The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1928, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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MONDAY, DEC. 10. 192S.
.iJJ.2X-JI-I-"I"'I j Lincoln and other places, was a vis-
f uor wua nis Droiner ana ramuy nere
J- last Saturday, stonmntr - hut Tor a
j, ' short time, ; as he was . driving and j"
,I,,l"I"I"r care to be caught off good roads, and '-
, . . - a storm coming, uunng tne time '
A. Steinkamp departed on last they were here all enjoyed a most de- ,
Wednesday, where he is at work lightful visit. There were besides Mr.
selling tne siock ioous wnicu ue ana Mrs. uergman, a son ana aaugn
handles. ' ter.1 '
John Gruber was a visitor in Om-'.
aha last Wednesday. , taking a load '
of mixed stock for some of the larm-
Well Know
Farmer Victim
of Assau
Trio of Hunters from Omaha Lay Out
Victim with Blow from Behind
Lost Several Teeth.
Hold Two Day Celebration
There was a two days celebration
(rl npnr .ManlpV. Inf n ngrtohlnnoro nf ihu Ct Pat.
J Edward Kelly was visiting with riCitS church at the church building
friends and at the same time looking Dn last ..Saturday and Sunday, being
after some business matters in Platts- jn tne nature of a bazaar and supper,
mouth on last Monday.. . - !at which' there was a large attend-
Kusiness called Rudy Bergman to nnr an(1 an pvpellent time. The la-
, Omaha on last Friday, where he was dies having the entertainment in hand . farm and went out to see who the
accompanied by. Airs, .Bergman, mey .ere rewarded by a neat sum as the ; hunters were when one of. them
anaking the trip In their car. return for their efforts, which will be ' struck him a terrific blow on the
Carl Rhoden andibis pal, of Om-;used In furthering the work of the right side of his head and face with
aha, were enjoying a visit last sun- church. ' ,a club, felling him to the ground
William Pankbnin, living south of
town, was the victim of a murderous
assault by three hunters driving a
No. 1 license car on Sunday, Novem
ber 26th. He heard shooting on his
l.i .. .v. tlAii iAia triiAOfa or thai
We Want to buy VOUr rOUltrV. homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rhoden
Eggs and Cream. Our prices forj0'
Wednes. - Thursday;!
Dec. 12-13
Heavy Hens, lb. . . .200
Springs, per lb 210
Roosters, old, lb. : . . 100
Leghorns, 5c lb. Less
We pay 470 for . Cream
' East End of Main Street
Phone 600
WANTED: Position as housekeep
er-or caring for elderly people. Mrs.
and Fred Lawrensen and Roga Kelly, Manley, Neb.
their families were visiting with j .
friends in Omaha and also were look-
ng over the Christmas presents that .
mike nirinha vprv noDular at tms
time. . ; ' j
Fred Falischmann and family were
over to Louisville on last Sunday,
where they were visiting for the dayf
at the home of the parents of Mrs.!
Falischmann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry N.
Taylor. j
Terry nanus ana wiie were over
to Omaha on Tuesday of last week,
where they looked after some busi
ness matters as well aa visiting at
(the hospital with an uncle of Mrs.
; Harms.
! - Wm. Shuroaker, of Nehawka, was
I When he asked them if they had
, permission to hunt on his land, they!
. said, with , an oath. "We don't have
to have a permit." They hurriedly
made their getaway, leaving Mr. Pan
konin lying on-the ground.
After regaining consciousness, the
injured man returned to the house
and came to town. It was found that
a number of teeth, had been knocked
out and his- Jaw; was badly swollen.1
The thug who tised the club on Mr. ;
Pankonin slipped' up from behind.
Out of the tail of his! eye, Mr. Pan-j
konin saw the club ascendiner and
Ivan Plymel of Near Eagle Brought threw up his right had to ward oft
Arrest Man for
Breaking Into
Elmwood Home
Here to Face Charges of Break
ing and Entering.
the- blow... This ..doubtless saved his
life, as the blow was a wicked one.
Honest sportsmen sometimes won
der why farmers prohibit hunting on
tneir land. The above and many
perpetrated by
; here on
NEBRASKA truck load of feeding hogs from R.
Bergman, which he loaded in bis
j truck and took home.
' The ladies of the Royal Neighbors;
of America are to hold a very pleas-,
ant gathering at the M. .W. A. hall :
cn Tuesday of this week, to which an
invitation is given to all to attend
and enjoy. You sure will enjoy it If
you come and will miss it If you do
.not. ; . .. ... . .
George L. Meisinger and son, Carl,
and Harry Thimgan were over to the
home of Lawrence Meisinger .on last
Wednesday, where they were cutting
wood in the timber and getting ,it
in readiness for - the sawing bee,'
which is to come later, tand thus
supply all with wood for the sum-
Mrs. Oscar Dowler has been quite,
ill at her home in Manley during a.
greater portion of last week, but was .
reported ai feeling some better the
last of the week. The ladie6 of the j
Royal Neighbors of America, of which ;
she is a member, sent her a nice bae-.
ket of fruit as a testimony of their !
sorrow for her illness.
Little Mildred Aiierswald has been
quite ill with an attack of the flu,
which was of an acute form .and
which rendered the little Miss very
'sick for' a while, but during the lat
Large size maps of Cass county on ter part of last week, her condition
rale at Journal office, 50c each. !has been more favorable and hopes
From Friday's Daily
VorHgv aftpmnnn Tlormt'v Sheriff
. otner rienrertntinnn
" -rr . . V....V I n Tnw. 1-rrm i 1 a " "
a visitor in "Manley and a-" guest at ; - . "1 v T', " t mugs rrom tne city Is tne answer.:
the home of John Gruber, and while S?!l?!.Mt farme" would not object to;
last Tuesday purchased a A", t nunters going on their land if they,
. X T " orr S to the house and ask permission.
. , - I.'
And when you "go places' you" want
look like somebody. r Whether, it be
church, or dance, or the movies
you need good looking clothes.
They need not necessarily ; be '.
expensive, but they ' should be ; ,
"right'.' in style and mi' ' . V
Hart Scliaf fner & , r.larx
assures you both without question
and the price is
Our Holiday Showing
Awaits You
at the home. of a man named Racer. . 7, ,1" ,L :t " . UtrlUii
The Riverview club held their
December meeting with Mrs. John
ICaufman on Thursday afternoon. '.
The , lesson was . "Christmas Sweets."-,
The ladies were soon busy at candy
making. Ten different kinds were .
made. When finished, , they .....were
jilr.ced upon the table, being very at
tractive and Christmas-like in appear
ance. Each member was allowed to
sample the different kinds, which of
course proved very delicious.
The candies are pure and whole
same and the members expect to
r.iake candy for their families at
Christmas time.
Plans were made for a Christmas
party to be held at the home of Mr.
i.nd Mrs. Charles Creamer.
The January meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. John Ketelhut.
The meeting will begin at 1 o'clock,
and the members are urged to be
there as promptly as possible. i
owner of the filling station on
"O" street road two miles south of
the town of Elmwood.
It is alleged that the young man
made his way Into the home and pur
loined a number of articles, among
which was a wrist watch, which was
later recovered at Eagle by Sheriff
Reed where it is claimed the young
man had sold the watch.
Sheriff Reed when notified of the
breaking into the Racer home hur
ried to the scene and after ari in
vestigation in the locality and at
Eagle was able to geftrace or the
missing watch and locating it was
able to trace the goods to 'the per-,
eon of the young man whom be had
placed under arrest and brought to'
the recreation of the true sportsmen
Most farmers In this locality are
posting notices on' their land prohib
iting trespassing' and they are wise
In doing so. Louisville Courier.
The Social Circle club held their
December meeting at the home of
Mrs. S. Y. Smitljj on. Tuesday and the
occasion was one.' of the rarest en
joyment and despite the cold and un
pleasant weather., conditions there
was some sixteen or the ladies pres
ent for the all day meeting.
The members of the club had come
with a covered dish that contained
this city for trial In the district some dainty for the wonderful dinner
trnr ! t . buu oils, omnii una me associate
are entertained that she will soon
j be on
the way to permanent recov-
Thomas Walling Company
Abstracts of Title
Phone 324
v Visits Brother Here
? Adolph Bergman, a brother of Ru-
. dolnh Bergman, of Manlev. and mak-
Plattsmouth ing his home in Chicago, who has
T been visiting in the . west at a num-
.J..J. ber of places,, having relatives in
From Thursday's Patly
At .the regular monthly meeting of
the American Legion held last night
in the Building and Loan . directors'
room at. Brown's. Jewelry' store,, re
port, was rendered on, the recent in
door carnival sponsored by the Le
gion;. profit, . according to
the report, was 6llgbtly over 1 600
the smallest' return ever realized on
an Indoor carnival given by the Le
gion,. A motion, to apply $500 of
this on outstanding building indebt
edness was promptly carried. Since
the building was opened 14 months
ago, a 'total of $1,600 has been paid
off on the outstanding notes, reduc
ing the amount to approximately
$4,000. In addition interest has been
kept up on the entire borrowed prin
ciple, ' taxes and operating' expenses
paid and considerable new equipment
purchased. The back window ' area
hostess, Mrs. Meta Hanni, made the
occasion one of the rarest pleasure.
In addition to the members of the
club several of the gentlemen drop
ped In to enjoy the dinner with the
wives nnd friends and making the
event one of thetgreatest enjoyment.
After the dinner had been disposed
of, the ladies spejit the time In mak
ing candles for the Christmas season,
some ten different kinds being pre
pared by the club members and mak
ing a wonderful' array of the dain
ties which, on 'being tested were
found to be asdellcious as they were
tempting in appearance
The next meeting of the club will
be at the home of Mrs. Eve Sud-
duth, a half mile. from the Lewlston
schoolhouse, on January 22nd and at
which it is hoped to have all of the
members present
For Dad - For Son - For Brother
Especially so if their gift is useful if it "reg
isters'and it will, if bought from a store
. for men. We're showing all that's new in
Silk Mufflers
Silk Ties
Emerson Hats
Quality Caps
Motor Gloves
Lined Mittens
Dress Gloves
Bath Robes
Sweater Coats
Leather Coats
Wool Socks
Silk Socks
Lumber Jacks
Stetson Hats
The prettiest array of CHRISTMAS SHIRTS you'll'
find anywhere all on display now. r Come, see .them I ,
Washington, Dec. 7. Grant B.
Miller, chief post,ofl3ce inspector and
i k tn,,- i 1113 toriB oi sieutns, use nine ao
Iteei to c-et them above the level ofiPeip' are VntzUAg. over a sheeptale
Occupy Center
of the Stage
High School Team Getting Eeady for
Opening -Game Which Will
Be With Blair High .
From Thursday's Dally
With the passing of Thanksgiv
ing the sport throne, once occupied
by King Football, has a new occup
ant, in Basketball, the midwinter
sport of the indoor courts.
The Plattsmouth high school which
has had some very fast teams in the
last few years and in the last two
have been in class A of the state
tournaments, is now getting down
to the training period and each af
ternoon are working out to set for
the season and to permit the select
ing of the regular squad that will
be carried for the season.
"In the first workouts there were
thirty-five of the boys out for prac
tice and from this collection of speed
and brawn will be selected the reg-
. m i a. - m m w
orldtin tr rnTirlttlnnq tnp nflflt two veara ... .
have cut down the proceeds unltl the '
Because the postofiice at Temo,
net prom xnis year lower lutta uu WHMne- th nrtmont. Mr ripm-
"They are all
Mr. Clemnfons thinks.
sheep got hold of 'and ate.
uuy previous "... . mons said of the sheep
some uw aciiv.iieB wr wie w.,the time pulling at the bed when I
and early spring are under consldera- : am thm- nfthr tim t thiir
j tion and with work opening upon fth at th mIssln orders
I the Missouri river bridge, the Legion -
'is still hopeful of rapidly cutting: . iwn catt?
down Its indebtedness and getting in j xvn, aai
! a position where it will be able to-. Buff Orpington Cockrels. Mrs.
:go aneaa ana compile u ouuuiug Sam 0,lmour Telephone 3903
wuum iuc utiMuu. u,u, d6-2sw, 6d
i Auuiucr ilia Lici bvicu uyuu nao
'the proposal to purchase a Blizzard
ventilating fan for use in the back
furnace room, and which will give
:much greater heating efficiency.
; The post directed, the adjutant to r
:send a letter of thanks to the Amer-j
lean Legion Auxiliary for their con- J
trlbutiott of, $60, being half of the
net profit realized from their home
made candy booth and lunch room j
at the carnival. Some time 'ago the)
Legion Auxiliary made a contrlbu- :
tion of $25 from its treasury to be
applied on the purchase price of the
new grand piano. - - ; :
Poultry Wanted!
"ll"ir OF GBJP ST OMAHA We m Cr ' Po
For the reception committee to
greet Santa Claus' on his visit here
next Saturday, December 15 one
week from today- there will be rep
resentatives from the various rooms
of the city schools, either boys or
girls, who will . extend -. the official
greeting to the jolly Santa.
In furtherance of the plan tor the
fitting reception of Santa, Superin
tendent R. E. Bailey has addressed
the following letter to all of the
teachers of the city as well as the
parochial schools to see that they are
out to participate in the pleasures
of the occasion. , .
December 7, 1928.
To Teachers and Pupils of .,
Plattsmouth Public and . ' .
Parochial Schools:., .
Inclosed you will find a letter from
Mr. C. C. Wescott, president Platts
mouth Chamber, of Commerce, telling
you of the proposed visit of Santa
Claus to Plattsmouth. ,' I would like
to have each teacher .read this letter
to the pupils of the room. . " ...
Since receiving Mr. Wescott's let
ter, arrangements have been made
for each room in. the public and pa
rochial schools to .have an. official
representative on the Santa Claus re-
ulars and subs for the season. ' .ception committee. This represents
Many , of the younger players are jtive must be a pupil enrolled in your
showing great promise and offers a ;room and Is to be elected by members
good outlook for future P. II. S. 'of his class by ballot. Send the name
teams in the next efw years.
Of the 1928 regular quintet there
remains but one in the coming sea
son. Robert Hadraba. guard on the
of your representative to my office
not later than Tuesday, December 11,
so that an official badge may be
issued. No Dunil will .be eligible to
1927 team and who Is ngured as tne fbe on the .reception committee un
best bet at the center job this year. iesa he holds a badge. - , ' ,
Joe Hartford and Bob ntcn, jonn j. All pupil representatives, must be
Galloway and Robert Hartford who jat the American Legion Auditorium
at 9:45 Saturday mornlngr December
were members of the squad last year
will also be available as will Hershel
Several new players who were not
out last year for practice have been
showing a great deal of Interest in
the sport this season and may prove
a great aid to Coach Rothert in solv
ing the problem of building a win
ning machine. Among the new play
ers is Allen McCIanahan and whose
work may lead him to a place on the
regular quintet.
The first-game of the basketball
season will be on Friday, December
14th when Blair high school comes
here for the opener and the Platters
will journey up to Creighton Prep
on Tuesday, January 8th for one of
the tough games of the season.
Santa Claus will have a gif t . for
every pupil In Plattsmouth. Be sure
you are there to get yours.
. Sincerely yours, -R.
Superintendent. Public
Canton, O., Dec. 7. The slaying of
Venard E. Fearn, thirty-five, . coal
mine operator, remained a mystery
tonight with authorities unable to
trace the young woman who shot him
or establish- a motive.
Fearn was fatally wounded last
night when a woman, between twen
ty and twenty-five years old, .called
From Weanesday s Daily I .,!, , , T . , .
The December supper of the Hap- q reT0lver. Six of the
py ilunorect wm oe ne a on x seyen shotB took effect He d,ed in
day "tninf'Dnfbl"VhU ? arms of his wife. The slayer
American legion cofmn"n"uti";i was seen a short time after when she
ing the members of the committee boarded a for Canton but au.
Btaif , . thorlties lost her trail. Fearn did
ine P?aKer &t lu " not know who shot him. he told hl
pected to b former governor Henry
J Alien or iansas, nuw iue uiouogci i
of the Omaha Bee-News and " the'
Wednes. - Thursday
Dec. 12-13
Hearst interests in that city, the com
mittee expecting the reply of Mr.
Allen to the invitation in the next
few daysr
, The meeting will be largely at
tended It is expected as there has
been a large number from the Men's
club at Bellevue to make reservations
for the supper party and in addition
an unusually large number from this
city are expected to be In attendance.
before he died
Mrs. Fearn said the killer came
to the door while she waB preparing
the evening meal and asked for her
husband. The woman declined to
enter the house, and then Mr. Fearn
went to the door while his wife tent
back to the kitchen. In a few min
utes Mrs. Fearn heard the shots and
ran to her husband, who died in her
arms. '. , : ' k
'Chicago, Dea. 7.--Slx arbitrators
met here today to. diecues: again the
differences between, the- Chicago .
Northwestern' railroad and the, Bro
therhood of Railway Maintenance of
Way Employee.. . ; . .,, -
; The controversy ...has been . going
on since August,. 1927, when . th
board of arbitration made "in award
affecti&g twenty-threa departments ef
railroad emplayes; , In "the "ease of
some, groups, . th wage scales wu
raised, while in waa lower-.
ed." The ' brotherhood and misinter
preted the meaning and application
of the award to particular groups of
employes and the United States board
of mediation instructed the arbiter
to meet today here. ' . v .
The arbitrators are Judge Homer
Dlbell of. Duluth, justice of the Min
nesota supreme court, and Dr. E.
C. Davles ofthe college of commerce
of - Northwestern university; who
were appointed by the United States
board of mediation ai 'neutral 'arbi
ters,' "J, J.cFarnan attorney of La
Porte. Ind.rand E.' E. Mllllmin, De
troit, secretary and treasurer. of the
Brotherhood, who represent the em
ployes, and William WftIllser., rice
presiflenl of the railroad." and C. H.
Westbrook, its hudltor, represnta
tire of the railroad.
The - Batetf Book and . Stationery
Store have the.lArgest line of Christ
mas cards this season that we hurt
ever stocked' &fid Hiait of thm-ar
now ready far the early : jarsliw r ,
eapoially those that wmnt tlre 'masie
printed, or, engraved therepa.. :" tfe;
will appreciate yoiu: oaifog
store and look oterr the line so4
as pcasihle, ample , time
for the engraving or printing. Mease
call . .sometime ',' during the coming'
week; if possible. v We would 'like far
you .to see this wonderful line be
fore it is broken. They axtf a beauti
ful line of cards and priced right'
'Mlsaea Beffllc'e VAult fand !"He4en
Vallery departed this morning for
Omaha, where they will spend the:
day with friends and looking after"
some matters of business... ..
Hastings, - Neb., Dec. 7. The
From Friday's Dall .
. Ten thousand Omaha people are
HI of grip, it is estimated by Health
Commissioner. Pinto.
Although he believes the epidemic . . S-'ec.; i'IO f gAJfj; CLAUS HAS VISITED THEM 1125,000 John O'Connor estate which
is not dangerous, he aska people to DT1j y,mom j0o . nn'11 nov fnn .seems more .than ever likely to es-
take all possible precautiona to pre- p t ry deiivere(i at our Poultry1 Mrs. L. G. Todd entertained the
vent its spread. HIa advice is: ponVe 5th and Pearl Sts foUowS Union Women's club at her home on
-Keep away from crowds; get .House, bin and i'earl &ts., iouowmg Tuesda afternoon Nov 4th
plenty of rest;, keep warm; do not ; CASH PRICES The ladies enjoyed 'playing the
over-eat; ir you become 111 go to bed .wwii i imv.u Christmas games planned by Mrs.
lmmeaiaieiy ana stay mere unm you I-ITi rr Ih. ' ZOC Louis Burbee. At the close of the
are well.
Although " grip, colds and other QDr'nfir. rer lb
.respiratory diseases are common,
there Is lees pneumonia than usual Olrl Rinsf 1V
tM. var. Pfntn via Roosters, id. .
. The enldemlc has not vet run its
course, it Is believed. Forty-four of White DuclfS, lb..
on sick leave and many replacements
- have been necessary- In the streets
and pjijkaepajt ments. ii
Geese, per: lb.
cheat to the state of Nebraska be
cause or absence or heirs who can
prove their claims, has another new
claimant. He Is Michael O'Connor of
Liverpool, England. .
A recent decision In the supreme
court of Nebraska and in the Uni
ted States courts announced withlif
the past two weeks, has eliminated
practically all the alleged heirs that
. jLO In the dining room. To their surprise, I
r - ' . M. .
Santa uiaus came 10 give oui iue i
presents that had been placed on the . aVft tha ntiation which
Christmas tree. hon irninir nn fnr thA nut firtin
In observance of the one hundredth ri,nni i.u.nt -
anniversary of the death of Frans
years. But tne Liverpool claimant in
writing to the clerk of court here
--' t-Leghornsc lb. Less
Bring Us Yonr. Hides and Furs
Peter Schubert a short sketch of his stateg that he and two nephew8 and
Be Careful!
RENEW, your
";.with as much care aa
you would buy a new car.
' Be 1 sure that you buy pro- 1
tection that cannot fail. ,
Hartford Fire Iniur.
anoe Company .policies .
are backed by an en- '
viable record of mora
than a century. Can
Eider this. . -
Everybody reads the Journal Want Rlove" Produce Co.
a j- j ,rn r
salts at moderate cost.
Phone 391
lire was given oy mts. mn uai our 8 niece ar) the jlght owners of
and a musical composition by Mrs. property an(j are going to claim it.
C. B. Smltn. ;,t..He asks If the0'Conno-will utD4 -
. Mrs. Xouls Mougey gave a vocai be renublished and fair chance :
-solo. "The Land of the Sky Blue Eiven to everybody." Me says the I
Water." t Clara Chamnion. Ennis. county ofi
Clare. Ireland. Is the best newspaper '
In which to republish the will.
Read the Journal Want-Ads.
SearlS. Davis
Phono 9
r 1
r t
i w