The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1928, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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TKUP.UAY. MAY 24. 1923.
Notice is hereby given that pur
suant to Chapter 144 of the Session
Laws of Nebraska for 1!27, the De
partment of Public Works of the
State of Nebraska has determined
that it is for the interest of the lands
within the boundaries, hereinafter
described, that certain improvements
be made in the water course to which
such lands are adjacent ami has tiled
in the office of the County Clerk of
Cass county. Nebraska, a plan of
such improvement, together with an
estimate of the cost thereof and an
estimate of the special beueiits which
will accrue to said lands by reason
nt improved drainage detailed as to
the various tracts of land under sep
arate ownership, as shown by the
records of the county in which such
lands are situated, and an estimate
of the benefits which will accrue to
Sanitary District No. 1 of Lancaster
county. Nebras'--'. by reason of such
improvement, together with a deserip-'
tion of the boundaries of the district;
so to be benefitted, which said de-i
c, notion of itie h m n d :; v ies of said!7.ri
district is as follows, to-wit:
T ti ti i 11 f- :it tlie northwest corner
of the SVJ4 of
the N W ' 4 of the
SW'1, of the X V '4 of Section six
;. Township eleven till North.
Raiure nine ) East of the 0th P. M.
in C:ks ( mint v. Xehraska. and running
thence north along the range line to straight line to the southwest corner
the northwest corner of the SW U of Lot 11. P.lock 1. ParmaU'e';; Aihli
of the SW, of the SW1.; of Sect ion . t ion . thence e;.- on the -north side of
Township 12. Range !'. Thence jie alley in Block 1. Parmalee's Ad-.,.,.-)
t,, tii- , .-Mti.r ot i!;e S F. 1 . of the ilition to the southwest corner of Lot
i. of Sei t 011 ::. lownsain 1-.
Range :. tlieme north to the north-jo
west eorner of the XP:1.; of the SEU
of the SW U of Section 3n, Township
12. Range !, theme east to the south
east corner of the XL, of the SW U
of Section .".'. Township 12. Range 9,
llu-nce north' to die center of So tion
.. Township 12. Range 9. thence
at to the southwest tor:ur of the
SE'4 of the SEU of the SWU of the
NEU of Section 3. Township 12,
Range 9. thence north to the north
west corner of the SEU of the SEU
of the SW1., of the XEU of Section
::. Township 12. Range 9, thence
eat to the northeast corner of the
SEU of tlie SEU ef the SW U of the
XEU of Section 3. Township 12.
Ri-:isre 9. thence north to the south
west corner of the XEU of th NEU
of Section 3n. Township 12. Range
9. I hence cast to the south., est corner
of the SE1, ef the XE', of the XEU.
I hence north
to the northwest cor
.. of the XEU of the
of tiie EU
:, of Serti
n :;o. Township 12, 9,
west cor:
theiue ea-t to the south-'
r of t!:e SEU of the SEU
of the SE' of the SEU -f Section
19. Township 12, Ran"e 9. thence
in-nil to the northwest corner of the
XEU of the SEU of trie SEU of the.
SEU of Section 19. Township 12.
Range 9. tin-rice east to the north
east corner of the SWU !'f the SWU
of the SWU of Section 2'L Township
12. Range 9. theme north to the
northwest ci'riil r of the X'E U of the
XWU of the SWU of Section 2n.
To.vnship 12. Range 9. thence east
to the southeast corner of the SW"1.;
of ih- XWU of Section 2. Town
ship 12. Range 9, thence ncrth to the
northwest corner of the
NEU of the NWU of
Tov.n,hip 12. Range 9
to the northeast .or-ier
of the XE', f the XW
2e, Township 12. Uan
SWU of the
Section Co.
, thence, ens.
of the SEU
U of Section
ge 9.
north lo tne m rth'.vest corner of the
SWU of the XWU of the SEU of
Secticn 17. Township 12. Range 9,
thence east to the northeast corner
of the SWU of the XWU of the
SKU ' Section IT, Township 12,
Range 9, thence north to the north
west corner of the XEU Of
NWU of the SEU of Section
Town-kip 12. Range 9, thence east
to the sou ih. west corner of the SEU
of the- XEU of Section 17. Township
12. Range : . thence norih tr the
m rthe-t corner of the SWU of the
SEU of the XEU of ?e-tion 17.
Township 12. Range 9. thence east
to the northeast corner of the SWU
of the SEU of the XEU of Section
17. Township 12. Range 9, thence
north to the northwest corner of the
XEU of the XEU of the NEU of
Section 17. Township 12. Range 9,
thence west to the
southwest corner!
the SEU of the SEU of Section !
Township 12. .Range 9. thence!
to tlie northeast corner of the i
SEU of the SWU of fee XEU of
Fcction S. Township 12, Range 9.1
thence west to the northwest corner j
of the SW, of the SWU of the XEU
of Section S. Township 12. Raiure 9.
thence north to the northwest corner
of the NWU of the NEU of Section
S. Township 12. Range 9, thence east
to the southwest ccrner of the SEU
of the SWU of the SEU of Section
5. Township 12. Range 9. thence
north to the northwest corner of the
SEU of
ttie SW U of the SEU of.Th
Section 5. Township 12, Range 9,'tht
thence east to the northeast corner th
of the SEU of the SWU of the SEU
of Section ".. Township 12, Ranee 9
thence north to the northwest
ner of the SWU of the XEU, of the
SLU ot Section 7, Township 12.
j.-ange 9, thence east to the east lire
of Set tion 5. Township 12. Range 9, :
chence north to the northwest corner i
of the SWU of Section 4, Township '
12, Range 9, thence east to the north-.
east corner of the SEU of Section 4,,
Township 12, Range 9, thence north
to the southeast corner of the NEU
of the NEU of the XEU of Section
4, Township 12, Range 9, thence west
to the southwest corner of the NEU
of the XEU of the NEU of Section
4, Township 12. Range 9, thence
north to the northwest corner of the
"NEU of the XEU of the NEU of
Section 4, Township 12, Range 9,
thence east to the northeast corner
of the NWU of the NW'U of Section
3, Township 12, Range 9, thence
south to the northwest corner of the
SWU of the SEU of the NWU of j
Section 3, Township 12, Range 9,
thence east to the northeast corner
of the SWU of the SEU of the
XWU of Section 3, Township 12,
Jtange 9, thence south to the south
east corner of the SWU of the SEU
of the NWU of Section 3, Township
12. Range 9, thence east to the cen-jCth.
ter of Section 2. Township 12, Range
') thence south to the southwest cor-,'
iter of the NYV'4 of the NWU of the
cl'i: of section .5. rownsnip i-.
-'-' - . . . 1.
Township 12. Range 0, thence norm :
to the northwest corner of tne AK'i
of the SWU of Section 2. Jownsiiip
1 IJ.mi-e 9. thence east to the east
tine of leth street in Ashland, Xe-
braska. produced south, thence north
to' the xiiiitliwt-st corner of Lot 7.
iin,.t -9 Miii,.p .v C'iik Adlition to
aui,i..,,.! ih.n.e e:ist to the south-
east corner of Lot 12. P.lock t, -Miller
& Clark Addition to Ashland.
Thence northeasterly in a straight
line to the southwest vomer of the
X 2 of Lloik ;::. Miller & Clark Ad
dition, lying west of Salt Creek,
thenee northeasterly following the
biu'T on the left bank of Salt Creek
to the southeast
Hen 1: .".. Miller
corner of Lot 1.
A; Clark Addition. !
of Lot
Ringe ' thence east -40 rods to me. to tlie center line ot me main nucn. ner oi i.'ie -.; ot tne n -4 " ' w -northeast
corner of the SKU of the of the C. U. & Q. It: K. Co., thence tion 20, Township 12. Range 9.
vvvi of tne fiWi of Section 2, 1 south westerly parallel to and 100 thence west to the northwest corner
cjt to tlie southwest coiner, 2. Township 12. Range f. oi tne
. Rio. k Plova City. thenc-;6th P. M.. thence south westerly to the
st in a :tra:g!:t line to a point : southwest corner of the EL. of the
fait sn'.'.tit of ilie
r.orthwest of Lot '. P.iocV;
; A dii it ion . thenee south
I, Wortman's.
to the south-'
.vest corner ut Lot .. iwocx won
addition, thence stmt heas'.erly
straight line to th' southeast
of Lot S. Block 2. Wortma-i's
ma n s
in a
1 corner
Addition, thence
southeasterly in a
t . I! O-k !. Saline hem, meuce noiiu oi
the noi-thwvsT . corner of
' Week L Salihe Ford, thence
the northe? corner of Lot-
Lot (
east to
I. Piixk
4. Saline thence north to the
rurth'-vfst corner of Lot 2. Block ;'".
Stambaugh.'s 1st Addition,
east to l!
northwest corner of Lot
ti. P.lock 36. Stumbaugh's 1st Addi
tion, thence north to the southwest
ccrner of Lot L Week 2 9, Stam
baugh's 1st Addition, thence east to
the south as corner of Lot t'. P.lock
2!'. St.:,iibaui.h's lt Addition, thence
north to tlie northwest corner of Lot
13. P'ock 9, Sramnaugh's 1st Addi
tion, thence east to tiie northeast
eorner et' Lot IS. p.lock 9. f,tam
!)ain;h's 1st Add it ion. ' t hence north
to the corner m' Lot 21,
!51ock StamlK'itgh's 1st. Addition,
then.e - list to the i--outhcast corner
o." Lot -21. Wo: k ti. Staaibaug'n's 1st
A'hliii'.ei, tii.-.ue north to the north
west lorrt r of Lot 22, P.lock ti. Stani
baugli's 1st Addilion. thenee east to
tiie northeast, corner of Lot 23, Wock
Stanihaiigh's 1st A;!ditic:i, thence
north to the northwest corner of Lot
3. Plock IL SLatnbaii'-h's Is'. Addi-
1 1011.
. it.
then e
a; t to ihe nortnwe
t of
. r of .Lot
'idi: ion.
1 . Wock L Sfar.ibaugh's
tlieiice northeasterly in
aig'nt line to the
i.f L t 12. W ick :
Addit ion, them e
soul ii we. -,t. c
3. Star.ibaug!
no: ih to
t he
inirt h wt
comer of Lot 9, P.lock
Lot's 2nd Addilion
West to' Ike northeast corner of
12. Wo.-k 29. St'imJcM'gli's 2rd Achli
tiep. tic in e north to the in t erseetion
of the 1. :11th line of Pearl street with
the easi line of FoIsom's Addificci. west to the west line of Lot
;, Week 2. Fo'so'.'.'s, Addition pro
duced 10 tlie north line of "ear!
st net..
or Lib
lio.'l i
ef the
then.e '-orta ou the . est line
k 2, IWrsoni's Addition j:r-
; n:
i a
: tie
1 r h line
, T' !2 N.. Rang'
ilih P. Vi., then -.j v.c.-.t 15 redo,
r ic-i-s. to tin- southv.tst corner
of 'Section 3(1. To-a r.ship 13 X.. Range
9 E.. ' h-nco north to the southwest
corn "I of the NA"U of the XWU of
Section ..(5. Township 13 X.." Range
9 E.. thence east to the northeast
corner of the SEU of the NEU of
Secticn 21. Township 1.1 Xorth.
Range 10 East of the Gth P. M.,
thence south to the southeast corner
of the XEU of the SEU of Section
:1. Township in X.. Range lu E. of
'3th I'. M.. tiieiice west ighteen bun- east cornerot the MOV of tne v U
t'.r-d fiftee'i ( 1 S 1 feet. 1'. ore or less, 1 of Set tion 21. Township 12. Range
to the southwest corner of the SEU i '' "-hen e west to the south west cor
of the SWU of the SEU of the XWU i '1'1" f the SEU of the XEU of the
of the UK! i'. of ge.iion ." 1 TnuiK'iiii : .WV1:, of Section 21. Township 12.
i:t X.. Range In. East of the Cth I
M., tht nee
northwest 15.1." rods,:
morvf or lessv to the northwest corner i
of the SW'.; of the SWU of the SEU
of the XWU of the SEU of Seetion -
.1 1. Tow nship in X., Range K'
of I
the tab
.L, th.nce north lo rods!
to the northwest corner of the XWL
lot" the
SW 1
XWU of
the t li I
i ' of Section
in X., Rang
je 10 East of
west 10 rods,
mnthwest cor-1
M.. thence
more or
less, to the southwest cor- i
ner of the SE1. of the NEU nf thfthence south to the southeast cor
SW U of the XWV,
ef the SEU of
Section .1 1 . Townshin f.i N.. Rnnce
in E. of the P. M.. thence north-
wtst ll.l t rods to the southeast '
corner of the XEU of the NWU ofiof the NEU of the NEU of tht
the SWU of Ihe NWU of the SEUJWU of Section 2S. Township
" west 40 rods., more or less, to Range 9. thence smTrn to tne soiun
southwest corner of the NW'U of wst corner of the XWU 'if the SEU
NEU f)f the SITU of the XEU 'of the XEU of the XWU of Section
of the SWU of Section 31. Town-;2S,
ship El N., Range ' E. of the fith
. thenc e southwesterly 14.72 ;
more or less, to the southwest
corner of the XWU of the SEU of
t?e SWU of the XEU of the S"W U ,
of Section ::i. Township 13 X.. Range'
10 E. ef the fith P. M.. thence south-
we st 14.14 rods, more Sr less, to the'
southwest turner of the SEU of the
SWU of the SWU of the XE U of
th.e SW U of Section 31, Township 13
N., Range 10 E. of the fith P. M.,
thence southwest 22.30 rods, more or
less, to the southeast corner of the
XEU of the NEU of the NEU of
the SWU of the SWU of Section 31,
Township 13 N.. Range 10 E. of the I
Gth P. M.. thence southwesterly 56. 56 I
rods, more or less, to the southwest
corner of the NVj of the SEU of. the
SW'U of the SWU of Section 31,
Township 13 X., Range 10 E. of the
6th I1. M., thence southwesterly 44.72
rods, more or less, to the southwest
corner of Section 31, Township 13
Xorth. Range 10 East of the 6th P.
M., thence west to the northeast cor
ner of Section 1, Townshin 12 N
Range 9 East of the 6th P. M.. thenee'
southwest to the southwest corner of i
the NEU of the XEU of Section 1,
Township 12 N., Range 9 K. of the'
P. M., thence
west along the!
south line of the XWU of. the NE'i
of Section 1, Township 12, Range 3
K. of the Cth P. M.. to a point in said
line n" ieei ui iiiu
,. , - .i : .... 1
feet distant irom tne main iiac 01
said raiiroau 10 a poim imv
north and 4 3" feet, east ot the south-
west corner of Section 1, Township
12 X., Range 9 R. of the Cth P, M..
theme northwesterly in a straight
'line tu the south line of the right-ol-
wav of the-Schuyler branch of the
C. 15. c-v Q. R- R. Co.. where it inter
sects the norm line 01 me rigui-oi-way
of the C. R. & Q. R. R- Co. main
line, thence following the right-of-wav
of the' said Schuyler branch to
the west line of
the E2 of the SKU
01 the
XLL of the SLU of Section
2 Townshin 12. Range 9 East of the
i'ih P. M.. thence south
to the south-
of the SEU
cast orne:
Of the A !i
of the SKU
of the RE of Set tion
cor-:XE"', of Section 11. lownsnip i- ...
iiange 9 East of the titli l'. .L. tneiice
soutiiuesterly to the southeast corner
of the . XE1 of the SW1 of Section
11. Township 12. Range 9 E. of the
Cth P. M.. thence weft to the south
west collier of the". NF.'4 of the
SW 1 1 . thence south to the southeast
lorner of the NKU f the SV.'U of
theSWU of Section 11. Township 12 EU of Section C Township 11,
X.. Range 9 East of the th P. M.. Range 9, thence smith to the south
thencp west to the southwest corner east COrner of the X1, of the XWU
of the XWU of the SEL, ot tiie fcf.
So. tion 1. Township 12, Range
9, thence north to the southeast cor
ner Tit" the XWU of the SEU of Sec
tion In. Township 12. Range 9.
thence west to the southwest corner
of the XWU of the SEU of Section
10. Township 12. Riuige 9. thence
north to the southwest corner of the
e XWU of the SEU ot
Township 12. Range 9.
to the southwest corner
Section 1".
thence wes
of the XV U of the XWU of the
SEU of Section 9. 'Township 12.
Rang' 9. thence south to the north
west' corner of the SWU of the SEU
of Section 9. Township 12, Range 9,
thence east to the northeast eorner
of the XWU of the SWU of the SEU
or" Section 9. Township 12. Range 9.
tlit me south to the northeast corner
of the SWU of the SWU of the
SEU of S'-ction !. Township 12,
Range 9. thenee east to the north
east corner of the SEU f the v'i
of the SEU of Section 9. Township
,12. Range 9. thence south to tlie
southeast corner of the SEU of the
5.1 V. U of the SEU or Section 9.
Township 12, Range 9. thence east to
the northeast corner of the XV," U
: in
XV.'U of the XEU of the
XEU of s.-1-i.iou 1'.. lownslnp 1J.
Range 9. thence south to th- south-
r-'tast corner of the SWU of the SW U
' .-,, ... ,1... .F O.w-t iotl
o; tne rr. ot ui -..7i "i ...,..
1C, Township 12v Range 9. thence
west Ut the northeast, corner of the
XWU of the SEU- ..of Section ,.16.
Towrship 12. Range .9. thenee south
to the southeast earner of the XWU
U of Se-.-tfou
10, Township
east to th.e
XWU of the
12, Range 1 . tlu':.:v
norths ast corner of the
SWU; 01" tUc SWU of Section. In.
Tow rMi-i 12. Range 9.' thence south
u, tiie ry.Ht'cea; corjuT of the XWU
.' ilie SV.'U Cf. the
VU of Section
n?f 9. thence
Towrviiip 12. 'R
to the northeast corne
of the
rj-m, of the S.YU of the SWU of
Stcti'-n If.. Township 12. Range V,
theme south to the south line of Sec
tioi.,ir..' Ti.wnship 12. Range 9.
theme west to- the northeast corner
of the XV i of the NWU of the
XWU of. Section 22. Township 12.
Range, 9. thence south to the south
fast corner of . the NV.'U of Hl
XWU of the XWU of Section 22,
Tow,:i;-,hip 12. Ranee !'. thence west
to the north and south half :-e'-tion
line in Section 21. Township 12.
Range 9. thence south to the south-
Range 9. thence south to the south-!
west corner of the XWU of the SEU j
ol tbe NEU
of the SV'
of S-ction I
21, Township 12, Range 9, thence
east to the northeast ccrner or tne
SWU of the SWU of the XWU of
SEU of Section 21. Township
Range 9. thence south to the
south line of Section
12. Range' 9. thence
tl. Township
west to the
j northeast eorner of the XWU of the
IN'EU of the NEU of the NWU of
Section 2S. Township 12. Range 9.
Section 2S. Township 12. Range
ner ot tlie- XW U ot ttie i i: ol tne
NEU of the NWU of Section 28.
Township 12. Range
thence west
to the southwest corner of th
Section 2S. Township 12.
Township 12, Range 9, thence
vest to the northwest corner of the
SlV of. the SW U ot the XEU or tne
NV.'U of Section 2S, Township 12,
Range 9, thence south to the center
of the ITy U of.Hetctiori 2. Iownsjap
R'inge 9. thence west to tlie
"orthwest -corner of the EU. of the
1HL- f the WUr of the SWU of the
NWU of Section 28. Township" 12,
Range 9, thenco south to the south
east corner of the W of the K1;
of the XV V2 of the SWU of the NWU
of Section 2 8, Township 12. Range
9, thence west to the northeast cor-
r V. ot.i o . . . . . o f. .p . . . -
nei ol me 0174 on iiuii t. ,
shiP 12- ttange !), thence south to the
southeast corner ofthe N of the
N'EU of the SEU of Section 29. -
Township 12, Range 9, thence west j
iu me iiui mt-ast. tuinci ui mc
il .i. ,. . e ncn ,
of the NV4
of. the SEU of the -
NEU of the SEU
oi -section
T. ..1. -IO T O II I
x. a..KC luee
tn iUo emit honcf enrnor nf tho RW X' I
:;.oV;:v; y;, v-vi
ui nit; ov ui i lie: OD74 ul liic u
of the SEU of Section 29, Township
12, Range 9, thence west to the
southwest, corner of thf NRi! of the
SEU of Section 29. Township 12
Rangeg, thence south to the south-
east corner of the N of the N of
the swu of the seu of Section 29.
Township 12, Range 9, thence west
... - 1
to the southwest corner of the NV2
of the N'io of the SWU of the SE4
of Section 2!, Township 12, Range
H. thence north to the northeast cor-
. mi'i' (- c . . ,
01 tne n. 2 01 me UKU 4 y
01 section -:. lownsuip """s '
SOUlll 1() tile MlUlimcit
ner of
the iVj of tlie M'. u ol
of Section 29. Township
. . . ,-," 1 ' .. I, 1
Range 9, thence west
t;u-.t corner of ihe WV2
to the north
of the XWU
0r Section 32, Township
32, Township 12. Range
9. thence south to the southeast cor
ner of the N't; of the NWVi of the
xwu of Section :52. Township 12, Dairy Eerd Improved Association
Range 9. thence west to the south- For the month of April the two
west corner of the X Vs of the XWU ,high herds in the Cass. Johnson and
of tlie XWU of Section :J2. Township otoe Association were' Paul Munlock
12. Range 9. thence south to the;f Xehawka whose C cows average d
southwest corner of the XWU of 1 1 ,073 pounds of milk and :19. 7 pounds
section 32, Township 12. Range 9,;,,f butlerfat. The other was C. v.
thence west to the northwest corner ; Masters whose 7 cows average S.'.i;
of the XEU of the Ah',4 "l
SEU of Section 31. Township 12.
Range 9. thence south to the center
of the XEU of the SEU of Section
31. Township 12. Range 9. thenee
west to the southwest corner of the
Mi of the NEU of the SEU of Sec
tion 31. Township 12. Range 9.
thence south to the southeast corner
of the Vi of the SEU of Section 31.
Township 12. Range 9. thenee west
to the northeast corner of the N Va
of the XWU of the XWU of
of tiie XWU of the XEU of Section
L Township 11, Range 9. thence
west to the center of the X U ot the
xwu of the xeu f section
Township 11, Range 9. thence south!
to the southeast corner of the W'i of j
the WVi of the SWU of the XEU I. Miss Rooke in
of Section 6. Township 11. Range 9.! hud plans for
thence west to the southwest corner
of the E'o of the SHU of the XWU
of Section 6. Township 11. Range
9. thence north to the center of the
SEU of the XWU or Section 6.
Township 11, Range 9. thence west
to the southwest corner of the X1
of tlie SEU of the XWU of Section J.
Township 11. Rang;1 9, thence north
to the southeast corner of the X V of
the XVs of the SWU of the XWU
of Set tion (, Tow nship 11. Range
9. thence west to the plate of begin
n i n g.
Notice is hereby given that pur
suant to said Chapter 114 of the Ses
sion Laws of Xehraska lor 1927. an
election will be held at the office of
the County Clerknf Cass county, Xe-
ln-::k.- ihIu-i i.ii the Kiiirs ol X : t 11
- -
o'clock a. iu. and ii:t)0 o'clock u. in.,
ou the 19th day of June. 192s. at
v. hi.-h election the question of the
formation of n drainage district to'
include the area aliove eleseri bed
. 1...11. i... .1. .1 !
sua., oe ueie. imiieu.
Any person may cast one vote for
each acre of land or fraction thereof
and for each platted lot which he
may own or have an easement in as
shown by the official records of the
cou:.ty wnere. tne- Janets or mis m-o
be. Any corporation, public, pnate.
or municipal, owning or having an
easement 111 any lam! or lot. may j and where the slope of
vote at such election, the same as an j js jrpoai tlie interval may
imlivitlual may. The executor, a 1- L-edut eel to nr. or -! 0 f. et'.
min istratcM-, guardian t.r trustee of()j j,,R,COi.,. -lvi. ,, Usi,,g
any person ..v (s....,e i".irresieci s::aii;(lalis After they are e.ii.?
have tiie same rn-jht to vote. tn.. ,jitt !i mav s . (!.- be plow.
Such election shall he by ballot. ; an(! within a vcar n.: v be
whic h shall be signed by the voter, j (lmv , HW(,,., ,'loveror ! i- !.it
and shall have tl.-rcon a lift of the ,? (,,,1,; to n-.son that (h
claims the right to vole.
The ballot shall be in the follow
ing form:
Iist of Property on which Vote
. is Rased
Description - Section or Lot ;
Township or Rlock ; Range or
City : Xumb-r of Acres
or Lots Total number of votes
claimed on samea.
Xature oi title or
lite rest ill above
Vijr Formation of District
Signature of Voter.
Persons desiring to vote in favor of
the formation of such district shall
plate a cross in the square opposite
tlie word "Yes" .appeariiig on .said
Persons desiring; to vote against.
the formation of such district
place a cross in
the word "No"
the sfjuare opposite
appearing on said
County Clerk of Cass Coun
I ty, Xehraska.
'"-.. J '
From Monday's lially
Mrs. Frank Wooster dejiarted Sat
urday evening for Omaha, where she
entered the St. Joseph .hospital and
will undergo an operation on Wed-i
nesiay, it is expected. Mrs. Wooster i
has not been in the, best of health,
for some time and it is hoped that
the operation will give her some
permanent relief from her illness,
The many friends are hoping that
this estimable ladv may soon be able
f0 return to her home in this it y.
On Saturday afternoon County
Judge A. II. Duxbury was called upon
,,!. i (k . j., r ,,.,n,i,
,,. mnnph ? Allirifht nf tlriswold.
. - . ..--. 1Inct,n nf Onk-
'X' T 'l.'Xl,'.
land. Iowa. The young people were
accompaniel by Mrs. Vernon Albright,
c,,n, t.i ..:- e ha l,ri,la
. v,m.r f ririnwoiii
th ,i,tintr
l"YTi, U. nilO ..VV.V....P,,
th b j , , j,arty dcparted
1 J
home at Oakland
j I i 'Ui fry- k.i.w.
!iA DANCE l1"
i Ploftcmnutri NpK ..Saturday Nit?ht
,r - ausmouifl lieD.-Oaiurudjr niS"-.
Barn Yard Twins Orchestra
Copy for this Department
furnished by County Agent
Corn Records
Mr. Arthur C.earge from the P-ural
Economic department has been plac
ing corn records the last
is hoped that we will get
cords placed for 1028.
(0 corn
ouniis iiiiik aim .)..; pounun ...n.
fat. In the second group e nae .v.
(). Ramge of Plattsmouth whose 17
cows averaged 21.7 pounds but'-n-fat.
and Mcpherson Rros. 24 pounds
milk and 17.7 butteit'at.
Mange i:i Hog'3
Our campaign on mange is having
its effect. The commission firms sav
that a per "nt of in.-Mirre hogs is
now less in Cass county than it was
3 months ago. Let u; keep thL-: cam
paign going. Ih- sure your iiogs are
not. mangy before they go on the
market or they v. ill Ik docked from
o0 cents to per It") pounds.
. , ,.
Time Savers m Construction
The delegates rt pr senting till the
c lubs taking work this year int with
Weening Water
their txhihit at the
Fair. Only 2 counties will c:
Miss Ronke's work at the State
Cass and .Madison counties hav.
chosen. The two achivemen'
held by the ladies of C;:ss county
the largest held in the state
Brush Piles ant1. Bonfires
Rrush dams and bru-h tilled ditches)
There is a bast one better use f,i
t.riisti th:in usin:r it for buil ling bon
fires. A good brush pile propell
ed down in
lhati u-. Ing
tails. For
a ditch will do more good
it as a nest for cotto'i
manv v;irs bru-li dim-
have been constructed, sometime
with successful results but otter
times with no results at all. The so-;
. -. t .... l... 1 1. .1 ;.. .....1
called .Nt'llI asi:i Ol usa o.llll is 1110
1... L- ti,.. v.-i-
called Xehraska brush dam is m-
"app'roxiniatelv' I S inches tipnrt.:
B,. theS)1 1M).t.--. l-,ri:":! is pi1e.1;W
vith ti1(l,i e.-t upstream fj
, j. j,.aVv ,iow n. When t he d i : ch ft
- . . . M
js al,nosl full, two v.!es ar
onto p((,ts
tightly pibtl together. The
of" the dam should always be
t-ian -ls sj,es.
'.p,,,. ,,U(St important thing
w: it
fr'.il r ;
....... .. .
h,uilding brush d ims is
pu'ting in
?1(.li(v of them. They sbou
i1( spaced ni'-e thn.n bin f.
-tit. b
lo !)
. ( (:'' i
i t v 1 "
h 'Vc
1 l!cl .I
d sli;;
must a.lwavs carry
ju.-i as we ll to provide a phe
this water mav run with nt
serious erosion.
Sum1 bad galleys have h'-cn
stop- .
r.til by piling th.-m almcst full of
finish frc-.-.u one enl to th.e other and
striking it down so it could not wi sh
away. this met nod may no use.i
where plenty of material is at hand.
I?ru; h dams can be fouml on the
'farms of R. E. Xoi lis, Avoca. and
. Frank
Sp.tngler. We.jiing '
pi'inv .illi.-.j.; P:i rt ii-nl'M'l V
'on, the farm of Frank Spangbu- c an be
fou:.!1. ditches that were cni
: Ol
i feet tieei: that are e'itilci
L. R. SXIPES. Co. E.t
nsion Ag.-nt.
From Tuesday's? Daily
Tell years ago tonight the lum lo
theatre opened up an up-to-date
movie theatre under the management
i ot A. O. Moore and A. . ( loitit.
.-establishment through adversity and
good times alike, taking the bitter
with the sweet. In older days of
Plattsmouth. when Plattsmouth v. as
booming, business paid these gentle
men, for their labors, bat since the
slack times have come to our fair
city, these good people have taken
move of the bitter, or loss of their
patronage, yet have given bigger and
better vhows than they woie able to
do in the first period.
Tonight being tbtir birthday,
Piattsmout ii should give them a Mir-
prise party and turn out unanimous
with the eheeiy greeting. "P.irthday
Surprise." Trying to make Plaits-
mouth a bigger and bettor place to
live has been the maimgenn nfs chief
aim, lets all show by attendance that
we do appreciate iheir el'l'oil:..
Another phase to the birthday
surprise is apt to be a boomerang
to those who go on account el" the
Merchants Ad vei I bi in; Show, t'l .e
will be hundred) of thine.s given tuit
to the very good people who pur
chase a ticket to attend. Over two
hundred pre.ieiits were given away
last night .yid a lilce amount will be
given out tonight. So yen stand to
gain in many way it.
Graduation is tin epoch in the life
of any boy or fvirl nud calls for a
lasting and littiite; if mcmlirnnce. A
hundred and one desirable and appro
priate gift items can be found in the
large stock at the Bites Book and
ar.d the prices won t put a
crimp in your pocket-book,
either. Come in, and see them.
All kinds of business stationery
printed at the Journal office.
a L tkmi W 2di
100 pairs
All size
tlie lot
71 T
-Icin s i irte
t r-
Lx-ng; i
'( e,
:iu EP:ort sleeves, ecru
rroich, pe.?.r) buttons.
l'ick them mi at
sstct. ereens, browns, tans, crr;'s.
10 lo I 1 ),? Can
Here's One for Boys
fjooci v- ool Sv.its, wit
h lonr:
1 2 to 16 years. 1 h
e clo'h ii
!oat3 This
vorn the year roinra. I lie
faced. Sizes lo 34.
If vc
oi..' i'k m lor
.Loys jam L-c:
famous Kayre
in a
t v:
nbf lie
Rib Muriel ner
j e,
1 he
made. Sizes lO1'"", I i
!2 o 'othes for
. tt
L:VLi cl:eck. A good,
.n "wear il.e size, tbev'ic
3 If y
for orJv, eacli .
Boy a
.C! s LorJ.i'.i.i v'i;
. caljory
o-! Ka.i
Cclitat ?d
r t
S i..:. br;V;
-'a I v :l t
1 :
- r
: :.-a
j a
" V
( . - A
Engineer rinds V :cxi:n' Il-r:.,1.
Sl-culflfis lOO rcct Frciii
ViitTf Torso Loc?i:d.
uniticnt i iied
hi.- i
ins in
out r.-L
'a! I i n -
n train
of Oib-
i tr.'iit t
so ,
10 mi
a. m.
::;ies out
t 1 : 1
g iO ttie
U!(L i's w
and vas
ngi ner.
re found
t ut in two. ::ct'i
His "read and
1 2 0, lei t from
win re
were lying.
as da k-ha i i eil .
.- iu;Ll,
! w as
aru wove a
eropped. Hi
'dark brown
about l.'.ii P'
i (bli
j nit
.!i n,u.-tat
dresred im :
I i is w . igd
i j-
imps in Fiont of Tiair
. as i rav. !in light to
wa --
: : -ut
: II
eiiLiir.o x:nd
ling soi:;b al.r.ut
:' Cih -a v. !i, n I
- d-. n the L acks.
h aid '. S. Levis. .
t b. 1 i n;;i;n i.ot.
if b i m. ' sa v him
b 'tb hand. up iu ;
i:i S":t!:t of fh.- '
sa ". v a
gel ii g
i' e i !
i a. walk
i n 1
t,; ,U t :. ' '.
er. '.'::;! a
v. h iii ; fe v
turn aroan l,
I e, ;
I brow
Co a.i:
t rain.
a :
Aiiio Shoo
I have orc.ted an Auto Perrir
Ehcp in the 0. II. Oarage EuiM
ir.g; on Wasliing-tcn Avenue.
The best service nnd courte
ous treatment extended to r.ll.
Prices rcasorablc
faction -juarantesd.
i i '"-C - T .: T
t i
t a Is Ira J
1 J
Vcilues that Slrelch Your
almost Double!
Men's Odd Dress Pants
regular slocic. Cass: meres,
Asstd. colors and r:-tt.-.rns.
our choice
jr only . . . .
od elasiir
Size? A-, 4b
latc.' t pat-
you imagine.
want L-ong
s a k'airat
'C piain colors
:o:i':e cjviek
. G
OOCt woo
v'v rate
a ana ray.
Stocklnrrrj bllacl: or cordo-
pair . . .
i - Ien
I ;-
'50 rj
C k'.:. 1 1
t'J C3
f a-': Kt.
I ii
ibl-eW OU all til'' ,s SoOIl
train c;ir.i' to a :top. I v nt
a. nd 1- uiel h im t ill i n t wo."
.-pot was ii.of.--.-ihl.' ec"pt
i-y rai.
tiaiii ;i
J. ivdill
t o V. i !'-(
no L ading to it. 1 ne
!(' (led to
ins. bi alo m;
n. tl.ic e mile
l. !! ca!b
I 'i ilevile ;i ud Q.
:n, walked hack
s down the t rack
1 the train dis-
iio ;.-
i-.i.tloi, v. ! i ;i!'t d County Attorney
ii. . )Id-..-g of Sarpy eouety and
yr.t a speci'i! train at tlo ir command.
! Victim's H-ir Jirst Cut.
' They bonnlecl t!:e train at tlie P.ur
,i ii station. Omn . takir.g a rt p-
! s ' ii 1 11 1 i i-'o. of the l'rewcr undtrtak-
ii;g e;-fii-n--h:nt i.t with tht ai. The
: be dy wa- brc-it",ht to South
'Oaialia. win re it waits identification,
j A w. rd to (Vntnty Attorney No-
1 .n. tii man rppart had had iiis
l air t n t Sa t tii day.
'I iii. co tn! ne; or of the train w.-r1
Charles A vies.
John Moi-row of Si-ward. Ne
. a son of the late William
i i:ee
w. was heie today t(3 visit old
Gvny Inner Tubes
30x312 Etenco Cord Tire
A Gccd Set iyz" Harness at
Still have a few No. 16 De laval
Cream Separators at
I am ngsnt for the "Standard Four"
Tires Have a Complete Line.
W. H. Puis
Dealer in Hardware and Supplies
Phone 33 Plattsmouth, Neb.