The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 09, 1928, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1?28.
iage four
Greenwood Pep&rtaienti
Prepared in ihe Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity
All kinds hatching every week.
They are going fast. Better get
at Wavcrly where he had taken C.
H. KirkDatrick for a visit with
Miss Margaret Kelly was very sick
last week on account of a severe at
tack of the grippe, but with careful
medical treatment and the very best
of nursing was reported as being
much improved during the latter por-
nrrlr in cn ae trk K Slirf tion Of the Week.
7 l 1 A fire of last Tuesday during the
Of getting them When you tjme or the very high winds burned
Want them. Prices afe right! the barn of AWn Adams northwest
U( uitriinuuui aiiu cuiaiicu a fi lui.
loss both in the buildings consumed
as well as the grain which was burn
ed and destroyed which in the end
entailed a large loss.
Lawrence Coleman the seventeen
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Niles
O. Coleman, who has been so ill with
bronchial trouble for some time past
is reported as being better at this
time. Their daughter at Lincoln, is
eesly Hatchery
2 miles East of Greenwood on
the Louisville road.
Mrs. Joseph Clymer was kept to
her home and bed for a number of
days last week on account of a very
revere attack of the flu.
John Armstrong of Lincoln was
a visitor in Greenwood for the day
on last Wednesday, driving over to
the hustling city in his auto.
Miss Feru Dolbow was having a
severe tussle with the flu last week
and at the latter end of the week
was reported as being much improv
ed. Robert Bourk and wife moved last
wfik from the place where they have
been living to the Dasher house,
where they will make their home in
the future.
P. A. Bennett and wife, accom
panied by their daughter. Miss Freda
of Lincoln, were visting for the day
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mr. C. K. Calfee.
Douglas, the little. three year old
Fon r.f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman,
who has been so seriously ill for
fr,e time is reported as being some
bettr at this time.
Miss Catherine Coleman and sister,
Mrs. Ella Marshall , the latter of
Ashland were visiting and looking
aft'-r some shopping in Omaha last
Tuesday, they making the trip via
the Lus.
J. C. Currah of Lincoln, the father
cf Mrs. C. E. Calfee was a -vistor at
the Lome his daughter in Greenwood
for the week end and was enjoying
the day and an excellent dinner while
hei .
Charles Godbey of Alvo was a visi
tor f r a short timo in Greenwood on
Wednesday of last week, having been
account of the large Bales. However,
during the week they had incubator
capacity of 2,500 hatch and more the
early portion of this week. All want
ing chicks would do well to have
their orders on -file.
Ing Water a few days since where (
they were in attendance at the farm
bureau demonstration, and where '
they met many progressing farmers :
and also more progressive ideas. The I
visitors from the neighborhood of;
Greenwood of Greenwood, who were
O. F. Peters, Leo Peters and wife,
Sidney Parks, Art Jeffreys, and
many others came home well pleased j
with the visit' and the things which !
they learned as well as the very!
pleasant treatment accorded them at
Weeping Water.
Trade Expansion Contest Sale.
The enterprising firm of White and
Bucknell, who has built up an exten
sive clientele in the hardware and
house furnishing business are for
this entire week putting on a sale
which outranks all other sales ever
held in this city. There will be one
Christian Church Active.
The Christian church of Green
wood has been very active in the
work of the church and its auxil-i hundred dollars in gold given away
iarles and have enjoyed a good at- J on the last day of the sale to the one
tendance as weir as increase in the holding the highest number of votes,
membership of the church. At the ( votes will be given for amounts paid
last Lord's day service there were in on purchases or accounts owing
four members received into fellow- tne firm. Five dollars will get five
ship of the disciples. They were , thousand votes, and ten dollars will
Misses Hazel and Violet Borden, .'count for 15,000 votes, as well as
Helen Marvin, and Anna Nickles ' old tires and magazines on Monday
These will make good and efficient
workers in this society,
Mules and Horses.
T havp n Tiiimher of e-ood mules
reported as being about the same as nnfl !,,. wm fipii in mntched teams'
nereioiore, ana is resting niceiy.
and Thursday. See their ad in this
paper and also the large bills.
The marriage of Miss Bessie M.
Harpor nf nrcsnii'nnil an1 Rnvmnnd
or singly, to suit, they are good and H Gamblin ajso of Greenwood, took
Sophas Peterson, the blacksmith, 1 sound and true to work. Or will ex- ct,,r'Aav TTnjWOr0ifv 'piarp
who is a hustler and a presistent chanee to suit. P. A. Sanborn Ser-' v , , t m
m26"trw . mueck, mother of the offciating
I clergyman, Rev. H. L. Grassmueck.
Have Fine Time. Rev. Mr. Grassmueck is pastor of.the
The General Kensington which Chr'stn at Greenwood and
Was the last which the ladies will witn fj3; Grassmueck accompanied
worker, was in a way handicapped vice. Greenwood.
last week on account of an attack or
the flu which Interfered with his
work. He thought he would have to
forego the work but, as he loved to
work and it was there for him to do
he attacked it, and in a way wore
out the flu, for he is much better
The Greenwood Cemetery associa-
give for the season, which was held
at the I. O. O. F. hall on last Tues
day was on which was surely greatly
enjoyed by all. Rex Peters was the
the bridal couple to Lincoln. Mr,
Gamblin and his bride will reside in
South Bend.
tion held a very profitable gather-rone to win the first prize and which
aturday night in which p'as a deck " cards, but as the sea-
Rock Creek Club
The Rock Creek Homemakers club
ing on last Saturdav nieht in which
there were denartments a food sale son for the sport is now about over mpt th r,nrn nf Mrs Llnvd Jef
and bazaar, the purpose being for j he hardly knows what to do with fery Tuesday afternoon. The studies
j were on pictures in the home, and
i thier proper hanging and framing.
Members of the club had written
the raising of funds for the care and
beautifying of the cemetery, which
Is indeed a very beautiful burying
ground, and reflects much credit on
the community for the good care
that is taken of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bourk enter
tained at their home in Greenwood,
for the day last Sunday, and had for
their guests for the occasion, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bastron of Lincoln. L. Kis
singer and wife of Havelock, and
Frank Starkey and family of Co
lumbus. The group sure enjoyed the
occasion very much, and the excel
lent dinner which was provided by
Mr. and Mrs. Bourk.
See the change in the ad of the
Greenwood hatchery, which occurs in
this issue, this institution is hatch
ing many chicks every week and
have had a good demand for them,
and at the beginning of last week
their brooders were almost bare on
The School and City Election.
The results of the school and city , letters on the spirit of the liome
elections which were held on last which were read at the meeting.
Tuesday were comparatively quiet Election of officers was held with all
but were filled with interest, but officers retaining their former posi
without the strife which oft times is tion. The club will have a call meet
evidenced in the election day. The ing Wednesday the 18th at the home
results being for board of education, of Mrs. Wm. Hartsook. All members
John Schulling, E. H. Armstrong and are requested to bring their finished
Gust Sorman. While for the city work. Tuesday April 24th is achieve
solons there was no contest, Robert ment day at the State Farm for all
Mathews and Dr. Talcott, being the the clubs. The meeting will be held
only candidates and Judge O. F. ' at 1:30 o'clock in the students activ-
Peters for city magistrate.
Attended Farm Bureau Meet.
A number of the people who are
ity building.
Will Leave for California
Nelson Elmelund who has been a
always seeking to know better farm-; resident, and cashier of the Farmers
ing methods and the things which , State Bank of Greenwood for tne
come to the farmers as a problem past few years was bidding his many
and which the experience of mankind friends goodbye last Saturday as he
is now solving, were over to Weep-' expects to leave for California this
-p-v-..,.,..- . ... -i , -.- 3
; IF Yyj2. j d Wg j
Fail to Mi CW" 1
J Thosa Three Mg WX
Days if lw m$ Sals (V - I
Mil IBs tar hm tV
About this Big Contest Sale N
P Votes. 9x12 Rugs as low as OJri I Sl
jj Others in Proportion I J
Firiday Special
Same Price
for over
2.3 oitncesJvrDS cents
Guaranteed Pure
and Healthful
Our Government
used millions of pounds
week. He does not know how long
he will be gone but if he finds a
position that suits, he will remain for
an indefinite time. Nels as he was
called here, has made many friends
du-vg the time he has been making
his home here, who will hate to have
him leave but who wish him well
in his new business career, or what
ever he intends to do.
Kings Daughters Meet
The Kings Daughters met last Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Everett Cope with a good crowd in
Alvo Department
Charles Godbey was looking after
some business matters in Greenwood
on last Wednesday, driving over in
his auto for the occasion..
Mesdames R. M. Coatman and John
B. Skinner were visiting with friends
and also looking after some busi
ness matters in Elmwood on last
Will Brown began listing with a
two-row lister, preparing the ground
for planting corn as they will double
list the ground which places it in
better condition for cultivation later
in the year.
Charles Haertel, Sr. shelled and
delivered corn to the Rehmeyer ele
vator last week, and has the work
out of the way for the onrush of
spring work, which is knocking at
the doors of all farmers.
Will Atchison was in town on last
Wednesday with a load of feed which
he had ground at the Coatman grind
ery, and placed in condition that the
stock gets every particle of nutriment
which the food contains.
Mr. C. H. Kirkpatrlck and his
friend, Mr. Lytle who is visiting: here
for a time, were taken by Charles
Godbey to near Waverly, where they
both formerly resided and where
they visited for the day with former
friends and neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. Lytle, Mr. Lytle a
brother-in-law of Mr. C. H. Klrk
patrick and former resident of this
vicinity and who has been living on
the Pacific coast for a number of
years, arrived in Alvo last week and
has been visiting with Mr. Kirk
patrick and the good wife, and with
other friends and acquaintances of
other years.
If we were not so
positive that the
more copper in it
and more zinc
on it make "RED
BRAND" Fence last
years longer we
would not ask you
to buy it.
J. W. Banning
Alvo, Nebr.
Albany, N. Y., April 5. Governor
Smith today ordered an extraordinary
W. 0. Bovles Some Better. special and trial term of the supreme
Mr. W. O. Boyle, of Lincoln who'WandW to con-
has been for the past two weeks at ei"u " "I "".,!, "Vt rt
Tf. ni 1,0 ed to him as a criminal waste of
K i, ! o r public funds in Queens county in
accompanied by his brother, S. C. . . . ,
Boyles of Alvo, and in company with i
him returned from the hospital, in
the north, last week feelnig much
improved from the treatment. The
operation which he underwent was
very slight and required that they
remain for a couple of days, after
which they were able to return home
attendance The time was spent em- Mr g c Boyes accompanied the bro-
A delicious luncheon was served at
the close of the evening.
Mrs. Warren Boucher will be hos
tess to the class at the Christian
church. Friday. April 13 at which
ther to his home in Lincoln, then re
turned to Alvo.
Alvo Wins First Game
In the opening of the season at
time shrubs will be planted and the Alvo on April first, the home team
church grounds cleaned up in gen-1 fooled the visitors in the wonderful
present. line lime came to lotai up ine scores.
it was round tnat Alvo nan oi?rr
UDituary visitors, the West Bricks of Lincoln,
Heury Weideman was born Febru-Jonly had two.
ary 2. 1S61, in Lockport, N. Y.. and
departed this life at his home in Nora
Nebraska, March 13, 1928. at the age
of 67 years, 1 month and 11 days. He
was reared in a Christian home near
very large amounts." He designated
Supreme Court Justice Arthur S.
Tompkins to preside over the term
which he ordered convened April 16.
The governor's action was based
rn the unofficial recommendation of
former Supreme Court Justice Clar
ence J. Shearn who, the governor
said in a statement, had telephoned
him that his work as an investigator
of the administration of the former
borough president, Maurice Connolly,
had come to an end. Connolly resign
ed a few days ago as borough presidential.
Ask Your Friends
Wednesday will be known as Congoleum Rug day.
Each rug sold on that day. will carry 50,000 Extra
Votes. 9x12 Rugs as low as
Others in Proportion
Thursday Special
Thursday will be known as Enamelware
day. Everything has been cut to the
Quick. 25,000 Extra Votes on every
piece or Enamelware.
Friday will be known as Stove day. For
every Stove (either coal or oil) bought
on this day, we will give 250,000 Extra
Votes. Friday, April 13th.
Have "Very Enjoyable Time.
The high school carnival which
wag held last week was a most
nlp.osant affair, and one which was
IJurlinston, lowa, coming mere vsiin aiso remunerative to the grades and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman high school, who were endeavoring
Weideman, at tne eariy age 01 iwo to secure funds for supplying things
years. He lemalned mere until neiWhjch no Drovision is made at the
was twenty-three when he removed hign SChool and which often are bad
to Greenwood, Nebraska, and later ; to jy needed. Coupled with this was
Elmwood, living there until coming a contest for the best methods and
to Nora, twenty-four years ago. He ways for tne (.-ecurinir of the neccs
was married to Hannah Marie Ger-jsary funds which was won by Miss
bling at Elmwood. ?eh. Marcn u, Eleanora Hinchley.
1901. lie was next to tne youngest
child in a family of nine enwaren; i Ai.rt -piptnT,
live preceaeu mm to me iauu t,uuu, ,,. p,tinrl riav ha9 n(1 ig
A J ! . 1 I " - . .
iwu uit-u ui iniaiitj. I now ennp. with fho Inridpnts which
One sister, Mrs. Henry Schroder, are alwavs couDled with it. Like
one brother, Charles Weideman, both hustling and energetic town which it
of Lincoln, and one brother, Her-js she made a good choice when she
man Weideman ot eamnriage, 10-1 selected the members of the board
gether with his faithful wife, many who will direct the affairs of the
relatives and a host of friends re-1 community in the coming biennum
main to mourn his departure. All In the citv ticket there was elected
the brothers and sisters were at his J for the completion of the board Si-
bedside at the time of his deatn. I nion Rehmeyer. Simon Bovles and
He was a devout Christian, having Arthur Dinges. While the additions
joined the Nora Methodist church in I to the Board of Education were
1913 and remained faithful and reg- Harry Appleman and Simon Reh-
ular in attendance. He was a mem-meyer,
ber of the board of trustees and
when the new church was built he Business T.nnViTio- TFn
. . . i - .i m f 1 .1 1 I f
was at mo neaa 01 me uuiiauig cum- R ntrkorann ih. mOWi,,fl( in
mittee and directed its construction. rnvRaM .tJ
,,,c ' - of this paper, said that business was
monument to nis leaaersnip. lonkfnir nn nn M.
He was a prominent figure in the ceints were eradtiallv dimhinir parh.
farmers union Association ana was month. This looks crood to us. and
a good business man, having the con-jwe are sure that the other business
fidence of those who dealt with him. houses of Alvo can say the same
lie would ramer ioko man iae au- thing for all are carrying good stock
vantage. He will be greatly missed 0f iroorts ami r troMin? hfir
and few men can nil as large a piace clients the very best. For instance
in the heart or tne community as ne. nn the matter of tires. Mr. Art Din
His wife and relatives did all thatJepo ls mnklntr hotter nri. fnr
love and money could do , buthe liable makes of the auto footwear.
Knew irom me start mat uuu uau than can he nnrrhased hv who
Called. I are maklnc nrntntnn rf lnur nrlona
hi X- VaM I " ' r '
me inn.... u and good goods elsewhere. See Mr
New York, April 5. The New
York Times tomorrow will 6ay that
executives of the Pennsylvania, New
York Central and other eastern rail
roads today agreed upon a four-trunk
system which has met the approval of
Leonor F. Loree, sponsor of a fifth
trunk line between the east and
An open conflict between Loree
and the heads of the other powerful
roads was averted by Otto H. Kahn,
a member of Kukn, Loeb & Co., bank
ers for Loree and his proposed sys
tem. His success as arbitrator made
possible the plan by which will be
integrated roads worth between five
and ten billion dollars, operating
about 50,000 miles of trackage. Al
though details of the plan were not
learned, it is understood Mr. Loree'a
Delaware & Hudson is assured ac
cess to the west.
Gibralter, April 4. Capt. Kenneth
G. B. Dewar, flag captain of the
Royal Oak. and Rear Admiral Ber
nard St. G. Collard, leading figures
in the present day "Pinafore drama"
of the British Mediterranean fleet,
faced each other today as cross ex
aminer and witness at the court
martial of the captain. The admiral
is conducting his own defense on
charges of conduct subversive to na
val discipline, an accusation of which
Com. H. M. Daniel already has been
found guilty.
from the Nora Methodist church.
conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. H
Mills; the choir singing "Nearer My
God to Thee." "No Night There,"
and "Abide With Me."
Dinges ad in this Issue.
FIRE LOSS IS $500,000
Scranton, Pa., April 4. Employes
had narrow escapes when the Scran
ton Republican's building was de
stroyed by fire early this morning.
The loss was estimated at $500,000.
The fire started in the press room.
for hatching. $3.00 per hundred.
Mrs. F. C. Riester. Manley. Neb. Call
Louisville phone 1922. a9-6sw
4 Choice Bulls
for Sale '
I have four very line yearling
Bulls all eligible for register
one Holstein, one Durham, one
Guernsey and one Jersey. It
will pay you to see them if in
need of a good Herd Bull soon.
Alvo, Nebr.
Grand Island, Neb., April 5. A
large audience greeted Senator How
ell and C. A. Sorensen, candidate for
nomination for attorney general, here
tonight. Senator Norris continued
his appeal to the voters for the re-
nomination of Howell and his return
to membership in congress. From
Howell's record Norris pointed out
why certain interests' were in oppo
sition to his congressional mate. In
his talk, Norris paid special attention
to the activities of the power trust
and to our action in Nicaragua.'
Sorensen gave a brief talk, in
which lie advocated the selection of
Norris delegates to the national re
publican convention.
Home Town Best!
The broadcasters sing songs to attract your attention
then sell you the goods. We sell you the goods so reas
onable that you sing the song yourself for very gladness.
Pathfinder Cord, 30x3V2 $6.50
Best Rugby Cord, 30x3Y2 . 5.50
Balloon Cord, 29x4.40 ; . . . 7.35
Only First Class Repairing and Supplies
Alvo Garage,
ART DINGES, Proprietor.