THURSDAY. APRIL 5, 1928. PAGE SIX PXATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTJBNAt Ussi&n DepBrtimemiit Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Mothers! Fathers! A Wonderful Opportunity is Yours Start a Standard Old Line 20-Pay-tife Policy for your child ren a premium of about ? j 75 Cents 1 1 a month Clifton B, Smith AGENT J'i-se JV11. living east of Union was Flit-lling fend delivering his corn to I'liion o f Tuesday of this week. Mjs. Jl P. Clugy of Plattsmouth. andfMirj W. H. Yonker and Mrs Wm StJItrnan. the latter two of Den ver.fvrr'j visiting in I'nion last Mon day - i Cbirh I Attebeiry was looking af- t-r onf4 business matters in Oma ha fr t' short time the latter part of tb fek. Elrner J Withrow was shelling and d-li firing- his la?t year's corn crop to tt.e .J.jcCarthey elevator on Mon day t4 this wvek. MUsifculaTt Niday was a guest at the Lonior Mr. and Mrs. Jay Austin fr kh' flay last Sunday; where all enjoy& e occasion very much. Win. ;order of Plattsmouth, the repft-serifcitive of the Durant and StarcaiY "was looking after some busi ne: matters in Union on last Satur day j f I i iD4 Fr&ns and wife, with their littlfoti were visiting in Murray on lasts Sunday afternoon, where they weie lguts of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilrnore. ICtlpB jPtarsley who has been liv ing jJUiihe Mrs. Parritt house for some-; tiflse pa?t. moved early this week to one of the houses of E. J. Mougey. David E. Eaton was a visitor in Nebraska City on last Monday afterT noon, where he was called to look after some business matters for a short time. j Paul Applegate has Just had a well dug on hi3 farm and walled with brick and has an excellent weSH which will serve him good in the days which are to come. P. M. McCartney, who has been having a truscle with the flu and also at the same time with the flu, was able to be at the elevator on last Monday, but was Ftill very badly. Pred and Ira Clark were over to Murray on lest Sunday afternoon, where they were looking after, some busines? matters as well as visiting with their friends for a few hours was wanting to take to maiket, the mother hog, gave a scoot in an effort to get away and ran between the legs of Paul, throwing him up against a door and more or less bruising that affable gentleman. Edward Maugay and son, Louis, shipped two car loads of cattle from their feed lots north of Union to the stock yards in Omaha on last Monday, where notwithstanding the large receipts they brought $12.25 per hundred and they averaged 970 each, which makes the average for each of f'ne steers $108.82. T. L. Amick and the good wife of southwest of Mynard, and Mrs. Ada Karris and Edward Slocum were visiting in Union for a short time last Monday afternoon. J. W. Banning and the family were over to Omaha on last Sunday, where Death Comes to Eli Eaton, a Pioneer Citizen Aged Man Passed Away Sunday Afternoon at Home at Union, Aged 87 Years. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and their: they went to visit with Miss Pearl daughter of Scottsbluff were in Union I Banning, who is at a hospital at the 4 I DrjArmand W. Naviaux t ,i Dental Surgeon CLARK HOTEL UXIOX Every Week on Wednesdays. Te j Service Store JWet are here to serve you I 'tha; best, and supply you vrifh the best goods at P the' lowest price, 'i Our endeavors in 1927 i. twill be concentrated on I giving you such efficient ! service you will become a m regular walking adver-' tisement, speaking only j. good words for our store. for last Friday. Saturday and Sun day and were in attendance at the funeral of the late- Mrs. Mont Ilobb. Paul Swan is enjoying a new four door Chevrolet sedan, which he re cently purchased from the Smith Berger people of Plattsmouth. and sure Paul and the family are en joying it. John D. Bramblett and the family of north of Union, were over to Mur ray on last Sunday, where they were in attendance at the funeral cf the late John W. Edmunds, which was held on last Sunday. big city, and where she had to un dergo an operation for the restor ation of her health. They report Miss Pearle as getting along nicely and is hoping to return to her home in a few days. Cld Settlers' Dav Speaker John Curtiss, who is a candidate on the republican primary ballot for unexpired term as Railway Commis signer.' snoke here last Fall at the Old Settler's Reunion and made host of friends by his splendid speech He was appointed on the Railway County Commissioner C. P. Harris commission following a vacancy last and the good wife and Mr. and Mrs. spring and is now a candidate to fill Lee t a iris were over to .Murray iat out ti,e balance of the term Sunday afternoon, where they were attending the fu-.eral of the late Mr?. Robb at Rest. i itr luaL sau i lira vtcric Biiiu uci Word from Chilaeathe. Mo., is to the effect that El!is LaRue and Glen Niday who are attending the tele graph sohool at that place are get ting along nicely. Mr. LaRue is also working at his trade as a barber as well. W. B. Banning and the good wife the remains of the late Mrs. M. Robb on Monday of this week, the ser vices being held at the late home of this excellent woman, and was con ducted by the Rev. Bishop Schayler of Omaha. A large number of peo pie, from "not only Union, but from nil rw di- Vi ii PAilnti Q o u-cll i .2 A l f wf re visaing ni .Murray on last Sun- ferent tjons of the state were dav and attending the funeral rites of thfir old tinv friend. John W. Edmunds, which occurred at the Presbyterian church on last Sunday afternoon. Messrs. and MJtsdames Tony Sud- duth of Union and Virgil Sudduth j of Murray were over to Omaha on j la?t Sunday, whwf they visited with friends, as well as seeing a good show, which they enjoyed, as well as the pleasant ride home in the evening. Uncle Wm. Craig has been kept to eager to attest their love and respect for this most excellent woman. The interment was made at the beautiful cemetery near Wyoming, where she will rest until the Angel of the re surrection shall sound the trumpet when the spirit of the body shall again be reunited to never part more, and to enjoy that life forever which lis without pain, sorrow or suffering Had Friends as Their Guests. The Baptist ladies missionary so- his home the pa.;t several day on ac-; ciety on last Tuesday met with Mrs. count of his feeling very poorly, and i Elizabeth Easter and her daughter, has been kept tc hsi bed most of the ; Miss Laura, at the beautiful Easter time. Ke is hoping to be able to , home a few miles from Union, and be out again Ln a short time as is were entertained by these two gen- also his many friends. ial ladies. A most appreciative pro Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker enter-(gram was given and, the - genial t-ainetl-on lajft Sundav and had for -ladies served a most delightful lunch- their guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter ( eoif which added much to the plea Havenndge of Omaha, John Clarence , sure or tne afternoon. The mission and wife of northeast of Union and ary society had as their special Mr. Otto Ehlyers of southwest of guests for the occasion the ladies of town. A most delightful day was the Methodist Missionary Society of spent. Union, which is a great stroke. as the iou will see elsewhere in -this , work which Doth societies are en- issue an ad calling your attention to gaging in is a great stroke as the the trucking which Ralph Pearsley work which both societies are en i3 doing. He is ready at all times gaging in large and broad enough to look after the trucking which is for many more willing workers. entrusted to him, and will give it J iiitr rij i-ii 111.cr111.1u11. ore 111111 iui i Will VT1VC jaJllalSL your trucking. The Easter cantata. "Life Ever The foot which Mrs. R. H. Chris- ; lasting" will be presented by a large weisser had the misfortune to burn group of the musical talent of Union very badly with hot water and ! and Nehawka. under the direction of Pi' J ounes urocery Union, Nebraska uro which ha3 been very sore and painful since, was able to be up on last Sat urday and on Monday was able to be down town and is well pleased that the foot is getting better. While Paul Swan was endeavoring to load a large porker, which he Faoimt! This is the best painting season of the year before the bugs and flies come. We sell Sherwin-Williams Co. Paint (Strictly Guaranteed) Barn Red, in 5 gal. can, per gallon $1.50 Semi-Paste, colors and white, per gallon . 2.45 .S. W. P., colors and white, per gallon 3.75 j Certain-teed Paints Barn Red, per gallon $1.35 White, per gallon 2.00 ; Frans Bros. Lumber Co. Union Nebraska Paul Schlichtemeier on Sunday, April th. The cantata will be offered at 11 a. m. at the Baptist church at Union and at which time the Nehawka Ma sonic lodge with the Union and Ne hawka members in attendance will join in the services. On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock , the cantata will be given at the Methodist church at Nehawka for , the benefit of the residents of that j locality. Another Dance at Plattsmouth I Saturday nite. Modern and Old Time music. 50c. See ad in this paper. FOR SALE Eight thoroughbred Chester-White shoats. weight 90 to 100 pounds. M. Craig, phone 531-J, Plattsmouth. a5-lsk, 2d Mere is Your Bargain! We have definitely decided to close out our line of Overshoes for Men, Women and Children and will offer them to you now at no profit or absolute cost to us! You will all need Overshoes this winter. Better take advantage of our Low Prices now. Remember, we are furnishing the very best Groceries, Work Clothing and everything in our line at very ap pealing prices. It will pay you to come and fee us! .A.'.L. -BECKER , jUnion, Nebraska Dance at Union FRIDAY NITE We will give a Public Dance at the PE0PST HALL in Union on Friday Evening, April 6th. MUSIC BY -The Brick Dunn Orchestra of Nebraska City Ross Niday and Henry Ross From Monday's Daily Yesterday afternoon at 2:30 at the old home southeast of Union occurred the death of Eli Eaton, aged 87 years and one of the pioneer residents of the vicinity of Union. Mr. Eaton had been quite sick since Thursday and his condition gradually grew worse until death came to his relief and brought to the close a long and use ful life. . Mr. Eaton has resided for more than sixty years at the farm home on the .. Sciota bottoms southeast of Union and where he was making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dukes at the time of his death, they having charge of thf Eaton farm. i ne teceasea was Dorn April iu. 1841 and lacked but a few days of being eighty-seven years of age and the greater part of this long life has been spent in and near Union. The deceased tame to Union from the south as a young man and lo cated on the farm, where he has since resided. By his tireless efforts and industry he has helped develop that section of the county and make it a fine and successful community. He is one of the last of the pioneers that have labored in the building up of Liberty precinct and as the old j friends passed to the great beyond this rugged pioneer was still carry ing on his daily activities and re tained until the last the keen inter est in the community that he had helped to build. In his lifetime Mr. Eaton was a strong member of the Baptist faith i and in which he remained a firm be liever until death. T.o survive this splendid pioneer there remains six children, Mrs. J. P. Clugy of Plattsmouth. D. E. Eaton, John Eaton of Union, Mrs. Mary Tillman and Frank Eaton of Denver, Colorado, and Mrs. W. H. Younker of Ogallala, Nebraska. The wife of Mr. Eaton preceded h-im in death i many years ago. ,e pear 00 fie rug 7w Longer-Lived iMlofors for RED CROWN ETHYL GASOLINE puts more power at your command for hill climb ing, creeping along in 6low traffic, pulling through mud or loose sand, for shooting ahead fast when you want to pass a car or have to speeel up to avoid a reckless driver darting out of a cross street. When you use Red Crown Ethyl Gasoline, you rarely have to shift gears, because you can slow down and then pick up speed a lot more easily. Less gear shifting saves wear on your trans mission and wear and strain on the bearings and moving parts of your motor. It means smaller repair bills and a motor that lasts longer. This improved motor fuel is always reliable, quick starting Red Crown Gasoline with Ethyl Brand of Anti-Knock Compound added a matchless combination that makes every motor do better work at lower fuel cost. Try it and see ! Sold by reliable dealers and Red Crown Service Stations everywhere in Nebraska. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA "A Jslcbrasa Institution" 4 BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON t Easter Sunday, Apr. 14 By M. a Brlggs mi, 4. Golden Text: "Because I live, ye shall live also." John 14:10. tomb, which John had before stooped Local and Long Distance Hauling I make a specialty of Stock and Merchandise Hauling to and from markets. Always at your service. Phone me your wants. Call 3502, Union Ralph Pearsley Union, Neb. The Resurrection The most joyous of all the events which transpired, in the tragedy of the crucifiction of the Savior of all the world, the Son of God. who came from the bosom of the Father, and was born in a manger, that he might be like the human race, and know their needs, their wishes, their char acteristics, and then at the end to uwn anu looked in; men uiu J01111 give his life for their salvation, we tollow feter into tne tomu wnicn sav th p-r9 tet an,i mnt nvnn they found empty. There were the event of the Master's stav on earth linen clothes which he had been was his resurrection from the dead uouna Wlin ana ine napKin inai was and the bursting of the confines of llea about nis tace. out tne i.oru was the tomb and the comintr back to live gone. What great significance was that he might be the very savior of tne empty tomb, which had held the manirind Lord of all the universe. It meant The celebration of this wonderful ard now means that when the Lord which we call Easter, and celebrate of all had burst asunder the confine- every year with such joyous acclaim rnent or tne tomu, tnai ne nau aiso has to do with the risen Lord. All maae a way ior us 10 return 10 me, of the events of Christ's life on earth "berty and to that everlasting joy were most stunendons and challonirp in the association with himself and our attention and admiration, and it I the Father is no wonder that we love the one I am the Resurrection and the Life who has made it possible for us to re- It will be remembered that when turn to the Father, and through the! he was speaking to Martha, as they love of the son who has done so much! were on the way to the tomb of Laz that we may inherit that abundant larus, that he answered her when she and eternal life which he came here said, "I know that my brother shall to give. The hearts of the band of rise again at the last day" "and the disciples were sore and they were Master said. "I am the resurrection down cast and because they had lost land the life, and whosoever believeth their Master, while they had counted on me shall have everlasting life, and that it was he which was to restore I whosoever" liveth and believeth on me Israel, both literal or material as well I shall never die. Delievest thou this?" as spiritual, and when they had plac- Then was Christ on earth for forty ed his body in the tomb and sealed I days and met the disciples many the stone which locked the tomb, and! times, instructing them in the way had placed a watch of Roman soldiers I of life, and when he had thus in over the tomb. No doubt they were J structed them, he led them out to discouraged, for had they not been in I the Mount of Olives, and blessing the height of extacy and had enjoyed I them, lifted his hands over them and the companionship of the very Son of I was carried up into heaven God, and then to see him crucified! The' Power to Work na Hanged to the cross, and when The eternal God. with the Son the evening had come, saw his body and the Holy Spirit could have made cui aown ana placed in a tomb. Tne it impossible for man to sin. but God night had come and gone, the fol- jn his infinite wisdom saw fit to make lowing day had also come and gonefa way where man might be an in and the little band did not know I strument in the salvation of his fel- what to do. The third day had cornel low man and Peter and the other disciples,! Christ asked in last Sunday's les and especially John the young man son. "What shall a man give in ex and lovable, were in their usual place! change for his soul, for life everlast and wondering about the very things ling." The answer seems to come which had happened, and they were when man was given the opportunity startled by the coming of Mary, who to do his portion in the salvation of called to Peter, saying that "The the world, for did not .Christ say as Lord is risen; the Lord is risen. he stood on the mount ready to depart Startled and not fully comprehend-1 for his eternal home in the heavens ing the great significance of the call land there sit at the right hand of the or ilary, it took a moment to get tne Father, Go ye into all the world matter arranged, but John the young and teach, preach the gospel to all man and much younger than the the world, baptising them in the name grizzled fisherman, Peter, was the of the Father, the Son and the Holy first one to realize, and like a flash Ghost, and lo I will be with you al he was away with Peter at his heels. I ways, even unto the end of the Thev Find an Emntv Tomb world." This great commission con As. they started, they ran together, ferred on man the co-operation of the and-while Peter was a rugged fisher- i-atner, me &on ana me iioiy opim man and used to hardships, and with to aid him iii carrying to the lost a physique for the withstanding of world the good news of the Gospel. hardshlns. the ao and hard work even unto tne enas 01 tne earin was telling on him. John was a young We are doing the will of the Mas- man, Just coming into the full vig-ter when we carry this story to all orous manhood, and it was easy for, mankind. Perhaps, one man cannot him to outstrip the elder man in the, do it all, but all working together race to the tomb outside of the city j can accomplish a great deal, and ev on Calvary hill, and therefore he ar-,ery one has his portion to do. and if rived at the tomb first. When he ar- he fails to do what he should, that rivert he -oral tort tnr his comnanion. much is being left for some other Red Crown etesyi, gasolhme 4. I&ocks out the Knocks turns carbon into power1 r lieve the world is to be saved by f;.itli and prayer," and said he, "I have tornietl the practice when I ni't-t a friend or other, as to that matter, in silent sacred prayer (for such had the master commanded) pray that the Kingdom of God may come into that life." I thought of this friend Well, the Kingdom of God has touch ed and made y,ur life like what the Master himself would like to have all our lives. Truly the harvest is plen tiful and the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore that the Lord may send laborers into the harvest field, which is the world. Take home a pound of taffy today, 25c per lb. Eon Ton Sweet Shop. Horses and Mules Good, well broken teams of Horses and Mules matched or an opportunity to match what ycu already have. See me for what you want. Call me on phone 2304, Murray. ROBT. TROOP Peter, who had been the leader of the little band, who arrived out 01 bream from his run, and immediately, for time and other occasion. I was in conversation with a very close friend of mine recently, and as Iirom ma run, ana unmemaicij, -- . jthis was his character, entered the -we have often talked, he said: "I be Gum-Dipped TIRES ' will prove the best equipment you have ever owned. Regardless of the kind of motoring you wish to do, or where you want to go, you will find that Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires will take you through with greater safety, comfort and economy than any other equipment you can buy Firestorm makes the only Gum Dipped Tire. Equip your car with them before you go on your motoring trip it will mean a real saving to you. Firestone Prices are Very Low Buy Now and Save Money 3otor Ho., o