The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1928, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY. APRIL 5. 1828.
Murray Department
l'reprerl in the Interim of the People of Vurry nri urroundine Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If ttHj of tbe readers of tbs
Journal knov of scr social
event or Item of "Interest in
this vicinity, sua win mail
lime to this office. It will ap
pear under this beading. We
want all newsltews-EmTOB
Lleafher Gloves!
Just the thing you've been waiting for DRESS PANTS
and priced right. Up-to-date Dress patterns. No two
alike. Very fine. Come, see them. Also Dress Goods
by the bolt or yard. Just as well have a fine new dress at
little money. We sell good goods at right prices always.
Good Line Work and Dress Shoes
Murray, Nebraska
funeral, and for the floral tokens oT
love and respect, and also to "all who
in any way contributed by their acts
and kindly expression in their ser
vice at the time of the death and
funeral The Children of J. V. Edmunds.
sisted in the unloading of the same
by Charles Mutz and John Blotzer,
the latter taking a truck load of the
feed to Plattsmouth for customers
Thomas Nelson, saving the few
minutes which would otherwise go to
waste has been building a porch for
his home and on last Tuesday noon,
with the aid of a friend placed the
frame for the foundation in place,
that he might later go ahead with
the work.
The Murray garage sold last
j week one of their celebrated Hud
i son sixes, a sedan, the new car going
; to Stewart Rough of Nehawka, who
i konws a good car when he sees one.
and as this is the second car of this ; Retires After 17 Years in House;
, very kind, is very good evidence that I "Shade of Suspicion" Nevpr i
Green Declares
Congress is Free
From All Graft
Miss Olive Woods of Essex, Iowa,
j who has been visiting at the home!
, of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Turned on Congress
Manus of Omaha, were visiting with
Miss Lois McManus, the proprietor of
the Pharmacy of Murray.
You can buy many good eats for
your Easter Dinner at the bake sale
April 7th. m29-2tw
Louis Hallas and the family were
enjoying a visit at the home of their
relatives in Plattsmouth last Sun-
rinv tlmv makinc thp trin with thp
to QO I pvpr faithful Kssex coach.
V. L. Seybolt and the good wife
A Change of Shop Operation at the
Murray Garage
The basement, a very pleasant place
to work all the year 'round, will be
rented to those who desire
their own work, at $2.00 per day.'
Plenty of room and a pleasant place ' havt' been staying at the home of
ti. ',,. i ! Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brndel. while
to work. Tools are furnished extra !(tht,y have gettillg tne nome in
I WILL KEEP THE UPPER Murray painted and decorated.
ROOM TOR MYSELF ' Murray Garase sold and in-
x.v-wAu. lu.x.jL.i stalled two of the Kelvanators. which
A. D. Bakke, Proprietor inot a,one niaktis ict. but do jt witn
7 r j electricity, and does away with the
Murrav Harare muss of ice and the handling of it.
Washington. April ."5. Repre- ;
A. D. Bakke, for the past week re-: se mauve w imam . t.reen ir.i oi .
turned home on last Sundav and was j Iowa retired from the house Saturday,
accompanied bv Mr. Bakke and fam-1 with a declaration that there is no
ilv who drove her ovpr in thpir nuto! graft in congress.
iand visited for a short time as well.; Green, who has been chairman of :
Homer Miller and the good wife ! the powerful house ways and means
and their two sons, of Plainview, i committee lor more man lour or ins
I At the Murray garage one can see
j of the new Graham Paige cars,
j which has the ability of making one
April 7th at Murray j hundred biles per hour. Better go
were called here last week on ac
count of the death of J. W. Edmunds
who is father of Mrs. Miller, they
driving down from the northern town
in their car and remained for some
17 year's service, will become a judge
of the court of claims.
Challenging the critics of congress.
Green said:
"Through the war and since, I
in and look this wonderful wagon
W. G. Boedeker departed on last J
Monday for Southern Texas, where ,
he has some orange grove lands,
which he was looking after and also ;
seeing about other things in the
G. M. Minford. looking to the best
service and the best conditions under
which to work, has begun the plac
ing of a concrete floor in the drive
way at the barn at his home east of
Harry Nelson was a visitor in
Omaha on last Monday, where he
was called on business and also to see ;
his father, Oscar Nelson, who is re- j
ported as being somewhat improved 1
at this time.
Walter E. Jenkins who has been
very poorly for some time, still re
mains in the same condition and is
being cared for by Mrs. Jenkins. His
Bake sale
P. O. Presbyterian ladies
The two new machines, which they
sold, went one to W. G. Boedeker
and the other to Mrs. Flora Sans.
At the Murray garage Mr. Bakke
has installed a new electric drill,
which v.'ill facilitate the work which
he does at the garage.
Mrs. E. M. Smith and two daugh
ters were visiting and looking after
some business matters in Murray
on Tuesday of this wK-k.
Frang Boggs of Union was a visi
tor in Murray on Tuesday of this
week, and was looking after some
business matters while here.
Harry Ingwerson and the good
wife of near Nehawka, were visit
ing at the home of Harry Nelson
and wife for the day on last Sun
day. Mrs. Crystal Guase of Shenandoah,
was a visitor in Murray last Sunday
and was attending the tuneral of the
late J. W. Edmunds, who is a grand-: many friends are hoping that he may
father. soon be well again.
R. C. Feiguson and Charles Fer-j Dr. J. H. Hall of Plattsmouth ac
guson and wife, all of Nebraska City. companied by Robert Smilley of St.
were in Murray on last Sunday, at- Paul, who has been visiting with his
tending the funeral of J. W. Ed-'son, Donald Smiley of Plattsmouth.
munds. I were looking after some business
Mrs. Minnie Woods and daughter, matters in Murray on last Tuesday.
Miss Velma. were visiting in Mur-1 Charles H. Boedeker, jr., who has
ray and attending the funeral of been visiting here for some time dur
Grandpa J. W. Edmund on last- ing a short vacation at the Shattock
Sunday. school, returned to his studies on
John Edmunds Miller, of Lincoln last Monday morning. Charles eu
a grendson of Uncle J. W. Edmunds, : Joyed a very pleasant visit while at
was :. vl .lor in Murray last Sunday, home. I
coming to attend the funeral of his: W. B. Banning and wife. C. F. '
grandfather. (Harris and wife, Ivan Balfour and
T. M. Teegarden and wife of , family. Lee Farris and family all
Weeping Water, and Joseph F. Tubbs ' from Union, were in Murray on last
and wife of Mynard, were in attend-: Sunday, to pay their last tribute of
ance at the funeral of the late John respect to the memory of Uncle J. W.
W. Edmunds. Edmunds. '
Teddy Eaton of Piattsmouth was Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt were!
a visitor in Murray on Tuesday of guests at Union on last Sunday after
this week, and was looking after the . noon and evening, where they en-j
sale of some of the celebrated gas joyed the visit very much, and at the j
wagons, the Chevrolet. 'same time Gussie Brubacher and the!
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Seybolt. have family were visiting in Auburn the
been having a tuscle with the flu. J parents of Mrs. Brubacher.
Will has rather gotten the best of John Hobscheibt had installed at
the malady, while Mrs. Seybolt i9'his home a new lighting system'
still feeling quite badly. known as the Webb Lighting System
Mrs. Thomas McManus of Falls which is furnishing this gentleman:
City, and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mc-!aild k's family with an abundance!
of good white light, and a thing
very essential for the home.
J. V. Wurteman of Leigh, who has
just been at Detroit for the past few
! days, where he secured a new car.
which he is selling, and Lee Nickles i
of Plattsmouth were in Murray on
last Tuesday for a short time visit
ing at the home of Lee Nickles.
At the home of Earl Lancaster
the entire family are sick. Earl was
slightly in advance of the rest and
was able to get back to the store ;
while the others are fighting with !
the dreaded malady, the flu, and we
are hoping they will al be well soon.
A car load of the celebrated Par
una feeds were received last Tues
day bv W. F. Nolte. who was as-
time visiting and looking after some have seen great measures passed for;
business matters. raising aiyl appropriating billions of
A. A. Johnson, better known as dollars. The challenge of the word-!
Tobie, ;who has 'been making his ing of a phrase, even the placing of
home in Murray for a number of a coma, in bills passed by the ways
months past, departed on last Mon-'and means committee might change
day for Plattsmouth. where he visit-: the measure to the injury of the;
ed for a short time with relatives ; country, and to the immense benefit j
and later departed for Council Bluffs J of some private individual or indi-;
and Blair, where he will expect tojviluals. I
work this summer. I "So.
Miss Freda Crunk, twelve, has been ' where
troubled with adenoids and had ton- the action of the committee on
sils. for some time, accompanied by highly improper course. j
the parents. Mr. and Mis. A. D. j "During the war and after the war ;
Crunk, went to Omaha, where at the there were scandals in other depart-!
Methodist hospital, she had them re- ments upon which I shall not com-j
moved on last Monday, and is report- ment now. I wish. now. to call at-;
ed as getting along nicely, showing tention of .the country to the fact.i
good improvement the day following that, although the fierce light of pub
and was able to return home on Wed-( jt.ity has continuously been turned;
nesday. upon congress,- there - has not been
j during all these 17 years I have been
Another Dance P.t Plattsmouth here a shade of suspicion of graft!
Saturday nite. Modern and Old Time or corruption cast, upon the official
also, with appropriations.!
i slight shift might change'
music. 50c. See ad in this paper.
act of any member of this house."
Master Builder.
The name Edmunds, as given in I j
the geneology of the family, which I Northampton. Ma?s.. March 30.
is in possession of the daughters at The condition of Mrs. Lemiia Good-:
Murray, Nebr.. dates back to 16-11 hu1 ,nother of Mrs. Civin Coolidce. '
and is derived from the Latin word vno is in at tue i)ictiuiHm hospital.
"Ed-Mundus" which means "master- ,1eIV rf.ma5nfMi nnchanded todav, her?
builder" and with the death of Mr. phvsician. Dr. J. E: Hayes reported.'
John W. Edmunds, the name ceases. , Mrs cooUdze, who came to North-.
Jc'mpton from Washington early in1
Will Build a New Barn. ;the week, to be with her mother.:
W. O. Tucker and wife from Hoi- made two visits to the hospital dur- ;
brook, were visiting in Murray and ing the day. In the morning bulletin, ;
vicinity for a number cf day this Dr. Hayes siM his need patient had '
week, visiting with friends and look- passed a restful night and was more'
ing after business as well. They had comfortable than yesterday.
the barn burn down on the farm .
which they have, come sever, miles Aj, th fc - new, deIiveret1
west of Murrav, and were here to. .
see about having a new one pon-;7nr donT ff)T 150 8 w!ek-
structed. Mr. Wm. Senf. who also
lost a large quantity of hay and grain j BANKRUPTCY NOTICE
as well as some harness and tools.' .iu.
Mr. Senf was in town on last Tues-
In the District Court of the -United -t
day and took out a load of lumber for States for the District of Nebraska, j
the beginning of the construction of Lincoln Division
a new barn, which he is needing In the matter of Clarke R. Holdall,
badly. J Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy No. 1503.
Notice to creditors of application
i for discharge and order to show
a use.
i ,
Honey for sale. 12Vcts. per
Brin,g container. Phone 1821.
a2-2tw Murray. Nebr
Get Reedy for Spring!
The Spring; surely is on the
way, perhaps some weeks off
yet, but coming, never-the-less.
. We are here ready to serve
you promptly and efficiently
on all your work.
Vaclav Mikulesky & Son
Murray Blacksmiths
Murray Presbyterian Church.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p.
(Young people's meeting).
L-Vld5eiay 1,vtninS Prayer meet- j estatf? am, in the maltrr of tne dis
in-; etc i . k'j.
You ure cordially invited to wor
ship with us.
the creditors of the above.
named bankrupt: t
Notice is hereby given that on the,
2Sth day of March. 1928. the above!
named bankrupt filed his petition j
lor discharge in bankruptcy, and i
It is Ordered that the fith day of
May, 1928, be and the same is here-
by fixed, as the date on or before ,
which all creditors of said bankrupt'
and all persons interested in said
Card of Thanks.
charge in bankruptcy of the said;
bankrupt shall, if they desire to cp-j
pose the same, file in my offi e in
Lincoln. Nebraska, in said District,
their appearance in writing in oppo
sition to the granting of said dis-
i charge, and also, within ten cays
' Shell Motor Oi!
stands the gaff
Fill up with Shell Motor Oil. Hit the open
road . Step on it Force the car for all it's
worth with never a fear or worry about lu
brication. Shell Motor Oil will "stand up"
and protect your motor every inch of the way.
What happens wnen you speed? Plunging
pistons, a heavy crankshaft whirling in snug
fitting bearings, spinning gears and busy
pumps all driven by a ceaseless roar of
explosions . . hundreds of revolutions every
minute in an inferno of heat.
It takes a real motor oil to stand the gaff - -
to supply constantly a smooth, unbroken
film which completely envelops these flying
metal surfaces and keeps them safely apart,
but Shell Motor Oil is more than equal to
the task, because it is deliberately made for
just such service.
ine specially selected crudes which are its
base . . the low-temperature refining process
used . . the snecifications to which it is re
fined, combine to produce an oil of exactly
the right body. It is thin enough to flow freely
to every moving surface . . heavy enough to
come through heat and friction unharmed
. a constant protection to your motor and
pocket book.
Obtain your Shell Motor Oil when and
where you buy Shell Gasollve . . Shell Yellow
and Red Service Stations and authorized
Shell Dealers everywhere are glad to render
free crankcase service.
400 -Extra Dry"
SHELL Gasoline
OFE OIL CO., Plattsmouth, Neb.
I Shcil Choline is
lmMumiJS EXTRA DR1 . .
from ncavy, grraiv,
CArbon-bcarinK rlr
mrnti . . Ftina
quality produc t . .
I .Blow expensive - I
The Missionary society will hold a
mark' t on Saturday before Easter at
the postoffice in Murray.
Mrs. Robert M. Wallir g, who has: C. C. Ve?cott departed this morn
been visiting with her mother, Mrs. i ing for Omaha, where he will attend
J. J. Adams at Sheridan, Wyoming, j a meeting of the board of director
for the past week, returned yesterday ! of the Crowell Memorial Home that
'afternoon. is being held today.
We desire to express our heart- thereafter, file in my said office spec
felt thanks to those many kind ifications of the grounds of said or
friends, who with the sympathy and position.
the kind deeds contributed to soften Dated at Ldncnln. Nebraska, thi"
the sorrow caused by the calling of 31st day of March. 1&28.
our dear father, John W. Edmunds,; DANIEL H. McC LENA HAN.
and those who so kindly sang at the Referc? in Bankruptcy.
is what W. B. Henderson of Shreve
port would Say .
but we say we are here to assist you in
making Murray the very best town on
the map. Remember, the Murray State
Bank stands ready to assist all enterprises
which look to the betterment of the town.
Better co-operate by having a checking
count - and a Savings Account, too !
(Tv3yriray SateHarBlk
There is No Sabstitute for Safety
To the Farmers of Cass
County, Neb.-
The Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock In
surance Company was organized 34 years ago
in Cass county, for the protection of Cass
county farmers. During this time we have
paid our losses promptly and the rate we have
charged has been pleasing to all our Policy
holders. ... If you are not a member of
our company, see one of our Directors or
write to J. P. FALTER, Secretary, at Platts
mouth, Nebr., and we will be glad to give you
full information regarding rates, etc.
Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock
Insurance Company
US gl1sZ
Large Variety SuccJ
Goods and Pastry!
Cream of the West
A "Hard Working" BanW
We have to be, for we have some pretty posi
tive ideas on the service a bank owes to its
customers in return for their business.
In other words, when this bank accepts your
account, it assumes the privilege of extending
to you the combined co-operation of its officers
and directors -whenever such co-operation is
Make Our Bank Your Bank
Farmers State Bank
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Phone 485.