THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928. PIATT SMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Murray Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and urroundinsr Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers WE HAVE THEM THE GENUINE Red River Early Ohio Seed Potatoes Only $1.75 per Bushel While They Last THE LANCASTER STORE Murray, Nebraska Summer is Coming! EOT, BROILING SUMMER and yon will want refrigeration. We have the ICY BALL, a new invention that will cost you to operate it less than a nickel a day. See us about it. In Electric Refrigeration we sell the Kelvinator one of the best on market. Ask for literature. SEE US TOR A DEMONSTRATION At the Murray Garage Bake sale April 7th at Murray P. O. Presbyterian ladies. m29-2tw Earl Lancaster of the Lancaster store was over to near Ralston on last Dr. g. H. Gilmore and C. D. Kesee Tuesday where he secured a truck Celled and delivered corn last Tues load of very fine potatoes. dav tne con being hauled to the While business was rather slow on feeding yards of Boedeker and Wehr account of the farmers being busy bein where it will be used for feed in the fields, George Nickles was busy ing the iarge herd of cattle they making the garden at home. j have at this time. For sale: A twenty-six Ford tour-j Mrs Isaac I)ve southeast of Mur ing car in good condition, see Murray ! ray has Deen j very ,,oor health for Garage. mw'some time past and found it neces- Lee Xickles of Plattsmouth was sary to have the service of a physi looking after some business matters cian an(1 is hopjng: that she may soon and visiting with his many friends in : be in hcr accustomed health from Murray on last Tuesday afternoon. her attack of the flu. C. C. Barnard of Mynard was ai a. L. Becker and his son. Rae Eiitor in Murray for a short time on last Tuesday afternoon and was,hog5 on the Nebraska City stock j appeared in the morning paper and i looking after some business matters, j market on last Monday, which werethat evening he had the barber. Wm. j ' Lloyd Lewis of near Union accom-,last raI1-s piss they averaging 225 Johnsofli who is looking after the i pameu vy ius wiut-i, f c uuiwi, and looking after some business mat- ters in Murray on Tuesday of this week. Curtice Larrick of Nehawka was a brief visitor in Murray on last Tues- uaj, ussuuub nit uiau , in u,l-"uiiine oi goou nursing anu meuicai i- wagon, and was going to Omaha to work. The Nickles Lumber yard was un loading a car of very fine cypress lumber on last Monday. Messrs. Frank and Earl Mrasek were doing the hauling. Edgar Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard has been suffering very severely from an attack of appen dicitis but is reported as feeling some Deiier ai mis iime. who?-; been making their home in ' the military school at Faribault. Murray during the past week and are ! thsK w.ce?-tllMr- el.sont so v.sited , poorly as yet. living in the lihrrv hnilrtinsr I With his father who IS at the hospital v u d i itrrt uuru i 1. 1 v uu is ' 1 . T .. "n-J i 4 4- ,1 i n Minn., is home for his vacation and man" friend f thits. "llent is assisting in the bank while here,"? are hoping that he ma and visiting with his many friends. Uncle A. J. McNatt has been in very poor health for several weeks past and is making an excellent fight for his health again, which his many friends are hoping will be retired soon. During the hour for the Bible I school the coming Sunday at the Presbyterian church the time will be used by a program which has been arranged and there will be presented . a verv worth while cantata. Get Ready for Spring! The Spring surely is 02 the way, perhaps some weeks off yet, but coming, never-the-less. We are here ready to serve you promptly and efficiently on all your work. Vaclav Mikulcsky & Son Murray Blacksmiths BT OS UP TO YOU! You can be thrifty, and when the years come, you can be in position to profit by having the money that you have made. . . . Save con sistently put away regularly a part of your earnings for the rainy day that may be com ing, or to help you realize your ambition when opportunity comes to get into business, buy a home, or enjoy old age in comfort. Start a Savings Account. We are here to assist you. EUOuiriray eBtiaftelBar-l! There is Ng Substitute for Safety Department You can buy many good eats for your Easter Dinner at the bake sale April 7th. m29-2tw Louis Mickulesky who has been as sisting in the blacksmith shop, is in Omaha this week and Vaclan, the father is being assisted in trie worK by his son Vincent, who has been worKin; in riausmoum ior some me piace was supplied oy air. isren time. J del by the installing of Mr. Albert A. D. Bakke of the Murray gar-, Wolfe, an excellent workman in this age was in receipt of a number of line, who lias been making his home cabinets of the latest Icyball refrig- j for many years in Nehawka and has erator, which he is putting on sale, ; held very responsible positions in the other portions of the machines ( many places, and especially in Oma have not as yet arrived, but are ex- ha. Mr. Brendel was very fortunate pected soon. j to secure the services aof Mr. Wolfe Miss Lois McManus, proprietor of 1 who is well known to many of the the Murray Pharmacy, was pleased j peole of Murray and surrounding vi with the visit of an aunt and uncle cinity. On account of being so well and a cousin, their daughter, they , acquainted with Mr. Wolfe, Mr. being Mr. and Mrs. George C'haffin : Brendel is counting himself very for- and daughter, Miss Louice of Port- ianfl -Ore iron Becker, both had a load of very fine eacn ana Bringing seven ninety, : .which is far from being bad. Billie. the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Campbell has been suffer- ing from a very severe attack of. pneumonia .every attention in the; non is oeing given me ntue leuow and it is hoped he may soon be on the road to gooahealth again. ! The ladies of the Murray Woman's j Reading club held a most pleasant a . . . a. , r , . a .n ana instructing meeting on iafi luesaay aiternoon ai me nome oi and leaving Mr. Cook in a most ser Miss Bertha Nickles. who most pleas- - ious condition. antly entertained the ladies as well i Mr Cook 3 unable to speak or qc r rrvA i n tr a flflip-ritfiil luncheon' : i ...i. u i. for the ladies (luring the afternoon " " o--- ; B. II. Nelson and Ben Noell were ; looking after some business matters J 7" I Hmah n 'i r rl u-hprp ho nnrlprupnt C TT..- . rv'Uk V av ' . iv- uva-"--i " ! may re turn home restored to his health at an early date, but feel that he is in a very serious condition. Will Meet at the Church The ladies aid society of the Christian church will hold their regular meeting at the parlors of the church during the afternoon of April ! 4th, at which time a most delightful j program will be given. The ladies to have charge of the afternoon will 'be Mesdames E. W. Milburn, -Fred L. Hild and J. A. Davis, while Mrs. J. E. Hatchett will be the leader of the program which will be given. A full I attendance of the members is desir j ed. The ladies have just recently I received a consignment of the Wade Extracts, which they have been hand ling for some time past. Mrs. Doctor Rhoden Dies. Mr. D. C. Rhoden of Murray, was in receipts of a telegram early this week telling of the death of the widow of his brother, the late Dr. Robert Rhoden, who passed away rime twelve years since, and who was buried at Fremont. For a num ber of years the widow and her daughter, Miss Beulah Rhoden, M. D.f have made their home in New York, where the daughter still prac tices her profession, and where but a few days since Mrs. Tempert Rhoden. the mother some 66 years died. The funeral will be held at New York and the interment probab ly at Fremont where rests the re mains of the husband and father. The couple were united in marriage in Greenwood many years since, where Dr. Rhoden was then engaged in the practice of medicine. Dr. Rhoden died some twelve years since and was buried at Fremont. The maiden name of Mrs. Rhoden was j Miss Tempest Search, and will be remembered by the older residents of Greenwood. Dr. Rhoden was a bro ther of I). C. Rhoden of Murray, Thomas J. Rhoden of Wahkenney, Kansas, and of George W. Rhoden of Plattsmouth. Mrs. Mollie Connel ley of Chekbeaute, South Dakota, and Mrs. Clinton Morrow of Modale, Iowa. New Barber for Murray. With the beginning of this week, j C. K. Frans who has been working with T. J. Brendel in the barber shop departed for Peru, where he went, f take charge of a barber shop, and j tunate to secure the services of Mr. Wolfe, and now while he is sick he can take a rest, assured that the business will be in charge of a com petant workman and one who will look after the business in the best manner, and assure every customer the very best treatment. Wayne Lewis Receives Injury. Wayne Lewis, the barber, while crossing the street was struck by a i bread truck, and his knee was in-! jured in such a manner that he lias not been able to work at the barber chair, and so immediately advertised for a barber, to work in hi nlnpp. 1 1 the ad being sent to umana so it Kciot.c vo,-t,r ic Co nr,r -vt arA,,n,i nn hi rn.trh ami i look- ing after tne but cannot stami to the chair and work. t rt. e:i OaiiK r V U JV. 1 i J HUO ' v. T II in SQ , , h fc , horae of his brother. Will G. Cook of : near . union on last Monday fwas ! Etricken with paralysis, the left side' reeeivinsr the severest of the attack.! coiuuiuincaie, anu wiiie ne can move the right hand some, the left side is ; very badly paralyzed. The patient is receiving the very best care and jui i villains vti i: r IIH If H 1 TI II 1 1 1 I IM P I r j rr: I u bet you will if you go to Legion s i Will 1 (IMUUIirU 1(1 It' 111 I ia.LL.-IHOLlLll Saturday night. See ad on page 4. Receives Injury in Shoulder. While Mrs. George H. Meisinger was about her work at the home she caught her foot on an obstruction, causing her to fall to the floor, with the result that in the fall she sus- tained a fracture of her shoulder blade, and which has caused much pain for the lady as well as keeping her from looking after daily tasks, tbe fracture was reduced bv the fam- ily physician and while the pain is very severe, Mrs. Meisinger is geft ting along as well as could well be looked for. Receives Severe Injury. A son of C. D. Kesee was cutting stalks in the field and his sister, lit tle Sadie Kesee took water to him, and as an innovation wanted to ride with the brother on the stalk cutter, and was allowed to. The team which was rather fractious ran away, throw ing the little girl from the stalk cut ter and catching her clothing on the frame of the machine, draged her a great distance across the field, bruis ing and lacerating one arm very badly. After the child had been disen gaged from the machine, following I the stopping of the team, she was .taken to the house, where her wounds , were dressed by the family physi cian, and she is doing as well as the very painful wound will permit. Fortunate it is for the little one that she was not more severely injured. Murray Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school at 10 a. in. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. ill. (Young people's meeting). Wednesday evening prayer meet ing at 7:30. You -xre cordially invited to wor ship with us. J. C. STEWART, Tastor. WILL HOLD MARKET The Missionary society will hold a market on Saturday before Easter at1 I the postoffice in Murray. j If any of the readers of the Journal knoT of any social BTent or Item of Interest In this Tlcintty. and will mall tame to this office. It will ap pear under this beading. We want all news Items Editob .m..i..:..i..h-w:..:..hh r V BIBLE SCHOOL LESSON Sunday, April 1st, 1928 By M. S. Brlggs Golden Text: "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Mark 8:34. Preparing Humanity for Life From the first glimmerings of the history of the world, people while they were guided and instructed in the way of life, by the patriarchs and the prophets and directly by the Father, failed to live up to the great privileges which had been given to them. God in his great love and mercy had forgiven the human race for 'their utter lack of appreciation (Political Advertising) Mm . m,vc v 1 Republicsr. Candidate for Attornsy Oenoral Native Nrbrmskan. 2f yrars legal prac tice; 8 years Asi.tant Attorney CenersL Able. honnt. experienced, juot the kind ol man neerfed in lh:g-tin jTtaot oSacaw (Political A'Jv-i tiding) ' I vin bt proud to represent the r?aii people of Nebrarsha in the United States Senate." Spillman Republican Caitdidsis for United States Seoafsr Three terms as Attorney Genera! have shown him to he an able, courageous, forceful exponent of equal rights before the law and a square deal for all. His Public Record Guarantees the Sincerity of Kis Public Premises (Political Advertising) 2 Livs8 Dort E 1 1 1 SUPPORT Heorge J- Thomas FOR GOVETsiOR A man who stands for your best interests, remember him from the last campaign. in- 3 of the fact that they were indeed the very children of God, for did not the Father in the very beginning breath the breath of life into man and make him a man in His own image, and en dow him with everlasting life, when he should live in line with the Divine Infinite, but having gained an ambi tion to be equal with the creator, the creature left from following and obeying the very rules of life, and it was necessary many times to chasten mankind, in order to bring him into an understanding of his proper re lationship with the Father and crea tor of all things. The mind of man cannot conceive or grasp the magnitude of the good things which the Father has ever prepared for mankind. Even the later sons have only very faintly grasp ed a shadow of the things which sur round us, in everything which we touch, and in which we live, the spirit of God, symbolized in the very air which surrounds us, for does it not bring the sunshine, the warmth, the copious showers, the light, the means of transportation, saying noth ing of the radio, or the means of life, and in which are hidden on account of the disobedience of man, all the blessings which an obedient, believ ing son of God is an heir. Mankind Reclaimed from Sin With the roll of the years, yea the centuries, man wandered farther and farther from the source of life, love and reconciliation, by his lack of obedience and at the time of the com ing of the Savior, the conditions were even worse than when the deluge came to correct the ways of man. Now comes the Savior of the world, being born as an infant and with out sin, that He might have a life which he could pay as a forfeit for the sons of the whole world. He grew to manhood with the human race, and knew just what was in man. The plan of the Father and the Ron and Holy Spirit was to in corporate the services of man in the reclaiming of the world, as well as themselves. When we want to touch ;a proposition we send some one in terested in the question and to whom ( it is of interest and who also is in isympathy with the ones to whom we ! desire to touch. So was the way of the Master, He went to the people who were really just common people and interested them in the welfare of their fellow man. The selection of the twelve was a good one, and each had some characteristic which ap pealed to men. Peter, the outspoken ;and honest disciple, was in his very ( j nature friendly to all men who ad- mirea strength ana nonesty oi pur- pose, strength of character as well as certain conviction which had to have' eviriene to prove to him that there I was what was claimed to be in a proposition. In the selection of each of the disciples each was devoted to a purjose. in which they could excel better than in another. While the disciples had been more or less fa miliar with the scriptures, they could net on account of the surrounding influences, help but look upon the coming of the Messiah as a restorer of temporal Israel instead of spiritual Israel. Christ tcaclies Spiritual Eelief. With the passing of the days of the disciples with the Master they were being enlightened by the wonderful things which he ditirtmt still they did not have a distinct understanding of the character and real personality of the Christ. Meanwhile He was educating them to fit them to do the very work which he had come from heaven to make of them. Missionaries. And when he told the disciples that He must die and rise again from the dead to substantiate the plan of the resurrection, they did not see hovv the very one who had snatched their dear ones from the very jaws of death could succumb to the grim j monster, cnrisi nau seni mem nui into the world on a mission, and had given them powers that they might cast out demons, restore the sick to health and even raise the dead. Then while they were away, Herod had killed John the Baptist with a sword and on their return the Master asked, "Whom do people say I am?" Many were the answers, for Herod had thought that notwithstanding the fact that he had sent John the Baptist to prison and later beheaded him, that he might have arisen from the dead, thus believing in advance; of some of the disciples themselves, j and so he thought the Master was 1 John the Baptist, while others were , of the opinion that he was a prophet' and still others had different opinion j4l)Ut the matter, and after they had' all told of what they had heard of, Him, Jesus asked them plainly: ."What do you say about mo?" Then : lit was that Simon Teter, whose mind (Political Advertising) You Vote for HARilY IV. FOLLMEU REPUBLICAN' CANDIDATE FOB COMMISIONER PUBLIC LANDS & BUILDINGS "Harry R. Follmer is now contesting the primary nomination with two other candidates, one past 70 years of age, the other past 75, one asking the voters for a continuation in office, the other for a reinstate ment in office, after repeated terms. Follmer's can didacy is offering new blood and energy for public duties, which by experience and training he is ex ceptionally well qualified to perform. He is a unif versity man, member of the Sons of the American Revolution, prominent in Masonic circles and other organizations". SUPERIOR JOURNAL. 9 "He Tk'iU Cnrrj On, the Duties of the Oflice iu mn Efficient Manner" Built in the Great Economical Firestone Factories Oldfield A rugged, service able tire with scien tific tread design a n d strong rein forced carcass con struction. 30x4.7521 Balloon' $11.50 Other sizes priced proportionately lew. Courier Nothing better to found at Jitiything nvur t h i s j .'rice. Firestone-built with many long-wear fea tures. 2!tx 5. -10, -21 Balloon S7.10 SoxC1,- Cord Tires S5.35 You ge! expert servics with was always working, spoke up. say ing: "Thou art the Christ, the ery Son of CJod." Peier reusonci trat no oi?e could do the things which the. Master had done and net l.e lhe Hon of the Highest. Then said Christ: "Flesh aril blood hftth tint reveal-' '1 this unto you. but Mv Father whk-h is in heaven." While he was teaching the disciples the lessons whivh i;;uxt came in use in the days which were to come, and at no distant day, he was not as yet ready to have the world know, for already were the rulers seeking to take his life and he must teach the disciples to whom the work was to be done after he should go, and the time war, only too short for it. H cautioned them to tell no man of many of the things which he taught them, until he should be risen from the dead, and they could not see how that could be when lie was indeed the very son of the Father and Creator of all the universe. Disciples Hard to Teach Peter, the stormy petral, who want ed to be convinced, saiil: "This can not come to you, for you are the COPYRIGHT iiffsiiiii 3 1 Pi imhF There is tms law that cannot he broken "Yen leisi lear CEof We presume every youny man in the city will buy a new suit this Spring and we want every Prep highschool young man to see our showing of togs for Easter. k jtrrr. rT9 iJi. Philip M a VVC GUM-DIPPED TIRES Built by Special Firestone Gum-Dipping' process which adds extra strength, stamina and mileage. 31x5.25, 21 (1Q CC EALLOON All other sizes priced proportionately low. Airway litre's it good tire at the rock-bi torn price. Built in the great Fire.-tone fac tories. l'!ix i.Je. 21 Biilloon $6.05 V.o'Ms Con! Tiles S4.65 evr tire Com 2 in Today! Son of Cod, unci it was necessary lor the Master to reprimand his lead r oi" the biMid. teat he might become fully e;uipp-d for the great work which i' been sele-ted to do. Then he taught them that the matter of dis eipl'ji hip was not an easy path, and left the Gold -r. Tot with them. "If ary man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cro;;s and follow me." For it was in easy task, and one must be prepared for the work. The Master also said (hat if one would save his life by the neglecting of the doing of the tilings which would carry the t.i :;;;age of love to a world, he would loi-e that life, but if he gave his life in the carrying of the messace and do ing the commands of the Father and the Son, that in the end he would s.-ve it. Then again, what is this world to a man if he is not vitally interested in the welfare of his fellow man, and sought only to gain the world at the sacrifice of the true life, and then what would not man give, if he had it. for tree and tverla:.ting life. fir. t, t. chimcL v JL'-r; -V-,. '.1 ' tori ;4 -8 u lies"