The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, DEC. 10, 192S.
tlattsisoiith semj - weesli jouekai
rhc platternoutb lournal
Batar4 at foacoSlca. Plattsmooto. N. u o-olaa mall nuttui
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Nearly every American family has
its Lindbergh- We mean the young
man who lands in out-of-the-way
places and doesn't report it.
Remember that new leaf.
Even the old folks feel the cheer
in the air.
:o: -
Of course Congress will adjourn
over holidays. . ,,;.,.
. , :o: l
A crowd of dudes might appro
priately be termed a vacant lot. :
-- : o : -' . "
The man who , rides a hobby Is
likely to deride the hobbies "of oth
ers. :o:
During 1927 production of crude
petroleum in the United States was
901,129,000 barrels.
Greenland Ranch, California, has
observed the maximum temperature,
134 degrees Fahrenheit. v
' ' - " :o:
The Bates Book Store may have
just what you want for Christmas.
You will find a big supply to select
Slogan: Shop early is a wonder
ful success. -
Only ten per cent of all flowers
have any scent.
A cheerful Santa Claus bring, a
bright happiness at home.-
Don't forget that you was once
a child, and how Santa Claus treat
ed ; you. ;' r
Everybody should assist in making
Christmas what It Is. intend to make
it a Merry Christmas.
There is enough salt in the ocean
to make a cover a mile and a half
thick for the United States.
The excess of woman over man In
European lands is now much smaller
than it was at almost any period
during the last 500 or 600 year.
Another thing important to re
member while enjoying your anti
cipation of turkey hash the day after
Christmas Is to be sure it isn't stew
An Illinois man heard some good
news last week. He got a telegram
informing him that "land had been
discovered on his property In Flor
There are some people in this old
town that never . give at Christmas
time. Cheerfulness is unknown to
Reindeer hair, shed in' spring by
the animals, is gathered and soldj
by the Eskimos for stuffing for lifej
preservers. ' " I
:o: !
Oil has been discovered in Brazil. ,
There's another opportunity for the
marines to carry on their education
al campaign. - .
In looking around for Christmas .
presents always remember how hap--;
py you were and make the little ones
feel the same way."
A free giver at Christmas time is;
a henefactor that you can tell by
that cheerful smile on his counten
ance. ' - . ' . : r I w
" ' :o: - -
An authority states that a ton of
diamonds is worth $35,000,000. Re
member this and don't pay a cent
more. -.
. o : j
. Russia will. Stage an internation
al chess tournament next summer.1
Looks like they were calming down
over there. j
i'i . : :o; : ." -.
Horace Greeley used to say the
only cause for going into debt was to
get a home, but. Horace ;never; heard
of an automobile. r. j
. ; r-: : ; !
. Anyway the .pessimist-doesn't,' eh-'
rage you by looking on the bright
side when you . are'- having a good
time being a martyr. j
' :o: I
The Duke of Abruzzi has discov
ered the . mysterious Nebi Scebeli
river in "Africa. Here's hoping the
song writer don't find out about
that. . :'''.
... :o:
An army chaplain in Honolulu an
nounced the other day that a hula
dance would be a feature of the
Sunday evening religious service
Join the army and see the world.
See what our merchants have pro
vided for your special benefit, do you
think of going out of town to do
your shopping? This town is your
home and show your loyalty by buy
ing your Christmas goods in Platts
mouth. . ;
Henry Ford insists that the air
plane never will replace the automo-,
bile. At least not so 'far as pedes-'
trians are concerned. !
, Startling disclosures have been ex
pected from the Investigation of the
Vestris disaster. It even may be
proven that the ship sank because It
leaked. j
A tremendous increase in the size
and scope of the chain store is pre
dieted for the immediate future by
Prof. James L. Palmer, of the Uni
versity of Chicago's School of Com
merce and administration.
It will not be long, according to
Prof. Palmer, before, there are many
chain store aggregations doing an
annual business of more than a bil
lion dollars apiece. The independ
ent retail store, however, will not
disappear, he says, although It will
change its business methods ' radi
"Fighting fire with, fire is the
only way in which independents can
compete successfully," he says
"Chain store competition can only
be met by matching chain store ef
ficlency, or ,by organization to se
cure the advantage of' mass mer
chandising.:', -t L , ,
ter the (Bandies
Jiave Burned ' Qikt,
The many little gifts of sentiment that
bespeak friendships and happy associations
are vital to the spirit of Christmas
But after the candles have burned out,
after ordinary gifts have been laid aside,
then the Maytag will more and more re
veal itself as the outstanding gift prac
tical, helpful, a joy for years to come.
Plan together for this practical gift the
Maytag. Let it be the crowning, lasting
remembrance of the yuletide.
Deferred Payments You'll Never Miss
Founded 189J , . .
Permanent Northwestern Factory Branch.
Maytag Building 515 Washington Ave.,
North, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Phone for a
Trial Washing
Have a Maytag
ent to your home.
Experience the joy
of a carefree wash
day. If it doesn't sett
itself, don't keep it.
(giii) raj "
For iomtj without ' i -!' ' , .- i"" i-'J fr
electricity, the Maytag k!P"""'Sr-ir 1 of, J j I -f f.
i T !f- ' V I 4 I'I Maytag
lt ne motor. M fi Q? M i Radio Program.
, -g I' "
Aluminum Washer
KDCA, PHubarsk. Tasj
Wed.. 100 P.M. WCCO.
Vtuiolta.rtl.. :M P.M.
KEX, PwtlHd, Or.. T.l
130 P.M . W1AP, Port Wank.
HH.I:Mr.M.nU, Bw
ta. SnHn5ld. Frl.. ? M
P.M. CFCA. TorMo, Cu,
Tm, T:M P.M. WHT. CU
BA Tm. Wed.. Than
Fri Sat.. 4Q p. tt. K.M.
lot Aagdo. Wl.. 1 :M P.M.
ltFC. Su Pranciaco. Taat,
P.M. KMOX. St. Lova.
1m., Tkara.. Sat.. IO:
A.M. KSL, bait Lak City.
Moa, :30P.M. CLZ. OaaTar.
TJmr,0 P.M.
Mtmtimitmttti ar tlmUmt
Timm mi aa natlaaj mamam
(IQoritz Maytag Co., Plattsmouth
Elmwood Goodridge & Coatman Weeping Water. . .Moritz Maytag Co.
Baking Rjwder
Guaranteed Pure
Use KC for fine texture
and large volume
in your bakings
Millions of pounds used
by our Government
Charles M. Schwab, tells reporters
that among the lessons that life has
taught him there has been nothing
much more 'valuable than the im
portance of the slogan, "keep smil
ing." ,
"Ah, that is the thing." says Mr.
Schwab. "Be happy, boys. Enter
into your work good-naturedly. It
you succeed, laugh.' But better still,
if you fail, laugh, too."
This, coming from one of the
country's leading industrialists, must
be accepted as sage advice. Yet it
represents a philosophy, popular as
It may be in this country, in which
we Americans do not really believe.
Ever since the Declaration of In
dependence, or thereabouts, we have
prided ourselves on our national
sense of humor. That old doggerel
about "the man who'a worth while
is the man who can smile" probably
can be repeated irora tne memory
by three Americans out of every
four. Yet, for all that, we don't really
mean it and we aren't really light-
The pioneer humor of the country In the District Court of the County
had a kind of gaunt, grim quality of Cass, Nebraska
to it, as if laughter were only the jennie A smith.
momentary easing or a great ten-1 Plaintiff
alon. Nearly all of our Jokes are! vs.
built about stories of someone's mla- Prank E. Vallery et al
a- jt , a , Defendants
luriuuv. x uai imuiiiuiiai Amvncan I
humor" has never had much to do! To C. W. BURD, first real name
with nnfpt tnlorant mil. Tt to unknown: LLOYD O. HULLINGER
r I first real name unknown, non-resl
Dltter. Ident tVfMidantB-
i -
Today it is the same. Our favorite You and each of you are hereby
clown 1 Charlie Chanlin: and. In his notified that on December 1, 192S
picture, this chap goes continually 5,eff "If t an,f .,C ""
from one bufleting to another. He petition praying that the mortgage
exists only to be kicked by fate. His now held by him securing the sum
comedies easily could be made Into J4.000.00 with interest, dated
trasredles J September 20, 1927, and recorded in
me luiiuo ul eaieiy auu CaS8 county, Nebraska, January 18
easy smiles are older lands than ours. 1 1928, at 1:30 p. m., in Book 57 of
We are still too young to be great j "Mortgage Records," at page 534, be
humorists. Life Is too Intense and audfed ,to. h. sf.cond lien' ub3"1
tt v oniy to piainuns nen, upon me ioi
c l" iUC lowing described property, to-wit:
A square lot out of the north
west corner of the west half of
the northwest quarter of Section
23, Township 11, Range 13, east
of the 6th P. M., in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and more particu
larly described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest
corner of the northwest quarter
of said Section 23, running
thence south 147.58 feet, thence
running east 147.58 feet, thence
running ' north 147.58 feet,
thence running west 147.58
feet to the place of beginning.
in the County of-Cass, Nebras
That the amount due be adjudged
on at tne rate or 6 per annum
from September 20, 1927, to Sep
American who makes a failure of
any given venture does not, as Mr.
Schwab advises, grin and retain hie
eunny happiness; 'instead be grlt.
his teenth, becomes grim and des
perate, and charges In again full of
dour determination.
This Is not to say that Mr
Schwab's advice is; not good.. It Is.
To cultivate a detached, philosophi
cal spirit that does not make happi
ness depend on worldly success is an
admirable thing. But we can't do it
It simply isn't In -us. We ar too
For America Is still
workers. Our laughter Is only inci
dental, and Is fierce and sardonic Jtember 20, 1928, and 10 per an
when It comes. The job is still all-lnum thereafter, and the further sum
It I k 4f e r r r r . . . a.
Imnnrtant to us. a.vvu.uu wun mieresi a. o yc
" I m -.. t r a - m
. .!-.. c, per annum irora oep.emDer zv, iv.i,
Probably we are right. Some day ,-.,, , 19jfg and thereafter
this land of ours will Indeed be alat jqc per annum, and that In de-
place for easy-going philosophy and I fault of the payment of such sums
smillntr contentment. But that won't a decree of foreclosure be entered
k -, a.nn rvr. nh i tn ea-d Property sold and you and each
" I nf vnn h fnrprer hsrrod an A fnra.
oe grim ana energetic ana closed of any rieht. title, lien, in
fully earnest-- bo , ,that that easier 1 terest or equity of redemption in and
environment may exist for our chil
I to said premises, and for such other
and further relief as may be just and
equitable In the premises,
You and each of you are required
to answer said cross petition on or
before the 14th day of January, 1929,
-.-.- tt t-vo-- v.,Jor your default will be entered and
. m J I C - O w '
macnine politician who nas oeu neau prayer of said cross petition
of the Philadelphia police for 111 Notice is also given that said cross
months, has been forced by the drum petitioner has filed an application for
fire of the grand jury investigation L?!' ' a,refl1r!r"
reBigu. xuerc w.r. u application will be had upon said
againBt him personally. But he waBji4th day of January, 1929, at 10
responsible for a police organization I o'clock a. m., on said day, or as Boon
that has proved rotten from top to here"er, aa cfOBS Petitioner can be
Doiiom, ana ior cnanges in me poiiceiip Begley, Judge of the District
districts which are shown to have I Court of Cass county, Nebraska, in
facilitated graft. Since the inquiry his court room in the court house in
began five police officials have been CIt,y of pla"smouth. Cass county,
sent to lail two are awaitlnsr trial Nebraska- or e'ore any Judge presid
aent to Jail, two are awaiting trial, f ,n a,d court applIca.
nrteen nave Deen dismissed ana eignt tion is for the appointment of a re
have been suspended. A week agolcelver to take charge of the above
Mr. Vara aald that Director Davis described real estate, to collect the
. j xw- ovQ reni-8 tnereoi auring tne pendency or
need not resign, and Mayor Mackey ftctlon. and to nw aafd ronta
spoie or giving aim cnarge oi police jn accordance with the order of said
organization. But an outraged public court. CroBS petitioner proposes for
has compelled the machine to drop such receiver the name of L. J. Hal-
iaB or some otner suuaDie person,
and thA MnRAarhnnAtta Rnn din tr Jb- Tn.
Yvuai ruimunyuw ouuuiu uuw uu 8Urance Company, or the U. S. F. &,
1b to drop the machine at least outlG. Company, as surety for himself as
of the Police Department. The taskapP"cant and as surety for such re
tn K rs rot Hfpi.,it TVn. 1 celver.
... a. . v...., , Ot all of which you will take due
tiij luaua a unci imiuicui InOtlCe
non-political police head in Gen.I FRANK B. VALLERY,
Smedley Butler: but the connection Defendant and Cross Pe-
between the subordinate officials and I . nuoner,
Fay H. Polloek. Attorney,
StaBtuB, ISehr.
the machine continued, and Gen.
Butler waj an unfortunate choice
Today the old police organization
has been shattered by the grand jury
more than half the high officials are
gone or going, and there is general
discussion of amending the charter
to guarantee a non-political admln-l Notice is hereby given that at the
Istratlon. With proper leadership hour of ten o'clock a. m.t the under
pmi.i.m. rwo signed will, on the 27th day of De
. 'v- T-""' cember. 1928. at the premises in Cass
a rruitrui experiment m tnat pro- county, Nebraska, sell at public
fesslonal police administration which vendue to the highest bidder for cash,
distinguishes large European centers Lots four, five and nineteen (4, 5
n .ntn. f imr nn mnmiinn and 19). in the southeast quarter
I l S.V. 1. nf Zafiinn thlrtv-twn f 5 9 1
governed Cities. . Tnwnohln twolv tl2.. Rant-o
:o: fourteen (14), east of the 6th P. M.,
Police spoiled a wedding in Chi- containing sixty-nine (69) acres
oago when they arrested the best more or less, in Cass county, Nebras-
man on his way with a load of er. Di8trlct Court of tt NInth lx.MCtL
They threw cold water on that pa rty. I District in and for Stanton county.!
Sum Better and David E, Heher, Attym.
SOO Pelera Tmat Blda; Oaaaba.
nexed of the Estate of
Theresa M. Fickler,
Nebraska, to pay debts, legacies and
eosts of administration allowed
against the estate of Theresa M. Fick- '
ler, deceased; and that said sale shall NOTICE OF Sl'IT
remain open for one hour, that is to and of Hearing of Application for
say from 10:00 o'clock a. m. until Appointment of Receiver
11:00 o'clock a. m., of said day. I
Dated this 4th day of December, To MRS. SAMPSON, first
192S. and real name unknown, wife of
ALBERT FICKLER, David Sampson, her unkonwn htirs.
Administrator with Will An- devisees, 1 egatees. personal repre
sentatives and all other persons
claiming any interest in her estate,
real names unkonwn; LEOPOLD
KUH & CO., the members or said
itirm, real names unknown, their un-
known heirs, legatees, devisees, pr-
In the District Court of Cass coun- 6onal representatives and all other
ty, Nebraska. . ! persons intrestcd in their estatt-a;
In the matter of the Guardianship j. C. PETERSON & BROTHER, the
of Leslie Snyder, a Minor. members of said firm, their unknown
Now, on this 1st day of December, heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
1928, this cause came on for hearing resentatlves and all other person?
upon the petition of Barbara C. claiming any Interest in their estates;
Snyder, as Guardian of Leslie Sny- MRS. ORR, first and real
der, a Minor, praying for a license name unknown, wife of E. L. Orr
to sell said Minor's 16-120 interest her unknown heirs, deviBees legatees,
in and to the following described real personal representatives and all other
estate, to-wit: persons claiming any interest in her
The NW4 of the SE and estate; GEORGE W. PEASE, his un-
the NEVi of the SWi of Sec- known heirs, devisees, legates; per-
tlon 21, Township 12, Range 10, j sonal representatives, and all other
East of the 6th P. M., In Cass
county. Nebraska
for the suPDort. maintenance and real name unknown; whose where-
education of said Minor. . abouts and places of residence are
It is therefore ordered that all per- unknown to the plaintiff:
sons interested In Bald estate appear Notice is hereby given that or
before me at the District Court room the 17th day of November, 1928
In the court house at Plattsmouth. Louis Ackerman filed his petition and
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 7th commenced an action In the District
day of January, 19Z9, at the nour or -ourv oi an umj,
10 o'clock a. m., to show cause why against the above named defendantF
a HrenRe should not he granted to and others, docket 4, page SS for the
said Guardian to sell said Minor's foreclosure of a certain mortgage for
interest in the above described real 14500.00 on lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 In
estate for the purpose of maintenance, block 33 and lots 5 and 6 in block
support and education of said in .ine tuy ui ridiuiuUlu
i persons claiming any lnterent in hi
! estate; R. TOWN SEND, first an"
It is further ordered that a copy
of this Order to Show Cause be pub-
newspaper of general circulation 'in thereunto belonging which
Cass county, Nebraska, for a period was cu -ue v. .. ,
of three successive weeks prior to i3muu
lots 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 and 12 block
6 in Duke's Addition to the city of
Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebras
ka, together with all the appurten-
mnrtfsrnra and clven to the Dlaln-
tiff as mortgagee and which was duly
'recorded on the lBt day of July, 1927,
the date of hearing.
By the Court.
J3 of-th. bTstrlct L book BS.Sofe
d 3-3 w Court ltriu,uo u " j ,
, Mtll U UiUI lfcagC filTCU 11 ncv hi i
the payment of a certain promissory
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
note dated June 15, 1927, and plain
tiff alleges that there is now due the
plaintiff on said indebtedness the
sum of $4889.25 together with in
terest thereon at the rate of 6
per annum from November 17th
Plaintiff prays that In default of
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of
the District Court, within and for
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
.i t . j t ... ill v irtu
"ireue"' 4 ; "A . n payment by said defendants or some
December, A. D. 1928, at 10 o clock nmT,t th. niain-
a. m. of said day at the south front aforesaid, said mortgaged pre-
d00ttth! CUrVThUBVD t,he l miseB may be decreed to be sold ac-
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska in said cording t7Q law to salisfy the BUn,
county, sell at public auction to the found 6due with Interest and costf
all persons claiming by, through or
under them or any of them be ex
cluded from and foreclosed of any
and all Interest, rights and equity
of redemption or lien upon said
mortgaged premises. Also prays that
the court order the Sheriff of Cast
ing real estate, to-wit:
Lot 24 in Porter Place, an Ad
dition to the City of Platts
mouth, CaaB county, Nebraska,
being in the NE& of the NE M
of Section 25, Township 12, J
Range 13 East of the 6th P. M.,
J-l at. -.T 1 Y
m cuunu, - .! County. Nebraska, to Immediately
The same being levied upon and;take h of and admlnlst lhe
taken as the property of Lydia M. Bnl,, .,.-,,.(, ntn b,, tim & a
UT; TThe' aiJonM receiver is appointed and that the
Elizabeth Walton; James E. Walton; : court appolnt a receiver to take pos-
Pna waiion; james ai. uower; Besslon of 8ftld premises and care for
Bower; Dorthy Legg and Tneo A. ftH mtrutor
Walton. Adm. of the Estate of P. T. tQe pendency of this action and under
Walton, deceased, defendants, to sat- t, Hlr,.tlnn nf thU rmirt
isfy a judgment of said Court recov
ered by L. Irene Snead, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, November
6th. A. D. 1928.
- Sheriff Cass County,
(Seal) nl2-5w
on Petition for Determination of
' ' Heirship. ...
Estate No. A-353 of "Amanda ' J.
Brendel, Deceased, in the the. County
Court of Cass county. Nebraska.;
The State of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested' in said estate, credi-
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 7th day of January, 1929.
Notice is also given that salf
plaintiff haB filed an application for
the appointment of a receiver as
aforesaid and . that the hearing on'
said application for the appointment
of .a receiver will take place on the
21st day of December, 1928, at r
p. m. of said day or as soon there
after as plaintiff can be heard be
fore the Hon. James T. Begley, Judge
of the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska in his court room in the
Cass County Court House in Platts
mouth, Nebraska, or before an
judge of said court then and there
presiding; that said plaintiff will
a a, J V. I laa kn T Ta
Brendel. who is one of the heirs of;."!" " 'T,Z.
said deceased and interested in such,
has filed his petition alleging that
Amanda J. Brendel died intestate in
Murray. Nebraska, on or about June . , trmise durina
9th. 1925. being a resident and In-1 "id. Tiff
u.uuaui ui jnuua, vans tuuuiji
braska, and the owner of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 462.7
feet east of the intersection of
Sections 14. 15. 22 and 23, In
Township 11 North of Range 18
East, running thence east 160.1
feet, thence south 132 feet,
thence west 160.1 feet, thence
north 132 feet to the point of
beginning, said tract being oth
erwise known and described as
Lots 14, 15 and 19. of Section
23. Township 11 North of Range
13 East, situated in the Village
of . Murray, Caas county, Ne
for the appointment of a receiver
to take charge of the above described
real estate, to collect the rents there
of and to care for and administer
the pendency
the direction
of the court as applied for and prayed
In the petition of the plaintiff and
hla notice of application for appoint
ment of a receiver filed in said action
on November 17th, 1928, upon tbe
grounds and for tbe reasons that said
mortgaged property is probably in
sufficient to discharge or satisfy tbe
Indebtedness secured by Bald mort
gage involved In said action and that
said mortgaged property is constant
ly deteriorating in value; that said
application for such receiver will be
presented and heard upon said peti
tion of plaintiff, the records and
files in Bald action including affidavit
which plaintiff will file In said action
and will submit to the court as evi-
leaving as her sole and only heirs at:dence in BUpport of said application
law the following named persons, to-
J. F. Brendel, a son. of Mur
ray, Nebraska; J. W. Brendel, a
son, of Avoca, Nebraska; T. J.
Brendel, a son, of Murray, Ne
braska, and Bessie May Seybolt,
a daughter, of Murray, Nebras
The plaintiff proposes for such re
ceiver the name of Jacob Falter of
Plattsmouth, Casa County, Nebraska
and as surety for such receiver the
Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance
Company and plaintiff offers as surety
for himself as applicant the Massa
chusetts Bonding & Insurance Com-
That said decedent died intestate;: You will take notice and govern
that no application for adminlstra-, yourselves accordingly.
tion has been made and the estate of : . LOUIS ACKERMAN.
said decedent haB not been admlnls- . Plaintiff.
tered in the State of Nebraska, and .
that .the Court determine who aref Having no campaign stuff with
the heira of said deceased, their de-!.-, . fl11 .ninmnn we ob-
gree of kinship and the right of de-j
scent in the real property of which 1 wrT that moflt of the newspapers are
the deceased died seised, which has ' trying to render valuable assistance
been set for hearing on the 28th day - to Washington correspondents in the
or uecemoer, A. D. lszs, at lw o clock matter of selecting a eultable cabi-
1 . - .. . ....
not. o Titt i4.h.VD net tor iresiaeni-eieci nooTer.
this 19th day of November, A. D.
n26-3w - - . Attorney. 1 tnat tne upnoistenng won't Diena
- I . . A . , . i . V . .
wjin ner z moaei cuai sua iuer
About the time dad gets it. all
lined un to trade in the old bus.
?riviroe'! mother makes the startling discovery
Phone your new to Jlo. 6. j ru r