The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1928, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1028.
a full porcelain enamel oil range
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
what a difference it will make
Fwo Cents per Day
for Your Ice in 1928
The new marvel. See it work at
Lundfcerg's. Nothing to get out
of order. Priced very reasonable !
Ask for Demonstration
at the Garage
Olaf Lundbergh
Nehawka, Nebr.
Senator W. H. Panning, of Union,
was lo king after some business mat
ters ir; .N( nawka on Monday morn
ing of this vi'k.
Cl;:ren'e Hanson was looking af
ter some business matters in Omaha
on Monday of this week, he driving
over t the big city in his car.
Crover Hohack, who was so ill
last wet k that he was routined to his
bed for some live flays, is out hust-
ling around, but is looking rather
pt n;cu as yet. I
Forrest Cunningham is expecting I)rietor of tne amusement parlor, of
in a few flays to move his sawmill j Xehawka. and who by the way con
l'rom the farm of Henry Stoll to that,jucts verv fino place, is kept to his
i B. Woiph. where
;iiiinint of lumber to
he has a large
Robert McClannahan, of Platts
ivriit.h. wps looking after some busi
;;iss m:i'ters in Nehawka during a
P rn"'-n of lasr week, as he is ton
i.i. rifg embarking in the oil busi
ness l: re.
I'm -le I!. U. Hobaek and the good
wife were enjoying a visit at their
lii.a.e m last Sunday, from their son,
G rever Hobaek and family, and the
sons fif Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Ander
son. i!" Union.
Il'ith Chapman was visiting with
friends in Weeping Water during the
pa-i i v days, and enjoyed her stay
ihere very much, -since the closing of
the t'ioo!. which lias been keeping
he- ( 1, se to lit r studies.
.Mrs. John McBride, of South Om
aha, lius been visiting with her many
n il lids in Nehawka during the past
week, and has enjoyed the friend
ships vhi; li she made during the
years when they resided in Nehawka.
AJi'ks- 2Jesie. -Waller was a visitor
at the home of her parents at Auburn
Having taken the agency for
the Aermotor Windmill and re
pairs for Murray and Nehawka,
would appreciate your call for
anything in windmills or re
pairs. Also oil for windmills.
H. M. Smith
Nehawka -:- Nebraska
Rout 1 Box 65
Are You Prepared for
Use a McCall Printed Pattern and make garments
cool to wear and cool to look at.
Organdy for Beautiful Summer Dresses.
Flowered Patterns and Plain in Pastel Shades and
white washable.
Fine Voile in Dainty New Patterns. Nothing is
more practical for summer wear than cool, sheer
voile. The printed patterns offer almost unlimited
Telephone 14 - Nehawka, Nebr.
Where Customers Feel at Home
for the week end and enjoyed the
visit very much, returning to her
work at the Sheldon department store
to enter her work on Monday morn
ing. I'ncle Oscar Nelson, who is still
con fined to his bed since his return
home from the hospital at Omaha,
where he underwent an operation
some weeks since is still rather poor
ly, although everything possible is
being done for him.
Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Thomas, of
Lir.coln. where they are making their
home, were visiting with friends in
Nehawka on last Sunday, they driv
ing over to the hustling city for a
visit for the day. Dr. Thomas is en
joying a good practice in the capitol
Reports from Weeping Water are
to the effect that the home of Fred
Gorder. county commissioner, was
considerably injured by an incipient
fire which caught from a burning
rbimnev. However, before any ma
terial damage was done, the fire was
i Robert II. Chapman, the genial and
efficient rural carrier on one of the
routes running out of Nehawka, is
(taking his vacation at this time, and
jhas been relieved by Mr. George'
Waldo, who is looking after the,
needs of the patrons while Mr. Chap-.
man is a w
Nels Anderson, the popular pro
home a good portion of the time lately
'with an acerrevatert attack of rheuma-
. tism. -and which has been attended (
iwith much suffering. ;
! Mrs. Fern Johnson, daughter of
iF. R. Cunningham, who has been'
visiting with her parents for the past!
week, departed for her home in Colo
rado, and will stop for a time for a
visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. i
and Mrs. Henry Murdoch, at Arapa-J
I hoe, after she enjoyed a most pleas
ant visit here.
There is happiness at the home of
Dr. J. L. Barritt and the good wife
on account of the arrival at the hos
pital at Nebraska City of a dainty
little blue eyed daughter and the
father is happy, and the mother is
very well pleased with the little one.
All are doing nicely and will return
to their home in Nehawka soon.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Summers, tlie
popular and genial agent for the Mis
souri Pacific, with the children, and
Walter J. Wunderlich and the family
were enjoying a visit at the home of
the relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Sum
mers, at Stella, on last Sunday, they
driving over to the southern city in
their car, and returning home after
the fine visit they had.
Albert Wolfe and the family were
visiting in Omaha for the day last
Plattsmouth, Neb.--Saturday Night
Barn Yard Twins Orchestra
Monday, they driving to the big city
in their new car and enjoying the
trip immensely. They also visited
with friends while there. The office
and switchboard was run during their
absence by Misses Ruth Chapman ami
Undine Shrader, who cared for the
business in the very best manner.
Mrs. Melvin Sturm was a visitor in
Lincoln for the day on last Monday,
driving over with her car and having
as her guests for the trip, Mesdames
B. E. Summers and Walter J. Wun
derlich of Nehawka. and Mrs. George
Pollard of Avoca. The merry party
enjoyed the ' trip very pleasantly,
looking after some shopping, visiting
with friends and returning in the
pleasant coolness of the evening.
Uncle Joseph Shrader and the good
wife, who have been so seriously ill
at the home north of Nehawka for
some time past, are both feeling a
great deal improved and have been
able during the past few days to get
out of doors and Uncle Joe. who was
so seriously ill. was able to walk out
and look around the farm some the
latter portion of last week. Their
many friends are pleased at their im
provement and are hoping they may
continue. ,
Miss Kime Very Poorly
Miss Froma Kime. who received
the severe injury while at the cele
bration of the Rehecka lodge at Ne
braska City some weeks since, in
which she sustained a fracture of an
ankle bone, and which developed
blood poisoning, is very seriously ill
at the hospital in Nebraska City,
where she was taken after the acci
dent. All care and the best nursing
is being given this excellent woman,
in the hopes that she may rally, but
her condition remains very serious at
this time. Her many friends in Ne
hawka and throughout the state are
hoping for a favorable turn in her
illness and that she may soon be able
to return to her home. .
Mrs. Pollard's Funeral Saturday
Mrs. Levi C. Pollard, who about a
month since passed away in Los An
geles, ami whose remains have been
kept there until this time, will ar
rive from the west, getting to Omaha
on Saturday morning and from thence
to Union, where the cortege will be
met by the friends here and the re
mains will then be brought to Ne
hawka. with the funera 1 held from
the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Shel
don, ami interment in the cemetery
near Nehawka.
Mrs. Pollard made her home here
for many years and after the pass
ing of the husband. Levi C. Pollard,
some twenty years ago, she went to
the west to reside, and as above
stated, died about a month since.
The funeral will be held at 2:00
o'clock this coming Saturday after
noon. Visitors Take the Victory
In the game which was played in
Nehawka last Sunday between the
local team and a team from Elm wood,
it was evident that the visitors came
with the intention of winning the
victory and also that they had reason J
for claiming it, for in the contest ,
which was staged at the Nehawka ;
park, they were able to defeat the
Nehawka team by a score of 5 to 3.
Are Attending G. A. R. Meet
Early this week. Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. Kirkpatrick departed for Stotts
bluff, where they enjoyed the meet
ing of the Grand Army of the Re
public, which had been having its
state convention there during the
present week. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk
patrick are undoubtedly meeting a
goodly number of the comrades with
whom he mingled during the stirring
times from 1861 to 1S65, and we
are sure they are enjoying their stay
in the sugar beet town.
1 Do You Want a Cow? nere to,la' to look atter sonie mat"
Well I have a very fine Holstein. I tcrs of busilss
and a good milker, fresh about sixty I O. T. Davis, of Union, was here to
days ago, giving lots of good rich day to look after some matters of
milk. R. D. Taylor at Nehawka business for a few hours.
Mill. ml7-2tw J jr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis motoroed
to Tecumseh yesterday to visit with
Kill a Big Rattler their daughter and family for the
While Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cunning-' day.
ham were visiting and looking fori Joseph Wagner and daughter, of
truffles at the sight where they had near Mynard, was here Saturday to
a saw mill for some time a few years look after some matters of business
ago, near King Hill, below Rock 'for the day.
Lsluffs. Mrs. Cunningham ran onto a
rattle snake of good size, which he
immediately dispatched and found
that !h rentilp had some eleven rat-!i
that the reptile had some eleven rat
ties, and had been a resident of that
neighborhood for some years.
Burial Vaults
You care well for your loved ones
while alive. One of our concrete
vaults protects their remains when
buried. An absolute guarantee.
tf-N Nehawka, Nebr.
! The Journal is Your Paper
! If you want to be informed on all
tthe happenings of importance in Cass
"I"''.1 UUI"5
JL LUUUIJ' VUIUIIll&5llUlJfI&, ea., its
well as the strictly local news, you
'will nortolnlv i?ort th Tononql nc -
inin it 4,
any weekly paper in the state, and daughter. Mrs. Lester Dalton, at Ed
is delivered to your mail box twice gjr' --eDrasKa-
a week, instead of only once. $2 pays : Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Napper and
for an entire yef r. daughter, Claire, of Norfolk, Nebras-
jka. spent Saturday at the home of
"Arcadia" Convalescence and ma-! Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Coryell in this
ternity Home. Choice of doctors. ' city, they being former neighbors of
Phone 193-W. Box 114. m8-tfw the Coryell family.
. I Mr. and Mrs. William L. Heinrich
- Annrom-mte .rifts for th- P-irl nr
-- - -
boy graduate will be found at the
Bates Book and Gift Shop.
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527.
I From Monday's Dally
! P. F. Rhin and wife of Union, were
Floyd Saxon of Union was here to
ilav for a short time en route to
Omaha to spend the day looking after
uusmess ma Lie is.
Louis Meisinger, of near Cedar
Creek was here Saturday and while
in the city was a caller at the Jour
nal to advance his subscription.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick and
daughters, Lois and Hazel, of Weep
ing Water visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Rice, Sr., here over
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murdoch and
children of Nehawka were here Sat
urday and while in the city had their
names enrolled as readers of the
Journal for the coming year
PhiIiD Balser. lone time resident
Philip Balser, long
of this city, is here for a visit with
Balser is now residing
with his
were at Li!lcoAn S7yheJel
visited -vim jurs. Fred nemncn di
the St. Elizabeth's hospital for the
day, where the patient has been for
in a kitchen !
"Full porcelain enamel, snow-white.
Compact design
Built-in live
Accurate heat indicator.
here is a
new stove that ought new models,
to be in your kitchen
before dinner'time tonight! It is the
most beautiful oil range you ever saw
a swift'eooking model in snowwhite
porcelain enamel . . safe . . economical . .
convenient . . altogether modern!
Even if you aren't ready , to buy today,
come and look at it. Watch it cook. See
for yourself what a wonderful range it is.
Easy way to buy. Tour dealer will demonstrate these new models for you. And, if you tvish it. he will
-no doubt he glad to tell you how you can tae any one of them home and use it as you pay for it.
Oil Burning jggy
Perfection Stove Company, St. Paul. Minnesota
the past ten days recovering from a
serious operation.
Mrs. C. T. Peacock, of Lincoln, is
here for a visit with the relatives in
the old home ami after the visit here
is expecting to depart in June for
Long Beach, California, where she
will visit with her daughter, Mrs. D.
J. Hollingshead, for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mathiasen, of
Storm Lake, Iowa, motored to riatts
mouth Saturday for a visit at the
home of Wni. Rice, Sr. Mr. Mathis
sen returned home Sunday, but Mrs.
Mathiasen will remain for a two
weeks' visit, and also assist in car
ing for her mother, who is all it
Mr. and Mrs. James McKinney and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William
Newland and son returned home this
morning from New Hampton, Mis
souri, where they were called a few
days ago by the illness of Mrs. Sarah
Smith, an aunt of Mr. McKinney and
Mrs. Newland. They report the pa
tient as now doing very nicely.
From Tuesdays Uanv
E. B. Chapman of Union was in
the city for a few hours today look
ing after some matters at the court
house and visiting with friends.
Mrs. Fred Adams, who has been
visiting with relatives and friends at
Kansas City for a short time, return
ed home this morning on the early
Burlington train.
Mrs. Mary Ragoos of Louisville
was in the city today to look after
some matters of business and visiting!
with friends, while here being a call
er at the Journal office.
Miss Rosalie Drucker, of Seward,
Nebraska, who has been here visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Kopischka, departed this morning on
the early Burlington train for her
home. A j, t BP
From Wednesday s Dally
County Commissioner Fred If.
Gorder of Weeping Water was here
today to look after some matters of
C. W. Stoehr and daughter, Mrs.
Roy Tschirren, returned home thiaj
. Grouped burners
heat oven . . . !
Swift,deanheat.Oneof24 This beautiful Per
l7.sotol54 Section is
' splendid new
all light'colored, swift'C.ooking,
convenient. All finished either in porcc
lain enamel or in Perfectolac, a new,
durable lacquer never before used on
6toves. All of them worth seeing.
These new models are at your dealers.
Come and pick one out. You will find it
the best kitchen investment you ever made.
morning from Pekin, Illinois, where Stoehr and remained over for the
they were called by the death of j funeral services which were held yes
Mrs. Laura Wallinger, a sister of Mr. I terday.
We Want a Local Manager for Our
Chain Merchandise Organization
Salary and Commission
A strong chain organization wishes to establish a local
branch in this territory. We want an energetic man, who
enjoys the confidence and good will of this community to
act as manager on salary and commission. No merchanlise
experience necessary. We supply all sales plans. Must have
five thousand dollars to invest in his own branch which he
handles himself. Our system assures success and protits.
507 Wilkinson Bldg., Omaha, Nebr.
To the Farmers of Cass
County, Neb.-
. The Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock In
surance Company was organized 34 years ago
in Cass county, for the protection of Cass
county farmers. During this time we have
paid our losses promptly and the rate we have
charged has been pleasing to all our Policy
holders. ... If you are not a member of
our company, see one of our Directors or
write to J. P. FALTER, Secretary, at Platts
mouth, Nebr., and we will be glad to give you
full information regarding rates, etc.
Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock
Insurance Company
one of 24