THURSDAY. OCT. 25, 1928. PLATTSMOTJTH STMI WEEKLY JOURNAL FAGS I7T9 Local Football Team Scores Vic tory Sunday Score of 7 to 0 Result of Battle With the North Omaha Furnace Com pany on Home Grounds From Monday's Dally The Plattsmouth city football team yesterday afternoon scored a 7 to 0 victory against the North Omaha Furnace Co. team at the baseball park the locals showing real fight in their work and their smashing attacks on the visitors held the Omaha team largely in their own territory. The scoring of the Plattsmouth team came in the first quarter of the game when . the ball was passed to the Omaha fullback who fumbled and the ball was recovered by Frank Koubek, local fullback, who fcrokc away from the Omaha players and raced fifty-three yards for the touch down and the first score for the locals "on the home grounds this season. The extra point was secured by Carl Keil in a well placed drop kick that was perfect. The whole Plattsmouth team show ed good form and George Sedlacek was one of the outstanding figures in the offensive of the Plattsmouth team, with a thirty-five yard end run and smashing the Omaha line for gains of ten and eleven yards. The Omaha team was threatening in the third quarter of the game when they advanced to the Plattsmoutr ten yard line but were held there for downs and the ball recovered by Plattsmouth and punted out of dan ger. The Plattsmouth team will play at Valley on next Sunday afternoon and will give the strong team of that place one of their hardest battles. WANTED used Jay Bee feed grinder. Write or phone Wm. F. Halmes, Platts mouth, Neb. o4-6tw. DELPHIAN CLASS MEETS iTom Tuesday's Daily The Delphian class met last even ing at the home of Mrs. C. C. Wescott with Mrs. A. H. Duxbury as the lead er of the meeting and the ladies de rived a very valuable evening from the course of study that had been ar ranged for the meeting. The Delphians are studying "His tory of the World fiom the Earliest Day to the Modem Time" as thir Fi.'n.iect for the fall and winter work anu last evening the time was oc cupied in the discussion of the dawn of the modern nations of the world including England, France, Germany and Italy, the discussion covering the period from 1,000 A. D. down to the eight and ninth centuries. Miss Barbara Geiing, president of the class presided and assisted in the program of the evening. The Delphians have had an ad dition of four new members during the past year and the courses of study have proven very inspiring to all of the members. We have a full stock of rough Cy press Cribhing, 6 and 12-inch, and Cedar Poles. If you are going to build a new crib or repair the old one, it will pay you to see us. We deliver anywhere. Cloidt Lumber & Coal Co., Plattsmouth. Nebr. Read the Journal Want Ads. Now Arranging for Farm Day Big Meetings Scheduled at Omaha Saturday, Nov. 3. Radio Hook up Through KOIL "A Wonderous Change in Majestic Range" Sjpeonall Facttoiry EriflnnMtl: AT WEEK. mm THE NEW ALL-ENAMEL GREAT c , V Hi I THE ARISTOCRAT OF RANGES! THE HIGHEST ACHIE VEMENT OF THE MAJESTIC MANUFACTURING COMP ANY, RECOGNIZED FOR YEARS AS THE LEADING MAN UFACTURER OF FINE RANGES. IT IS THE RANGE DESIGNED AND BUILT FOR THE MOD ERN KITCHEN. NEW BEAUTY IS IN ITS GLOSSY, ALL ENAMEL FINISH AND BRIGHT NICKELED TRIMMINGS; NEW CONVENIENCES IN THE MANY FEATURES THAT HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED IN ITS DESIGN. WITH THE SAME QUALITIES OF GOOD COOKING AND BAKING THAT HAS EARNED FOR THE MAJESTIC ITS EXCEL LENT REPUTATION AMONG HOUSEWIVES EVERY WHERE. IT IS THE ACME OF MODERN RANGE CONSTRUCTION. MANY NEW FEATURES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Exclusive features and refinements of design that make the All-Enamel Majestic the last word in range efficiency and convenience. You'll like the ready-polished, solid-plate cooking top, which eliminates unnecessary lids and can be kept neat and shin ing without polishing; the sanitary shelf, which replaces the old warming oven a handy place to put dishes and pans while you are cooking; the smoke pipe, back of the range and out of sight, which has been built straight up from the bottom of the oven, insuring a strong steady draft and eliminating clogged pipes ; the complete insulation which makes this range perfect for baking. You'll appreciate, too, the new features that make the All-Enamel Majestic easier to clean removable oven door stakes, removable clean-out door and grate housing, and many others. Don't miss see ing them. IFKilEIE NEXT WEEK You'd be proud to have this in your kitchen. Handsome De-Luxe Nickel Plated copper ware. A complete set, absolutely FREE to every woman who buys a Majestic at our store. On display in our window now. Watch for announcement soon of the dates during which this set of Kitchen Utensils will be given free to purchasers. To make it possible for every housewife to own an All-Enamel Majestic, we have made special arrangements with the Majestic Manufacturing Company whereby this range may be bought on a ' "pay-as-you-use-it" plan. We would be glad to explain it to you in full. The All-Enamel Majestic is Now on Display at Our Store :-: Come and See It :-: To-Day. Only the Majestic Manufacturing Company, with its years of experience, could have produced a range as fine as the All-Enamel Majestic . . . The name Majestic is its guarantee of highest quality. Come in and see it today! WAIROA Plattsmouth, -HARDWARE- - Nebraska W. H. Puis' Specials for SATURDAY Aluminumware . . .490 A Few More Oil Stoves Left at a Bargain I HANDLE THE FOLLOW ING LINES Quick Meal Stoves Standard Four Tires, Tubes Enarco Motor Oils McDeering Cream Separators Haig Washing Machines Omaha, Oct. 20. One of the fireat est political meetings ever held in Nebraska will be staged in the Omaha1 auditorium Saturday night November 3. The event has been designated "Farm Day." Frank W. Murphy, the' greatest national farm leader, Rich-1 ard L. Metcalfe, Charles W. Bryan j and Harry Fleharty will all appear ! on the same platform and talk tc the people of Nebraska. A radic . hook-up through KOIL. will carry the voices of these nationally known men, not only over the state of Nebraska but throughout the farm belt of Am erica. Every farmer in the state, re- by the farm bureau to tune in on Dealer in Hardware and Supplies mat mgni. juvery memoer oi mf. Smith for president clubs, and there are over 200 such clubs will be asked i to listen in. Every Metcalfe volun teer, and there are something like 8,000 of them in the state, has beer asked to arrange a radio party for that night. The meeting is a joint affair, bi- W. H. Puis Phone 33 PlattsmontX Neb. HAS PLEASANT HONOR The Gering family of this city have in their possession a letter that arrived a few days ago In this city, ing sponsored by various democratic one of the prized pieces of mail organizations and the Agriculture Drougnt Dy tne urai zeppenn rrom league of Nebraska. The Agriculture Europe. The letter was sent by an league is made up of thousands or uncle of the Gerings, Herr Peter men and women of the rural districts. Wahl of near Munich, Bavaria, and Its officers are John Havakost, presi- the missive was brought on the epoc dent; Mrs. Lizzie 'Jenkinson, vice be the meeting place of the committee president; and Anson Bigelow, sec airship across the waters and in iesp retary. Broadcast Two Hours. i than a week after it was written the letter was delivered to the Gerinp Details of the meeting are being in this city a . Vi , v Tiir, h. The pieces of mail sent on the Graf Zeppelin are very valuable and th stamp collectors of the nation are of fering high prices for the cancelled stamps that decorate the mail fmn 1 Tn rhMr. Germany and carried on the bistort' man democratic county commiUee ILaAhu? "ifJjL! and Anson Bigelow of the Agriculture " " " ,r i league. Cooperating with these mer mocratic national committeeman; Mrs. Charles Ryan, democratic na tional committeewoman; T. S. Al len, chairman democratic state cen- and women are William Ritchie, jr C. H. Hulac and Bailey Marcom of the Smith-for-President clubs and the senatorial and congressional com mittees of the state. The committee on arrangements has secured Art Randall's orchestrr for the evening and a musical pro gram is being worked out by John Halpine and John Jamieson. Broadcasting over KOIL and p hook-up will commence at 8 o'clock and continue for two hours. Short talks will be made by Mr Metcalfe, Mr. Bryan and Mr. Fle harty, Miss Bertha Benedict, heat1 of the First Voters league, will send forth a message to the first voters In Nebraska. The principal addresr of the evening will be made by Mr. Murphy of Minnesota, Mr. Murphy is a republican, a dry and protes tant. It was he who presented the minority report at the republicar national cnovention at Kansas City pleading for justice and considera tion for the American farmer and when this was denied he George Peek Chester Davis, John Simpson and other farm leaders went to the demo cratic national convention at Hous ton and secured from that body r promise, in the form of a plank in the platform, for agriculture relief These farm leaders are now out work ing for Governor Smith for the presi . dency. RESOLUTION the great nation of the old worlc? and America. Resolutions adopted by Platts mouth Lodge, No. 45, Sons of Herman Sunday, Oct. 22 nd. Resolutions Whereas: Campaign literature has been circulated in the second judical district purporting to be circulated by a "committee" containing the fol lowing statement: "It is our opinion that citizens of German birth or descent have not had and do not have a fair and impartial trial in the dis trict court as now constituted" and Whereas: The charge contained therein is false and a libel upon the good name of Hon. James T. Begley who haB for the past fifteen years presided over said court in an hon est, capable and impartial mannei and Whereas: Said charge has the ef fect it left unchallenged of causing our people to lose faith in court and government and Whereas: The unmistakable pur pose of said charge is to deceive citi zens of German descent and kindle hearts and minds, race prejudice and hatred and Whereas: As said statement is ? grave insult to the intelligence and patriotism of citizens of German extraction. Be it therefore Resolved that Plattsmouth lodge No. 45 O. D. H. S. of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, condemn said statement as false, a libel on the good name of Judge T. Begley, an VISITING SCHOOLS HERE From Wednesday Daily Mrs. Emma Golden, leader in the Parent-Teachers association work in this state, was here today and in company with Miss Alapha Peterson, county superintendent, was out in the Massie school district to look af ter the organization of a P-T-A In that locality as well as at Cedar Creek where the ladies will meet with the P-T-A at that place. A great deal of interest has been aroused in the rural school districts over the fine results of the P-T.A work in the ad vancement of the interest In the school work on the part of the par ents and the new chapter! created cause a great co-operation in the lines of all of the school activities. This county has a large number of organ izations ' and they are constantly growing in membership and interest. SINGS AT CHURCH SERVICE From Monday Dally Yesterday morning at the worship hour at the First Presbyterian churcn Mrs. Margeriete Walters Johnstone of Sheridan, Wyoming, waa heard in a very beautiful solo number, "Abide With Me." The beautiful con tralto voice of the artist gave added charm to the loved song and was an impressive part of the service. Mrs. Johnstone Las just returned from a tour of Europe where she en joyed a very fine concert tour and on her way home stopped here to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Walters and while here fulfilled the promise made Eome months ago to sing for the services at the Preeby terian church. BOX SOCIAL AND PROGRAM There will be a box supper with social and program held at the Tay lor school house in district No. 37 on Friday evening, November 9th. Everyone invited to come and have a good time. MISS DORA SOENNICHSEN. ol9-2td-ltw Teacher. WANTED AT PUBLIC LIBRARY American Magazine March 1924 also Good Housekeeping 1924. Any one having these magazines will con fer a favor by sending them to the library or notify the Librarian and they will be called for. A-l Garage At 6th and Pearl Streets unwarranted attack upon the inte- Storage tor (Jars and 1 rucks grity of our courts an unpatriotic at- in a steam Seated Garage at a tempt to create race prejudice and . t i i hatred among our citizens and an in- low rate. Also Work done by suit to the intemg flat rate prices on aIJ cars anJ of citizens of German descent merit- i t r ing the severest rebuke of all citizenr trucks. Let US figure With VOU. regardless of race, color or creed. WILL PRESENT PROGRAM From Monday Dallv Mrs. E. H. Wescott was at Lincoln today where she is a guest of Chap ter D-N of the Lincoln P. E. O. Mrs. Wescptt is to be heard in a voice re cital at the meeting of the chapter and in the musical program that she willl present she will be accompan ied by her daughter. Miss Helen. Edgar Wescott will also be on the program with a number of selections on the mirimba and Miss Wescott will also give several dramatic read-i ings. While at Lincoln Mrs. Wescott will be a guest of Mrs. S. A. Davis, old time resident cf this city end a close Irleiid of th.e Wkcott!y. ! Cut Prices on Ford Schedule Labor FENDER and BODY WORK COME IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR WORK All Work is Guaranteed ED. WILCOX, Proprietor