PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WHEEL? JOTTRNAL PAGE THPXE A i Mig! ! !:is T : 1 1 1 : ' ! i i . ( c -lattsmcyTb journal i:2JkjSS Stra-WTLTLT AT FLiTTSSIOUTH. EIBSASZi K-.-4 t Hniutv-t :..s.ttrr.our 3. no. urcal-clm i;. A. 3ATE5, Publisher Ah,..:,-HHI-lcal 6.' nr. 1 L.i? fN DVAIiCI Perh ips the Republicans decided on IVss as the keynote speaker to see if he would have anyhing to si.y for hinnclf. :o: Pari- is being flooded with German heei. hut American tourists probably so artistic hut no less human. Tin i HOUSE CLEANING 1 SPRING TIME NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The world will not .soon forg4i Sam Walter Foss and l is "House by .sprint; when even SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska. C-ounty of (.'a- KS. will relieve the situation before it prelude goes this way: h .comes dangerous. :o: We presume that prohibition will lave ) -ached perfect enforcement when the ") 'Vi 1 on i ; characters in c!i inking gin. :o: the modern i h. r h'.Wl: c I " 11. : : , : w i ;-mi:u w 1 P.iti-m c ds i; her Mil I .it - ' hi. fall. 1! 1 1 :- v ...1 n uck i- lr :' l l a i ; . IVtmsylva ::ia will have no prefer on! i::l presidential candidates. Pcr haps these think it would be safer to keep out of that state. : o : .1" k Uempsey enjoys wild west a:id (! te"tive stores, fays a sports v riter. Why doesn't he subscribe to a t-ouph- of Chicago newspapers'.' We have the candidate for Pres ident. Hi 's a justice of the peace in an clear "Clean vour house, your shed, An' clean yer barn in every part; Hut brush the cobwebs out o' yer head. And sweep the snowbank? from yer hearts." th ii . i . i :, I w: : : t ii .'1 ,!i !- hank ' ere; -ii in nr i k. !: i dying : mpai'u 'ic:i- ping OUT has . i KM tig hd with his own. Argentina is spitting make a heart uninhabitable! Just marry either Miss Cobwebs or Mr. Snowbanks and you will ind it heroic to resist suicide. Wiggam. the best-sler scientist, defines a conservative as one who thinks nothing: should be done the first time; and a radical as one whojtm-y hesitate to recommend it should be done after I menus: m spring, i ne p.inci,... Ti,.,n u ;ih o-..,,,i oi.tiu. rending lor cninynn-in s a spirits ! ists bloom, why not when is on the pumpkin anil the ow icoai s. at f)tiivt. of tne Department of ! iii hoik? Confirmed readers, at the public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. outset, say they read because they like to read. If r.nly they could hold l to this bright and shining ideal, all 'would be well. It is only by imper- the Department of Public Works for! le degnes that they draw up a not less tnan nve per ceni ii),t I oi tne amount oi tne niu win ne re- of said day, at the south front door of the court house, in the City of I'Jattsnioutn. rsebraska. in said oun- Spriiig is we hope, here; gladsome Sealed bids will be received at the ient l'cparimeni oi runnc v orss in me Sf:ite House sit Lincoln. Nebraska. I Uv virtu .r rm Or.u.r ,.r ..i the Side of the Road." Iuit he has devotee of culture for its own sake mj M.(y 1Sth lf,28t until i0:00 sued by Colda Noble Real. Clerk of composed another melody, not quite fights off. lethargy by reading a novel o'clock a. in., and at that time pub- the District Court, within and for wherein the hero marries the girl licly opened and read for placing ap- 'Uss countv, Nebraska, and to m. ,,11 vi,,., K,n,ifl nrin- Proximately f, 1 cu. yds. of sand gravel;, nrM.,eif i Mm ou the 2nd .lay cf , . . surfacing material on U. S. Highway June. A. D. 1928. at 10 o'clock a. in. cipie ne appneu omy in sjonm. i. No. 7; through Union, Nebraska. noval can revive the drooping Plans and specifications for the when vio'ets first in the flor- work may be seen and information the frost s(-CUIf-(1 at tne oflice of the iountytv Keu at pn,yu. aucti.n to the higl ieiK ax riausniouoi. euiasKa. or ,.s, homer for i-hk.i the lot ou n- re:. 1 estate, to-wit : The south half If1-. I of Lot OUtSei. SUV they read because llicy i lie mito-wiui uiuuei win ue ,r- quired to iurnisn nonu in an amount equal to 100 T, of his contract. Cert Hi d checks made payable to Cobwebs and snowbanks! What things thev are to clutter a soul and.ccpti.d i . t. ei . ritviPTjnn fit re::dinir. I .ieii tnev it an Hiawatha. Kas.. and he paid th. d-Miiiu.-s on an automobile in which ' believes nothing ... . ii... r.-.-t ; m v.... v.r. i n n.e-,.r it en - ""i inm. I he approves and commends the lib jeral who conserves the best of tin fire in the past and insists on the good possibil leairue at C cue va . 1 t i es of the tuture. members it knows' Measured by this yardstick Il.iftrine ' Webs and i mysteriou Strang-j -Slay tueie i... t,..-, home. Like (irant. at tru- loot oi tne for culture's sake to keep up with the latest books, or some other shib boleth. What pains they endure in the ordeal were worthy of a better cause. Nor, when a book is no un intelligible as to be "significant" do to of or It the I merely ' might ' vear. ake. to kill time, is reinstate well be adhered to all quired. This work must be started pre vious to June 1st. 1928. and be com puted by June lath. 1928. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities and reject anv or all bids. DF.PARMENT OF Pl'I!- LIC WORKS. It L. COCHRAN, ! State Engineer, i CEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk, Cass County. one (Ii and two -' in I:lu. k t wetity-nine 29i in Vour.g and Hays' Addition to the City of Piattsniouth, Cass county, Ne The same being levied uixiti and I taken as the property of Laura ivter json. defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, rwuvcri-J by liUn Copp. plaintiff against said defend ant. Plattsmouth. Nebrahka. April 24th, A. 1 1. 1!'2V PERT REED. Sheriff Cass Com. ty, Nebra-ka. meetint; of ami assures the the Cob- nowhere and Meats it a er with which it wi tanee. Wi II, Well. ies no aciiuain- leC i " v. ; C p' j: i ! it.! i i -. . . !( . d i !). 111. Am !! . v. e-Al Th l. the or. I (111'! t should be some system in ani.ation f the democratic eei.rial committee, and we !.. pe t(. see Chairman Capwell corn pit te it A chairman, secr-tary and treasurer should he selected, and a ;i ii.-Ju- - i . is; OUt k'e t ribu i ol ail the money funds in and !. The party friends who con To 'he campaign would like i J t i 1 1 kn Who f.' e t - I of the ,-a' i ; ; end- i e the moiiev, and at , paign ilemizt-d :o:- Mts. Ri.s-. fi 'i nter governor of Wy Hi-.'- i, trettine- :,!, from some of sel f-disci pi i IK IS..!. ;.ir.. m I'.-s-ii ii:ir. : l-.iirK-r lady ad-- .i number iria favoring f'iend.s because sh of spt-eches in Cal Covernor Al Smith v. il. cur. I fe j :.;p. f.-r N-h-r n ali f. r piesident. Now from infancy up w- have bet n taught that this is a government favoring free speech and free v rri'ory. and no woman has any !i::hr to pour hot shot into another ,V.-oinali. t.eca she is not of til' -a me opi i. :i , I ;.-1. ! Ms r Deiore liKe t -it n tiis snow-wnite porcelain enamel s wif t- c o oking ! e J 'v&TTin... "..111...- r, -, tV P'"m -'e.- t- class at West I'oint, wlio boasted of holding that position for the whole collegiate quadrennium. With more attention given to his studies Gen eral Grant, with his natural genius, would have been a great-r military hader. Mental house chaning is perfectly in order every day the sun rises. To rearrange one's mental furniture, af ter the bringing in of a ikw niece, is an appropriate performance wheth er the birds a:- -inging spring mat ins or fall vesper?. And clean the windows. fir?t. Noth- . ling mor uinicuit. wuiy i ne cie;.ns : of self-dis-ciniiiK will turn the trick. Prejudice will taud a deal jf scruh biiig. Ignorance is worse than ' a sewer. Iiigoiry is not cast out by prayer ami Tasting. Put with dirty windows nothing is s-tn truly and the whole house is bit in darkness. Dust the carpets thoroughly- (things you have been walking on for years, ethics and custom and relig ion and philosophy. When did you last air them? So far as science is concerned every January needs an in troduction to every Iecraber. One year works a change of incognizabil ity. And your philosophy of life is huilt on scientific premises or it is void. Dust your understandings then to a frazzle. Fix a cozy coiner for friendship. Dust an easy chair for inspiration. Polish up the statuary of dreams. Just-undtr the bay window of your soul set out sonie rambler roses and a little aspiring arbutus. Get a .new pot of idea bulbs and watch them sprout and grow. Thow fear out in to the ash-can, anil., selfishness and can't and pride. : o : have any jam on their faces, which Waxt to see the most won derful oil ranqe ever built? Go' to your dealer's and look at the new, snow-white porcelain enamel Perfection he his on display! Sec its 27 motk-rn features. S.e how swiftly ic cooks. Note that it burns oil, the rafe economical fuel. Full porcelain enamel finis'i. New design Grouped burners Built-irTiive heat oven. .Ise. 24 If the trumpet give an uncer tain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? St. Paul. j The Republicans seem to be the I only party in general agreement up , on an issue for the presidential cam ! paign. They believe in corruption; j or at least that part of them not 1 actually engaged in its condone it as a convention, which amounts to the ! same thing. So that fixes the Republicans. They are all ready to nominate some body and have a campaign. The Democrats art' not so well off. . They are at the disadvantage of not having any jam on their facesfi which I always enables bad little boys to ! stand together. They can only point : o : - AH local news is in the Journal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Stat- Nebraska. Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Mar garet V. Livingston, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: I ORDER In the District Court of the Coun i ty ol Cass. Nebraska. I Philip Thierolf. Plaintiff, vs. Liv ' ing.-ton Loan Ruilding Association, ! Defendant. I Now on this 2vth day of April. I l!v. this, cause came on for hearing j upon the application of S S. Davis, Receiver, for an order fixing the time ! for tiling claims auainst the Livinp 1 : toil Loan & Ruilding Association,. You are her by notified, that I will and the giving of notic e thereof, sit at the County Court Room in I And it appearing that such an Plattsmouth, in said County, on May j order should b- entered and notn e 21st. and August "j. 1JCS. at j thereof given: in o'clock a. m.. each day to iecive jt js therefore Ordered, that all and examine all claims against said ' persons having claims against the estate, with a v;.-w to their adjust-. Livingston Loan A.- liuiiding Associa-iiK-jit and allowance. Th-- time limit- j t ion shall file proof of su h claim, ed for the presentation of claims' duly verified in the office of the Re against said estate is thre mont hs , v ,.r ,jn or i,..f(,re the 27h day of from tin- 21st day of M;y. A. D. June, 12V I.2S. and th time limited f' t pay- j I: i- further Ordered, that all ment of deb's i one year from said liaim not lii'd by said time s.hall be 21"T day of May. !2.-. forever barred. Witness my hand and the s al of f j.; ll2rther Ordered, that notice said County Court this 21st day of (lf ,ne time and filing of claims shall April. l!2i. I be given to all persons interested by (Seal t-a2::-4w A. II. DFXRURY ( 'otitit v J udire. i Th ty. ss. In th. In the liam M. NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nebraska, Cass ooun- Oounty Court. matter of the estate of Wil Rurk, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsniouth, in said county, on the 17th day of May, 102S. and on the l&th day of August, 102S. at 10:00 ('clock a. in., of each day. to receive and examine all tlainis against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. Tiie time lim ited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 17th day of May. A. I). 1!,'2S. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 17th day of May. 1H2S. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this i:2th day of April. 1928. A. H. DFXRURY. (Seal alC-lw County Judge. puhiicat ion of this order in the plaits mouth Journal, for three successive weeks, commencing with the issue o April ::o, i:2S. I!v the Court. JAMES T. REG LEY. Judge of the Distrht Court. a:!o-M w. NOTICE of Hearing Petition f bate of Will. r Pro- SHERIFF'S SALE SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass. ss. beat indicator.. One of H 4 J new models.$i7.5 to $I54;- This range is one of 2 4 new Perfection models all swift-rooking ... light colored... beautiful. All finished either in porcelain enamel or in Pcrfectoh.c, a new, durable lacquer. You'll miss something if you don't see theie n-w stoves! Ry virtu' of an Order of Sale is sued by Col. la Noble Real. Clerk of the District Court within and f-r 'ict; criintv Vi liMwL-a :mil tl Tlio! ppfi ui, jeiejiiiaii is, tu ru.iii a urtire ot foreclosure ana judgment oi me District Court of Cass county, Ne State of Nebraska, County of Cass ss. Ry virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Colda Noble Real, Clerk of tin District Court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di reeled. 1 will on the l!th day of Mav. A. D. 192$, at the hour of 10:uo a. m. of said day, at the south front door of the courthouse of tht City of Plattsmouth, in said county sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: The southwest quarter t SW ) of the northwest quar ter I.V1VV4) of Section twenty 2 (t i , Township twelve (12), North. Range twelve (12), East of the fith P. M.. Cas-s county. Nebraska, subject to a prior mortgage lien in the sum of 33.01mi.m0, of record against said premises and accrued interest t hereon the same being levied upon and taken as the property of Emrna L. Spence La5y -w ay to l-cv. Y'irir a;t(r and u til rn - ,' t ; " '"' JtmoiiilTiite rt: hew ituiei or )0N, uf.-y ofi.' if It'Lltl on tj p icrms. 1 .7 c: t: F E F, TIT TdT5 fi IN Oil Burning Oc Pe R F E ctiok Stove Company, St. Paul, Minnesota j to the jam all over the front facades of the other fellows, j Rut that is negative. The Repr.b i lican belief in corruption is better j campaign strategy, because it is posi j tive. Let us take the last campaign, j The Republicans were for prosperity, j The Democrats took a negative posi tion. They tried to qualify that. The I result was a walkover for the posi tive. They are good politicians, the Re publicans. They are not saying a word about how corrupt they are. That would be negative. They will let the Democrats talk about it. i St. Louis Post-Dispatch. :o: President Coolidge, praising An drew Jackson when a stature of old j Hickory was accepted in Washing i ton called him a pioneer, patriot, j general, and statesman "who left the treasury with a surplus." And here we'd been thinking all this time that Andrew Jackson was a Democrat. :o: An inventor has made an ink that l fades out after a few davs Just the j thing for those who want to avoid A. bt each of promise suits, but do you j think the man will make hla mark j t with that? Ja2 direct d. I will on the 2nd day June. A. D. 192S. at 1 o'i lock a. m.. of said day. at the south front door of th- court house in the City of Plattsmouth. N-hr.. in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash the following real state, to-wit: Lots 4. ', and '. in RIock U. in th- City of Plattsmouth. Ne braska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. Cass county. Nebras ka The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Dr. O. San din et al. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by The Standard Savings A.- Loan Asso ciation, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. April 24th. A. D. 1!'2.V PERT REED. SherifT Cass County, Nebraska. braska. recovered by the Conservative Mortgage Company, a Corporation, plaintiff against said defendants. Ph ttsmouth. Nebraska, April 14th, A. D. 19 2S. RERT REED, Sheriff of Cass county, Nebraska. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. Ry virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 26th day of May A. D. 192S, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day at the South Front Estate No. A-299 of James Fogerty also known as James Fogarty, de ceased, in the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that H. M. Soennichsen has filed his petition al leging that James Fogerty also known as James Fogarty died intes tate in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on or about Febiuary 2Cth, 1907, being a resident and inhabitant of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, and the owner of the following described real estate, to wit: Lot three (3). in Block one hundred seventy-one (171) in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska leaving as his sole and only heirs at In the County Court of ( as co-m-i y. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of S.itii ('. Smith, deceased. TIk State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs will take n.tlie that R. H. Thames, guardian oi Viola ;. Smith. Incompetent, has hl l hi.- ;,. n tion herein, together with a duly au thenticated copy of ti.. u:ll of Sam (i. .smith, deceu-ed. and th j,'o bale thereof by tbe Coin, t Court (f Hale county, Texas, all-gii.g ' at said Sam C,. Smith departed thi '. testate on the 2nd day o: Noven.ter, 192G. then a resident of H.ib- o.ui.'y,, and then th- owner of r-a 1 estate situated in Cas ouf.'. Ne braska. The prayer of said petition is tla? upon said hearing the hael duly au thenticated copy of the will of --aid Sam C. Smith, deceased, and ot the probate thereof by the (.unt four: of Hale county. Texa. be duly ad mitted to probate in the fnur.ty Court of Cass county, Nebraska, and th.t Frank R. Oobelman be appointed ad ministrator of said estate with the will annexed. It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 1Mb day of May. A. I). 192h, at ten o'clock a. m , to show cause, if any there be. why the pray er or the petitioner should riot be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and that th hearing thereof be iven to al! per sons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this (irder in the Plattsmouth Journal, a n'mi weekly newspaixr printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said court, this lMh day of April. A D. 1 52i' A. II. DUXLURY. County Judge Cass County, Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of CaH, PS. i.l.... . . , ilw. rv-m.'t IIn:iGi in til C itV of Plattsmouth. Nebiaska. in said w- the following named persons, to sell at public auction to the . T Fogerty and Josephine Fogerty, County ' highest bidder for cash the fcdlowin described real estate to-wit: Ail of the east half of the northeast quarter and the east oik- half, of the west one half, of the northeast quarter of Sec tion Tw.nty-nine (29) Town ship Eleven (11) Range Eleven (11) east of the six principal meridian in ('ass County, Ne braska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Fred Neben, his children and praying for a decree barring claims; that said decedent died in testate; that no application for ad ministration has been made and the state of said decedent has not been taken as the -property administered in the State of Nebras-1 Ohrist and Austin S. Christ Ry virtue of an Order of Sale issued bv Golda Noble Real, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cus county, Nebraska, and to me direct ed, I will on the 12th day of May. A. D. 192&, at 10 o'clock a. m.. or said day at the south front door of the court house, in the City of Platts mouth. Nebraska, in said county, h 11 at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following real estate, to-wit: South 4R feet of Lots one (1 and two (2). Rio k Thirty-Six (3fi), Original City or Platts mouth. Nebraska; also that part of Lots six (C), seven (7) and eight (8). in Rlo k twenty-nine (29), in Young and Hayes Ad dition to the City of Plattsmouth. described as follows: Commenc ing at the northeast corner of Ix)t eight (M in said Rlotk twenty-nine (29). Young and Hayes Addition, running thence west along the south line of tin alley passing through said blo k east and west, 170 feet ami 3 incheR, thence south CZ feet, thence east parallel with the south line of said block to the east line of lilock twenty-nine (29). thence north 5 feet to place of beginning, being the North 6 5 feet of Lots seven (7) and eight (8), and the North C5 feet of the East half of Lot six (C) and the vacated alley in Block 29, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast cor ner of Lot 6, Block 29, Young and Hayes Addition, running thence south 65 feet, theme east 14 feet to the west line of Lot seven (7). thence north along the West line of Lot seven (7), 65 feet to the northwest corner of said lot, thence West 14 feet to the place of beginning, all In Block Twenty-Nine C29). in Young and Hayes Addition to the City of Plattsmouth. as sur veyed, platted end recorded. Ca- county, Nebraska The same beinr levied upon and of Carrie K. defend- ka, and that the heirs at law of said ants, to satisfy a Judgment of sai l decedent as herein set forth shall be decreed to be the owners in fee sim ple of the above described real es- defendants, to satisfy a judgment of tate, which has been set for hearing said Court recovered by John Mor- on the 14th day of May, A. D. 1928, ris nlnintiff. neninst said defendant. , lit 10 o'clock a. m. Plattsmouth, I). 1928. Nebraska, April 18th BERT REED, I Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 11th day of April. A. D. 1928. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) County Judge. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney. Court recovered by The Standard Savings & Loan Association, of Oma ha, Nebr., plaintiff against said de fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. April 6, A. D. 1928. BERT RCED. Sheriff Cass county. By Nebraska. REX YOUKQ. Deputy Sheriff. u9-5w -4 w