The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 15, 1928, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, MARCH 15. 102S.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Here is Your Bargain!
We have definitely decided to close out our line of
Overshoes for Men, Women and Children and will offer
them to you now at no profit or absolute cost to us!
You will all need Overshoes this
winter. Better take advantage
of our Low Prices now.
Remember, we are furnishing the very best Groceries,
Work Clothing and everything in our line at very ap
pealing prices. It will pay you to come and see 113!
Union, Nebraska
s Dr. Armand'W. Naviaux
Dental Surgeon
2. Every Week on
mZm!fmSmf..rmm'lmtX' end, they driving over in their car.
w?. broken, true working black mules for
J. sale. Weight about 3,000. J. II.
Ruhmann, Union, Nebr. 2t-U pgr.
Hall Pollard was a visiter in
Union on last Friday and was look
ing after some business matters as
well as visiting with his friends for
the afternoon.
Louis Burbee and Mrs. II. L. Bur
bee were in Omaha where Mrs. Bur
bee visited with her mother and also
1 1 T - . . I ... 1 - ... 1 ..ftm. ej-tnit
The lev Ball. P. H. McCarthey. WM" ""' OUUK- "uo
Harry Gobelman shelled and de- nesa for t he day.
livered corn at the Union Elevators ! Flemming W Robb and the fam-
t m h 1 llv were over to Llmwood on last
Tb Roi ywas called to Platts-" f unfiay where they were visiting at
.. .. .ii- u-ro ho wa the home of the parents of Mrs. Robb
iv..- ;,- o-.i f rnal Mr- d Mrs- L- A. Tyson
i v." n 1 1 1
. t . . . -- -.CTT.
entertainer. Luncheon was served to
the thirty-six who enjoyed the occa
sion. "Brownie" Glaze of Nebraska City
was a visitor in Union on last Mon
day, and was looking after the sale
of meats by the Morton Greggson
Packing company, and after having
returned home, went to Shenandoah,
where he has some matters to look
after.' J
No ice, no electricity, nor muss,
no expense to have all the household
foods, pure and wholesome. Ask F.
H. McCathey, he will tell you all
about the Icyball. On demonstration
at the elevator. It is sure a wonder, j
J. Westley Woodard just purchased
forty acres east of Union, where that
corned, which is beig rounded, and
directly across the intersection f roni .
it, getting the place from the Harry
M. Frans farm, and a most acceptable 1
piece of the good soil of Cass county. '
Nebraska. J
On last Saturday Joe Bauer and ;
the good wife secured a new Whip-'
pet sedan, which surely will be just
the car which this affable couple will
find most suitable for their wants, j
The car was sold through the agency ,
of Charles Atteberry, the accommo
dating dealer of Union.
Charles G. McCarthey the genial
gentleman who conducted the south i
elevator in Union, has been rather j
poorly for a number of days ana
was keeping close to the kitchen
stove for a few days and during the
time the elevator was looked after
by J. C. Snaveley, who proved an
adept to conducting the business. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conklin of
Lincoln were over to Union on last
Sunday, where they were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Withrow as
well as with Elmer Withrow and the
family. Mrs. Conklin is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Withrow,
and a sister of Elmer Withrow, and
1 The Campnre girls or union niKed'sure all enjoyed tne visit very pieas-
after the sale of some real
eS ,11 i, rnn,to Nehawka and back on last Sat-'antly.
in rhTeutVin of the curve Vast of -nin to take some lcssons on w- A' Talor has ,,cen ql,ite
in the cutting ot tne cure east 01 ,-,i o,..i i.,-, ? 1.. r,.,ct .,,,,1 hiu
iStructed by Dr. J. L. Barritt. j he has struggled quite hard to keep
Curtis Dixon and the family of Ar- un and going he has had repeated
ast of Union 'sinking spells, which lasts for a short
Union to make it safe for the un
initiated. i
countv where he will farm on the legion, drove over to east which is known as the Grand
pa Thacker place.
W. B. Banning was called to
Plattsmcuth on last Monday after
noon, whu'e he had some business
matters to look after. j
A. L. Becker had a load of pork
ers farrowed lart July which aver-(
peed pounds at the market at '
Nebraska City on last Monday.
The latest in refrigeration, t " r
Icyball, at Flosne McCathey. See it. (
Otis Keene was assisting Joseph
W. Banning in the assembling of ma
chinery which at this time Mr. Ban
ning is finding quite a sale for.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greene were
visiting with the mother of Mrs.
Gree-iie at Cedar Creek for the week
The Service Store
We are here to serve you
the best, and supply you
with the best goods at
the lowest price.
Oar endeavors in 1927
will be concentrated on
giving you such efficient
service you will become a
regular walking adver
tisement, speaking only
good words for our store.
Stine's Grocery
Union, Nebraska
on last Sunday were thev were the 'time after which he revives. Tn-3
guests at the parents of Mrs. Dixon,
J. C. Roddy for over the week end.
It only costs five cents per day to
keep all you" food and vegetables
pure and sweet in the Icyball. See
F. II. McCathey, and he will tell
The Standard Oil company has
shipped a new pump to Union, which
i-; to be installed at the Hull Gar
nire. snd wiil ureatlv aid in f.-n-i Hat
ing the dispensing of this necessary!
liquid. alone to prove that their new Whip-
A. I. Crunk still likes the old prt is the latest word in motor cars,
town. While he has been living near j but because they also liked tha
the hustling city of Murray, lie found; movie picture show, drove to Nebras
il necessary to come to Union two : ka City last Sunday, where they en
times on last Monday, driving his joyed the trip as well as the show,
team one time. The family said that the show, was
See the ad of C. G. McCarthey an excellent one, while Rube says the
which appears in this issue, ot'ering car is the best he ever drove.
a special feed for young chicks and
pigs and.other of the young of the Great Time in Store for All
laim iiop into me elevator onice Ht KUm Cari.ival dance in Platt-
many menus 01 tnis exceueni gen
tleman are hoping that he may soon
be in the full enjoyment of his ac
customed health.
It is inexpensive to purchase and
operate the MScyball" the modern
plan of regrigeration for the home
or business place. F. II. McCarthey
has a machine at the elevator office
Go s e how it works. You cannot af
ford not to have one.
R. r. Stine and the family, not
and Charles will explain it to you.
Herman Reicke and the good wife
on last Sunday evening for their
guests at their beautiful country
home north rf Union, their friends,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snaveley, where
all spent a most pleasant evening.
mouth Sat. night. It's St. Patrick's,
you knov. Se the ad on page C.
Old Time Friends Visit.
H. McCartney and the good wife
and Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Loose, all of
Thurman. Iowa, where formerly C.
The Famous "AZUn-One"
Chick Mash
1 aimer Appiegate and the good Withrow conducted a newspaper,
wife and the family, who are mak- cam to Union on last Sunday, where
ing their home in Omaha, were down they spent the dav with the former
for the week end last Sunday and ditor and his good wife and where
were visiting with their friends ami all enjoyed the occasion very pleas
relatives and sure enjoyed the visit antly.
here very much. j "
Miss Ethel Becker g-v- a shower Loses a Portion of Finger.
to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Go'elman and VlltU. Wm. Craig had the misfor
where a most splendid cening was tulH t(, gtt one nf fmgrrf5 t..
spent on last Saturday ev ing. Miss tansled in a rapidly moving buzz saw
Ethel proved herself a mo: t valuable with the rtsult th;lt tht. eu(1 waa so
badly mangled that one Joint of the
finger had to be removed, and since
is getting along nicely, though very
painful, and it will be some time
before the injury is well again.
SAVES chicks, helps prevent White Diarrhea, bowel
trouble and leg weakness. Contains minerals, dried
buttermilk and Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. Saves work,
iced and money. No
100 Lbs. Feeds 100 Chicks
First 5 Weeks
Ih-led ftuttrrmtlfc Min?r1f
tam-Gror-Msituie '
growing or developing
feeds needed just Start
to Finish, water and greens.
Malies 2-lb. Frys in 8
Weeks and Early
Laying Pallets
If you want a big ee,g yield from
your pulletsnext fall and winter
feed Start to Finish to your
chicks from their first meal.
Egg organs must be vitalized
early. Keep pullets on Skirt to
Finish until ihey begin to lay
then feed Rtd Spear Egg Mash.
Be Sure Tfiia Trademark
Is on Every Dag
n - O.
Vmx Sold and Recommended by rajY
C. 5. Ell c Cart hey
Union, Nebraska.
Masonic Easter Service.
The Masons of Nehawka and Union
will hold a Masonic Easter service in
Union on Easter morning, and at the
same time there will be a contata
given in Union during the morning
and at Nehawka in the evening,
which will be under the direction of
Paul Schlichtemeier.
The Itiverview Community club of
East Rock Bluffs precinct held its
achievement day program at "Oak
land" farm home of Mr. W. D. Wheel
er on Saturday, March 10th. There
were 76 people pre-sent. Visitors in
cluded County Agent L. R. Snipes,
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith of Weep
ing Water, Mrs. Guy Wiles and Mrs.
Albert Young of adjoining clubs.
The club does sewing project work
under the direction of county farm
bureau, Miss Rocke, leader.
The program included original
songs and costumes depecting farm
women of twenty-five years ago and
twenty-five years in the future. A
short play, showing how gossip makes
a story grow, short talks by Mrs.
Smith and Mrs. Snipes were given.
After the program refreshments
were served and everybody went
away feeling that the work of the
women was worth of their support
in building up a better community
The road to the ferry has been
placed in the best of shape and there
are now no mud holes in the road
and travel is easy and comfortable.
The ferry was placed in service Mon
day afternoon and now is ready to
serve all customers. m!3-4td-ltw
A jSTii ''rT 'il -
Three Quarters of
a Century
We have been build
ing the highest grade
Monuments and Markers
They will stand for
all time. Our guar
antee means some
thing. Prices now very reas
onable for Spring and
Summer delivery.
Phone or write our
representative, W. T.
Richardson, at My
nard, Nebr., for de
signs and prices.
Glenwood Granite
All kinds of lrasines stationery
printed at the Journal office.
The work of the boys' and girls'
clubs in the university extension de
partment is one of the outstanding
factors that is contributing to the im
provement of the farming conditions
in the west and for this reason the
agricultural committee of the cham
ber of commerce is very desirious to
have the work in this section of Cass
county extended to take in all of the
young people who may be interested.
A meeting has been called here for
Saturday. March 17th at 2 o'clock
and at which time it is hoped to
have a very fine representation of the
young men and women from eleven
to twenty years of age, who are in
terested in farm work, present to
join in the movement for the estab
lishment of the additional clubs in
this part of the county.
Two live and active clubs were
formed here two weeks ago and it is
hoped to have two or three more of
these clubs established in this local
ity, that will have a real boosting
effect on the improvement of pig
and stock raising by interesting the
young people in this part of the farm
The chairman of the commitee U
T. II. Pedlock and those who wish
to get into the club work are urged
to call on Mr. Pollock on Saturday
afterneou at the Farmers State bank
and get a line on the club work.
County Agent L. R. Snipes will also
be here.
to sell Fairbanks-Mi.i'be Farm Light
and Tower Plants, Farm Light Plant
Storage liatteries and Automatic
Water Systems in Cass county. We
maintain a force of trained sale-; an I
service men to teach you how to sell
and service this equipment. A perma
nent and profitable business can ze
established if the proper effort is put
into it. Dealer must have an auto
mobile. Xo other overhead expense
necessary as your home can be used
as your place of business. A repre
sentative will :!! to explain our
proposition in detail.
If interested, write us at once.
U02 Harney St., Omaha, Neb.
(Political Ad vortiMiis)
s if
' Route 2 Johnson, Nebr.
an aspirant for the republican
nomination for Congress, from the
First Congressional District, at the
primary election to be held April 10,
Mr. Kiechel was born forty-two
years ago, on the farm where he now
lives, six miles west of Auburn, Ne
braska, and is actively engaged in
farming. Graduated from the Aub
urn public schools, 1903; University,
190S, after which he taught school
for eight years, being Superintendent
of Schools at Tectimseh, Nebraska,
for three years, subsequently served
two terms in the Slate Senate, rep
resenting Richardson, Johnson and
Namaha counties. Mr. Kiechel is
pledged to a Farm Relief program.
His political and personal life is one
of honor and high standing in thia
Dr. Heineman, Dentist, Hotel Main
Bldg., Phone 527. I
From Monday s Dally I
Frank Finkle of Union was in the .
city today for a few hours, attending
to some, matters of business. j
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was here today to look after
some matters in the district court.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Heal of
Lincoln wei e here Sunday to spend
a few hours with Mrs. M. M. Real,
who has been quite poorly of late.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cutter and Dr. 1
and Mrs. Ritchiield of Lincoln and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Leffler of Weep-i
ing Water were here Sunday to visit j
at the Bert Reed home. j
Mrs. Sherman Taylor, who has,
been here visiting at the home of.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mc-j
Maken. departed Saturday for her:
home and was accompanied by Mrs.
McMaken. !
Chester Baylor of Bonita, Colo-;
rado, who has been here visiting at
the J. II. McMaken home, departed I
Saturday afternoon for Ohio where '
lie will spend some time visiting re
latives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods of
Weeping Water were here today and
Mrs. Woods will remain here to as
sist in the care of Mrs. Martha Mur
ray, who is very ill at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Bert Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Barge r of
Lancaster. New York, who were here
visiting at the home of Mrs. Martha
Peterson and other relatives in this
city, departed this morning for He
bron. Nebraska, to visit with the
mother of Mr. Burger, soon to depart
for California.
Special for Saturday
At This Store!
45-inch OIL CLOTH First quality, light and dark
fancy patterns; also plain white 29c per yard
CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS Assorted colors. Sizes 2
lo 10. Extra special for Saturday 39c pair
BOYS' OVERALLS Big Moore quality, means more
wear for active boys. Full cut 2:20 wt. blue denim.
Ages 7 to 1 6 years at 98c pair
WORK SOCKS Men's good wearing every day socks,
brown body with white heel and toe 9 pair for $1
The H. M. Soennichsen Co.
The Store of Big Values
Copy for this Department
furnished by County Agent
Hog Mange
In many lots we can
year's spring pigs that will
From Tuesflav's Ialiy
Gt-orge F. Wilson of Elmwood was
here today to look after some matters
at the court house.
R. G. Mayfield of Louisville was
among tne visitors in the city today
to attend to some matters at the
court house.
John Group of Louisville was
among those visiting 111 the city to
day and looking after some matters
of business.
Joseph Holly and John Vitersnik
departed this morning for Omaha,
where they will look after some
matters. of busfness.
Anton Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek, was a visitor in
find last
not weigh
lover 100 or 150 pounds and it is
usually due to tne fact that they have
tne mange, iime suipnur dip, crime ,
oil. or old crank case oil can be used
.to spray or dip the hogs. In extreme j
' bad cases you may need to spray
com mis
Angus, wl.
8 5
loa I of fine T.
loads of ealvf.-
Will !oate
ion. Tarty
sell at once
wt. 90 0 lbs.
wt. 7.S0 lbs.
wt. 540 lbs.
wt. S50 lbs.
-,',) lbs.
wt. 500 lbs.
H. tested heifer.
alxo know of
for 50c per head
very anxious to
Write nr phone
Fairfield, Iowa.
j or dip four or five times but you can,
not afford to take the lose that you '
hve in hogs due to mange.
Seed Potatoes
The Irish Cobbler seems to be well
adapted to Cass Co. John Kintner,
Weeping Water, and Oren Pollard of
Nehawka have raised Irish Cobbleia
for several years. They claim better
results from the cobblers than they
had with the early Ohios.
tfie city yes- j
4 1.... .....1 1 . ...... i . . .
caller at the Journal office. i
Mrs. John Toman and niece. Miss
Mary- Slatinsky, departed this morn-'
ing for Omaha, where they will spend
the day looking after some matters1
01 fmsiuess and visiting wun irier.ds
in the metropolis. j
Mrs. Cora Murray, Mrs. George j
Murray, Mrs. Eck and Mr. Murray
motored down yesterday afternoon I
from Omaha and spent a few hours I
here at the home of Mrs. A. B. Tay- ;
lor, who has just recently returned
home from a visit in Oklahoma
Sweet Clover
If it was possible there should not
be an acre of oats or wheat ground
in Cass Co. that is not sown to
swct clover on wheat. Either one
can be sown well in oats
gi'i-ss seeds sown on wneai g.
this spring should be harrowed
fr.r Cass county. Seady em- h yn.ont
and a go,d i tier. me- H as.-ured the man
who is willirig-to rrork. A-very sub
stantial prr-fit in eaeh sale ami 75'.'
lot all larm owners are prospe.-t-i. Ap
ipliant for this sales p).-iiio:i must
'own or be able to buy an automobile.
O.-'.e of th. oldest and most reliable
.manufacturers in the country offers
you this export iniity. A representa
tive will cell and go over the propo
sition with any interested party. Ad
1 dress P. O. Pox 742, Journal office,
Plattsmoulh. Ne br.
Single comb Lufi Orpington ejxgs
Pr-rr ; tor setting, per Hundred. Mrs.
.1. i-rans, telephone MJ'.iJ. inioii,
. , Nebraska. ml5-:Jtw
rollt-d with a corrugated roller.
j Program and Banquet
( The program and banquet on March
. 30th is for everyone", men, women,
boys and girls. Bring the entire fam
lily. It is your banquet and program
so help make it a success.
gle was j Women's Club Achievement Days
looking' During the month of March many
achievement days will be held. Those
held this week that have notified
the office are Four Square nt Mur
dock. Tringle north of Nehawka,
Riverview northeast of Murrav.
From Wednesday's Pally
Henry Ketelhut of near E;
here today for a few hours
after some matters e;f business.
Mrs. A. M. Trumble of Eagle is
here to enjoy a visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Trumble and
Frank Domingo of Weeping Water
was here today for a few hours at- j
lending to some matters 01 nusiness: . purenreu jersey call club was
and visiting with friends. ; organized during the past week with
W. II. Lohnes of Cedar Creek was five members enrolled. They are el
in the city today for a few hours, Sr, Willene, and Warren Fager of
attending to some matters of busi- Avoca. Watson Xorris of Eagle, and
ness and visiting with friends. i Clarence Kintner, Weeping Water.
C. F Wheeler, marshal of Louis-. L. R. SNIPES, Co. Extension Agent,
ville, was here today for a few hours,; "
attending to some matters of bpsincss : EGGS FOR HATCHING
at the court house for a short time, j
Sneed of South Sioux mue wyamiouc Hatchings eggs
Purebred Jersey Calf Club
purebred jersey calf club
53.00 per hundred,
son, Phone 2102.
Mis. J. II.
City, Nebraska, who has been here
visiting for a short time, --departed
this morning for Ashland to visit'
there with relatives. Legal blanks ol all
Henry Htinemann and Otto Eick-'at the Journal office
ofl of near Murdock were in the city I
today for a few hours, looking after
some matters at the court house and
visiting with friends.
Hon E. J. Burkett, former United
States senator and a candidate for
the republican nomination for con
gress in the first district, was here
today to look after some matters in
the district court and was accom
panied by Attorney Rolla C. Van
Kirk, a candidate for state repre
sentative frcra Lancaster county.
James Madi-ml2-2tw
kinds for sale
Journal Want Ads bring results.
While They Last
Four No. 16 Ec Laval Separators
Formerly Sold for $117.50
at 390.00 Cash
One No. 12 De Laval Separator
These are 1927 Separators
and anyone needing a new
separator can't afford to be
without one at these prices.
Watch Our Winrlrr.v Saturday for
Big 98c Aluminum
Ware Sale
W. H. Puis
Dealer in Hardware and Supplies
Phone 33 Plattsmouth, Neb.
From Wednesday's Dally
The First Methodist church of
this city is having a number of. im
provements made that will add to
the capacity of the church building
and consisting of th excavation of a
part of the basement on the west
of the present church parlors, which
when completed will give additional
space for Sunday school classes and
also for Various social events that
may be held in the church parlors.
The new addition for Sunday school
work is badly needed as the attend
ance at the Sunday school on last
Sunday was the largest for ten years.
The Social Workers of the church
are also placing some new improve
ments in the main auditorium of the
church, new rugs and carpeting on
the platform antl immediately in
front of the platform and also rede
corating the choir section with hand
some drapes that will replace the
present wooden partition that is used
to separate the choir section from the
main auditorium of the church.
Pure bred S. C. White Leghorn
hatching eggs. $3.25 per hundred.
Mrs. W. H. Kehne, Cedar Creek, Ne
braska. m8-2tw
Advertise your wants in the Jour
nal Want Ad Dept., for results.
Special Saturday
Apple Turnovers
Cream Puffs
Fig Rolls
Rooster Combs
Ben Hur Rolls
Sugar Rolls
Pecan Twists
Cinnamon Rolls
Graham Tea Rolls
Finger Rolls
Ask for Cream
3 for 10c
- - - 3 for 10c
20c dozen
20c dozen
20c dozen
20c dozen
- - 20c dozen
- 15c dozen
15c dozen
" 15c dozen
15c, 20c, 30c, 60c
of the West Bread
Regular - Pullman - Long Loaf - Rye
Graham - Pumpernickle
ream of the lest Bakery
Telephone 485