The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1928, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MAY 10. 1923.
Household Goods
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
The Service StorelAME n a n pp N
We are here to serve you
the best, and supply you
with the best goods at
the lowest price.
Our endeavors in 1927
will be concentrated on
giving you such efficient
service you will become a
regular walking adver
tisement, speaking only
good words for our store.
Stine's Grocery
Union, Nebraska
Tin- usual law number of I'liion
Mih were .seen at the Legion dance at
Plat tr.mniit h Saturday uiht.
Attorney ('. I. Craves, of Platts
iiiotitli. was a visitor in I'liion and
was visiting with his many friends
here on last Sunday.
I tors Niday sin-lied and delivered
rorn to the I'nion elevator on Monday;
or tins wceK aim enjoyed a very khmi
price lor the yellow cereal.
Arrangement have heen made for
the keeping open of the I'nion druj?
store all day Sunday hereafter, in
Mead of only till noon, as heretofore.
Karnest 1 1 i 1 1 . or Nebraska City,
has tn en in Cnion installing water in
I he homes here and will continue us
hniK as he shall have work in this
I V II. M Part hey win railed to
Plattsniouth on last Monday after
noon, he driving over to the enmity
seat (own to look after some business
mat l rs
Mrs. Charles Creen. who was siek
for several davs with a very serious
alta.k of the flu. was abb' to return)
to her teaching at the Ka
Platlsmouth, Neb.-Saturday Night
Barn Yard Twins Orchestra
Klnier With row. have been very ill
with an attack of pneumonia each,
and while they have been very ser
iously 111 and so remain, they are
showing some improvement and it is
hoped that they will soon be well
K. K. Moore ami the family ami
K. I.. Anderson and family, accomp
anied by friends from Nebraska City
enjoyed a very pleasant picnic which
they had at the Hand pits near Cedar
Creek, and where they enjoyed fish
ing and the beautiful scenery. They
dined in the open and fished to their
heart's content.
Kev. (!. A. Randall, who was pas
tor of the Methodist church for four
years and left this charge .some ten
years since, to take another, was a
visitor in I'nion on last Monday af
ternoon, visiting his many friends
here, while on his way from Scotia,
where he is the minister, to Kansas
City, where he is to attend a district
convention of the Methodist church.
ty news '(and everyone who liv'es Pi
Cass county should be the Journal
is the paper for you. i;i?;ht regular
departments give you the nes Iriiii
as many coi.iiininities, along with all
the county scat happenings, official
board proceedings, legal notices, etc.
It. costs money to give you this kind
of news serv ice, hilt a 'large circula
tion nermit.'i of Jioldiiig Hie subscrip
tion down to the same amount you
nn. -li:iririd for the ordinary country
,vith its lour ijages of ' " earn:
Uxl2 Axr.iinst: i
slightly used i::l2
cum, $.-.ou; two
"0 each; one
bre.ry tabic, .lo.,,
2; .t oaj i
two pianos, .$ 1 1 1
t WO ()! g!t IIS, $ f (;
like new, $27, a-i
room tab It:'. :f ."i to
chairs, s.m' to .!!.."
. from 2 !o $ 1 7,
to .f l.r.M ea h; 1.
weekly paper,
foreign print. Don
about time to have
to your address? ;
field man or mailed
lice will pay for an
I you think it i"
tiie Journal sent
'1 handed to our
direct to I be !'-
entire year.
;o to
Tragedy Brings
Strange Stones
of Old Residence
Place of Friday's Tragedy Has Be
fore Been Scene of Death and
Buried Money.
A Death in the Family i
is all that would keep a lot of people
from attending the Legion dance in
Plattsniouth Saturday night. Crowd
is getting bigger all the time. I
tragedy of Friday
one of the worst in
seventy years of the
has brought in its
interesting stories of the
room house that has in
Many Cars
Louis Murbee. the distributor for
the IMirant and Star cars, has been
meeting with excellent success in
his sales, and has disposed of some
live ears since accepting the agency,
two weeks ago. The last car. which
was a sedan, went to the county seat,
where these cars are sold by 'Hill '
dorder, an enterprising young man.
. - m w" bad a customer for this ptrticu-
school o:i Tuesday morning of this
J. V. Wilson has been painting the
Cunning garage building on upper i
Main street and making the plate
look line for its occupant. Mr. (Jilbert
Hull, tiie genial mechanic and aer
vi e man.
Mrs. W. A. Taylor who has been
very poorly lor the past week, was
able to he out on last Monday and
visited her daughter. M va. Charl.:
lloback. north of I'nion. for it tiir.--on
las! Monday afternoon.
A. II. Howler, of Weeping Water,
a representative of the Cole Motor
company, was a visitor in I'nion for
a short time on hist Monday after
noon, where he was looking after
some business matters for the coni
pa ny.
J. C. Niday who was injured in
one of the knees last week, and who
was very lame since then, was able
to be about town on a pair of
crutches and is showing some Im
provement, and is hoping to be bet
ter soon.
Oilbeit Hull, tliH garage man. who
keeps his eyes open, was able to re
cover one of the stolen cars which
was left on the highway near I'nion
last Sunday, and returned it to the
ow ner,' which netted this gentleman
a lew dollars as reward.
Little Sylvia and Mildred With
row. the. daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
lar model and so Mr. Hurhee allowed
I Mr. dorder to take it, securing an
I other in its place. Mr. Murbee went
to Omaha after the other car right
High School Commencement
Arrangements have been completed
for the holding of the commencement
exercises at the closing of the school
year, the same to be given at the
Woodman hall on the evening of May
17th. beginning promptly at S:to
lo'ilock. U. W. Katoii, of Omaha, a
i . ...
most gltted spcalier, win give
principal address.
Will Preach Baccalaureate
The class of 1!12S have signalized
their desire to have the Kev. W. A.
Taylor deliver the baccalaureate ser
mon to the class, and which has been
accepted by that eminent speaker.
The class will in no way be disap
pointed in the excellent treat which
they will receive in the address which
they are t get. Kev. Taylor is more
competent to deliver and. with the
very pleasing manner of his delivery
as well as the worth-while thoughts
which he will leave for those who are
to go out into the world, they are
most fortunate in their selection of
a speaker of his ability.
The terrible
night that was
the more than
city's history.
wake many
little three
the liiist h en the scene of oth
tragic deaths and buried treasure.
Old residents of that part of the
city recall that a great many years
ago the then occupant, of the house
had ended his life by shooting him
self with :i shotgun, the suicide oc
curring in the same room where the
shooting of last Friday afternoon oc
curred. This incident had been for
gotten until the recent tragedy re
vived the memories of the residents
of that section of the city as to the
suicide of the long ago.
It is also stilted that when tl"
former owner of the property, Mrs.
Hill ia n moved to the place she was
engaged in cleaning up the yard and
on having a stump removed from the
yard discovered some $SM buried in
the tree stump and which had evi
dently Iceti placed there years before
its the tree stump was decaying with
the ravages of time. This money was
later placed in the First National
bank and where the greater part was
lost in the failure of the hank in
The history of the home seems to
be one of sorrow and disaster and
what is left of the structure is now
pretty well wrecked by the search
after the $1.00(1 that the last owner
of the house reported that he bad
buried there.
the quality group of
all built by
7Ire$totte i
. it
Making Good Progress
The ditching for the installation of
the water system for the hustling city
of I'nion has been completed and oa
last Monday afternoon, the mathinc
which was used for the Work, was
loaded on a car for ship tietit to the
next place where this company will
install ii system. The ot! er work,
which iiu hides laying of the mains
and installation of water i;: the var
ious residences and business house.;
of I'liion. is now progressing. The
water was turned on Monday for a
test of the mains, which withstood
i the pressure very well, except for a
few le:ks that are being corrected.
Kverything will be tested out thor
oughly before covered up.
llate h
29 x ..10. J1
U $23
:,;x4.0,2I 31x5.2321
SQ55 $iy95
30x3". Regular 29 x V0'21
SGJ95 $yi0
30x3- Regular 29x4.-1021
$65 Sg05
Better design and construction
priced below usual for such
quality. Real mileage built-in
our complete service gets it
J Earl Merritt Very Poorly
Karl Merritt. the painter and
rator. has been suffering verv
for the past week from an attack of
pneumonia, which has kept this ex
cellent gentleman at his home and
con tined to his bed for some time.
(The best of care is being given to
the patient in the way of nursing and
'medital attention, and it is hoped
that he will soon he on the road to
'good health again.
Robbers Again at Union
I'.urglars again visited the hustling
city of I'nion last week and seem to
think there is a crop of things to be
had for the mere coming and getting
t hem every few weeks. This time
they visited the store of A. L. Hecker
and (".ill Hull, the garage man. They
did not get away with very much,
but their continued breaking and en
tering is very exasperating.
The state department had some
bloodhounds here to see if they could
run down the thieves, but were not
able. Someone who probably thought
the dog of Mrs. Mabel K. Kevnolds
might be in the way of another rob
bery, shot ami killetl her dog, and
have removed from the city a good
dog and a friend of evervhodv in
Krnm 'el tiesita v's Pally
Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock
the 12.000 bushel elevator at South
Heud. owned by Cien Weaver was
found tf be on fire and before tin'
ravages of the flames could be creak
ed the structure was completely des
t roved.
At the time t.f the lire a box car
was heing loaded with wheat and all
hut L'OO bushels of the carload had
been placed in the cur when the blaze
was discovered by the father of Mr.
Weaver, the blaze being fust noticed
011 the voof of the elevator. The fire
had evidently burned up through the
siding of the elevator from the en
gine room and when found had gain
ed aich a headway that it was impos
sible to check as there is no fire fight
ing equipment at the town aside from
the old time bucket brigade.
It is thought that the tire was
Caused from an exhaust of the gas
engine used in the operation of the
elevator, hut this has not as yet been
defi.Mtelv fixed as the cause of tiie
The 1 11 load of grain standing on
the track i;ar the elevator va? saved
from destruction by the prompt ac
tion of the driver of a telegraph line
repair truck that was near the scene
of the lire, the drivel of the huge
truck hitching onto the ear and be
ing able to move it sufficiently to get
it in the clear of the fire.
we save you money
serve you better.
Ralph Pearsley
Union, Neb.
Visited Here Last Week
Mrs. J. iik Lawthers. of South Da
kota, who was a guest at the home
of Mr. und Mrs. Y. 11. Mark while
in I'nion and who with Mr. and Mrs.
Mark visited in 1'Iattsmouth on last
Saturday, wijere all were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge
. 1 in k , later ucparieu tor her Home in
the north after having enjoyed a very
phasant visit while here.
Cass County News
you are interested in Cass coun-l
l-'ruiii Wednesdays Pally
The state supreme court has grunt
ed a rehearing in the ea-e of Lorenz
Leiner vs. the C. 15. & Q. Kailroad.
Jin action for damages. This case was
decided in the district court in favor
of the uefendant railroad and then
ippealeq to the state supreme court
by the plaintiff where a hearing be
fore one division of the state commis
sion resulted 111 the case being r--mandr'd
for a new trial. The supreme
court has ordered the rehearing of
the case against the railroad company.
Mother's Cay of Candy at the
Bates Book Store. We wrap them
fcr mailing free cf charge.
.00; !:;ir,jt;iry to l.."0;
s: 1
rug. $10.00; ore
()o( S al congol
'2.1 library tables,
?id mahogany li-
',; buffets, $10 to
lofol l for LT . U ;
and :1.1' : h ;
, !i ; two Vict rolas,
! ;f::.1; live dining
.(1-1: (lining nni: i
1 1 1 1 y roclers
;,i i ; t w i'ty bei. ,
e-ijiiavter siz.', 1
I ci ,1 bed Sprin.'.:::,
six exceptionally
v used mattresses,
ots and sln
porch chairs
Neh'awka Women
Denies Charge of
Disputed Check
Claims She Bid Not Sign Check and
Was not At Nebraska City
en That Day.
and rocKers; bi-iakiast cupooan
hi:i:i cabinets; kitchen tahinets, kit
chen tables; oil stoves; cook stoves;
laundry stoves, ot--.
See these good,: at 122-12 1 North
tith street, first :ti i 1! i ii;-T south of
Telephone Kxehi! t :-v.
Telephone 645.
in ('
. t
vent took place
; Wednesday, May
.ople are from this
roamb-d by many
Uayniond Grauf and
1'ri.e were joined in
v were accompanied to
by M is. John Han -.l
11 nson. as witnesses,
e t!.eir future home i'l
(li iuf is working t
very pleas-11
( inicii i'.luli
Tiie young 1
and are sn
friends.. Me.
Miss Muriel
wi dlock. 'l"h
Council HlulTs
ai d Miss Irene
They will jn-tU
Omaha as Ml.
Swift Co
Wedae-day evniiig at the hone
of Mr. and Mrs K1 Krohell and
children. (II 11 and Thejma. ibe wed
ding was ceb brat, d by the relatives
of Mr. (irauf. Those who attended
er- Mr. and Mrs. (lien Campbeil
and son. Koh. rt. Mr. and Mrs. .Jam s
Conn and children. Alfred, Frank
and linrlan. Mrs. Frank Craul' and
Mr. Lee Criml". all of this ciiy
?lr. ami Mis. John Hanson ;md
du n. U. lbeit. Kvt lyn and Irene.
Mr. Clyde Hi nil mm :'iid Mr.
I ! i i,d in. 1 11 all of Omaha.
. and
1 t
On Friday evening. May 4 1 h at Sj
o'clock our regular club inciting was 1
called to order by tin- president, j
Homer Spangler. We opened ou.'j
meeting by singii-g Am.-ri-a and civ-,
ing our club yells. Alter the buines
meeting, our lender. John H. Kaffen-;
beig'-r, owner of the I'eeibss Stock!
farm, took charge and gave us in-
struct ions on the kid and how to ar- j
range -uir hog house. He has soni" j
very interesting things for u-- in the;
future. Mich as jading and demon-I
straiion teams. William Wt enkamp. j
Jr. joined our club. We have nin" ,
members now. ' i
Parents and fiiends are Welcome'
to attend these ne t tings. Next meet - j
ing will lie May 1Mb at the Menard '
Although she denied that.' she had
presented the disputed check for
payment tit the Hi intzelinan store
last week, Mrs. Tillie Schwartz, tall
and rather attractive wife of a
county farmer, was bound over for
Itiai in district court. The hearing
was held hi. fore Judge John M.
Iherks, county court.
Mrs. Schwartz furnished bond for
$.100. with Willi im Hoback, a neigh
bor as surety.
Mrs. Heinteimai! testified that
Mis'. Schwartz was the woman who
had jut sen ted the chtck, ?10.7;1 and
signed with the name of Mrs. S. S.
Wilson, for payment; that she had
cash";! the chtck and given the
money to Mrs. Schwartz.
Mr.;. Schwartz testified that she did
not sign the check and had never
seen it before. Sh te.;ti!h(l that, slu'
not in M br.'eka City on the day
in question, detailing to the court
what, she had done about her home.
Harold Wait!, hind man for the
Schwartz family, declared that Mrs.
Sell wart, was at home. Harold Hud
son, a neighbor, testified, too, that
Mrs. Schwartz was home and Mrs.
X-Hie Maugey. Union, said she had
talked over the telephone to Mrs.
Schwartz both in the morning and
afternoon. Adolph Ross, owner of
the hind tilled by Schwartz, said he
had seen the defendant about, the
premises several times during the
Mrs. S. S. Wilson. Nebraska City,
testified that siie hud not signed the
check in question.
On a previous occasion Mrs:
Schwartz pleaded guilty to a frrgery
charge and since that time had been
relart d on parole. To County At
torney Heinke, who holds more than
a dozen checks carrying the same
handwriting. Mrs. Schwartz admit
tt d writing several pieces of the
"bad paper," but emphatically de
clared she had not written the check
on which the prcra-ut complaint was
based. Nebraska City News-Press.
WISH sraa glre a Peiasay
Its LIS?
IT costs one cent more per chick to feed Purina
Poultry Chows for the first six weeks than
to feed uncertain unbalanced mixtures. Ox Uie
chicks fed average mixtures 50 die. Purina
saves 905. It costs a lot more to let chicrs
die than to save them. The best feed ycu can
buy is by far the cheapest- You can save a
cent or a life. Which will it be?
Phone us your answer.
Just cay
'I vcint Purina. Chick
H. Nl. SoennicTisen
The Store vith the Checkerboard Sign
-5 1 SORTIV ft CW
,F3 "'i CAY ClfCK-J
-m writ Kit K"3 irn !.:::. :kjB V5"V-li-'-' -
y v WM w mi i&i '
Communit v
w US'
it- .
Workers IMnwer club n
nesday a!'t''ii.'on, Miiy 1'. Mi":-"
Lt pel t a .-si.--! i d Mrs. J;inn
on Wed
Leport in en I ei t ;i i u i n ; this lar;
;it T I i l'.ome of the latter.
Fifteen members and several visi
tors were piesent. One new member
w;is aild. d to the roll.
An interesting business meeting
was h'ld. then a p'v-gram. coni tin;
of varieiis I'etuling and songs per
tiiining to Arbor day and Mo'her'
day w;is reiidt -red. after which
suniptuou.: luiu-h' or. w;is St ived, th
de'iciousnes of which none can pre
pare ( well as there delightful hes
t es !i'S.
All" 'li";i hardy Nebraska and North
ern Wi'"," pure. $10 to $14.."0 !'.n.,
Iniroved Keids ellow Dent. Silve.--Mine,
and !0 day. ear $2.7.".. bu: IV.ry
er Hut SI. 7.".; Sv,-,-t Clov r .".."o;
Cane. $1.!I0; Kafiir. SI.!'i: Mill. -.
$2.1.": Soy n.ans. Sudan t"."'! cwt.
Ka)e 12: late Kural I'uliitoes pi lilt
ing $1.7,".; Katin sack $2.o0. John
son P.ros. Neb. Citv. lt."
Pretests T!nase 3ea?a4i5Hl Nev Stockings
From Rain Drops!
From Muddy Water!
More Serviceable
More Beautiful
More Durable
1 1;
1 Will b" received a
of Publi - Works in
lit I.iiHoIt!. Nebraska, r
!'2s, in til in :oo o'i lo
af tint time public
Sealed id
Stale l!oni
June 1st. 1
;. tit., and
o;e;!.'l ar.l re-:i l'e
ing surface on the
highway No. 7." ;.
rit-r between Plar
The atniroxiin-,
:'.12i Sq. Y.Is li-nk Asphalt
Wearing Surfai e
Plans and spe- i ii al i ins for t h
'!", -s
l a u
; ies ;
w i ; : l
C. S'-
Pial ;
i I'oi
w I '
ii at
lnioi'!:',."!1 rei
Vt I
Henry Kaufman's
Auto Shop
I have opened an Auto Repair
Shop in the 0. K. Garage Build
ing on Washington Avenue.
The best service and courte
ous treatment extended to all.
Prices reasonable
factioa guaranteed.
and satis-
Henry J. Kaufman
Ch-rk. at Phutsn
tl.e office of til"
pillion. Nebraska. .
the D variii'.i :n o:
Lineoln. Nebraska.
j The s-lvcessiill 1
(Uirtd to furnish b
equal lo 1 "It r; of !.
I Certified t he. ks
, t Ii" 1 )e:c.u i r..e::t u"
net l:ss than tiv- ;
tiie amount of th
! This work mu-t i e st a
to June 1 " th. 1 !2S. and
l y July 1st. 1?2S.
' The right is re.-trved
techuicalitit s and rejec
D" pa:
P.y ':.'
r. i
of t!
. N
iv Chile at I
a; the office
uhli.' Works
a -of
r '
will ho re-
rd ir. ati amount
is contract. . ;
made payable t'
public Works iVr
r cent " r- -f
hid will be re-
r.e-i previous
be completed
to waive
t ar.y or
: ; .mknt )K
I.. Cecil ran.
oko. n. SAYI.P.S.
Co. C!tM"'k. Cass vT-tv.
Co. Clerk, Sarpy couaty.
Silk Stockings
Protected from Rain and Muddy Water
J0W if ycu splash through puddles
I of rain and plush or have the ex
pedience pictured above happen to you,
you r.eed havs no fear cf getting vour
iresh silk stockings ruined for the (fay
with raud.
P.ain does not stay on the new Dex
daie "F.epello'5 stocking's. Such muddy
wntcr as dees cliug- wipes eft' readily.
What a boon to today's fastidious
from the silk strands of these wonder
ful stockings. For many washings your
Ecpellos" are protected from unsight
ly spotting in wet or slushy weather.
De:da!e "Hepellos" wear longer, laun
der more easily, have a more even qual
ity and a truer color than other hosiery
many times their price.
Ask to see the Dexdale "P.epello"
racking in service weight, sheer and
cmffon. Come in all fashionable color?.
At the Hosiery counter.
A new process repels rain and dirt
On Sale Exclusively ci
Tke Store of Big Valnet
y '