the Denaltv
here with the relatives and irienas ; - ,t.,. (Vlo fon,,, f, U :::J,1
r tha holidavs. . I"""- - " I w wtiu Bvo, oK
" 1 1 cro-D lorla
and Mrs. Addie S?nicer. . 1 i
William Staikjohn was a visitor Thp "p wa spnt tn the district prcpriaie greeting caras, seais
in Omaha today where he will spend court by Judge Duxbury in binding and stickers. AH are sold at
a few hours there looking after some over the partjes ana it Wa3 in the nf-c UnrJr snA C't 9Knn
matters of business and visiting with hjener court that they received thei
friends. sentence after the plea of guilty to;
John Davis of Des Moines, Iowa, the' charges preferred. The sentence
arrived here yesterday afternoon for, of the court given by Judge Begley j
a visit with his mother, Mrs. Lydia'that the parties be confined in the1 A fine eight pound daughter ar
Davis, his grandmother, Mrs. Eli vira! county Jail for a period of six lived cn Sunday morning at 4 : 30 at
Ozbun and his aunt, Mrs. M. S. months, instead of sixty days as was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Briggs and family. stated in the paper. ! Campion. All are doing nicely and
Miss Ursula Herold, who is at- event has brought a great deal
tending Smith college in Massachu- , ' . Jot happiness to the relatives and
setts, is here to enjoy tne noiiaay ; Ar youre in teres ieu m icai, - -
-. - ,w- f VtA l- tv r f hor narontR T?J t . 1 1 I
Mr nnrf Mrs Hpnrv TTerold and fam- . J - . . r Uii OilLitt
ily and enjoying a short outing from the line Were dosing out in
her school work. our annex on Fifth street. No
M. E. Bushnell of nea
Bend was here today for a short
family and the many old time friends cuj exactly in half
Journal where he advanced his sub-'l300k and Llrt Z5nop.
ir south ojjs Dut plenty of nearly ev-
iena was iiere luuay iui a auuu . . . j . .
ath his brother, a. ii. Bushnell and:erytnmg else and tne price IS
ine xaiesi
Two steers for sale, nine months
old. Eight shoats, weight 85 pounds
each. Call at the home of Joe Sykora,
three miles south and a half mile
( east of Plattsmouth. d20-2tw
Phone us the news; No. 6.
Drop into the Bates Book
and Gift Shop and have a look
at the many gift suggestions
for men, women and children
articles for the home high
grade, substantial toys and in
fact a complete display of all d
' ' i r 1 ii i- ? I fit
sores or aesiraDie gooas pncea
below what you'd ordinarily
expect to pay.
ti r I V k( i.n .
The undersigned will sell at Pub
lic Auction at his farm one-half mile
east and one and one-quarter miles
south of Union, Nebraska, on j
Friday, Dec. 21st j
beginning promptly at 10:00 o'clock
in the morning, so come and be there
on time, as the sale will be made
snappy. Pat Roddy will serve lunch ;
on the grounds. Following goods to '
be sold: j
Horses, Cattle, Hogs j
Five head of horses and one mule,
as follows: One span bay horses, vwel 1 '
broken and an excellent team, weigh-;
ing 3,200; one span three-year-old!
horses, excellent workers, wt. 2,000;
one bay saddle mare, well broken,
wt. 1,100; one brown mule coming;
3 years old and a good one. J
Twelve head of cattle, four fresh
milk cows, a number of Ilerefords
soon to be fresh; one one-year-old
Guernsey bull, a very fine animal.
A large number of stock hogs,
averaging about 100 pounds each and
fine feeders.
Implements, Etc.
One 7-foot Deering binder, in fine
condition; one 5-foot Deering-McCor-mick
mower, new; one Newton wag
on with box; one John Deere wagon
and box; two other wagons with hay
racks; one John Deere riding culti
vator; one New'Century riding cul
tivator; one walking cultivator; one
P. & O. riding lister, fine condition;
one John Deere gang plow; one 14
inch walking plow; one 2-row ma
chine; one bob sled; one sweep feed
grinder; two 20-ton jacks; one big
post drill; one bench vise; one pipe
vise; four cow stanchions; two Daisy
hog waterers; one set 1-inch har
ness, new; one set 1-inch harness;
one set light harness; one saddle and
bridle; a number of collars; one
cream separator; one dining table;
two rockers; six dozen brown Leg
horn laying pullets and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale
Cash for all bills under $10.' Six
months time on all bills over $10,
With bankable note at 8 per cent in
terest. No property to be taken away
until settled for.
W. H. Porter,
TO COMPLIiMENT the recipient give something that appears a
luxury or that is a little tetter than she herself would choose. All
women like fine underthings and hosiery, so put them on your gift list.
While these wearables are best given from one woman to another,
many a husband and brother find them the ready answer to "home"
problems. Our wide selections and our modest prices make choosing
them here unusually pleasant.
A Few (SaStt
Night Gowns
Silk Underwear
Silk Parasols
Hand Tooled Bags
Bath Robes
Coolie Coats
Corduroy Robes
Pullman Robes
Quilted Robes
Store Open Evening Till Christmas!
Telephone No. 61
The Shop of Personal Service
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
'REX YOUNG, Auctioneer
W. B. BANNING. Clerk.