THURSDAY. MAY 24, 1928. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOUBHAL PAGE FIVE llil!!!!Illllllliaill!IH f BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON t Tor Sunday, Kay 27th By M. S. Erig-gs The Real Economy Center Everybody saves here time included! Your neighbors enjoy shopping at Black and White and you will too when you see how much you can really save. We have arranged some exceptionally good bargains for this week end that will save you considerable. Golden Text: "Gc-:1 knoveth the way of the righteous. Hut the way of the wicked shah perish. "-1:6. -Psalm What is a Day's Work? : There is much trying to get by. these ilavs of ours, jiir-t BUTTEE Fancy Creamer', in Y4 lb. wrappings, Per pound SUGAR Price is advancing daily. Limit of 10 lbs. to customer, for 43c 65c SWIFT'S WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP Ten large bars for RAISIN'S Fancy seedless, free from grit and dirt, 4-lb. pkg 29c 41c iwhen the old world v. a Christ cites the v,e gg , was given in charge :i s banrimen to look aft'" ar.fl to rentier an ucc.t 11 c eipts therefrom, am bj vineyard in the best .:' ss! productive. This is j entrust ing of t"ie ta. ! who were io ar'- f ; SS' truism that v. her, o:; i g; tion as laborer, repre.-m another, who lias fu"!,i i:- as there was H yaro, which j certain bus- j? U of I lie. re- q i: p liie Lj 1'iiditicn ar.d n : .' li'.e ;hc H H 's to those ii thvi'.i. It is a 3 7 ,e:; a ii- & i.tive lor I I t;e capi- k& Swans Down Cake Flour Per Pkg. 29c RED SALMON Libbv brand. None E better. Tall 1-lb. can for Hr 3 cans for 90c PINE APPLE Hills Dale, large No. 212 size cans, each r 4 cans for 95c 31c 25c NUCOA The new Oleomargarine. 1 Q Extra special, per lb C HELLO GG'S CORN FLAKES Lg. 1 1 size, per package X1C JELLO All flavors of this popu- Q lar hot weather dessert, per pkg OC :i. Pork and Beans- S:1?: rfnP 25c TOMATOES Fancy. No. 2'2 size cans. Solid pack. Per can CORN Standard Iowa. No. 2 size cans. 121oc value. THREE for 14c 29c EGGS Strictly fancy selects direct from Cass countv farms, dozen HEINZ RICE FLAKES A new, de- 1 A licious cereal, per pkg A "v. Sun Kist FIour-48-lb. Sack, $1.98 IjjZ;tal. the one employed must pay his 5 : own salary or hire, h; proportion l ;! the overhead of the i;.s: iution which SSl! gives him employment ami a certain i degree of profit to the em pi: yer, or lie Now How About This Do you consider this a hind savins, or is it true? Well, it looks like it was true and just, i-r when an m ployer hires help, they are entering into a co-partnership and each one is risking- something tm- laborer his time and skill against the capital of the employer. He cannot expect to' 11 j and he is entitled to the fruits of his 553 ! labor, skill and knowledge- so a just 52 j proportion of the returns should be ;!his. He is really entitled to it. and 11 j when he does not receive it he has not Sigotttn his just flues. Now on the other hand, when a man has entered into an agreement to work for and with another, lie Oyf m must recognize that the other man s fC IS risking alike with him in the enter prise and he must, when he conies to the day s work bring a well cared for body ami tui alert mind, v-ith 5S the requisite skill to do the work he rjhas agreed to in the rich' way in Ji short to do the things he is expected to. A night before spent in debauch ery does not put him in condition to perform the tasks of the day prop- ZZZjerly. He is taking from his employ- PRUNES Cellophane wrapped, a hich class Santa Clara. 2 lbs 36c Fancy Dried Apricots, per lb ITVjjC Sal Soda. 4 pounds for 10c Hatches. 6 boxes in carton, per carton 20c MILK Tall cans, Wilson, Carna tion or Libby, THREE for CAMPBELL SOUPS Assorted, at. per can, only Campbell's Tomato Soup. 9c can 29c 10c Strawberries - Ex. Fancy, Qt. Box 28c i; lll!!!!!!!S!iBl!l!Hil!l!SlI!!l1ii!lS!ill!!Silil!i!HSH Legal tlanfcs ol aH kinds for sals Neea help T You can get it quicklj .t the Journal office by placing your ad in the Journal. FayPsy iSgseeaaEs Fs? Mean Farmers - Cement Works - Sand Pits OR ANYBODY ELSE Big Yank Work Shirt a Dollar every place but here 3 .75 (Sizes 14 to 1 7, except 16) Here's a big, full cut, triple stitched, fast color Work Shirt for only 65 (Sizes 14 to 17, except 16) Four pairs Radium Socks guaranteed to wear you four months, only 1.00 (If they don't, 4 new pair free) Here's your chance to buy a Summer s supply of Athletic Underwear at . . . .49 (All sizes, while they last) Buck County 2:20 Blue Denim high back Overalls, per pair 1.25 (Full cut and well made) Work Gloves for the man who wants a light weight soft glove, per pair 50 (Made of Goat Skin, without Smell) Straw Hats, hard Sailors, choice of the lot selling to S2.50, at 1 .00 (Good enough for church and cheap enough to work in) CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY 32E The passing of the thirty-first -w ed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McCrary of this city, was very pleasantly observed on Sunday at: the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Privitt, near Cedar Creek, Mrs. Privitt being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McCrary, and who had arranged the very pleasant event for the parents. The Privitt home was arranged very attractively in the decorations of yellow and white and which was carried through the dinner arrange ments, the noonday dinner being one of the features of the occasion that will be long most delightfully re membered. The dinner was featured by the beautiful white angel food wedding cake that had been prepared by Mrs. Privitt and which gave a real nuptial setting to the dinner. The occasion was enjoyed by some thirty-three of the relatives and friends of the bride and groom of thirty one years and will be an event that all will most delightfully re member through the years and to keep the event fresh in their minds a number of Tery handsome and attractive gifts were reecived by the guests of honor. Miss Viola Renner and Patrick A. McCrary were married at Emporia, Kansas, and spent several years of their wedded life in that locality, coming to Plattsmouth twenty-three years ago and have since made their home in this city, where they have a very large circle of warm friends who have appreciated and enjoyed their friendship through the years. In their wedded life they have been blessed with eight children, three of whom have gone on before while five remain to share the declining years with the parents, and of the children all but one was present at the anni versary, one son, John McCrary, be ing in France, where his work as a traveling salesman has taken him. The children that attended the occa sion were: Mrs. George Privitt, V. D. McCrary of Lincoln, Miss Arten- sia McCrary and Merle McCrary of this city. s p. 1 it The Ghrist Furniture Company (CASH WITH A GREAT SAVING) 7$ III jtim ksMmmB AT THE OLD STAND cn SIXTH STREET OPEN FOR BUSINESS ON Saturday, May 26th with a Full Line of New Living Rocrnr Bed Rocm and Kitchen Furniture also Refrigerators, Rugs and Floor Coverings in fact every thing used in Household Equipment at prices that defy anyone. We wiii also have a large stock in cur USED FURNITURE Department, and in vite you to come and see how much a little cash wiil really buy at our low prices! WE WANT YOU TO CALL AND SEE US! Sat 1 PfiT nr. Ghrist Furniture Company 118-22 South Sixth Street !er, who is his partn-T. :-r they are both interested in the success of the enterprise, to which h' is not con tributing his just s'u::rc. And on the j other hand, the employer must bo jjust and not expect t- grind the lace iof the poor, for the v i rknian is his partner and his brotl.--r. and he r.iusr remember that the Us urer is worthy of his hire. We Must be True and Jest We are partners of the Fa'btr. i'e is furnishing the bountiful earth, the glorious sunshine, the balmy wirds. the abundant and refreshings rains. he has given us our health, our on portunities and he is expecting us )ji to make gooii u, whatever position we shall be place,!. We have ali been negligent and have forfeited our in heritance to eternal life in that world his plan. of salvation. Even as we j CONTINUES TO BIPE0VE to come. Through Adam we l'e'!. and are without promise, still in the From Wednesday's Daily lost the promise of eternal life. Since gruciousness of the love which the; The reports from the St. Cath then we have sinned on our own ac- ' Father and Son bear for us. he gives rine's hospital at. Omaha state that count ami have not come up to the 'us an opportunity to make good and Georpe Sedlacek of this city who is terms fit' the eon'ruet. as (lad made .lie furnishes ;dl things tor us to work , there recovering from the ofi'ects of Telephone No. 645 Plattsmculh, Nebraska as Ood made, lie furnishe; the covenant with Abraham ur.d so. with. therefore, we have faib-d to kc-ep the covenants ourselves, and therefore we are sinners, and do not have even the promise, except we do as the Master, who gave his life for our transgres : With the proposition of everlasting death before us. we are all anxious for a salvation which will give us tveria-ting life one of abundant joy an operation for appendicitis, is do i ing very nicely ami seems well on the highway to recovery. It is hoped that with his ptesent rate im p'oveim nt t! at he may soon be able to recover and return home to this city and be able to resume his usual activities. sions. counsels us to do, and accept !aT,,i happiness. This is good, and why FOE SALE One Ford touring car, in good con dition, one Dayton computing scale, show cases, large Hall safe, one Val ley Battery Charger, never been used. Call Mrs. Ruth Thompson, 508-W, over Wurl's store. m2212tsw WANTED TO EUY Cows. K?ifers and Calves. Inquire of T. II. Pollock or L. C. Likewise. Phones No. 1 and 36, Plattsmouth. as we sliouin (lf ai; in ine spirit or the thing which the Master r quired. For paperhanging and painting. Call for J. H. Graves, phone No. 605, Plattsmouth, Nebr. a30-5w FARMERS! We are Loading a Car of Live Poultry Friday - Saturday MAY 25-25 for which we will pay the Following- Prices Hens, per lb 21c Broilers, per lb. . . .33c Cox. Der lb 12c Leghorns. 5c lb. less We are receiving this Poultry at our place cf business on Pearl St., opposite Lumber Yd. See Your Local Dealers before You Sell Moye Produce Co. Phone 391 Plattsmouth - Nebraska shovild we not desi;-- if? We do, bur; why is it coming to us. In hive and; merc y, through the love and sacrifice of the Master, we may participate in j this everlasting life, ami with what joy we receive it. .now we are saved , and we are joyou- but how grateful : are we for the great salvation which j has been given us. Why Get Good Seed Many peoi le advertise extra g'xd seed corn and revive good prices for j the same and the farmer is not loath I to purchase the belter corn, for he knows that it will produce a better' crop and thus will pay better re . turns, even at the higher price for the S' ed. Now, when we are saved, as the farmer saves his seed corn, be-, cause the corn is dependable, and if we are saved, there should be some thing which makes us worth saving, and that is first, service. Why the Best Service ; Because we are saved with a gr(at( sacrifice, and we are worth the sav-; ing even at the great cost, but to! show we appreciate the salvation) which has come to us. should we not j render the service which brought the; opportunity to us. Sure we should, j and it we are lazy and do not wish: to do what the Muster shall r(juire. i v.e are not worthy to receive the for-: given ess of our former sins, nor are j we fit for that home where sin has ! been blotted out, unless we are will ing to do the tilings which are re quired and do it in the spirit which the Master did it for us. we are not worthy. When Christ taught us to pray, he did not teach a greater truth than the one which he has had lisped by the chiM at its mother's knee, and the aged one who has gone through the world with its ups and downs and murmurs the same request when he is just ieaving this world: 'Tor give us our t repasses as we forgive those us." who have trespassed PASTURE TO RENT ramst Pasture for horses or cattle, run ning water. See John Fischer, two i miles south of MynarU. m2 4-2tw j U 1 1 1 lam ' i la i iv j ' ; ii 1 1 t.ivj'cwt'".' t,.j morning for Gothenberg, Nebraska, where lie will spend a few days in that locality looking after his land int-res;., which he has rented. Gwmm Co, Saturday, May 26th The Handy Way Grocery and S. S. Chase Meat Market have consolidated into one first class Food Center, located at 525 Main street, in the present location of Chase's Quality Market. We are pleased to announce our affilia tion with the International Red and White Chain Store System, we being the sole own ers and operators. So you are still dealing directly with us. But you receive the bene fits derived from the International Red and White organization, such as Quality Food, Better Service and Lower Prices. Saturday, May 26th, this store offers many Special Items which should be of in terest to our present customers and new ones too. Call on us for your Food Require ments and be convinced that our system of operation is the best, both as to Service and price. Free Balloons for the Kiddies and Shopping Bags for the Ladies Ycurs for Real Service eo a w S. S. CHASE C. H. MARTIN Ow ners