FAOE EIGHT PLATTSMOUTH SOU - WEEKLY JOUBSAL THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1925. "5 39 "Yfears of Service We deliver Phone 5 M no 15) oV AinicDl a FirBtmn We bes your indulgence with the crowded, cluttered-up condition of our store, during the work of remodeling:. In a few more weeks the job will be completed and we shall be proud to show you our new combination SELF-SERVE SERVICE STORE, patterned after the most advanced ideas in modem day merchandising. People tell us daily (and we believe it ourselves) .that we will have the most efficiently arranged store in Cas county when we get done. All the Service factors that have made our store popular will be retained and improved upon, with the handiest of Self-Serve features for these who do their shopping- personally and wish to select the items they buy quickly. Values that Inviie Comparison! Value Milk, tall cans, each 10c Tomatoes, fancy, No. 2 can. . . .15c Red Salmon, fancy, tall can 35c Cocoa, bulk, 2 lbs. for 25c Spaghetti, 2 lbs. for 25c Fresh Fig Bars, 2 lbs. for 25c Krispy Crackers, 2-lb. caddy 35c Peaches, syrup pack, 5 cans for. . .95c Kidney Beans, Otoe, med. size. ... 9c Kraut, Frank's, 2 lg. No. 2l2 cans, ,25c Small size can Frank's Kraut ...... 9c Fey. Dried Apricots, 2 lbs. for ..... 35c PEABERRY COFFEE Fancy Santos, per lb 39c Tiny Wax Beans We are reducing our stock of Northern Wiscon sin Wax Eeans a small, very fancy bean! 29c per can 3 cans for 85c Fancy Wisconsin Peas Heie is a fine flavored, meaty pea. No. 4 sieve. Regular 25c value. Going while stock lasts, at 20c per can 5 cans for 95c HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR EGGS CASH OR TRADE I I Willi. IIBII Rival Baseball Magnates Offer Parks to Lloyd YounS PeoPIe Return riome Harold Lloyd's Latest Paramount Comedy "Speedy" Filmed at Yankee Stadium. Baseball magnates literally threw their parks at Harold Lloyd recently when that film comedian made known his intention of filming scenes for his l2test comedy entitled, "Speedy," released by Paramount, in and around one of the big league parks. Lloyd transported his entire company to New York to obtain au thentic "shots" for his new comedy. In his new comedy, Lloyd portrays the role of a youth who is baseball crazy, so much so. in fact, that he spends his time day dreaming about i. and his diamond heroes. As a i result he is repeatedly fired from his I jobs for spending too much time in that pastime. Finally he determines to make good for the girl he loves, 'and forthwith becomes a taxi driver. It falls to his lot to drive Babe. Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, to the day's game, and the baseball park scenes thai followed, were taken at the lights. Ann Christy is the new leading lady chosen by Lloyd because he thought she best represented the modern New York girl. Mr. from jrfoneymoon and Mrs. Frank Wooster Ar rive Here for Visit With the Home Folks. From Wednesday's Daily This morning Sir. and Mrs. Frank Wooster, Jr.. arrived here to spend a short time here with the home folks and with the mother of Mr. Wooster who is at the hospital at Omaha, re covering from an operation. The young people have been on their honeymoon in Colorado and the west and returned here to be with the mother of Mr. Wooster. The marriage of this estimable young couple occurred on Wednes day, May ICth at Anardarko. Okla homa, the marriage being performed at the Holy Family church at Anar darko. Father Danis. pastor of the church celebrating the nuptial mats. The bride was formerly Miss Beat rice Krytiner. one of the popular commun Mr. and Yankee stadium. Upon hearing that Lloyd was go-j young women of her home ir.tmn for his i ity and the daughter of new picture, the owners of a park j Mrs. Joseph Krytiner, former resi wrote the bespectacled comedian to dents of this city. The bridal couple this effect: were attended by Misses Catherine "It would afford my associates and and Mary Krytiner. twin sisters of mvself the Pi;itMf r.f nlensm-p. if the bride, as bridesmaids and Messers jyou would accept our offer to turn I Ch.-y les and Matthew Wooster, bro- over the entire facilities of our park, i meis 01 me groom, as me Siuum and our staff", in the fil miner of vouriUien. Mr. and .Mrs. wooster short time here and at new picture, in which we understand you are going to use a baseball se quence. We recall your great foot ball picture 'The Freshman' and we know that if you ro use any baseball scenes in your latest work they will be fully as interesting as your foot ball production. You are held in the highest esteem here, and we would esteem it a high honor to he able in any way, to assist you in the filming of your picture." The picture is said to be one of the best comedies ever filmed, and is up to the standard set by Lloyd in all his comedies. The picture will be shown at the I'armele theatre on Thursday, FiitU-y and Saturday a will thn go to L will make their where the groom will spend Omaha and lineoln. where they future home and is in the employe BIG RUG SALE IN PLATTSMOUTH A large Western Rug Company will be at the Ghrist Furniture Company Store, in Plattsmouth, at 118-122 South 6th Street, at the old stand, with a full line of Factory Samples for your inspection. Come Everybody and Look at This Great Line for One Day Only SATURDAY, MAY 26 th This will be your chance to choose from a large and complete line and at prices never before offered you. Remember Saturday Only MAY 26, 1928 risf Furniture 118-22 South 6th St. Telephone No. 645 Plattsmouth, Nebr. 9. of the Burlington. The groom is the second son of Mrs. Frank Wooster. Sr., of this city Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title and a well known and popular young man, who has grown to manhood in this community and whose friends are legion in this city and his pres ent home at Lincoln. The many friends here will join in ! their well wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wooster on their new found happi ness and the wish that they may have many years of happiness and success. Thone 3 2,-t Plattsmouth V EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Graduation comes but once or twice in a lifetime, and calls for fit ting gifts. You will find a large as sortment at the Bates Book and Gift Shop. Sunday. May 27th. 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. German service. Lord's Supper ce.ebrated and offering taken. In the afternoon there will be practice for the Children's day pro gram. Sunday, June 2nd. Sunday school at usual hour. No other services will be held. See the fine line of Graduation Gifts at Bates Book and Gift Shop. FX BflILSAMMUTS o T7TCDQ Vh ZaI u k ) 1 few o y Sfw 1 -HERE HE COMES the King of Comedy at his best! Harold Lloyd in his long" awaited new comedy is here at last to spread a big- broad smile all over Platts mouth. Lloyd and laughter are the team supreme. If you are a profes sional grouch, here's where you lose your reputation forever. vV K A ft; : ;: :v.xfc :-;wm.-:v ::: ,', ' ,,t 4 V , S S' "Zf'.v"" -HERE HE IS -THERE HE GOES straight into the heart of every pic ture fan in Plattsmouth. You'll grin with a g:urg'le when ''Speedy" sets out to save old Pop Dillon from the villain and win the girl. He travels like the wind and there's no, keeping up with the laughs. A joy-jerked, tickle-tugged trip through entertain ment town. Produced by tii&jtfaroid Cloyd Corporation - . t elects . Tonite! Friday! Saturday! -ADMISSON!-Adults 40c :- Children 20c