The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 06, 1928, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TSuSSBAY, SEPT. 6. 192S.
Cbe plattsmoutb lournal
tiUrtl at Pasts Clc. Pl&tUmoutfc. Mk. oobI-oIam mall 'matter
R. A. BATES, Publish
A Hoover democrat. Holy Moses!
Did you ever hear of it?
The trouble with the sun these
days is that it is entirely too prodi
gal. We should eat more raw carrots
and fewer rare ; beefsteaks, says a
Presldent Cosgrave, of Ireland,
Bays each 7.5 citizen owes $160. He'd
be Burprised.
Al Smith ia going to speak in
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago
and other points wet.
In the Democratic party the con
test seems to be between the solid
South and the liquid North.
Did you ever notice how many of
your acquaintances happen along
when you are being towed in?
What happened in China is easily
explained wheu it is recalled that,
until recently, the Chinese were not
I see where a judge has ruled that
a woman shouldn't spend more on
"clothes than "on rent.' Raise the rent
please. - -
If, as reported, Col. Lindbergh
seeks oblivion, he might try flying
across the ocean with a lady pas
senger. :o:
If only, the reformer would labor
among those who need it instead of
scolding people already somewhat
better than he is.
Looks now as though Governor
Smith just used the prohibition
plank in the Democratic platform
for a springboard.
"Fifty Wa8hIngtonian8 went to the
hospital because of bad eggs." In
Chicago the bad eggs usually send
their victims straight to the under
takers. :o: J
Speculators in wild cat oil com
panies have learned to their sorrow
in many instances that it costs a lot
to drill an oil well and that unless
oil is struck the investment is a to
tal loss.
About all New York asks of the
newcomer is for him to mind his own
business and cheer for Jimmy Walker
when he arrives late. And the latter
is becoming one of the favorite things
many are beginning to hate to do.
Give your
stomach a
vacation, too!
It needs the rest, these hot
days and Shredded Wheat
gives it. The thoroughly
baked shreds of whole wheat
are easily digested and act
as regulators for the whole
system. That's because
Shredded Wheat is na
ture's own food just pure
whole wheat with all the
healthful qualities of the
original grain left in.
Vitamins and bran are im
portant these days.
Shredded Wheat
tains them and
other food elements
in balanced form.
Serve it with
whole milk
and fruit.
Made by The Shredded
at Niagara Falls
A democrat is a democrat and you
can't make a republican out of a
true one.
In Utopia, we suppose, when it is
not war, a different set of weapons
will be used.
; A writer has told the story of the
Civil War in an 80000-word poem.
War is an awful thing.
John D. Rockefeller has given
away more than 1500,000,000. Those
dimes certainly do count up.
:o: '
One American automobile company
has established five assembly plants
and three branch companies in Eu
rope. :o:
The number of Smiths who will
vote for Hoover is greater than the
number of Hoovers who will vote for
Coal miners of Germany are de
manding higher wages, shorter hours
and better underground working con
ditions. -:o:
Speaker says women are patron
izing banks.' The short skirts have
put .the old 'First National" out of
business. :
; Declines in the price of wheat and
corn have taken some of the joy out
of the prospects of huge crop yield
for the farmer.
There is no rail-splitter running
for President this season but there
are several infinitive-splitters seeking
that high office. .
'.o: ;
The most we'll concede' for spin
ach, even in our most .tolerant mo
ments, is that it is a great experi
ment, noble in motive.
Mr. Ford 5 gave' Mr. Rockefeller a
new Ford for his birthday present.
And now another cash customer will
have to wait a while.
Dr. John Roach Straton was
thrown on his head In an automo
bile accident a few months ago, if
that explains anything,
A professor says there are 200,000
useless words in the dictionary. But
perhaps even these come handy in
framing a political platform.
It was to have been a "clean cam
paign," and already they have dug
up old charges against Hoover for
driving without dimmers and against
Al for amateur acting.
Wheat Company
Visitors Welcome
all sfPpTi
On both sides in this presidential
contest the bigots and the poison
whisperers totally misrepresent their
party leaders. Both Mr. Smith and
Mr. Hoover are high minded men far
above the plane of petty prejudice.
Neither would stoop to the use of
bigot arguments and neither would
want election to be won by such
means. Both of them must wish that
the burrowing intolerants among
their parties could be dropped in the
middle of the ocean.
Unfortunately, neither party lead
er has the power to examine his poi
son partisans or even to control their
folly. The duty to discourage them
falls on the fair-minded individuals
of their own parties. This is more
than a duty it is party interest. These
Intolerants are doing positive harm
to the causes they foolishly believe
they are advancing.
There's no room for bigotry in
American ice cream has become ex
tremely popular in certain coast cities
of the Far East, notably at Hong
kong. Shanghai and Manila have de
veloped the same taste to a slightly
lesser degree, while Tokyo takes a
shipment now and then.
' Most of the Pacific steamships have
installed refrigerator compartments
to meet the growing business. Those
that used to be called "mail boats"
are now spoken of as the ice cream
boats" and the date of their arrival
is advertised days in advance. At
Hongkong parties are arranged to
take place on the evening arrival of
an "ice cream ship." So great is
the demand that fresh shipment is
all gone in three or four days.
Every liner takes tons of this deli
cacy from such western cities as San
Francisco and Seattle. In the special
packing cases used It will keep in
good order for about two months, but
it is not allowed to last that long.
, , :o:
The latest deserter from the Demo
cratic party is Miss Belle Kearney,
professional temperance lecturer.
"It will be a blessed thing for the
nation when the Solid South is dis
integrated," says Miss Kearney. 1
And much more nonsense of the
same sort.
Well, goodbye. Miss Belle. Mighty
sorry to see you go, but hope you will
be happy with your Republican
Be sure and look under the bed
each night before retiring. There's
no telling where a Jesuit priest may
be hiding.
Not since 1924 has there been any
thing like the politicians enthusiasm
for the farmer, and nothing like it
will be seen again until 1932.
Evidently the democrats made no
mistake in nominating Senator Rob
inson for vice-president. He has dis
played himself a man of ability.
The champion egg laying Leghorn
hen of Connecticut State College has
maintained her "standing" in the
competition, despite the handicap of
a fractured leg. The limb has been
Many a man who is neutral other
wise is glad prohibition came along
before the freedom and boldness ofj
flapperism. He feels pretty sure that
his saloon would have been spoiled
just like his barber shop and just
the same way.
:o: :
Norman Thomas, Socialist candi
date for President, was asked if he
thought he'd be elected, and he re
plied, "I may be a Socialist, but I
am not a nut," wherein he certain
ly differs from the claimers for the
Republicans and Democrats.
Today, in England and in Ger
many, three huge airships are being
completed with trans-oceanic service
in view. The English sister ship,
R-100 and R-101, surpass in size and
in capacity any previously designed.
The R-100, plenned eventually for
service between England and India
or other British colonial posessions,
is 711 feet long, and has a gas ca
pacity of 4,980,000 cubic feet, a dis
placement of 150 tons and a speed of
seventy-six miles an hour
In the dark period; for there are
few nights that the moon fails to
pierce the clouds or the fog suffi
ciently to relieve the darkness, just
as the sun relieves the shadowing
storm sky' in the daytime. But on
the moonless night, if ground and
sky be obscured by 6torm clouds or
mists, there is nothing but a Stygian
darkness impenetrable on all sides of
your plane, above and below it.
Navigating by night in such weather
is no joke and the strain of it broke
more than one man's nerve during
the war.
Contrast with this (Republican)
record of feebleness and failure the
Democratic policy for the improve
ment of agriculture:
1. We repudiate Mr. Hoover's pro
posal to limit farm production to the
domestic demand, as calculated to be
little, rather than to encourage the
great industry of agriculture.
2. The Democratic party recogniz
es the right of farmers to lead in the.
development of farm policies.
3. That adequate credit facilities
and better administration of the
farm loan system be assured in the
interest of farmers.
4. The necessity is recognized by
the Democratic party for an organ
ized agriculture through which the
farmer may work out and apply his
own remedies, as well as receive gov
ernment aid, through a federal farm
5. The creation of a federal farm
board and the financing of co-oper
ative associations to deal with the
crop surpluses.
While the equalization fee provid
ed for in the McNary-Haugen bill is
not expressly approved, the Demo
cratic platform does recognize the
principle of distributing the cost of
operations with respect to surplus
crops over the marketed units whose
producers are benefited thereby.
If a more equitable and effective
plan than that comprised by the
eaualization fee is discovered, it
should be adopted.
The time has come, however, when
an economic adventure is justified in
behalf of the millions who engage in
that industry without which civiliza
tion could not survive. The Demo
cratic nominee for President has
committed himself to prompt and de
cisive action in accordance with the
principles outlined in our platform.
The total figure of agricultural ex
ports and imports, taken by them
selves without analysis, which might
lead to the conclusion that the farm
ers' troubles could all be solved by a
hieh Drotective tariff. As a matter
of fact most of the agricultural im
ports to this country are of products
which cannot be grown here.
Total agricultural . commodities
brought here in the fiscal year ended
June 30, 1928. were valued at $2.-
236,000,000. Our exports were only
$1,694,000,000. That looks like our
farmers were being flooded with im
ports. Such is not the case. These
"agricultural products." so-called,
contain such things as raw silk,
$376,000,000; crude rubber, $300,-
000,000; coffee, tea, sugar, spices.
edible oils, tropical fruits, etc. all
things which our farmers don't raise.
Only $100,000,000 of these imports
really are farm products such as
America raises, namely grain, meat,
dairy and poultry products. Against
this $100,000,000 of competing agri
cultural imports we exported $792,-
000,000, Wheat and corn were ma
jor items. Yet our imports of wheat
and corn are negligible in compari
son witn our exports, uairy ana
poultry products accounted for $40,-
000,000 of the $100,000,000 of com
peting imports. These statistics show
that farm relief cannot be mainly
in the form of tariff revision. Of
course, certain few agricultural tar
iff schedules could be revised up
ward as an aid to domestic producers.
The main problem is, however, out
side of tariff control.
The Reverend John Roach Straton
who made a blithering ass of him
self in his charges against Governor
Smith, says that the reported sale of
whisky in a hotel owned by him at
Greenwood Lake was a "conspiracy"
of the liquor interests."
Naturally, a man of Straton's ilk
would say a thing or that sort, de
spite the fact that the only "liquor
interests" left in this country are the
bootleggers, hi-Jackers, and rum run
ners, and they do not want to em
barrass anybody.
These men do not want prohibition
annulled. It would ruin their busi
ness. They are the' most ardent
"drys" in the United States.
The whole truth of the matter is
that Dr. Straton leased his property
to persons who were engaged in the
liquor traffic, and the most charitable
view is that the New York preacher
did not take the trouble to investi
gate their moral character.
An employe of the United States
treasury department is said to be ex
plaining the Blackmer case to
France. We'd be Infinitely obliged if
it would let him give the people of
the United States an ear or two full
on the subject, always providing he
actually knows about it.
All kinds of business stationer?
'printed at the Journal office. j
Motor a
G for
State of Nebraska, County of
Cass, ss.
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by Golda Noble Beal, Clerk of
the District Court, within and for
Cass County, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 18th day of
September, A. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day at the South Front
Door of the Court House in the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said
County, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the follow
ing real estate to-wit:
Lots One (1) and Two (2),
Block (I),-White's Addition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Nebraska, as surveyed,
platted and recorded
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Clara A.
Owens and Orval Owens, defend
ants, to satisfy a judgment of said
Court recovered by The Standard
Savings and Loan Ass'n of Omaha,
Nebraska, plaintiff, against said de
fendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, August
9th, A, D. 1928.
Sheriff Cass County,
Sealed bids will be received by the
County Board of Commissioners of
Cass county, at Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, for the building of the following
bridge and approaches:
One four panel, 70-foot span,
18-foot roadway, riveted truss,
15-ton steel bridge. State Stand
ard Bridge Plan No. 1634, de
signed for concrete floor, com
plete in place, except concrete
floor, but including painting;
One set of 8-in. column H pil
ing, consisting of ten piling and
four 10-in. channel caps complete
to place 70-foot span on piling.
Piling to be not less than 25
feet in length, and extra bid to
be made per foot for piling of
longer length;
One 20-foot span, I beam
bridge, lS-foot roadway, 15-ton
capacity, and designed for con
crete floor, for the north ap
proach; One 28-foot span, I beam
bridge, 18-foot roadway, 15-ton
capacity, and designed for con
crete floor, for south approach;
One set of eight 8-inch I
beam 20-foot piling complete
with four 8-inch channel caps.
The above bridges are all to be
built in place complete, except con
crete floor, at the south limits of Ne
hawka Village, across the Weeping
Water Creek, in Section 19, Town
ship 10, Range 13, Cass county, Ne
braska. Bids to be filed in the office of the
County Clerk of Cass county, Nebras
ka, on or before two o'clock p. m. on
Friday, September 7th, 1928.
Bids to be accompanied by certi
fied check in the amount of 5 par
QUICK response when you step on tha
gas instant, strong acceleration-
power to jump past the car ahead speed
to avoid a reckless driver dashing out of a
side street that's what uniform, balanced
Red Crovcn Gasoline provides. Its use makes
driving safer.JIt has remained Nebraska's
favorite motor fuel for a generation. It is
the highest grade of refined gasoline.
To eliminate gas knocks and power loss
due to high compression caused by carbon,
and to meet the needs of the new high
compression motors, use genuine high com
pression fuel RED CROWN ETHYL GASO
LINE. This improved fuel is a combination
of always-reliable Red Crown Gasoline and
Ethyl Brand of Anti-Knock Compound. It
gives motors smoother operation and more
powermore responsive, more obedient
power. Try it in any motor. Costs a bit
more by the gallon but less by the mile.
For motoring economy and satisfaction buy
gasoline and motor oil uhere you see the
Red Crown Sign the sign of quality prod
ucts and prompt, courteous, obliging service
everywhere in Nebraska.
These two Quality Fuels
meet all Motor Needs
The Balanced
"Knocks out
that Knock"
"A Nebraska Institution99
cent of the total amount of the bid,
drawn in favor of Cass county clerk.
Bids will be opened at 2:10
o'clock p. m. of the same day in the
office of the Cass county Commis
The County Board of Commission
ers reserve the right to reject any or
all bids.
Cass County Clerk, Platts
mouth, Nebraska
on Petition for Determination of
Estate No. of Frank Freeman
and Cynthia A. Freeman, deceased,
in the County Court of Cass county,
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Ida
Freeman, who is one of the heirs of
said deceased and interested in such,
has filed her petition alleging that
Frank Freeman died intestate In the
State of California, on or about Sep
tember 6, 1907, being a resident and
inhabitant of California and the
owner of the following described
real estate, to-wit:
Undivided one-fourth interest
in the east one-half of the south
west quarter (EH SW ) of
Section 30, Township 10 North,
of Range 14 East of the 6th P.
M., in Cass county, Nebraska
and that Cynthia A. Freeman died
intestate in Union, Cass county, Ne
braska, on or about December 27,
1909, being a resident and inhabi
tant of Cass county, Nebraska, and
the owner of the above described
real estate.
And the said Frank Freeman leav
ing as his sole and only heirs at law
the following named person, to-wit:
Cynthia A. Freeman;
And the said Cynthia A. Freeman
leaving as her sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Ethel Saxon, Ida Freeman and
Mark M. Freeman;
That said decedents died intestate;
that no application for administra
tion has been made and the estates
of said decedents hsLve not been ad
ministered in the State of Nebraska,
and that the Court determine who
are the heirs of said deceased, their
degree of kinship and the right of
descent in the real property of which
the deceased died seized, which has
been set for hearing on the 21st day
of September, A. D. 1928, at 10:60
o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 16th day of August. A. D. 1928.
(Seal) a20-4w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
To CHARLES JONES, whose place
of residence is unknown and upon
whom personal service of summons
cannot be had, Defendant: '
You are hereby notified that on
the 7th day of May, 1928, Nellie
Jones, as plaintiff, filed her petition
against you in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, Docket 4,
page 21, the object and prayer of
which petition is to obtain a divorce
from you on the grounds of extreme
cruelty and non-support.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 1st day of
October. 1928. or said petition
against you will be taken as true.
L. N. BUNCE, Attorney,
Securities Bldg., Omaha
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Maria G. Baird, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
2l6t day of September, 1928, and
the 22nd day of December, 192 8, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon, to receive
and examine all. claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is three months
from the 21st day of September, A.
D. 1928, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 21st day of September, 1928.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 14th day of
August, 1928.
(Seal) a20-4w County Judge.
By use of the proposed transcon
tinental air service between Perth In
Western Australia and Adelaide on
the east coast, it is expected that
mail transportation time between
Eastern Autralia and Europe will be
greatly reduced.
The fact remains, however, that
the crops promise to make up in size
what they lack in price so that the
total income of the farmers parti
cularly In the northwest and South
west should be slightly larger than
last year.,
Those Republicans -who have bolt
ed their party to support Smith are
tired of supineness and welcome a
candidate who has definite proposals
to make and who shows a disposi
tion to grapple with admitted evils.
Now it is claimed that Vare's mes
sengers were not paid to vote. As
yet, however, we refuse to explain
the matter, as being merely a remark
able coincidence.