The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 25, 1928, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    Bach S
to ir e I
2-lb. pkgr. Seedless Raisins for 24
New 1928 Prunes, large size, lb 110
3 pkgs. Advo Jell (mold free) for 250
4-lb. pkg. Advo Pancake Flour 230
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, large pkg 100
Oatmsal, Quick or Reg., large pkg 230
3 lbs. Fancy Santos Peaberry Coffee . . $1.15
10 bars P and G Soap ..... .350
Chipso, large size pkg. for 230
Heated Rebuke
to Governor of
Southern State
Bilbo of Mississippi Accused of
Uttering a Falsehood Libel
Affecting Hoover.
Grain Exchange
Law to be Tested
Before the Court
State Asserts Inspection Rules Here
Block Quick Grain Marketing;
Omaha Group Demurs.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 23. The con
stitutionality of Nebraska's new law.
FBouir SpecaaOs
48-lb. sack A. G. B. Flour. $1.75
48-lb. sack Little Hatchet Flour 1.75
48-lb. sack Sunkist Flour 1.80
48-lb. sack Omar Flour 1.95
25-lb. sack Rye Flour 90
50-lb. sack Rye Flour 1.75
Washington, Oct. 19. An official
denial of a declaration attributed to .lesijrnert tn vn th Omah.i r.rain
Gov. Theodore G. Bilbo of Mississippi. Exchange from enforcing- its own
that Herbert Hoover had visited and weight and quamy inspections was
danced with a negro Yfman. a'Ut issue in the case heard on de
Mound Bayou during his Mississippi! m..rrr ta h-fr.. rti.tHnt t.i
flood relief work last year was made! gtewart here
puoiic lomgni ai tiooyer general Tne grain exchange, along with
headquarters. The denial, in the SPTmi momhor MmnntM v tn
form of a telegram to Bilbo from enjoin Attorney General' Spillman
George Ackerson. assistant to the re- from
enfnrplnw th l.iw TI throat.
publ can candidate, criticized the ened to have the exChange's license
Mississippi executive in sharp terms, forfeited when its officers tried to
declaring that the statement was discipline members who refused to
"unqualifiedly false" and "the most abide by inspection ruieg.
Indecent and unworthy statement in Assistant ittnrn nnmi t t
the whole of a bitter campaign." McGuire from Omaha nnt th
The telegram, dated today, fol- momine- nrnt:nc- th stnta'a n,at
lOWS! I Twtill'P in n Ar-at rorlnailn rt -ti- V. o
"Hon. Theodore G. Bilbo, governor wer- Ri(, trn-kert nt 1he nmaha rmin
of Mississippi. Jackson. Miss.; You terminals six weeks ago, declared Mc-
are quoted by the presa In the south Guiret becau3e of tne very inspection
as haying stated in a public address rules that the exchange seeks to en.
that Herbert Hoover while on one tarce. Rei?arriic.. f whtt.Br .hin..
of his flood relief trips got off the per8 and Duyfcr agree ou weighta or;
train at Mound Bayou, Miss., and of whether the wheat has been pre
paid a call on a colored woman there! vioUciv inRnto.l anrt u-lrh it
and later danced with her. I mm h trmarorrs.i ti,m,m,
Says Statement Falsehood. I mlnajs, re-weighed and re-inspected
'That statement Is unqualifiedly I to comply with the rules of the ex-
false. There 19 not the slightest I change, he said.
foundation for it. It is the most in-1 "A Dracr on Commerce "
decent and unworthy statement in "All this is a drag on interstate
the whole of a hotter campaign. I commerce, McGuire argued, because
was with Mr. Hoover every hour of it loses not only time, but money.
TTrilitv fomnanv Refuses to Answer tne four montns while he was en- The shipper must pay for inspection
Utility Lompany eiuses to Answer gag?d iQ the fl(Jod M. Hoover gave services whether they are desired or
uue5uou or u x-rouuee duum an that was In him to sav ne the I not.
Showing Disbursements j lives of the people of Mississippi and I "The Omaha exchange like other
tne surrounding states, ana in se-i exchanges. Is a great 'throat of grain
Washington Authority of the curing and bringing Into your state I commerce through which passes 400
i- eaerai 1 raue commission 10 sud- i any miiiiuno ui uuiuus iur ir miiiion dollars worm or eoods in a
poena witness in connection witn I construction ana renaDimation oiiyear. he continued. "Ninety per
its investigation of the public utility your people a lasa necessitating ex-1 cent of ihat is forwarded to other ex
Industry was challenged by represen- perience and Influence which no oth-1 changes and industries in other states
tatives of the Electric Bond & Share er man in the United States possess-Jor nations. Much grain coming from
'company as the commission turned ed and for which the gratitude of the I Iowa and sold through the Omaha
I to investigate the financial structure state of Mississippi was unanimously I exchange passes through Council
oi mf company. vipirDeru u.t na .r6iiaiuic i ijiuns terminals only ana never
On advice of counsel, A. v. smun. "lour legislature m rormai resoiu-i touches Nebraska soil.
comptroller and assistant secretary tion stated:
of the company, refused to produce,! "'Whereas, suffering hardships! minals. It can have no power, there-
or to answer questions concerning i ana pern, Heroeri Moover, not once, i fore the members terminals where
dooks snowing aiSDursements oi inr dui again ana again, crossea ana re-1 inspections are made, weighing is
Bond & Share Company. Edgar C I crossed the flooded section from Cairo I done, and grain transferred. It fol
A W r. T 1 e.. aw n h n .(Tf 1 n . . . mi 1 T tA..AA a n r n 1 H I . . . . -
c 1 1 O jutiiiiuusu. luuimiMiuuri in vif, i f,un, uiai iruiuj, iiwjhc, ui-i lows mtii i nat aunng rusn seasons
OpringS, per ID.. . . .&Up of tce Investigation, announced that recting the work of rescue, organ-l owners of the terminals handle their
Poultry Wanted!
Friday Saturday
Oct. 26-27
Hens, per lb 200
Trade Board,
Defied, Seeks a
Court Ruling
? ;l (ML
A hw price suit
If ever a standardized suit price deserved a "Big hand," it's our "$20
Bill" the highest grade low priced suit in America. Concentration
is the big factor that enabled us to put "$20 Bill" on this market. At
first some people were skeptical they were from Missouri they
said "show me"-and WE DID! . . . Today, "$20 Bill" is an ac
knowledged leader in Suit values. Ask the man who owns one.
Lots of new patterns and colors to show you. Ask to see our "$20
Bill" all-wool Blue Serge it's a wonder!
"$20 Bill" is 5y
Strictly Cash JJ ,
Copy for this Department
furnished by County Agent
Crom Plot Tests.
Mr. Paul Stewart of the Extension
Service, has been In the county for
the Dast two davs helnins to col-
The exchange itself owns no ter- lect samples of soil and also collect
ing samples from some of the crom
plots. Watch for the reports of these
t - - i .f is KaMAinA,i . . lxtM .a 1 f. iiahs.aa v A I .
v-, mm , , me cuumiistiuii wuum jiiuivru n mug, iuu iu ducuiiie own grain nrst and let that of farm
vUAy jcr iu. AVy compel us demands by law, n ir. i immediate sunering or tne stck, theiers wait
Bank Cashier
Gone; Note Tells
of Big Shortage
Filing of Charge Against Ohiowa
Man Not Yet Determined
Expenses Covered Up.
Cull Out the Undeveloped Pullets
Probably the most important jot j today by Guy
for the Nebraska poultrymen at this attorney
Thomas Wallinz CozuDanv !
AbstracU oi Title
Phone 324
Geneva. Neb., Oct. 23. Whether
closing of the Nebraska State bank of
Ohiowa will result in filing of any
charges against C. H. Brinkman.
cashier had not been determined late geT next gare the ,esaon OQ ..Food
The Merry Workers held their
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Clifford Spangler on Thursday after
noon. Business meeting was held
with our president Mrs. E. G. Ruff-
ner in charge. Project Leaders Mrs.
Allie Leonard and Mrs. Clifford Span-
A. Hamilton, county
Leehorns 5c lb -Less . &mun aoes not appear wuu me iuia- nungry, me nomeiess. restoring nope as occurred six weeks ago. Shippers
" ' t s uoks ai iv o ciuci. uti. 4J. i in me iuiure oy esfiaoiisnin jt creaii. i anrinna tn nAr-a r. o nt ..
" Tne ccn:mlssion he declared, i: turning his genius for economics and I orable market, could no do so te
fPsrnfl llfP I fl proceeaing wiinin powers cumerrei numanuanamsra 10 me prooiems oil cause facilities were not available
wmw vvi Upon u ootn Dy ine vaisn ona j restoring a desolate people and coun-j for the inspections that the rules re-
uesoiuiion anu Dy me uusic luh- i try to prosperity ana proauciiveness;
gressional act by which it was es- J working day and night, unceasingly
tablished. Definitions of powers were with devotion, patience. Insight, sym-
Thus the congestion suchlseason of the year is that of getting
Corner 6th and Pearl Streets
Phone 391
Chicago, Oct. 23. Irvine Lenroot
'ormer United States senator from
Wisconsin, told James W. Good, west
ern campaign manager for Herbert
Hoover, today that if it were not for
the "false issue of prohibition in
this campaign. Wisconsin would give
Hoover a record majority."
"I believe the truth of the pro
hibition situation is beginning tc
have its effect on the voters." he
said. "They are beginning to real
ize that Governor Smith's election
will not bring back liquor."
Mr. Lenroot. who has just com
pleted a swing thru Wisconsin and
Minnesota making speeches, said ht
believed both states would go for the
republican presidential nominee.
The pupils of the Lewiston school
Dist. 7, will give a program and plate
supper at the Lewiston church Fri
day Oct. 26th at 8 o'clock.
4-2td-ltw. Teacher.
The Journal appreciates your in
terest in phoning us the news. Call
No- 6 any time.
read into the record from both meas- I pathy and wisdom.
tires. The Electric Bond Jc feUart , Actin-n hv TslntnT
company eu(nu, "No, therefore, be it resolved
that they are unwilling to send Intr K he house repreaentative3 the
senate concurring herein, that the
the United States and to the people.
the commissioner declared.
Mr. Smith testified before the com
mission that the Electric Bond f
Share Company owns all of the com
mon stock in the Electrie Bond f
Share Securities Corporation and
that he is comptroller of both firms
Other officials occupy correspond
ing positions in both companies. Mr.
Smith said, but he could not give
their names. He testified that he did
not know the name of the presiden
of the Securities Corporation
state of Mississippi in simple recog
nition of the magnitude of the task
asigned and of its magnificent execu
tion and testimony of profound depth
of gratitude owed him by all thel
people of the states bordering the
Trial Still to Come.
The grain exchange's argument has
not been presented.
Its petition 6ets out that the ex
change, organized about 20 years
ago. now has property worth one
million dollars for the convenience
of shippers, buyers and the public
generally. It provides a selling fieor.
offices and an inspection and weigh
ing service.
By inspecting and weighing the
grain at Omaha, the exchange con
tends, it establishes uniforniitv and
Mississippi river, we. the legislature
ui iuc biaic oi .Mississippi, proclaim i t me same time puts a rseDrasKa
this expression of our appreciation I laoel on the product. Otherwise ship-
ana admiration of Herbert Hoover l per or this state might be subject
and our thanks for his work.' I to dock duties and other charges at
Mr. Hoover was never In Mound I aistant markets and shipping points
Asked to name any shares of stock . . "Iv .7 tuuie "..u-ncim. .
which the Electric Bond and Sharr "i "c u:r 1Cil.1";
piBiiurm ui me iraiu. uui receivea
there a memorial from the colored
the young pullets into winter quar
ters. Providing warm. dray, draft
free houses with sanitary equipment
is one part of the problem. Culling
out the late hatched pullets is an
other seasonable job. The removal
of the undeveloped pullets will give
the thrifty birds, more room in the
house, save feed and tend to prevent
disease epidemics
Hamilton said the only irregularity
so far found in the bank's books
consisted of covering up expenses,
but that coirect balances and entries
had apparently been made on all cus
tomer's accounts.
A note from Brinkman was found
by W. H. Weisa, assistant cashier
and stepbrother of Brinkman, at the
bank Monday morning. It said the
and Nutrition" as well as outlined
the year's work.
The attendance was cut down con
siderably on account of the muddy
roads, but those who were present
had a most enjoyable time.
The meeting closed with the serv
ing of delicious refreshments, con
sisting of pumpkin pie with whipped
cream, sandwiches and coffee.
The next meeting will be held with
Mrs. Allie Leonard, at which time
school lunches will be demonstrated
Company hold in operating com
ti n 1 aa fw Smith cgiH Ihnt Tio rnillrl
not. He testified, however, that he PfP-f Tlcinlty for the ser
.. r iTlo ha nail T an A .tiAt rnin Xjs
was responsible for the accounting
banking. loans and credit of the com-
The memhr rf tha e tv. t, 'o r-, -
vice he had rendered their race. No sh will hold a two days bazaar at
more untruthful and ignoble asser-lthe American rHnn .rr,,w,.
firm WflQ vpr n 1 1 ri nv a minli man I v.. .iut .
Robert E. Healey, chief counsel for " wncu cmira uau uui i""-2Jin and 30th.
the commission, asked Mr. Smith ""i" , , .1 un Monday evening commencing
questioning him about books in nif " , f . lwa ""iai o:ju dinner will be served for
charge. Advised by counsel for hi- from his responsibilities to attend any the price of 50c per plate: 25c for
company that he did not have tr social gathering anywhere during the children under 12. Following is the
answer anv nuestions concernine thc rnoie penoa oi tne nooa
contents of the book, Mr. Smith re- "That any person in Mississippi
fused to answer the question. Hf enouia lea to vote ior or against
likewise refused to tell the commis
sion where records of expenditure?
could be procured that would show If
funds had been spent for publicity
concerning private and municipa
ownership of utilities or to influence
Ralph B. Feager, vice-president of
both the Electric Bond & Share
Company and the Securities Corpora
tion, testified that the former com
pany owned stock in the American
; Power & Light, the American Ga
& Electric Company, the Electrit
Light & Power Corporation and the
National Power & Light Company
His company owns nothing approx
imating 50 per cent of stock, he said.
Officers of the bond and share com
pany are in scattered instance
Mr. Hoover upon a representation of
this kind would forever be a most in
famous blot on the record of the state
of Mississippi.
Assistant to Mr. Hoover."
State Journal.
Washington, Oct. 22. The govern
ment waa granted a review today by
the Supreme court to test out the re
fusal of the Court of Appeals of the
District of Columbia to reverse an or
der in the packers consent decree
Fried Chicken with
Cream Gravy
Mashed Potatoes - Buttered Peas
Cabbage Salad
Pickles Conserve
Pumpkin Pie
Every evening Visit the Bakerv
the Fancy Work Booth. Bingo. Home
Made Candy Booth.
On Tuesday evening the big Hal
lowe'en dance. Jess Williams and
his Songsters, a great treat for the
dance lovers. Dance tickets $1.00.
bank was short and explained the
Culls from a fairly good ffock of way the books had been kept, it was
pullets may be the smaller, later reported to County Attorney Hamll- J
hatched birds that have been run over ton. It said that Brinkman could not
all summer. When seperated from the remain to face developments,
large flock, they have a better op- h. G. Batty, state bank examiner,
Dortunitv and often develop into good was sent to Ohiowa by the state bank-
hinls. Onlv those birds that are Jntr Hp hart fmmH ahnut ' From Wednesday's tll
healthy and in good flesh should of 12 thousand dollars shortage today.! James G. Mauzy of this city was
course be marketed, all birds not fit) The Dank had deposits of about operated on yesterday at the Method
for market should be disposed of on! 117 thousand dollars. To large a is hospital a minor operation which
the farm. Careful market men nc share of this amount was at interest, however compel the patient tc
longer buy thin sickly birds. Since ana- profits less than expenses. It is Pnd several days there and it U
the grower has been responsible for reported. expected that Mr. Mauzy will be able
the condition of the fowels. it is only Neither Brinkman nor Weiss had to return home the first of the week.
fair that he should stand the loss drawn the full amount of their sal- Th patient came through the opera
and that such unfit food should bc,ary for gome time because of low lIon very nicely and shows the most
kept off the market. : nrofits. It was renorted to the county encouraging signs 01 a speeay re
i torney
turn home.
News From the Agricultural College j Brinkman. unmarried, lived with
Jean Spangler of Plattsmouth won v w.
high individuals in the dairy pro- "e "f ? -
ducts judging contest at the National 15 thousand dollar capital stock. Ja-j The Mynard Community club will
Dairy Show at Memphis, Tenn.. ac- cb Weiss, his stepfather, held six noi( ther regular meeting on Friday
cording to the announcements given hundred dollars; John F. Steele, Sea- evening. October 26th at the com-
out there Tuesday evening. tle. the president, owned ve thou- munity hall at Mynard. There wil'
The University of Nebraska team sand dollars, and A. R. Thompson. De a miscellaneous program given
of which Spangler was a membe: "astings. naa six nunareu aoiiam. Everyone Is cordially invited to be
won third. Frank Sampson of West- :
ern and Nelson Jodon of Lincoln, the;
other two members were ninth and'
twenty-fourth in the contest. Span- j
gler was third in judging ice cream j From Wednesday' Dally
and seventh in judging milk and but- j Last evening the finance commit
ter, j tee of the Plattsmouth Women's club
j entertained at the American Legion
4-H Club News Writing Contest, f building at a benefit card party and
Boys and girls who have been writ- which drew a very large number out
ing 4-H Club news this year in the to enjoy tne most pieasani occasion
contest sponsored by the Weepinf to the utmost. .
Water Republican are reminded that . The larger number of the members
the contest closes Nov. 1. of the party enjoyed the fascinations
According to the rules publisher of bridge and Mrs. Louis Ward Egen
at the start of the contest, each re- berger was the winner of the high
porter who wishes to compete foi score of the evening. Otners wno re
tthe prize trip to the 1929 Club Week ceived high score at the tables were
.'at Lincoln is to brine in neatly E. H. Schulhof, Mrs. E. J. RIchey,
In attendance.
White Orpington Cockerels, from
prize winning stock.
Wabash, Nebr.
mounted clippings of at least four and
Representative; not more than six news stories he
Chicago, Oct. 15
of trainmen employed by railroad: ; has written this year in the contest
Th nrrter nf y,c Pnnrt nf A nnaalo I West Of Chic&en testified todav bp. ! Thpso linn intra ahrmlri h hroilh
. - w 1 . . . V a .. . 7 .."''
offlcers of the operating companies
he said.
The Bond
' r r m 1
: services to the operating companies
, in return for fees paid it. Mr. Feagei
permitted the California co-operative
canneries to intervene in the suit
I tvlllh . 1.- V.J 1 1.A A A
and Share Company ptc3 uu orougui 10
ooiuc a VUU9CUL UCtlCC UUUtr WI1IK11
they were enjoined from dealing In
groceries, canned fruits, etc.. and re
fore the federal fact Anding board in-' or mailed to the county extensior
vestlgating their demands for in agent. L. R. Snipes at Weeping Water
creased pay. that handling a Ion? not later than the end of next week
train is more hazardous than band- : Judeea of the contest will be cho- eveninr.
ling a short train. sen by the editor and the county At a suitable hour the ladies of
E. P. Bradley, general chairman agent. Winners will be announced in the committee served a very dainty
John F. Wolff, Mrs. W. K. Kreca
low. Mrs. H. A. Schneider, Dr. J. A.
Griffin. Mrs. H. L. Gayer, Mrs. Erie
Teepell. Mrs. Edgar Meislnger, Miss
Laura Melsinger, Mrs. J. w. uoimes.
In the pinochle game Mrs. JeBS F.
Warga received the high score of the
strlcted to essential products of thei,or th conductors of the Great Nor one of the early issues of the paper, and delicious luncheon that added
Friday - Saturday
meat oacking industry. thern railway, altho unable to pre- L. R. SNIPES. J. H. BALDWIN
The Supreme court last spring re-IBeni statistics, tesunea mat long county Extension Agents.
fused to set the decree aside as re- trains- had increased the hazards of
quested by the Swift and Armour railroading to trainment. lie ueciar i
groups. Following that decision the ed a lonS train is more likely to breal ; HIGH SCHOOL GOES TO WAH00
a great deal to the pleasures of the
From Wed need ya Dally
The electric sign that was placed government sought to have the Court in two and tnat the shock " start
fVf. 2S-27
ithe present ownar of the hotel and the Court of Appeals declined to do.
t-InS- npr lb ZUC who has restored the historic name
From Wednesdays Cally
Mrs . Thomas Svoboda, who has
been in rather poor health for the
past several years and who has un
dergone several operations, is con
fined to her home and has not been
on the Hotel Riley building a num- of Anneals reverse Its nrdpr in the InS and stopping is more severe than From Wednesaay tJany
ber of years ago by Fred Wagner, canneries case, and hold that It had n a shorter train. . ; The Plattsmouth high school foot
(then owner of the hotel, but which no Jurisdiction to review the refusal Attorneys for tne raiiroaus as ball team will leave on Friday for
has in recent years remained un- of the District Supreme court to per- serted that two 8nort trains 1m- Wahoo where they will play the high
1 n t xi t I t v . . ... . . me&surahlv increased accident llabll ch.i tonm iKit nUcs nn their
. 1 il u irti ami uu uuLiLru. i- -a nil 11 rT iiiii iih - m i nmr 1 11 inrAS-vonA -inia km w v v. v - - -
1 - w - w..v. .i.v. , . 1 . . 1 . . . . . nnen to nr nozne uuu iitu uut.
ny, not omy 10 tne iramuitfu Vm w own grounds. Tne Platters lasj year r",; fnr TPrl davs
the public at large, particularly tc swept the Wahoo team off their feet rJJIn'XiJSS
. nf th fnnniisr tha i?r.tai dm CTTmimne f-TrnTnTim I motorists. and smothered them under a neary " m
QMv;nn- npr lh. 20 also decided that the lieht shall .shine ' score. The Platters have shown much
' r . gl forth and accoriingIy the sign was
RoOSterS. per ID. . . . IOC rejuvinated with new globes and now
better form In their last games and
improves to some extent that she will
be taken to Omaha to consult a
Leghorns, 5c lb. Less
Successor to A. J. Snyder
Near Burlington Station
' io ;..i. are honeful of taklnir in the Wahoo specialist as to her caae
Grlnnell. Ia.. Oct. 17. The Grin- K." ' team aeain this year and securing a.
i eacn eTenins Diazes rortn in in. .. .. . r.jn ti- it -.vm. "
nooncement to the traveler rolllne neu se campus Doasts a Thomas vl"' . 6YT6 victory over their foes,
ir thl iv' nf T mZ,, -if for President club with Prof. Milton build a new crib or repair the Old
CT o - " uivu I VV Iff Iab air 4 Kin. aaI 1 amm. mamaV aIiiTk i A . . IV 9
passes the hotel, the message that I " .T'; wl v J one- " Pa7 J0XL 10 see we
: the place is open and ready for busi- fab "an w a recent speaker anywhexe.- Cloidt Lumber
"cm. . - v ..v j j j ft i.Ywi i.n fiattstnontn. we nr. . . - . , t.--,--.
uciui o .uc uuu uu bui maicu mi - - . . . f tons gooa prarie at fiu per ton 11 on weanesaay evcuius, iiunuuo
party principles or tne socialist group - in stack. 3 miles south of Platts 7th. Ladies please bring ooxes.
There will be a box social and
'plate supper held at the Pleasant
Ridge school house in District iso.
AH kinds of business stationery j
printed, at tut journal osice.
Large size mans of Cass county on mouth, sm t it pollock. Platts- miss esther albert.
Bead the Journal Want Ads. . - sale at Journal office, 50c eaci. mouth. o4-tfw. o25-4t aw Teacher.
ALWAYS park alosside a
new and hiny car. It
will back out without scraping
you. And always call this
agency of the Hartford Fire
Insurance Company for your
automobile insurance. We will
take care of you if you have a
loss. .
You don't expect an Auto ac
cident neither did the man
who just had one. Besides,
your car may burn or be stol
en. Call us up today.
Soarl S. Davis
Phone 9
Farm Loan Investment
Insurance . Real Estate