PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1928. a a KIIillHIIIIISlIIillliiilliSiffl Slack White Where You Save on Every Purchase Our growing family of satisfied customers know that they get the very safest quality of food when they trade here. Join their ranks make daily vis its here and learn what food satisfaction means. Our Prices are Always Right Sun Kisl Oranges, doz. - 45c Nice Size, Sweet and Juicy BLACKBERRIES Veribest brand, hvy. syrup, No. 2 can. 19c LCGANBERREES Veribest. hvy. syrup. No. 2 can 2iy2c PEACHES Libby's sliced Yellow Clings, put up in heavy svinn. Large. No. 2'2 size cans, each 25c PEARS E&rgcr brand. Michigan pack. No. 2V2 can 19c Head Lettuce, 2 for - - - 15c Large Ice Berg Solid Heads SWANSDOWN CAKE FIOUR Put up in sealed pkgs 34c CALUMET EAKIXG POWDEE Full Mb. can 29c JELLO All flavors at, per pkg- 8c MACARONI Our macaroni is manufactured from the very finest Durum wheat. Full 16-oz. pkg: 12c Dairy Maid Creamery Butter, lb. . . . 49c Bananas, ripe fanc3jf fruit, lb. . .... 10c P and G Scap, 10 bars for 37c Sun Kist Flour, 48-lb. sack S1.89 Breakfast Bacon, per lb 1754c Chhook Salmon Alaska Pick Salmon Caught in the at rs of the Our Aiasxa Pink Salmon has ri,i!:it?a rivfr. I.i;rht red in won favor among our custo- (.l r. Ii(knl in the natural mers. You should have a cIN of th- ti:-h. Xo. 'i siz' supply on hand. A quick :ir. Very far..y meat, at luncheon meat. 1-lb. tall can. I5c per can 18c per can Fruits and Vegetables Oregon Cauliflower Head Lettuce Leaf Lettuce Radishes Green Onions Grape Fruit, all sizes Ripe Bananas 13 1 s Fresh Carrots . Soup Bunches New Potatoes Asparagus Celery - Spinach Oranges, all sizes Fancy Apples 'a a a a a a a a a 10CALNE17S Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main Bldg-., Phone 527. From Monday's Dally Sheriff Bert Reed was a visitor In Omaha today, where he was called to look after some matters of business. Louis Lohnes was at -Lincoln yes terday where he psnet the day In that city visiting with friends and enjoying the day's outing. Frank J. Davis, of Broken Bow and Mrs. Mary M. Davis, of Lincoln, were Social Circle Club Holds a Fine Achievement Day Present Play and Style Show at the lewiston Church With a Large Attendance. The Social Circle club of the vi cinity of Lewiston. south of this city here Sunday as guests at the home of held their Achievement day program Mr. and Mrs. Searl S. Davis. on Thursdav evpnintr of the past week Mrs. John E. Schutz is spending, at the Lewiston church and which a mm. 1-. si t u1 it Favor Scarfs and Side Fullness $i6.m QUR Frock Shop is now ready with these many new Paris fashions in silk crepe, printed silk or satin dresses in the Paris Spring colors, in cluding the new aqua marine and eggshell. Uneven Hemlines Cape Effects New Styles "The Shop of Personal Service" Telephone 61 Plattsmouth, Neb. a lew days at uranson, joiorauo where she Is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. L. Spies and fam ily. Carl Grassman, of Louisville, who recently had the Fight of his eye injured In an accident at Louisville, was here Sunday visiting with tne relatives. Mis. W. D. Smith and daughter. Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker and Mr. and Mrs. Fair of Omaha were here yesterday to visit for the day with relatives and friends. Carl Ahrendson of Millard and was very largely attended by the members as well as visiting repre sentatives from the other clubs, with a number of, the men of the commun ity also present to enjoy the event This enterprising club has sixteen members and have had a record of practically all 100 per cent meetings since their establishment and the keenest interest has been shown in the club work. The club arranged a fine program that was opened by the singing of "America" and followed by the pre sentation of the Achievement day play, "Clever Husband" in which the Frank Graham of Springfield, well cast proved very clever and won a known real estate men 01 tarpy coun-, gieat deal of approval for their work ty, were here today looking after the sale of some land near Millard. George Brewer, the well known Omaha undertaker and W. B. Cheek, one of the prominent members of the South Omaha stock exchange, were here Saturday afternoon to spend a few hours. The club ladies had a fine display of their work from the plans that they have followed this season and In addition to this the ladies wore on this occasion dresses that they had prepared from the patterns and materials suggested in their lessons and which gave some very pleasing effects The club was disappointed that County Agent L. R. Snipes and Mrs 'CAiitfi " . , r- iirarn tin- From Tuesday's Daily Miss Louise Vallery departed yes terdav afternoon for Hubbell. Ne braska, where she was called by the able to be present, owing to illness, illness of her sister's child at that? as they were to have addressed the Dlace and will remain until the little meeting. one is improved. I ne ladies enjoyed on this pleasant Mr. and for the past ten days recuperating! j Merry Workers club of Mynard, Af w crtth tot. Mrs. Ivan Baliour of the Lnion club, Mrs. Fred Smith, who .vnt a, number of guests from the t Hot Springs. Arkansas. I sstef clubs Mrs. Fred Druecker of ing treatment, returned home last evening and Mr. Smith is feeling very much improved. Mrs. J. II. Donnelly of Omaha is here for a visit at the home of Mr. and ?.Irs. R. W. Clement and other friends for a few days. Mrs. Donnelly motored down last evening with Cap tain and Mrs. George A. Fingarson of Fort Crook, the latter being for merly Miss Marie Donnelly. Mr. and Mrs. August Roessler, who have been visiting at Newton, Kan sas, for some time at the home of their daughter, Mrs. W. H. Hohmann, returned home yesterday afternoon. They report the conditions at New ton as well advanced and the fruit trees and vegetation well along to ward spring. From Wednesday's DaiTy Sheriff Bert Reed waa a visitor in Eagle today where he was called to look after some county business. Herman Gakemeier of near Louis ville was here today for a few hours looking after some matters at the county court. Thomas Svoboda, county Truant officer, was out in the vicinity of Alvo and Elmwood yesterday after- j noon to spend a few hours looking 'over the school pupils. ! C. F. Wheeler, marshal of Louis- Mrs. J. F. Brendel of the Murray study club. Mrs. Harrison Gayer of the Riverview club all joining in a very interesting talk of their club work and which ranked them among the leading clubs in the county. Miss Edna Klinger, teacher at the Lewiston school gave a very inter esting and thorough account of the history of Nebraska from the eariest frontier settlement to the present time. Mrs. Dove Asch was also presented on the program and gave two very fine banjo numbers that were much enjoyed by all of the members of the party. The ladies served a fine luncheon and some two hundred plates of the dainty rakes and delicious coffee was served by the committee in charge, and the large crowd made the ladi's of the Social Circle feel that their efforts were appreciated throughout the community. The interest in this club work is not confined to the ladies alone as all of the members of thefamily are much interested and is shown by a number of the little folks. Emil, lit tle son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hob sheidt stated to his teacher the other day when he told that he did not have to save his composition. '"I'll save it and give it to mother, it may help her in her club work." The lit tle daughter of Mr, and Mrs.' Virgel Fliers! Let the Local Agent Write Your Uoil Inciirannov HUH IIIOUIUIIUUi "i "I"!" FARM BUREAU NOTES t Copy for this Department ' J furnished by County Agent 4 It's Cheapest in the long run, and you can find your local agent when you want him. SEE Searl S. Davis Ak-Sar-Ben Livestock Show. The livestock show to be held in Omaha seems to have put new pep in club work in this county. The boys and girls who did not organize a baby beef club in time to feed for the State Fair have organized since jthe announcement of the show. We now have 4 baby beef clubs Eagle Baby Beef, Clifford Jacobson, leader; Master Feeders at Avoca, J'aul Wolph, leader; Plattsmouth Baby Beef, Myron Wiles, leader; and one near Ashland, lead by Harry Bricker. There is also a total of 9 swine clubs organized. Farm Loan IssmraMCt Investments Real Estate County Achievement Day. The one at Weeping Water will be held on Thursday, April 19th at the Congregational church, program beginning at 1:30. The one at Elm wood will be on Friday, April 20th at the American Legion building, program at 1?30. D. A. R. President Pleads for Proper National Defense Asserts Organization Has Indorsed Program to Increase Navy; Stresses Education. Timely Pruning Suggestions. Black raspberries should be prun ed the latter part of March. Only about five strong canes shou'd be left per hill and the laterals o these canes should be cut back to six inches in length. Spring pruning is best for all shrubs that bloom In the sum mer or fall, such as clematis, hy drangea, honey suckle, mock orange, and roses. All spring blooming shrubs, such as spirea, golden bell, flowering almond, lilac, high bush cranberry, and elder may be pruned ' after they have bloomed. villo inrt cranrlsnn Part Hrnmn n I ue OaUgniC mnmrpH rtoxvr, hu 'mnmino- iv Sudduth, Geraldine, told her mother. after some matters of business and visit with friends In the citny. Mm. F. L. Adams departed this morning for Concordia, Kansas, where she will enjoy a visit at the home of her brother at that place and take in the manypoints of in terest in that section of the country. . Henry Mauzy. who has been visit ing at Los Angeles, California, with his nephew, Robert Mauzy and other of the old time friends, returned home yesterday. Mrs. Mauzy accom panied her husband home, but stop ped at eKarney for a more extended visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Todd. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS STATE BANK of Wabash, Nebr. Charter Xo. 1132 In the State of Ne braska at the close of business March 10. 1928. LIABILITIES Loans and discounts $ 60,451.90 Overdrafts . . 228.19 Bonds, securities, judgments and claims (exclusive of cash reserve) 903.03 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 2.900.00 Banker's Conservation Fund. 133. SO Ilue from National and State Banks. . 3.K80.47 Checks and Items of exchange 79.16 Cash in bank .... 643.86 U. R. bonds in cash reserve 1,1 '.00.00 6.10J.'4 9 TOTAL I 70,720.11 RKSOUBCES Capital stock $ 10.000.00 Surplus fund 5,000.00 Undivided profits (Net) 1.120.40 Individual deposits subject to check..$ 83,703.91 Time certificates of deposit 20,854.61 Due to National and State banks.. none S4.55S.52 Re-discounts none Bills Payable none Depositor's guaranty fund.. 41.19 TOTAL ) 70.720.11 State of Nebraska 1 is. -Lancaster County J f I, B. J. Buhacek, for Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is a true and correct copy of the report made to the Department of Trade and Commerce. B. J. BUHACEK. Attest: For Cashier. O. O. THOMAS. Director. I D. M. THOMAS. Director j Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24tb d.y of March 1928. M. W. VANCK. (SeaJ) Notary Public. (My commission expires Nov. 11. 1920.) "I'l bake your cake to take to the Achievement lunch tonight." Little Maxine also made a very at tractive sample for her mother's sample book. The next meeting of the club will be at the heme of Mrs. Virgel Sudduth. OPEN REVIVAL SERVICES From Monday's Daily Last evening the series of evangel istic meeting of the First Methodist church was opened with a very fine attendance and a great deal of in terest shown in the opening meet ing. The services will be continued this week by the Rev. Frank M. Druliner of the First Methodist church of Au burn as the speaker and who has a strong and forceful message to de liver to the people of the commun ity, and who la well known here as he was In charge of the local Meth odist church for a number of years and has many friends in the com munity that are pleased to have the opportunity of hearing him and also to visit with him during the com ing week. Rev. Druliner is one of the able ministers of the church in the east portion of the state and his services here will add much to the effectiveness of the evangelistic meet ings. The meetings will be continued this week and next and for the week pf April 1st there will be other speak ers here, as Rev. Druliner can only J give one week to the services as he has a large church that requires his services. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Druliner motored down from Omaha to attend the services and to visit with the father of Mr. Druilner. Mr. Harold Druliner is now foreman in the composing of the Western Newspaper Union at Omaha and has been very successful in this line ci work and his boyhood friends here I A plea for more adquate national defense not militarism was stress ed Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Alfred Brosseau. Washington. D. C, pres- dent-general of the Daughter of the American Revolution, at a meeting of the f00 members of the three Oma ha chapters of the organization, held at the Blackstone hotel. Mrs. IJrosseau arrived in Omaha Sunday following an automobile ride from . Lincoln, where she spoke Sat urday night. "We must have proper defense of the' country as long as other nations continue to maintain their armies nd navies," Mrs. IJrosseau said. "We 11 want an ultimate peace, but in the meantime we must. .have ample protection of the country." Quality Stressed. Mrs. Hrosseau said that the Daugh ters of the Revolution have indorsed he program to increase the size of the navy as proposed by Secretary of the Navy Curtis D. Wilbur. The organization, she said, was in favor of the restriction of immigration but ddod that "it must be quality in stead of quantity." She appealed to the 500 members! f the three chapters to be sure and ote at the coming presidential elec- ion. "The Daughters of the American Revolution are not in politics; we) don't care who our members vote for as long as they vote conscien-' tiously. We want to see the best of material placed in office, regardless of party affiliation or religoon." Advocate Education. Another feature being advocated by the organization of which she heads is education. "Education must be pushed to the fullest degree; it means educating the American born and foreign born j with their children. Education is the keynote of our program," said Mrs. Brosseau. Mrs. Brcssoau was the guest at a luncheon Sunday noon of the di-j rectors of the three Omaha chapters. I They are the Omaha chapter, the; Isaac Sadler chapter and the Mary Katherine Goddard chapter. Among the other guests of the Omaha chapters were Mrs. York A. Hinman, North Platte, state regent; Mrs. Adam McMulIen, Lincoln, vice regent; Mrs. C. S. Paine, Lincoln, vice president general from Nebras ka, and Mrs. G. C. Saunders, Council Bluffs, state regent of Iowa. Help the Children Help Themselves.! In making clothing for children it is well to keep in mind points that will make it easy for the child to dress himself. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Large buttons on romper suits. 2. Two buttons about two inches apart at the sides of the romper band rather than one at each side and one in the center back. 3. For colored bloomers to be worn under dresses it is easy to distinguish front from back if the belt in front is made of white material. 4. Front closing for undergar ments, as well as outer garments. o. separate Deits are not neces sary on trousers for small boys. L R. Snipes, Co. Extension Agent. HANDLING RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Pick Your Price! i and we will pick a hat that's becoming to you. We can fit your head, your no tion and your pock etbook. . . . Now is the time and here is the place. tuuu I cpiurc UUi! 0 FOR SALE I am now the representative of the Rawleigh products in this coun ty, having taken over the business of H. E. Burdick and would appreciate the patronage of my friends over the county and assure them of the best of service and a most reliable line. ROY GREGG. Late 1925 2-door Ford sedan, at $250.00; late 1926 Ford one-ton truck. $273.00. Both in first class condition. FARMERS STATE BANK. m2C-2sw Plattsmouth, Nebr. Call Ho. 6 with your order foi job printing. EARTH TREMORS KEPT UP Mexico City, March 25. Press dispatches from Oaxaca continue to tell of alarming conditions in that city. They state that earth tremors of minor character have continued intermittently since the heavy shock of Wednesday night. More cracks have appeared in buildings and some rooms in the state capitol. Including the offices of the supreme court, have been transferred to other structures because of damage to the walls and ceilings. To the Farmers of Cass County, Neb.- The Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock In surance Company was organized 34 years ago in Cass county, for the protection of Cass county farmers. During this time we have paid our losses promptly and the rate we have charged has been pleasing to all our Policy holders. ... If you are not a member of our company, see one of our Directors or write to J. P. FALTER, Secretary, at Platts mouth, Nebr., and we will be glad to give you full information regarding rates, etc. Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock Insurance Company FARM AUCTION SALE The Fred Wegner farm is to be sold at auction on Wednesday. April 4th, at 2:00 o'clock. See bills for particulars. HANS STABEN. Owner. were much pleased at the opportun- 'FRANK GRAHAM, Auct., Itv of visitine with him. cpnngiieiu. C. P. COMMUNITY MEETING NOTICE . Nebr. AHRENDSEN. Mgr., Millard, Nebr. m26-3sw The regular monthly meeting of; The ,U(js on tie trees are swol- the Mynard Community Club will be , h bursting point, and held on Saturday evening March 31. The Farm Editor of the Omaha ine Bias '""e uiuS. Daily Journal-Stockman will deliver a talk on "A new method of Corn JJ Breeding." Every farmer in the com- J munity should hear this lecture. Several colored gentlemen will be heard in a debate. Resolved: Dat it 4 ain't no crime for a nigger to steal 4" chickens. AnotherarIoadof Purina Feed Will arrive at Murray, Neb., Friday, march 30th Complete Line of Poultry Feeds: Pig Chow! Cow Chow! Steer Fatena! Calf Chow! Startena! Lamb Cubes! Dog Chow! Baby Chicks! Baby Ducklings! Custom Hatching! PURINA c.mru fcSTABTEHA? Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title W. F- KIOLT Phone 324 Plattsmouth MYNARD NEBRASKA m26-5td.-2tw. A-